#there may be more in the future OwO
earthnashes · 1 month
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I don't think I've ever actually shown the finished design of my sona here, so here ya go! :)
Her name's Ash, a shapeshifting monster who acts as a traveling Lorekeeper. Her job is basically documenting the wonders of the worlds she travels to, particularly the inhabitants she comes across. AKA she's literally me with a fantastical twist. :)
I was actually told a few times that folks were surprised she looked so much like me and uh. That's kinda the point; I never had the interest to have a sona until relatively recently, and the only way I found myself actually connecting with her is by making her a mirror of myself in every way outside the obvious artist flare with the more animal features. She's loud, she draws, she likes to travel, she's got a big ol afro, she's weird. Badabing badaboom!
I'm pretty happy with the result! It also helps a lot when I do promotional art to actually have a functional design on hand to reference from. ;w; I'd also like to expand on her lore; a couple of my friends suggested building a world for all of our sonas to exist in for the hell of it and I'm pretty excited with the idea.
But ye! I hope ya'll like her! I may end up making an "official" ref of her sometime in the future. owo
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versadies · 2 years
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SYPNOSIS (of chapter). in which secrets are now out of the light as the other side of one's story is now told.
SYPNOSIS (of series). breaking up with your first love was heartbreaking, but not as heartbreaking as getting invited to his wedding after years of not seeing him. that is, until things seem to be easier when you encounter a certain guest, who could end up being more than just a blooming friend to you.
CHARACTERS. kamisato ayato, diluc ragnvindr (w/ gn!reader)
CONTENT. angst/no-fluff, arranged marriage, minor character deaths, mentions of murder, mentions of corruption, mentions of car accident, lots of sadness but its from ayato so enjoy seeing him suffer <3
PENPALS. @scaraslover @saving-for-xiao @dawgimsohot @kazu-topia @chiruru @aqualesha @renamichii @mrkamisato @shenhesl0ver @serami00 @serenareiss @hiqhkey @emperatris-rinaka @bystander36 @irisxiel @ladycoleigh @034ven @dear-dairiess @owozi8 @hadesaedes @chiro-chiro-kun @hersscherofyatta @mariusvonhangme @yuzuricebun @hoshikistarlette @solaaresque @crowbird @lordbugs @flowersforayato @headintheclouddd @estelwrld @giyusimpsassemble @irethepotatosblog @moonlightaangel @alice0blog @shotosbrainrot @sniffoat @chihawari @mxsomn @kuni-kuzushii @jiminscarmex @mitsukii14 @nejibot @ylimeprive @sachispet @loreleis-world @sn-owo @starforecasts @someonetookmynamelmao @ceylestia @koshiisu @ymikkos @reallysporadicarcade @elychee @rion-s @denkineptune @franini @sophisticatedleslie @thedivinepriestress @smashsubs @httpmitsuya @bl6o6dy @cottonkendi (come visit this post / send an ask if you’d like to be tagged !)
WORD COUNT. 9.3k words
LINKS. EVERMORE MASTERLIST \ MAIN MASTERLIST \ EVERMORE SURVEY (come visit if you'd like to ask questions that i'll answer by the time this series ends !)
POST-SCRIPT. at last we’ve reached the last chapter before the wedding chapter as well as the last chapter of you and ayato !! chapter 10 will be a sweet beginning that’ll now revolve around you and diluc until the end of this series ! this was honestly a tough chapter to write but enjoy ig 😭😭😭
make sure to read the full thing before looking at reblogs and replies to prevent yourself from getting spoiled !!
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One of the things Ayato loves about you is how there’s no one he can imagine spending the rest of his life with but you. 
You’re not only his lover, but his person. Someone who can understand him, tolerate him, comfort him, love him, see him for who he is without intentions of taking advantage of his family’s name and business. 
Despite the differences you both have, you two managed to make things work together as a couple. Despite the fights you both have, you two managed to fix it under communication and clearing up everything. Despite everything, the both of you are still here together. 
Because of you, Ayato understands why people love movies so much. Because of you, Ayato understands why people love playing games with friends rather than studying all day and preparing for the future. Because of you, Ayato understands why people love. 
Because of you, Ayato understands himself more than before. 
So who could blame him for wanting to spend his future with someone who made him happier than anyone can?
Sure, you may be like everyone else, but there’s no one else who could make him feel so in love but you. 
Just seeing you sleeping beside him on days when he’d sleep over at your dorm makes him want to wake up beside you everyday. Just seeing you laughing and smiling at his words while walking with him to the university or to the dormitory makes him want to go wherever you go. Just seeing you being embarrassed whenever you can’t find the answer to a homework makes him want to go through all your obstacles in life with you. 
Just seeing you looking at him the way he looks at you makes him want to love you again and again. 
Just seeing you, he couldn’t imagine his life to turn out like this.
One of the things that Ayato feels burdened with about the Yashiro Company is its past.
It’s long forgotten for how long ago it was, but it will remain haunting to those who are aware of it and will never be at peace with the information they’re burdened with. 
Those include his great-grandfather, grandfather, father, perhaps the current CEOs of the two other businesses that are a part of the tri-business, and unfortunately Ayato himself.
He was shocked when his father told him back then that the Yashiro Company was involved with the fall of the Kaedehara Company, a well-known company in the past that was respected by everyone until an incident occurred. 
The Shogun Company, now called Tenryou Company, is the biggest business known in Inazuma back then, so when they accused the Kaedehara Company for fraud, everything went down for the Kaedehara family.
The CEO of the Tenryou Company caught Kaedehara Yoshinori, the CEO of Kaedehara Company back then, tampering with important documents red-handed, and despite the protests and excuses, Yoshinori was faced with the court trial and the dire consequences.
Not only did the Kaedehara Company face bankruptcy, they also faced backlash by the media for doing such a thing, leading Yoshinori and the Kaedehara family to go into hiding for good until they’ve been long forgotten many years later. 
However, there was one thing everyone didn’t know about.
There were two more businesses that were involved in the incident. One is the Hiiragi Company – who was actually the one behind the fraud but managed to frame Yoshinori for it – and the Yashiro Company – who was the reason why Yoshinori was involved with the scene in the first place. 
Ayato’s great grandfather didn’t mean to let this happen. All he wanted was for Yoshinori to obtain the tampered documents while he was distracting the CEO of Shogun Company, only for the CEO to catch Yoshinori at a bad time and ruin the Kaedehara business for good. 
As much as Ayato felt saddened from the tragedy of the Kaedehara family, he couldn’t help but resent it so much. After all–
It was the main reason why he ended up marrying the person he doesn’t love.
Ayato found out one night, he went back home from your dormitory to see Hiiragi’s current CEO, Hiiragi Shinsuke, having a quiet conversation with his parents as they failed to notice Ayato hiding nearby listening to it. 
In all honesty, Ayato never liked the Hiiragi Company’s CEO. There was always something about him that made the young man feel… uneasy. 
At this moment, the uneasiness grew ten times more. 
“...Mr. Hiiragi, what’s the meaning of this?” Ayato’s father asks, a frown is evident on his face. 
The man across the table smiles in response, as if he didn’t ask the most absurd thing. 
“I’m offering you a chance, Mr. Kamisato.” Shinsuke Hiiragi explains. “You can let your son marry my daughter and I’ll destroy all evidences regarding your… grandfather being involved with the infamous Kaedehara incident as well as the evidence that your father’s involved with the car accident that the heir of one of Tenryou Company’s branches, Kujou Kamaji, died in.” 
Ayato’s eyes widen, his breath hitches. 
“But… Mr. Hiiragi,” Ayato’s father hesitates for a moment, “I would have agreed on this arrangement had it not been the fact that my son is with another. I simply cannot accept that I have to force my son to leave the person he loves–!”
“If you refuse my offer, then I have no choice but to release all the evidence, Mr. Kamisato.” Shinsuke interrupts in a taunting manner. “Would you rather see your ancestors’ entire work into ruins and let your family face backlash from the media, or would you rather let your company continue its successful years without any worries and burdens?” 
The young man watches as his parents look at each other in deep thought. It’s obvious they didn’t want to sacrifice their son, but neither did they want to face cruel consequences that their children will face. 
However, it’s also obvious which option is the best. 
Which is why Ayato walks away from the dining area without listening to another word from the three, his heart heavy and aching on the thought of what happens next. 
He couldn’t sleep that night. 
He couldn’t stop thinking about every single possible way he could do to prevent this, and all of them led to one thing. 
Even if Ayato did find a way to reject Shinsuke without the dire consequences, what if the cruel CEO decided to hurt you to make him say yes to the marriage?
Ayato couldn’t let that happen. 
If breaking up with you and marrying someone he doesn’t love is the only way to protect both you and his family from harm, then so be it. 
Knowing you, you’d definitely try to find a way to do something about Shinsuke, and Ayato certainly cannot let you do it – not when Shinsuke is perhaps one of the most dangerous person who won’t hesitate to kill you.
There's no doubt that the Hiiragi family was also the one behind the death of Kujou Kamaji. 
If there’s one thing that’s strange about the car accident, it was the fact that the cause of it was Kamaji being seen falling unconscious while driving before hitting another car and causing an explosion, leading the Tenryou Company and the police to investigate what made the passing heir to do such a thing, only to find nothing that could help them.
It’s obvious that Shinsuke would be the first person who’d be out for Kamaji’s head given that he’s the one marrying his daughter, something the CEO disapproves due to how Shinsuke isn’t fond of the Kujou family. 
However, what most people didn’t know about the infamous accident was how Ayato’s grandfather is the last person Kamaji talked to before his death. 
His grandfather was seen by the CCTVs of the Yashiro building talking to Kamaji and led the younger man to run away to his car before the accident occurred, leading the old man to delete the CCTV tapes in fear of people thinking that he was possibly behind the accident. This soon became one of the Kamisato family’s biggest secrets as it was a risk to the business’s reputation. 
Knowing this fact, Shinsuke probably got his hands on the tapes and will use it as one of the pieces of evidence that the Kamisato family was involved with the death of Kamaji despite it being far from the truth. 
It didn’t matter to Shinsuke it seems, not when the CEO can forge all of the evidence with the help of whoever has the Hiiragi’s family’s back and make it look as if the Kamisato family was behind all of it.
Knowing this, the heir knows Shinsuke won’t hesitate to go after you if he could get away from the two incidents. 
Ayato’s heart felt heavy from the thought of what he’s going to do. 
