#i still have them on a separate layer heheheh
themisterhip · 5 months
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"Oc x Genos" Comission!✨
Requested by Anon.
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springtrappd · 5 months
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@limbsandheads this entire blog has actually been an elaborate operation to convert as many people to vannyism as possible via the "shite posts" of the youth. Glad to see it's working
jokes aside: HEHEHEHE THANK YOU... yeah a big part of getting comfy in my niche here has been getting comfortable enough to actually, like, POST my anaylsis /because/ of the complete lack of it elsewhere. being counterculture can be a tough place to be in! the amount of times i've had to hold myself back or scrap something bc i'm unsure if i'm gonna get dragged into explaining, idk, what a fucking metaphor is or some shit... ugh. awful do not recommend. i'm not sure what's worse: people who refuse to believe that parallels exist, or people that understand that parallels exist but only as fodder for theories (which are, as we all know, the most important part of any satisfying story)
i think people in general have a hostile response to any kind of serious analysis precisely because it's serious; it feels like... there's this pervasive sense -- particularly when you talk to the people that i'm thinking of here -- that academia is somehow Other or (views itself as) Superior in some way, thus making the act of engaging in it about posturing rather than, well. study. people have a very strict idea of what art is, even if only subconsciously, and react accordingly when the Other comes in to try and take away their favourite toy. games are fun; analysis is not. why can't you just let people enjoy things, you're just doing this for attention, etc etc etc. it's a position borne of ignorance, one that assumes that you can separate art from play at all -- and one that finds itself most vulnerable to exploitation. it's fundamentally reactionary rhetoric, is what i'm getting at here, and why i can so easily swap out stupid fnaf jargon for a conservative strawman and still get the point across.
anti-intellectualism sucks because it sucks all the joy out of art. like, for all i joke about being fuelled by spite, you'll find that even my most virulent snark comes from a place of love. i talk about this shit because i love it; because i love the actors and writers and art directors and character designers and production teams and editors, every single one of them, and there's nothing quite as intimate as a dissection. to peel back the layers of a piece of art is to ultimately shine a light on the things beneath -- all the blood and bone and gristle, where the artist has been pressed between the pages... to look at someone and know them, to sit and think about what they wanted to say -- what is that, if not love?
you aren't born knowing how to say "i love you". it's something you've gotta learn. and this is what we in the biz call a """METAPHOR""",
also, while we're here: fun fact! i actually write a lot of my stuff off-the-cuff, which is why the flow is often weird/words are missing/it might take a wild left turn away from the original subject? (like i'm low-key doing rn!) it's something that makes me cringe, but also fuels my desire to get around to writing a proper essay abt this terrible franchise eventually... i've got pages of bullet points & notes scattered around the place (& hundreds of discord messages to pull from, oh god), it's just the practical part of it that makes me want to crawl back into my skin. until then you are stuck with the Crazed Ravings (Autism Flavour), (un)fortunately (depending on how you look at it)
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bonelymonsterclub · 3 years
"Are you warm enough?" Killer!Sans & Outertale Sans
“are you warm enough?”
Sans eyed the skeleton bundled up in as many layers of blankets as was available in the household on the sagging couch. Papyrus had stumbled across the other monster drifting in from the depths of the cosmos in a comatose state while on one of his patrols and had immediately whisked him to the nearest shelter, which coincidentally happened to be their house. The skeleton, who looked eerily similar to Sans, hadn’t said a word or even really moved. The only sign that he was still alive was the floating apparition of what Sans assumed was his soul - a glowing red target hovering in front of his chest. Papyrus was upstairs, hunting down more blankets for their guest, whose bones were still tinged blue from prolonged exposure. There was also an odd black sludge beginning to leak from his eye sockets that was pretty concerning…
“Well, that was the last of them,” Papyrus announced as he bounded down the stairs. “Do you think it will be enough, Sans?”
Sans took a good, long look at the giant fabric-snowball the skeleton had been turned into and offered his brother a thumbs up. “lookin’ good, paps.”
Papyrus barely looked assuaged, but accepted it with a nod. “Right. I will return to my patrol, then. Keep an eye on him, brother, and call me immediately if anything happens. There’s some leftover spaghetti and sea tea in the fridge; please remember to eat today.” Papyrus started for the door, but paused next to the couch and unwound his scarf, tucking it around the barely bared vertebrae of their guest’s neck. He shot off like a rocket out the door once he was done, and Sans watched him leave with a fond smile. His brother was so cool…
He turned back to their guest with a soft sigh before flopping onto the free end of the couch. “guess it’s just you an’ me. let’s watch some tv, pal.”
