#i still get shivers from seeing the word “septiplier”
@waffle-house-unofficial is also aroace
I know because it's me.
ooc (should use an emoji for this-): honestly didn't know this uhhhhhh yeah that makes it even weirder that some people are reblogging that poll trying to like- make a ship happen
i don't think i need to explain why it's weird to do that when one (or both) parties has expressed discomfort towards being shipped, even if you're being goofy about it
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Hidden (a Septiplier story, Chapter 2)
Mark’s POV I walked down the hospital hall quickly and opened the door. I was there, Jack was there, and he had no hoodie; I could see the wings as clear as day. “What are you?!” A guy in the hospital bed next to me started talking. “H-hello?” I turned to the guy in the bed. He was me. Jack just smiled at the half-conscious version of myself in the bed and flew off. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, Jack was back, standing near the window again. “Jack! ANSWER ME!” “H-hello?” the half-conscious me said again. For the second time, Jack smiled at the groggy me and flew off. I closed my eyes and opened them. My ceiling. I should've known… Why does this bother me so much?! Why can't I get that stupid hallucination out of my head?! I stopped my train of thought when I realized I was pulling my hair a bit too hard. I sighed and got out of bed. I got ready- clothes, hair, bookbag, etc., and then I went downstairs. “Honey?” my mother asked. “Are you okay? You seem a bit stressed…” I sighed. “Yeah, I’m fine, Mom.” “Okay. Just tell me if anything is wrong.” And after that short exchange of words I practically inhaled my breakfast, said goodbye, and ran to the bus. I know I'm being watc- WHY CAN’T I GET THAT THOUGHT OUT OF MY HEAD?!? Ugh… I looked out the windows. No one in the cars is looking at you. Chill. But I still couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched. It sent shivers down my spine. I gotta focus on something else other than a stupid superstition… I remembered a way to successfully distract myself, and did it: I texted a group chat that Felix, Bob, Wade and I were in. ‘Buenos dias mis amigos!’ Wade: ‘I’m not ready for Spanish this early in the morning…’ Felix: ‘¿Comó estás?’ ‘Asi asi…’ Bob: ‘I don't even take Spanish… I take Latin’ Felix: ‘Latin is DEAD bro’ Bob: ‘Yea, but it will help on the SATs’ Felix: ‘Ugh…’ Felix: ‘Speaking of tests, do we have any?’ Wade: ‘I don't think we do, but I have no idea about Bob’ Bob: ‘I have 3 tests today. Honors classes, woo’ Felix: ‘Sorry bro’ I turned my ringer off and looked out the window. I should get Jack's number… That thought brought me back to my dream. If I could just see Jack without that hoodie, then I could be completely sure that that was just a silly hallucination. I’ll ask if he can stay at my house, then tell him to relax and take off his hoodie. I just needed to be sure that what I saw was fake. My thoughts drifted from the plan to just Jack in general. He’s a nice guy… Looks nice too. He’s just nice all around. Does he even have flaws? I love that voice, I wonder what it would sound like scr- What the fuck brain?! Seriously, that’s MAJORLY fucked up… I’m fucked up. Nothing like hi- The bus stopped. My head hit the seat in front of me, shocking me out of my thoughts. I looked out the window and saw that the bus had stopped at school. I went out of the bus like all the other kids, then walked to homeroom. The one good thing about school is that I didn't feel like I was being constantly watched. Maybe the stalker was afraid he would be caught if he was on school property or something... Once I was in homeroom, Jack came in not a minute later. I asked him, and we exchanged phone numbers. “Can you also come over maybe tonight?” “Sure! I’d love ta!” Jack grinned, god I love that g- please stop brain. It’s annoying. “Great. Thanks. Uh… how’s your life going?” “Good, and yours?” “...okay…” “What happened?” “Just weird dreams, thoughts, fears... It kinda stresses me out.” Jack seemed to get more concerned, or… interested, in the conversation, watching me closely. He’s a good friend. “...What's so weird about them?” I couldn't tell him, he’d- he’d be scared of me... “Eh… it's nothing, really, just don't worry about it.” Jack let out a silent sigh and looked to the window. I know he's sad I won't share everything with him, but I just don't want him to think I'm insane... The bell rung, stopping my thoughts. "Hey bros!" Felix walked into the classroom. "...What's got you guys down?" That reminded me to smile. “Nothing really. Just there was nothing to make us particularly ecstatic in the first place.” Felix