#i still think these voicelines are cute okay!!
linawritesocs · 1 year
my ocs' fairy gala voicelines!
more twst ocs content LET'S GO!! help i forgot how to write voicelines
(also i didn't think of, like, a specific fairy gala event while writing this. think of it as a mix of both the original event and the new one sjsksks)
seth's fairy gala ssr voicelines.
summon: "wow, fairy gala sounds really cool! okay, i'm gonna be there and no one can stop me!"
groovy: "what, did you expect anything less from the ramshackle prefect? sure, i'm planning to transfer, but let me use the title just this once."
set home: "everyone looks so pretty~.. not as pretty as me though, so don't get too proud, okay?"
home idle 1: "yeah, i made my outfit myself this time too. no, i refuse to trust anyone with what i wear. well, i guess i didn't customize the uniform i got from the rsa students.. b-but hey, they just did a very good job with it!"
home idle 2: "i'm not used to wearing white, to be honest. of course, it doesn't mean that it's not my color, it's just.. i-i don't know, i feel weird. i feel like a prince in a way, haha."
home idle 3: *laughs* "i will never forget malleus-chan's reaction when he heard me say that i see this as a date with silver-chan. like, dude, everybody knows that i have four boyfriends, wake up! it's silver-chan's turn to go on a date with me!.. malleus-chan totally doesn't want to become my fifth boyfriend, right?"
home idle groovy: "ah, about the flower on my head. i made it myself. i heard about this flower from avery-chan and asked him to show me some pictures of it and i used them as a reference. he also told me that this flower actually has healing powers and i think he also wanted to tell me a story about it, but.. uh, i left before he could do that."
home tap 1: "it sucks that i didn't have enough time to make minnie-chan's dress too, but at least i was the one who picked it out. she's my vice prefect, i'm the one who's supposed to help her! it's a shame that sebek-chan didn't come with us, but i've heard about his reaction to her dress and i think i've done a very good job~"
home tap 2: "about the scarf.." *sighs* "it's the masquerade all over again. i actually didn't want to wear it at first, but then i was told that my outfit isn't "fairy-like" which basically means "seth, if you show too much skin again, we will literally kill you". you see, it's okay when anyone else does it, but not me- oh, wait, they probably just don't want more people to get a crush on me."
home tap 3: "silver-chan looks so pretty, right? if anyone here looks like a prince, it's definitely him!.. huh? i'm not comparing him to malleus-chan or leona-chan. he's better than both of them combined, we all know that. ehehe, and he looks even more pretty when he's with me~"
home tap groovy: "if i had to rank everyone's outfits, the best one would be sil- wait, you don't want me to be biased? u-um.. t-then.. ah, ortho-chan! ortho-chan looks sooooo pretty! i actually kinda want to try wearing something similar, even though i'm, uh, not a robot."
roland's fairy gala sr voicelines.
summon: "huh? you want me to come too? i-i don't think it's a good idea.."
groovy: "u-um, do i look good? something like this is so different from what i usually wear.."
set home: "i mean, i'm also a fairy, but still.. are you sure this will work out?"
home idle 1: "i'm not only a different type of fairy, but also a rsa student.. i don't think anyone will be happy to see me there. huh? you will be happy to see me?.. w-well, if that's the case, maybe i really should come."
home idle 2: "thank you for getting a new eyepatch for me. i really like it, i think it fits my outfit more.. you will do anything to make me feel more comfortable?.. haha, so that's why you're so popular. even though you deny it sometimes, you really are kind."
home idle 3: "even though most students obviously don't like me that much, some people have actually complimented me and said that i look good. it feels nice, haha.. w-why are you looking at me like that? why is everybody looking at me like that? i-it's because of my smile? what do you mean by that?"
home idle groovy: ".. so you've actually invited me because you noticed that i've been feeling not so good lately. you just wanted me to have fun, right? thank you. i mean it. i can't tell you why i've been feeling like this.. i guess i'm just a little lonely, that's all."
home tap 1: "wait, you think my hair looks pretty? y-you want to touch it?? no, no, i'm okay with that, i just didn't expect it, that's all.. huh, it feels nice, actually- pretend you haven't heard that."
home tap 2: "ortho-kun is a very good kid. he's very nice and i think he looks beautiful in that.. uh, how do you call it? "fairy gear", right. i wonder what his older brother is like. i've seen him many times before, but i've never managed to actually talk to him. i wonder why.. is he shy, maybe?"
home tap 3: "i think jay-kun would love this event. he always wants to know more, so it would be a good experience for him. he would look great in a similar outfit too, i'm sure of it. oh, now you actually want to make one for him? haha, i can't wait to see it."
home tap groovy: "sorry, i know i'm literally the gardening club leader, but i actually don't know much about flowers, so i can't tell you anything. you can ask avery-kun though, he would love to talk about them. no, really, sometimes it surprises me just how passionate he is about them. if he stayed in rsa, i would definitely make him the new club leader after i graduate."
minnie's fairy gala sr voicelines.
summon: "sure, sounds great and all, but why do i have to come?"
groovy: "how are you planning to make a magicless human look like a fairy?"
set home: "i just can't get used to this outfit.."
home idle 1: "all of this is such a bad idea.. why do we have to do all the work again? can't we just send all the fairies instead of pretending to be them? i don't care that they're different species or something like that, why would they make you- oh, so you actually weren't invited. you just decided to go because it'd be fun." *sighs*
home idle 2: "w-why did you have to pick this outfit? couldn't you go with something more comfortable? and, you know, less.. uh.. i-i don't want them to look at me, i don't want to be the center of attention! no, it doesn't mean that i admit i look good in it! wait, i always look good, it's just.. i won't be able to dance in something like this, that's it!"
home idle 3: "yes, sebek has already seen me. what, you want to know how he reacted to it? he just stood there for like a minute or two, didn't say anything, and when i was about to leave.. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE GOING WITH EVERYONE, HUMAN?? DO YOU KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THIS EVENT IS?? WERE YOU EVEN ALLOWED TO GO??" oh really? then why didn't you also come? that loser.."
home idle groovy: ".. fine, maybe i do like this dress. and thanks for helping me with my hair. but that's it. n-no, shut up! ugh, i can't even just say "thank you", you're going to turn it into "aww, so you actually love me?" i don't! AND IT DOESN'T MEAN I LOVE SOMEONE ELSE, SHUT UP!"
home tap 1: "what do i think about everyone's outfits?.. i don't really care. but i know that you won't leave me alone, so.. maybe ruggie? it's simple, but cute. just don't tell him that, i'm sick of savanaclaw students calling me "little mouse" and teasing me all the time."
home tap 2: "huh? what are you doing?.. you forgot to do my makeup? it's fine, i don't think anyone has noticed. it's not that important, calm down- fine, fine, i'll let you do it, just chill, okay? you can be worse than vil sometimes, you know that? i wish you could be so serious about everything and not just your interests though."
home tap 3: "you don't have to tell me everything about your "date" with him. no, seriously, i feel like i'm the one dating him and not you, i just know way too much now.. you're telling me everything about it because i'm so important to you?.. fine, whatever you say. o-of course, i like seeing you happy, we both come from a different world and we live in the same dorm. you're like a br- never mind."
home tap groovy: "ugh, fairies are so annoying, i don't get them at all.. well, uh, most of them. roland is fine, i guess. that goth guy who comes to visit you every night at 3 am? yeah, he is annoying. sebek?.. sometimes i forget that he's actually half-fairy. he calls us weak humans so often that it just feels nice to imagine him being a human himself. like it would just be so funny for him to turn out to be one."
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zoop-lizor · 8 months
Reasons why you should vote screwbot factory and NOT ringside in the rhythm heaven bracket: an essay by zoop-lizor, a lunatic
character reasons:
1-Canonically, a screwbot and wrestler matchup would likely result in the screwbot folding the wrestler into an origami crane due to their size(40 meters is LARGE.), despite my screwbot size headcanon i still stand by this
2-Screwbots are more visually appealing. They look cute, squishable, adorable, lobotomized, stupid, i just fucking adore them okay??? There should be a screwbot stress toy. While my thoughts on the wrestler design is "its literally just a wrestler", there is so much to say about the screwbots.
3-Screwbot voicelines are better than the wrestler's imo. There is something about how squeaky toy-like they are to me that makes me like them
4-There are TWO screwbot variants canonically, while the wrestler is, again, JUST A WRESTLER.
5-Screwbots are built to save the world, which is more important than being a wrestler i think,,,
game reasons:
1-Screwbot factory is a set 1 game, which means you get to see it in its full glory early. Be grateful and vote screwbot factory.
2-Screwbot factory's music is a VIBE, while ringside's is just annoying to hear(sorry :( ) and a little bit plain. I would 100% work anywhere, even if i dont get paid, if im forced to listen to that music 24/7.
3-Screwbot factory is easier than ringside, having less complex inputs. You literally just have to hold A and B ocassionally and that's it, while in ringside you have THREE DIFFERENT INPUTS.
5-Screwbot factory has a sequel, unlike ringside.
6-Screwbot factory is kind enough to let fillbots be in the main game in megamix, while ringside is GREEDY and STAYS... /hj
miscellaneous reasons:
1-oh yeah
2-lets go
3-i will draw screwbot and fillbot doing the :lovewins: emote from pansear's rw server if screwbot factory wins
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fatuismooches · 1 year
Hellow :3 Hope you're doing well! I had this random thought and i can't help but share my brainstorm.
So. Tsaritsa. The Cryo Archon. The leader of the Fatui. The Goddess of Love with heart colder than ice, with no love left for her people. Or is she?
Childe confirms that Tsaritsa is far too gentle in his voiceline. Venti says that she and him were close 500 year ago, but then she cut all ties with him. These statements combined, i tend to think that after the Cataclysm, Tsaritsa has become cold due to the horrors and injustice she experienced (there is a theory regarding the book "Pale Princess and the Six Pygmies" which could elaborate on that but it's far too long to explain it here 😅). However, the Goddess of Love is still there, even if hidden deep within her.
Pehaps common folk of Snezhnaya can't see her as sweet, loving and benevolent Archon due to Fatui's dirty way of doing things. That being said, Tsaritsa could also be aware of her terrible reputation among the people which makes her embarrassed and disappointed that she couldn't follow her ideals and be a loving Goddess of Love she was supposed to be. However, if you asked the Harbingers, she is a sweetheart energy embodiment. The Eleven are her most loyal group of followers, i feel like she trust them, so she dotes on them quite a lot.
Now picture this. Tsaritsa arrives to Dottore's lab for whatever business she had to sort out with him. While the two are talking, poor Fragile!Reader stumbles into the room to sleepily announce that they are hungry and ask for Zandik to make some food, but then- oh heck. Is that the Tsaritsa? Bad timing... Terrible timing, in fact...
Or was it? Tsaritsa is confused but extremely curious. Whatever they have been discussing before is no longer important. She immediately asks Dottie who is this and poor blueberry (yeah, that's what i call him affectionately 😊) has nowhere else to go but explain himself. Fragile!Reader is just as shocked to have a sudden encounter, but for their surprise - Tsaritsa shows not a hint of hostility, anger or general disagreement. Before the reader and Zandik knows it, there is an ocean of questions leaving Archon's lips.
What's your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What do you like/dislike? How have you met Dottore? When have you met? What happened? How long have you been suffering from this mysterious illness? How is the cure creation process going? How are you feeling now? How-
For some such behavior may appear annoying and perhaps even suspicious. However, Tsaritsa's excitement to meet and get to know her 2nd lieutenant's significant other is as pure as freshly fallen snow. If there are any intentions behind her questions - it's only the good ones. How could the Goddess of Love wish harm to her Harbinger and his lover? Especially when they're such a cute couple?