It was about an hour into the mindless Mettaton binge that Sans began to feel an inkling of hunger. He’d never had the greatest of eating habits, often forgetting in favor of something more mentally stimulating and requiring less physical effort, and Papyrus was working hard to remedy that. Normally, he would drag it out until the hunger began to ebb, then eat the bare minimum, but with a single glance at the slowly thawing monster seated beside him, he decided to do his brother proud.
“hey, you hungry, buddy?”
His double actually stirred at his voice this time - sluggishly lifting his head from where it was bowed against his sternum, no eye lights, no verbal reply, but it was more than he’d done since Papyrus burst through the door with his frozen bones cradled in his arms. Sans smiled slightly, glad the monster didn’t appear to be Falling Down, and slid off the couch. He patted the area where the other Sans’ shoulder probably was beneath the blankets in passing.
“alright, sit tight. i’ll fetch us some grub.”
Papyrus had recently (begrudgingly) asked Grillby for cooking lessons after somehow accidentally giving Sans food poisoning (which shouldn’t have been possible, given the food was magic, but his bro was so cool that he defied natural law), and so his “world class spaghetti” was actually somewhat edible. Instead of splitting the leftovers into separate servings, Sans just grabbed the entire tupperware dish, a couple of forks, and the mug of sea tea and returned to the living room.
“y’know, i’m gonna give you a nickname. we can’t both be ‘Sans,’ after all, and i was here first, so i call dibs.” Sans twirled a forkful of spaghetti and ate it thoughtfully as he watched the strange sludge sleuthing from the others’ sockets slowly turn more watery. “hm. maybe... tartarus? heheheh…”
No news was good news, they said - or rather, in this case, no answer was equivalent to silent approval.
“yeah, i thought that was a good one, too. glad we’re on the same page.”
Once Sans had his fill of spaghetti and a mouthful of sea tea to wash - and keep - it all down, he slid closer to the newly dubbed “Tartarus.” “okay, let’s see just how similar we really are. bone appetit, pal.” He spun a new forkful of noodles and brought the utensil up to the other’s teeth. Before his eyes, the food was suctioned into Tartarus’ mouth without it even needing to open. “heh, that good, huh? here, have some more.”
Sans steadily fed the rest of the spaghetti to his unresponsive company, and even managed to coax some sea tea into him as well.
“whelp, i’ve done about all i can do at this point,” he said, gathering the emptied dishes and heading for the kitchen - it would be a crime to lazy skeletons everywhere if he were to actually put the effort into cleaning them, but it would be easier on Papyrus if they at least made it to the sink. When he returned, it was to the sight of Tartarus shifting around in the blankets. His strangely exposed soul was wobbling at the edges, much like a skeleton’s eye light was prone to do in cases of strong emotional responses, and as his head turned towards Sans, a faint ring of white was visible in his right eye socket. “sup?” Sans casually strolled closer, keeping his hands at his sides instead of in his pockets upon recognizing the cornered expression on the others’ face - it was the same look Grillby got sometimes when he had an episode. “let me help ya out of there.” He kept up a steady stream of chatter as he started unraveling the layers around the other. “sorry about this. my bro always puts one hundred percent into everything he does, and that included getting you bundled up. you’re lucky he found you out there; you fell into the best hands.” He finally reached the last few blankets and took a half-step back to give Tartarus breathing room as he freed himself. Sans offered a hand with a guileless smile. “i’m sans, though, somehow, i’m sure you already knew that.” He winked. “i can feel it in my bones.”
Tartarus stared at Sans’ hand, face void of expression. Whatever Sans was expecting him to say, it wasn’t, “Why did you help me?”
“well... i didn’t, not really. it was mostly papyrus.” Sans let his hand drop. “but i would’ve done the same if i was in his shoes. metaphorically, ‘course, since his feet are bigger tha-”
“I killed you, once,” Tartarus interrupted, eye light darting up to meet his. His soul had taken on a misshapen version of what a monster soul was supposed to look like. “You should’ve left me out there.”
Sans scratched the back of his skull, mulling over his copy’s words. He took a good long look at the guy, and felt what might’ve been the stirring of deja vu (which could’ve just been from looking into a face that was essentially his own), but otherwise, there wasn’t anything. But he could tell that the guy wasn’t lying.
