#i think griffin thought abt what would make a good politician & came up with traits that also make a good organizer
audiodramatist · 2 years
it fascinates me that people (myself included!) remember Errol Ryehouse as "werewolf politician" when he is decidedly NOT a politician during Dust 1.0. he's realized that the political system won't accept him and is actively working outside of it. he's not a formal representative of Carrion Street in any capacity. he's a guy who started a community garden and organized neighborhood potlucks and set up a bell to be rung in case of emergencies.
that bell, notably, does NOT call the police, but summons other citizens to help- and they respond!! the people on Carrion Street know each other, and look out for each other, even when they don't necessarily like each other that much- dylan is weird! and annoying! and there's still gonna be a gluten free option for him at the potluck!
Errol isn't a politician, he's an extremely effective organizer who's created a strong, connected community without the intercession of government or law enforcement. Errol says flat out in ep4 that he doesn't WANT the town to be incorporated because he doesnt want government imposing on Carrion Street!
Errol isn't a politician, he's an anarchist.
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