#i swear chico smiles a lot in the show but he never smiles during any of his Actual wholesome moment alskjfkl so whatever
wawamouse · 4 months
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such a wholesome show
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silveranchor · 7 years
Como esa lluvia que moja el corazón
So this is how I’m starting Lutteoficweek! I did both prompts because I have no self-respect. Thanks to Carol @vivesenmiestoyenti for proofreading. This is my first time writing for this fandom, but the girls convinced me. Hope you guys enjoy. Sorry for the long paragraphs :) All the ficweek titles are from SL songs
Ficday 1: “It’s raining and you forgot your umbrella so I offered for us to share but this was a mistake because you’re tall and I am not and the wind is blowing water in my face and goddammit get down here” “You’re an exchange student and my family is hosting you, we might become just a little too close during your stay”
“Matteo, hurry up! I wanna get home before it starts raining again,” Luna says while leaning against the lockers, waiting for the boy to get his books into his backpack.
Matteo looks at her apologetically, trying to make his huge algebra textbook fit, even though the task seems impossible. Does he really need to take all of his books home for the weekend? Geez. “Sorry, chica delivery. I had to stay a bit late to talk with the teacher about the physics essay for next week.”
No matter how desperate she is to get home, she has to smile at the nickname. Matteo had started calling her that since he found out she works part-time making deliveries on skates for a fast food restaurant called Foodger Wheels. He’d made fun of her at the time, but lately, he has gained a new appreciation for his friend’s job. She sometimes comes home with food she sneaks out with Simón’s help, while her boss isn’t looking, and Matteo really loves the fries. They aren’t that good, in Luna’s opinion, but Matteo always says he didn’t get to eat much fast food stuff back in Italy, because his parents didn’t like it, so he needs to make up for lost time.
Matteo finally gets his things to all fit inside his backpack, and when he turns to her with a self-satisfied smirk (which doesn’t make her heart skip a beat, she swears), she sighs with relief. “Let’s go then, chico fresa. You took long enough already”. She starts making her way to the entrance, not bothering to look back at him; she knows he’s following her. Sure enough, he passes her by and opens the door for her with an exaggerated gesture. “After you, milady” he whispers closely to her ear as she exits the building, never once breaking eye contact. She stops for a moment, looking at him with the same intensity. She thinks it’s really strange, how brown eyes can be so common and yet, every time she looks into his, it feels like the first time she’s ever seen the color. His gaze is just so warm and captivating, and somehow, it always makes her breath catch in her throat.
She wonders just when she got so sappy, she definitely wasn’t like this two months ago when the Italian first came to live with her family. She remembers being absolutely surprised when her parents told her they’d signed up to be a host family for her school’s exchange program. The incredibly fancy Blake South College was affiliated with other equally prestigious schools around the world, and they’d all convened on giving each institution’s best students the opportunity to attend to one of the other schools for a trimester and get to learn about the other country’s culture. Ámbar Smith, Luna’s sort-of cousin, was the only one of the Blake’s students chosen for the program and was now happily studying in Paris, and posting every second of her experience on social media. The Blake had the pleasure of welcoming two students, one freshman from Norway who was staying with the family of one of the guys in Luna’s biology class, and Matteo Balsano, the Italian wonder-boy currently living at her house. She remembers the day they’d gone to pick him up to the airport. She’d been late; still in her uniform, since she’d come from school after staying late for a project. She recalls seeing her parents helping a guy with his (very expensive looking) bags and running over to them. She ended up tripping the moment she reached them and knocking into the guy. Talk about a good first impression. After apologizing for her clumsiness and regaining her balance, she’d allowed herself to take a good look at him: Tall and slender, lots of curly brown hair, very handsome features, fancy designer clothes, a smirk that looked permanently etched into his face. Her dad had interrupted her staring with the proper introductions and then they’d been off. Matteo had kept stealing smug glances at her the whole car ride to her house between answering all of her parent’s questions about him and Italy. He’d been pretty nice and polite to them, but his gaze still had made Luna uncomfortable. When they’d gotten home, the Valentes had shown him to the guest room and left Luna and Matteo by themselves. The first thing he’d said to her was “Nice fall back at the airport. I know I’m handsome but you shouldn’t try to throw yourself at me anymore. Bet your parents wouldn’t be too happy with that.” His smirk had infuriated her even more than his words had and she promptly left the room with a huff; not before telling him to shut the hell up, calling him chico fresa (not her best insult, but she’d been pretty out of it at the time) and hearing him call after her with half