#i stole that joke from the submitter
foundfamilyhq · 5 months
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Round two: Ačiū vs Bah
(poll at the end)
Ačiū (Lithuanian)
Translation: Thank you
Lithuanian is an Indo-European language belonging to the Baltic branch, spoken by 2,4 million people in Lithuania. An interesting thing about Lithuanian is that it has kept many features from proto-Indo-European, the language that all Indo-European languages are descended from. The features mostly have to do with noun declensions, as Lithuanian has seven cases and three grammatical genders while most other languages have lost theirs. Some sounds are also similar, especially vowels. However, other languages are more conservative in other areas.
Motivation: It's pronounced similarly to achoo (stress on first letter) and people joke it sounds like a little sneeze <3 In 2008 it was chosen as the most beautiful Lithuanian word
Bah (Brazilian Portuguese)
Translation: An interjection that can be used in any situation depending on tone. It's used in the southernmost state in Brazil and characterizes its accent. Bah comes from the word "barbaridade" (barbarity), used in older gaúcho slang as such:
Person A: (ridiculous, usually negative thing) and then those teenagers stole my sheep!
Person B: (agreeing/sympathetic with A) what a barbaridade!
Nowadays it lost it's meaning as a WORD word, being used in any context as an interjection like this:
A: and then those teenagers stole my sheep!
B: Baaah! (sympathetic with A)
(more examples given by the submitter at the end of the post)
Portuguese is an Indo-European language belonging to the Romance branch originating from Portugal. Due to colonialism it is the main and official language of Brazil, where 213 million of its 264 million speakers live. Brazilian Portuguese is considered a dialect of Portuguese as they are mutually intelligible.
Motivation: The heart of every gaúcho's vocabulary. bah is perfect. I use it in every five sentences and I'm not exaggerating. it's the best word bc without it I would die
Note: Gaúcho refers either to a native or inhabitant of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil’s southernmost state, or a cowboy of the South American Pampas according to Wiktionary. I assume the submitter is referring to the former meaning, but I liked the other too much to leave it out, also the meanings are probably linked.
More examples from the submitter of bah:
When seeing something impressive: bóóóó
When watching something you know isn't gonna end well, at the moment it goes badly (like a missed goal in soccer, someone parking badly or drunk people doing something stupid): buhiii (oof/ouch, meaning cringe)
Person A: If they apologized and you sorted this whole thing out, there isn't a reason to cut them off Person B: Yeah, but I found out they cheated on their last girlfriend... Person A: Bah. Yeah you’re right. (oh/shit/this face :/ , meaning that's stepping out of line, I tried to defend the subject but I can't deny your arguments)
Person A: Wanna go to the movies tonight? Person B: sure! -bahhh... I forgot I have some work to catch up on, I can't (ohhhh, meaning you remembered something, sad/apologetic tone)
Person A: They cancelled the concert! We're gonna have to wait for the next tour... Person B: Bahhhhhh I was so excited! (awww mannn/ughhh, meaning disappointment, frustration)
Person A: We’re finally gonna see The Concert From the Previous Example! Get your ticket ready so we can get in! Person B: Oh my god. I left it at home Person A: BA. (fuck)
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valshe-eng · 5 years
[BLOG POST] Zero-Sum Bokete results
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Post under the cut!
Rule: caption this image (with what would Valshe say) with Bokete
(Bokete = lame joke)
Original post: (x)
Chinese Translation: (x)
“Nii-chan won’t be fooled” Prize
submitter: Machi
“you thought it was a sea urchin? its actually…pudding sauce!”
VALSHE: nii-chan only eats sea urchin from Hokkaido, so he won’t be fooled!
“Feel free” Prize
submitter: 白怪獅
“I want to go to the bathroom…lol”
VALSHE: please go!!
“No interest” Prize
Submitter: Hanaeru
“Hey, what colour are your panties today?”