Let's just say Cryo Archon took GREAT liking into Fragile!Reader. Blizzards in Snezhnaya haven't been as horrifying ever since and Fragile!Reader got to enjoy the nice afternoon walks with their lover, appreciating the beautiful scenery of endless plains of snow as far as the eye can see. Goddess of Love is well aware that couples need their privacy, so she tends to not interfere too much. However, with each visit she pays Dottore, be it for Fatui work matters or casual, she also politely asks to visit the reader. She is almost like a doting, caring mother and always reassures reader that it's gonna be okay. Dottore is her best scientist, after all! He will find a cure soon enough!
Bonus: i feel like she'd sometimes go CloudRetainer mode and tell stories of younger Zandik, when he recently joined the Harbingers (let's assume the reader was in comatose during that time).
In conclusion, the meeting was sudden, but fateful. Zandik's and Reader's relationship was blessed by the Goddess of Love herself. The bond they share is far more stronger than one may first anticipate - so strong that even Tsaritsa expressed her recognition. There was no mistaking: if they ever need guidance, she got their backs.
- 🐺
🐺 ANON I AM ABSOLUTELY REVELING IN THIS CONCEPT OH MY GOSHHHH. I completely agree with your take on the Tsaritsa I've spoken about it before about I think she was kind but had to change herself after what she experienced and also to accomplish her goals. BUT OMG. YOU WENT SO GOOD INTO HER CHARACTER. To think that she knows she has to be cold for the sake of her plan but hurting inside that she can't be the loving archon her people deserve hits HARD. Though she is quite grateful for her Harbingers, though no one could ever completely understand her pain they are the closest people to her and understand her more than anyone. New Fatui members are always surprised to see the Tsaritsa herself going to visit her Harbingers. It doesn't seem like something an Archon such as herself would do. But she does anyway.
MOVING ON OH MY MY I AM LOVING THESE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN TSARITSA AND FRAGILE READER. You always held a grudge against the Gods for being cursed with this illness. But the Tsaritsa was an exception. There was just something about her that was comforting. And relatable somehow. Even with these feelings, you would be so awkward and even a bit scared at first because all of your knowledge of her comes from Dottore. You try to excuse yourself quickly but there's no escaping at this point since the Tsaritsa's gaze is fixed on you now.
Dottore never thought he'd have to explain this to Her Majesty and for once is a bit unsure of how to phrase it but goes with the simplest explanation: "[Name] is my lover." You're sweating at this point because you've had bad experiences with Gods before but to your surprise and relief, the Tsaritsa is now rattling off questions about you to both you and Zandik. Your head is spinning by the end of it but thankfully Dottore answers most of the questions for you.
You actually feel very happy and appreciated by the Archon's genuine interest. When was the last time someone besides Zandik ever doted on you? You loved him but it got lonely sometimes. The Tsaritsa is only upset she didn't know about you sooner! At some point she shushes Dottore up and only wants you to answer her. Her sheer adoration makes you feel a bit hot and embarrassed but in a good way.
AH YESSS TSARITSA MAKING THE SNOWSTORM LESS SEVERE FOR READER 💖 Takes me back to when i did a piece like that a few months ago, because she would do that for her dear Harbinger ❤️ It makes her content to think about how you and your husband are able to enjoy her country together much more. Only thing is that the Tsaritsa's drastic change in weather makes the other Harbingers question why this is happening so Dottore should keep you hidden as best as possible from his nosy co-workers ehehe unless he wants to deal with their pestering too.
I think the Tsaritsa is really good at soothing and easing others' worry considering she is probably the Goddess of Love so she can easily see through your worries. You don't know how but when she talks you can't help but believe her. Omg not her telling on young Zandik 😭 You keep this secret to yourself considering Zandik won't tell you those stories himself. I just know she has excellent memories when it comes to the people she cares about. I can see her remembering everything and anything because she knows how easily something she loves can be stolen from her.
Gosh i love this. Most people may think that your relationship is not one of true love, perhaps fake or forced considering the kind of man Dottore is. But the Tsaritsa can easily see true love. And she'll see to it that you two stick together.
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merakime · 2 years
halo! may i request how would the people of sumeru react (or the people of the akademiya to be exact) react if they find out cyno actually has a lover aka the reader 🤭
like maybe some stumbled upon seeing him actually holding hands with the reader or kissing them and they have to look away before cyno kills them with his eyes HAHSHSHS
sorry if this doesn’t make sense 😭🙏 itsok if u are planning to reject this! no pressure of course <3
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# SECRET, SECRET ! — ft. the scholars
with cyno’s position, it was better secret than sorry.
but love makes you reckless, you suppose. hey, you can’t even blame yourself, can you? his hand sat so perfectly still and lonely on the library table. you couldn’t help yourself—lifting his hand gently to press a kiss to his knuckles. at that, you see the corners of his lips raise just slightly, his eyes—
the door creaks, and your soul leaves your body, his hand still to your lips.
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a / n: grabbing you by the shoulders and looking you dead in the eye. this is one of the cutest things i’ve ever received i think it’d count as a crime if i would reject this. i decided i’d do this in a voiceline-text-esque format !! that’d be cute mefhinks…… i didn’t know exactly if i should include kaveh in this, because apparently he graduated, buuuut.. i did it! my grasp on kaveh is very loose though.. so i hope i did okay! ;-;
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──✦ TIGHNARI: “i knew it. i always knew it, but this was the confirmation. hah, they thought they could fool me! it’s obvious when they look at eachother.. so that must be why cyno has been bugging me about flowers. he’s always.. so picky, but knowing this, i guess it makes sense. good for them, good for them.”, tighnari is probably the biggest backstage support for you both, a steady supply of date-spot advice and flowers.
──✦ AL-HAITHAM: “is that so? hm.”, that’s the most you’ll get. the chances that al-haitham cares are very low. other than a brief moment of surprise, he remained unfazed. hell, he picked up a book from right above you and didn’t spare you more than a glance when you looked at him. but he does keep it in the back of his mind, and he will take it into account if needed.
──✦ KAVEH: “i see how it is.. so they were trying to keep it secret, huh? well, i can understand, but these strong sentiments are impossible to conceal, even for someone as straight-faced as cyno. oh, this is an interesting predicament.. i feel oddly.. captivated.”, kaveh is probably the one that would approach you about it, and also the one that would get the death-stare. he keeps his distance after that, afraid to poke the sleeping jackal the wrong way. but he can’t help but turn an eye sometimes. “it’s sort of endearing, isn’t it?”
──✦ LAYLA: “ohh.. the library.. i saw it. it was sort of.. cute.. the general mahamatra seems to have a softer side. i wanted to lend a book for my project, but i felt like i was intruding when they turned their heads like that.. so i quickly left.. i hope they didn’t notice it was me..”, layla left the wing of the building so quickly, she could’ve probably fallen asleep on the floor if her bed was one more step away.
──✦ FARUZAN: “i don’t know if i should be worried about that child or not. on one hand, fine, if they’re happy together, good. on the other hand, how do they tolerate these senseless jokes every day? i see them laughing all the time..  is there something i don’t understand here, or are they both just like that? well, then, it makes sense that they’re together..”, she’ll leave you to your own devices, and while she is supportive, better not be too lovey-dovey on academic grounds! there’s a etiquette of respect and restraint to be followed.
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───── ending note: kaveh is probably somewhere out there with his binoculars for the latest couple gossip only to be metaphorically sniped by cyno’s dagger stare. ANYWAY !! this was so cute and i’m not very sure if i did it justice, but i hope it’s okayyy !!
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linagram · 5 months
[ linagram season 3 albums info ]
this post includes season 3 album covers, original song titles, s3 voice drama titles, cover songs, album, character and song trailer voicelines and song previews! so yeah, very long post! but i feel like it's probably better to have everything in one place..
i've planned to go with a completely original concept for season 3 album covers but.. drawing all that would take too long.. and drawing the designs alone was already too much work for me, so i went with season 1-like album covers bc i actually haven't made these before! i've still tried to make them more. "linacore" and instead of a black background, i tried to make them more colorful. i think they came out too colorful.. apologies if they look too eyestrain-y..
(also i really tried to make them more hd but my editing apps kept ruining the quality. so sorry.. maybe that will make analyzing them more interesting in some way..)
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Miyagawa Akio.
01. [ Original song ] Experiment: Failed
02. [ Cover song ] Mosquito (Original by DECO*27)
03. [ Cover song ] Unfriendly Hater (Original by Meddmia)
04. [ MILGRAM Cover song ] All-knowing All-agony
05. [ Voice drama ] The Right-Hand Man's Betrayal
[ Creator's comments ]
IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO COME UP WITH A TITLE FOR HIS SONG I'VE LITERALLY TRIED EVERYTHING BUT ALL OF THEM SOUNDED TOO BORING.. i really wanted to have more fun with the song titles this time, so hopefully this one sounds cool.. okay, so his covers! literally all of them are about his relationship with arata, haha. COME ON UNFRIENDLY HATER IS LITERALLY THEM BEFORE THEY STARTED DATING. (or. "dating" as akio likes to say) mosquito is a much more angsty AND realistic take on their relationship ("in any case, in any case, you're the only one getting high", "the more we pursue one another, the more unsavory you become", "i'll die if i stop sucking from you, 'cause i'm a mosquito", "i wonder why it was so beautiful despite being so warped"). meanwhile akaa is like, the saddest one out of them all since in this case it's basically akio begging arata to stay with him, continue to praise him and call him a genius no matter what. i wish i could've given him something that could tell more about his relationship with chise too..
Hanasaki Aimi.
01. [ Original song ] Blooming Connection
02. [ Cover song ] Starlight Girl (Original by DECO*27)
03. [ Cover song ] XxX Cat (Original by Kikuo)
04. [ MILGRAM Cover song ] Deep Cover
05. [ Voice drama ] The End of All Friendships
[ Creator's comments ]
i think aimi's mv theme will be obvious, hehe. you won't have to think much about flower language and stuff like that tho, so don't worry. i really don't think i have to explain why i gave xxx cat to her, like. i think it's obvious jdkslsls (i also thought of maybe giving her bacterial contamination, but i changed my mind since even though the lyrics sound a lot like her, the aesthetic is.. not very aimicore). starlight girl was mostly given to her bc i thought it'd sound cute, but some lyrics do remind me of her and her relationship with her victim ("whispering that sweet lie, you disappeared", "but i still haven't been able to fill up this hole you left inside me"). was deep cover assigned to her only bc of the aimi (kotoko's va) pun?.. maybe. but no, no, i really do have a deeper reason for that! but for now, all i can say is. her relationship with miki and all other prisoners at the moment.
Ishizu Shun.
01. [ Original song ] ???
02. [ Cover song ] Zombies (Original by DECO*27)
03. [ Cover song ] Aishiteitanoni (Original by MARETU)
04. [ MILGRAM Cover song ] MeMe
05. [ Voice drama ] Loving Too Much, Remembering Too Little
[ Creator's comments ]
i honestly gave up while trying to think of a title for his song, so i think "???" perfectly describes shun's character and how tired i felt. if you need to know how it's supposed to be pronounced, i imagine it being something like "uhh..", showing how shun is confused 24/7. AND FINALLY HE'S OFFICIALLY GETTING A ZOMBIES COVER.. the reason why i went with zombies is bc shun just.. feels like a zombie to me. like the way he talks, how i imagine him moving, his color palette.. and also the imagery of his victims' dead bodies. like aww, he's drinking tea and eating cake while both his "ex-gf" and her new bf are dead <3 how cute.. i think his character trailer voiceline will really show how much the lines like "your body is cold even when we hug", "i love you, half-decomposed isn't bad", etc, fit him.. about aishiteitanoni, I DON'T THINK I HAVE TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING, IT'S PERFECT FOR HIM, I SCREAMED WHEN I SAW IT SHOW UP IN MY NOTIFS HSHAHSHSJS. meme is. meme. that's what a guilty verdict does to a guy. and yes, his vd's title is supposed to be a reference to his t1 vd :)
Chiba Naomi.