smirked a little. “Well, I’m here now, let the joy begin!” “You're an idiot Felix.” I facepalmed, but couldn't stop the smile underneath. “True. But admit it, I made you smile.” “Heh, yeah…” The one thing I could count on was that my friends were always able to make me smile… I looked over to Jack and he seemed a bit distanced, just staring blankly at me. Like he was bored or something. I realized he was usually looking at me; it was a bit weird… but I guess I didn’t mind. “You okay there, buddy?” I was a bit concerned about Jack. “Yea. I’m gonna go sit.” “Want us to sit with you or...?” “Do whatever you want.” I felt so bad neglecting Jack, even for a second… My grin dropped as Jack walked to one of the seats in the back. I really am clingy, jeez… Ignoring my thoughts, I turned to Felix. “We should sit by him.” “Don’t you spend like all day together?” “He seems sad.” “I can legit see you as a clingy boyfriend for Jack.” “I can legit see you as a shipper.” “Touche.” With that, we went to sit by Jack. He looked surprised, then pleased. I start to wonder what kind of machinations could be going on in his mind, if he was so pleased by me wanting to be near him... “Hey guys!” It was Wade. I greeted him back. “Hey Wade, get Spanish homework done?” Let me guess, no. “Nope! It’s still too early for Spanish.” Knew it. “It’s always either ‘too early’ or ‘too late’ for Spanish homework.” “Except for during class!” “And now I get why you’re barely passing.” “Hi Wade, Mark, Felix, Jack… Wow. Our friend group’s getting big.” Bob walked into the party of kids around Jack’s desk. “THE BRO PARTAY!” Felix threw his hands in the air. “The bigger the louder.” Mrs. Samantha grumbled from her desk. “I think Jack might be the quietest person here, though.” I said. “Everyone is quiet when they are new; for all we know he could get louder than Felix.” Mrs. Samantha responded again, before going back to working on her computer. “Man, that would be impressive.” The ‘bro partay’ continued talking aimlessly, until the second bell rang, signaling the end of homeroom. Jack and I stayed while Bob, Wade and Felix went to their classes. English was relatively fun; we watched videos about the book we were reading. In Spanish we went over homework and a project was announced. Jack wanted me to be his partner; I agreed. Jeez, he’s clingy too. It’s okay though; he’s fun to be around, funny, beau- BRAIN, NO… He’s coming to my house anyway; we’ll work on the project while he’s there. In Science we did a lab; in Social Studies we did the homework for tonight, and in Trig we did math. Finally, we had lunch. Felix was at this lunch, so we sat by him. As I ate, I felt a slight pain... Fuck! I forgot my meds this morning. It'll be alright if I take them as soon as I get home. Definitely before 7… It was Felix who noticed. “Jack? Are you going to eat?” I hadn’t realized it, but he wasn't eating. I had a mouthful of food, so I just stayed silent. “U-uh… No?” “Dude, you anorexic or something?” “Hell no! I’m just… not hungry. I had a big breakfast…” “Dude. Eat.” “I- can’t. I-” Jack looked at his hand and seemed to remember something. He sighed. “Can I tell you guys something?” “Of course!” I was the one to reply this time. “I ...am... fed by an IV… I kinda... get my nutrients in the nighttime.” He bunched up his hoodie sleeve, and showed us his IV puncture. It looked like it was fresh; not even a scab! With my experiences, the wound scabbed over within minutes, but it had been at least hours and his wound still hadn’t scabbed over; how can this be? “Jack, do you pick your scabs?” That was the most reasonable conclusion. “No…” “Why is that wound fresh?” “It just is?” “Do you have a problem that slows healing or something?” The next most reasonable explanation I could think of. “Um… Yeah. I do.” “Is that why you’re not doing PE?” I hadn’t read his doctor’s note, but a condition like that could have been on it. “...um, yeah.” The bell rung, ending our conversation, and we walked out of the cafeteria. Jack kept staring at me… like he was analysing the color of my skin or something… We walked to Study Hall, cringed during Health, and talked during Open Period, I was usually able to keep myself distracted from the slight pain. Jack and I went onto my bus, sitting in the same seat, next to each other. “Huh, I don’t feel like I’m being watched anymore. Weird.” “...weird. You felt like you were being watched?” “Yeah. Anytime I wasn’t in school, or around you, ‘cause when I'm in school I’m always with you.” I chuckled. “Heh, yeah.” “I really wonder how we got the exact same schedule.” “...who knows? At least you’re nice to be around.” “Same for you.” I chuckled a bit. He really