#i think he saw it in some kind of sports or action movie c. age 17 in the mid 80s and belieevd it was the coolest thing in the world
avspol · 1 month
polnareff hyperfixation has me on the wikipedia page for flat top haircuts
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nomadicism · 4 years
I read that one posts. I agree with Sol. I think it's more likely that Dreamworks crunched the numbers, figured it wouldn't be profitable and just canned the project than them cancelling it because of a very small section of the internet. p1
“p2 Mecha is just a dying genre as a whole. Even in Japan, isekai has taken it's place and there are hardly any new mechas outside of Gundam. That's in Japan! In the west, mecha is even more niche of an interest and general audiences don't gravitate towards it. I don't think that any mecha movie wouldn't do well at the box office. I'm even worried about that Gundam movie bombing at the box office.”
Hi Anon, thank you for the Ask!
Yeah, I agree with Sol too—and at risk of repeating what I’ve said in other posts about the movie thing—it’s really hard to convey just how incredibly unlikely a property like Voltron or Robotech will ever be made into a live-action movie. It really is about the numbers, as it always has been. Since the 80s, there’s this whole persistent and stupid element of the cartoon industry that continues to delude itself that promises or interest from Hollywood will ever pan out. There are so many scripts sitting in production limbo, that it’s almost criminal.
No one wants to risk money on a live-action movie based on children’s media IP that won’t bring in rated PG-13 or R dollars from adults, and no one wants to risk repeating the 80s He-Man film. The exceptions are live-action films made from children’s media IP that are fully owned by the company paying to produce the movie. I’ve got more to say about the complexities of royalties, but that’s awfully long-winded when I get into it, and I’d rather be long-winded about giant robots. (◕ᴗ◕✿)
The topic of mecha genre dying out is what really interests me here. It’s a topic that I think about a lot, as the beginnings of the mecha genre had a lot of deep cultural time-and-place stuff behind it, even if the stories were just kids and teen boys hopping into a giant robot to beat up other giant robots and monsters, in what were essentially 30 minute long toy commercials.
Isekai will come-and-go as all genres do. It’s not a new genre, but right now the types of themes driving the isekai stories being made speaks to a lot of interesting things happening in the youth of Japan’s relationship with digital gaming and role-play escapism. It’s fascinating, even though the focus of the genre as it’s done today hasn’t really grabbed me in the same way that isekai of the 80s-90s did.
Mecha isekai exists, and it’s only a matter of time before someone either remakes Vision of Escaflowne, or does a more mecha-focused isekai story similar to Magic Knight Rayearth. I doubt anyone would revisit Aura Battler Dunbine, or Super Dimension Century Orguss, but an otaku can dream.
Before we can say the mecha genre is dying, let’s briefly skim over the genre trends of the past +40 years. Every decade or era of mecha anime has a trend that reflects cultural concerns built into it, in a way that I don’t think any other genre of animation can touch (until now, with Digital/Virtual/Fantasy RPG World Isekai).
Late 60s-70s was: Super Robot smashes monsters and alien robots
Mid-70s – early 80s was: Combining Mecha Sentai Team Super Robot smashes monsters and alien robots
80s was: Real Robot + “how many sci-fi/fantasy settings can we put a robot into?” + the death-throes of Super Robot (e.g. Dairugger XV, Golion, Baldios, Godmars)
Also 80s: What the hell was Super Dimension Fortress Macross about? Cold war tensions of escalating end-the-world arms race meets an alien species whose only culture is fighting. Where songs about love, and the culture of love, are what win the day, not just transforming robots and big guns. Macross is deeper than it lets on.
Fun 80s: GoShogun happened. The first parody-satire mecha anime that still feels more serious than they intended, but is actually hilarious once you get past the dated gender roles humor (which was also kind of intentional satire).
WTF 80s: Space Runaway Ideon broke everyone’s minds.
Still not done with 80s: Gunbuster happened. The first angst-driven parody-satire mecha anime that blew everyone’s minds.
Late 80s-early 90s OVA mecha was a mix of Serious Cyberpunk-influenced Real Robot for older teens and adults + Mecha with Tits & Tentacles for Adults (see also space elf lesbians).
90s was: The Franchises Will Survive With Prettier Pilots, and Super Angst-Bot That Was Way More Influenced By Drugs And Ideon’s Ending Than Anyone Wants To Admit (aka Neon Genesis Evangelion) + “Since Gunbuster was a success, how many parodies of Super Robot and Real Robot can we do?”
