#i started it on ps already but didn't come far sooo...
tidemoonchild · 6 months
>> Omg! Almost on page 4 on my Abigail marathon! This means it's not long until I have read everything with her... or more like everything about her that's on this site (x). Last stuff that's there is from 03/2023. Idk if she just didn't showed up anymore after that or if the site just didn't got updated since then. But I think this was her last appearance because Hank's already shows comics that still have to come out next month and in may.
After that I try to catch up with some of the bigger storylines AND start to read the X-Force comics that came out 2019 so I can start to read what's going on now. I think that's more important to know than what happened in the comics in the 70s or 80s cause as far as I know most of this has been already retconned anyway.
For now I mostly concentrate on what came out since the 2000s maybe also the 90s but especially on what came out since 2020. I think this would be the most important stuff to know to understand what is happening now. I can't imagine the stuff that happened before the 90s could be sooo important to understand the storyline of 2024.
I know Hank currently has his super villain phase and that's enough for me to know. I don't need to know all of his crimes right away. Some things I already kinda know what happened so I won't be completely lost there. For everything else I just ask or use google.
Aaaaaand as soon as I catched up I continue to read the other comics with Hank in it that I haven't read till then.
PS: Till I have catched up activity around her will be very slow. I really want to get this done till july for when From the Ashes comes out. <<
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venomous--fics · 3 years
Anon Requested: hello!! can you write something fluffy where reader and eddie both get home from a hard day, and they just enjoy eachothers company doing cutesy stuff to comfort one another? if so, thank youuuu !!
ps. you’re writing is SOOO AMAZINGG i’ve read all of your october fics so far and i love all of them! <3
Day 18!!!
A/n: Coming right up!!! Also, thank you so much! You guys have no idea how much it truly means to hear that you like my stuff!!! And I'm so glad everyone is enjoying the October dealio! I was starting to not feel too sure about it, but to hell with the doubt, we are nearing Halloween! If you guys want to request more festive stuff, be my guest! Not saying you have to, just putting that out there. If that's something you'd like, I'd be more than happy to give it a go!!
You two had, surprisingly enough, met up right at the front door of the complex. You gave each other knowing glances, not saying a word, but still knowing that every thought and feeling was there.
The descent up to your apartment was tiring and somehow made the day worse. Neighbors had their TVs too loud, or that one guy and his guitars was just driving everyone else up a wall. You physically felt the last drops of energy just drain out of your body.
Eddie fumbled with his keys, sighing in frustration. You stepped in and grabbed his hand, helping him unlock the door. He gave you a look of appreciation before stepping inside, dropping his laptop bag and jacket on the floor. Normally, you'd pick them up so he didn't trip over them in the morning, but you're just exhausted. And you don't care.
You both walked to the couch and plopped down on it. Sighs of relief came from both of you, and the silence settled in. You both stared at the tv even though it wasn't on. You focused on the ticking of the clock that hung above the tv.
You glanced up at the clock, only to be punished with the knowledge that you'd been slouching on the couch for twenty minutes already. You two should really get some dinner made, or take a bath. But this? Slacking off on the beat up couch? This was paradise right now.
Or, it was until a loud crinkling noise broke the tranquil trance you were in. You closed your eyes, just to be greeted with something be flicked into your face. You flinched a little and slowly turned your head to look at Eddie.
He looked just as tired as you, but also had a whimsical look on his face. He flicked another small- The hell was it?- Into your face. You shut your eyes out of reflex, and then slowly turned your head down to see what it was that he was flicking at you.
Your hands found two small mini marshmallows. You looked back at Eddie again. He was eating a few, "Power snack."
"They're stale." You replied flatly.
"Okay? And?"
You didn't ask anymore questions. You just accepted the fact that this was happening, eating the two small marshmallows, "This is a good dinner."
"I found a bag of chips on the floor. That's dinner."
"Gross. But share them anyways."
Eddie tossed more marshmallows at you, "Who said I was sharing?"
"I did. I wasn't asking."
Eddie sighed dramatically as he laid his head in your lap, looking up at you, "You know, a please wouldn't kill you."
"It might." You brushed some of the marshmallows into his face, "Plea-"
You slouched the the side a little bit, fake groaning, "I died. I told you it might kill me and it did."
Eddie snorted at your display, quickly rolling off the couch, "Just means that I don't have to share anything."
You slumped over completely on the couch, "But I'm hungry. Feed me."
"If I must," Eddie opened one of the various cupboards, "Are raviolis okay? What about popcorn?"
"You just named an actual food food, and then asked if I wanted a snack food."
"Popcorn can be a dinner."
"Okay then, chef, make them both."
Eddie didn't have to be told twice. Truth was, he wanted the popcorn but he knew you were going to say that that also wasn't a meal. It's made of corn. That's a vegetable. Isn't that enough?