is… fuck, pain. When we got to my house, I unlocked the door and we made our way to my room. I sat on the bed while Jack sat on my chair; we talked, blabbering on about school and the internet, until I remembered my plan. “Hey Jack, you might be more comfortable if you take off that hoodie.” “Uh… n-no thanks.” “Why not? Aren't you wearing anything under there?” I chuckled a bit. “Of course I am!” “But seriously, I’ve never seen you without your hoodie.” “Let's go for a walk!” “But you didn't answer my q-” “Come on!” I couldn't really object as he grabbed my hand and we went onto the sidewalk. “Jack, seriously, what the fuck are you doing?” “Getting fresh air.” “There's got to be another reason. Why are you avoiding taking off your hoodie?” “I… I’m just a bit… insecure, about… myself.” “Don’t be, I’m sure you look completely fine!” Probably looks hot as shi- will you ever stop harassing me, brain?! “Mark?” “O - OH. My brain just annoys me sometimes, that's all.” “Weirdo.” Jack chuckled I lo - stop, brain. “Says the one who won’t take off his hoodie.” We both chuckled as we turned the corner. “Yeah, yeah…” Jack said. “There's a ice cream shop about a block from here.” I said. “Want to go there?” “Yeah!” Jack answered. We went across the street and started walking along the sidewalk. “So, you were in the hospital?” Jack asked. “How do you feel after your abdominal surgery?” “How did you know I had an abdominal surgery?” “...School told me?” “Cool…” I groaned, realizing I hadn't taken my meds; my stomach was starting to really hurt. Fuck. “Dude, you okay?” “No… I… forgot to take my meds… I need to go back.” “Okay.” We turned back, Jack with a worried expression on his face, while I tried, and failed, not to groan occasionally. The pain was getting much worse. A few minutes later, my walk had almost turned into a stumble, my mind focusing on the pain and not anything else around. Jack pressed a button and started forwards across the road; I followed him slowly. “Mark… ya gotta move a little faster buddy.” Jack had gotten to the other side while I was only about a quarter of the way there. “Mark, seriously, move faster. The light’s turned green again.” “MARK!!!” I was halfway there… I think. Honestly, my vision was kinda blurry, but I swore I saw a car moving towards my direction, Jack starting to run, and then Jack taking off his hoodie. I was hit by a force at high speed. My body banged against the pavement.
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fawnsean · 8 years
Let Me In, Ch. 2
An Antisepticeye and eventual septiplier fanfic. 
Summary: It had been really fun to build Anti up for the whole Halloween takeover event, but that was over and done with. So why the hell was Jack hearing voices now?
Word count: 1703
Rating: T
Contains: Violence, paranoia, suspense, hallucinations.
/ / /
Jack could tell that he had overslept.
It was bright in his room, the light filtering through his plain curtains brighter than normal mornings. Jack shot awake with a start, only to curl in on himself with a gasp of pain. If he had felt bad the night before, he was absolutely feeling horrible now. His entire body was sore and aching in odd places, and his brief tumble down the stairs couldn’t quite cover it. And curiously, Jack still felt exhausted, as though he hadn’t gotten any sleep at all. He was now more tired than when he had gone to bed in the first place.
Glancing to the clock, Jack’s breath caught in his throat. He had less than an hour if he wanted to get his video up on time. He snatched up his phone, where it sat on his side table, trying to figure out why the alarm hadn’t gone off in the first place. The screen remained dark.
“Damn it,” Jack swore aloud. He blamed YouTube for making him talk to himself.
He fumbled for his charger, trying to plug it in so he could bring his phone back to life. He couldn’t believe that he had forgotten to do so the night before. It was part of his evening ritual before he went to bed to make sure he had everything prepared, including making sure his phone was charging so the alarm could go off in the morning. Jack sighed. Obviously he had been much more tired than he thought to have overlooked something so damn obvious.
Jack threw off his covers, eager to get to his recording space to get his video up on time. He almost never missed his schedule, consistently uploading his videos like clockwork, and feeling a bit under the weather was no excuse to be late. He had said as much in his videos, reassuring his fans that even if he was in a sour mood or felt like crap, he would still do his best to provide quality content. He had no intentions of going back on that promise, especially with the start of the new year.