Just thinking about not being able to wake up beside you everyday makes him feel hopeless. Just thinking about not being able to be there for you when you cry or be upset over something makes him feel as if he’s separated from you by a wall made of bedrocks. Just thinking about you looking at him as if he’s the worst person to live on Earth makes him feel suffocated. 
Just thinking about not being with you is enough for him to feel like he’s nothing. 
The only way to keep you safe is by making you avoid him, so he has no choice but to… but to…
“No, I can’t hesitate right now.” He whispered to himself, putting his hands on the sides of his head in frustration. I have to do this for my family… For Ayaka. He thought to himself, closing his eyes shut with a shaky sigh.
Even if he has to make himself become someone you despise with all your heart, even if he has to force himself to lose the future he dreamt of that has you, even when his body feels like it's on fire as his heart weighs as much as the burdens on his shoulders at the thought of not being able to be the person you’ll spend with for the rest of your lives, even when he doesn’t to go back to his bland life before he met you, he knows he has no choice. 
As the future heir of the Yashiro Company, he must choose the best choice for everyone. 
By the end of the night, Ayato had made up his mind.
In order to make the breakup look sincere to you, he must avoid you for weeks. 
He remembers watching romance movies to learn and understand how he can possibly win your heart, but he also learned how he can possibly break your heart. 
Now that he thinks about it, this can be a practice for the both of you to live without the other.
He goes back to riding his family’s car towards the university instead of walking with you there, trying to focus on anything that won’t make him regret and run off to where you are (he doesn’t notice the way Ayaka looks at him in concern at the sight of her brother clenching his hands as if he’s holding himself back from something).
He goes back to being holed up in his bedroom studying instead of running off to Komore Cafe to study with you, trying to be busy to stop himself from thinking about you and wonder how you are (he doesn’t notice how his desperate attempts never work. Not until he finds himself staring at the wallpaper of his phone that has you in it). 
He goes back to spending time with the Student Council for the rest of the day instead of spending time with you in the university, trying to distance himself from you in order to get used to what the rest of his life will be (he doesn’t notice how Student Council officers, particularly the president and the vice president, wonder what made him look as if he’s been through hell with those now dull eyes of his). 
He goes back to being his old self before he met you.
All of this with an excuse of simply “forgetting” about your plans and being too busy to be able to be with you (when he’s always ready to drop everything for you).
The amount of time he had isn’t enough to prepare him for this moment.
By the time he deems it’s time to tell you, you both agreed to meet up with each other in the cafe after not seeing you for the past weeks. It felt like he hadn't seen you for years if he had to be honest. 
His mind instantly went numb when he entered the doors of the cafe that his best friend owns, his heart weighing him down from what’s about to happen. 
“Ayato! You came!” You spoke up excitedly when you spotted your lover, standing up from your seat and rushing towards him for a hug.
He finds himself spreading his arms wide, knowing that this will be the last time he’ll ever hug you like this. 
He closes his eyes shut the moment he feels your arms wrapped around him, shoulders relaxed from your familiar scent and warmth that you have whenever you hug him, clinging into you closer to him as he cherishes the hug. 
Ayato had to stop himself from hugging you again the moment you let go of him. 
“Come, I already asked Thoma to order the usual. I need your help with a certain topic that I think you might know about.” You explained, holding your lover’s hand as you drag him towards the table you always go to. 
He’ll just indulge himself first before letting go. 
Just once, and he’ll do it. 
He can’t do it.
Why can’t he say it? 
Ayato was silent the whole time for the past hour, something he thinks you don’t notice since you’re too distracted by your homework that he helped you with. He couldn’t find the words to end the relationship he loved and devoted himself to for the past years, not when he feels so content from just being here with you. 
It was only until you’re almost done answering your last homework when he finally spoke up.
“I cannot do this anymore, ( Name ).” He said suddenly, looking up at you from his drink after staring for a concerning amount of time. “Let’s… break up.” 
This is it.
He sees the way you stopped moving your pen from his words, and it felt as though the world had gone quiet from how silent the both of you are. 
“...You’re kidding… right?” You asked, looking up from your homework to look at your boyfriend with wide eyes. “Surely.. You’re just doing this to make me pay attention to you, right?” You let out a light chuckle, hoping to the gods above that your assumption is correct. 
He couldn’t say it. Not when his mind is flooded with dread, heartache, and misery.
Regardless, it was enough for you to stop chuckling, your nervous smile slowly disappearing from your face. “...You’re not kidding?” 
Ayato nodded with an apologetic look on his face, trying to hold himself back from taking everything back and lying that all of this is a prank. “You know me well lo– ( Name ). I apologize for the sudden… proposal.” 
No. This isn’t a proposal. This is him breaking off the one thing that made him feel complete and he can’t do anything to stop himself for the sake of his family. You drop your pen slowly. “What… Wait, I don’t understand. What went wrong?” 
He lets out a shaky breath, something you mistaken as a soft sigh, and he stares back at your upset eyes. “Nothing went wrong ( Name ). It’s not you.”
It’s me. I’m the one who’s wrong. I need to do this to keep you and everyone safe. He thought to himself.
“Then what is it?” You asked in a hurt tone. 
The man pauses for a moment. The next thing he’ll say will forever be engraved in his mind, knowing that it’s the biggest lie he had ever told in his entire life. 
He inhales deeply and responds to your question. “Unfortunately I’ve… fallen out of love with you.” 
Ayato feels as if his heart went on a flatline from those words, he couldn’t breathe properly as he has the urge to curl up in misery that he had to lose you this way. He just needs to get away from you for good, tell his parents that he has broken up with you, and pray that Shinsuke won’t go after you. 
He had never expected for this to end either.
“How long, Ayato–”
“I truly apologize, ( Name ).” Ayato said as he started to pack his items on the table, trying to look as unfazed as possible. “I.. I know this might be too cruel of me to say this but.. I’d like you to stop hanging out with me anymore.” He adds. 
You stayed silent, something that made him want to kneel down in front of you and reassure you that everything will turn out okay for you in the end, knowing fully well that this will be a rough time for you and him.
He can’t answer your question. Not when all of this isn’t even true in the first place.
“It was nice knowing you, ( Name ).” 
He hopes that this will be the last time he’ll see you, for he isn’t sure if he’ll be able to hold himself back from being in your arms the next time you and him meet again.
As he continues to walk away from the cafe, he sends a text to his driver that he’s ready to go, not noticing how you’re walking towards him until he hears you.
“Ayato, please! Just tell me what went wrong!” You exclaimed loudly as you followed your now ex boyfriend down the streets, ignoring how some people passing by looked at your direction strangely. 
“Don’t bother following me, ( Name ).” Ayato spoke, glancing at your direction with a warning look on his face as he continued to walk. For the sake of you, please don’t come after me. He thought.
He stops his tracks when you feel him tugging his clothes, not wanting to drag you and accidentally hurt you from walking with you holding onto him. 
“Please Ayato, I deserve to know what made you no longer love me!” You begged in a desperate tone.
He sighs in defeat, his shoulders slumps. 
Ayato turns around in your direction, a dull look plastered on his face. “Is it really necessary to have a reason why? I suddenly just don’t. Don’t make this harder for yourself than it is for me.” He lied. He still loves you, there’s nothing that will make him feel otherwise.
“Of course it’s necessary! You can’t just not love me anymore–”
“And yet here we are.” 
Words die instantly in your throat and you stare at him in bewilderment, your hand still holds onto his clothing. He wants to punch himself for making you hurt. 
“...Do you really not love me anymore?” 
He stares at your eyes, thinking of what to say before letting out a breath that he didn’t know he was holding. 
“Would you believe me if I said yes?” 
Your breath hitches. 
Your long silence was enough for Ayato to completely turn around and continue walking towards the bus stop, leaving you standing there dumbfounded and in disbelief. If only you knew how much he wanted to run to you and make it up to you, how desperate he is to find a way to not let the situation end like this, 
He couldn’t. 
For someone who doesn’t regret his choices, this is perhaps Ayato’s first time regretting a decision. 
What can he do about it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 
By the time he comes home, he looks at his parents with a sad smile on his face.
“Mother, father,” He called them, slowly dropping his bag from his shoulder. “I have.. News for you.” 
From the way he looks, his parents immediately became concerned for what he has to say. “...What is it, Ayato?” His father asks. The three didn’t notice how a certain person was somewhere nearby listening to the conversation in curiosity and confusion.
“I know about… Mr. Hiiragi’s offer and the consequences. So I decided to break up with ( Name ).” Ayato explains, unfazed by the sounds of his mother letting out a shocked gasp as his father stares at him in disbelief.
“Ayato you what…?” 
“It’s alright. I know this is for the best of our family.” Ayato reassures them, walking towards the hallway nearby. “You may call Mr. Hiiragi about the news and I’ll listen to what he has in mind about the arranged marriage. I’ll be in my room for the rest of the day, I don’t think I have the appetite to ea–”
Suddenly, he felt warm arms wrapped around him.
“Ayato…” Ayato realizes his mother is the one who’s hugging him in such a vulnerable matter. “I’m so sorry you had to go through this.. I wish there’s a way for you to not push ( Name ) away, you deserve to be with them so much and I can’t believe you had to do this for us–!” 
“Mother, please.. Don’t cry..” The heir spoke softly, trying not to show his devastation. “I’ll be fine. ( Name ) will be fine too.” 
“We.. have to make up a lie that we disapprove of ( Name ) due to the fact that they’re not like us.” Ayato’s father spoke. “It will give those who know about it all the more believable reasons why you’ve broken up with them.” 
Hearing that made Ayato’s heart sink even further. “...I understand.” 
It took a long while before Ayato is finally allowed to go to his room after a long conversation between him and his parents, who both never fail to remind him that they’re sorry for him to experience this. 
As soon as he closed the door shut behind him, Ayato finally broke his facade. The rest of the day was filled with him being devastated at losing the only person he loves, his heart aching nonstop from the heartbreak he endured after breaking things off with you. 
“I’m sorry ( Name ), I’m so sorry my love.” He whispered, not noticing how his bedroom door was opened slightly by a certain person he holds dear, whose heart breaks at the sight of her dear brother being miserable for the first time all because of a sacrifice.
That day was the day Ayato died, all that was left was what remained: the heir of Yashiro Company.
And the day after his death was just as painful as yesterday. 
Even when he broke your heart and left, you still come up to him to try and ask him why on Earth he broke up with you, only for him to push you away and avoid you despite wanting nothing more than to tell you. It hurts to try and get used to ignoring you instead of letting you come to his arms every time you come up to him. 