A few minutes pass, and you've accomplished your own personal task of finding the tv remote. It was crammed into the one cushion you didn't think to check. And to no surprise, it wasn't worth it because there was nothing on at this time of night.
"I'm going to call the popcorn an appetizer."
You look over at Eddie as he set a few bowls down, "What's the logic there."
Eddie reclaimed his spot, his head in your lap, "Because I said."
"Of course."
You lovingly rubbed his face as he fiddled with the popcorn. You were still drained, and you were sure he was too, but right now seemed pretty mellow. The idea of a nice bath and then passing out on your guys rickety old mattress sounded like Heaven.
"I call dibs on the first shower." Eddie said.
"No way, you use all the hot water."
"Sounds like a personal problem."
"Yeah, it is." You poked his cheek, "It's called you take too long."
Eddie smiled up at you, almost proud of the fact that he's just like that. He hogs everything. Shower water, soap, the blankets, the snacks, you name it and he's probably added it to his personal hoarding list.
Despite claiming the shower first, neither of you two made it. You weren't sure at what point this happened, but you both just closed your eyes and fell asleep on the couch. Your back was going to make you regret it in the morning.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
How have you been?? It's been forever!! (yeah, I know it was just a couple of days but still!!)
Guess what?? I already have the tlnd moodboards, but I'm out for the weekend and I didn't downloaded them😭 not to brag but I'm kinda proud of them😌
I'll see if I can post them when I return home lmao
Some updates from my life....
Oh, my mom started reading Ari and Dante and she's loving it so far!! We can talk so much about their relationship with their parents and our own relationship and I thank Ari and Dante everyday for existing 😂
Also, as I'm on vacations it has been pretty relaxing, (finally!!) and I had the week off work, so I've had more time to get to work on my story!! I'm kinda struggling with last names but I got some great ideas I want to get to work on (I now know I need to bring a notebook wherever I go djvdkdjd)
Some days ago I went to play basketball with my friends and then it started raining but we didn't stop and I also kinda hurt my hand but it was so fucking amazing and I have, surprisedly, gotten better at playing!! Yeah, I'm also surprised I like this😂
And well, my dad is on vacations too, so I'm kinda hoping to come out to him... Wish me luck!!
Anyway, here is a cool pic I took like 10 minutes ago!! I'm on my way to parachute jumping (?) and I'm sooo excited!!
Hope you are taking a break once in a while!! That's an order btw💙
Tumblr media
I wish ALL parents read Ari Dante because that book has such good parent rep. Not just supportive parents. But like parents who are human. So fucking well-written parents. *chef's kiss*. I hope she reads the sequel too!!
You: I'm on vacation Me: *ooohhh this is my jam tiktik sound*
Me every time you mention you play sports: 🫤🫤🫤 (jk ily)
I hope you get to talk to your dad and it goes well and it makes the vacay even better. If you want to talk about it, I'm here for you. GOOD LUCK. Borrowing some glitter and bi strength from Magnus Bane to send to you!
PS - So excited for the moodboards!
PPPS - PARACHUTE JUMPING??? (you think you know someone...)
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Wow..you really replied...
In case you want to know, I'm laughing now. Maybe you can, too? :)
When I wrote my first letter I only had access to your first one...All the others, also the ones from Rai, came through shortly after I sent mine. And I am still mindblown.
Sooo, where to start now? [Words crossed out mutliple times] Oh, I know! You are right, I am still able to hold contact with everyone in my world (it feels so weird to write that!!) except for the Duskwood group. It is my third stasis and the last one took almost 4 months, at least if counted right. But it seems..different than before.
What I mean when saying this is: I went out today and I saw some of the 'I am Jake' stickers (this happened with you too, right? I still cannot believe that) that people put everywhere in my city. When the whole I thing started I saw some boys from my neighborhood putting some stickers in place, even filming a video. I have to admit, I only trusted myself to do a picture when it happened... [the next words are a bit difficult to read] But I a_ dig_ess__g.
[They're readable again] Sorry, I had to search a different pen!! So, continuing my weird story. I saw those boys again when I went out to buy some things to cook tonight (I wanted to make something chinese...). And I don't know why, but I got the absoluetely GREAT (not) idea to ask them about the stickers. Why they put them there.
Maybe my time with the Crow-Crew (hehe, I like that) from Duskwood made me do as dumb things as just breaking in somewhere.
But the reply of the boys was very weird...They asked me what stickers I meant and when I told them they said they looked cool but never once saw them before. And I know those boys. Normally they would not lie to me. But maybe I'm just becoming paranoid, too.
