#i think griddler as a name for this puzzle type is the worst of the 4 names it has
rufiohsucks · 6 years
How to solve GR1DSTUCK
So, you've solved the wordstuck (checkout my guide on how to solve the wordstuck if you haven't solved that yet) and now you want to do the gridstuck. You may have tried to solve it when it came out, but you couldn't. Well, don't worry. There was an error in the gridstuck when it was first published. A corrected gridstuck has since been released.     Firstly the gridstuck is a type of puzzle known as a picross, nonogram, hanjie or griddler. Thanks to u/Northern_Circuit for this guide on how to solve them. With this puzzle we are trying to make a black and white image, and then find out what the image is. we know that the image is of a 6 letter word.    I'm going to explain what issues the error cause and then actually how to go about solving the puzzle (with a computer since solving it by hand is fairly straight forward (if you've looked at the afore mentioned instructions) but is quite time consuming).   This is what was wrong with the original gridstuck. You might think something like "Why does that matter?" (for those that haven't clicked through to the image, the columns of the gridstuck added to give 424, whilst the rows added to give 422) The reason it matters is, the columns tell you the total number of coloured in squares, and so do the rows. If the columns are saying 424 squares need to be coloured in, whilst the rows say only 422, then there's a problem and it can make the puzzle unsolvable. It would be unsolvable because 422 ≠ 424 Anyway, onto the solution. Because explaining this is hard, I'm just posting the solved gridstuck here's the answer To solve it I used http://a.teall.info/nonogram/, but the solver got stuck at (it's an NP-complete problem btw, maybe that's why it got stuck). But luckily I'd already tried solving it on paper before the correction came out, so I clicked a couple of the squares it hadn't guessed yet and then the solution popped out real fast.   Forfansbyfans ​ put this footnote (I’ve linked a text document) at the end of the gridstuck because of the error (It contains the code you need to load into the solver. It was already written in Terezi's quirk btw).  All the imgur links I made are here, if you want to read my annotations btw 
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