#i still have so many itsay thoughts on the daily
ungiftedmusings · 4 years
okay listen i get that teh relinquishing his spot in university was a super emotional, irrational, and stupid decision.  i get it.  but why have i not seen anyone mention that it’s what oh asked him to do?
i mean, even as kids: what “if miss nuan had chosen you, and i said i wanted to play, would you have let me?”
i’m not saying it’s oh’s fault, it was definitely teh’s choice - i’m just saying, for a dude who’s very smart and has a tendency to way overthink things, there’s no doubt in my mind that those words stuck with teh (and those lines were a really deliberate writing choice to convey that and even foreshadow that ep. 4 scene).  and i do not think oh meant for teh to take it this way - i actually don’t think he meant it at all, it was just him being upset and lashing out -  but in episode one when he found out he didn’t get in by direct entry, oh said “you’re so good at studying.  why didn’t you go through the admission system?”
now, pair that with the show’s theme of “if you love someone, you can’t stand to see them sad.”   itsay framed sadness as the most honest language of love and i could write a whole essay on that but not right now and on top of that, oh-aew’s sadness in episode 4 was directly caused by teh.
again, a rational person isn’t going to take this to heart, and i don’t think teh really did until he was emotionally torn apart and we all know he wasn’t being rational right then.
i’m just saying, it’s not just one single thing that led to teh doing that.  there was the false hope when someone showed up late,  there was the guilt from hurting oh, and more guilt on top of that because teh thought he’d led oh to give up on his dream.  and then, on top of all of that, all the guilt and the hope and the lack thereof brought oh’s words back to the forefront of teh’s mind.
on one hand oh-aew didn’t mean to ask teh to do that for him - but on the other, even if he didn’t intend to, he actually kind of did.
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bengiyo · 3 years
On “I Promised You The Moon” and Coming of Age
Before I begin, I want to state here that this his fundamentally my opinion and while I can be hyperbolic sometimes, I hope that everyone walked away from this show feeling some sense of growth along with the characters.
I fully enjoyed I Promised You The Moon (IPYTM) and don’t view it as a separate show from I Told Sunset About You (ITSAY). IPYTM focuses on the concept of change and how it impacts couples over time, and I thought this was an appropriate examination of gay relationships because so many of our shows end happily ever after. For me, most of the couples we see in our shows are rather young, and HEA endings can create unrealistic expectations of long-term romances and can trap the audience into a need for stasis. Coming of age is not about locking your life down to the happiest moment you’ve experienced, but about doing the ongoing work it takes to care for yourself and those who are important to you.
With so much of romance being about getting together, I have always found myself drawn to shows about staying together. During Still2gether, some of us commented on Sarawat putting up a poster of Call Me By Your Name and asserted that he should have put up a poster for Moonlight instead. For me, CMBYN ends deeply unhappily as Elio never gets over Oliver, whereas Moonlight goes beyond the intensity of the teen story and follows Chiron to adulthood and sees him reconnect and potentially reconcile with Kevin. In the last few years, two of my favorite shows have been What Did You Eat Yesterday and Papa & Daddy because they’re about couples working to be together. Both are about older couples dealing with the ongoing daily challenges of being together. 
For me, I think it’s better to see Teh and Oh-aew, a couple folks can root for because of the amazing chemistry between Billkin and PP coupled with amazing cinematography, struggle to maintain a romance after they decide to be together. I think it’s good for young people to feel frustrated and point out the obvious things either party could have done to avoid the troubles they went through because I hope they bring that energy to their own relationships when they have struggles. 
I also think it’s good that the end of the show is a promise between Teh and Oh-aew to work together on their relationship and not expect them to be perfect. I think about how Serena and Venus Williams talked about how they used to avoid talking to each other as much as possible, but became a better duo when they started to struggle by learning to communicate. 
Teh spends the entirety of IPYTM worried about how he and Oh will change, and that is just fundamentally unavoidable. Both of them needed to learn to enjoy the journey of growing up and the way perspective changes your outlook. We are still living through a pandemic that has forced many of us to change how we look at our own lives, and we have to be able to do the same thing in all of our relationships. 
I think it’s also good for folks to recognize that a relationship isn’t working sometimes and take a break from each other. There is much discourse about Teh cheating on Oh as unforgiveable. While I understand the sentiment and think it was important for Oh to back away from a relationship in which he could no longer trust his partner, I love that we got to see Oh healthily moving on from Teh. He found happiness with himself again and didn’t immediately replace Teh with another friend he had an intimate relationship with, despite the obvious tension between the two (I still feel bad for Q and Bas and all the yearning after Oh). 