But yeah, that was what happened...And still no message from anyone in Duskwood. Honestly, I really miss my Jake. It was complicated, but...he started to open up so much. Started imagining what would happen if the both of us just would run away together (even though he'd never do it..my safety...) :) But yeah [again there is a single tear stain], could you tell your Jake I said hi? It's not the same, but..yeah...
I hope you're feeling well,
[The text seems to be written very hastily] Ps. Oh my..I [words crossed out]. I didn't think I would add more to the letter. But I just wanted to send it (like the last one). In this moment I'm staring at a call I'm getting. Unknown...
[Heyho, real person behind Liska. I hope that's not too far-fetched xD]
Huh. I wonder why it sent like that. Maybe the eldritch entity of trees and whatever the hell is happening anymore messed up? If so, that’s actually pretty relieving, knowing it CAN mess up.
Four months? Oh hell. I do NOT want to be stuck in this damn place for FOUR MONTHS. I need to find a way out asap.
Yeah, the #IAmJake happened here too; and while Rai didn’t specifically confirm nor deny whether it happened in their world they didn’t ask surprised at all when I mentioned it, and their Jake was okay with us using his name. So, it seems like our universes have that in common, at least.
Crow Crew XD   I’m gonna have to steal that sometime.
That’s... very odd, about the stickers, though. I have no idea what the hell is up with that. Maybe the entity has trouble filtering everything related to Duskwood in your world? Maybe that’s why I’m in here instead, easier to control one person and freeze a world than to specifically filter for things relating to the Duskwood case. Maybe some stuff slipped through the cracks.
Jake is probably I can understand Jake fairly well. What I don’t understand is his stance on our feelings. I tend to take the attitude of “shove it all in a box and forget it exists” towards issues like this, but you saw how well that worked out when I finally told Jake everything.
I left out some of the more personal stuff, since I wasn’t sure whether or not you wanted Jake to hear it, even if it’s not “your” Jake, but I said hi to him for you. He says hi back. He’s been fairly sympathetic towards you in between trying to deal with the damn trees, and he told me to assure you that whatever was keeping your Jake from contacting you, it had absolutely nothing to do with Jake himself nor his pursuers.
“Unknown”? That, uh, sounds. Well. Interesting. Let me know how that one turns out. There’s a limited number of people I can think of who that’d likely be (plus spam callers XD), and only one of them is someone I’d particularly like to speak to.
Thanks for the well-wishes, Liska. You too, especially since you’re actually in a place where you can be injured...
(The letter tucks itself in the paper clip with the others.)
(For the most part, I’m going to try to avoid going out of character on this blog. However, I’ll make an exception this time.
I already have my entity, its MO, its motivations, and the very basic plot progression of this blog (if Yuvon and Jake can stop obsessing over the fucking trees for ONE second, I stg I made Yuvon’s character and I still don’t understand the shit she does sometimes) mapped out, plus exactly how much I’m going to address the current pause between episodes. Some bits of all this are going to be kind of insane, so don’t worry about things being far-fetched. However, whatever Yuvon thinks, the entity she’s dealing with and whatever’s causing your character’s situation don’t quite match up, so our characters can’t work together on that front.
Feel free to make your own entity, though, if you want to. There’s definitely enough of the reality warping amoral bastards to go around, and Yuvon will still help Liska however she can.
Oh. One tip for interacting with this blog, since no one’s quite done this yet, and you sort of need to very soon for Yuvon’s next little plot arc.
Yuvon is not a reliable narrator. Yuvon lies.
Sometimes, you may need to confront her on this.
If you ever need a hint, ask or message @yuvon-augold79​ the word “hint”, and specify what you’re stuck on, and I’ll come up with one.)