“well, do you wanna kill me now?”
“No,” he replied immediately, then seemed to blanch. “I mean-”
“it’s fine, then,” Sans shrugged. “i don’t remember it, and i’m alive now, so i don’t see why we can’t start over.” He held out his hand again. “the name’s sans. sans the skeleton.”
There was still a beat of hesitation, but the other reached to accept his offer. “I’m-”
A sudden shadow sweeping across the room cut him off and the Sanses turned in sync to look at the inky blob of a skeleton who’d come into existence in front of the door. He appraised the situation with a cold teal eye, though his gaze mostly ghosted over Sans and locked onto Tartarus - or, apparently-
“Oh, hey, boss,” the newly-revealed ‘Killer’ (which Sans found a bit on-the-nose - not that he had one - after the other’s confession) greeted casually. “Finished wrapping things up already?”
“No thanks to you.” Killer’s “boss” looked to their clasped hands and his eye light constricted like a predator spotting its next prey. “Is there a problem here?”
Sans felt a chill slither down his spine, knees growing weak, and his first instinct was to release Killer’s hand, but Killer had other plans as he tightened his own grip.
“Nah, no problems. Just making friends.” Killer cleared his throat. “If I could have a few more minutes…?”
There was a heavy beat of silence before the goopy monster gave a very put-upon sigh and the air cleared of tension, the unnatural shadows seeming to drain into the substance that made up his body. “Don’t leave us waiting for too long.”
Killer visibly brightened and for the first time, Sans watched a grin spread across his face. It suited him much better than the almost permanent grimace that’d graced his expression until then. “Aw, did Cross miss me?”
The new skeleton - who seemed to be coated in the same liquid that was coming from Killer’s sockets - rolled his eye and opened the door to walk out. Killer leaned over to peer through the gap, and Sans followed suit in time to catch a glimpse of yet another look-alike to him and Killer, but clad in what appeared to be many layers of black and white. His arms were folded and when he looked up as the door was closing, he tried to steel his expression, but he couldn’t contain the worry crinkling at the corners of his sockets. Then there was a layer of wood between the two duos of Sanses.
“so…” Sans dragged his gaze back to Killer. “... friends of yours?”
“Heh, guess you could call ‘em that.” Killer finally released Sans’ hand and tugged at the drawstring of his hoodie. “Listen, since Nightmare -” Sans assumed that was his boss’ name. “- personally entered your universe, you’re probably going to be visited by the ‘Guardian of AUs’ and his merry entourage.”
“if you’re avoiding someone with the title of a guardian, what does that make you?”
Killer visibly hesitated. “I’m on a time limit, so I can’t stay long enough to tell. But- just- don’t immediately accept their offer to join them. Give me a couple weeks, and I’ll come back and give you a full explanation. I- I promise. And then whatever you decide to do, it’ll be with both sides of the story.”
Sans took in his solemn expression and the stable inverted heart-shape his soul had settled into, and it wasn’t hard to make a decision. “well, i do like having all the information before i make a decision. you got yourself a deal, only if you bring your a-game next time. i’m feeling a little bonely being the only one making puns here.”
Killer’s shoulders slumped slightly, and his smile returned. “Well, I can’t deny a fellow funnybones a fair challenge.” There was a solid rap on the door and Killer tilted his head towards it slightly in response. “That’s my cue. See you soon, and I’d like something to officially call you, Outertale Sans.”
With a wink and half-wave, Killer disappeared, there was a smattering of murmurs outside the door, and with a brief influx of magic and chill in the air, the trio of presences outside blipped away. It only took about twenty-four hours for more look-alikes to show up - Ink and Dream, they introduced themselves as, and they painted themselves as the guardians they claimed to be, and slandered Killer’s group. It was a lot to wrap his head around - thousands of alternate universes; a constant battle between positivity and negativity, creation and destruction; and, as Killer had forewarned, an offer to join their staff. Sans begged off a few weeks to think over his decision, held a family meeting with Papyrus to catch him up on everything he missed since he left with Killer on the couch and returned with him gone, and settled in to wait. And about a week after Dream and Ink left him to consider his decision, as he was taking his third legally required break of the day, a solid knock on the counter of his sentry station - accompanied by a hint of foreign magic - stirred him from his doze.
“Knock knock,” his own voice greeted him.
