#i swear i don't do it on purpose slghlsgjs
faceachefics · 4 years
A Little Addition
Pair: Nancy Downs x Reader
Summary: Nancy notices your crystal collection, and realizes you two aren’t as different as she originally thought.
Word Count: 1506
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    You cleaned your room the second you got home. Nancy was supposed to come over in the afternoon and you nearly forgot how disorganized it was until last minute. To be fair, you were able to get everything sorted out in less than half an hour. If only that would always be the case regardless of whether or not your crush was visiting. The doorbell rang and you rushed to the source of the sound. You opened the front door to be met with a pale girl with done-up hair.
    “Nancy, hi!” You greeted her with a bright smile. She responded with a deadpan “Hey” and invited herself into your house. The only reason Nancy was here was because Rochelle and Bonnie dared her to spend the rest of the afternoon with you. They would tease her for frequently stealing glances at you when you weren’t paying attention. She would respond by denying it, saying you were too normal for her. However, she knew there had to be something about you that piqued her interest.
    You followed her into the living room as she set her bag on the coffee table and crashed onto the couch. “Is there… anything you wanted to do?” It was difficult to make eye contact with her. No matter what mood Nancy was in, she always seemed agitated. Every glimpse of her piercing, gray eyes made you progressively more nervous. She shrugged. It wasn’t like you knew enough about each other to come up with anything fun to do. “I can show you around the house.”
    “Sure,” Nancy replied, looking around the room. It beat sitting around in silence. Plus, you two could have something to talk about if anything caught her eye.
    “Did you just move in or something?” She asked as she analyzed the house. The general décor was comfortable, but it was also basic – almost minimalistic. It was a genuine question, but it sounded like a subtle jab at your choice of furniture.
    “Uh… no,” You replied while furrowing your brows. “I’ve actually lived here for a few years.” Now Nancy felt like a jerk for asking. She also realized how long you two went to the same high school without her noticing you at all. To be fair, the school was big, and it was a possibility that you didn’t share any classes with each other.
    Regardless of whether that was the case, the first time she acknowledged your presence was in the tea place you worked at. She started going there more often with her friends after she had you as her waiter. They noticed the way Nancy looked at you while you were occupied with other customers or cleaning vacant tables, and how she grinned at you when you would give her a polite smile.
    Rochelle and Bonnie would poke fun at her for it, but they also encouraged her to shoot her shot. However, she was stubborn and denied liking you at all. You weren’t that special. You were just a waiter providing service for her like you would do with any other customer. Why would she look forward to seeing you every time she visited the tea shop? Why was she so drawn to you?
    You finally reached the bedroom. Much like the rest of your house, there wasn’t much to look at. A bed, a nightstand, a dresser – the essentials. The color palette was cute, but nothing impressive to her. One thing that caught Nancy’s eye, however, was the shelf full of crystals. She trailed off from behind you to get a better look.
    “You collect crystals, Y/N?” She asked, not breaking eye contact with the menagerie of minerals. There were many stones she recognized: aventurine, citrine, amethyst, selenite, and so on.
    “Yeah,” you replied, turning around to face her. “They’ve helped me with… healing and manifestation.” You hesitated out of nervousness. There have been a few people who would laugh at you for mentioning that. Of course, that didn’t stop you from believing in the power in crystals, but it did make you worry enough to rarely share that particular interest with people.
    Nancy turned her head to look at you with her eyebrows raised. So you’re a weirdo like her.
    “Do… do you?”
    “Nah,” She replied. You were just relieved she didn’t make of you for it. “I mean, I have black tourmaline and opal at home, but not too big on collecting that stuff. Even if I wanted to, I can’t ‘cause I don’t have a lot of money.” Finally, something to talk about, plus some insight on her life.
    Nancy spotted your malachite and picked it up. It was much colder and denser than she expected. “Aww, Y/N.” She turned to you with a mock pout. “Do you have a scary monster under your bed?” She snickered as she watched you frown with flushed cheeks.
    “Oh be quiet,” You raised your voice. “You gotta at least have one in your closet if you have tourmaline.” She threw her head back and laughed. You did have a point.
    “I’m surprised this is real, though,” Nancy calmed down as she felt the heavy stone still in her hand. “Most of the time stores sell plastic duds. Guess you’re pretty lucky.” She replaced the malachite, and her eyes traveled to a light pink object nearby. She took it from its place to scan it.
    A rose quartz heart. Nancy gaze softened at the shape. This was a stone for attracting love – romantic love. “Manifestation”, huh? She looked up at you and you averted your gaze.
    You did buy the crystal to attract a partner. In fact, not long after you got it, Nancy showed up at the shop. Her style was on the edgier side, making her stand out from everyone else. Her default expression was moody, but she always returned your smiles. You had wanted to sit down and talk with her and her friends, but you never did out of fear that you would bore them. When the goth girl expressed interest in you by asking to come over to your house, it felt like a spark of electricity ran up your spine.
    “This is cute,” Nancy meekly commented before putting the rose quartz away. There was now an oddly romantic tension between the two of you. Did this mean something? She tried to brush off the thought, but she knew it was going to bug her for the rest of the week.
    “You know,” You began, clearing your throat. “We could go downtown and check out the antiques or something. We don’t have to stay here.” Some fresh air would do you both some good at this moment. You gave her a small, nervous smile, and Nancy exchanged it for a bigger one.
    “Punk rock,” She responded. “Let’s go, then.”
    The sky turned orange as night approached. Her mom would probably yell at her for getting home so late, but Nancy walked you home anyway.
    “Thanks for taking me out,” You said during the embrace. You pulled away and saw her eyes locked on you. There was a moment of silence. Her intense gaze made your heartbeat pick up its pace. You looked so pretty in the warm light.
    Nancy snapped out of her daze and realized something. She reached into her bag and pulled out a crystal. She offered it to you, and you took it.
    “Snagged that from the crystal shop,” She spoke, giving you a toothy grin. “It’s clear quartz. Noticed you didn’t have any, so I thought I’d make a little addition to your collection.” A small chuckle slipped out while you examined the quartz. It should have been one of the first crystals you got, but you often overlooked it for ones to fulfill your more specific desires.
    “Aw, thank you,” You went in for another hug, but this time you planted a peck on her cheek. You pulled away and entered your house. “Well goodnight, Nancy! Get home safe.” You waved to her, then shut the door. Nancy was in another daze. She was thankful you couldn’t see the blush on her cheeks. She raised a hand to where you kissed her, for she could hardly believe you really did that.
    Nancy was both exhausted from her walk home and the scolding she received from her mother. She could still hear muffled yelling from her bedroom. She rummaged through her bag and found the second quartz she got for herself, placing it on her nightstand. The girl lied down on the bed, and admired it as the faint moonlight went through it.
    A small smile tugged at her lips as she replayed the kiss in her mind. Nancy hoped to see you again soon, especially when she now knew you liked her too. Then, she thought about the rose quartz. Maybe she was the partner you were looking for. She hid her flushed face in the pillow despite the fact no one was there to see it.
    Those rocks really were something.
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