It’s for the best. He’d rather tell you years later than tell you when you’re in potential danger now. 
It’s ironic how he’s experiencing miscommunication when it’s his least favorite thing in romance movies. 
By the time you stopped, he could only hope that you understood that some things can’t be out in the open. 
Until he finds out that you’re now avoiding everyone.
It’s a habit of his to check a certain street that his car passes by to see you, so when he couldn’t see a sight of you for the next few days, he was confused (and worried). Not to mention how whenever he spots your friend group, you were never there with them at all. 
When he discovered that you’ve stopped hanging out with your friends for “projects” from Thoma, he felt even more worried. 
Why are you going through your heartbreak alone? 
Ayato couldn’t sleep well after finding that out – scratch that, he wasn’t able to sleep well at all ever since he found out about the damn arranged marriage. All he could think about is your well-being and whatever on Earth you’re doing. 
He wonders how you’re going through your heartbreak, if you’re not beating yourself up thinking that it’s your fault he left, if you’re blaming yourself for the breakup, and so many more thoughts that just breaks his heart further.
It frustrated him to no end that he can’t do anything about it, not when he has to avoid you in the first place. The only thing he could do at this moment is to just hope you’re not pushing yourself too far.
Sometimes, his mind trails off to what could’ve been if you and him weren’t together. 
If he hadn’t fallen in love with you, then you would’ve been happier without any worries besides your assignments instead of suffering from his mistake alone. If he hadn’t fallen in love with you, his life would’ve still been as bland and busy as ever and accept the arranged marriage without regrets. If he hadn’t fallen in love with you, then he wouldn’t have experienced what it’s like to love and to be the so-called mischievous and playful Ayato that you grew to love. 
He knew he didn’t deserve someone like you, who’s better off with someone who doesn’t have a secretive family past, someone who doesn’t have the chance of getting forced to an arranged marriage, someone who would never break your heart even if the circumstances are dire.
You’re better off with someone like Thoma. 
Ayato doesn’t want to admit it, but he’s quite envious of his best friend. Not only does Thoma know you since you were kids, but he has always been one of the first people you’d go to for advice and comfort should Ayato be unavailable to do that for you. Unlike him, Thoma’s never as busy as he is and, if he dare say, knows your interests more than Ayato does. 
Unlike him, Thoma would never give up on your relationship. 
Which is why if there’s a possibility that you’ll move on and fall in love with someone else, then he wouldn’t mind if the person is Thoma, who would surely treat you well. 
“Kamisato.” One of Ayato’s security guards knocks at his bedroom door, causing the man to wake up from his thoughts. 
Ah right, he has things to tend to.
“You may come in.” Ayato spoke up, turning around to see the door opening. “I’d like you to do a favor for me while I’m off tending to my studies.” 
“What would you like me to do, sir?” 
“You’re aware of the dormitory of my university, yes?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Then… Could you visit there and pick my items in my… friend’s dorm, perhaps?” 
Before the security guard could reply, someone else suddenly knocks on the door, causing Ayato to look at his door in confusion. 
“Brother,” Ayaka’s voice is heard from the other side of the door, “may I come in?” 
His shoulders relaxed knowing that it’s simply his dear sibling. “You may, what brings you here?” 
Ayaka shyly opens the door, smiling apologetically. “I uh… I couldn’t help but overhear your conversation and… I’d like to pick your items from your friend’s dorm if that’s alright.”
His eyes widened in surprise. “Are… Are you sure, Ayaka? What made you want to come visit the dormitory?” 
“I’m actually planning on visiting there for my friend, Yoimiya. I wouldn’t mind picking the items up for you while I’m at it.” She explains. “Is it alright, brother?”
Ayato thinks about it for a while. Is it really a good choice to let Ayaka come visit your dorm? 
As though the younger woman could read his mind, she instantly adds, “If I may be blunt.. I think ( Name ) wouldn’t mind seeing a familiar face by their door. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind seeing me.”
“How did you know it’s ( Name ) you’re going to?” 
“...Their dorm is the only dorm you visit, is it not..?” 
Ayato couldn’t help but smile. “Alright, fine, I see no harm in letting you visit ( Name ) for my items. Thank you for offering, Ayaka.”
The woman nods in acknowledgement with a smile before she looks at the security guard and gestures to him to be dismissed, who didn’t hesitate to leave the room seeing how he’s no longer needed. 
“I shall leave as well, thank you for letting me do this, brother.” 
By the time Ayaka comes home, it’s already dinner, and Ayato instantly notices the relieved look on Ayaka’s face.
He couldn’t help but be curious if something good had happened between his sister and ex lover. 
“...How are they…?” Ayato asks.
The woman stays silent for a moment, looking down at the box that contains Ayato’s items and gifts he gifted for you in deep thought. 
She then smiles gently. “They’re better than before to be honest.” 
Those words were enough to make him feel relaxed. 
“That’s good.. Let me pick that up for you, I’ll take it to my room while you go to the dining room and eat.” 
Ayaka nods in response, lending her sibling the box. “I will wait for you there then.”
As Ayato starts walking towards his room, he looks down at the box to see the items that were once in your dormitory that he loves to visit. 
Ah, so many memories. It’s as if the man is going down the memory lane.
He could recall every single joyful moments the items – especially the gifts he gotten for you – brought, like the time when he won a game booth during a school event and got you the prize you wanted, the time when you both made bracelets to match one another, the time when he made an exceptional origami that he gifted to you, the time when you both celebrated your one-year relationship anniversary in Komore’s Cafe, and surprisingly, the time when you both confessed your feelings to one another. 
Unfortunately, just like how he deals with the memories he has with you, he has no idea what to do with his items. He couldn’t throw it all away, nor can he just simply ignore it. 
Perhaps.. It wouldn’t hurt to display these in his room, where he’s the only one who would stare at it as he remembers the value it holds in his closed heart alone until the day comes when time finally follows his memories and precious things. 
Just thinking about the memories made Ayato realize that even when he has a future spouse to marry, he will never be able to experience the things in a way he did with you, and will never feel whole again.
It didn’t take long before Ayato eventually met his future spouse. 
Shinsuke was more than ecstatic when he heard news that Ayato’s now single and accepted his offer of the arranged marriage, causing the CEO to instantly come to visit the Kamisato Estate a few days later to discuss certain things about his daughter, Hiiragi Chisato. 
The first thing Ayato needs to do is to win his daughter’s heart, then when Chisato wishes so, the CEO will start the wedding arrangements immediately, all the while Ayato wonders what the woman he’s going to marry is like. 
Ayato imagined Chisato to be some cruel and vicious woman who probably saw him in those parties and suggested the marriage to her father, and he felt even more miserable from just thinking about the fact that he’d possibly marry a terrible person and have Shinsuke, a potential murderer and a cruel man overall, as his father-in-law. 
But his thoughts instantly changed when he saw her by the balcony. 
Shinsuke emphasized the fact that Ayato must attend the upcoming party that both Hiiragi family and Kamisato family would be attending, wanting the man to come up to his daughter and get to know one another, so the blue-haired man had no choice but to attend the party despite being someone who prefers to not be in public’s eye. 
Hiiragi Chisato was a lonely soul, if he had to put it. She didn’t look like someone who’d plan evil doings nor someone who’d be the daughter of some cruel man. She just looks like a woman who longs for something in her life. 
He knows not to judge a book by its cover, but sometimes, a cover has to be interesting enough to make a person be curious and look at what's inside. 
So he finds himself heading over to her, already knowing what to say in his head.
“And what brings such a lovely lady such as you being so lonely for an exquisite party, if I may ask?” Ayato spoke smoothly, watching as the woman looked at him in surprise.
Chisato couldn’t bring herself to look him in the eyes, her words stumbling. “I-I uhm.. I just feel a bit overwhelmed from so many people attending here. I thought it would be best if I took a breath of fresh air.” She explains, her fingers fidgeting.
A fake small chuckle comes out from his mouth, though his shoulders slightly untenses from how nice the woman seems to be.  “That I can understand. Not to mention how I have to make some small talk with half of the attendees, which bore me a lot.” He comments, leaning against the railway and looks at the view in front of the two lonely souls. “Your name is Hiiragi Chisato, correct?” 
She lets out a small squeak. “You… You know my name?” 
“I know everyone’s names at the party.” He spoke. “My name is Kamisato Ayato, I am delighted to make an acquaintance, Miss Hiiragi.” 
“O-Oh you don’t have to.. Call me that!” She said immediately. “You can just call me Chisato, Mr. Kamisato.” 
Ayato pauses for a moment from her words, taken back from how she’s so casual around him. 
A small smile appears on his face. “If that’s the case, then you may call me Ayato, Chisato.” 
That night, the both of them talked about a few things about themselves, be it what they do in their free time, their favorite food, favorite events that are held every year, and so on and so forth. If it weren’t for the marriage, the blue-haired man would’ve been happy that he made friends with someone who’ll surely be willing to be a good help to the Yashiro business in the future.
Eventually, the two of them started talking about the arranged marriage.
When Ayato brought it up when the opportunity arose, he was surprised to see how the look on Chisato’s face was anything but excitement.
If their genuine conversation earlier wasn’t enough to convince Ayato that she didn’t want this marriage either, then it’s the way she looks right now that does the trick.
“...I’m not sure what to feel about this marriage,” Chisato spoke honestly with an apologetic smile. “I was.. surprised when my father brought up that he’ll set me up with you, especially when I’m still moving on from my lover’s.. death.” 
Ah, so she doesn’t know that he had broken up with his lover.
The man tries to prevent himself from asking Chisato if she could change her father’s mind about the marriage, knowing that it will only be a helpless move given that the woman would have definitely asked from the start. 
“My condolences, may he rest in peace.” Ayato said with a sad frown. “If it makes you feel better, the marriage is a shock for me as well, and I’m not sure how this will go for us.” 
The woman feels relieved from hearing those words. “I’m glad we’re on the same page then.”
It took a minute before Chisato spoke up again. “Even though we don’t have feelings for each other, I’d like to put in some effort in this marriage at least. We will be spending time together for the rest of our lives as soon as we graduate, after all.” 
Ayato feels his heart sink, now remembering that fact. 
“...I understand. I shall try to do the… same.” was the only thing he could muster, knowing that he’s still not ready to even accept this cruel fate of his.
That was the last time he saw the woman, and there’s no guarantee that the Hiiragi won’t be at the next party that the Kamisato family will also be attending. 
