#i still have to trade for some better clothing for him but AUGH!!!!! ahhhh!!!!!!
milk-sharks · 10 months
FYI they released an idog neopet yesterday and i’m completely losing my mind over him
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rittywritestdp · 6 years
Omg just found your blog ahhhh I love it !! Could I request the reader is an elf who Soren finds when on patrol in the woods or something! Could it be a cute and fluffy fic?? Sorry if this is too specific
Oh my gosh! Thank you, that’s so sweet of you Anon. Of COURSE you can! That’s so cute. It’s not too specific at all, it gives me something to run with when y’all tell me what you want! Elf in the Woods Part 1/Part 2Soren
  ♦ The trees of the forest protected decently from the downpour, had it not been raining all day, his patrols horses would’ve had dry ground to walk on. As it stood, the squelching of hooves in mud and pattering of the rain against leaves above them made it impossible to stay vigilant. They were practically sitting ducks, if anyone used the rain as cover for an attack. “Let’s turn back.” Marco called forward, his torso bobbing with the gentle pace of his horse. “There’s no point in patrolling when we can’t hear or see a thing.” He said, looking quite miserable with sopping wet matted black hair hanging over his forehead. Marco knew it was a lost cause, however. There was only one thing in the entire world that Soren took seriously, and that was his duties. He didn’t get to the rank he was at by the age of 18 by slacking.     “If we push you down that hill over there, we could go home to get your injuries taken care of.” Soren suggested, laughing. Marco, however didn’t have time to form a quip. A crack of lightning illuminated the darkening sky and all three of the horses spooked, darting this way and that. Soren’s mount sped straight, a secondary crack of lightning silhouetting the blond man as he was thrown from his saddle with the lurch of his horse skidding to a stop in the mud attop the embankment he’d joked about tossing Marco down. Mud gathered on every piece of plate he wore, his sword jabbing him in the side as he tumbled. Jagged rocks snapped against his skull and saplings caught on his legs, turning him mind tumble.     The moment a sullied knight in less than shining armor skidded into the path before you, you stopped. Your eyes widened with recognition as you saw blood matted with his hair and squinting, disoriented blue eyes squinting at the sky. “Augh.” you heard him give a pained groan and instinctively stepped back as he started to move. With your cloak up, he wasn’t likely to recognize what you were, but you still weren’t ready to take a chance with a Katolis guardman.     You didn’t tell your hand to offer itself to him, but there it was. Perhaps the pity of watching him struggle to right himself won over your better judgement, perhaps you had a death wish. You would know soon. He seemed surprised to see you, as if he hadn’t even seen you before. “Mom..?” He blinked rapidly, wiping equally dirty gloved hands over his grimy face.     “You…really hit your head good, huh?” You asked, knitting your brow at him in concern. Maybe you needed to take him to a doctor. ‘No, don’t be stupid y/n, you can’t do that.’ you mentally scolded yourself. “Let’s get out of this rain.” You said after a moments debate, grasping his wrist and hauling him to his feet before he could object. You were a bit shorter than him, but with your hood up and his dazed state, he was unlikely to see anything out of the ordinary. “You can lean on me if you need to.” You told him, watching the path ahead. He seemed reluctant to take that offer, despite his struggle keeping pace while he was busy favoring his right ankle. “Shameful to lean on someone, Mister Guardman?” You prodded, pursing your lips.     “I’d have to kneel to lean on you.” He snickered, causing you to shoot him a cross look. “Can I lean on your head?” He joked, raising his arm as if he was about to prop his forearm at-top your head. You deftly ducked out from under his reach, knowing full well there would be issues if he felt the horns that resided under your hood. He fell quiet after that, a bit uncertain.      “Where are we going, anyway?” He asked, a moment later.      “There’s an outcropping not far from here. I can look at your injuries there, if you want me to.” You replied easily. The rest of the walk was quiet, a thin tension slowly growing between you and the guardsman. Your brain told you to run, but you didn’t want to. You were interested, intrigued…compelled to see this through. Not to mention if you ran now, they’d be looking for a suspicious cloaked figure if you ran now.      The moment you made it to the outcropping, Soren slowed. “Have you been…living here?” He asked, looking around the camp and then finally letting his eyes land on you. “This place is a mess. Are you on the run?” He asked, all at once. At best, you would now be forced to move camp.      “Yes…and no.” You started. “Yes, I am living here, and no I’m not running from anything, Guardsman.” You replied, sitting down on an old stump and attempting to start the fire. Soren was quiet, and moved to sit across from you on the ground - there was no other chair or anything that could be used as a chair.      “You can’t light a fire in a thunderstorm.” He said, though you had a feeling he’d never lit a fire before. It certainly took more than a couple strikes from the flint stone, but you managed to get a small fire going. The wood you’d collected for the past few days would keep it going for the rest of the day, if you were lucky. He stared at the flame for a moment before opening his mouth to undoubtedly say some quip.      “I’m y/n.” You introduced yourself, despite your better judgement. “What were you doing out in this storm? You had to have known it was dangerous.” You asked, standing to rifle through your pack and find a cloth, some gauze, some bandages, and a bit of poultice to ward off infection. You came to sit beside him, wiping all the un-wounded places off his face clean first. He seemed a bit perturbed at some strange woman cleaning him, but he let you.       “I’m Soren, and I was patrolling. My job is dangerous all the time, too.” He said, almost in a bragging tone. You gave him a dry look. “And, just saying, wearing a cloak up all the time is totally not suspicious at all.” He let the corner of his lip curl up slightly as you searched around for a water basin to wring the cloth out in. You stood, fetching your canteen and a pot to empty it in. You wouldn’t have drinking water, but that didn’t bother you. At this point you just wanted him out of your camp. Or did you? The moment your eyes settled on his face though, you were a bit taken aback. You hadn’t gotten a good look at him before now, what with the mud and all. He was actually…quite nice on the eyes…and you weren’t sure how you felt about that. You certainly weren’t going to tell him that. “You’re staring. I didn’t chip a tooth did I?” He began to raise his hand to feel of his mouth but saw how dirty his gloves were and thought better of it.       “No..no it’s just you…have…pretty…eyes?” You said, feeling awkward every word of the way. It was the first thing that came to mind and you regretted it the second he looked surprised. A tinge of pink on his cheeks betrayed his stoicism and his hand raising to rub his neck sunk the ship. His sudden bashfulness was amusing to say the least.      “Thanks, I grew them myself.” He said after a moment, and you let a laugh escape your lips. He gave a toothy grin and leaned back on his palms. “Fix me up, doc.” He said, tilting his head to give you a better look at the bloodied mat of hair on his forehead. You leaned over him, pressing the damp cloth gently to his head and attempting to rinse the blood out of his hair enough to see what had happened. Just as you leaned back to rinse your rag out, Soren caught your hand. “You…know I know right?” He asked, looking at your fingers briefly before releasing your hand. You felt your blood run cold, swallowing heavily before mustering the bravery it took to look up at his face.      “…I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.” You hushed, dropping the cloth and pulling your hood down. He just eyed you for almost a full moment, you think you even saw him swallow…as if he was nervous. “Nice eyes.” He said. “Grow them yourself?” He joked, yet you missed the joke completely. Instead you knitted your brows at the man.     “You..aren’t mad? Upset?” You were confused. Beyond confused. This man wore Katolis’ colors and yet he was willing to make nice with an elf? He opened his mouth a couple times to reply, but fell flat each.       Finally he looked to the fire instead, it seemed to make it easier for him to speak if he wasn’t looking at you. “I know they say you’re evil and monstrous.” he began. “You went out of your way to help me. You could’ve killed me plain and simple, right then and there…but you didn’t. I’ve just got this feeling.” He said, his voice like a wisp on the wind, growing quieter as he continued on. You wanted to reach out and touch him, to show him how much it meant that he was willing to say that, but you were still frozen. “And I mean, if that gets a bit of my blood sucked or my eyeballs roasted on a skewer, I think that’s a fair trade.” He laughed again, pausing a second later and shaking his head lightly as he realized his error. “I mean, I don’t actually. Please don’t take my eyes.” He said with enough sincerity to send you into a fit of laughter.       Once you recovered from your fit, you wiped a lonesome tear from your eye and just grinned at him. “Ah, my plan, foiled before it even began.” You mocked. “Do humans really fear think elves eat eyes?” You asked, beginning to clean his head once more.       “I mean, they say all kinds of stuff.” He said. “Believe it? Psh, not at all.” He said in a Totally Convincing Voice. You just grinned, leaning closer and pulling his head down under your chin so that you could see the wound.       “It looks like you just got a cut, and probably a concussion. When you get home, see a doctor.” You said, dabbing it onto his skull. The rain sounded like it was letting up, that meant his patrol would be looking for him soon. However, the thought of him returning to his people made you feel a bit lonely. He was the only company you’d had since you left Xadia. You let him sit back up and grinned as soon as you saw his flushed cheeks. “You okay, Guardsman?” You teased.        “Much better than I would’ve been laying in the ditch back there.” He said, giving you a lopsided grin.       “I…was going to put some bandages on…but if your men see you have a bandage they’ll have questions.” You said, nervously, looking to the fire once more. It was quiet between you for a minute, save for the crackling of the fire and the cascade of rain outside. Your fingers fumbled together nervously in your lap while you watched the flames devour the logs and sticks before you.        “I won’t tell them.” He said, voice low. “About you…or your camp.” He said, and you felt him bump into your shoulder as he scooted closer. “I owe you that much.” He added. You didn’t even know what to say. You didn’t know how to express your gratitude. You didn’t know if you could believe him. “Can I…come visit again? Will you be here?” He asked, and you wiped your head around quick enough to give yourself whiplash to look at him in bewilderment. His face was beat red, you placed a hand to his forehead. Was he running a fever? Or was he blushing more than humanly possible? He slowly turned his face to look at you, looking like a child who was trying to apologize for something tragic. He looked so vulnerable, sitting in the flickering firelight, hair still drooping with the weight of the rain, and his armor dented and sullied as if he’d left it on a road for a month. You almost wanted to pull him into a hug and tell him that it would be alright. “That’s weird. That’s weird to ask.” He hushed, seemingly to himself as he mentally scolded himself. You brought your hands to his cheeks and turned his head to force him to look you in the eyes, nearly nose to nose.      “I would love a visit.” You hushed, the look in his wide blue eyes amusing you enough to drown your own embarrassment out. He just stared. Even after you’d settled back down beside him. He just stared. Until he pulled his left glove off with a quick tug and slid his palm against yours.       “There for a moment I thought you were about to take my eyes.” He joked and you shoved him with your shoulder. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, watching the rain slowly let up outside and enjoying each others company while it lasted. I hope this is good! I’ve not written nearly as much fluff as I have angst and stuff but I like it! I wrote a bit more than I was planning but hey, I’m not complaining. -☼
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