01. [ Original song ] Like An Adult
02. [ Cover song ] Miraise (Original by DECO*27)
03. [ Cover song ] It's Just Life (Original by nulut)
04. [ MILGRAM Cover song ] Double
05. [ Voice drama ] A Grown Up Child's Tantrum
[ Creator's comments ]
oh naomi.. if only it was easier to come up with song titles for you.. i was giggling while typing her vd's title tho LIKE YES NAOMI EMBRACE THE FACT THAT YOU WERE NEVER ABLE TO TRULY GROW UP!! her miraise cover is really up to interpretation, it can be both about her relationship with her mother and her trying to express her true feelings and make her mother listen, but it also can be about her relationship with tao ("you went before me, didn't you?", "how long do i have to wait? how long do i have to cry?", "i'm singing to the you that will be born after tomorrow") i felt like "it's just life" really fits her and her cover would sound very pretty and it's also just. sad. like naomi really is a smart and talented woman, she could have a bright future, she could have lots of friends, but.. she has way too many issues. and she can't accept that. HER DOUBLE COVER WOULD BE SO GOOD. THE INSTRUMENTAL WOULD MOSTLY BE THE SAME BUT HER VOICE WOULD STILL SOUND SOFT AND REALLY ANNOYED AT THE SAME TIME.. i get chills while thinking about her version of the scene where mikoto calls his mom..
Sanada Kei.
01. [ Original song ] Love=Pain
02. [ Cover song ] Rabbit Hole (Original by DECO*27)
03. [ Cover song ] Bad Honey Hunt (Original by Vell)
04. [ MILGRAM Cover song ] This Is How To Be In Love With You
05. [ Voice drama ] Rose-Tinted Misery
[ Creator's comments ]
his song title was originally supposed to be a pun on the theme of his mv, but it sounded kinda meh to me, so i just went with his main philosophy instead sjskslsl. (the reference to that pun is still there on the cover though) also nO I'VE DECIDED THAT RABBIT HOLE IS VERY KEICORE A LONG TIME AGO EVEN BEFORE THAT ANIMATION SIT DOWN I'M POINTING MY GUN AT YOU SIT DOWN!!!! thank you now i didn't just go with rabbit hole bc "haha funny horny song", it actually does fit kei's aesthetic very well and the lyrics sound a lot like him because rabbit hole always sounded very.. childish to me? like yes, it's supposed to sound all silly and playful, but kei's whole thing is that even though he claims he's so cool and mature and gets all the bitches, this guy still feels like he's younger than eiji (who is six years younger than him), unconsciously regresses to cope with whatever life throws at him and rarely takes dark, scary and tragic stuff seriously. it does reveal some stuff about his crime and his relationship with the victims too! ("you want me to repent? what can i say?", "little miss devotion, the exit's over there, oh, so not going home after all?") as for his other covers, BAD HONEY HUNT FITS HIM SO WELL. LOOK AT THE THUMBNAIL. COME ON THAT'S SO HIM. and the lyrics sound a lot like him as well! about him getting tihtbilwy.. that's him taking his rose-colored glasses on again and singing about how he sees his relationship with ruka :')
Yoshioka Eiko.
01. [ Original song ] Miss Grave Robber
02. [ Cover song ] Parasite (Original by DECO*27)
03. [ Cover song ] Getcha (Original by Giga and Kira)
04. [ MILGRAM Cover song ] Cat
05. [ Voice drama ] Funeral For The Alive
[ Creator's comments ]
EIKO IS OVER HERE GOING FULL SLAY MODE!!! i originally wanted the title to be smth like "grave robber-chan/san", since i prefer to use jp honorifics in my writing, but i felt like no honorifics would fit the song's vibe, so i went with good old "miss" instead. parasite fits eiko so well.. it describes her relationship with her victim perfectly.. the reason why i gave her cat is. well first of all IT WOULD SOUND REALLY COOL, but also, i actually don't see it as eiko singing about herself, i like to think that she's singing about takeru instead, making fun of him for lying to her and manipulating her ("lie until it gets better, follow the king of the masquerade", "victim and perpetrator, let's keep it simple", "i just wanted to ask, so it's out in the open, i just got a little greedy"). MY BRAIN EXPLODED WHEN I REALIZED HER COVER CAN BE INTERPRETED IN THAT WAY LIKE IMAGINE HER SINGING ABOUT HOW MUCH HE SUCKS WHILE STILL HAVING THE ORIGINAL INSTRUMENTAL. (also considering what he did to her, "let's take a breather" sounds very... sad) about her getting getcha. let's just. let her have her girlboss moment one last time.
Yano Asahi.
01. [ Original song ] Caterpillar's Cries
02. [ Cover song ] Hitojichi Koukan (Original by DECO*27)
03. [ Cover song ] Givuṛta (Original by Vell)
04. [ MILGRAM Cover song ] Umbilical
05. [ Voice drama ] The Taste of Abandonment
[ Creator's comments ]
we're getting another insect themed mv!! (though spider isn't really an insect but kei's t2 mv also had butterfly motifs so...) the caterpillar motif won't be that strong in asahi's mv description, but it will be there. i think i should draw him in his t3 mv outfit to show it better.. i think his hitojichi koukan cover would sound very cute and sad and the lyrics describe his relationship with satsuki so well.. ("no matter how much you love me, all i do is get itchy", "i can't drag you along so let's say goodbye", "after all, i want to make you my servant") YES ANOTHER VELL SONG I LOVE VELL'S SONGS OKAY they're so short but so catchy.. i feel like the voice that i imagine asahi to have would fit perfectly, like it'd sound so cute, but so punchable, like this kid goes "noooo, relationships are more important than money!!" and then literally the next lyrics are "money and personal connections make the world go round" 😭😭 but also, to be more serious, the lyrics are very asahicore!! ("naturally i always put myself first", "it's boring that people's desires never end", "in a nutshell i do that because it's funny to me", "that's a trust relationship! if it's not enough, you should buy it") about his umbilical cover... well. first of all, again, it'd sound cute! but also, um. considering the way his biological mom died, i thought that him getting this song would be very. ironic.
Maruyama Yurika.
01. [ Original song ] Secret Ingredient
02. [ Cover song ] Salamander (Original by DECO*27)
03. [ Cover song ] Binomi (Original by MARETU)
04. [ MILGRAM Cover song ] I Love You
05. [ Voice drama ] A Killer by Moonlight, A Maid by Daylight
[ Creator's comments ]
her voice drama's title is a sailor moon reference and her original song's title can be seen as a spongebob reference. i cannot take this woman seriously. but i actually like her mv's aesthetic a lot! i should definitely draw her in her t3 mv outfit one day.. (i say that even though i still haven't drawn her as that monster from her t2 mv. so sorry yurikers..) I HAD TO GIVE HER SALAMANDER OKAY!! I HAD TO!! it's literally perfect for one of the hunger prisoners, it's very yurikacore and the lyrics remind me a lot of her relationship with takame and just her personality in general. ("i surrender, i'm already hooked, i can't function without you anymore", "can i get seconds? one more time", "i'm already obsessed, is it doing super great?") love me some toxic spicy ramen yuri <3 binomi came out VERY recently and before that i was thinking of giving her eye by kanaria simply bc of the vibes, but maretu saved me once again 🙏 the hunger theme is so strong.. yurika deserves to cover all the cannibalism songs ever.. (fun fact yurika actually WAS supposed to be a cannibal but then i changed her crime. i think her current crime fits her better but still. we could've had a cannibal prisoner everyone) and again, i went with "i love you" bc 1) her relationship with takame and 2) i think there's something beautiful and horrifying about the concept of yurika feeding takame rats that she sees as a cake while also going "why can't i just do it right", considering the huge power imbalance they had with takame being older and being her boss and giving yurika literally everything she could've asked for and making yurika feel like she owes her in the process..
Kuroki Riku.
01. [ Original song ] Sun Sets, Games End
02. [ Cover song ] Undead Alice (Original by DECO*27)
03. [ Cover song ] Shinitagari (Original by Nashimoto-P)
04. [ MILGRAM Cover song ] It's Not My Fault
05. [ Voice drama ] Have a Breakdown, Call It a Show
[ Creator's comments ]
OH RIKU..... and also nope, riku's mv won't exactly have a video game theme, that's shun's thing, but the lyrics will reference them a few times. riku's mv is actually one of my favorites so hopefully you guys like it too.. he's my special little boy he always gets the best mvs.. (/j i don't have any faves sjsklssl but riku definitely always gets my creative juices going) i originally wanted undead alice to be his t2 cover but chimera is just so rikucore and i thought it'd go with his t2 mv really well, so i changed it though i still think that maybe chimera would be better as his t3 cover bc of the guilty verdict vibes chimera has.. so anyway undead alice is literally yueriku ("live by feeding on me, since you can’t go out like you want to", "i'm starting to hate the butterflies in my stomach, so please die before i kill you", "let’s bury this cowardly love here, let’s stop and forget all this, it’s better to hate since it's easier that way" AND BASICALLY THE WHOLE SONG). about shinitagari, i actually was planning to assign it to riku as a cover back when i first came up with him and riku's character even was kinda inspired by it! except shinitagari has a more positive meaning meanwhile riku took "wanna die? go ahead and die then" a bit too literally.. also yeah, he's the one who gets inmf this time. i imagine him making a rock cover of it too.. he surely took his guilty verdict well <3
Himura Reina.
01. [ Original song ] (Un) Forgivable
02. [ Cover song ] Fake Actor (Original by DECO*27)
03. [ Cover song ] Hello Dystopia (Original by Mafumafu)
04. [ MILGRAM Cover song ] Triage
05. [ Voice drama ] Accepting The Innocence (For Now)
[ Creator's comments ]
reina's album cover doesn't really have much to show but i think it actually fits her character a lot. also idk if it's that noticeable, but i tried to make her album cover more glitchy than the others. when it comes to her deco cover, i mostly went with it bc of her name meaning, but some lyrics are very reinacore (+ they remind me a lot of her relationship with her brother)! ("so please, shut up before i feel too embarrassed to speak to you again", "because no matter how many times you fool me with "i'm going to change," it'll just end all over again", "so let’s play the "whose fault is it game," the rules are rather hard, even for the winners") hello dystopia reminds me a lot of her character in general and i also just think she deserves to get at least one cover where she goes absolutely wild. fake actor and triage are just her being all sad but in hello dystopia she can go a little insane!! a little crazy even!!
[ Album Trailer Voicelines ]
Akio: "He continued to try to get the rope off his neck."
Aimi: "I'm just glad he's dead."
Shun: "Do I have to jog your memory, Guard 002-san?"
Naomi: "End my suffering, just like I've ended Tao's."
Kei: "Someone is planning to kill Eiji?"
Eiko: "He told me it wasn't even a big deal."
Asahi: "And after that, something.. changed."
Yurika: "Haha. You got me. Congrats."
Riku: "Come on, I was just.. bullying him a little."
Reina: "That stupid kid was obsessed with "saving" me."
[ Song Trailer Voicelines ]
Akio: "You don't have to be a genius like me to put all these things together."
Aimi: "You see me as a victim. A perfect and fragile victim."
Shun: "Are you implying that we never were a couple?"
Naomi: "Why would I be jealous of that brat?"
Kei: "The truth is kinda lame, honestly."
Eiko: "I will take good care of Shun, Kei and Yurika for you."
Asahi: "What did you just call me, Miki-nee?"
Yurika: "I-it's like.. s-she really.. loved me.."
Riku: "He's just another source of attention to me."
Reina: "I guess you could say this was my plan all along."