Mid 90s isekai gems: Magic Knight Rayearth and Vision of Escaflowne
Late 90s: Brain-Powerd (not a typo) happened and it’s a shame no one remembers it. I’ve seen it’s influence come up in the 2000s – 2010s.
The 00s seem to be filled with a lot of re-treading of everything that came before but with different cross-genre influences and some of it really damn good but hard to remember because it all kind of blends together.
The 2010s-today: I have no idea what’s happening now b/c I can’t keep up with anything that isn’t Gundam. And why bother when there has been a flood of classic 70s-80s mecha releases—many for the first time in the US—to binge watch?
Knights of Sidonia was cool.
Since I haven’t kept up, I can’t speak to what new mecha anime is like, or why it's less popular (though I have an educated guess). It was gonna happen eventually, and I suspect that the kinds of post-nuclear and Cold War existential dread that informed mecha anime of the 60s-80s has moved on as target audiences grew up. Those lates 80s OVAs, where the stories could be more adult, reflect that growing up (and also Blade Runner’s influence).
I see the 90s as very transitional, includes reactions to the prior eras, but also reflects a lot of angst by Japanese teens and young adults caught up in the after-effects of 80s stagnation, and the constant test-studying to get into the best school to get the best job (if it exists) and figure it all out before you’re 14 so you can pick the best school to test into. Also, salary-man dad works 120 hours a week and is never home. Get in the Angst-bot Shinji.
Excluding the stand-out brands that survived their respective eras: Gundam, Macross, Braves series, Mazinger Z, Getter Robo, Evangelion; there’s not much other ground that can be covered right now that would warrant a series. The franchise mecha shows are grounded in their respective niches. It’s kind of odd that there isn’t an isekai mecha franchise, b/c that’s a niche that hasn’t been owned in the way that the other niches have (unless maybe Machine Hero Wataru is still a Thing?)
It’s worth mentioning that Sport Anime has really been having a moment for almost a decade now, and that’s super interesting to compare against isekai. Isekai about dungeon slimes or whatever vs literal horse-girls racing each other like high-school track. Thanks Japan, are y’all all right over there?
A few last things:
The success of Super Robot Wars tells me that mecha genre isn’t dying. Consider the ages of players. How many of them actually grew up watching Yuusha Raideen (aka Yūsha Raideen / Raideen the Brave)? There is an SRW manga anthology series, and loads of gachapon and collector’s grade mecha figures from old mecha anime get released with regularity. Someone’s buying that all that shit.
SRW is nearly 20 years old now, and they are still making video games that do one thing really well: rotate a 40 year old cast of everyone’s favorite robots into a battle strategy game held together by a duct-tape plot that doesn’t take itself too seriously. The games are fun, and it’s cool to put all these mecha into the same field. It’s really great to see older shows that will never be remade have little cut scenes in a newer animation style that still feels like the originals.
There’s also the old staple that started it all: the tokusatsu genre of live-action Super Sentai shows (e.g. Power Rangers). They’ve been making the Super Sentai Series since 1975, and there’s still fun to be had watching color-coded warriors use special powers/tech to summon forth some combining mecha to do battle with rubber suit monsters from outer-space. The effects are much better these days, but it’s the same formula, year after year and people still love it.
So with respect to mecha, I think what’s died or dying, is that people are afraid to have shameless child-like fun with giant robots. The genre got too serious and too angsty (and too horny without the grown-up edge of 80s OVA Tits & Tentacles mecha). The franchises carved their niches and aren’t going anywhere, while the genre survives in video games and collectables.
A lot of that shameless fun has moved into other genres, because nothing else explains a title like: “Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girl’s In The Dungeon?” or the nearly-ecchi concept behind the sports anime “Keijo!!!!!”. But that kind of fun is less child-like and more self-deprecating or pervy-humor. Both sports and isekai anime have their serious side, but seem to be dominated by stories that don’t take themselves too seriously, or like Yuri on Ice, aren’t afraid to take a concept that no one ever saw coming, and shape it into a good story.
I eagerly await a mecha sports anime (wait, no, I think that already happened), and I’d love to see a knock-out isekai mecha anime again. I think it will happen eventually, but probably not from Toei or Sunrise. If Tatsunoko could get beyond Moe Idols In Space, then the Macross franchise already has everything it needs to do a isekai series. That would be rad.