a laugh. The next morning she’d dreaded going down to have breakfast, but decided not to be a coward and found him alone in the kitchen, finishing the pancakes Mónica Valente had made for him. “What did you call me yesterday? Chico fresa, wasn’t it? Why did you call me that? I don’t believe I’ve heard “strawberry” used as an insult before,“ He’d asked, his arrogant grin not faltering even when she’d decided to steal the last of his pancake before he’d had a chance to eat it himself. She’d pointed at him with a fork, glowering, “In México, that’s how we call self-centered idiots like you, who go around thinking they are God’s gift to humanity”. He’d put his hands up, chuckling, “Well, you do have to admit He did a pretty stellar job with me. I’m impressive, if I do say so myself.” Luna had rolled her eyes at that and tried to bring him down a few pegs by calling him a couple choice words and glaring at him some more; but he seemed to have a witty and ridiculous response for everything she said; and while part of her had wanted to empty the bottle of maple syrup over his head, she’d been pretty entertained by the whole conversation. At one point, she let out a genuine laugh, not being able to contain herself any longer. At that, Matteo had widened his eyes a little and given her a smile that had lacked the arrogance she’d come to think was characteristic of him. He stretched his hand towards her, inviting her to take it and without thinking, she did. A weird electricity had passed through her at that moment, which she’d decided to ignore. He looked at her with those deep brown eyes of his and said in a gentler voice than she’d expected, “I think we’ve argued enough, don’t you? How about a truce? We’ll be living under the same roof for a while, I’d like it if we could get along.” She looked for any sort of malice in his eyes but found none. “So we start over?” she asked with hesitation. He nodded, a serious look taking over his features, “Hi, my name is Matteo Balsano and I hope you and I can become friends.” She smiled at that, “I’m Luna Valente, and I’d like that, Chico fresa.” They’d laughed together after that, and the tension from before had been quickly forgotten.
Pulling herself from her thoughts, Luna is the first one to break eye contact, she always is. She does a half-hearted mock bow and thanks him for his “immense kindness”. He seems to recover faster than her from their previous “moment” and laughs while pulling her along with him so they can continue on their way home. Since her parents manage their own restaurant (they won’t let her work for them because she needs “real work experience outside of the family business.” Ugh), she doesn’t want to make them waste time on picking her up from school when she can just go on foot by herself since it’s only a 15-minute walk. She used to walk back with Nina and Gastón, but now the two of them are dating, it feels a little like she’s intruding on something private and special. She likes spending time alone with Matteo anyway. Since the truce that morning on her kitchen, they’ve become incredibly close. Yes, he’s still a conceited jerk most of the time and neither of them can stop teasing each other for longer than a few minutes, but they somehow make it work. She’s learned to appreciate his self-confidence and wit, but he’s also allowed her to see a more vulnerable and sensible side of him that he doesn’t usually let anyone else see.
Except for Gastón, of course. The two boys have become inseparable, to Luna’s surprise. She’d become friends with Gastón because he’d been very nice and helpful to her when she first came to Argentina after being discovered by her birth family. At first, she’d stayed with the Bensons and Ámbar had been asked to show her around and help her get comfortable in her new life. Ámbar wasn’t naturally very warm or welcoming, but she’d tried her best to be nice and a good host, introducing her to her friends, who turned out to have a lot more patience with Luna than the blonde did. Gastón had actually been the one to give her the tour of the school and the Jam & Roller, after Ámbar got tired of all of her questions and left with her clique, not before hugging her and telling her not to get lost by herself with as much kindness as she was capable of showing. After she moved out of the Benson mansion with her parents, her best friend Simón came to live in Buenos Aires from México to pursue his artistic dreams, and she made friends with Nina and the guys from the Roller; she’d stop hanging with Ámbar ( and Gastón) as much as she used to before, but they kept on being friends. Nina turned out to have a huge crush in Gastón, and while Luna tried her best to get them together, Nina was way too shy and Gastón was completely unaware, and she had no luck. When Matteo came to the Blake, however, he’d become instant best friends with the Périda boy and the four of them had started hanging out together all the time. Simón is sometimes there with them too when they get together outside of school, but with his two jobs (at the Foodger Wheels and the Jam & Roller) and the band, he doesn’t have as much time as the others. Still, she enjoys very much spending time with her other three friends. They spend so much time together that Matteo had started noticing the way Simonetti looked at Gastón. He’d talked to Luna about it one day and they’d both decided to play matchmakers for their oblivious friends. Now, a few weeks later, they have proudly accomplished their task and their two idiots are very happy together.
