#i spent the whole week cleaning and doing repairs on my house and stuff I'm braincell-less
bearseungmin · 2 years
BESTIE!! that whole masterlist of blogs for your birthday idea is so cool and also so so thoughtful and sweet. icb you decided to give a gift to everyone on your birthday.
also is your birthday on 27th june? bcs dang that’s like… exactly a month and 1 day before mine! (july 28) so cool!!
anyway. i really do hope you have a very happy birthday this year. i shall remember to wish you again on the actual day! ^^ (in my timezone ahahahah so i’m sorry if it’s still late/early. you could tell me your timezone so i could idk make it a bit more accurate hehe)
it took me like three whole days to put the mlist together and add links and queue them on my events side blog but i honestly had fun with it??? ocd is wild and I'm so glad i did that as my birthday event because I'm a few days away (if i can finish writing this fic soon rip writing brain dawn) from going through everyone's masterlists myself and FILLING my to read tag... more than it is already full... seriously
WHAT ADJNFFN you're the third or fourth person this week to tell me that our birthdays are exactly one month and a day off??? how am i coming across all of you I'M SBDJFJFJ ???
no worries if it's late or early love! you've already told me happy birthday once and that's more than i could even ask for <3 but I'm in the EST US timezone !
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scroll-of-thought · 2 years
I am alive and stuff! I just spent the last week visiting my family and then going to a wedding where I was a groomsmen, and man, it's been a week. I spent like 2 weeks prepping for the trip before that and I've barely had time to do anything else.
Main thing I wanted to say/TLDR relating to this blog, witchy stuff and future projects: I'm taking it slow and handling life junk first, but I still have things in the works. And the youtube channel is still happening too.
Below this is going to be more personal blog stuff about the trip, future plans and some rambling.
So, right before the wedding, my mom calls me and tells me they're planning a family trip to the shore. They were going to spend a bunch of money to rent a house, and I told them "Why do that? Silver and I are going to live down there soon, and her grandparent's house is empty. Let's just stay there." They agreed, I set that whole thing up with Silver's parents, and we got the gears moving on that.
The wedding was awesome. I've never been to a good wedding but I actually had a lot of fun. I had to do a bunch of stuff, being part of the wedding party, and when the groom needed stuff I was volunteer gopher. When I wasn't running around finding missing flowers or trying to repair someone's cuff links, I was catching up with my friends. I've known most of the groomsmen for like, almost 20 years.
We actually ended up staying longer than planned so I could help him and his new wife pack all their stuff from the wedding, and he gave Silver and I a ride to the ferry.
And the ferry ride was a nice change of pace. From the start it was a constant rush, but now we had a while to just relax. We watched the waves, enjoyed the ocean breeze, and really decompressed for the first time in several days.
After that we got back to work and spent a couple days down there cleaning up the shore house in preparation for my family trip. We finally got home last night.
It's going to be nice to see my family for longer. On the way down to the wedding we spent the night at my parent's place and saw them for the first time since the pandemic started. I really missed everyone, but it'll be better to have a whole week catching up.
Cleaning up the shore house got us really excited to live down there and set down some roots. It's been a long time since I've had a place that feels like an actual home. It's been about as long since I've had IRL friends who didn't live very far away. Though it was really awesome to meet up with those far away friends for the wedding, and I missed them a lot. Also made some new friends, and met some of my D&D friends face to face for the first time.
The groom's cousin (I'll call him Labrador) is a really nice guy, and it was awesome to meet him in person after all this time of playing halo and apex and other random games together for the last couple years. Had some really good conversations about all kinds of stuff.
Plus him and his girlfriend (I'mma call her Bombay) are poly too, so it was nice to have someone Silver and I could relate to and talk about that stuff. We've never had that, and we've had bad luck in the poly community (running into a lot of less than decent people. Lots of unicorn hunters, really gatekeepery people, general toxic assholes, and stuff like that), so that was refreshing.
Also Bombay is adorable. Her and Silver not only have crushes on each other, but also managed to admit it to each other while slightly inebriated. They're both so shy they could barely talk to each other at first, but ended up hanging out most of the weekend. It was just really nice to see Silver being social and working though their anxiety, plus she was helping Bombay with her anxiety and low social battery.
And on top of that, she likes me too, which gave me some butterflies and helped boost my self confidence. Like, I have a lot of self image problems, but I admitted that I thought she was cute too, even though I didn't know if I'm anywhere near her type. And she just shuffled over to me and played with my hair and nodded and it was adorable.
I don't know if we'd ever end up dating her, but it might be a thing in someday. We are all pretty attracted to each other. At very least I'd like to get to know her better, and I'm still going to be hanging out with Labrador, because his cousin is my best friend and we all play stuff together once in a while. It's just nice to have new friends and maybe have a crush on them 😅
Speaking of new friends. We were down at the shore, doing a little shopping for the house, and as we were coming out of the store we were passed by a really cool girl on a bike. Silver literally turned her head to watch her and said "oh wow, look at her!"
Later that day were stopped by a shop that sells loose leaf tea blends that we can't get up here and that same girl was working at the register! She's like "Oh, I passed you guys earlier!" and we started talking for a minute and I gave her one of Silver's business cards so she could find their instagram and those two could chat. If we're going to be living down there sooner or later, I figure it can't hurt to make friends wherever possible!
Anyway, this is all a long post to say that life has been crawling by for the past couple years and last week was my first time back into the movements of social interaction, and holy shit did it move fast. But it felt good, we made some more friends, saw plenty of old friends. Even being as introverted as I am, it was really nice. And next week we'll do a little more!
So I'm just going to take it slow and try to recover over the next few days. My family is high energy, so I'll need the rest. Especially if Silver and I are going to socialize with more people down there.
Oh man, I just remembered, I've got to meet with a local witch down there to talk about farm animal laws in the area because she's knowledgeable about the topic and knows who I should talk to about bringing my feather children (chickens) down when we move. So much is going on.
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