He swayed briefly once on two feet, a sudden rush of nausea overcoming him, but ultimately he shrugged it off. He made it to the bathroom, cringing when he saw his appearance in the mirror. The entire portion of his left face, extending from his brow to his hairline, was covered in a darkening bruise. The dark reddish hue was a stark contrast to his otherwise pale skin, and Jack sighed. There was no way to ignore it or brush it off. It was way too noticeable.
He quickly splashed water on himself, being particularly gentle around the bruise, as Jack hurried to get ready. Normally he’d make himself a pot of coffee first thing upon waking, but there was simply no time for that now. He practically staggered out of his bathroom across the hall to his office, sitting heavily down in his swivel chair. Jack booted up his monitors, and upon seeing the email from Robin with the edited version of the video he had sent him the previous day, Jack sent a silent prayer of thanks to his editor. Robin truly was a blessing, and with him taking some of the burden from Jack, it freed up a lot of extra time for him. Plus, it just made things easier in general.
Jack looked over the fifteen minute video, double-checking it to make sure it flowed well and there were no errors before uploading it. He repeated the process for the second video, only queueing it to upload a couple hours after the first. Jack then set about to record a new video, slightly hesitant. While his videos for that day would have the normal Jack, the videos he would record for tomorrow would feature a bruised-up Jack. He knew Robin was sure to ask about it, and Jack would just have to shrug it off and chalk it up to him being a clumsy loaf. His fans, however, would be a much different story. He remembered how things blew up for Marina Joyce when people thought abuse was a factor for her. Jack shivered. He hoped that nothing like that would happen. After all, it was just a minor mishap on the stairs. That was normal, right? It happened.
With a reluctant sigh, Jack booted up Subnautica and started his recording. It was best to just get these types of things over with.
/ / /
Robin had messaged Jack back not two minutes after he sent the recorded footage of Subnautica.
He hadn’t really wanted to reply, but there was no way to avoid it. He just wasn’t quite sure what to say. Apparently Jack was taking too long to answer, if the jingle of the Skype call was anything to go by. The tune gave Jack a start, who after a brief moment of hesitation, clicked on the little green icon.
“What the hell happened to your face, Jack?” Well, it seemed like Robin wanted to get straight to the point, then.
Jack rolled his eyes, trying not to bite back a reply. His friend was just worried, after all. “It’s Seán, dick.” That earned a small laugh from the other, as the two often joked about what to call Jack. “Anyways, I’m fine. If you had watched the first minute of the video you would have heard the explanation I gave to the fans.”
“Yeah, well, that’s the explanation for the fans,” Robin reasoned easily, “I wanted to hear it from you.”
And that had Jack sighing. He had gone over it rather quickly on the recording, not wanting to get too into the details. Robin deserved a proper explanation. “It’s nothing, really.” That didn’t mean Jack was going to give Robin a proper explanation. “Just fell down my stairs.”
Apparently that was the wrong thing to say, as Robin’s eyes narrowed suspiciously. “That doesn’t sound like nothing to me. How did that even happen?”
Jack bit his lip, not wanting to breach the subject of how Jack had been hearing voices. Well, voice, really. Singular. Only one voice. Still, that wasn’t something he wanted to advertise with his friends. “I just re-waxed my stairs last weekend, and my socks slipped on the wood,” Jack lied quickly, though he looked off to the side, not able to meet his friend’s concerned gaze.
Robin seemed to buy it, leaning back in his own chair with a sigh. “Damn, Seán. Be more careful.”
“I will,” Jack said in a small voice, heart clenching. Robin was too nice to him.
After the call Jack headed downstairs, removing his socks beforehand out of nerves. He hadn’t heard any voices since waking up, which was good, meaning that the sleep had definitely helped. Still, he could never be too careful. He’d rather not go tumbling down his stairs again. In the kitchen, Jack started a pot of coffee and thought about making some toast and eggs. Though it technically wasn’t breakfast anymore, Jack wanted to try and do his normal morning routine properly, including his breakfast meal with coffee.
The scent of freshly brewed dark roast flooded Jack’s senses, and he relaxed slightly with a sigh. The warmth settled nicely in his body, and Jack hummed pleasantly. He had been so on edge since waking, unsure how to tackle the odd events of the evening prior, though the coffee seemed to help with his nerves, if only slightly. Slightly was still better than none at all, though. Jack felt his eyes drooping, and he quickly set down his mug to keep from dropping it. He was still so damn tired despite sleeping nearly twelve hours. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of that.