[ Song Previews ]
"Solve the problem! You know the answer! Good job! I love you, love you, you can do it!
I can't concentrate with those words playing in my head!
Well, whatever, I know I'll get the best grade in loving you anyway
So keep looking at me, keep saying I'm a genius, please praise me once more"
"Come on, accept my gift, tell me you're grateful, tell me how thoughtful I am
Did I do great? Am I a good friend? I know I am, I know I am
"This flower reminds me of you" I'm the sweetest person you've ever met, right?
"Sorry, but I gotta go" Hey, what do you think you're doing?"
"It's a crime for me to be in love, so I'll play it safe
No more heartbreaks, no more lying to myself
I'm ready to live a happy loveless life 
So please, just forgive me already!"
"Your looks, your posture, your voice, your face
Everything about you is not mature enough
Don't laugh, don't cry, look them right in the eyes but not for too long
Go on, look at me, be honest with me, don't feel sorry for me, just like an adult would"
"My love means nothing, if it doesn't make you cry
I don't want the kind of love that doesn't hurt me
"Play it safe"? Nah, that's not for me
Now can I get praised for being everyone's PERFECT lover?"
"Our love is dead, oh no, let us sing our prayers
Your lies were the only thing that kept me alive
Except I don't see your name on our grave, oh no, don't just leave me like this
Let's get buried next to each other, rotting together doesn't sound so bad"
""Stop, that's enough!" But it will never be enough
Sweet or sour, I don't care, I want everything I could never have
Even if it's rotten, even if it's broken, I just want to have something
Do you understand now? I live like I can die at any moment"
"What do you two think you're doing? Hey, hey, don't you know it's dangerous here?
Well, it's your fault now, shouldn't have taken a walk in the woods when it's this dark
What should we do with you? Should we tie you up? Should we cut off your limbs?
I bet you two taste like fear and betrayal, let me take a bite!"
"Let's play until the sun goes down, let's play until we see the sky turn purple
That's what they want us to do anyway
Hey, are you having fun? Aren't you tired? Don't you wanna go home already?
"Nope, I'm just getting started!" Well, let me end everything here"
"All of them? So guilty, guilty! 
"You are innocent" Haha, no, I am innocence itself!
This kind of behavior is unforgivable?
Then why did you still forgive me?"
[ Character Trailer Voicelines ]
Akio: "Uh.. Good morning, I guess.. No, it doesn't hurt as much as before, thankfully.. Hey. Why did you.. I mean.. Of course, I'm glad you've finally realized I'm innocent, but.. How could you just.. change your mind like that? What did you see in my video? Did you.. feel bad for me?"
".. Arata. Arata, I don't think he's supposed to- ARATA, WHY IS HE STILL ALIVE?!"
Aimi: "Hello, Miki-chan!~.. Hm? What? I mean, we're friends, so it's only right for me to call you that, right? Ehehe, you're like, my only friend here.. Ah, Akio-kun.. He's good too, I guess. But he's not really struggling anymore, so.. I don't think he will continue to rely on me anymore. I don't think he.. still likes me."
"It's okay.. It's okay, Nii-san couldn't be wrong.. They deserve it. All of them."
Shun: "LEAVE ME ALONE! STOP- DID MY PARENTS SEND YOU TO ME?! I SWEAR, IF YOU EVEN LOOK AT MY... Huh? Where.. am I? Where's Hina?.. And where's Jouhei?.. O-oh, it's you.. No, no, it's okay, I remember now. Even though I really.. don't want to remember."
"Ehehe, I've slept well.. Hey, what do you two want for breakfast? Come on, don't be shy~" 
Naomi: "I'M SORRY! I SAID I'M SORRY! PLEASE, MOM, I WILL DO ANYTHING, JUST DON'T.. Ah. It's you, Miki-san.. Hold on, where's Eiji-san?.. Well, I don't really care. So.. Guilty, huh.." *laughs* "I know I've said I'll be okay with any verdict, but.. How could you change your decision so quickly? Did you just remember how young my victim was?"
"When.. When will I finally be enough for her? Wait, is that.. Ah, whatever."
Kei: "Oh, Miki, it's you. And.. you're Hinode, right? Haha, I'm sure we'll have lots of fun together~.. Hey, is Eiji doing okay? This place doesn't have any doctors, so.. No, no, stop saying I'm kind. I'm just mad that I wasn't the one who has caused him so much pain. It's like someone stole a chance to show him more love from me.. Are you expecting me to thank you for saving me? Haha.. Dear, I know you're just playing with our lives as if we were your toys."
*crying* "Ruka.. I don't know why I did it.. It just.. It hurts so much.. C-can you hug me, please?" 
Eiko: "Takeru.. Takeru, please.. Did I do something wrong- O-oh, it's you, Miki-chan. And.. Woah, this new guy sure is handsome!.. But I still miss Eiji-kun. Hey, he's gonna come back, right? He will be okay, right?.." *in a lower voice* "It was her, right?.. I'll have to make her pay for this."
"Thanks for helping, I guess. Wow, it's like you have a lot of experience with this stuff.. Hey. What do you guys even do?"
Asahi: "A-ah, it's you, Miki-nee.. A-and who are you? Ugh, I just hope that he treats you better than Eiji-nii did.. Oh, I'm doing great! I mean, you forgave me again and all. Um.. I kinda miss Eiji-nii's cooking though. There's no point in trying to steal the guilty guys' food now.. Hm? S-shut up, I'm not fucking scared of them!"
Yurika: ".. I'm going to kill you. All three of you. And all the prisoners here. I hate you all. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU SO-.. Oh, it's you. What do you want from me? I know the third trial is starting, you don't have to tell me anything. Just leave already. Stop looking at me like that! If you don't leave, I will do what I promised to do to those two."
"We're finally done.. I won't have to deal with them anymore, I'm so happy.. U-uh, you're not mad at me, right?" 
Riku: ".. What do you want? Ugh, I still feel sick.. I don't want to talk to you. And you, especially.. Hey, do you feel proud of yourself, Miki? Didn't you say that "your forgiveness has its limits"? You're sooooo cool for voting me guilty. That was sooooo unexpected. You may have used that thing on me, but I still remember what you said. And I'm still mad."
"Come on. You knew it was me." *laughs* "Now.. Won't you do all of us a favor and die already?"
Reina: "Well, well, well. I got voted innocent. Again. What a surprise." *sighs* "When will this end, Miki? When will it end? It feels like my own personal hell at this point. And I agree that I should be punished, but.. Not like this. Come on. Would you want to be forgiven for killing your own little brother? If that's so, then you are truly heartless-" 
"Please, leave. I don't want to talk about it. It was my fault. My fault, my fault, my fault, my fault, my f-"
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gaemms-chamois · 11 months
random unorganized darknights trio + paprika musings bc sometimes i'm hit with like a pang of Brief Worry that i'm completely misinterpreted blabla that usually doesn't last too long bc i then go back to my state of I'm Just Vibing but ig at some point i just gotta let it out publicly once and be done with it lol
this is messily written Please Understand this isn't meant to be a grand thought piece
fuuuck ok well this is like very specifically abt the w, ines & paprika part now
like don't get me wrong on this. i joke abt wines moms and stuff but i dont genuinely mean it in the way of wahh wow littol family for reals kinda deal?
less on wines 'adopting' paprika, moreso paprika imprinting on them like a duckling after she was saved by them. paprika adopted them lmao. i cannot possibly interpret either w or ines as Maternal in such a way.
it's moreso that i think it's nice that this little sarkaz merc became part of the story, a girl who all her life since she was infected at a young age, was presented with becoming a mercenary being basically the only option for her.
and then, as annoying as w can be, being shown that she does have different options.
i just think it's sweet that paprika, judging by her voicelines, clearly looks up to w and ines. which is just amplified by the fact that w and ines are notoriously not the most popular people on rhodes lol. and she calls w annoying but still keeps knitting stuff and wanting to gift food to her. like if she often seeks out w and ines to tell them how well she did on something, when they are on the ship, etc. that'd at least indicate that those two humor her.
cool yeah obviously i fucking love them. i'm not very good at words though and i tend to keep my more elaborate thoughts to just discussions between friends who know how i tick djsfhdfs
just the other day i was smiling to myself during a walk bc holy shit all three are actually playable now and that's not just wishful thinking anymore. anyway chapter 13 also happened and more stuff with the trio happened and Cool Lots of things Happening and my brain is full
they're so found family to me, like in an utterly unconventional way. i mean c'mon with how they act sometimes like- ykno. but like have y'all seen the new furniture set and descriptions that came with hoederer's release it made me go insanse.
but i think especially in ines' case it just kinda highlights that best. considering ines' arts can figure people out (putting that in rather vague terms), it truly means something when someone with her capabilities and temperament has people she chooses to stick by and actually trust. even if she pretends she doesn't by verbally denying it.
like waugh Okay they have a lot to unpack and shit but with them being reunited (take that, W file that said W needs companionship but her friends aren't around anymore) and having a COMPARATIVELY more ""relaxed"" life than before (that one Hoederer file where he just has rather regular days on rhodes), it's just nice to imagine they can finally have something better and figure stuff out. as complicated as the three of them are.
with that said i think it's a given that i despise a nuclear family treatment of the three (aka mom ines, dad hoederer, daughter w).
for one with me being highly doubtful w was a kid/teen at the start of darknights (young? sure, but not that young), which just seems like such a...widespread belief that i really do not get? arknights always put a LOT of emphasis on when a character's story was about them being a kid, 0 of that with w. like something about her expression and big cloak just gave people some different impression, even though she literally keeps looking the same aside from a change of clothes. only instance of w being called a kid during that time i can think of is that one boiler worker in her files but that seems way more like any typical old guy calling anyone on the younger side a kid. hell, even hoederer was called young in darknights, like in a sarkaz's lifespan i can believe that.
and also...hoederer had somewhat of a mentor-like role for w, but if anyone tries to tell me ines ever acted maternal towards w i will chew through your walls. read through darknights memoir and actually pay attention to ines, both w AND ines were pettyass women and they made that so very clear. cannot fathom how anyone can see ines as having been motherly towards w
seriously just feels like a case of Well there is man and there is woman....and this other character so clearly these are mom, dad and kid.
that's not even me being biased towards w/ines, just how i objectively see it. hell, i even ENJOY ines/hoederer, but my enjoyment of it is limited bc for some reason ppl like to make it weird by shoving w in as some daughter. i promise it's completely possible to like ines/hoederer without trying to fit in w as a kid figure
anyways yeah like cool i like these characters I Guess. Look at them
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linabirb · 1 year
Go ahead, Lina, talk about why you like Rollo. I need a reminder on why he's the best ever :DD
SORRY FOR A LATE REPLY AURORA I GOT HOME A FEW HOURS AGO AND NEEDED TO REST and the power went out while i was typing this. why is this world so rollophobic
warning for lots of rambling under the cut!
first of all, his design.
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"haha funny boy with a bowl cut and a huge hat" virgin vs "literally the most fun design to draw" chad. yes i'm the second one.
of course his design is heavily inspired by his counterpart but i just love it a lot! i really like the colors (some of them lowkey remind me of a bi flag JDKDLSLSL) of his outfit and i like how the color of his hair and his eye color look with them!
i actually disagree with people who say that he'd look better with longer hair or a more detailed/"unique" hairstyle bc i think in that case his design would feel very overwhelming? meanwhile here it looks much more balanced! when i draw him, it feels really nice bc i don't have to do much when it comes to his hair, i can just focus on the outfit! (though i had to get used to drawing his hairstyle, bc my art style is just. floofy hair.. soft hair..)
speaking of his hair..
