#i srsly love galleries so muchh my first time going to london on my own when i was like 14? was to go to the tate britain
awesomehoggirl · 2 years
4 & 5 for the ask game? :)
4. libraries, botanical gardens, or art galleries?
this is hard because i ADORE all three but im an art history lover at my core so it has to be art galleries :) i went to the wonderful one near my university before i came home for christmas and i was hit with that insane love for art and gallery spaces all over again Ohhh it made me insane. i was planning to go up to the V&A with my mum but covid :( the national gallery has recently overtaken the tate modern as my fav gallery and i really want to go back there again too... especially for the sainsbury wing Ohhh the treasures
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