#i think hed be a very understandably interesting character for viewers. compared to like... milly who probably had a normal life lol
guideaus · 2 years
trigun thoughts
i think a disappointing thing about wolfwood dying was that trigun’s manga never did end up showing a lot of his backstory. after he decides to betray basically all the villains in the series and goes to help vash, that wouldve been a good opportunity to show some scenes about him, maybe like showing himself opening up to vash, compared to his introduction where he’s just kinda like “ :) wow who is knives lol! anyways bye!” then mentally going “what the fuck are these two”, but the flashbacks that are shown are meant to introduce livio as a character. using that to introduce livio isnt entirely bad, but it feels like it skipped some other stuff that a reader would like to know, lol. it isnt exactly essential to know more beyond “these are the people he wants to help and these are the people currently preventing that”, but it couldve been nice to see, lol. I think in general it’d be good for spacing out some moments in the manga (bc it does feel like a lot of “intense” fights w a one chapter break in between each arc) and also it’d offer a further opportunity for vash and wolfwood to bond beyond being in life-or-death situations lol. idk, i just think it wouldve been nice to see a bit about things like his family, how he joined that orphanage, some time there, how he left (the manga just showed him being taken away??), his time with that group thats more than little selective flashbacks, what made him decide to leave and betray his master, and how he caught wind of that opportunity w knives. shit like that, lol. some of the eye of michael flashbacks also seemed to only have been shown to explain his drug and give his eventual reason for his death when everything before that he had been using the power of being a strong shounen character. 
unless im still missing something maybe symbolic, i think him dying there doesnt really do much... i dont think it worked well as a tragedy or sacrifice moment and itd be more interesting to see past that, kind of like those villain characters that eventually get “domesticated” thru a redemption arc and their personality changes. the orphanage flashbacks were good to show he wasnt always this serious, to the point kind of character, though blunt and too mature for his age, but he got let lose from the being in this torn between vash and knives role, and then isolated himself (with vash inexplicably, conveniently behind) to go die, not even in a punishing “this is what happens when u dont have friends” moment. i feel like him living past betraying knives and co should have been a perfect key moment to definitively cement his and vash’s relationship, like a fucking video game moment when u get like 100% approval from whatever npc companion lol, wolfwood has full faith in him and obviously vash regards him fondly as well. i think in the anime, wolfwood’s death (though still dumb all around, but much quicker about it lol) was just a one of a bunch of quick tragedies for vash for the 2nd half of the anime to push vash to confronting knives, and idk if its really the same here...??? (bc i guess w wolfwood taking 10x longer to die, it could be the same w casualties in the manga, though it doesnt feel like it) but if it is that, im not sure that’s done well. anyways idk if like the rest of the cast will die in the end, too and wolfwood’s death wont be a special event, but it also felt like livio might get that sort of “redeemed” villain personality? ...which also feels more annoying bc hes like a walking stereotype, lol. i just really think that the moment wolfwood betrays knives, that would have been a perfect moment narratively and for his character development to open up, he couldve been a bit more open to vash, the reader gets to learn more from him, etc. etc.,
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