#i spin it around jn my head for HOURS
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Months ago, Akari was banished from the village for bringing the Red Sky upon us. I haven't heard of her in a while, and the Survey Corps doesn't seem to know where she is anymore...
On a completely unrelated note, a Zoroark has been spotted roaming the Fieldlands.
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munsonology · 1 year
I saw the other pregnancy story and I raise you MY parents pregnancy story
My mom is a nurse who works labor and delivery. My dad is well...my dad? He is a former stoner who somehow got a job as a security guard and got on the straight and narrow (can't risk his job if they drug test him!). Anyways, my mom also did not think she was pregnant right away because she is also very irregular when it comes to her period. Her best friend just announced she was pregnant. My mom's friend joked "maybe YOU'RE pregnant too". My mom was like ???....!!!!
Went home and tested and bam. Pregnant. My dad was panicking slightly (my mom's favorite story is how she told him he was so ecstatic and happy and they cried and hugged and after they calmed down he immediately pulled away panicked and said "WE GOTTA HIDE THE WEED" and she replied "you haven't smoked for a year there is no weed" and he just went "oh shit yea" 😭)
Then when it came time for the birth, you aren't allowed to eat or drink anything during. Just ice chips. So her water broke at my grandparents and she was just chilling whilst my dad was like "OH GOD ITS TIME GET JN THE VAN" and she did and he was so panicked he was like "wait how do I get there from here". So my mom is giving my dad directions and he's like a ball of anxiety until he realizes "wait we're in the middle of town now and the hospital is the opposite way". This bitch gave him directions to a Dairy Queen because she was craving a milkshake and French fries and knew they wouldn't let her eat when she got there 😭. He is not happy and is mumbling threats at her but gets her the food and off to the hospital they go! They arrive and according to my dad she "strolls in, sunglasses on, almost finished milkshake in one hand and the other on her stomach, looking like a goddess". And her coworkers looked at her and all she said was "its time" and everyone was like OKAY LETS GO.
After three hours of waiting (labor had started but I guess there are different stages idk like the water had broken but it still takes awhile if its your first?) My mother, my beautiful amazing snarky mother looks at my dad who is now mumbling about how he should have picked something up at the dairy queen, and tells him to get out. YES!!! He is sitting there like 😟 and she says "oh its gonna be many more hours go get something to eat then come back, cause you are NOT eating in this room in front of me". And my dad being my dad is like no I love you im going to stay and she tells him that his favorite local family diner opened back up after it had been closed for renovations. Mom jokes you could see smoke from how quick he ran out of there.
My dad then says while he was sitting at this diner eating a burger and humming, his waitress came up and asked what he was doing there (he did not realize she was flirting at the time but my mom yelled at him that the waitress was). My dad's reply was "Oh my wife is giving birth right now 😃" and this waitress immediately scoffed and the other diner patrons turned to look at him andglares at him! He realized his mistake but he already dug himself in the hole. He paid and left an extra large tip.
He returned to my mom, who was sitting watching TV and grumbling about how long this was gonna take. 8 hours later, j was born
(Ngl I think the story is cute but those are MY parents ljke ew. But I can totally see all the Eddie fans go crazy so enjoy. I prefer Steve but dabble in some Eddie)
Thank you for sharing this! I loved reading it ☺️
I know I said fuck them kids the other day but I really do love pregnancy stories and kids!! I just don’t want KARENS assuming I have a kid or should’ve had one already 🙃 and I found out my cousin is pregnant again and I can feel my auntie’s head spinning around 😭
And your parents are so cute! AND DAIRY QUEEN 😭😭😭😭your mom is a literal queen for walking in the hospital like the baddie she is!!
And the entire diner judging your dad 😭 like they could’ve at least let him explain. I’ve seen some guys take a ps5 to the hospital and ngl I think I’d be playing too if I was waiting around for 16 hours to give birth I’m sorry 😭
My mom made my dad get her fish sandwiches and taco bell 😭 and it’s funny because I’ve never been to taco bell ever in my life. And she had really bad preeclampsia so she was admitted like right after the visit. I was like 3 weeks early so idk if they even had stuff set up yet lmaoooo
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onthepyre · 5 years
the second part of this is basically what i did last night but connor is a lot braver than me. anyway.
Evan does this at least once a week.
He gets home, and for whatever reason, whether it be the smile Connor gave him during lunch that lasted a bit too long or that romantic-looking restaurant he walked by on the way home, he's feeling sappy.  And he walks straight to his room, lays down on the floor, and listens to Cavetown.
The amount of time Evan spends on the floor is directly proportional to how many times he caught Connor looking at him during science class. Sometimes he counts; the record so far is 23 times in one class period. He spent two hours on the floor that day, staring at the ceiling.  