What can he do about it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 
As days grew by, Ayato felt more restless to the point where he didn't want to go home early and study. All he wants to do is something that could make him forget. Forget about the ridiculous marriage, forget about the heartbreak, and forget about you.
Although he looks like he hasn’t been through hell at all on the outside, the inside is like an ocean during a stormy night. Only time could tell how long it’ll take before he snaps. 
Even when he hasn’t seen you for weeks, you’re still haunting him. Even when he closes his eyes and sleeps, you’re still there in his dreams – the one where he wants to be forever because it’s the only place where he has you in his arms with no worries.
Out of hopes of keeping his thoughts at bay, Ayato volunteers to stay on campus after classes to help with some more Student Council activities. 
Thanks to this, it was the reason why he saw you again. 
He was on his way out of the university an hour after he finished his extended activities when he noticed your familiar figure nearby. Seeing how you didn’t notice him, he decided to try and go to another direction to hide himself away from you, only for you to notice him and be surprised. 
Thankfully, he instantly looked away when your eyes landed on him, causing him to act like he didn’t notice you and went in another direction to go away from you. 
His heart sank when he heard you letting out a sob as soon as he was out of your view. 
Just hearing such a sound would’ve made him run up to you and comfort you to the end of time, but now that he has no right to do such then there’s nothing he can do than to be out of your way and out of your life. 
The next day after the incident, Ayato quickly backed out from his extended stay in the campus for the Student Council much to his comrades’ confusion. 
He decides to go back to being occupied with both of his duties as the heir and studying hard. Although it doesn’t exactly help shoving his thoughts away, it’s better than bothering you. 
Sooner or later, the reminder of his marriage eventually comes. 
It started when Ayato encountered Chisato once more at the university, specifically the place where all the buildings connect to one another, and the man dreaded the thought that people will start being curious about their relationship and spread rumors about it, which could lead to you hearing them all and be even more heartbroken. 
What can he do about it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 
When Chisato said she’d put effort in the marriage, Ayato didn’t think she meant she’s going to start now when they haven’t even been officially engaged yet.
Not a week even passed when the young man received letters from the woman. Each note was nothing but wishes that his day would go well, something that made him couldn’t help but scoff. 
His day will never go well when he has just left the only love of his life. 
Just when Ayato thought the letters were the only thing he’ll get from Chisato, the woman had also started to occasionally give him foods that she accidentally cooked too much, something that made his smile even more strained around her. 
There’s no food that could make him feel happier than the ones you make for him. 
Eventually, Chisato squeezed into his dull life no matter how much he didn’t want to.
She became his partner in events that both of their families are invited to, not noticing how much he wanted to tell that he’s not dating her to people who went into conclusion that they’re both dating. 
She then became his new studymate and visits his estate every now and then, not noticing how he prefers to do things alone ever since the breakup. 
She became a part of his friend group, not noticing how his friends are hiding something that she doesn’t know about Ayato. 
Not to mention how she’s also the person he walks with towards the university, not noticing how he sometimes stares at a certain street and locations that reminded him all too well of someone who’s special to him. 
At this point, Chisato truly became a part of Ayato’s life.
What can he do about it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 
But, if he had to be honest, he appreciates Chisato’s efforts. He always reassures himself that at least the woman isn’t so cruel than he thought she would be. He feels bad that he couldn’t tell her about you, not when he knows she’ll try to convince her father once again and possibly make Shinsuke believe that Ayato put her up to it—
“Ayato? Are you alright?” His thoughts were instantly cut off by the sound of his best friend’s voice calling him, causing the blue-haired man to wake up from reality and look at Thoma in confusion. 
The blonde-haired man frowns at the sight of his friend spacing out. “Is something… wrong?”
Ayato hesitates for a moment before a stiff smile slowly forms on his face. 
“Everything’s alright. Thank you for your concern, Thoma.”
If anything, Ayato is glad that no one batted an eye at the fact that he and Chisato started hanging out with one another, thinking that they’re both close friends thanks to their families. So that has to mean something, right?
Apparently not. Not when he could feel the intense glares of two certain women who are considered one of your best friends ever since he entered the cafeteria with Chisato.
Now that he thinks about it… How would things turn out when he and Chisato started dating?
He found that one out very quickly. 
It was during another typical visit from Shinsuke when he told Ayato the one thing he dreaded to hear. 
“I heard from my dearest daughter of mine that there will be an upcoming school festival for your university by the end of spring.” Shinsuke said, stirring the cup of tea that one of the servants provided. “It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced one in my school… How long was that?” 
Ayato couldn’t help but have a bad feeling down his stomach. Usually, Shinsuke is a man who goes straight to the point, so seeing him talking about… things that he should be talking with an old friend about, is getting on his nerves. 
“If you’d like to experience it again, the festival is open to everyone outside the school as long as they know a student there.”
Shinsuke smiles. “That’s good, but a CEO like me is too busy to do such indulgence. I’m quite afraid that my dearest daughter will be alone throughout the festival…” 
Ah there it is. 
“If you could, Kamisato Ayato, would you accompany Chisato the whole time and perhaps make it official?” 
Ayato’s strained smile almost falters. 
The silence fell upon the room. All that was heard are hushed footsteps from those who reside in the estate as well as noises from the beautiful yard that’s just outside of the lounge both Ayato and Shinsuke are in. 
It took a few seconds for Ayato to finally speak up. “...I’d be delighted, Mr. Hiiragi.”
“Thank you, Kamisato.” The elder man then stands up. “I shall take my leave knowing that my daughter will be in good hands for such an occasion. I will come back soon to discuss certain matters with you regarding your relationship, specifically how long the both of you will keep your relationship a secret.”
Ayato stands up as well. “Very well, Mr. Hiiragi. Would you like me to accompany you to the exit..?”
Shinsuke shrugs him off with a laugh. “Oh don’t worry about me, thank you for your kind hospitality, Mr. Kamisato.” 
Just after the CEO slides the door open, he stops for a moment. “Or should I call you son-in-law now? I can imagine you and my daughter getting married already, haha!” 
The younger man tries not to clench his fists.
“...I’m fine with any… Mr. Hiiragi.” 
Just to get this over with, Ayato decides to ask Chisato out on the day before the festival in Komore Cafe.
In a way, it’s like he’s reliving the time when he asked you out on a date in Komore Cafe. Though, that didn’t make things better for him – if anything, he feels like this is so… wrong. He doesn’t want to see Chisato as a replacement of you nor does he want to replace the memories he cherished with the ones that have Chisato in it. 
Chisato was, at the very least, delighted and enthusiastic when Ayato asked her out, giving the man a sign that she now has feelings for him much to his dismay. 
What can he do about it? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 
He could feel Thoma’s eyes on his back, causing him to feel even more guilty that he’s doing it here. 
If only Thoma could understand once he finds out.
The festival was all but a blur. 
The whole time, Chisato was taking Ayato all over the festival, wanting to try a lot of things to which he had to oblige. Although he wasn’t looking forward to this occasion, it didn’t mean Ayato wasn’t enjoying the festival. Fortunately, Chisato is a pleasant company to be with, and he knows he has to make efforts in this marriage as it is fair to the woman who also didn’t want it. 
However… If he had to be honest, the only thing that made the festival a bit better is the fact that he hasn’t seen you for the past week, and he wonders whether or not you’re having fun now that you’re back to spending time with your friends (an information that he found out from Thoma himself).
He finds out that question when he hears a familiar laugh that he hasn’t heard for so long. 
While Chisato was busy talking to one of her friends who found her, Ayato instantly turns around to look for the source of the voice. Just once, he wants to see you again to see if you’re alright than before.
To his relief, you are having fun.
You’re a few steps away from where he is, it’s enough for you to not realize that he’s in the same area as you, laughing along with Ei and Miko, who are enjoying the festival just as you are. 
Ayato smiles genuinely at the sight, relieved that you look better than the last time he saw you.
It’s at that moment when Ayato realizes that even when he’s suffering from Shinsuke taking advantage of him, he knows that you’re somewhere out there safe and now happy, then that’s enough for him to go on with his dull life that he didn’t wish to come back to. 
As Thoma left Ayato’s office after their agreement about inviting you to the wedding, Ayato couldn’t help but feel nervous. 
Surely if he’s careful enough, then Shinsuke won’t find out about you being his ex and will simply think you’re just an old friend of Ayato’s in college just like his other friends. He just needs to make sure that he’s alone with you when he tells you the truth, but won’t risk telling you about Shinsuke given that you’d probably be anxious for the rest of your life. 
Suddenly he remembers something. 
Ah right… Tomorrow’s the day. 
He supposes it won’t hurt to come visit tomorrow, it’s the least he can do as a member of the Kamisato family. 
After Ayato places the flowers on top of Kamaji’s grave, he starts to pay respect as the Kujou family stands idly by in silence. Although the supposedly heir isn’t considered as a close friend of Ayato’s, Kamaji is still a friend who didn’t deserve such cruel fate. 
It’s truly unfortunate that this day was the day when he lost two of his friends.
As soon as Ayato says his condolences and farewell to the Kujou family, he heads towards two certain graves that’s quite a bit far away from where Kamaji’s is.
Another thing that the public doesn’t know about Kamaji’s car accident was the people who were in the scene.
There were three deaths who were involved from the accident. The first was of course Kamaji, but no one knew who the two other people that died from the accident besides the Kamisato family once again. 
The two innocent people who were hit by Kamaji were associated with the Kamisato family, Tomo and the last member of the Kaedehara family, Kaedehara Kazuha. 
Kazuha was a dear friend of the Kamisato siblings who died too soon. 
They weren’t close as far as Ayato was aware of, but that didn’t mean his death made the heir’s grief go away so easily. Kazuha was kind, and a close friend of Ayaka’s due to how they’re batchmates in their school. 
So when the two Kamisato siblings heard from their father that the two unknown innocent people who died was one of the people they’re friends with, they were distraught. 
He sometimes wonders if Kazuha would’ve been great friends with you. 
The day after the joint bachelor party, Ayato received a surprise visit from a familiar guest of his in his hotel suite. 
“...( Name ).” He spoke in disbelief, watching as your face fell at the sight of your ex. 
“...Ka…Kamisato..” You replied. “I apologize, am I.. bothering you and Chisato right now?” 
Ayato blinks a few times before he immediately shakes his head. “No, don’t worry. Unfortunately, Chisato is not here at the moment since she’s currently going out with her friends right now.” 
“Oh…” You spoke softly, looking away from his gaze. You honestly hoped you’d see Chisato, that way you’d get along with her more and become friends. “...I uh.. I just came to visit because I forgot to give you two a wedding gift.” 
