#i think he was the character she dropped in her otherwise masterful juggling of ten? or more pov characters
pentanguine · 2 years
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@whatevsbla @lairn​ Sorry for screenshotting, tumblr wouldn’t let me reblog
#i was also so disappointed in the way hobb just dropped wintrow at the end of the book#i think he was the character she dropped in her otherwise masterful juggling of ten? or more pov characters#i don't necessarily mind his character regression (for lack of a better word) because he's spent over a year being manipulated by kennit#and it seems like a realistic thing to have happened to him#i think his admission near the end of the book that he did believe althea but didn't want to speak out for her (and that that was cowardly)#shows a bit of him starting on an arc back toward clear-eyed judgement and kindness#but hobb doesn't show the interior dimensions of him realizing how far he's strayed from himself and resolving to do better#and that makes it feel unsatisfying and a little hollow#from the spoilers i've brushed up against in the tag i don't think wintrow comes back in subsequent books#but i think he's one of the main characters she should return to because she left him unfinished! he's still carrying the full weight#of kennit's trauma and manipulation and the end of ship of destiny is all about working through those burdens. bah#who will wintrow become when he can live fully according to his own morality? have control over his life?#love etta without being manipulated into it?#I WANT TO KNOW. i want a book about a wise pirate king who has made mistakes and learned from them and lives with them#gah!! i apologize for all the tags i'm just in love with these books#liveship traders
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omgviolette12 · 6 years
Ten, For The Price Of  One
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Summary: Loki, also known as “Agent One,” is tasked to invade the life of a potential killer, who decimated multiple members from the criminal organization, Morte. Known for his silver tongue, this mission is just another walk in the park for our God of mischief, or is it?
Words: 3062
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Shameless smut 
Pairing: Loki/ Original Female Character
Chapters: 1/?
A/N: This idea has been running around in my head for a while, an au spy/assassin Loki. I feel like that role fits him, since he is a master of lies and trickery! Please let me know if this is a concept worth continuing~
 It can also be found on AO3. I usually post there first, then here a few days later. https://archiveofourown.org/works/17581208/chapters/41438900 Tagd :
@dangertoozmanykids101 ---------------------
“Watch her.”
Agent Reaper threw a file on his desk, the momentum sliding it perfectly in front of Loki, otherwise known as “One.”
The file lay open, revealing a photograph of a woman who looked to be a mix of European and Asian heritage. A dark fringe reached to her eyebrows, almost long enough to cover her cat-like eyes. Black hair tousled over her pale shoulders, her smile showing rows of pretty, white teeth.
“We received some intel, but of course, it needs to be verified. The bitch took out more than half of our benefactors and agents, and we haven't had a single trace until now.” Reaper spat vehemently, his grey eye dripping with menace.
“They think she's the one?” While Loki was never one to judge a book for its cover, the petite, pretty woman in the picture was a far cry from the killing machine that currently plagued their organization.
 The assassin always killed in a gruesome, humiliating fashion.
At first, there were no correlations between the killings and their perpetrator. The targets varied vastly in their locations and the execution method was always different. They killed randomly, seemingly with no motive.
The murders started cropping up, on and off for the duration of 6 years.
Picking up the file to read, Loki was momentarily shocked by its contents, though he didn't let it show.
Name: Nya Sato
Age : 24
DOB: February 20th, 1995
Varying appearances: Tall, petite, busty, small chested, blonde, red-headed
Latest appearance: Dark trench coat, face partially obscured
Victor Petrov
Title: Benefactor
Age : 65
State of corpse upon discovery: Dressed in lingerie, Mutilated genitals. Scrotum found in victim's mouth.
Maria Popova
Title: Agent #456
Age: 34
State of corpse upon discovery: Facial features unrecognizable, skin flayed. Flesh later found hung in victim's closet.
Augustine Bianchi
Title: Benefactor, Arms dealer
Age: 56
State of corpse upon discovery: Restrained against bed, on stomach. Anus filled with various sharp ob---
He stopped reading at that point, the list stretched to a number of 20 victims. All discovered without a shred of dignity.
Loki had seen many atrocities- performed many of his own. But never with such... twisted creativity.