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akane171 · 2 years
Yupp, just leaves a hole in your heart in the same way😖
We do not have a body count🙄 What's yours? Pretty sure you have at LEAST one there already 🤨🤨🧐
HAHAHAHAHA okay then, I'll try to keep this in mind for next time 😉😂 (Oh, btw, "Stay With Me" by Danity Kane is another good song that reminds me of Karamel, tho fair warning, I always just go with the lyrics videos, so no idea what might pop up if you klick on anything else😅 Or, you know what, wait, I'll just put a link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=%23&ved=2ahUKEwiQuPehxaf3AhWxQvEDHef-DWsQ8TV6BAgLEAI&usg=AOvVaw0VTJzWxrN8ZFOD4xbU2nov)
Well hermit in the metaphorical sense (tho not having to deal with people sounds SO tempting😉) and yes, I do kinda love them for being all hermit-y, too😁😂
Uff, Yeah, I feel you! I can barely handle any protagonists nowadays, they're just such IDIOTICAL HYPOCRITS😖😖😡😭 And even worse are female protagonists, it's like authors think all female protagonists have to be Wanna-be-Mary-Sue-Good-Girls who care more about boy drama than what's really important😑😑😑 (Can we go back to having female leads like Hermione Granger or Annabeth Chase?? They were just brilliant, I need more of THEIR kind)
HAHAHAHA yess, Ben just IS😉 The beloved King of Narnia for a reason😉😍
I DIDN'T like the update..... I LOVED IT!!😍😍😍 Fingers crossed LW's curse will strike again and you'll write even more chapters😉😝😜
Hey, I DID comment, it was just more chaotic cause I didn't get around to watching/listening to all at once🤷🏻‍♀️😂 But okidoki, I'll try to keep this in mind, too😊
I LOVE Poets of the Fall, they are SO underrated😍🙈 I heard "Carnival of Rust" first Thanks to a Pandora Hearts mmv and then kinda found a bunch of amvs with their songs, it's just...😍😍😍🙈 And Chasing Twisters kinda reminded me of "Night of the Hunter", don't even ask me why, just popped right into my head while listening🤷🏻‍♀️😅😂
The Lyrics sound angsty!🙈
Well, I could just follow LW's example of possessing a computer🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Or come back as a Ghost🤔 I don't even care as long as I get to read😂🙈
PS: Yess, they are Endgame and I could just cry of happiness cause their Development was just chef's kiss!!😂😂💃🏻💃🏻 Tho I'm still not too sure what I think of the last season... 🙈
Omg, yes, my thoughts exactly!! Like, they're just semi-perfect parallels of each other, even Karamel and Captain Swan's development with the early fighting/arguments and still helping each other, Killian/Mon absolutely falling first, Emma/Kara being reluctant to accept the reality of their feelings for each other, Killian/Mon always being supportive bfs just absolutely supportive for their girlfriends, even Killian and Mon having fucked up parents and a past they are ashamed of is brilliant! Oh, and of course the Villian(Pirate) vs. Hero(Savior) thing is a nice parallel to how they portrayed Kryptonian as mostly good vs. Daxam as terrible😂 THEY EVEN LOOK TOO SIMILAR! Dark haired dude with blue/grey eyes? Check! Blonde haired girl with light colored (green/blue) eyes? Check! Kara's cape and Emma's jacket they alway wear in "hero-mode" are even both red! And Killian and S3!Mon's tendency towards black! 
Tho I gotta say, I actually grew to like Regina as a character and while she had times in which she was a cruel bitch, she did pay for that and work hard to be better, sooo🤷🏻‍♀️🙈🙈🙈 Sorry?🙈🙈
Oh, and Wait, how much do you know about CS's happy end? I have something else I could mention, but I don't wanna spoiler you🙈🙈
Don't change the subject ==' write karamel fics =='
So far 0, but it may change if LW won't respect her sleeping hours and you won't start writing =='
With your picture in my hands, story of a broken heart - welll.. yeah.... sniff
I mean, this is what healthy couples do, right? So aside of how much I starve for some content - good for them. And for us, becasue it means they are ok ^^
When we will get a good fantasy/sci-fi WITHOUT romances and boy dramas? Like, can't we focus on amazing, fresh, mind-breaking PLOT and STORY instead of romances??? IT's how you know show or a book sucks - you focus on relationships, because they are the only thing is interesting or makes sense (and in SG case, even that adidn't make sense, sigh).
I recall him more from Westworld XD The fact he can play charming kings, badass villains and broken drunken assholes says a lot about the range of his talent :D
Thanks and NO THANKS ==' I stricktly believe that you can't expand a stroy too much becasue it became a shit. That's my philosophy of a writer *violin music*
Thanks, and i will listen to the rest tomorrow, today is the day for napping. Sigh. I was supossed to write the final chap of Holding on to your soul today *stares into the void*
Oh, I think Carnival of Rust was my second Poet's song I have heard and loved it. Had some sad fanvids for GundamSEED made in my head (when he sings "Dont walk away when the world is burning" - the main male protagonist dying on a hostpital bed and the doctors trying to save him, while her, waiting in the waiting area....)
Well, in Chasing the Twisters there is something about horses and saving the souls, so it fits. Also, I think it fits canon Mon-El i n a way, but don't ask why.
Friend... you don't know how to do it, so just maybe stay alive =='
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah, exactly. Someone should piss scs and write captainswann and karamel crossover and piss SQSC eternally.
I liked Regina in the beginning because she was really a solid character and villain but then she became like... sluggish like a jellyfish? That constant moaning and ending with doing wrong choices - ugh. The same went for Gold. On some point I had enough of both of them. And i liked REgina when SHE WAS the evil bitch xD
I guess I know spoilers, so spill the tea.
Btw? One of my fave bands released the pirate song and it fits our pirate karamel AUs xD
the song is called The LEGION of the seas xD
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