As soon as he's home, he's settled on his carpet with the soft sounds of a guitar playing in his headphones.  It's peaceful, quiet. There are only a few things that Evan thinks about, and number one on his list is how much better it would be if Connor was here.
His heart talks about Connor a lot.  His mind objects, but Evan's heart seems to beat with his name.  Connor Murphy Connor Murphy Connor Murphy.  Evan never gets tired of it.  His heart talks about Connor's hair, his eyes, his smile, his hands-
Don't get him started on Connor's hands.
Evan has watched Connor draw before.  The style of his art matches him well.  It's sharp, fast, messy, perfect. But when he's drawing, Evan watches Connor's hands rather than the piece. 
They're fluid.  They glide.
Connor Murphy does not glide.  He stomps, he runs, he marches, but he does not glide.  But when he's drawing, his hands float. They look the same, as angular as Connor himself, but they're different.  Softer. Evan figures Connor's face is the same, but he's always been too focused to look.
Evan often considers what Connor's hands feel like.  They look strong, but Evan is certain they're lighter than they seem.  He wonders what it would be like to hold Connor's hand. Is he one of those people that would hang on too tight?  Would he barely touch Evan's hand? Would he be grossed out by Evan's sweaty palms?
Evan also, more tentatively, thinks about Connor's hands on his face.  In his hair. Looped around his waist. These thoughts, of course, are more focused on where Connor's mouth would be at the moment, but there is attention to his hands then, too.
And Connor's mouth.  Of course. His lips are always chapped and often bleeding because Connor picks at them when he gets bored and Evan knows this because he stares at Connor during French class and he knows Connor hates French.  Connor bites his lips a lot, too. It isn't meant to be nearly as swoon-worthy as it makes Evan feel, but it nearly breaks him every time Connor chews on his lip. Evan's fairly certain this is something he does when he's bored, too, although it might be a nervous habit.
Connor has a lot of nervous habits, from what Evan's seen.  He spins his pen, taps his foot, braids little strands of his hair — the list goes on.  Evan knows each and every one of them.
Connor has his own sort of ritual.  After begging Zoe to stop at Tim Hortons so they could get coffee, he sits at the window in the den and watches Law & Order SVU.  He had never seen it until Zoe showed him the John Mulaney bit about Ice-T and now he's addicted. It's a problem.
Unbeknownst to either, Connor's SVU marathons are the equivalent of Evan's Cavetown sessions.  Evan thinks about Connor and Connor thinks about Ice-T. And Evan. Mostly Evan. 
Connor has a thing for the way Evan talks.  He knows that Evan himself hates it and most of the school thinks he's annoying, but Connor thinks it's adorable.
Evan has to say exactly what he wants to say, and if he messes it up, he will start over.  He messes up a lot.  It doesn't help that sometimes his tongue catches on words and he gets stuck on a certain sound and has to go back to the beginning of the sentence.  It takes active listening to understand what he's saying but it makes Connor melt.
That's the thing that makes Connor think so hard.  He's supposed to be the mopey badass, the scary emo, the aloof rebel-without-a-cause.  He has a reputation to uphold, even if it's less punk and more school shooter (okay, less punk and more sad).  He may be openly bisexual, yes, but he shouldn't be falling for a tiny tree-obsessed nerd.  
And the fact that Evan of all people is the one his heart decided on is, well, bad.  Connor's too worried that Evan isn't into him to do anything other than stare and Evan can't take a fucking hint.  Connor may think his cluelessness is cute, but it's also really inconvenient.  Connor thinks a lot of things about Evan are cute but inconvenient.
Evan is really, really good at accidentally blocking people's paths and then moving out of the way at the same time the other person does, thus blocking them again.  Evan hates it and Connor thinks it's funny. If it goes on for long enough, Evan starts blushing, and Connor starts falling apart.
And oh my god, when Evan blushes.  It's not like it's uncommon, Evan is both awkward and incredibly aware of it, but Connor still thinks it's adorable.  It brings out his freckles and colors the tops of his ears pink. If Evan is especially embarrassed, he'll try to hide in his hands, but his fingertips are always tinged with the same rose-colored mortification. 
Connor's thoughts drift as he pulls out his phone and scrolls through instagram, but Evan is still there in the back of his mind.  He's always there, no matter what Connor is doing. He spots Evan in the shadows created by the trees in the backyard; sees Evan's worried smile on his mother's face; catches himself doodling Evan's silhouette in the background of drawings. Evan, Evan, Evan.
Connor's phone buzzes in his hand as he scrolls past a collection of Bee Movie memes.  He opens the message, noting it's from Evan.