“who’s there?” he mumbled into his arms.
“‘annie’ who?”
“Annie way you got time for a story?”
Sans lifted his head with a grin and Killer returned it. “sure do. but, uh, i don’t believe i got a chance to properly introduce myself.” He offered his hand, wiggling his fingers invitingly. “i’m sans, but you can call me aster.”
Killer huffed out an amused laugh. “Killer.” He grabbed Aster’s hand and their giggling was drowned out by the explosion of noise their colliding whoopee cushions made across the entirety of the moon.
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entomycetic · 5 years
BUST AU - Timeskip Moon Base (+other headcanons)
(Made a previous post about my The Space Between Us AU that I’m now calling BUST AU; all you need to know is Steven grew up in the Moon Base, which was remodeled over time to look more like a proper home.) “Here’s an AU that I won’t develop beyond this synopsis!” *immediately spends the entire night world building* ....Seriously its almost 8am, I haven’t left my computer since I made the first BUST post like 9 hours ago or somethin oops- Anyways, I really wanted to design how the moon base house looked in my head! Though after I drew it out, I realized it might be more suitable as a timeskip, when Steven had more say in how it was constructed, and was held more responsible for taking care of himself. I SUPER wanna revisit this and actually make a background for each room, but now is Not The Time, so here’s the general idea!
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I wanted to get a sense of scale first, so here’s just the practice of getting the interior down! I used a bunch of screenshots to make an educated guess on the measurements, and boy howdy that is a LOT of room...
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And here’s the (timeskipped) house version! (The holes on the far wall allow a platform elevator to efficiently transport people up and down the house, courtesy of Peridot and Pearl’s handiwork.) I went HAM on the decoration man, I’ll explain this chicken scratch bottom to top:
Warp Room
The entrance and exit! The warp pad was placed in its own room so the warp light doesn’t blind anyone. It’s a personal theory that the farther the distance of warping, the stronger the light; and the moon is pretty far!
The Gems bring back as many cool finds as they can to help decorate the space (making sure the sharper things are securely fastened out of reach). Along with this, Steven decorates with his own art and posters that he buys online. 
The Gems made sure to insulate and wall up the murals; they didn’t need him asking about the Diamonds so soon. Some furniture lines the outer wall with maps and books strewn all across them; Steven prefers to be home schooled down here, and it’s also where the Gems usually plan for missions that they want Steven to join. Steven also brought a bunch of flowers down, helping fill in the giant room.
Next to the door is a pair of homemade (but reliable) astronaut suits; they aren’t used very often though, since there’s not much to see outside. The main door used to be locked entirely, until a second airlock was fitted inside.
Kitchen/Living Room
To the left is the general living room area, to the right is the kitchen. The Gems were able to set up electricity, water lines, sewage, the WHOLE package!
The dining table usually has 5 chairs set up, but they keep some extra foldable chairs leaned against the cabinet- just in case.
A large rug, coffee table, two mismatched couches, and a cluttered bookshelf in the living room; long counters, overhead cabinets full of canned goods, a fridge, sink, and microwave oven in the kitchen.
For the sake of privacy, this floor is separated into two rooms with a hallway in the middle. Steven took the liberty of decorating it with a nice table and a flower.
As standard a bathroom you can fined on the moon, on the left- tub/shower combo, a short counter with a sink, a mirror, toilet, standalone closet with ‘typical’ bathroom supplies
Currently, the ‘shed’ is full of books, games, and beanbags; whatever Steven’s family think he might find fun usually ends up here. 
Steven built a little loft area as his first big addition to the house, which he’s proud of; only him and Amethyst have the guts to hang out up there, though. A small TV is used for his video games and movies; he can’t really get a signal for cable on the moon, but he can always watch new movies in theaters in the observatory.
As it’s titled, where at least half the plants in the house are kept!
This area might have gotten the most upgrades, with Peridot’s help; with regulators and efficient plant lights, this farm and outdoor area is much easier to take care of nowadays.
The first ‘layer’ is a grassy area with a small oak tree and a pond with a few fish.
The ‘shelf’ floors act as a farm, with a variety of crops growing all year round in assorted wall hanging planters.
Plant lights hand down from the shelf floors; the brightest hang above the open area, so the tree gets enough light. Solar panels now line a majority of the outer walls of the base to power the house.
Almost the same as it was when the Gems first started renovating; the only difference being the entrance/exit being changed to a different spot. Steven uses this room less ever since he’s been able to visit Earth more, but before then it might’ve been the room he spent the most time in.