I think it’s quite real that he and Teh would still feel drawn to each other years later. I think it’s okay to see a couple get back together after things didn’t work the first time. Forgiveness is good for both people, and while it doesn’t mean couples should get back together, it’s still good for both of them to be able to resolve any angst they might be feeling. Growing up is about facing the challenges, struggles, and distractions along with the happy moments. 
In conclusion, I will say that I absolutely loved both I Told Sunset About You and I Promised You The Moon and would like to thank Billkin, PP, the rest of the casts and crew, the directors, and producers for putting this together and elevating the genre with their work. 
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sewichii · 3 years
Tag Your Mutuals!
The very nice @thepurplemu24 tagged me and I'm so glad you did (/ ^ v ^)/ <3
Why did you choose your url?
When I started using tumblr I didn't know how to to pronounce sew and just wanted a url that was hard to say in my head. Also I'd just started studying Japanese and couldn't stop thinking how tamagotchi meant little egg, hence added the -chii.
Any side-blogs?
Once upon a time I did and it was such a mess 😂😂
How long have you been on Tumblr?
Around.... 2015 I think?
Do you have a queue tag?
I don't tag my queue, but books/movies/shows I wanna read/watch I tag as queue hihi
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
My middle school art teacher wanted us to get inspiration from tumblr.... keep in mind this was before the porn ban so she quickly took it back but I was in too deep already
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I always smile just opening my mouth really goofily so the smol axolotl looks a lot like me when I smile :DD
Why did you choose your header?
Lol okay so I didn't know the detective Pikachu movie was a thing and just came across a really sad-looking Pikachu and my first thought was "same" (because at that moment I was going though it). Also he just looked really soft. I've been thinking what I can change it to actually 🤔🤔 (since I'm not going through it anymore)
What's your post with the most notes?
Oh no... I think the one that's the hotline bling meme but with itsay. I find it hilarious but am also aware it's not very funny.
How many people do you follow?
405 - what when did that happen
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Oh yes
How often do you use Tumblr?
Mmm sometimes I won't open it for a month and then spend like 4+ hours here daily.... it's a gamble
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
Why fight when you can shitpost
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
Can't think of any of those posts... but if there's a frog I probably will 😂😂
Do you like tag games?
Yessss so much. I know sometimes (usually) it takes me forever to come through but I love getting to know my mutuals :DDD
Do you like ask games?
I don't think I've ever been in one... or know how they work really hehe
Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
Honestly all of them... they just seem to know everyone around. I'm still sorta shooketh that I have any mutuals tbh 😅
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
Not really but I do appreciate them all and wish them a very nice day 🥰🥰
I think a lot of people have already done this but if they haven't and feel like it (as usual no pressure) @wonderfuleternity @aheartandashirt @floralbfs @hemi-demi-semiquaver @musicdramalove @nanzhujues
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Different types of Socks
Now, there are exceptions to the principle. There are a number of men out there who've worn custom-tailored suits with Italian shoes -- plus a pair of red or lavender socks. What exactly about mixing this up? Wearing Funny Socks -- Men's Colorful Sock Rules -- When and How to Employ Brightly Colored Socks Provided that you're putting some thought into how you're strutting your gussied-up ankles, then there's no reason you can not play around with your socks on your fundamental, day-to-day,"only going about life" types of outfits. The last step in sporting colorful socks? Having a few to choose from this work well with outfits! But that's boring If you maintain the colours restrained marginally at least, and begin with those, you need to be able to slide into sock customs easily. It's not as fitting your trouser colour, quite, but it is close. Here are some good, simple guidelines for making it work out nicely: So what's a"classic" sock pattern? Click Here to see my video on the best way to wear brightly colored socks Funny sock principles. Keep in mind that"coordinate" doesn't mean"match" -- your socks don't have to be the same exact shade as any other piece of clothing on your body. There are a couple of instances when you might specifically want colored socksbeyond just enjoying them for your own sake: 1. When in Doubt, Go Classic Those guys know what they're doing. They're making a bold statement a challenge. The company suit with coloured socks is a look that says"Yes, I know the principles, and I'm sure enough and care about the way I seem to break it because it is more fun for me. Deal with it" As a very helpful rule of thumb, try to maintain the comparison between your pants and your socks at about the same amount as the contrast between the trousers and the shirt, up in your waistband. That