Whatever appetite Jack had worked up was gone now, which deeply concerned him. Sometimes he got too worked up in his recordings and accidentally skipped a meal, but him just being flat out not hungry was definitely not normal.
He grabbed his mug again, heading back upstairs to his recording room to get on with the day, figuring he’d just eat a bigger meal later to compensate for skipping breakfast. A sharp pain flared up in his left eye and Jack doubled over with a cry, the half filled mug of coffee shattering easily on the wooden steps. His hand reached up automatically to cover his eye, tears leaking out from the pain. Jack bit his lip. His eye felt like it was on fire.
He raced up the rest of the stairs, broken coffee mug mess forgotten as he made for the bathroom. Jack wondered briefly if the bruise on that side of his face had anything to do with it but, pushed that thought away. A simple bruise wouldn’t cause pain of this magnitude.
In the washroom, Jack ducked his head under the tap, turning it on and splashing water on it as one would do if they got chemicals in their eye. That’s what it felt like to him, anyways, some kind of chemical burn. It was impossible, but the pain was definitely real. The heated sensation began to fade as the water continued to run, and Jack heaved a sigh of relief. He wasn’t sure what the fuck caused that, but it was damn painful.
Turning off the tap, Jack straightened to look at himself in the mirror. He frowned slightly, grabbing a hand towel to dry his face. There was something off about his reflection, he just couldn’t place it. He placed the towel over his full face, giving himself a quick pat down. As he removed it, Jack noticed the way the eyes, his eyes, were watching him so intently. There was a toothy grin on the face in the reflection, one that Jack was sure he wasn’t making.
And then the laughing returned, in his voice, the lips in the mirror moving as though they were the source of the laughter. It was loud, ringing, and right in his ears, and all Jack could do was watch in horror as his own reflection was acting as though it were a different being.
Jack screamed.
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fawnsean · 8 years
Halfway to Nowhere: Ch 2
A/B/O Septiplier fic. 
Chapter word count: 2247. 
Rating: T.  
Previous. AO3.
Summary: If only he were an Alpha… Jack found himself thinking that same line, over and over again, nearly every time Mark popped into his head.
Chapter 2: The Main Event
As soon as Jack woke up he could already tell it was going to be a good day.
His morning started with Jack checking his phone, it already being flooded with messages from friends and family. He smiled to himself as he replied to each and every one, thanking them in turn.
Oddly enough, Mark hadn’t texted him yet. Weird, Jack thought, figuring Mark would have been one of the first to wish him a happy birthday. With a shrug, Jack pushed the thought away, knowing Mark would more than likely text him eventually. After all, Mark had been true to his word about annoying Jack on his ‘birth week’ as much as possible, the two having been talking more so than usual. Not that Jack minded, of course.
He headed downstairs and brewed himself a steaming cup of coffee, Jack scrolling through his tumblr feed and reblogging several happy birthday fanarts. He couldn’t keep the smile from his face, knowing how much everyone cared for him enough to take the time to make something for him.
Finally fueled and feeling energized from the coffee, Jack went back up to his recording space to get started on his videos for the day. He booted up Party Hard, feeling in the mood to play the fan-made levels so he could focus more on having fun rather than passing the level. They weren’t overly difficult, and Jack had a blast recording it. Afterwards, Jack gathered all the footage files together and sent them to Robin. He then took the edited videos from Robin and added them to his YouTube queue.
Out of habit, Jack switched over to Skype. He had gotten a few more messages from people, all being various iterations of ‘happy birthday’, yet still nothing from Mark. Jack chewed on his lip nervously, trying and failing to shrug off the rising sense of worry. It was his Omegan instinct, wondering if Mark was avoiding him. Though logically Jack knew he hadn’t said anything to upset Mark, so he could scratch that off the list of why Mark wasn’t talking to him.
“He could still be sleeping,” Jack reasoned aloud. Even to his own ears it didn’t sound nearly convincing as he thought it would.
His phone buzzing broke him from his train of thought, and Jack quickly snatched it up, hoping it to be the Beta.
He tried not to be disappointed when the caller ID read as ‘Allison’.
Steeling himself, Jack clicked the green icon, bringing the phone to his ear. “Hey sis,” he greeted simply.
“Happy birthday!” came the response, sounding like a chorus of several voices at once, and Jack chuckled, knowing he was on speakerphone with his sister’s family.
