#i still had a lot on ariel but ariel didn't get their own playlist and stuff
stories-by-rie · 2 years
Happy STS! :D What are some songs, books, movies, quotes, etc. that you would recommend to your characters if you met them in real life?
ooh a great question, thanks!
for evelyn i'd say "The Child in You" by Stefanie Stahl. i only ever read the first chapter but i think it would help her mentally immensely. the whole title in german is The Child In You Must Find Its Home and it's a non-fiction book about self-acceptance? also Anne Boyer's poem "What Resembles the Grave But Isn't". for a song maybe "Drinking Song for the Socially Anxious" by The Amazing Devil. i have a whole playlist for evelyn so there are a lot songs i could recommend her x)
for ariel this is a bit harder for me because i'm currently working a lot on them to flesh their backstory out a lot so i think i'll have actually good recommendations in six months or so ^^ let's hope i'll think of this ask when i do!
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