"She left one of them alive. Not sure if it was on purpose, anyone would think he was dead if they found him. Said he recognized her from somewhere, described her to one of our artists once he was stable." A red-headed woman supplemented, standing by the old reaper's side. She wore all black, hands behind her back. "However, we don't know if the intel's reliable, or was planted by the killer themselves."
Reaper swept the glass filled with scotch from his desk, shattering on the mahogany floor. He then proceeded to speak threateningly, jabbing his pointer finger to the desk as he enunciated every word, “I don't care what you have to do. Get in her house, find out everything about her down to the color of her fucking knickers in every drawer. Fuck her, threaten her, do whatever the hell it takes to draw the bitch out and find out who she's working for!”
The reaper was never one to curse so vehemently, always sporting a cool look on his old, but wise features. Needless to say, he was truly incensed.
Loki leaned back against the leather chair unconcernedly, manspreading in all his glory. "So when do I start, dear father?"
For the first couple of weeks, Loki observed her. Nya worked at a small bookstore at the heart of Liverpool, in an area that held lush greenery at each corner. She rarely left the store, so he surmised that she lived there as well. It seemed to be one those stores with a small apartment on the upper level. Whenever he saw her, she was always smiling a bright, beautiful smile. She was the neighborhood sweetheart. Kind-hearted, soft, timid.
When he casually inquired about her from one of the regulars of her store, the old couple never ceased to stop gushing. Even among the younger patrons of her store, she was quite popular, although they did say she spoke too quietly.
If her portrayal of a sweet, harmless young woman was merely a facade, he would find her to be one hell of an actress. The latest assassination happened merely a week ago, yet he never allowed his eyes to leave the bookstore, tracking her whenever she left it. When could she have gotten the opportunity?
After monitoring her for close to two months, he decided to set his plan in motion.
It was quite dark, rain drizzling as Nya made her way to the bookstore. She struggled with two large bags of groceries, packed with food items and other necessities. By the time she reached the front of the store, she noticed a figure staggering in her direction. Her heart dropped. The man walked strangely, struggling against the wall of a building. He was still a distance away from her, but she could see a dark contrast of red blood splattered on his white dress shirt. His hand gripped his stomach as if he was holding down a wound.
Without thinking, she dropped her groceries and hurriedly made her way towards him.
By the time she reached him, he already slid from the wall unto the sidewalk. She stooped down, taking the man's face into her hands. Despite being immensely pale, Nya was immediately struck by his beauty. Her hands ghosted over his high cheekbones before her eyes trailed to the wound in his abdomen.
“H-hold on, I'll call the ambulance!” Before she could fumble for her phone, a large hand took her slim wrist into a firm grip.
“Don't..call them,” the man opened his eyes, revealing a piercing blue. Startled by the deep, raspy voice, she looked at her wrist, then to the injured stranger. “But, you’re bleeding so much and-” the man groaned loudly, tightening his hold on her hand. He repeated his words, but with much more urgency. “Do. Not. Call. Anyone,” his eyes bore into hers, almost pleadingly. Nya hesitated, unsure of what to do for a moment. After looking at his closing lids and faltering breath, she made a hasty decision, “Alright, I live close by. Try to keep awake, okay? Just for a few minutes,” Her large, bright brown eyes looked around worriedly, hair wet and sticking to her face. The streets were unusually empty. But she paid it no heed, as the neighborhood was naturally quiet and secluded. However, she regretted that she couldn't ask for help.
“We need to hurry, it’s gonna start pouring soon..” She loosened her wrist from his grasp, moving his hand to go over her shoulder, “can you stand?” Wordlessly, the man stood up, albeit clumsily.
It took longer than she'd like to reach the store. With the man's looming height and frame against her petite body, coupled with the drizzle of the rain, she had no choice but to take her time lest they tripped. The groceries lay forgotten on the quickly dampening sidewalk, as she struggled to open the store door with her key.
When they finally made it inside, she urged him to walk with her towards the back of the store. They came upon a staircase soon after. "I don't have an elevator, please bear with me for a little while. Let me know if..it hurts too much to continue," she looked up to his drooping head, noting that his eyes were now watching her with mysterious intent. "Is there something wrong..?"
The man let out a shaky breath, "no, let's continue. I can manage." They took their time up the stairs, each step creaking loudly. When they reached the top, he had gotten significantly paler, if it were even possible. As the door wasn't locked, she opened it without much trouble.