VALSHE: I don’t think we are in that sort of relationship that we ask each other’s colour of their panties
“This relationship is too bad” Prize
Submitter: Kazebayashi
“Tonight’s dinner.. will be poisoned”
VALSHE: if it’s for both of us I would taste it too…!!
“This is the person who’s famous” Prize
Submitter: Runa
“There’s a sweet potato strips on your hair”
VALSHE: can’t take it down to eat it
“Not Quite” Prize
Submitter: Karin
“I broke minato’s iPhone just now, so Tommy went to buy it”
VALSHE: even if that happens its not entirely surprising at all ★
“This is Hakuseki” Prize
Submitter: Tome Amayo
“Because I wanted to upload this photo so I’m telling you first, your nose hair is visible~”
VALSHE: If its found out now it will be told immediately
“Non-fictional” Prize
Submitter: Haust
“… the teacher’s wig is crooked, you can see it right…?”
VALSHE:  For real, we both had been through this in the past…
“I think this is Hakuseki” Prize
Submitter: Kanachan
“your nose hair is visible”
VALSHE: even if it is this is only told in secret!
“Terrible sense of humour” Prize
Submitter: Natsukingu
“It’s funny how they added mushrooms into the potato stew www”
“Hey, that’s a lie right..??!!”
VALSHE: as a brother/sister team who likes mushrooms, let’s form a team to hope for more (mushrooms)
“This is good for a short song” Prize
Submitter: Yuzukannu
“Brother, I say… you stole Val’s femininity right?”
VALSHE: I like this!!! Do we use Val’s remaining femininity to make minato more beautiful?
“Perfectly matched with the universe” Prize
Submitter: Sakuragi
“….Hey.. Our game…”
“It’s gonna be fun.”
VALSHE: It matches perfectly with ViCTiM’s universe!
“Don’t think I’ll see it” Prize
Submitter: Rabu
“nii-chan, do you wear a negligee while you sleep?”
VALSHE: nii-chan what is this what happened to youuuuuu!!!!??? But, even if you do wear it I can kinda accept it.
“Will gradually be sold” Prize
Submitter: Kinakoro
VALSHE: this is the funniest… I got nothing to say about this..
“Just saying it Innocently” Prize
Submitter: Bergamot
“(Low voice) PARAMOUNT BED….”
** Paramount Bed is a brand of bed in Japan
VALSHE: So as I was saying, I got nothing to say about captions like these
“Unexpectedly correct and fitting” Prize
Submitter: Kabosu
“It will be fine, maybe I won’t feel as bad…”
**Last line in TRANSFORM
VALSHE: It’s a line from TRANSFORM! If there’s friends around it would probably play out like that
“Poor thing” Prize
Submitter: Ayumi
“Sigh.. just tell me clearly, Which one do you like? …Pear or Apple?”
VALSHE: nii-chan doesn’t eat both pear or apple so….
“Old scars still hurt” Prize
Submitter: Whiteberry
“Hey.. my phone fell into the toilet bowl”
VALSHE: That… That thing!! Ow.. the past is hurting again..
“This person is too terrible” Prize
Submitter: Hime
“Cry for me…”
*Val pinches a spot of minato where we can’t see*
VALSHE: If it’s with hakuseki I probably will…
“It really poked in” Prize
Submitter: Kazuna(。·ω·。)
“Your hair is going to poke into your eyes...”
VALSHE: The other hairstyles are uneasy and itches the eyes!
“This is magic” Prize
Submitter: Rikuto
“You asked if Val’s a robot? But I’m more warm than nii-chan, I shoot roses out of my gun!”
VALSHE: this dagger.. how do you say it 3, 2, 1.. ha! It bent! The Magician brother-sister duo has no magical value anymore, dismissed!
“This is Ho*pepper” Prize
Submitter: Miki
“You’ve ate pasta with Val’s coupon right?”
VALSHE: ate.. it… aaaaa I missed it…
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