The diamond seat was turned into a bed; with some custom-made support between the edge of the seat and the edge of the control panel, a mattress was able to be placed inside; the back of the seat and the control panel acting as the head and foot of the bed. As cool as the view is, Steven placed a removable veil over his bed for when he wants to pretend he isn’t entirely isolated from humanity.
I like to think it’s similar to the conservatory seen in the movie, with beanbags and flowerpots.
Furniture like a dresser and bookshelf was placed on the wall facing away from Earth; his desk faces the Earth. He also made a removable background curtain, so when his friends that don’t know he lives on the moon decide to video call, he doesn’t have to answer many questions.
He has a few hundred feet of string lights hung above everything, kind of like a spiderweb. Pearl calls it a fire hazard, Steven calls it necessary for the aesthetic
There’s all the rooms, now time for some other random headcanons!
Can you tell that I like Steven likes beanbags?
Steven picked up a LOT of hobbies since he had so much alone time; his most frequent being singing/playing instruments, gardening, reading, and art. The gardening helps him take care of the greenhouse, and his art decorates a lot of wall space. He’d have probably picking up cooking if he didn’t have to rely so much on others getting the ingredients for him.
Steven keeps a beanbag in the observatory; he could and does spend hours sightseeing. As fascinated as he is by society, he tries to respect peoples’ privacy as best he can, and doesn’t spy on his friends and family altogether.
A lot of the stuff to build was stolen or taken from garbage; Greg was impressed, exasperated, and afraid for his son when Amethyst told him this. (Amethyst still brings stuff for the house to this day; the foldable chairs, some of Steven’s posters, the living room rug,etc.)
The amount of hours he’s sunk into people watching has inadvertently made him REALLY good at lip reading.
Steven isn’t entirely vegetarian, but a good majority of what he eats comes from the farm in the greenhouse; it’s easy to tend to and is right at home!
The greenhouse used to be Steven’s favorite place to hang out, but seeing the human zoo kind of disturbed him; he still loves it since it’s his home and he likes tending to his plants, but he subconsciously avoids staying there for as long as he used to. (...remind me to never try to do half-assed-and-failed gravity math at 4am ever again. also. heheheh could write some fluffy qpr connverse....or something dramatic like the warp pad breaking...hehehehehehe maybe later tho when i aint dead)
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
ATG Chapter 934
Chapter 934 – The Goddess Who Fell From The Sky (3) Yun Che rose. Just as he was about to return to Frozen Cloud Asgard, his footsteps suddenly halted as he looked at the sky with furrowed brows. The sky above the Snow Region of Extreme Ice was a stretch of whiteness without any hint of color. He immediately lowered his head and muttered to himself, “Did I sense wrongly?” He had a faint feeling that he was being watched from up above just a moment ago… and it was more than one pair of eyes. “Ah?” Up in the far reaches of the sky, a blue clothed girl exclaimed in shock, “Could he… have sensed us just now? No, no, no. How could he possibly have sensed our auras?” “…” A hint of shock flashed through the eyes of the white clothed female as she said softly, “His cultivation level has actually advanced this fast.” “Fifth level of the Sovereign Profound Realm… that’s really fast.” The blue clothed girl was even more surprised. “He was only at the Emperor Profound Realm when we last came here.” “Master, this disciple remembers that you once said that the highest cultivation realm reached in this world was the Sovereign Profound Realm. Even if it were someone with the highest innate talent here, they would still need to cultivate for several hundred years or even more to order to attain such a realm and the shortest time possible would still require tens of years. Why has he suddenly reached this realm when not even two years have passed… could he not be the same person we saw last time?” “…” The white clothed female was silent for a long time. Once he opened the ice gate, the exquisite figure of a beauty bounced over. Feng Hanyue, who had just made a breakthrough was so elated that she resembled a snow sprite. When she saw Yun Che, her eyes lit up as she yelled, “Asgard Master, have you seen Hanxue?” “Oh, it’s Senior Sister Hanyue. Aren’t you always stuck together with Senior Sister Hanxue everyday? Why have you suddenly lost her today?” Yun Che asked with a beaming smile. “It’s junior master, junior master.” Feng Hanyue quietly uttered a protest that she had not used for a long time. Then, her tone of voice instantly became more chipper. “Because in these two days that I’ve been in closed-door training, I’ve successfully