#i still struggle to call it harem bcuz yknow. the relationships between the lead and the female characters are all different and good?
felikatze · 1 year
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i am going to LOSE it. "ahahaha detto said charlotte and reinhardt are gonna get married and now they're awkwaaaard" except they will readily admit they're not into each other that way but reinhardt, chronic overthinker and paranoid bastard, is worked up over "hey, what the fuck would actually have to happen for that?" which quickly transitions into "IF SHE ASKS ME OUT I'LL GET DECAPITATED" (ykno, his worst fears all seem to devolve into decapitation? it's kinda funny.) and charlotte has bad self esteem for trauma reasons so SHE'S getting hung up on "hey... would anyone even marry me? am i that terrible?" and it all gets cleared up in the most awkward conversation EVER where reinhardt has to say. "dude chill. i do you favors because we're friends. dumbass." and charlotte goes "oh okay we ARE friends and friends do this" (charlotte's only friend is a penpal who is also reinhardt. he hates this arrangement but is too deep in the lie now)
and after THAT. it's like. "yeah charlotte is afraid if she ever falls in love w reinhardt that would mean her love for That Boy would have faded and she is so so scared of losing that because That Boy as a symbol gives her the courage to press on" and i'm ready to accept this. i can accept this. because That Boy to charlotte is the one who saved her from the most traumatic experience of her life and she's still shaken up by it she's still afraid to die.
and then it pulls THIS and says. "if she married reinhardt. she'd be alive to do so." AND IT ALL TIES BACK TO HER GODDAMN TRAUMA
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