#i still obv dont like how tt portrays all this but i think done a little differently it can be good
haunt-the-stars · 8 months
hm hot take time. i obviously like dick to be written as competent and an amazing fighter and capable of doing So Much because he is, but there is also something i find compelling about his sort of niche power/gift being his leadership and how everyone trusts him. like yeah he shouldn’t look like he CAN’T fight his own battles but it can be fun when he’s put in a difficult situation and his solution is “i know a guy for that.” because he Does know a guy for everything. he has like tens of people with supernatural abilities who will come help him at the drop of a hat because he is deeply loved and respected and trusted by the whole community. and that makes a fun contrast to batman who always has a plan but it’s always about what he can do alone.
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