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I'M STILL NOT OVER HIM HAVING MORE MESSY-LOOKING HAIR AND EVEN HAVING AN AHOGE. I'M STILL INSANE ABOUT IT THIS IS SO CUTE. i've talked about it with my other friends and i hc that his hair is like that simply bc he wears a hat most of the time and.. yeah, your hair can become like that after you wear a hat. and like, maybe his hair has no choice but to look like that no matter how much he tries to take care of it and make it look better, so he also tries to hide it with his hat HDJKDKSLD.
also, i find it so funny how on some images it looks like he has really bad dark circles, meanwhile on other images you can clearly see that he wears makeup, so here's my rollo headcanon number 420 (i have so many of them. so many. literally about any topic. i am going insane): rollo tries to hide his dark circles with makeup, but fails miserably and he's really bad at it and nobody has a heart to tell him that he's actually not really doing a good job.
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now, his personality.
okay, i've said it before in my other post (the ask game one) but the fact that he's literally one of the few characters (if not the only one) who actually says that yuu must feel weird being the only magicless student and that it can be very scary and tiring. man. and like, when everyone has to split up into groups, rollo is the only one who asks what yuu will be doing. i could try my best to not go "this man is in love with them" at least for a second, but no, this man is in love with them. "oh it's only because they're magicless" shut up. so what if it IS because they're magicless. what if yuu is so pure to him, nobody can touch them. what if he wants to protect them from magic users. rolloyuu can either be the cutest and softest ship ever or they can be the most toxic ship BUT IN A GOOD WAY. IN A WAY THAT MAKES YOU GO "waittttt 👀👀👀 that's kinda. that's kinda. hold on a minute" LIKE YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYINGGGGGG. all variations of rolloyuu are good. all of them. his ghost room voicelines are also so. it's like, even if he's studying at nrc currently, you can clearly see that he still has favoritism for yuu. it really feels like he sees them as the only "good" student here. it feels like he's a little bit more.. um.. maybe he's more of a tsundere now, since now he knows that yuu likes magic? such as him being surprised when yuu shows him that they want to be friends with him and thinking that it's all just some kind of evil scheme and then being shocked that they're just genuinely nice and saying that it just makes everything even worse. OTOME GAME LOVE INTEREST BEHAVIOR. and him also kinda scolding them for "asking for a present" from him but then saying that birthdays really are important and that he hopes he won't disappoint them with his present. man. m a n. AND HIS OTHER VOICELINES STILL MENTION HIM FEELING SORRY FOR MC AND SAYING THAT THEY CAN ALWAYS RELY ON HIM AND ANYWAY ROLLOYUU ARE MARRIED-
but i should go back to the topic of his personality! you know what makes me insane. it's that rollo, no matter how hard he tries to look like this serious and organized person who has everything under control is canonically a dork in the most affectionate way. HIS FLYING LESSONS VOICELINES ARE SO FUNNY. the fact that he goes "WHY WON'T THIS THING LISTEN TO MEEEEE" when it's not working out, but when everything is fine, he immediately goes "oh, it's quite simple actually"?? i'm going to kiss you on the mouth, you idiot SJKDKDLSLS. he's also canonically a horse girl, which makes sense bc of his counterpart, but also HORSE GIRL ROLLO REAL. i need his lab coat sr. or at least let him take alchemy classes with his current card i want to know what he'll say.
his battle voicelines are so cool, i'm literally obsessed with them. HE LITERALLY SAYS THAT HE HAS UNFINISHED BUSINESS TO TAKE CARE OF AFTER BEATING UP SOME GUYS. HOW COOL IS THAT. some of his voicelines totally didn't make me giggle and kick my feet. totally. don't look at me. me reading "good, how obedient" and "it seems you still desire punishment" and choking on my tea
also i love how his vignette exceeded my expectations and didn't just make me go "i love him <3", it made me go "i need to take care of him, i need to give him a blanket, i need to force him to go to sleep when he needs it, i need to kiss his stupid face, i need to tell him that he's enough-". like what do you mean he eats the exact same things (and not just food, but also the exact amount of it) for lunch and i'm pretty sure he does the same with breakfast and dinner. what do you mean he wakes up BEFORE SUNLIGHT to clean the bell and the gargoyles. what do you mean he likes the bell of salvation (yes, i'm sticking to fan translations) because "it rings when it's supposed to", meaning that he likes predictable things and things that he "already knows" (i think you can say that it's also implied in one of his voicelines where he can't understand why mc is "acting so familiar with him". they're being unpredictable. it's too hard for him to understand them.) what do you mean even when he knows that it will be easier/more convenient for him to do something different, he still does it the same way that he always does. i need him to go to therapy, this man has at least one mental illness and i'm like 100% sure that he's neurodivergent. (i've said it so many times on discord but he's ocd-coded. i say that as someone who has ocd. that's it. i do so many of the things that he does, it actually was a little uncomfortable (but also validating) to read his vignette, i was like "?? DUDE?? PLEASE?? PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW UNHEALTHY IT IS?? wait i don't have a right to say that". the bit where he says that he eats the exact same foods to "avoid unnecessary desires" especially reminded me of my own behavior, because my brain often makes me stop taking care of my needs because "otherwise the Bad Stuff will happen". but i won't go into detail)
also i like how he's loved by literally all nbc students?? say whatever you want, call him manipulative and all that, but it takes hard work to make people like you and admire you and rollo is definitely hardworking.
now, his role in the story. sure, him and idia have very similar backstories, but rollo's past resonates with me much more, because i really wish we had more characters that express their grief and other negative emotions as anger. of course, some people cry, some people isolate themselves, some people become afraid of everything, but in those cases those characters are usually portrayed as sympathetic, meanwhile those who want to punch people, want to fight back, want to scream and yell at everyone, often get portrayed as unsympathetic, scary or even abusive and toxic or just evil. which is.. not good. not good at all. anger is a valid and understandable emotion and it's actually good to be angry about things. i actually was shocked when my therapist told me that i SHOULD "bite and scratch people more" (as i've said it myself) right after i was describing to her how easy it is for me to get angry we also found out that it's actually one of my alters' doing and i was like "i sound like some kind of monster don't i". so it's really nice and actually kinda healing to see him just steal everyone's magic, set the town on fire (with flowers, but whatever) and still hate magic and not really getting a redemption arc. it's okay, he'll get there someday. him immediately starting to sob the moment he remembered what happened to his brother also broke me.
however, there is one tinyyyy problem with his backstory, though that's just me, probably. you see, idia blaming himself for what happened to ortho was more.. i wouldn't say understandable, but it makes sense story-wise. he really was involved in it, even if it really wasn't his fault and he was only a child, i can still see why he'd blame himself. but in rollo's case, him secretly blaming himself.. doesn't really make sense to me? i mean, his brother just wanted to show him his magic, sure, rollo could blame himself for just standing and not being able to help him, but.. i don't know, it just feels a little bit weaker to me. so when the story goes "hey, look at him, he's blaming the magic users for not saving his brother, when he actually thinks it's his fault"! i'm like ". okay. what do you want me to do. do you want me to give him a hug and tell him that it really wasn't his fault." like, according to him, other mages really couldn't help and they ignored him, so what do you want me to do?? do you want me to point at him and go "HAHA SO IT REALLY IS YOUR FAULT"?? i'm not gonna do that!!
also, the thing is that rollo isn't selfish at all. i don't think he thinks that highly of himself. i actually bet that his self-esteem is horrible. when idia tells rollo that rollo wasn't trying to save other people, but he actually wanted to save himself, rollo is genuinely confused and can't believe it and idia himself says that it looks like rollo really did think that he was doing it for others. and even if he secretly wanted to do it for himself, i don't think him saying that he wants to save others and end their suffering is selfish. and he also says that he'd love to lose his magic too and he doesn't like using his magic.
his parents also being worried about him and making sure he's fine in the vignette also breaks my heart.
soooo yeah! that's all i can think of right now, but of course, there's most likely much more, my brain is just a little tired, haha.
maybe none of this makes sense and i'm just biased and i'm projecting, but who cares. at least i'm having fun.
if you've read all of this, thank you and congrats! have a pic of my croissant plushie (+ a bnuuy!!) :)
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lilyrealm · 1 year
i simply think it is so fun to imagine a world where a company makes a bunch of androids to assist people and provide companionship so they give the androids stories and release them in certain themes or lines and those androids are the genshin characters. credit to @yandere-daydreams for the idea. i love it so much. yes we all want x character to be our boyfriend or girlfriend and we have sex with them yes but i think its fun to imagine their roles when theyre not being yandere...
also the read more is very long i just went off about my ideas for most of the mondstadt characters. nothing wrong with me
if this is set in teyvats world imagine amber being like a gliding instructor in mondstadt. good engineer too, maybe the first bot that can fix other bots/have intricate knowledge of them (because she made baron bunny).
for human injuries theres barbara and jean, but with different temperaments for different patients. or if we're still set in teyvat, then jean (and the rest of the favonius knights characters) are actually android assistants to the actual human knights. basically the androids replace vision holders??
but yeah kaeya would also be a knight assistant, noelles story is she trains super hard but still isnt a knight (because shes made to help actual trainees!). lisa of course manages the library. yeah sorry thats it. makes tea
and i had the idea (this is all stolen from my own twitter thread from *checks* last year? anyway) that they would tease the release of bots like diluc, rosaria and razor through voicelines from kaeya, barbara and lisa. really like the idea of razor originally being some sort of surveillance android for wolvendom/integrating with them in some way for research and sort of became a guide for people who get lost in wolvendom.
diona and diluc are two different types of bartenders, one is good against people who cant say no to a cute (angry) kitty and the others... are those require some intimidation.
VENTI. god, i think itd be cool if they had prototype models for the seven archons and actual venti bots now definitely play into the "broke bard who plays for alcohol" thing. but of course anyone with eyes knows that his original model was the barbatos android.
oh!! and bennett and fischl being adventurers buddies. bennett is "unlucky" but hes actually like, wired to be hypervigilant and take hits for you while he shrugs it off. and fischl comes with oz if you need some chuuni speech translated, but you can disable that if you want to go full rp with her.
*looks at my thread* oh yeah "Albedo is made for the alchemists in the Knights, and he was meant to be released with Klee, but there was a delay because his ai kept experimenting on its own copies (Flowerfell Albedo?)" ngl i didnt play the albedo event and never bothered to watch a video so i dont know the full extent of his lore here. oh right and i added "sucrose is made to keep an eye on him in the labs" lmao
klee is. i suppose made for the knights. a cute energetic girl to keep morale up, whos fireproof and thus able to scout dangerous areas/bomb them if you so wish.
oh yeah i wrote that the church was not happy about the rosaria bots being made so they relegated her to guarding dragonspine against foolish adventurers. as to why she keeps appearing in bars, well, uh. No comment — Celestia Inc.
the lawrence clan wanted in on this business and sponsored a representative of their family, but mondstadts opinion of them is less than friendly, so the knights compromise and make eula, a lawrence knight.
whew okay for some reason i was able to churn out a lot for mondstadt and then everyone else i was like uh yeah. they exist and do things similar to what they do in game like xiangling being a cook's aide. yep. idk why the mondstadt worldbuilding gripped me so hard like that.
also my last thought is that maybe the hilichurls are just the verryyy alpha version of their bots, the khaenri'ah line (i think daydream mentioned this) and maybe just broke down and went rogue/abandoned. so now they make better bots to fight them and keep people safe. go figure. earns them a ton of cash though. lol imagine if getting them was a lottery too....