way viewers are seeing the same basic visual belief all the way up the human body. Argyle, for just one (the angled plaid pattern of diamonds and lines) -- that's been a traditional sock design for men for the better part of a century, and you still can not go wrong with it. In terms of color, argyles move all of the way up to greens and oranges and can begin at a mix. When you want extra color-coordination. Been reading about your complexion and your best colors? Display'em off with some matching that is subtle. A sock which matches something else at the ensemble is a detailed touch. Work your sock in the color scheme as your own pocket square, your shirt, or even your sports jacket or sweater to acquire a appearance that is coordinated. Getting Your Colorful Sock Collection Launched Why would you, though? There is absolutely a place in men's style for colored socks that do not match the trousers.It demands a little more care, as it's not a simple, neutral option, but if you take care it can seem great. A Man's Guide To Design When to Wear Funny Socks? The rule of thumb for men's socks is an easy one: And above all, have fun. Life's too short to never enjoy a sock If you are only getting started breaking out of the fitting trousers/socks mould, then cut your teeth. But it is nice so be thinking in terms of colors that work well together if there's some sympathy. It looks great if your socks fit into the exact same general theme as the rest of your outfit. First -- When Not to Wear Funny Socks Yeah, it's a rule that retains men and will be appropriate for business settings -- but after a while, it gets dull for dressers. "Vibrant" socks can mean a good deal of items: bold solid colours, classic patterns such as argyle and paisley, on up to items that are bordering on novelty items (cartoon characters etc ). That can be as simple as picking out among those colours and sporting socks in a similar colour. It does not even need to be something that people consciously find as coordination -- their eyes will see it as a"good fit" even if they don't think about it themselves. That usually means wearing black socks with pants, dark gray socks with charcoal pants socks with your blue jeans, and so forth. It needs to be done correctly -- you can't just throw them with anything -- but there a way. Now that we have gotten that out of the way, here's the fantastic news: if you're not in a suit-and-tie formality type of scenario, you have the choice of wearing colored socks if you want to. Colors with figure patterns like paisley are also a good option, as are stripes of equal width. From there, go into the web and start indulging your own tastes. Be thinking in regard to the outfits you are very likely to be matching your socks together -- look for colours to complement your favorite shirts and coats, as an example, or any pocket squares that you have been needing to work to outfits. When you know you are going to do business in your stocking feet. Not every business culture keeps its shoes on all of the time. In places like Japan, shoes are removed for drinks, or even for meals. When you have a reason to believe your socks will be on screen, go right ahead and make it fun -- provided that you are not thinking about doing serious business with conservative men and women. You do not need to visit Asia to get sockless scenarios, possibly; anything out of a locker room to a corporate spa into your meditative retreat might wind up with your sneakers being shucked by you. When you would like to liven up an easy outfit. Got something essential going on for daily? A set of unique socks turns something such as a khakis/collared or even jeans/T-shirt shirt combination into something that seems deliberate. It is like a pocket square in a jacket -- it tells people you don't look this way. You put some thought into the ensemble. "Contrast" is the change from one adjoining color to another. We have some contrast in our complexions and within our outfits. All well and good if you are a former Army Ranger or own a Fortune 500. The rest of us should think of our brightly colored socks as social wear, and leave them. 2. Coordinate with the Remainder of the Outfit If you've never worn socks which don't fit your trousers before (or, worse, if you have been wearing white crew socks no matter what your pants look like), begin at any good menswear shop. Many will have at least a few selections of easy patterns such as argyle. These liven things up somewhat, but are nevertheless usually two- or three-tone at the most, and usually not too radically coloured. There's also the simplest and most effective time to wear socks: when you feel like it. You need the same quantity of contrast throughout your whole appearance. That means that if a top half is low-contrast and subtle -- a coat in the same color but a different shade as the top under itsay -- you do not want eye-popping color changes on the half. 3. Be Conscious of Your Contrast Levels Your sock's colour should match the color of your trousers. In general, none of those will cut it as part of a business outfit that is serious or a somber event like a funeral. These scenarios aren't about you expressing identity -- about you showing admiration and fitting in, they are. Socks from hell is describing everything about different types of socks. https://www.socksfromhell.com/
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