Luna is again brought back to reality, this time by the drops of water suddenly hitting her face. The rain’s falling heavier by the second, and she turns to Matteo, annoyed, “Darn it, Matteo! Why did you have to take so long? I told you we would get caught up in the rain!”
He turns to her and rolls his eyes, “I already said sorry, chica delivery.” His volume rises to be heard over the water hitting the pavement, “and I forgot to take my umbrella with me today. Great!”
“Gosh, you are unbelievable!” she sighs, trying to wipe water from her eyes.“ Let’s both use mine. It’s in my backpack. Can you get it?” Matteo quickly takes out her tiny yellow umbrella, which is barely big enough to cover both of them, but it will have to do. He opens it over their heads as they continue walking, this time a little faster, his hand never leaving her back. It’s not even weird how comfortable they have become with each other in such little time. Luna has always been a tactile kind of person, always initiating hugs and such. Not everyone she meets is okay with her constant displays of affection, though; especially the people she’s met here in Argentina, so she’d learned to tone it down a bit. That’s why it had taken her a little by surprise when Matteo came to live with them and she finally met her match. Matteo was just as affectionate as she was, maybe even more. He has absolutely no concept of personal space and seems to find any excuse to touch the people he cares about. He’s always patting Gastón’s back in a supportive gesture or squeezing Nina’s shoulder to comfort her (something the shy girl is clearly still getting used to), but he is at his most affectionate with Luna herself. A hand on her back every time they walk side by side, an arm casually draped around her shoulders when they sit next to each other, his head on her lap whenever he is tired, a hug every morning before they have breakfast together, a kiss on her forehead every night before they go to sleep. She got used to it fast, and now enjoys greatly all the time she spends feeling the warmth and comfort of his touch. Besides, it’s not as if she doesn’t take any chance she can get to touch him herself. Her touches are always more casual and subtle: a hand on his arm, a tap on his wrist, a quick bump of her shoulders against his chest; things that may seem small, but always make her feel as if a sort of electric current is running through her body.
Her head is kept dry by the umbrella, but her face is getting attacked by the rain. Matteo is way too tall (she refuses to admit she’s too short, no way), and he holds the umbrella right over his head, their obvious height difference making sure that she’s left completely unprotected from the wind blowing water into her face. “Chico fresa,” she huffs, “can you lower the umbrella a bit? I’m getting all rained over down here!”
She hears him chuckle at that. “I’m sorry, but it’s not my fault you’re such a shortie, chica delivery. I’m not gonna get all wet just because someone didn’t drink their milk and eat their vegetables as a kid.” Luna is about to retort when she’s suddenly pulled to the side. Matteo has her in his arms, tucking her inside his jacket. She swears her breathing stops for a second and she’s pretty sure her cheeks are incredibly red right now. “What the actual hell, Matteo!” she yells, her voice muffled by his clothes. She can’t see his face, but she can definitely hear the smirk in his voice. “I thought you didn’t want to get wet! Your pretty face is safe now, isn’t it?”
Luna tries her best not to get even redder. “You are the worst! I hate you!” She regrets the words as soon as they’re out of her mouth because they are the furthest thing away from the truth. She’s sure he knows she doesn’t mean them, but they still feel wrong to say. She risks the rain, poking her head out of his jacket to look at his face; to her surprise, he looks amused. He looks down at her and grins, “Nope, you love me and you know it.”
She trips over her own feet, her mission of staying cool and not becoming a human tomato failing spectacularly. She jumps from his arms as if they burn; honestly, it feels a little like they do. The rain feels cold on her skin and when she finally dares to look at Matteo he’s looking at her with what seems like a mixture of longing and expectation. He sighs and steps toward her, once again covering them both under the tiny umbrella while she shivers. Luna feels her legs getting heavier, fixing her in place. Matteo brings his free hand to her wet cheek and she does her best not look as flustered as she feels. “Hey,” he whispers as if to not scare her, “what just happened there?” She clears her throat before muttering a quick “nothing”.
