#i think a lot about watching wartime farm and the ways they discuss the push to use every available sliver of land
swashbucklery · 2 years
No Q but I really do enjoy your posts about fiber arts even if half the time I'm like knit? Crochet? Difference? Thanks for the reminders on why it's so important to buy natural fibers and decent made stuff with fair labor practices (I have a lot of wool pieces now and my dad is like, I have 50 yo cashmere so like, they really do last) ANYWAY I just really enjoy seeing you nerd out about something I don't see much of on Tumblr
Oh anon, thank you! I can talk about it for literally forever, but Tumblr is where I go to daydream about superheroes kissing so it doesn't often come up on my dash.
I think it is tough because the conversation about sustainability intersects with conversations about equity and accessibility, where - again, that mindset of 'opting out' requires both economic and social privilege. Having the time to go thrifting for second-hand garments that are good quality and will last, having the money to buy new garments made of natural fibers, and having the ability to choose to wear those garments in your day to day life (ie, not needing to wear a uniform or dress to a dress code) are big parts of being able to engage in the personal-choice element of sustainable textile consumption.
But ultimately like - I think we have to keep remembering that our current ways of consuming clothing are new. Even back into the 1940s people were sewing their own garments or altering them, and would have a countable number of outfits. And it's been a slow creep towards the current model but it's - like, the planet is burning we have to make it easy for everyone to change, not just the people who have the time and resources to make sustainability their hobby.
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