#i think he went with historical romances because the covers werent overtly sexy
robindrake93 · 5 months
Before he died, my grandpa was telling people that I was a ghost writer.
He knew that I wrote constantly, watched me do it for decades, and he knew that I was somehow making money online with my writing.
What I was actually doing most of the time was writing fan fiction; something he did not know existed and since most of my fics are explicit, I didn't think he'd want to know. (although considering most of the books he read were steamy historical romances, he might not have cared too much)
I had also set up a patreon for original fiction, which I think I explained poorly when telling him about. "People pay me money to read what I write per chapter" was probably how I explained it. Which is accurate but that's not a model of reading that he's familiar with.
Given the circumstances and his limited knowledge, I'd say his guess was pretty good.
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