He smiles sweetly now. “I know you very well, Luna. What got you throwing yourself into the rain?” Luna swears his eyes look right into her soul, reading her every thought and feeling. She looks down and hopes he doesn’t realize just how much his small comment affected her. She’s known for a while that what she feels for the boy is beyond friendly affection, and she recognizes that she isn’t the best at hiding her feelings, but she has been very careful in not letting him know just how much he means to her. It would be a real tragedy if he found out about her feelings for him and didn’t feel the same way back. Matteo has become one of the most important people in her world, and she wouldn’t want anything getting in the way of what they have.
Her mouth, as always, is faster than her brain. “You shouldn’t go around thinking everyone is in love with you!” She sputters, “maybe I was just a little too warm inside your jacket! Not everything has to do with you!”
Matteo looks at her like she’s crazy; she just exploded at him without any actual reason, so she can’t really blame him. He puts up the hand that isn’t holding the umbrella (when did he take his hand away from her face? She didn’t even notice). “For once, I didn’t say anything about myself being involved in the situation.” Even if it seems to be teasing her, his voice is calm and even, “I just wanna know, what was that about?”
Luna crosses her arms, telling herself it definitely isn’t to stop herself from reaching out to him. “Look, I just told you. I was feeling too hot inside your jacket and forgot my umbrella is way too small!” She sounds annoyed and hopes that makes him back off.
It doesn’t. “You sure? You look upset. Was it anything I said?” If there’s a hopeful twinkle in his gaze, she’s imagining it.
She puts on her best “dealing with el chico fresa” face before answering, “I thought you weren’t involving yourself in the situation”. Matteo looks to the side with an unreadable expression. “You know me, I can’t help myself. So-” he stares at her intently now”- was it something I said?“
“No! You just think everything is about you and everyone loves you and…” she can’t think of anything else to say. He looks at her expectantly for a moment before hesitantly muttering “So it isn’t, and you… you don’t.” She’s not sure if that’s a question or not, but he looks like he’s waiting for her to answer, so she tries. “No, I do… or I don’t.” She struggles to find her voice, while he tilts his head in confusion. She tries again to speak, not even knowing what she will say, “I just, I mean… I…I …” Her brain is going way too fast and her mouth refuses to work: she knows what she feels; she would love to be able to get it out of her system, to let him know just how much she cares about him, but she can’t. Not yet, she’s not ready. So many things could go wrong, so much could change… and she can’t risk it, not with her comfortable connection with Matteo at stake.
They are silent for a moment, the sound of their breathing drowned by the rain. Matteo is looking at her in a way she cannot place, but somehow, his gaze makes her feel as if everything will be alright. He releases a long sigh and before she can get away, she’s trapped in one of his warm hugs. She doesn’t have enough willpower to resist and wraps her arms tightly around him, never wanting to let go. He kisses her forehead, which makes her look up at him. Understanding, that was what she could see in his eyes. She can’t explain just how she can be so sure, but she is: he knows, and he won’t make her say it. Somehow, she can tell that he gets it, and won’t pressure her if she’s not ready. Maybe it is because he feels the same and wants to give her time; maybe he doesn’t and, like her, wants to preserve the relationship they already have. She doesn’t know; and right now, with his arms around her, she doesn’t care. He knows her and he gets her, and she couldn’t be more grateful.
After what seems like an eternity, they pull apart from each other. The rain has gone down considerably and she’s no longer cold; though that has probably a lot more to do with Matteo and the warmth and affection she feels every time he looks at her the way he’s doing this instant. They both smile at each other and when he takes her hand in his, it feels as if anything that just happened doesn’t matter anymore. It is just the two of them walking side by side, joking and laughing to pass the time.
They are just a block away from home now and Matteo is retelling something that happened during his English class, staring straight up ahead, when she lets herself really look at him. He still looks like the spoiled arrogant brat she met at the airport, but underneath she can recognize his intelligence, his patience, his dedication, his big heart. She can see every single quality, every single flaw, and every little detail that made her fall in love with him. She smiles at her own thoughts. She might not be able to tell him yet, but thinking it so honestly to herself is a big step.
Matteo notices her staring and gives her a bright smile. Luna squeezes his hand and he squeezes back. She’s made a lot of progress in admitting her feelings to herself just today and she is sure that she will be ready to tell him before his time in Argentina is up. Luna shakes her sadness at the thought and grins confidently; maybe she isn’t ready to tell him she loves him today and she probably won’t be tomorrow either. She’s not worried anyway, she knows that the moment will come when she’s not afraid to let him know about her feelings anymore, maybe not now, but soon.
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