Ayato looks down at the box you’re holding and he manages to read the brand. Ah, champagne flutes..?
You then add, “And… I want to talk to you about what you told me before.”
The blue-haired man’s eyes lit up, opening the door wide for you to come in. “Of course, please come in.” 
The both of you stayed silent as you entered their hotel suite, unsure what to say to one another. 
“You can put the gift there on the table and sit down by the sofa. I can fetch us some drinks since I’m sure it must be exhausting for you to come all this way here.” Ayato spoke up, heading towards the kitchen without letting you protest that he didn’t have to do it. 
By the time he comes back, he places a glass of water in front of you before sitting somewhere nearby. He would be lying if he said he’s not nervous about this situation. 
You slowly took a sip of the drink, avoiding eye contact with Ayato. 
It’s only a matter of time before the both of you have to talk about it. 
Ayato decides to be the first one to speak about it. “I… I really do apologize for everything, ( Name ).”
You sighed. “...I know. I think you and I are thinking the same thing, we want to get this settled with, don’t we?” 
“Correct.” He responds. 
You nodded slowly. “I do wish you told me this before when you had the chance. I would’ve understood more as to why you did it and maybe this wouldn’t have been so painful for me.” You put the glass down on the table, still refusing to keep eye contact with him. “However, I suppose you have your own reasons for why you didn’t tell me.” 
Ayato nodded sadly. “I did.”
You took a deep breath, staying silent for a couple of minutes. “I’ve thought about it at night ever since you told me.” You confessed. “I didn’t know what to feel. Should I be mad? Upset? Sad? Distraught? I didn’t even know if I wanted to pity you or not.”  
You then look at where Ayato is. “I still can’t forgive you for what you’ve done to me of course, and.. Honestly almost three days isn’t enough for me to process this whole thing you and I have — and I doubt I’d be able to make up my mind by the end of the trip — so I think it’s best for you and I to go our separate ways for now.”
The blue-haired man nods slowly, smiling sadly. “I understand. I know it’s too much for me to ask if we could be friends again after so long so I’ll respect your wishes.”
You look at him with a grateful look. “Thank you, Kamisato.” 
“Anything for you, ( Last Name ).” 
You then decided to take your leave. “It was nice talking to you. Congratulations on your wedding again.” 
Ayato slowly follows you as you head towards the exit of his suite, wanting to escort you out. “It’s no problem, ( Last Name ). Thank you for the gift as well.” 
“Goodbye, Kamisato.” 
“Goodbye, ( Last Name ).” 
And just like that, the door closes shut behind you as you start to walk away from the room. 
Ayato lets out the breath he didn’t know he was holding as soon as you’re gone, and for the first time, he feels as if a weight on his shoulder has disappeared.
Although he isn't considered your friend, he knows it's enough for him knowing that the both of you have settled the one thing that's eating you both alive.
When he decides to return to the living area and picks up your glass, he couldn’t help but notice the gift-card you wrote on top of the gift you gave him.
“Congrats on your wedding, Mr. Kamisato and Ms. Hiiragi! 
– Sincerely, ( Name ) ( Last Name ) and Diluc Ragnvindr” 
The last two words made Ayato raise an eyebrow in confusion at the sight of another name besides yours. 
Since when did someone like Diluc Ragnvindr himself be allowed to share a gift with someone he doesn’t know well? 
“No.. He doesn’t see them like that.” He mumbled to himself, walking away from the box to wash the glass as he tried to push his thoughts away. 
He could only hope you don’t see Diluc that way either, if you found out about his true self, then only Celestia can tell how you would react. 
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To simply put, Kazuha was long dead before meeting you. His death as well as him being a part of your life as a mysterious friend whose motive is to push you to move on are honestly one of the plans I’m going for before I begin to write the prologue of evermore. 
The reason why he’s with you and wants to help you is because he knows how much Ayato is so fond of you based on countless times when the blue-haired man talked to Kazuha about you as well as how Kazuha feels like he owes Ayato a lot. So the least he can do is to be there for you when you’re alone. 
Of course, by the time you start to no longer be alone, Kazuha starts to fade away, and he knows that as soon as you come back to your friends once again, he can finally go to the afterlife knowing that you’ll be okay.
also a summary of what ayato means by diluc’s true self.
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gauloiseblue · 1 month
Ok so, you don't have to do this if you're not accepting requests. But I am way too insane about IOFAB and idk why. It has been in my head since the beginning of May. I couldn't focus for weeks, that's how good it is (it didn't really help that the Kendrick v Drizzy beatdown happened).
Can we have more stuff in the IOFAB verse? Maybe something from König's POV (this guy has to be aware that he's just making her hate him even more)? Maybe life after the last escape/shooting incident can't believe the guy actually did multiple rounds with a bullet in his shoulder that's gotta hurt, pregnancy, or kids? Or maybe domestic horror fluff (if that's actually a thing)? Or something about how he managed to keep reader as his lawfully kidnapped wife (this guy definitely put trackers in her ring)? I just realized that I keep referring to reader/darling as his wife even though they ain't married yet Or maybe even an alternate timeline in which deals with what would happen if they did meet but those guys had to actually disclose that they found those survivors which would mean König would not be able to have her?
IOFAB König is so different from the other yandere Königs because he actually shows his hand right in the beginning. Like he's not just some oWo shy guy that is a yandere that goes “maybe I should keep you here with me so that you wouldn't leave me, schatz haha jk... unless 🙂”. He just straight up “You're with me now. Sooner you accept it, the better it will be for you”. He wouldn't hurt reader but he definitely wouldn't hesitate to drop kick a kitten or even his children if they would somehow aid her in her escape.
Something something he would put the world at her feet but wouldn't ever let her see her family ever again. Something something you could put the world through eternal winter and starvation but he won't ever let his goddess go, not even for 6 months. Something something he would hunt her down in their next life. Something something God never blessed him so he's taking one of His blessed angels for himself. Something something he's worshipping the ground her chained feet walk on. Ok now this is getting too long. In short, this guy warrants the “Why are you like this” microscope and “You're not a human nor a dog but a secret third thing” and you don't have to but if you want to, please please please please please can we have more IOFAB?
Zero, you're now officially the number one fans of IOFAB XD idk if I should be glad or concerned about it.
I mean, if you wanna theorize about their future and stuff, I'll gladly answer it. But for me, the story already ended here. I don't really plan to write a continuation of it. Maybe I'll write a lil bit of it in other people's POVs but that's it.
As for König's POV, I think we've covered a lot about his psychology. Like, of course he knew she hated him, but it wouldn't last. If he keeps on giving her what she needs (tolerance, space, care, etc), she'll eventually come to love him, or at least tolerate his presence. It's like a 'trust the process' situation.
I won't really write about pregnancy and kids, because it's more fun when I let the reader decide what's best for her. My actual HC is she'll only have 1 kid, and it's a boy. That's it.
There are 3 endings that I've thought about, it's either; (1) she manages to escape with the help of the maid (The Handmaiden storyline, wlw), (2) she's staying with him until the end (Göth's dream), (3) she's rescued by the third party, there's a possibility that he or the reader dies in this scenario (the realistic ending). But I won't make either of them canon, bc where's the fun in that?
As for the AUs, I haven't got the right idea for it. I think yours is good, but I honestly don't know where to start 😅
Personally, in my humblest opinion, I think shy yandere shouldn't exist in fiction. I fucking hate it, because it's very manipulative in the cheapest way. Like, they'd appear "harmless" like a weirdo, but would go 180° at any given chance. And what makes me hate them the most is that they'd go back to their shy shell when they're being cornered. They can't and won't take any responsibility for their actions. Oh, he kissed you without your consent? Well, that's your fault bc you seduced him (even if you didn't). Every time I read about a shy yandere man, I just wanna bash his head with a bat. Like, you're not fooling anyone with that attitude. Just take what you want and admit it, even if it means you have to be ruthless.
I must admit, IOFAB König does hold a "secret third thing" vibe, because I don't think he exists irl in terms of personality. He's like, if patience is taken too far, and if patience is the source of horror. He doesn't really worship her, but he views her as the rarest and the most exotic thing. If you ever read about the exotic animal keeper, or the curator of the rarest arts, then you'll understand why he behaves that way. They're very patient, and they're very possessive of their treasure. If the tiger that they keep bites their arm, they won't put it down. They'll find a way to tame it—they'll try to win its affection instead. If one particular art requires so much maintenance, and so much cost to keep it in good condition, the curator would pay for it. They won't abandon the art piece, because they know how much it's worth. That's how König views his wife.
I know it sounds like he's objectifying his wife, but sometimes humans love their things more than other humans. I'm just using that feeling as the base for IOFAB König.
Maybe I'll write about the domestic horror stuff, but I still don't know how, so no promise 🤔
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crescencestudio · 1 year
Devlog #31 | 05.29.23
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Hi everyone!
I am once again bringing you a monthly update. As some of you may know, I recently announced I am participating in Otome Jam this year. With that said, this devlog will be a bit unique in that it will include updates for both "intertwine" (very general updates) and "Alaris" (our usual program of updates) \o/
Ah, the section that made me sad every time I looked at it for the past two months (kidding, I'm being dramatic). As you all may know, I'm creating a project for OtoJam, "intertwine."
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“Would you choose me in every lifetime?”
With another creative project and my dissertation, I was nervous this month that Druk's route was going to make little progress in the writing department yet again.
Intertwine has very much given me the creative boost I needed to combat my burnout/rut, and I was able to make a lot of progress on both projects (and my dissertation!). Intertwine script is currently sitting at 15k words and is in the final developmental stage as we speak. I was able to write up a little under half of Druk's script and it currently sits at 20k words!
There are still a couple of scenes I need to go back and write in, but I'm confident they will be easy to write because they're more fun/juicy scenes. Additionally, the remaining half of Druk's route will be pretty action-packed, which is much easier for me to write than the more subtle plot beats. So I'm quite confident I'll be able to finish Druk's route by our next update, which also means Alaris will officially reach the halfway mark for the script!!! AAA. I also wrote 10k words for my dissertation, so I wrote like 50k words this month YAY I WAH
Regarding the art front, most of my attention has been on intertwine this month due to time constraints. I've finished the base sprite, most of the GUI mockups, and some CGs!
