#i think i accidentally made an even more tragic character than thomas himself oops
lopsidedtreetrunks · 2 years
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I edited France’s character in my Ghostalia au!
To kind of call back to aph episode 10 - I was thinking that Amelia kinda looks like some historical depictions of Jeanne d’Arc and how perfect it was that I already had Francis in Thomas’s role! That said, I have Notes:
Francis was a scribe in life. He worked for the French Crown and was assigned to document Jeanne d’Arc’s life and battles. He grew close to her and was present at her trial and execution. He died some years later, in the early 1500′s, while visiting England with his then current assignment. He was killed by his assignment’s sword after discovering he was an English sympathiser and was disavowing Jeanne’s name and efforts for the French kingdom. Francis died defending someone he loved and now Amelia has arrived at the Kirkland estate and she just looks so similar.
I’m not sure if Francis would have had romantic feelings for Jeanne but being dead for more than 500 years then suddenly seeing someone who is practically identical to someone you were so close with in life will make feelings confusing...
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