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gouthepro · 7 months
okay do YOU have any lynether thoughts i'd love to hear them if you do
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why yes I do!
teapot voicelines imply Aether looks after some of Lyney's pets for him in the teapot, so in my mind they're co-parenting a bunch of animals together like cats and birds (specifically doves because of Lyney's 2nd troubles voicelines) by this point Rosseland is the only pet that's still fully Lyney's and not co-parented by Aether
for as much as Lyney flirts I think he gets really awkward when he's being genuine about it, which is why his flirting with Aether is always so overdramatic because if he gave a genuine compliment and phrased it like a genuine compliment then he'd probably trip over his words and die from embarrassment a minute later (Aether would find it cute though)
on that note, the one time Aether flirted back Lyney got extremely flustered
I think they'd be so sweet with each other honestly
whenever Aether gets upset about his travels or not having his sister, Lyney comforts him and looks after him until he's feeling better. he can understand better than anyone else Aether knows what it's like to be seperated from a sibling (and a twin too) even if it was only for a short amount of time in Lyney's case
Aether also helps Lyney with his stage fright before shows by encouraging and reassuring him and helping out with his hair and make-up so Lyney has a few less things to worry about before the performance
Aether (affectionately) hates introducing Lyney to his friends because it's often chaos. you can't tell me Lyney wouldn't perform a magic show for Klee based around her bombs and dodoco or that Heizou or Albedo wouldn't try to figure out how Lyney's magic works. Hu Tao would somehow find out about the court case and try to convince Lyney to become one of her clients, Venti would start sneezing because of all of the cat hair on Lyney from Rosseland and all his other cats and Gaming and Lyney are both so friendly and talkative (or in Lyney's case, he appears to be talkative) they'd chat for hours about anything. Everytime after Aether has introduced Lyney to another one of his friends he feels so tired.
also related but Lyney would be really good with kids due to growing up with younger siblings and all the others at the house of the hearth so all of Aether's younger friends like Yaoyao, Qiqi, Sayu, Klee and even Diona like him. (Nahida isn't technically a younger friend because she's 500 but I think she'd like Lyney too.) Just hear me out, he'd put on magic shows for Klee and Qiqi, he'd chat with Yaoyao and he'd let Sayu and Diona hang out with his pet cats including Rosseland
I feel like they'd have similar taste in literature and would enjoy reading books together or going to watch a play together.
Lynette and Paimon had bets on when Lyney and Aether would confess to each other and on who would confess first.
Freminet was the first to know when Lyney and Aether actually started dating though.
Arlecchino is somewhere between being supportive of Lyney's relationship and also questioning why out of all the people he could've chosen it had to be Aether, the Fatui's no.1 problem.
"Yes I'm very happy for you and your relationship, I hope it lasts and I'm sure you're both perfect for each other.. Now if you could tell that boyfriend of yours to STOP FIGHTING THE RECRUITS that would be excellent."
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jils-things · 8 months
❨♡❩ valentine's week ; familial day
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familials have been such an important factor in my time as a selfshipper recently because i truly came to appreciate what is familial love. it's just that really nice feeling of pride and appreciation for someone you really care about. i'm excited to say that i have a lot in my roster to share! reading isn't mandatory for anyone viewing - writing my feelings help me articulate my words well.
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first and probably my most important one yet is ruby stone! at first, I wasn't really interested in the whole "he's my son concept" but i just knew that ruby was an instant favorite of mine after reading the manga. it's funny, because i actually did kin him at one point (i mean, i can still say i kin him but because i'm a selfshipper first, manga consumer second. i see him as my son more). i see myself a lot in him especially in his flaws. but because a friend told me it would be fun if i had called him a familial, it wouldn't be so bad (and steven is also there. wouldn't it be a cute family?). i initially drafted jaide stone and ruby to just be friends but ruby has a special attachment to her (due to his personal issues with his father) but that shit changed FAST and thus, ruby stone was born. i adore my silly boy, he makes me so happy and i admire his character. he's different from the other protagonists and it makes him stand out all the more. I'm so proud of him, his whole story made me so emotional and i just want to hug him and let him know everything's okay and he has every right to be who he wants.
am i allowed to talk about my husband? i mean he IS ruby's father so,,, heheh. ill keep it short or else it becomes a romantic love letter to my hunni sorry 😚 anyways i always imagined steven to want to have kids and ruby was the best thing he ever asked for. he's so proud of him too. they went through a rough patch as a father and son but things gotten better and they're very happy to call each other family. 💚
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ahh, my favorite silly stinky little brother. gold! this one's got a long history. i was always a big fan of ethan/gold as a protagonist in the games. but i had no idea that this version ethan (or as the manga calls him, gold.) was simply the best for me. he's got this special spark that really checks off my list of what makes a character my favorite! just like ruby, i also see myself a lot in him. (heck, even my sister thinks i'm super gold-coded) he was so shaped to be my best friend or little brother, and i picked the latter. he's probably the most comedic, and has a very deep emotional side that i like to philosophize about. po.kespe kids are written with much difficulty and he's no exception. if i had a brother, i feel like this is how i would treat him.
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okay this one's gonna be SUPER confusing which i'll apologize over and over again i'm so sorry 😭😭 for this one, i'd like go introduce blake and nate (respectively). these two are completely different from each other, but i still have this maternal/big sister care for both of them. just like gold - nate is one of my favorite protagonists by game and learning their personalities in both manga and game (pkmn masters ex) made me adore them even more. i think ilynne (oc) is the first girl who has more priority over familial and platonics than romantics. i think that's very cool! it's hard to say everything here why i love both versions but if you took a look for yourself, maybe you'll understand hehe. (also, nate just has the BEST protagonist design. hello? who wouldn't love him? definitely not me!!!!) it was only because of pkmn masters ex that made me like nate a lot. his voicelines makes me feel so comforted like that's just a really happy boy! he sounds so excited for everything and his giggles just cleanse my soul 😭 i could pat his head all day. silly pineapple boy. blake just... i dunno man. it's probably because i already liked his base design so naturally I'd like his manga ver too 😭 they pulled a wildcard in designing this kid like he's a fuckin agent!!! that's so cool!!! hes a fuckin hater!!! look at him go i can fix the edgy kid !!! by being his mom!!! (lore accurate btw)
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ah yes. the most fanbase developed kid ever. it's carmine! this kid is so special. his entire existence came from a fan created f.n.f mod and everyone ran with it - just like me. i remember constantly keeping tabs with this mod and i was always curious to know what carmine has in his story - playing the mod itself was such a pleasant surprise. my whole attention was shifted to carmine's story - it's rewritten slightly to make the creepypasta more impactful and it certainly did make me feel sympathetic for the little guy. giving him the sweetest and admired big brother to love and care for him was the best design i ever thought of. after the devs added more story, it made me feel all the more protective of carmine. unfortunately he's not the most lively boy around as he's bullied for his insignificance. i would do anything to let him know he's loved. (AGGRESSIVELY FORGETS THE PART WHERE HE'S PAINFULLY POSSESSED BY THE FUCKIN GHOST BEGONE!!!!)
i think what also powered how much i love carmine was the endless support i got from the actual fans of the mod on twt. even the devs approved it and it made me feel so happy and reassured that it's okay to appreciate him (it was actually a little nerve-wracking to post rhys and carmine on twt because carmine is... technically an oc). that's why i describe carmine to be a special kind of fo. he's an oc of a mod and that's pretty neat
those are my main familials, but i'd also like to give a shoutout to my secondary familials!
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when i tell you there's so many cool characters in this game I wasn't JOKING. these guys are so... AUGHH i feel like they would be the best guys to have around to make my day better. looker is more uncle shaped to me, he's not exactly the BEST caretaker (shh i know emma) but i know he's trying his best. it's hard to juggle being an agent and a friend but i understand that and i appreciate his efforts. playing platinum to see this guy appear, i just KNEW he's gonna be the coolest. and i wasnt wrong! he's associated with my oc ilynne along with blake! for po.kespe consumers, yes - they are all coworkers!
professor sy.camore is definitely a father figure to me. i love his enthusiasm and i know he's the best guy to cheer someone up. his cheerfulness is endless and he literally mentors 4 kids, if he can do that then surely he can make my day better (a miserable young adult /jjj) i really wanted to make a kalosian oc for him. i envisioned the oc to be an ex team flar.e member who wanted to renew herself from her past deeds (as she was foolish to not understand lysandre's grand plan) and sy.camore was there to rescue her from her crisis and helped her start somewhere by being a student under his care. they would develop a father-daughter dynamic and i think that's very sweet 🥺💚
in case you noticed. my main familials are a case of like ... me wanting to nurture them. but my secondaries are the other way around and it's like... what if i was the one being nurtured and cared for? pretty cool...
that's all for today. thank you familials 💚
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shinagawa-division · 7 months
The Spider and The Butterfly Wedding (Shinomiya Voicelines Ver.)
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— Malphas
“Today’s finally the day, huh?…I still can’t believe it, never in my life did I think I would find myself here, actually settling down and with A.D.A. no less, ha, I bet if my past self saw me now he’d short-circuit to the point of rebooting. But I wouldn’t change a single thing, I’ve got no regrets.”
(To Aiko) “Happy Birthday, lil sis. I still feel a little bad that we’re missing out on your birthday but seeing all excited, I guess it’s worth it, thanks for helping us plan the whole thing, you were a huge help. Just try not to crash, okay? A.D.A.’s still gonna need her maid of honor at her side.”
(To Seizou) “You look adorable, Sei, Aiko’s done a good job dressing you up, so, are you excited?…I’ll take that as a yes. I really appreciate you doing this for me, little brother, I know you’ll do a good job out there.”
(To A.R.K.) “Never thought I’d live to see you in a suit, A.R.K. I gotta admit, you clean up nicely. It’s weird to think that we’re going to be brothers in a few hours but hey, weirder shit has happened with us before.”
(To A.M.U.) “Aw, well don’t you look pretty, A.M.U. Your flower basket matching with Seizou’s ring pillow is a nice touch, you don’t have to convince me you’re excited, don’t worry, I can already tell.”
(To A.D.A.) “To be honest, I never gave much thought about love and romance, I was and still am a weapon, and weapons don’t love. I was fine with that, more than fine with that…until a pretty little butterfly flew my way and suddenly everything got…brighter and now it seems I can’t do anything but to love you. It still doesn’t feel real but looking at you now…I’ve never seen a sight more beautiful, A.D.A., my precious butterfly, my beautiful wife, I still can’t believe you actually want to be with me but I promise I’ll spend the rest of eternity loving you with everything in my programming.”
— Aiko
“Alright, this is it! Everything we’ve been working on has lead up to this moment, everyone! Let’s make this wedding go off without a hitch, for big brother and big sis!”
(To Malphas) “BIG BROTHER!! You look so handsome! Also today’s finally the day!! You’re getting married to Big Sis A.D.A!! This is the best birthday ever! I’m really happy for you, big bro! You and big sis A.D.A. make a really cute couple and I know how happy she makes you, I wish you both all the happiness in the world!”
(To Seizou) “Sei-chaaaaaaan! You look so adorable! C’mon, give me a biiiiiig smile!…Oh well, don’t worry, you’ll get there! Just a little more practice! Now, hold the pillow firmly but gently, you don’t wanna squish it but we also can’t let the rings go falling out, you’re gonna do just fine! I believe in you!”
(To A.D.A.) *gasps and squeals* “Big Sis! You look so pretty!! Soooo, are you excited? Are you? Are you?! You get to marry my big brother and we can become sisters for real!! But also…thank you, for making my big brother happy, he doesn’t think so but I believe he’s deserving of love and you’re the perfect person to give it to him.”
(To A.R.K.) “Hehehe, you look really good A.R.K.! Or should I call you, big brother A.R.K. now? After all, we’re all gonna be one big family now! It’s so exciting so have so many siblings!”
(To A.M.U.) “A.M.U.-chan, you look sooo pretty!! You and Sei-chan are gonna look so cute walking down the aisle! Now if only we can you both to smile without it looking unnatural, oh well, it’s fine, that’s what we love about you two.”
— Seizou
“Ah…Nii-sama is getting married today, Seizou does not fully understand the concept of marriage but Seizou will make sure be on his best behavior and do his tasks efficiently.”