We also got this beautiful logo from puchi for the game, and I'm excited to soon show you all more progress pictures ^^
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Promo art feat. Vân and Game Logo
For Alaris, Vui continues to hit it out of the park with the backgrounds. I have previews of the Dawn and Dusk Court for you all, and they are beauty! I'm so excited to receive more Fae related BGs from him, though I may not be able to show as many to you all because spoilers from here on out <\3
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Dawn Court
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Dusk Court
Additional Notes
The remaining soundtracks for Alaris were completed this month by Peter as well! I still am in the process of reviewing them as they're moreso in the draft stages, but they're sounding beautiful so far.
Intertwine will also be featuring voice acting, and with auditions closing soon, we’ll be selecting a voice for Vân as well in the near future ^^
No market research this month, but I did read the Villains Are Destined to Die manhwa and that art and Callisto are so yummy
Anyways, I think that's enough from me, so that is all for this month's update! Stay safe, and see you all next month <3
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miss-conner3 · 2 months
Is Ando aware of how long he's been dead for? Does he miss his previous life/family members? Does he have any recollection of what it's like to dead/the afterlife?
Sorry for all the questions I'm just super curious.
It's okay (ouo)
I'm happy to answer, but I think I'm going to have to leave out some things because some of the answers to your questions are things that I want to see separately in future posts.
So if you're okay with that, here I go...
¿Is Ando aware of how long he's been dead?
Like a newly resurrected person, Ando felt the shock of time as soon as he was aware of where he was, who he was with, and how vulnerable he felt at that moment (by "vulnerable,” I mean naked, okay?). But he still isn't aware of how long he's been dead or why his brother is so insistent on his company when he previously remembered him as more independent.
Eventually, he will find out.
¿Does he miss his previous life/family members?
As strange as it may seem, Ando does feel a certain nostalgia for his previous life. However, it is not as if he wanted to continue trying to reach the sea, exposing his life alongside a group that, although it helped him with his survival, could also have easily abandoned them to him and his brother at the slightest feeling of uselessness.
It's just that Ando, like a sheep who has done everything to prove useful in the most extreme situations, would feel somewhat displaced when he finds himself in this new situation where his "usefulness" is not so necessary. He would see how his younger brother is more proactive, leading a group of different species that move and work in almost family harmony. And while he would also seek to help, he would always have “that something” that made him feel out of place.
So yes, he would miss his previous life a little, where he at least felt useful.
As for his family… that will be a story I will tell another day.
¿Does he have any recollection of what it's like to dead/the afterlife?
I will see this at some point in a future publication, but what I can say is that just as Ando does not have any memory of his death, this one would not have any memory related to the afterlife either.
Besides… it's possible that he didn't even get to be there.
Although I think I already answered too much with that last one. Hehehe.
Anyway, that would be all I could say, at least so far (owo)
¡Thanks for asking!
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
SG Beast Wars Idea: a Predacon space patrol crew, after a successful mission to retrieve some stolen protoforms, are ordered to go off course to apprehend a group of Maximal space pirates who have stolen an experimental transwarp drive and energy shields. The pirates activate the drive and the Predacon ship follows. The two ships get into a dog fight and both crash over what seems to be a planet uninhabited by sapient life. The Predacons crash in a lake while the Maximals crash in what appears to be ruined city. While the Predacons must take beast modes to survive the radiation on the planet the Maximals stolen energy shields means they do not have to do the same! In the ruined city the Maximals discover a massive still functioning supercomputer that when they activate floods them with information it gives them mysertiouse yet somehow familiar vehicle modes! Eventually both sides discover they have traveled into the far future and this is a post-apocalyptic Earth! The Maximals then set about trying to decode the information on the super computer to lean of events that have not happened yet in their native time so they can eventually return home manipulate these future events to their advantage! The Predacons now wage a war to stop them.
Oooo okay this is cool because I'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about SG beast wars
OWO on the Maximals being pirates???
Fascinating that it's based on a post apocalyptic earth without humanity, does this mean the Predacons will get super interesting and somewhat fucked up altmodes based on the animals that have evolved to cope with the pressures and because eventual speciation?
I may have a favorite part of post apocalyptic scenarios, especially considering what usually happens after a mass extinction event. Life is super fucking hard to kill, and life on earth has survived more devastating things than a nuclear war that probably ended with a mutual destruction situation. Humans might not have survived, but at least some fauna, flora, ect has survived. Of course this ultimately depends on how soon after said nuclear war the mecha arrived.
Let them have super fucked up altmodes, like look at prehistoric life shortly after the Great Dying or after the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. Shit gets nuts.
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justsamwich · 8 months
How would you describe your UT, UF, and US bois’ personalities? OwO
Ooh! This is such a fun question! These are about them after surfacing, since some of these guys definitely change with their environment. As usual, I’d like to say that these characters are a collaboration between my partner @jaxxwrites4you and I. ^^
Papyrus (UT Papyrus)
In a single word: optimistic. This isn’t to say that he’s “innocent” or “naive”- more so that he looks at things in their entirety and chooses to focus on the best of most people and situations. Papyrus has a remarkably strong moral compass; while he does actively seek to feel included, he won’t compromise those morals for anything. (Even in instances like a genocide playthrough- he knows what you’re doing, but morally, he just can’t bring himself to kill.) He’s also very intense in his love of things- his brother, his interests, etc. Not the type to give up easily, no matter what’s thrown at him! Truly working hard to earn the title of “The Great” Papyrus.
Sans (UT Sans)
Sans is laidback, but not exactly carefree. He certainly tries to be, but… He’s more observant than most, and the more you look at things the more little issues you start to see. He worries about them in the same way one might keep picking at a scab. He’s aware that resets have happened, but he doesn’t actually remember the events of any of them- which is both comforting and disturbing at the same time. He’s much better at masking than his brother. Of course, all that masking does keep him pretty exhausted most of the time. Ultimately, he just.. wants the best for the people around him. And he’s not afraid of putting work into making that a reality, even if just making jokes is a little easier.
Baroque (UF Papyrus)
Baroque is the type of man you can’t quite slip anything past. Usually, when he acts it’s on clear intentions- deliberate and thought through. His level of planning may be overkill to some, but to him it feels more like a safety-net of sorts. One that he feels he needs, even if there’s no longer any imminent threat on the horizon. The more prepared he is for what he’s facing now, the easier it will be to handle whatever he’s sure will go wrong. On the rare occasion that Baroque acts on impulse, it is in regard to his relationships- not necessarily just romantically, but platonically or familially as well. He knows that if he doesn’t act- if he hesitates, he may regret it. He’s very ambitious, too! Man knows what he wants, has a plan, and will do what he can to get it.
Grunge (UF Sans)
Grunge is his brother’s opposite, in a way. Usually, he’s laid-back and kinda impulsive. He wants to live his life to the fullest and enjoy things in the moment- the future is a future Grunge problem. The main place where this changes is his relationships. He cares a great deal more than he lets on about the people around him; in the sense that he doesn’t express it outwardly too often, not that he hides or denies it. As a result he thinks through his interactions with people and carefully plans difficult or tense conversations (for example, confessions or confrontations, etc.). Grunge feels like he’s fucked up enough and just doesn’t want to hurt anyone else. He doesn’t need lofty goals for the future, just good times with good people.
Clove (US Papyrus)
Clove is actually fairly guarded. He doesn’t need a wide net of friends to be happy, just a few close connections. To his chagrin, this sort of aloof vibe tends to draw in a lot of people who want to know him. Those few people he does allow to get close he cares a great deal about- sometimes he feels like maybe it’s too much. Clove is prone to making snap decisions and judgements- and he’s usually (annoyingly) right. Those times where he isn’t really trip him up and bite him in the metaphorical ass. He’s pretty hard on himself afterwards and feels like even if he’s been forgiven, he still needs to make it up. He struggles the most when he feels like he has no control over himself or a situation. Just wants to live a happy life with those he loves.
Ginger (US Sans)
Ginger works hard to put all the good he can into the world. To his credit, he’s fairly good at it! His cheery disposition tends to rub off on people. That being said, he knows when to dial it back and be a little more grounded. As chatty as he is he can be a good listener and when he does give advice it’s thoughtful. He worries a lot more than he lets on about the people he’s close to and when he’s particularly worried it manifests via more frequent check-ins or hangouts. Ginger is also fairly confident in himself- and has done a lot of work to get to that point. He used to overcompensate a lot. He’s also a very playful guy- more witty than you’d expect, and often very (jokingly) smug when receiving compliments or pulling one over on a friend.
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chouettecrivaine · 3 months
kenna my beloved........ for the finish your fics saturday thing.... may I be a little crazy and request both the fics about sparkle and lyney <3 ily
omg my beloved......my boobear hello.......anything for u 🥰 I'll start with the sparkle fic!
Sparkle was used to flimsy desire. The things that sparked her attention lost it just as quickly. She wasn't used to being enthralled so thoroughly, much less by something she couldn't attain. Sparkle knew she was a woman of taste, though, and she trusted that her enrapture was well founded.
Unfortunately, such trustworthy taste didn't seem to have blessed you as it had her.
So idk what to say about this without giving it all away BUT i can say thaf Sparkle is a lot of fun to write teehee. I just love giving characters who arent attached to anything something to be attached to that doesnt want to be attached to them in return <3
And Lyney !
You gave your best attempt at a smile - the one that Capucine always said looked more like a grimace or a disgruntled cat - and nodded. Katherine mimicked the movement, flipping through the pages of her ledger to tally up your commission rewards. You let out a breath and leaned against the guild's counter while you waited. The last rays of the afternoon sun warmed the back of your head as it slipped beneath the court walls. With the image of it slowly sinking, your head began to do the same until you were resting it on your arms.
This is the first snippet I've written in a hot second for this fic because I just needed a break. Teehee. But im actually really interested in writing a reader thats a member of the Adventurer's guild? I'm realizing? Actually i dont think it's explored ENOUGH in game what it means to be an adventurer. Expect more adventurer readers in the future because this is FUN
Thank u my love for having my back always owo
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noworneverphantom · 1 year
Helllo hello!
For the AU:
Star Trek, but Wild West...
Ohhh man this is a good one (I’m just gonna do Discovery instead of all of Trek)
I may have mentioned this ask to @sadmushroomgoblin… who said that Detmer and Owo would be badass lesbian gunslingers and I absolutely agree
but here are mine!
I feel like Paul would be a disaster in this universe. Refuses to have a gun, doesn’t know how to ride a horse properly (so he just rides with Hugh of course), and is the resident weirdo.
Hugh has a horse named Sadie, a black and white speckled horse that he adores.
