#i think he was also the only character to die on-screen wasnt he ๐Ÿ˜ญ
loud-whistling-yes ยท 4 months
Now that I'm watching kj again years later no longer an 11 year old I think it's extremely fucking funny just how down some of the characters in this anime are to killing hachi. Like they see a child right there and don't even hesitate. He's not even joker. They just see this 8-year-old and think "ah yes. A baby. The perfect bargaining chip against this hyperactive criminal teenager."
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werefag ยท 1 year
hang on like almost none of u play it but i wanna share my #thoughts on the various gw2 story arcs ... hii
base story - i honestly dont have much to say ๐Ÿ‘ its very obviously the first thing written for gw2 and its not BAD imo its just a bit cheesy. which im ok with i think its cute i love trahearne i love the order mentors but i think they killed those off way too early in the story. tybalt forever. however the last arc (everything after claw island) drags on FOREVER and they need to cut the airship part out of victory or death
season 1 - scarlet is a very fun villain But otherwise i wasnt too into this season it was kind of just character introductions. also can i be honest i couldnt play past tower of nightmares bc u cant solo it
season 2 - s2 was a very fun set up for the expac. i dont like dry top i love the silverwastes The labyrinth mission was fun tbh. and that crazy sylvari guy. the zephyrites are nothing to me. the playing as caithe bits were annoying (stealth mission ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜) but i liked the reveal at the end. i think ppl give caithe too much shit for how she acted in her early life she was literally 2 years old.
heart of thorns - originally this expansion made me rage quit the game for several years bc i hated the maps so much but now i love love heart of thorns its my favorite. tue vibes the environment the whole set up of it being a race against time before the jungle overwhelms the pact bc theyre in unknown territory and in an extremely unfavorable position w most of their firepower missing was so fun + i love the chak. :) THOUGH im biased bc u do kind of have to play this expac w a sylvari to get the full extent of mordremoths threat imo
rata novus arc was kind of unnecessary to me but whatever. FUCK the migraine achievement though. probably the hardest story content in terms of difficulty. i wish we had another one or two story chapters set in the last map instead of directly jumping at mordremoth.
season 3 - my favorite bits here were raising aurene tbh. i love lazarus' design but i didnt play gw1 so i wasnt invested in those story points. the maps were whatever But i love braham dearly and i hate the shit ppl give him for this season bc afaik hes the first person in the commanders friend group to actually like. oppose them for once instead of just following along w everything. and like he did it bc he was mourning his mother who died horribly its only natural hed act rashly + not listen to reason. he was desperate to prove himself after living in the shadow of his mothers legend (eir can die in a ditch tho she sucked) in conclusion Be so nice to braham
i got sidetracked braham is my favorite character uhhhh im kind of... meh at this season being a set up to path of fire didnt hate it didnt love it either
path of fire - i liked the environments + characters + utlizing mounts for traversal But hated kasmeer and her fantasy christian bullshit ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ. I think the "gods left tyria to die bc they didnt want to deal with one of their own bc blah blah Consequences" was kind of dumb/lazy. the expac is overshadowed by s4 later tbh HOWEVER it still has probably my favorite story chapter in this entire game (the departing โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ)
the bits abt stealing jokos army disguised as one of his generals was so fun to me even tho i hated the mummy mission lol. balthazar as a villain was not impressive to me but i appreciated the break from constant elder dragon threat to it being Disgraced God Threat. and then we immediately jump back to dragon bullshit. i do wish we got more time with vlast he was kind of a nothing character ??? literally 30 seconds of screen time
season 4 - #jokosweep i love this season and its characters Joko is one of my favorite villains in this game i wish we got more time with him. i love koss. we get to reconcile with braham we meet blish and gorrik and i always love the asura. all the chapters here were very fun to play through imo EXCEPT the stealth mission. again. and dragonfall... โค๏ธ one of the best extra maps to me
i liked the characterization of kralkatorrik in the end but i think aurenes ascension came too soon.
icebrood saga - god i love the start of icebrood saga so so much the horror elements were SO cool to me. esp the scene w the fraenir and the vibes/environments were so hmm idk a good word. like scary stressful. also im biased to charr and this was charr focused so. like icebrood very much had the potential to be gw2s best story arc imo w that set up but. forged steel and champions just drag it down so much those two specific episodes were just bad and too damn long. especially forged steel my fucking god im never playing that shit again
champions had the issue of being EXTREMELY rushed and things just seemed to happen for no reason and primordus got literally 0 screentime and was written badly as just some Mindless Force of Nature imo. i do understand this is all consequences of covid + they were Rushing to wrap this arc up to prepare for new expac release but it just left me disappointed at the conclusion. the other episodes are very strong to me nonetheless and as long as i ignore champions and forged steel its fine lmao. i love crecia and malice and efram dearly
i also like the money drizzlewood coast makes me ๐Ÿ™‚
end of dragons - definitely the weakest of the 3 expansions LMAOOOOO i didnt care for anka she was kind of just edgy for the sake of being edgy. i didnt hate her i just didnt understand why she had to be in the story IMO if we got another full season w her as the main villain there it wouldve been better + a better set up for the expac in general. i love that they brought mai trin back + scarlet just a little bit with Revenant shenanigans. ivan the communist mole. joon was a very cool/fun character ill miss her. rama and his hat โค๏ธ but none of the maps or plot points really had me invested idk God i fucking hate new kaineng its so bad to traverse. the masteries also left something to be desired :-/ fishing got boring pretty fast sadly But i do really want those titles lol
i think eod just suffered from hype because this was very obviously the Closing Arc to the elder dragon storyline thats been central to the game for 10 years now and the entire thing just left me. disappointed. idk. i didnt mind the void plot point bc finally having a more concrete reason on why killing elder dragons w/o having replacements for their magic domains is catastrophical was better instead of just "ahh world blow up" but i do hate how they handled it? i wish we got more time with soo-won before she went crazy and also that we somehow got to save her tbh. my biggest pet peeve was how ALL the void enemies were just fucking retextures of previous dragon minions it felt lazy especially for a full expansion
i will say i enjoyed playing the last mission and i had a ton of fun i just didnt enjoy the conclusion to the story overall You know
i DONT like how they handled aurene because i dont think they shouldve used her as a fix it all solution to the elder dragon replacement problem + again i think her ascension happened too fast and i wouldve preferred it if it happened before/during the eod finale. idk i think it wouldve been more interesting if we had to find other beings for each domain of magic instead of just throwing it all on aurene Like the Pale Tree Is Right There As A Mordremoth Domain Conduit but what do i know... ๐Ÿ™„
Also what the hell is a giant gothic cathedral doing in the middle of cantha
what lies beneath/within - i dont know the entire thing was just kind of meh atleast u didnt have to pay for it lmao. i think going to the restaurant with rama was funny but this just felt like a lazy The pc acknowledges their trauma or whatever bit. they were kind of just banking on nostalgia for the previous story arcs But i dont fucking understand why we got a Mourn/reminisce about cinder instance but not trahearne?!?!?!? ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ chul-moo was funny though and his relationship w yao is cute :)
personal ranking least to most fav ๐Ÿ‘‡
s1 < base story < s2 < what lies within/beneath < eod < s3 < path of fire < icebrood saga < s4 < heart of thorns. ok thank u
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