#i swear though if end up picking wolfsbane for chet
I've got more flower connections. This time FCG.
I wanted to stick with one, but what found for my first thought was not entirely perfect, but my second thought wasn't either so I'm using both and picking the most matching parts.
So for FCG I think it's Daisy and Begonias.
Daisies represent Innocence and Purity.
FCG is probably the most innocent of the bunch, mostly due to the missing memories and their general demeanor. The purity for daisy's I believe relates more towards love, but I think still works for FCG as well given how much he cares for his friends.
Daisies also mean Cheerfulness and New Beginnings.
FCG's whole personality is cheerful! They keep up a positive outlook and greet people with a 'Smiley day.' FCG got a new beginning after what happened with Dancer and the rest of their crew. And I'm sure they believe that the Bells are new beginning for everyone involved.
Begonias can represent Harmony and Gratitude
FCG wants their friends to be in a state of harmony, and I saw one thing say harmonious communication between friends and family. Fitting for the group therapist. FCG also seems to be the type to be grateful for just about everything.
Begonia's also represent Uniqueness, Caution, and misfortune.
FCG is a very unique automaton as we've learned. There's now a level of caution with them and the whole murderbot side and what could cause it. Poor things been followed by misfortune now, and has recently faced another.
Both plants are also used in medicinal practices!
Daisies are used to make poultice and begonias help with headaches and burns. FCG's the healer. Plus daisies are the sacred flower of the Norse goddess Freya, and FCG is a cleric which normally answer to some higher power.
There's probably something to also be said about the phrases 'pushing up daisies ' and 'fresh as a daisy' in relation to Letters.
(Laudna), (Orym), (Ashton), (Fearne), (Imogen), (Chetney), (Laudna pt.2)
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