Gray has a collection of cowboy hats and Adira endlessly teases him for it, but they secretly think Gray looks amazing in every single one of them
These are the only ones I can come up with right now cause I'm really burnt out today. But I wanted to answer this, so I'll add to the list if I think of any more in the future :)
thanks for the ask!!
edit: also, anyone can feel free to add any of their own head canons onto my list if they'd like!!
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lifestreamsblog · 1 year
The End of an Era
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So... My life has completely changed over the past couple of weeks. In all honesty, the changes began on February 13 of this year, when someone I cherished more than anybody else came back into my life. Ever since then, my life has been turned upside-down. It’s become a very good and positive kind of messy chaos. Everything I thought I once knew has proven to either be wrong, or at the very least, majorly misinformed. This mostly surrounds who I am, along with my identity as a person.
This may sound like some horrible, drastic thing. In fact, it is the opposite. I feel like I finally know who I am for the first time in my life. I’m the happiest and most chill I’ve ever been in my entire life. On top of all of that, I feel the most secure in who and what I am than I have ever felt before.
A whole lot of things have changed in a major way. I will start with the most important stuff and other effects here:
The Important Stuff:
I am Plural
This is something I’ve suspected for the longest time, but I could never be quite sure. However, with this person coming back, she was able to help me bring things into perspective, and now, everything makes sense. My realising I was genderfluid should have been the biggest teller. That, along with the fact that I feel so little connection to my past in this body.
I am a Little
This one is kinda cheating, since I had realised this before this person came back, but she has only made my desire for littlespace far more intense, and these days, I exist within it pretty much 24 / 7.
These two things alone have triggered major identity shifts, and have made moot a whole bunch of things I used to believe about myself.
Other Effects:
This has had other effects, including me slowly moving from one set of social spaces to others. I have pretty much stopped using Facebook and Twitter, and now spend almost all of my time on Discord or with my family. I tend to speak only with the people I know, love, and trust. I’m happier this way. Even though I do maintain a presence on the web (including Facebook and Twitter), my primary focus is Discord these days. I have even shut down push notifications for Twitter and Facebook, so my chances of doing much there is pretty low.
Have I Changed?
I don’t think I’ve changed as much as I’ve finally come into myself, laying all of my questioning to rest after so many years of not knowing what or who I really was. Everyone around me all told me they saw these things coming when I “came out” of the little and plural closets, so more than anything, I think I am finally who I am meant to be.
And it all began with one very special person who came back into my life and showed me there could be a functional future for me.
For the first time in my life, I can say I’m proud to be myself.
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Life is good~! owo
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beargraphs · 1 year
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Oh my gosh - owo - what is THIS - you may notice on my blog, three ( at the moment, mebbe it will one day be more ) cute, litter stickeroonis that will take you to a few different blogs !
each of these blogs are graphic / theme / resource blogs for the folks wanting to stylise their tumblr experience - i recommend each of them wholeheartedly as people who not only make or provide wonderful things but are also incredible to work with, patient & kind -
first up is @rysingdawn - incredible for themes & graphics! faye makes absolutely stunning creations & has been making these wonderful creations for as long as i've known her *longer - even!* - her themes & style are inspiring & her eye for graphics is truly something special, please check her out if you're looking for graphics / themes !
second up is @capsource - possibly the /best/ resource for screencaps of your favourite characters! i can't tell you how many times this blog has saved my lil butt (lil? lol im a fat chocobo what am i chattin) - on this blog you can find collections upon collections of caps of characters from final fantasy to mortal kombat (two of the best series ever, ;) ) - i seriously recommend you check out this resource blog if ever in need of pics of your beautiful muses !
thirdly, is @anacommissions - my friends, when i was a wee chocobo in the graphic / theme world, i commissioned ana & she made me the most STUNNING stuff! her talent has been absolutely inspiring and instrumental in me getting into this lil funky world of graphics - i highly recommend her - she has an eye for design and is incredibly friendly / a pleasure to talk to!
so, there we have it ! in case anyone was wondering what the buttons on the blobbo are - this is them! i'd love to add more content creators as affiliates on the blobbo too, in future - so if you'd like to be plopped on there, hit me up!
generally - i think everybody has their own version of what they like & i think everyone here has something to offer for everyone.
please, if you havent checked them out or thrown them a follow already - do so! you might just find something you like ! :)
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mrstsung · 2 years
My self ship with shang in a nutshell
*may be subject to change because im still working on it fully*
In my au. Shang after a certain amount of times he got his ass kicked by liu kang (my hc verse the whole thing in aftetmath did happen but things got "reset" and everyone sorta lived but don't remember shit cept in vague dreams n visions well the gods do at least. Therefore i can keep some things while rearranging the furniture so to speak. The crown is rewritten as an elder god artifact and shang only added to it not created it. And kronika gets killed off waaaaay before any of that shit. And is rewritten to be an elder god of time(of future) and geras(of past) because f that stupid titans bullshit. Cetrion is rewritten to be a main antagonist and more important. And basically I'm making this way better than canons shitshow of a so called "plot" ). He got sent to gay baby jail . And now is fighting for his freedom. Many years go by. Every 10yrs or so he can challenge for his freedom. In a minor tournament of mortal kombat. No fatalities,no powers,only fists. Basically a normal martial tournament however fatalities are not required,only suggested. However you still only get 3 mercys/friendships/sparings. Because rule of 3. Anyways. Basically shang is lonely,desperate and tired.
So....here comes me. Washed up randomly on his beach. (I haven't come up with any true background before yet. So go easy on me.) And shang's like owo whats dis?! Because look this binch aint got none in how long? And also is hella desperate to get free like i said. Theres more to it but I'll leave it at that for now.
At first he's like
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You can check out any time you like,but you can never leave. Hotel California head ass.
Then he's like
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I would be happy to train you. Because he needs help. He definitely at first tho before this plays the "cute helpless old man" because of course shang would. -_-
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But I'm not gonna make it easy on you.
Then i train hard. A few years go by. Things heat up between me n shang. And well feelings develop. And he's not sure if he wants me in a tournament. Because he's scared of actually losing me.
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Cute ol man. Look don't judge me. Old man shang is hella cute too. Like i love all shang tsung ok? Im a shang tsimp.
And then somehow,some way anyway. Entered into a minor tournament. Either snuck in or he gave in. Either way.
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Shang isn't happy. But he allows it,under close supervision.
But somehow. By a miracle. I win
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This pleases shang. Now he has his freedom. Lucky for them thats all he got. And nobody truly died. But shang is now a free dude. And no longer bound to his island.
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But of course shit dont stay so sweet because its mortal fuckin kombat.
This asshole gets resurrected somehow,and kidnaps me because reasons.
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Bald ahh binch.
Shang isn't happy
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But it's ok because he saves me. And that's when things get super serious for me n shang. And he of course gains his youth and vitality more back(which would be jarring for me ngl but its all good). And of course after that close call he trains me slightly in magic,only enough for defense of course. Nothing major. As he doesn't want me to not only surpass him.(its shang ok you knew this was gonna be a problem) but also because he wants me to not end up like him. The one pure soul he cares for. That and some dope ass magic armor.
And after that pretty much we live on the island for the most part in peace.
Minus the occasional outside problem or two
(Srry for the mk legends shang tsung spam tho. Because bruuuuuh. He is hella cool in that movie. Nothing beats tagawa,he's the og after all. But mk legends BOTR and SR shang tsung is dope af design. The voice is ok. I always imagined shang to have a lower set voice tho. Mellow and snakey and almost hypnotic. Like fr. Smooth like butter. Because how else can someone so notoriously snake tongued be not having a voice that sound delicious? And also knows Exactly how to treat someone? Or exactly what to say or comfort. Like fr. This is basic 101. (I do believe shang tsung can love deeply. And genuinely. Its just been a hot ass minute since that and he dont trust easy due to a lot of factors but a majority of that is when he was in service under shao Khan)
But yeah that's basically it.
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A good ol blog announcement ehe [by Mod Ghost]
Mod's gonna try to make it short and sweet with the updates underneath the cut! - Mod Ghost
This post is okay to reblog by the way! Just a big ol information post with information :) it’s a good way to spread the information and get the event schedule out of the way!!!
New Changes! The short version
*An update to the blog's askable cast. *An update on abilities, profiles, opinions, and costumes. *Two new permanent events! *Blog anniversary event! *3 future events! *More lore! Finally omg *Amy gets a disco phase it's fun/lh --- And now, the in-depth version, just for you guys: *An update to the blog's askable cast. This is special! This is new! This!!! is!!! exciting!!! yeaAAAAA!!!!!!! The new line-up is made up of "The Funeral Parlor Director", Yami Kazuichi, "The Upside Down Artist", Amy Kazuichi, and a hunter whose name and title will be revealed through one of the new events... so have fun with the new cast :) *An update on abilities, profiles, opinions, and costumes. This ties into the update to the cast! This just means updates to the characters themselves, so you can expect new references, new profiles, new skins, and an in-depth review of their talents and abilities! So go ahead and ask anything you want, even if it's been asked before, as I can update the answer! *Two new permanent events! This update comes with 2 permanent events! The first event is called "A shattered shard's investigation" and revolves around the new hunter addition to this askblog! During this time, you can use this emoji 🪡 to send asks and investigate the mystery of the shattered shards with the Man in Red and the Hallways' Manager in the "inner isle". While investigating, you may run into an unfamiliar face,,, if you'd like, you can personally interact with this event by sending an interaction! [you can use an OC or canon blog or a character/emoji anon to interact if you'd like!] The progress and discoveries will all be the same across the board, whether it's anon or a blog discovering something! This starts today, June 28th, 2022, the promo post should be out later on today but you can start sending asks now! The manager and MIR can… inform you all about the assignment, ehe The second event is a more cutesy event! This event revolves around Amy's dreams of creating clothing and to an extent, her ONCE skin too! Basically the idea is send 3 emojis and a character and Amy will design an S/A/B-tier and matching accessory off those 3 emojis! Maybe someday I’ll be brave enough and have Amy design an essence ówò oh! Someday mayhaps! *Blog anniversary event! This blog was made on June 21st, 2021! It's been almost a week and a year [June 27th, 2022] since its creation, so I thought an anniversary event was in order! So here's how this is going down! In the post with Yami and Amy's updated references, including their respective S-tiers, you may notice a combination S-tier called "The Yasuhiro Siblings"! This anniversary event has to do with that S-tier, as well as 3 respective A-tier skins, creating a "cast" of 5, 4 "survivors" and 1 "hunter". It's basically an OC crossover essence that is telling the stories of the people Yami and Amy used to be before I shifted and altered them to be IDV OCs owo Yami's S-tier is called "Power-Outage" and represents Yami's older counterpart, Amane, while Amy's S-tier is called "Sweet Tooth" and represents Amy's older counterpart, Hayato! The respective A-tiers will represent 3 more OCs [Tamako, Whitney, and Mitsuki] if you were curious! Who do those A-tiers belong to though? It's a mystery... ehe This is mostly an ask event but you can also throw in your own OCs for an interaction if you'd like! Come and interact with Amane and Hayato, I promise they won't bite, hehe! This event will start on June 28th, 2022, and will go on until July 31st, 2022! A little over a month timeframe! *3 future events!