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Does Love Really Conquer All? - Part 4
Note: So here is the fourth part to the fic that helped me set up this entire blog. I have the majority of the storyline figured out in my head but not sure just how long it will be yet. As usual all feedback is welcome! <3 I apologise for any spelling mistakes but unfortunately at this time of night there is only so much my eyes will allow me to notice and correct! :) Also I apologise for there being no Bucky in this chapter but he will be in the next one!
Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier x Reader, Steve x Reader
Words: 1,974
Warnings: Violence, mentions of blood, death and injuries....also a long awaited reunion!
Disclaimer: None of the GIFs used are mine. All credit goes to their wonderful creators <3
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
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The grip his metal appendage had on you crushed your airway, instantly cutting off the vital air supply you needed, a hoarse gasp escaped your lips buy you made damn sure you kept your eyes trained on him. If he was in there somewhere then you didn’t want to miss him coming through. But he didn’t….and when the former shadow of the man you loved had grown bored of your gasps he ended your suffering by snapping your neck and discarding your lifeless body down the steep embankment you had been stood near.
Your body forced you to take in a large intake of air, an audible gasp escaping you as it did, just as your eyes snapped open. The glazed look that they had once sported transformed as your hues turned back to their usual [e/c] colour and you were faced with the soggy ground of the embankment that had been your ‘final resting place’.
You had felt him snap your neck. Not only did you hear your own bones cracking in his grip but you had felt the split second of sheer agonising pain as the fateful damage had been done to you, as he practically severed the top portion of your spinal cord…..so how the hell were you alive and breathing???
It had been over seven decades since the day the man you loved had killed you. Over seventy years of trying to figure out just what was wrong with you while still being determined to find Bucky – apart from a few false leads you had seen no more of him. There had been a number of deaths that had looked like no more than accidents but given the high profile of the deceased individuals you had a feeling it was something to do with him.
You tried to see if there was a pattern to the ‘accidents’ but other than the majority of the individuals being a part of the Government Agency known as SHIELD there was nothing.
Every ten years you would need to move away from wherever it was you had settled before people started to notice that you didn’t age; it was frustrating, and one of the reasons you never allowed yourself to become attached to anyone, but at the same time it helped make you feel that maybe one day you would end up where he was.
New York City was your latest home. You’d been living here for no more than two weeks when the impossible took place; which said a lot coming from someone who was quite the impossible thing themselves having died numerous times, in various ways, over the years but when those alien creatures began to pour from a hole in the sky you found yourself completely frozen to the spot. The huge thing that cruised through the city was like nothing you had ever seen before but you didn’t get much time to look at it when a whole cluster of the aliens erupted out of it.
A chorus of screams rang out down the street as people young and old alike were attacked where they stood – the invaders clearly having no prejudice when it came to who they took down. You should have been helping them, protecting those who were vulnerable against this new threat, but even after all the things you had witnessed over the decades this was scaring you to the core.
It was like you had stepped foot inside an action movie.
“Miss! Miss please help me!” You were snapped out of the hypnotic like stance you had gone into by a bloodied young woman whose eyes were wide in horror. “Th-They killed my boyfriend and I….I don’t know where to go!”
As you look her over you don’t know whether the blood is coming from an injury she had sustained herself or whether it had come from her boyfriend…either way she needed to get off the street and out of harm’s way. As you pull her closer into your body your eyes begin to frantically search your surroundings; with crowds of terrified people running through the streets and buildings falling apart around you it wasn’t the easiest task but through the billowing clouds of smoke you finally spotted a police officer guiding people to a safe place.
“I’m going to walk you across the road okay?” The woman nodded in silence as she cowered into you a little more. “Now I know there is a lot going on but you don’t need to worry about that. You just keep your eyes on that police officer over there and I will worry about everything else.” She nodded again, still silent, but you feel her head turn to look in the direction she needed to.
One of the grotesque looking aliens started to career towards you when you hadn’t even made it halfway across the road so you immediately move the shocked woman behind you as you drove your leg up into the air and swung it around to meet harshly with its head. Although it didn’t render the creature unconscious it dazed it long enough for you to quickly usher the woman across the road to the police officer.
“I don’t know if it’s her blood or someone else’s but she is in shock.”