He's still typing, but Connor replies anyway.
whats up
The typing bubble disappears for a moment, then pops back up
what r u duing
Connor takes a moment to grin at the misspelling before he responds.
watching svu
do u eanna come see cats with ne 
uhh?? no but absolutely yes im coming, what time
theres a show jn half an hour 
cool see you then
Connor tucks his phone into his pocket and pulls his hands through his hair.  He's going on a date. With Evan. But it's not a date, his mind says.  Connor ignores it.
He's out the door in no time, stopping only to grab a half-eaten bag of twix and shove it in the pocket of his hoodie.  
Evan arrives at the theater before Connor does, and sits down next to a claw machine after buying his ticket.  He thinks about texting Connor, but his energy for starting conversations is nearly gone — he barely stuttered his way through asking for a medium popcorn, so he's decided to recharge for a bit while he waits for Connor.
Connor bursts through the door a few minutes later, then stops to look around.  He breaks into a smile when he spots Evan, who lifts his hand in a tired wave. Evan watches Connor talk to the woman at the ticket booth, then the man at the concession stand.  He approaches Evan with a bag of Sprees in his hand.  
"Hey," he says.
"I know Sprees are the worst, but they're the only food that seems to last past the previews, so."  Evan nods, trying to hide the already partially eaten bag of popcorn sitting next to him. "Well, shall we?" Connor reaches down to pull Evan up from the bench.  Evan smiles as thanks, but Connor doesn't let go of his hand. His mind moves at the speed of light, even though there are only two thoughts in his head: Connor Connor Connor and hand.
Connor holds onto him all the way to the screening room, where he tugs Evan into the back row.  He drops Evan's hand as they sit. Connor drops the Sprees into the cupholder on his left and pulls out the Twix, which he starts inhaling immediately.
When the movie starts, there's only one other person in the room: an old man in the front row, who Connor insists is Andrew Lloyd Webber himself, and it's not an issue if they talk because Webber started this whole fiasco and deserves to hear their "critiques."  
The moment the first cat appears on the screen, Connor is laughing.  "Why does she have boobs?" he whispers.  
"If they're going to give her boobs, she should have six, not two."
"Connor, talk quieter!"
"Are we supposed to be attracted to the cats?"
Defeated, Evan drops his face into his hands while Connor cackles next to him.  
They make it to Rum-Tum-Tugger without any other mishaps, but as soon as the new cat starts singing, Connor loses it again.  
"Why is he wearing a fur coat?  That's terrifying!"
"You'd be scared if you saw someone wearing a coat made of skin."  Evan looks over at him with a desperate expression on his face.
"Connor, please," he begs, "let's just… let's appreciate cat Jason Derulo."
Connor nods, still wheezing, and calms down a bit.  Until cat Jason Derulo whips off his fur coat in a display of his cat muscles.
Connor drops his head onto Evan's shoulder.  "I can't do this," he says through a fit of giggles.  
But Evan is more focused on the fact that Connor's head is on his shoulder oh my god.  And Evan hears Connor's foot tap, tap, tapping on the floor.  Nervous habit. And once again, Connor's hand finds his. 
"Gotta ground myself.  Make sure we're not dead, y'know."  So Evan, with as much bravery as he can muster, squeezes Connor's hand.  And Connor squeezes back.
But Connor doesn't move.  He stays there, his head on Evan's shoulder, his hand in Evan's hand.  And Evan can't focus on the movie anymore. He eventually picks his head up to laugh at Mr. Mistoffelees, but Connor hangs onto Evan's hand for the rest of the movie.  He's soft, softer than Evan expected, and evidently doesn't mind his sweaty palms, so Evan doesn't complain.
As the credits roll, Evan gathers the bits of courage he has left and look over at Connor.  "Is, uh, was this, like a date? Or did I, um, completely misinterpret what's- did I misunderstand this? B-because-"
Connor cuts him off.  "Do you want this to be a date?" He's quiet, much quieter than normal.
Evan's voice is even smaller when he answers.  "Um. Yeah." He stares down at his free hand, trying to avoid the one Connor still has a firm grip on.
"Great.  Then it was a date."  Evan can hear the smile in Connor's voice.  He looks up, and Connor is beaming, and Evan can hear his foot tapping the floor again.  And Connor's hand is on his jaw and Evan is leaning forward and their lips are pressed together.
It's different than Evan had imagined.  Slower. Gentler. But he's kissing Connor Murphy and Connor Murphy is kissing him back.
Evan is the first to pull away.  He knows his face is a bright shade of pink, but he doesn't really care.  His phone buzzes in his pocket.
"Oh, uh, my mom's here."  He thinks he sees Connor's face fall for half a second, but he isn't sure. 
"Oh.  Alright.  See you soon."  
Evan leans over and pecks his cheek.  "Thanks."
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