made a breakthrough. This way, I’m higher than Hanxue by another level now, hehehehe.” “Oh!” Yun Che exclaimed, “Senior Sister Hanyue is so amazing. You’ve actually already reached the fourth level of the Tyrant Profound Realm, you’re about to catch up to Senior Master Yueli.” Feng Hanyue radiated even brighter when she received Yun Che’s praise. “Hmph, that’s only natural. I can’t possibly lose to my senior sisters. But then again, all this is due to Asgard Master’s contribution. If not for Asgard Master, it probably would’ve been hard for me to even become a Throne.” “It’s obviously due to Senior Sister Hanyue’s high innate talent. I only helped a little,” Yun Che replied modestly. As he inched closer to Feng Hanyue with a lewd smile, he stealthily extended his demonic claws. “Since Senior Sister Hanyue’s profound strength has progress this fast, let me see if your chest has become even bigger.” “No!” Feng Hanyue pouted with disdain. Just as she was about to run away, her soft jade body had already been embraced by Yun Che. She panicked then hung her head and said timidly, “Asgard Master is so bad… but… but you can only touch a little…” “Alright, only a little.” Yun Che’s hands came up from her waist and directly grabbed her silky breasts. Even though they were separated by a layer of snow robes, he secretly used some force and his fingers sank deeply into a mass of smooth and delicate pastry. As a small moan spilled from her nervous lips. Instead of leaving her breasts, those demonic hands willfully grabbed and kneaded them into all sorts of charming shapes. “Asgard Master, you promised… to only touch a little… ah…” Feng Hanyue said with a startled cry. Her beautiful face gradually became a deeper shade of pink as her eyes began to glaze over. “Right, only a little. My hands haven’t left yet so it still is considered touching only a little,” Yun Che explained with incomparable seriousness as his wicked hands willfully violated the forbidden area of the pure girl who resembled a snow lotus. “Ahhhhhh!!” In the distant skies, the blue clothed girl let out a startled cry as her cheeks instantly flushed red. “Wh-wh-wh… what is he doing!? H-h-h-he’s actually bullying that girl, he’s a bad person! Vulgar! Shameless! T-too hateful!” As the blue clothed girl cursed, she quickly turned around and covered her eyes with her hands. “…” The white clothed female’s crescent brows knitted and she also turned her face away but her voice was still as cold as before. “All of the experts in the world are fascinated by the profound way, so much so that they are even willing to curb their desires just for a chance at greatness. But he, who acts without restraint, without the slightest control or suppression of his desires, actually could advance to such a realm…” “Master, that isn’t the most important point. He… he’s obviously just a lowly person! This kind of person… how can he be Frozen Cloud Asgard’s Asgard Master?” The blue clothed girl vigorously shook her head. Her impression of Yun Che fell astronomically. Yun Che instantly went from a good person who had saved Frozen Cloud Asgard to a despicable, shameless,  lowly person. Before Frozen Cloud Asgard’s northern gates, Feng Hanyue’s entire body completely laid atop Yun Che’s chest as she incessantly moaned while lacking the power to resist. “Cough, Asgard Master.” Murong Qianxue’s clear and cold voice came from Yun Che’s rear. Like lightning, Yun Che’s hands moved away from Feng Hanyue’s body and landed behind him. He turned around with a grave, dignified face which exuded calm and projected the mighty presence of an Asgard Master. “Oh, it’s Senior Master Murong, what is the matter?” If this wasn’t the first time Murong Qianxue accidentally came across his perfectly smooth conversion in these series of movements along with the change in expression, she certainly would believe herself to be seeing things. She replied without any change in expression, “Asgard Master, Youyu and Lingxue have broken through to the Emperor Profound Realm. Aside from Qinyue, they are the first disciples of this generation to successfully become Thrones. In order for them to stabilize their foundation, we’ll have to trouble Asgard Master to help temper their bodies in the Frozen Cloud Wintry Spring.” “Oh, I understand.” Yun Che revealed praise as he smiled and nodded his head. “Then let’s start that in two hours so they have time to prepare themselves.” “Yes, Asgard Master.” Murong Qianxue glanced at Feng Hanyue and said, “Hanyue, Hanxue was just looking for you. She ought to still be in the new Snow Congealing Hall right now.” “Ah! I… I’ll go look for her immediately.” Feng Hanyue hurriedly ran off… The instant she passed by Murong Qianxue’s side, Murong Qianxue’s glared at her with a half-indignant half-helpless expression. As for Feng Hanyue, she secretly stuck her tongue out at her. “T-t-temper bodies!?” In the skies above, the blue clothed girl who buried her face in her hands had