Before the broad male could stop me from doing so I ran back to where I had been. The alien was still there only now it was seriously pissed off and if it hadn’t already held a murderous look in its eyes it certainly did now. You hadn’t fought against anyone, or anything, for a long time but you couldn’t just leave it roaming free to hurt someone.
Its dark eyes seemed to burn right through your very soul as you took slow steps towards it, your heart beginning to race as the adrenaline you needed coursed through every vein. An adrenaline that wouldn’t be used thanks the fast flying object that misses your head by mere inches and then embeds itself into the creature’s chest. The sheer force that had been behind it almost had it slicing right through but the now lifeless body of the alien fell so fast that the shield had nowhere else to go.
Wait……you recognised that shield. You had seen it so many times back in the 40’s but there was no way that it could be here. Not all these years later.
A blur of blue rushes past you, his hand reaching for the shield that took quite some effort to get out of the thick alien skin.
“I’m sorry about that ma’am but I co-“ He turned round to face you just as he managed to free his shield and the second his eyes fixed onto you his jaw all but hit the floor. “[y/n]?”
His name sounds more like a pained cry than anything else as the two of you continue to stare at each other as though there wasn’t an alien invasion currently wreaking havoc throughout the city. He was supposed to be dead, you remember being told the news, you remember the heart-breaking grief you’d felt as the words left the young soldier’s lips……and as you stood here looking right at him you could feel that pain hit you all over again as though you were back in that infirmary.
“[y/n] how th-“
A blast of energy hit him hard, sending him flying down the debris-ridden road and his shield to fall from his hands. You didn’t even think twice about your next actions.
“STEVE!” Throwing yourself on the ground to stay as low as possible from any more shots you slide over to where his shield is laying and quickly bring it in front of you as you make a beeline for Steve. He hadn’t stood himself up yet which was a worry but you hoped that it would just be a matter of time. “Brush it off Steve! I need to know you are okay!”
Another blast sounded out and it was a direct hit to the shield. Although the shield took the brunt of the impact you still found yourself falling to the ground just as you got within arm’s reach of the friend you’d thought dead. As you hit the ground you saw him beginning to stir but before he turned to you he spoke to someone who wasn’t even around.
“Clint it’s Steve. I have one right on me. Take it out.” No voice responded back but that was when you heard the unmistakable sound of an arrow being fired and the loud thud as its victim fell to the ground. “Thanks. Now….meet with the others and try to take down the transporters. I have it covered here now.”
The next you knew of Steve being anywhere near you was when the weight of the shield was lifted free from your hands and one of his gloved ones helped you up onto your feet.
“Steve…..you died.”
They were the only words that were able to leave your lips as you looked him up and down, your hands resting themselves onto his bulging biceps so that you could feel that he was actually real.
“I could say the same think about you [y/n]. You should either be really old now or dead so….looks like we both have some explaining to do. But right now really isn’t the best time. I need you t-“
“No.” Your voice came out in a firm manner when you realised what he was about to do. “I can’t let you out of my sight again. The last time I did that I lost you. I can help!”
“Not a chance. I’m sorry [y/n] but I’m not risking it. I need you to go to Central Park and hide out until this is all over….then I will come and find you.”
Before you can utter any kind of objection he was gone.
                                            * * * * * * * * * *
The fight felt like it lasted for hours and with each explosion you heard you prayed that Steve hadn’t been hurt. Then the hole in the sky above New York disappeared and everything fell silent. It was over….
Climbing out from the hiding place you had found upon entering the park your eyes immediately set about looking for the one person you wanted to see right now. Aside from Bucky of course but he was a long way from you at the moment.
His voice came from behind you and so you turned to face him with tears stinging at your eyes. Now that the chaos of the attack was finally over you were able to really feel your emotions at seeing your old friend again. In the blink of an eye the gap that had been between the two of you was closed as you practically threw yourself at him.
The second your arms wrapped around him and his enveloped you the part of you that had disappeared all those decades ago came back again. Although there was a still a hole in your heart where Bucky needed to be Steve had just managed to fill the other that had been there.
You finally had your best friend back in your life.
“I guess I should probably explain everything then?”
“Yes, definitely, so then I can decide whether to kick your arse or not. Then I will explain about me...” As you bury your face into the crook of his neck the laugh that escapes you vibrates against his skin before you pull away enough to be able to speak. “...But first I need to tell you about Bucky.”
You feel his body tense underneath your touch as you mention his name.
“What about him?”
“He’s alive Steve…..”
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