“Thanks, guys,” Jack said, greeting and thanking them all in turn.
There was a pause before Allison’s voice appeared, clearer this time, now off the speaker. “You’re still gonna come out today and visit, right?”
Jack sighed, already knowing his sister wouldn’t like his answer. “Probably not, I’ve got a lot of stuff to take care of here.”
As expected, Allison huffed irritably. “Come on, Seán! I know it’s your job and all, but seriously? It’s your focking birthday for chrissake. Come spend some time with family for once!”
Jack winced at the last bit. “I know,” he mumbled quietly, feeling a tad like a child being scolded by their parent.
“Then what are ya waiting for! Get dressed and ready. Call when you’re on your way.” Allison’s tone left no room for argument.
“Fine,” Jack relented, trying to keep a neutral voice. Arguing with his sister would definitely ruin what little of his good mood was left at that point. “I have one more thing to record then I’ll be on my way.”
“Alright,” Allison said, and Jack could practically hear the triumph in her voice. “See you later!”
Clicking his screen off, Jack threw his head back against his chair with a groan. It wasn’t as though he disliked his sister’s family or anything, it’s just that he’d rather spend the time by himself. He didn’t really want to go out, Jack not being one for big parties or events centered around him. He’d much rather celebrate at home, playing games and catching up with television shows. Alone.
“I guess that’s all I do, actually,” Jack mumbled to the empty room. He didn’t exactly have very many friends that lived near him, most of his friends being ones he met online. Because of that, he really didn’t get out much unless it was with his family. How lame is that. Jack rolled his eyes, sighing as he opened a new tab on his computer to order himself some pizza for lunch. It was still a little early, but Jack figured it would arrive just in time for lunch.
Order placed, he then switched back over to Steam, booting up some random game he’d gotten in a Steam sale pack. He set up all his equipment, started his recording, and began.
Just when he was getting back into the proper jacksepticeye headspace, his doorbell rang.
He glanced to the clock on his monitor in surprise. “Pizza’s early.”
Jack paused all his recordings, grabbing his wallet as he headed downstairs. He fished out a twenty from his wallet, greeting the delivery guy with a smile and telling him to keep the change. His scent washed over Jack, and the Omega’s breath caught in his throat. The guy was an Alpha, only a couple years or so younger than Jack. The Omega found himself breathing the scent in even after the man had left.
He set the pizza box on the counter, scratching at his messy green locks with a groan of annoyance. Jack found that whenever his heat neared, he’d be more susceptible to scents, especially those of an unmated Alpha. Jack would much rather stay on his suppressants, but under the recommendation of his doctor and family, Jack was taking some time off from them to give his cycle a chance to regulate itself again. Staying on the pill for too long could lead to infertility and other health problems, and Jack knew he’d eventually want kids someday, so he decided a cleanse was for the best.
That just meant putting up with a couple of messy heats, alone, while Jack gave his body a chance to sort itself out naturally.
The doorbell startled Jack from his thoughts, and Jack frowned as he headed to the door again, wondering what the pizza guy could’ve forgotten.
What he wasn’t expecting was for Mark Fucking Fischbach to be standing on his doorstep, large red suitcase held onto by his right hand, left hand clenching an assortment of balloons, floofy black hair a mop on his head, and face lit up like a child at Christmas as he eyed Jack excitedly.
“M-Mark?” Jack gaped, wondering briefly if there was any chance he could be hallucinating his best friend and crush showing up at his home oceans away from where he lived.
“Happy birthday!” Mark cheered, immediately shoving the dozen or so balloons at Jack who fumbled with the strings.
“What the hell?” Jack laughed in disbelief, backing up to let his friend in. “What the fuck are ya doing here?”
“Uh, hello? The main event?” Mark said with more than a touch of sarcasm, as though the answer should be obvious. When Jack merely pursed his lips in thought Mark sighed exasperatedly. “Oh, come on, Jack. I told you that I’d call you every day before the main event! That being me visiting you on your birthday!”
“Main event?” Jack echoed with a note of incredulity. “I thought you were talking about my birthday itself!”
“Details, details,” Mark waved it off, attempting to remain nonchalant, though he was fighting to keep the grin from his face. Jack snorted in laughter and Mark finally broke, erupting into giggles. “Alright, come here buddy.”
As Mark’s arms opened wide for a hug, Jack eyed him, hesitating. He knew he shouldn’t; he would likely confuse Mark’s skinship as romantic rather than platonic.
