#i struggled with snaps face and im p happy wit it now ;w;
skelekins · 10 months
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the moment Seabun pulls back from kissing his cheek, Snaps lets his head drop down to nuzzle into the mer's neck, and pulls him closer. he feels like he could stay like this forever. [~ by didderd]
Link to The Thread
@didderd and I have been throwing Snaps and Seabun at each other in the thread linked above. <3
:) Didderd did this illustration for it as well! :D
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prettyboongi · 4 years
Our Very First Night Together
Reader x Jeon Jungkook
1.9k words
A lots of fluff with a hint of smut
[Note: A requested story. I really liked this since it reminded me of the first time I spent the night with my boyfriend. The hardest part when writing this was coming up with realistic dialogue, which is something I really struggle with. I’m really trying to improve so please have mercy on me. Deuces!]
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Jungkook was in the middle of playing a game on his computer when he had gotten your text. Your text read:
“Im outside your door. plz open :p” 
Excited, he quickly logged off his game, took off his headset and hurried himself to the door. 
Tonight was a big night for you two: it would be the very time you spending the night. Although you two have been dating for almost a year, things have always been too busy to do normal couple things, like, in this case, spending the night at each other’s places. And with that, you and Jungkook have been taking your relationship extremely slow. Besides some intimate cuddling and brief makeout sessions, you two haven’t gone further than that. And since spending the night could mean taking that particular huge step in your relationship, he wanted to make sure you were comfortable. He cleaned his entire apartment; he vacuumed and dusted the living room, cleaned the bathroom, and straightened up his kitchen. Once he was finished with that, he went grocery shopping to pick up your favorite snacks like the caring boyfriend he was (he also picked up a box of condoms, you know just in case). Jungkook just wanted to make sure that you felt right at home at his place, maybe even come to think of it as a second home. 
Jungkook opens the door to find a smiling you, carrying a large floral print traveling bag in one hand and a filled green grocery tote in the other. 
“Hey!”, you exclaim as Jungkook gestures for you to come inside. “Thanks again for letting me spend the night.” After placing your belongings on the floor, you wrap your arms around Jungkook’s neck as you two lean in for a sweet kiss. 
“Of course, babe”, he says while still holding on to you. “I’ve been wanting this for a long time.” He looks to your side, “What’s in that green bag.” 
You released yourself from Jungkook’s embrace to grab your tote. “I got us snacks!”, you said enthusiastically, holding the bag towards him. 
He chuckles at your keen attitude. “Y/N, I told you I would cover the snacks,” he says taking the tote from you. 
You shrugged and smiled, “Well now we have more snacks.” 
I mean she wasn’t wrong but Jungkook still shook his head. “What am I gonna do with you?” He hears you giggle as he places the bag on the kitchen counter. 
“So,” you began, “What are the plans for the night?” 
“Anything you wanna do, to be honest,” he answers. 
You couldn’t help but smile, he’s always treating you like a queen and, Jungkook’s eyes, you were a queen. His queen. “Let’s just stay then. We could order a pizza, watch some Netflix, gorge on a bunch of these snacks and pass out from food comas.” 
“Sounds great to me.” 
<a little bit later in the evening>
“So I just placed the order for the pizza,” Jungkook says to you, “It should be here in about 40 minutes.” 
“You made sure to get my fave?,” you asked him coyly. 
He leaned over to where you were sitting on the couch, inches away from your face, “Of course, Y/N. A large pepperoni, extra pepperoni and extra cheese.” 
“With a side of breadsticks and dipping sauces?” 
“Yes, Y/N, anything for the spoiled princess”, he sighs exaggeratingly, clearly messing around. You playfully hit his shoulder as he lets out a breathy laugh. 
You start to get up from the couch and grab your traveling bag. “You mind if I go take shower real quick?” 
“Of course not,” he says, “You remember where the bathroom is at?” 
“Yes, Jungkook,” you mockingly say, getting back at him for teasing you. You run out of the living as he light-heartedly chases you. 
40 minutes passed and the pizza arrived. Jungkook places the pizza down on the coffee table, accompanied by paper plates, bottles of soda and some of the snacks you both bought. Once he turned on the Netflix app on his TV, everything was set. Now the only thing he had to wait for was you. 
“Hmm? I wonder when she’s gonna be done,” he thought to himself. He picked up his phones and checked his messages to preoccupy himself as he waited. Soon enough, he hears your footsteps approaching. “About time, Y/N”, he says, still looking at his phone. 
“Oh, be quiet,” you rebutted, “Is the pizza here?” 
“Yeah, you're lucky you came just in time, I would've been more happy to eat all by myself.” Once Jungkook notices you in his peripheral vision, he looks up and stares at you for a moment. You’ve changed into an interesting piece of nightwear: a light pink, knee-length nightgown with short sleeves, lined with pink lace at the bottom hem. The nightgown wasn’t too baggy, fitting you like a casual everyday dress. The satin material made it seem like you were glowing under the living room lights. For some reason, Jungkook expected your pajamas would be a t-shirt and sweats, so seeing you in your cute nightgown surprised him. 
You noticed him staring at you. “What?,” you asked. 
