#i swear there will be a day where i'll post a good picture of Simon
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Oh hey here's some more art I forgot to post! The first picture is a sooooorrrrrt of genderbend of Twisted Alice. He's from an AU where Susie was transmasc. He would have liked to be called Simon but he never really came out to anybody except maybe Sammy. Upon being turned into Alice, he still had his dysphoria and tinkered with the Ink Machine and the template until he was able to recreate himself as a male angel, and from then on he named himself Ambrose Angel.
The second pic is an OC I made. Pronouns they/he. Their name is Ashton Angel, and they're Alice's younger sibling. They were never revealed to be a boy or a girl during their time in the cartoons, so audiences were left to wonder about it. They're actually nonbinary, but there wasn't really a word for that at the time they were created. They were originally created by Susie's younger brother, who I have yet to name but he loved the cartoons enough to come up with a character of his own. He was hanging around in the studio doodling Ashton and Alice one day and waiting for Susie to finish her voice work, when Joey Drew happened to walk by and notice. Joey asked him what he was doing, Susie's brother told him, and Joey thought it was a nifty enough idea that he asked him if he'd like for Ashton to actually be in the cartoons and if he'd be willing to voice them. He was, of course, elated, and happily accepted, but after Susie was replaced by Allison, Ashton was dropped from the cartoons, and both siblings were heartbroken.
Fast forward to Joey Drew asking Susie and her brother to come back and bring the Angel siblings to life one more time. When Ashton was born from the Machine, they were almost perfect(and AMAB because when Thomas was creating the templates, he thought Ashton sounded more like a boy's name) but they had a few flaws, namely having a voracious appetite that couldn't be sated by anything but ink flesh. No matter how much bacon soup or other food Ashton eats, he's never satisfied, so he hunts searchers(especially swollen ones), Lost Ones, the Butcher Gang, and Borises if he can catch one. However, he's not the brightest bulb when he's super hungry. He's gone after the Ink Demon and the Projectionist multiple times, and it never ends well for him. It's a good thing he's faster than both of them, or he would have been killed a long time ago. He stays with Twisted Alice, and they share the inky organs of whatever they can catch and look out for each other. I'll probably write some stuff about the two of them having cute sibling moments.
This also applies to Transmasc!S AU. Ashton didn't know who Ambrose was at first, because having the memories of the cartoon character, they remembered having a sister, not a brother, but when Ambrose told them who he was, something clicked in their head, some ghost of a memory from another life where they had a brother that everyone else thought was actually a sister, and they accepted what Ambrose told them as truth. When they were both alive, Simon would have told his younger brother that he felt more like a man than a woman but asked him not to tell anyone else because he wasn't ready for others to know yet.
Also, just to make this clear, even though they have a cute baby face and happen to be shortish(he's 5'5"), Ashton is NOT a child nor is he "child coded", and Susie's brother was an adult by the time he was turned into Ashton. If I decide to ship him with anyone, I don't want weirdos coming at me about him being too young. I created him, I get to decide how old he is. I am also a short nonbinary with a cute baby face who regularly gets mistaken for being half my age by strangers(and every time I buy alcohol I swear they're scrutinizing my ID like they think it's a fake lmao) but I'm a grown ass adult and no amount of weirdos screaming that short people are Actually Minors or whatever is going to change that.
Anyway I hope y'all like these pretty ink boys! 🖤🖤🖤
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