Although the building looked a bit small from the outside, her apartment had quite a bit of space. The walls were of warm, lively hues of blue and yellow, covered in floral patterns. Luckily, the living room was situated close to the entrance, so she immediately took him towards the couch. "I should have some medical supplies in the supply cabinet, hold on for just a bit longer. Can you.. um.. unbutton your shirt in the meantime?" Without wasting any more time, she scurried off.
Loki winced, his head leaning back against the couch. He stabbed deeper than he'd liked, but it had to look convincing. In reality, the wound looked worse than it actually was.
Nya gathered all the supplies she could hold, carrying them in her arms. She also ventured to the kitchen to get a bowl of water, juggling both as she made her way back. When she made it back to the couch, the supplies nearly scattered to the floor. The man took off his shirt, as requested. His lean figure was surprisingly much more sculpted than she anticipated, causing her to stare just a moment too long. She shook her head lightly to gather herself and went to sit beside him carefully.
"Okay.. let's see what I can do here. Could you move your hand.. please?" When he did, she couldn't help wincing at the sight. A deep stab wound oozing blood greeted her, and her hands started to tremble. She swallowed, gathering a wet cloth from the bowl of water to rinse the wound, "I'll try to be as gentle as I can, try not to move too much, okay?" While she cleaned, she made sure to pay attention to any signs of discomfort. However, the stranger didn't move an inch.
"May... I ask how you got this wound? why couldn't you go to the hospital?" She decided to ask a couple questions, make conversation. The silence was becoming uncomfortable. The man's expression grew increasingly stern as he regarded her "It's none of your business, little woman," he replied in an unexpectantly harsh manner.
None.. none of her business?! Who was the one cleaning his wound! She applied a bit of pressure unconsciously due to anger, and that made him flinch. "Considering I let a complete stranger into my home to tend to his injuries, one would tend to think I deserve a bit of information. I don't even know your name!"
The man sighed, then looked toward her in a reluctant manner. “Loki.” “Loki? Is.. that your name. Like the Norse god?” The man nodded his head stiffly. “Loki... that’s a pretty unique one. I’m Nya, by the way.” She no longer looked angry, her expression softening. “Now, would you please tell me how you got this wound?” Loki squinted his eyes at her before glancing away. “I’m being pursued... by bad people. I need a place to stay for a while, if you’ll have me.” His voice became softer, losing much of the harshness it had before. “ Bad people?! Are they trying to kill you?” Nya’s voice went up a pitch, her eyes widening a large margin.
“I understand if you don’t want to be implicated, I’ll leave as soon as you’re finished.” Loki let out a resigned sigh, before returning his gaze towards her wide eyes.
"No.. no. Please stay as long you wish. It should be fine as long as you're quiet..." She indeed didn't want to be involved with whatever trouble the strange man called "Loki" found himself in, but she couldn't let the man leave. It would leave her feeling guilty for weeks. "Besides, there's a storm brewing up. It would be good to stay inside, especially with this wound," after she had finished cleaning said wound, she picked up a tube of antibiotic cream.
The next few moments continued in companionable silence, with her treating him as he watched. When she started to bandage him however.. she felt something hard nudging her arm. She drew back her hand quickly, her cheeks turning a bright crimson. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.. you know.." she pointed towards his groin, "Cause that..."
Loki looked at her, unperturbed. Before she could react, he grabbed her wrist to drag her closer.
"On the contrary, darling girl... I'll welcome your advances. Enthusiastically." His deep, dark voice filled with filthy promises made its way into a surprised Nya's ear. His voice, his scent, coupled with their sudden proximity, sent her into a muddled, dripping wet daze. She audibly swallowed, her eyes quickly averting. What was happening to her?
"Look at me," Loki growled. He grabbed her chin, turning her face towards him. His hand slowly moved from her chin into a soft caress, ghosting over her small ears, before tangling into her raven hair. Nya closed her eyes at the sensation, enjoying his touch. Her expression was strange.... like one of pained relief.
With a jerk movement, he gripped her hair and slammed his lips unto her own. Due to the sudden action, Nya moaned out in surprise. Grasping that opportunity, his tongue quickly slipped into the warm cavern of her mouth. He swirled his tongue around her own, slowly... sensually, before sucking her tongue and swirling it again. When they parted for air, the sight of Nya had Loki hardening even more. Her tongue lay outside her mouth as she panted heavily, hair sticking to her face. She blushed a furious red, which further contrasted her from the cruel, twisted killer that he was tasked to find.