This is a sneak peek for the future of course and these events are subject to change but! There are 3 future events planned!
An interaction event that takes you to the “Inner Isles” as a part 2 of the 🚪 event, an ONCE skins event and an event involving Amy’s S-tier skin, the “Golden Streak”!
*More lore! Finally omg
Yeah I redid and remastered Yami and Amy's lore and now you guys can witness it :D *Amy gets a disco phase it's fun/lh
This is just Amy's disco phase, exciting fun and silliness yeahhhhhHHHHHH-
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occult-roommates · 4 months
Future of this blog
Ok so, yeah I've been taking a break from Tumblr for like three months now, to the detriment of this blog. I'm not abandoning it, unlike my main, in fact I have plans for the future. So here it is.
February: Still on hiatus, owo sowwy. March: Slowly coming back, I'll be posting at least twice a week some stuff that I've had in the back of my mind for a while that are more or less canon like random CAS screenshots. In the mean time, I'll be cooking the upcoming chapters. Will also try to get up to date with everyone else's stories though I might do that in February. April: The grand return of Occult Roommates season 3! Don't know what the schedule will look like but I'll try posting as regularly as possible (cause as I mentionned on my main blog a few days ago, I went back to school recently so I'm not as free as I used to be). May: Will take another break as I'm going to spend three weeks in Europe with my cousin. We'll spend 10 days in Brittany and 10 days in the Netherlands. June: Everything should be back to normal.
Also, I'm kinda disappointed I missed a lot of holidays I wanted to make special celebration posts for so I'm just gonna compile them into one post cause why not. I also wanted to make special birthday post for the characters but I've already missed Rudi and Charlie so I'm gonna start doing that on Dawud's birthday, so March 21st.
See you in March everyone.
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bicanthropus · 2 years
joann owosekun
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╔═.✾. ═  LOG *** :  joann owosekun  |  cis woman, she/her |  35.
Just spotted JOANN / OWO around town.  Our records show that they remember [ most things ] from their source : st discovery (canon).   They were first spotted in october 2022 and our best guess is that their last memory is jumping past the edges of the known universe.  Archivists watching them state that they still have the control needed at her finger tips, an innate sense of understanding, sly smiles passed in secret, and folded notes in class vibe about them.
━  from Armes E. Sallow’s  personal archives. ═.✾. ═╝ ↳・゜oyin oladejo .
━━━ transcribed on : 15 october 2022.  transcription annotated by an tal brennan.
❃゜・。. ・°゜
armes: can you tell me your name and where you are from?
Lieutenant Commander Joann Owosekun.  I am originally from a small village in Nigeria, though I studied in San Francisco and spent much of my young adult life there.
armes: and after your young adult life? where have you come from, immediately
I’m not sure I’m allowed to say, Ma’am.  
armes: if you can tell anyone in this town it is me.  but let me take a guess.  you are either coming from not this world or the future, or both.
Is that a common occurrence for you?
armes: common enough that i can assure you i have whatever level of clearance you deem necessary.
I was last in space, Ma’am.  And the future.  And I’m not sure what else I can say without ruining the future.
armes:  what is the last memory you have of your home?
Seeing things that no one thought possible.  Going beyond what we’d known.
armes:  i ask because we have a history of memory loss in this town.  do any of your memories feel foggy or missing?
I’ve been through war and jumped through time, twice now.  I think that any fogginess is simply from that.
armes: you’ve been in town for only a few days by my record.  i thank you for coming in to see me so early.  
You called for it, and you seem to be the person in charge while the town votes for a Mayor. 
armes: is there anything i can do to help you feel settled?
there’s silence on the tape for a moment
Well, if you know any of my crewmates that would be best.  But finding a job would probably help as well.
armes: given your experience, we would probably have a spot open in the research center, if you were interested.  now, joann, do you believe in the supernatural or mythical
No, Ma’am.  I believe there are things that one may perceive as supernatural.  There are strange occurrences in this universe.  And I am one who does believe in superstitions, thanks to my mother.  But the things I believe, I would not classify in those categories.
armes: what kind of traits would your friends and family give you?
Dedicated, hardworking, bit of a perfectionist.  Keyla would say I was patient, and Tilly would say I’m empathetic and I’d scoff at her.
armes: Is there anything else you would like to say?
No Ma’am, but thank you for your time.
❃゜・。. ・°゜
notes collected by tal brennan
Joann Owosekun is a smaller character on the more recent Star Trek series, Discovery.  She is the operations commander, making her one of the two helmswomen on the Bridge.  Her and the other helmswoman, Keyla Detmer, seem to have a special bond between the two of them and work seamlessly together. 
Despite being a small character, we know a few things about her.  She, like the rest of the crew, is passionate about justice and doing the right thing.  She even agreed to jump into the far future in order to continue working with and helping the crew.  She is dedicated, intelligent, and hardworking from what we can see.  She respects the order of command, unless she thinks someone is in danger.  
danger: 6/10 likeliness to investigate: 8/10
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ryssbelle · 3 years
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Very Master Post of My Current projects, for now only Legend of Zelda related as those are my main projects here: (Last Updated 08/14/2022)
Commissions open! Link here Donate to my Kofi!
Branching Timeline:
This series is inspired by @tortilla-of-courage au idea and @attllhak Story Surface too Soon based on Skyward Sword. This comic will only be showing main deviations from canon Skyward Sword
Main Comic: Origin: Oops I shouldn’t have promised! 
The lanayru arc:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Final Part
Faron’s Blessing:
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3.5 Part 4 Part 5
Individual Pieces, Concepts, and Notes:
Hylia’s Champion Hylia Concepts what everyone knows Anger Link’s Goddess Clothes A Meme Matdas Concept Matdas Gots Painted I hear you draw Pictures Matdas and Hylia Anemia 1 Anemia 2 Anemia 3 Feral An Excuse to draw Matdas
Divine Twili Beast Sky AU: 
Main Story:  (the story jumps around a bit, this is the chronological order of the comics posted thus far. Last updated 08/14/2022) Disclaimer: At the start of DTBS there was no set story or plot as it was a spur of the moment comic based off a dream (seen in origin) since then it’s been built up a bit and some concepts shown in miscellaneous may no longer apply to the current story. DTBS also explores heavy themes such as: child abuse, PTSD, suicidal ideation, and potential character death. Each page featuring such themes does have a warning above it. Browse safely and happy reading
The Origin Save him The Beginning The Beginning: B side The Chase A Smoothie Welcome to Bird This is Precious Nighttime targets Lost in the Sauce Flightless In the Tree Nightmares of a Prince Confronting the Figure 1 Confronting the Figure 2 Heart to Heart Heart to Heart: B side Memories.. Memories B Team Memories B Team 2 The Ravio Situation 1 The Ravio Situation 2 (blood/injury warning) The Ravio Situation 3 The Ravio Situation 4 The Ravio Situation 5 Cleaved: A side  Cleaved: B side 1 Cleaved: B side 2 Adventures in Food: (just for fun) Protection? Cheesey Mission Send hug: Fail Excited!! ABSOLUTE DISGRACE Consolation A Gift!
Story info, Notes, and More: (in no particular order) So many tears The First Simp appears He’s a Model Winky Linky Sky’s Moving Castle (non canon) become simp Early Story Brainstorming (may or may not have grounds in canon) Beaks and meat (courtesy of @attllhak ) Legends Memory HUGS Bird Legs Eyes He fast OOP They dead Shiny Feathers? what kind of bird is Sky 1 Sky and Twili magic Break a leg :) What kind of bird is Sky 2 Very Lucky Sleepy Beauty (Ravio and Legend r siblings uwu) TLDR Timeline Legend’s shock Flightless bird Goth Sky Bird Sky fighting techniques Braid Twi 1 Beautiful Boys Legend’s Hair Braid Twi 2 Groups? Hyrules condition 1 Hyrules condition 2 (Explanation) Threat Level Midnight Dancing? Kurrow Comfort Mysterious Touch Noooo Please don’t turn me into a minecraft skin- Carnivorous The Nest Braid Twi 3 which side? Hugs needed Who is Little Prince? 1 Who is Little Prince? 2 Excuse me sir, thats my emotional support wolf Happy v Angy bird Braid Twi 4 Braid Sky? secretary bird energy Who is Little Prince? 3 Brooch buddies  Secretary Sky OwO “Don’t make deals with demons.” They all wear clothes Nest Buddies Jealously smells like arson Chickens and Sky Little Prince and ‘Her’ w̸̛̗̖̘̍ẖ̸̝̑̕y̷͈͋̇̒̕͝ ̴̹̗̒́̕d̷͚̯̣͔͖̾͒̚i̸̙̠̲̰͋͆̓̏̏d̷̠͔̏͘ͅ ̵̗͎̜͈͐̍͋̑͘ͅy̸̺̋̆͂̏o̵̱̥͚͙͈̍̓u̷̢̙͙͓̼͋ ̷̠̞̼̙̄l̷̮͈̻̱̥̎̎͒̅̌e̵̯͚̯̔͑̔ä̸̍͜v̸̧̹̫̯͒̿́e̴̯̜̩̭̿?̵̢̗̳̱͂ Suspicions? Very Cute Modern Lu? How Old is LP? Pretty Hair Little Captain Legends Captain Technically not a Spoiler ;) Triforce Talk Hearty Milk and Honey Tea! Painted Prince Dolls No Patch!! Botta Lose it my guy Deleted Scene Timeless Guilt Triforce Talk 2 Decoder Off Limits The Princes Father a wild son? Little Prince in a dress The Princes Scars Hows the weather up there? You’ve given him a sad Benis
The Future King Expressions meme: Did an expression meme a while back, archiving here as I decided to do one of each chain member for sanity’s sake: Sky and Wars (Includes mini comic) Wild Wind Legend (Blood Warning) Time Twi Hyrule Four Ravio Little Prince
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