(To Malphas) “Nii-sama…the most proper response is to tell you for such occasions like these is “Congratulations” so congratulations, Seizou will make sure to perform his duties with the upmost diligence.”
(To Aiko) “Nee-sama, thank you for the compliments, Seizou is glad he is able to please you. However, please refrain from constricting Seizou so tightly, it would be inappropriate for Seizou to show up disheveled.”
(To A.M.U.) “A.M.U.-chan, everyone appears to be in high levels of excitement, it…looks nice, Sei-…I want to reach that level of excitement one day, let’s do our best together, for both Nii-sama and A.D.A.-neesama.”
(To A.D.A.) “A.D.A.-neesama, Seizou thinks you look very pretty, Seizou believes that the chance of this event being a success is at a 100%, Seizou also believes that the chance of Nii-sama being attracted to you should he see you will increase by tenfold.”
(To A.R.K.) “A.R.K.-sama, Seizou wants to express gratitude for the combat lessons, now should anyone attempt to disrupt the event, Seizou will be equipped to efficiently neutralize the threat.”
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
okay enough angst (for today), im here to bring you random fluff hcs
during the cold season, reader would definitely latch onto cyno more often, which would be 90% of the time haha
i like to imagine that cyno has really warm body temperature which makes him especially huggable during the cold season and it'll be really cute to imagine cyno holding reader close while they just walk around
i know sumeru doesn't snow, but it still gets really freaking cold during let's say, raining season so it counts okay
adding onto the tcg hcs, what if they released a dynamic skin for reader, (not the usual ones but in special outfits like diluc or keqing's paid skin) but again, limited in quantity since reader is not popular (pfft) so you know cyno would be willing to go through a lot of trouble just to be able to get a copy, or hopefully even a spare one so he can keep it in his wallet as well <3
meanwhile reader would be all unaware of this, they won't even know they have a card with their image on it until they see it in cyno's wallet or when they're playing together, not that they mind ofc haha
-cyno lovebot anon
Bless you two for making fluff for the weekends
The rainy season hmm that's a lot of skinship haha but not at all bothered by it, actually it's nice to see Cyno appreciating the snow in his voiceline too. I think he'd be a tank who sits on the porch with a shirt and shorts during snow time for the hell of it, while his lover is latched on to him like a leech
And ohhh dynamic/alternate skin, while they may not be informed about the card, I'm positive that they'll draw in attention because they have a card for themselves still. Cyno strikes again with the card art partnership - I actually don't know what would be funnier -
Omayghad what if they find out he had it in his wallet, flustered but they think it was just a silly custom thing he got cuz of course he gotta combine two of the things he loves the most, only to be horrified upon realizing it was actually a playable card when they saw someone else use it. They'll be like, "Cyno, love of my life, my other half, what the fuck did you do this time?"
It became meta that if someone uses that card against them, it's a guaranteed they meltdown and become too embarrassed to play efficiently, almost always guaranteed to win. With that in mind, Cyno teases them that way when he's feeling mischievous
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draconicfool · 2 months
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Woah more Eros voicelines under the cut
First Meeting: "Me? Th' name's Eros, darlin', least that's what everyone calls me. If y'wanna be fancy y'c'n call me Doctor. Any aches an' pains t'day?"
Greeting: "Somethin' on y'er mind? Or d'ya jus' like lookin' at th' cute doctor~?"
Parting: "Prob'ly time I turned in...I c'n't be an effective healer if 'm sleepin' on m'feet, after all."
About Self: Botany: "I keep all sorts of plants in th' clinic's greenhouse. They're mostly species native t' Jarilo-VI f'er now, but eventually I wanna get ones from far off places."
About Self: The Clinic: "Ah, th' Bahre Family Clinic belonged t' m' Daddy b'fore it was mine. Guess y'could call it a family business, huh? Not many of those down here, I s'ppose."
Chat: Flowers: "Belobog's a land covered in snow, s'ppose if I ever got 'round t' travelin' I'd really love t' see somethin' like th' flowers in stories...like- camellias..~."
Chat: Fairy Tales: "When I was jus' a li'l thing, m'Daddy used t' tell me all sorts of stories of...knights and princesses and dragons. I remember I used t' love those stories. If I ever have a kid, I think I'd like readin' 'em those same stories."
Chat: Vidyadhara: "No point hidin' it from ya, I s'ppose. I used t' be a High Elder on th' Yuque. Through a series of events I won't get int', I ended up here on Belobog. Th' people here think 'm human and I'd really like t' keep it that way, sugar.
Hobbies: "I- play th' violin sometimes. I think s' probably pretty annoyin' hearin' all th' time though."
Annoyances: "There's a sayin' m'Daddy always used t' tell me- don't go makin' work f'er th' people that take care of ya. When people get hurt on purpose as an excuse t' come see me, it really gets on m'nerves! 'm a doctor. I know 'm cute but there are better ways t' ask a boy on a date!"
Something to Share: "Th' treats I keep in th' parlor ain't for show, y'know. I make 'em fresh every day- so feel free t' help y'er'self, okay~?"
Knowledge: "Y'know they make portable geomarrow heaters that y'c'n take with ya whenever y'er out, yeah? Tha's what this cute li'l trinket on m'belt is~! Makes it much easier to go run around in th' snow when I really don't like wearin' too many layers."
About Sampo: "Ugh, Koski..? I remember one night I had t' dig him out of th' snow b'cause th' guards were on him. F'er such a big guy, he's surprisin'ly stealthy, I c'n't believe they didn't find him-! I had t' carry him t' th' clinic by m'self."
About Natasha: "People think I don't like sharin' business with Miss Natasha, but that jus' ain't true. M'Daddy used t'say 'many hands make light work' and tha's definitely true when it comes t' people's health."
About Gepard: "Oh, th' Captain! He's a sweetheart, though he gets a li'l shy sometimes. I wonder if I jus' come on too strong...hm."
About Pela: "Such a sweet girl, y'could hardly believe she's jus' sixteen. She's so responsible."
About Bronya: "Th' New Madam Guardian's certainly interestin'. Feels nice knowin' there's someone that has our best interest at heart."
About Seele: "She's definitely got a temper, but I c'n't say I blame her. Growin' up th' way we all did- especially her- I think I'd be angry too if I were given th' chance."
About Serval: "Serval's m'go-to gal f'er any maintenance I need on m'heater since we opened up. She's a real genius, y'know?"
About Svarog: "Th' Boss of the Robot Settlement seems scary, but he's kinda like a kitten. I think y'jus' gotta know th' robot equivalent of milk t' get him t' purr."
About Clara: "Oh, m'sweet pea...she's got a good head on her shoulders. 'm sure she's gonna do even greater things as she gets older."
About Luka: "Don't tell anyone, but I do like goin' t' watch him fight sometimes...and I may or may not have talked Sampo int' not bettin' on him so I could make a li'l extra cash on th' side...do not tell him I did it on purpose!"
About Sparkle: "I think th' world needs a li'l more Sparkle. We don't agree on everythin' but she's still family-. In th' loose version of th' word, mind ya-."
Eidolon Activation: "Maybe s'best we don't dig too deep, don't y'think, sugar?"
Character Ascension: "All m'love f'er all y'do f'er me~."
Max Level Reached: "I think I could still get even cuter, y'know?"
Trace Activation: "I guess I could stand t' flex a bit~."
Added to the team w/ the Trailblazer: "Always a pleasure bein' at y'er side, sweetheart~."
Added to the team w/ Sampo Koski: "Oh now it's really a feast of fools, ain't it?"
Added to the team w/ Sparkle: "Mm, so long as we're playin' fair. No stealin' wha's mine, kay~?"
Added to the team w/ Gepard: "Are y'finally gonna admit I could be a li'l helpful t' ya sugar~?"
Added to the team w/ Natasha: "I wonder what remedies we'll be able t' cook up t'gether!"
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kkotda · 2 months
can i ask what l&ds is like?? im really attracted to the characters but idk what the game is even supposed to be LMAO
omg ofc (also i’m racking my brain for kiryu thoughts for you)
okay so so so l&ds is an otome game and it’s really nice how you get to customize the mc (most other otome games either have it preset (and very not inclusive) or just not in the picture altogether (like mysmes i think??)
the main main love interests are
and now sylus!! (he has dethroned xavier as my fav… 😓)
i won’t get too into who they are so you can experience them for yourself if you’d like! (they all have the PRETTIEST eyes though like oh my god)
and the story of it is like… it’s like a superpower au set in the future (the superpowers being called evols, and the people with evols evolvers! i might be lying but it can kinda be considered as a similar thing to bsd?? concept wise???)
not getting into the story because i fear i may never shut up…
BUT ITS ALSO SUPER CUTE HOW YOU CAN INTERACT WITH THEM ON YOUR “home screen” (called the destiny cafe) like mine rn is (obviously) sylus and i either come in on him sleeping, on his phone, or up ready to greet me >:3
you can also choose one exclusively or all of them who will enter randomly each time you go back to the cafe! (i think!)
there’s also a combat aspect to it with an auto battle function i think after your first successful battle! (i auto battle everything now… 😏) and there’s voicelines in there too and they’re like centered around mc or something really cute it’s all so cute
AND THE PHOTOBOOTH THING I POSTED EARLIER there’s more to it as well!! like there’s a more photobooth-esque (like the sitting in a little booth type thing) and you can play games with him, play the claw machine with him, etc etc
in addition to that, as you build affinity (essentially heart/love points) you unlock more interactions which are admittedly kind of basic because they’re preset but it’s still so cool (you can ask him what you should eat, study together, work out together, etc etc)
LAST BUT NOT LEAST it’s not complete without a gacha element amirite :,)))))) there’s something called memories that you use for battle and i stare at sylus’ memory art 25/8. it’s pretty simple if you’ve dabbled in other gacha games! you can exchange diamonds for the ticket thingys (i forgot what they’re called lol) and pull for memories! rn there’s the no defense zone… which… in the most rated e for everyone way that i can say is very red (red equaling like lust and such HAHHAHAHAH) and there’s i think a special event thing rn where you can choose five 5 star memories to get when you pull (with the same probabilities which idk off the top of my head… i think there’s like ~5 of each and i chose all 5 of sylus’…)
there’s a lot of aspects to the game so it might be really easy to be overwhelmed ;-; BUT IF YOU CHOOSE TO DOWNLOAD AND YOURE ON AMERICA SERVER PLEASE LETS BE FRIENDS ON THERE :3
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starlight-phantom · 1 year
for the ask game--top ten danganronpa characters? from across all the games! :D
I feel like my answers might be a little bit basic bitch... But, if I like them, I like them, I guess.
1 - Hajime Hinata, ngl I adore all the protagonists but there's just something about Hajime that makes me so mentally ill. Like, if I think about his story for too long, I will cry. Just... I dunno the fact that his lack of self worth lead him to make a decision like that is heartbreaking. The older I get, the more I realise just how stupid and damaging the Hope's Peak system is.
2 - Shuichi Saihara, look... I love shy, quiet and reserved male characters, I love blue haired characters, I love detectives... The moment I saw Shuichi, I felt as if he had been made for me, and goddammit it worked because I love this boy. His development over the story is so good and I love how he bounces off all the other characters. I don't even know how to explain it, I just love him.
3 - Makoto Naegi, yes the three protag boys are my top three but that's probably because we get to hear their thoughts on everything throughout the game and that adds so much personality to everything. But Naegi's such a sweetheart and he's so cute. I feel like, even though he's basically the main protagonist of the whole series and he matures a lot in the DR3 anime... He's still everyone's baby boy. Also, his inner monologues when you investigate everything are just so funny.