When Nya recovered from that searing kiss, all apprehension and rationality left her. Before he came, she was so... so lonely. The whispers grew louder with each passing day. But his warmth, his touch, made its way into her heart and overwhelmed her senses. She was soaking wet.
When he leaned down to kiss her once more, she stopped him suddenly. "You're still injured.. we.. we can't do this-" Before she could ramble, he pushed her down unto the couch, trapping her underneath him. She looked up at him, her brown eyes still wide. "No amount of pain will stop me from ravishing your sweet, supple," His hand went to grab between her legs," dripping, wet cunt."
Nya gasped at those words. In all twenty-four years of her life, never has a man spoken to her in such a filthy way, let alone someone she just met. Those words, however, made her even wetter, much to her chagrin. When he touched her there, she shivered violently, her legs spasmed and twitched when he thumbed her clit.
"Ah... Loki..please, I.." Nya was lost for words. She grasped the arm of the couch, her hips arching to meet his fingers. "Tell me what you want.. Nya," Loki whispered into her ear, his warm breath raising goosebumps on her skin.
When he said her name with that voice.. the words left her mouth before she could process it " I.. I want to feel you inside m..-ah!" He gently slid a single, long digit into her pussy.
He pumped his finger in a steady rhythm, watching as she writhed helplessly under his ministrations. When he removed his finger, she whined at the sudden loss.
Loki smiled darkly. She was right where he wanted her. He looked into her eyes as he licked his finger clean. "You're as sweet as you look, little flower. Almost like honey,"
She was a panting mess, her eyes glazed over. "Can we.. can we move to the bed?" she was still panting, her lips plump from their last kiss, "I want you.. to be comfortable." Even in this situation, she still thought about his well-being.
In regards to her concern, Loki respectfully declined. "No. I'm going to fuck you, right here on this couch."
He proceeded to do just that. In just a few moments, Nya's dress lay forgotten on the floor. When he ripped off her underwear, he made sure to take note of the color. Without further adieu, he removed his cock from the confines of his pants and slipped inside her warm, welcoming heat.
"Eeep!!" Nya let out a strange, sharp squeak when he filled her to the brim. He looked at her with mild concern. Nya looked mortified at the strange sound she let out, "I-I'm sorry, I don't do this...sort of thing. Hah...you pushed in so suddenly...it's too... too big.." Loki let out a deep chuckle, before going to nuzzle her neck. "I'm sorry dear, I've been hasty," he kissed her neck, sucking and nipping gently, "Tell me when to stop. Otherwise," he pulled out slightly, before ramming back inside her sharply, "I'll keep going, just like this."
Nya cried out at the sudden thrust, her quivering legs moving to grab at his waist. "Please.. not there..! It feels too... oh yes... I mean n-no..!" Nya stuttered helplessly, the assault on her body turning her silly. Of all the women Loki had slept with, she was the first to look so...cute.
He picked up the pace of his thrusts, quickening into a brutal speed. Nya's cute, whimpering noises seemed to spur a primal instinct within his being. He wanted to ruin her, to see the supposed monster that lay beneath her temptingly sweet body. However, that monster never showed itself. What greeted his ears instead was her soft, breathless voice.
"Harder, oh god, please go harder Loki," her hand now wrapped around his shoulders, pulling him even closer as he rutted inside her core. His thrusts began to grow unsteady, signaling his impending release. "I want you to come for me, Nya. I want to feel you tightening around my cock," he removed her hands from around his shoulders and pinned them above her head. "Now, Nya. Come for me now!" With his command, Nya screamed and shuddered when her orgasm washed over her like a tidal wave. In all her life, her sexual experiences could only be counted on one hand. She had never felt so filled.. so complete. Loki came soon after, his cum dripping from the sides of her pussy.
He never intended to cum inside her, he usually had control in these situations. But he was overcome with the need to mark her and own her in every way possible.
When he pulled out and watched the look of contentment on her face, Loki came to the decision to enjoy this gift of a mission bestowed upon him. And he would enjoy himself indeed, thoroughly.
Chapter 2
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