Yet he couldn’t resist.
Jack closed the few steps distance between them, attempting to wrap his arms around the other despite the balloon strings getting in the way. He leaned into Mark’s broad chest, the Beta’s arms immediately closing around him, comforting, but not caging. Jack relaxed at the contact, one of Mark’s hands stroking his back soothingly. Warm fingers carded through his hair, and Jack’s eyes fluttered shut as a rumbling purr erupted in his chest. He was jostled slightly against Mark’s frame as the Beta chuckled, still gently scratching at his head.
Unable to fight the urge, Jack turned his nose into Mark’s neck, inhaling deeply as he scented the older. He heard Mark’s sharp intake of breath of surprise before the other settled down again, tentatively lowering his own head into the juncture of Jack’s neck and shoulder. The Omega tilted his head to give Mark better access, and he shivered as he felt the warmth of Mark’s nose as it traced against his skin. Jack jolted slightly as there was a dab of wetness, Mark’s tongue darting out to taste him.
Jack then pressed his own face in deeper to get at Mark’s scent better. He smelled faintly of spice and something he knew was inherently Mark, yet it was... dull. It wasn’t a bad scent per say, just muted. Weak. As all Beta’s scents were to other dynamics. Jack nosed along Mark’s neck, more frantic this time, eager to get the entirety of the scent, though he knew it wouldn’t get any stronger than it already was.
Jack also knew that their hug had lasted for far too long.
Reluctantly he pulled back, and Jack swore he saw a look of hurt flash across Mark’s tanned face before it was replaced with something more neutral. His dark eyes held an odd kind of intensity, one that Jack had seen on the other only a few times before. Those times were when the Beta was scent drunk.
Jack chuckled then to try and lighten the mood, but it came out uncomfortably forced as he pointedly avoided Mark’s heavy gaze. “Well, uh, I’ve just gotten some pizza, so after you put your stuff away you can help yourself.”
Mark nodded, chocolate brown eyes then wandering over Jack’s apartment for the first time, taking everything in. “Nice place,” he murmured, grabbing his suitcase and wheeling it with him as he walked through the living room. “Very uh, minimalistic?”
“Well, I am getting ready for a move,” Jack huffed, eager to defend himself. Sure, his house may not have much to it, but it was home. “Guest room’s upstairs, first room on the right.”
“Got it.” His words were slow, and Jack felt a hint of regret, knowing he had let the scenting go too far to affect his friend in such a way.
While scenting between friends wasn’t uncommon, it wasn’t usually as intense as Jack and Mark had just done. Usually, friends would scent each other at the pulse point in wrists or necks when going in for a quick hug. Licking was something saved for mates, as tongues could pick up the purest and most concentrated scent.
For Omegas, it was more common to scent with other Omegas. If they scented with Alphas, it could quickly turn into something more instinctual, and scenting with Betas could lead to the latter getting what was known as scent drunk. While Betas didn’t have particularly good noses, when exposed to the source of a strong scent it would flood their being and put their senses on the fritz.
Jack felt bad, knowing the risk of getting Mark scent drunk and still letting the Beta scent with him as he had. Then again, Jack hadn’t been much better. He had been about two seconds away from nibbling at Mark’s shoulder before he had broken it off. Still, the slight guilt remained, especially as Jack was aware of his approaching heat and how his scent would only become stronger.
Oh well, Jack mentally shrugged. It’ll wear off soon enough. Besides, it had felt right in the moment to scent with Mark as he had, that amount of contact only serving to strengthen and reinforce their friendship.
There was a thump on the stairs, and Jack watched as Mark struggled to get his suitcase up to the second floor, laughing loudly when Mark dropped it halfway up. As the Beta disappeared from view, Jack gathered the balloons once more, jumping up to catch the strings for the ones that had managed to drift upwards, and tied them in a knot, attaching them all to a leg on his kitchen table. There were twelve in all, most green and red, though a few were the larger, specialty kind that had text or unique shapes.
Jack felt a light pang in his chest. His friend went through so much just so the two could have some time together and celebrate his birthday. Mark must’ve known Jack would do nothing otherwise, he’d practically told him as much, and the Omega was touched that his friend actually cared about him that much.
A passing thought reminded Jack of something important for him to take care of. He took his phone from his pocket, going to his recents and selecting Allison’s number.
It looked like Jack wouldn’t make it to her place, after all.
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