#i still cant believe akayona made me write again
featherlystar · 3 years
Im 5k words in on that second chapter, and its not even over! The smut was this fucking long, and the plotted one is taking much more. This was supposed to be a short chapter, I havent yet reached Kija’s breakdown which I dont really want to write but its what I had planned so yeah I’m procrastinating rn because of it
Buuut if I finish this chapter I can finally move to the third and finally write the Gigan/Jae-ha parts I’m dying to do, the centered on Jae-ha one is my self indulgent chapter and I’m gonna love it, so I’m in a dilemma and I kinda wish it got wrote by itself, but it doesn’t, so I’ll take a break and have some food before finally finishing this chapter, I’m so sorry Kija, I gotta do what I gotta do to give you your happy ending
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