"Nothing", he says. Jungkook quickly looks away from you, hiding his faint blush. You were confused by his sudden bashfulness but decided to shrug it off. 
You spent the next few hours watching two anime films; the first one being a film adaptation of a classic anime series and the other currently on was a romantic drama that brought Jungkook close to tears (even though he would deny it.) Frankly, you thought the movie was a bit boring but the movie was halfway over anyway. You both were sitting on opposite sides of the couch; Jungkook was sitting up, totally invested in the movie while your entire body was propped up on the couch, leaning you rest on the armrest. You tried your best not to doze off but ended up passing off before the movie’s ending. 
As the movie credits rolled, Jungkook discreetly wiped his tears, hoping you wouldn’t catch him. “That was a pretty good movie. What do you think?’ He looks over to your side of the couch and finds you in a deep slumber. “Hmm, maybe I made the apartment a little too comfortable,” he thinks to himself. Looking at you peacefully sleeping made him terribly happy. To him, you looked so adorable, as if he wanted to protect you from anything that troubled you, like a good boyfriend would. 
With you fast asleep, he thought it would be a great time to take a quick shower himself. After he leaves you asleep on the couch, he heads to the bathroom to wash up and then change into a baggy hoodie and sweatpants. As he was drying his hair with a towel, he headed back to the living room where he had left you. Seeing that the Netflix menu was still on display, he assumed you were still asleep. Once he got close to the couch, he abruptly stopped in his tracks. Looking down at you, he sees you curled in a fetal position with your original knee length nightgown riden up to your hip area. Jungkook stood there, frozen and blushing furiously. He knew he shouldn't be looking at you that way, but he really couldn’t help but gaze at you; the exposure of your shapely thighs and the soft curve of your hip were both hard to look away from. To make matters harder for him, he also had a glimpse of your black, lacy bikini briefs. Eventually, Jungkook got himself to snap out of it and go find a blanket to hide your exposed boy. After retrieving a blanket in the linen closet, he carefully places the blanket on you without waking you up. Sure, you stirred a bit but quickly went back to sleep. 
Jungkook sat back down to the opposite side of the couch and turned on a random documentary to take his mind off what he’d seen. However, it proved to be difficult as seeing you in that kind of way really worked him up inside. It wasn’t until then he realized the pent up emotions he held for so long. More than ever, he wanted you. He felt that he was more than ready to have sex tonight but he was worried if you weren’t. And the last thing he wanted to happen was to pressure into doing something you weren’t ready for. "But she had to be ready right?", he thought. I mean, why would he wear a paper thin nightgown and sexy panties if you weren’t. Jungkook pondered these thoughts, trying to figure out what was best to do. His thoughts were soon interrupted by the sound of you sitting up from the couch. He looks at you stretching your arms and yawning loudly. 
With sleepy eyes, you look at him, “Sorry for passing out. That movie was pretty boring. But I bet you loved it a lot.” When you met Jungkook's eyes, he quickly looked away. “Hey what’s wrong?”
Avoiding eye contact, Jungkook simply responds, “It's nothing.” 
A bit annoyed, you took the TV remote and turned it off. Surprised, Jungkook looked at you, “I was watch-”
“Jungkook,” you said in a rather stern tone, “What’s been going on with you? You’ve been acting strange right before we started the movie. Please, tell me what’s on your mind.” 
The expression on your face was with genuine concern and, with that, he felt like he owed you a proper explanation. Jungkook took a moment to find the right words to use but ultimately decided to be as honest as he could be. 
“Y/N, do you ever think about, you know, having sex?” 
Your eyes widened at the bluntness of his question. “W-what in the world brought this up,” you stummered. You felt flushed, your face was getting warmer by the second. 
“Well, we’ve been together for a long time. Like I understand I’ve been busy with the group and you have your own obligations to handle, so I get there never has been much time to be intimate. But now that you're here with me, maybe it’s time to take the next step. What do you think?” 
While you were pretty much at loss of words, you did understand where Jungkook was coming from. The seriousness of this conversation made you nervously fidget your fingers. “I do think about it, Jungkook. And I do want to sleep with you, it’s just that I still have my fears,” you confessed to him. 
Jungkook moves closer to you on the couch and gently takes your hand. “Yeah I do too,” he says, “Being busy is one thing but we really should’ve been honest about this a long time ago.” 
You shook your head. Feeling Jungkook caress the back of your hand melts away any nervousness you felt before. He was right about being more honest with each other. You trusted him after all, and you loved him with all of your heart. 
After gazing at each other’s eyes for a moment, Jungkook leans towards you, placing a soft and lingering kiss on your lips. In response, your hands cupped his face causing you to deepen the kiss. Similar to how Jungkook felt when he saw your exposed thighs, the sincerity of your conversation as well as the passionate kissing between you two was waking something within you: pent up emotions that you’ve constantly buried down for the longest time. 
After a minute or so, the two of you broke away from your kiss and gazed at each other lovingly. 
“I love you so much, Kookie.” 
“I love you too, Y/N.” 
You wrapped your arms around his and sensuously whispered into his, “I want you so bad.” 
Jungkook took that as an obvious sign that you were 100% ready and, for that night, he gladly obliges.  
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