4 - Kokichi Ouma, I fucking love this lil gremlin man. It makes me a little sad when people call him Komaeda 2.0 because I feel like the only thing they have in common is that they're antagonistic characters but other than that... Not really similar. But he is by far one of the most entertaining characters in the whole series, he steals the show in every scene he's in. And he, along with Kaito, perfectly embodies the themes of V3, with the whole truth vs lies and faith vs logic stuff going on and then Shuichi right in the middle, it makes for really interesting conflicts and character moments. Also, I wholeheartedly adore both the English and Japanese dubs for all of the games, but I just say that Derek Stephen Prince's performance as Kokichi is one of the best I've ever heard, he is clearly loving every single second of it and it makes Kokichi all the more entertaining.
5 - Chiaki Nanami, let's get the obvious part out of the way: she is adorable. I love her design, I love her personality, I love her voice, I love her little "hey hey" voiceline... She's just so cute, okay? But she's such a great character because she and Hajime seem to be able to bring everyone together but in very different ways and despite her more laid-back personality, she will immediately step in to calm things down - like when she smacked Akane when she attacked Nagito. Plus she's honestly so intelligent??? Like she is usually one of the first people to figure things out... But she's also the same girl that ate glue. And I love that duality. And while I have very mixed feelings on the DR3 anime, Chiaki was fantastic, seeing her continue to wait for Hajime after he had signed up for the Project broke my heart... But not as much as that one episode I just can't bring myself to ever rewatch.
6 - Nagito Komaeda, where do I even start with this fuckin guy??? He truly is one of the characters of all time. I feel kinda bad that he's ended up as such a meme because he is genuinely such a complicated character, but with some of the shit he does throughout the series, I am really not surprised he ended up like that. I do really want to explain why I love him so much but to do so would require an entire goddamn essay, so I won't. Also just... Megumi Ogata's voice. That's all. I love her performances.
7 - Kyoko Kirigiri, I said it before and I'll say it again: I love detectives. Honestly, I adore Kirigiri so much... Like I played the first game when I was thirteen and I had the biggest crush on Kyoko, I honestly don't understand how it took me an extra year to figure out I like women... But seriously, I love her design and colour scheme, her voice is gorgeous and I just love her relationship with Naegi so much.
8 - Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, again the character development for this guy is just so good. I really didn't think anything of him at the beginning of the game but by the end of the game I adored him. I love his relationship with Hajime and how, by the final few chapters, him, Hajime and Kazuichi are like a lil trio who stick together. And again, Derek Stephen Prince... Goddamn, his performance in the Chapter 2 trial ripped my heart out.
9 - Kiibo, I just love this lil robot guy. I feel kinda bad for him for all the stuff he goes through during the story. Like he keeps getting really excited to show off his features but then everyone's just like "... Is that it?" And let's not forget how everyone used him to a battering ram to break open that water tank and just fucking threw him at it. The boy's been through a lot, most of it from Kokichi tbh. But he's such a cute character and his pride of being a robot and love for his creator is so sweet. Also, that little section in chapter 4 where Monotaro gets confused and acts like Kiibo is his dad is really cute, I remember a manga anthology did a chapter about that scenario and it was adorable.
10 - Nagisa Shingetsu, I really like not as many people pay attention to Another Episode and I get it, it's a spin-off with a completely different playstyle. Hell, I prefer the main games over this game too. But wow, the Warriors of Hope make me feel so bad whenever I play this game. Like, y'know when something is so upsetting, it causes a pit in your stomach? Yeah, that's these kids backstories... All of them make me feel awful but I got really attached to Nagisa because he's one of the ones that stuck around the longest and he had that moment of allowing Komaru to escape but then basically everyone around him manipulates him to make him do what they want and completely mess him up and it just hurts to watch. And it's just disgusting that his father refers to him as 'the subject' not 'Nagisa' not 'my son' just 'the subject'... I just wanna give him a hug... He deserves one after all the shit he's been put through.
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dirtyoldmanhole · 11 months
time for analyzing the absolute most freak-ass set of supports i have ever seen nintendo handle (affectionately)
A-support first since this got overly long, and i also touch on the JP versions as well.
half meta analysis, half lengthy shitpost because.
well ~
Last time in the Gunter/Corrin support train, we learned that Gunter used a little toy ball to coax Corrin out from her shell post the mind wipes when she was as skittish as a kitten, and then in the B support, Gunter/Corrin played catch again for the first time.
A little odd, but fairly tame. Here though ..... :')
(pardon me for the different "Corrin" look -- i ripped these screenshots off of a youtube version b/c i was lazy about not getting into the game proper) god do you know how many random ass files i have as reference for gunter JP/EN voicelines, JP/EN my room bits, transcripts, sprites, etc ... after this fic is done i'm totally making that fanshrine if only to stick all this shit in one place lol
anyway, corrin starts this bright and peppy and eager for more.
eyebrow waggle-/shot
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cute. :D
(the stretching's cute, too. like, more seriously, this isn't just wind-down/playtime, you can tell he's always incorporated this subtly as part of her training, likely modifying some soldier's training in a manner a little bit more befitting of her.)
they keep going...
Corrin: Ready as I'll ever be! There's no way I'm missing one of your throws! Gunter: All right, then. Here we go. Corrin: And easily caught. I have to say, Gunter, you have excellent form and follow-through. You know, I just remembered… Wasn't this ball made from a whip? Gunter: It was indeed. A pretty odd choice for material, I know… Corrin: Gunter… Would you be willing to tell me a few stories from when I was growing up? I still have a lot of holes in my memory from when I was little. Gunter: Of course. But you'll have to pay attention to the ball at the same time!
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i do find it interesting garon was keeping tabs enough on corrin to have opinions on how she was being raised, but not close enough that she has any recollection of him.
now for an absolutely wtf level of fridge horror: there's a part of the same JP lines above that made me sit way the fuck up.
Gunther: Of course. Then, as we’re playing… On that day, King Garon was in an incredibly terrible mood… He handed me this whip. He told me that until you were obedient, I was to continue whipping you.
"continue whipping" [record scratch] wait what the fuck
... i think that implies that garon was whipping corrin before she was she was sent to the tower?? man what the hell kind of life did corrin have between being kidnapped out of hoshido and before ending up in the northern fortress under gunter's aegis.
gunter's no saint, not in the least bit (i have sooooooo many issues with the side of fandom who thinks he's just a sweet wholesome old grandpa lmao lol looooooooooooool no), but damn did he sure protect her from the worst of krakenburg.
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okay this is interesting
a) she doesn't trust her memory like, at all. it's wild to think that gunter's literally likely the one dude that remembers her early lived life the best considering her other retainers (jakob/flora/felicia) were kids even slightly younger than she was, the hoshidan siblings were really young as well, and no other playable nohrian character was around much other than the occasional visit, post her kidnapping.
it's a little terrifying to think about how (i guess, if you interpret the game that way?) anankos was possessing him way back when and had free reign around corrin. that's kind of why i'm not totally in love with that interpretation (that'd be the perfect time for anankos to take out/corrupt corrin. why didn't he?).
b) that 'closed off' line says a lot from him, considering Gunter's hardly a socialite, either. in fact their whole support chain was framed around corrin seeking him out because he starkly seeks out alone time so much that it's a little ... isolating.
so like, if mister 'nah i don't need to be around people' is saying that, sheesh. i dabble in it with this slowburn fic, but i could almost see corrin being selectively mute at times, and hiding from people days at a time.
their dynamic ain't normal by any means but you can see how that kind of early-stage trauma bonding on both of their sides would influence [gestures at] everything, you know?
gunter's not just a father("figure"). or just a combat instructor. or just a mentor, or later, just a lover -- he's something that's more, even all combined. there's a hardwired sense of trust and codependency that's seared into them from the get-go.
(it's fucked up! god it's fun to write though.)
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so i ambled away from my computer at this line while screenshotting these and only afterwards realized that this out of context sounds like a goddamn porno LMAO
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[whispers] what in the fuckity fuck nintendo
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corrin, sweetie.....
...................how in the fuck are we supposed to read that with a straight face sjkhshajhjhjjh
lol. lmao.
okay [drags hands down face and cackles]
so this is right about where i really have to say i genuinely cannot see their (romantic) relationship being anything but a kink relationship. (and i say this in the fic notes but it's not the 'bdsm acronym pasta garbage' sense, and it's not in the 50 shades of grey cliche 24/7 M/s sense either, god i cannot fucking stand the cliche version of that shit. shoot me if i ever write that.)
and i say that for several reasons.
one - if you're shipping them, their mutual power dynamics are so hopelessly tangled between them and it's the one language -- in a way -- that they both "speak" later on that is uniquely equipped to handle a lot of that and the trauma junk from both of them in a private, loving, dignifying way. i genuinely mean that, too. rev's possession arc with him, corrin recovering from the mind wipes, etc. they're gonna have to face a lot of unpleasant shit together, and actively grappling at and mutually playing with those realities is, in a complex way, hell of a lot healthier than simply pretending it doesn't exist in the first place.
(two - metatextually i think nintendo intentionally encouraged a kink flavor to gunter/corrin because this ship does squick the fuck out of most other people and i'm not totally unsympathetic to that, so i think it's a way of quickly weeding out everyone except the folks who are genuinely here for this in an unironic sense. )
three - i already wrote up kink analysis re: gunter here lol (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚
four - and sorta on this note, what's interesting is... with a lot of kinksters i know, they knew they vibed differently in that way really early on, even as kids. like even in stupid silly make believe play games they'll tie up barbies in random ass ways or discover in a genuinely innocent way that they like specific sensations of pain they can control. later on as adults, a lot of times the brain wires go [bzzt] and suddenly the world of power or sensation play makes a hell of a lot more sense, and frankly, is a lot more fun in certian sexy arenas of life. sometimes it comes along with trauma junk, sometimes it doesn't, it's not a binary thing (as basically everything isn't).
THAT IS A LOT OF WORDS TO SAY corrin also inadvertently being wired that way and having these little semi-accidental lines doesn't actually surprise me that much. (i can also see this specific line being a little bit of a 'hrmm' flag for gunter in that she's not going to run away instantly screaming at the idea of playing these specific kinds of games, later on once when/if they're romantic)
am i projecting a little? fuck yes, that's what we're here for
Gunter: Indeed. I knew that striking you wouldn't ever get you to open up to anyone. So I came up with a different method - one that used this ball. I returned to your room sometime later, and I rolled the ball over to you. Corrin: Which I immediately picked up, examined, and threw back to you. Gunter: Oh, you remember this part? Good.
that actually is incredibly wholesome she remembers this part. ;a; you know gunter was always probably lowkey sad at her not remembering key parts of her childhood, regardless or not if it was moments between them or not.
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so did you know, treehouse actually neutered this down from the JP version which was straight up, i shit you not:
Gunther: …It’s nostalgic… It really is. Kamui: …How long has it been since? I’ve always considered you like my real father, Gunther-san.
l u l "real father"""""
i'm dying man
every single goddamn time i think this ship can't possibly get more fucked up IT DOES
it would be hilarious enough just knowing the whole existence of a (married) S-support coming up but coming right after the heels of that THE BALL WAS A WHAT realization.... hee
anyway here's the last chunk:
Gunter: You… You are much too kind. Ah, now look at what you've made me do. Corrin: Gunter! It's rare that you miss a catch. Gunter: My sincerest apologies. There was… something in my eye. Corrin: Getting sentimental in your old age? Hang on, I'll get you a handkerchief.
damn girl, 'sentimental in your old age'. you vicious! :D
it is horrible of me but every time i think about the end of this support i bust out HYSTERICALLY LAUGHING for a completely different reason since if you headcanon Gunter as always holding a flame for/romantically harboring feelings for Corrin-
on one hand: 'i'm special to her :'))))'
on the other: [ O H K O ]
anyway half of what makes the A-support peak fridge-[everything] is the S-support right after ~ coming soon!
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