heard everything from below. Like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, she let out a startled cry and stammered, “T-tempering bodies requires the entire… h-h-he… why would they let him… let a man like him help them temper their bodies! Ahhhh!! As expected, he really is a hateful, shameless, lowly person! Frozen Cloud Asgard is full of women, he’s… he’s going to bully all of them! Master’s Frozen Cloud Asgard, how can… how can…” “Master, do you want this disciple to down there and beat him up? He… he’s too repulsive!” The blue clothed girl was nearly driven mad. This was the first time she had seen such a shameless, vulgar scene which sullied her eyes and toppled her three views… this was even more hateful than those people from the Flame God Realm. “…” The white clothed female let out a faint sigh. It was unknown what she was sighing about. She slowly turned around and then said softly, “Xiaolan, let’s go.” “Ah? Go?” The blue clothed girl was stunned. “This place… I can finally stop worrying about it now.” The white clothed female closed her eyes. “As for the last place, I wish to have a look at the Cold Star Realm again.” “Master…” The blue clothed girl’s limpid eyes suffused with mist once more. She only gently nodded, “The Dimensional Jade ought to have enough power to go to the Cold Star Realm once. This disciple… this disciple will immediately head there with Master.” The blue clothed girl shifted to the side, as though she did not have the heart to give the white clothed female’s deathly pale complexion another glance. When she extended both hands, a jade colored round stone slowly appeared. She closed her eyes and a mysterious power silently circulated. The round stone immediately released a dim radiance as a bizarre profound formation slowly spreaded out. “Cough, cough cough…” The white clothed female let out painful coughs as her jade hands pressed at her chest. At the same time, scarlet blood instantly gushed from the corner of her mouth, dyeing the chest area of her snowy clothes. It was this smear of blood which caused the last faint color on her face to disappear, leaving barely any color behind. The light in her icy eyes quickly dulled as her body, which had been enshrouded by icy mist, violently swayed. Then, after losing the power to stay afloat, she fell. “M-Master!!” The sound of something falling behind her made the blue clothed girl turn around, then pale with fright. She wanted to pounce forward to retrieve her master  but the Dimensional Jade in front of her had just opened halfway and forcibly pulled her into place. The blue clothed girl was as impatient as fire as she acted in a flurry. It was only after several breaths later, when the Dimensional Jade’s power withdrew, that she charged straight down with an alarmed cry and at this point, the white clothed female had already dropped quite far… Just as Yun Che stepped into Frozen Cloud Asgard, he suddenly sensed an abnormal aura rapidly approaching from the far reaches of the sky. He promptly raised his head and astonishingly saw a snowy figure straight above him, that blended in with the snow-filled sky, falling rapidly. Even though it was still far away, with Yun Che’s eyesight, he instantly recognized that it was clearly a woman’s silhouette! Moreover, the aura of her strength and life force were distinctively weak beyond compare. What was going on? This was the Snow Region of Extreme Ice, how could there be someone falling down from the sky above the Snow Region of Extreme Ice? Even though he questioned that in his mind, Yun Che still flew up in the very first moment and dashed over, firmly catching the snowy silhouette that had been in mid fall. As the ice-cold, flower-like soft body of a woman fell into his embrace, a pale face entered his eyes, leaving him dazzled. The woman in his embrace seemed to be a fairy of peerless beauty who had come from the peak of an ice mountain. Her snowy flesh shone with the luster of ice and seemed to glow with an almost transparent jade light. Though her complexion was incredibly pale and the pain in her face had yet to dissolve, her beauty was still one that even the best painting in the world would find hard to portray. The eyes beneath her slightly knitted slender brows were closed and her full, snow-white lips were slightly opened… she had already completely lost consciousness. Yun Che blankly looked at her for a good while before his face abruptly changed… Poison!? There was an acute poison in her body! And this toxin had completely infiltrated her life vein, profound veins, bone marrow, and even her soul body! “Master!!” The terribly panicked voice of a girl quickly approached from above Yun Che. Before he had yet to raise his head, a blue figure had already landed before him like a stream of light. “Y-y-y-you lowly person, hurry up and release my Master!!” Previous          Main page         Next Click to Post
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