#i think i analysed yoongi's range somewhere
sugar-petals · 1 year
I noticed that Jimin has the most prominent adam’s apple despite having the highest voice
if you want to know the science side: that's bc a high tone is created by shorter and thinner vocal folds. they vibrate more quickly -> result: a higher-pitched voice that produces a tenor sound.
besides outside properties of the neck, body height does not exactly correlate to vocal fold length either. hence yoongi can be the smallest member having a slim average neck and yet the deepest voice.
quite interesting stuff biologically/as per physics. jimin sports a unique high tenor vocal range because of it, whereas yoongi is approximating the bass-baritone area as a counterpoint.
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erosjeon · 7 years
Hiraeth 7
Hiraeth: (n) homesickness for a home you can’t return to, or that never was.
Jimin is a vampire who would stop at nothing to save his dying mother. What lengths would he go to if the only cure to her disease was destroying you?
Series warning: angst, emotional abuse, physical abuse, witchcraft, vampires, werewolves, fluff and eventual smut.
Chapter warning: self denial, sexual and verbal abuse.
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Prologue|Part 1|Part 2|Part 3|Part 4|Part 5|Part 6
Words: 2.2k
A vampire. The man right beside you is a vampire. It began to worry you that you’re not afraid of him, not scurrying away to safety. Was it because you had called it, that you had suspected it all along? Why is it that he makes you feel so safe despite all the legends written about vampires? How cruel and inhuman they are, all the threats he directs to you, yet here you are in front of a pharmacy with your needed necessities in a bag wrapped around your wrist that he had paid for. You were lost in thought, what do you do now? How should you react to this? How does he expect you to react to this? Most importantly, you didn’t know what to do with the hidden blooming love you have for him.
Time had passed without realization, you looked up when the car had come to a stop again, expecting the view of Jimin’s home; but instead, a boutique displaying a luxurious collection of beautiful floor-length dresses that were certainly above the price range you can afford was in view. You were not expecting to be dragged inside and forced to pick something to buy, your initial reaction was full of confusion, why did you need to buy a dress? You didn’t want to pick an argument in front of the lady who had welcomed you with a hesitant smile on her face as she analysed your current outfit, making you feel more insignificant and out of place. Behind the rather rude lady, was a rounded table embroiled with silk and a giant vase that you suspect held hundreds of fresh roses, scenting the place a beautiful floral. You were in awe.
A few minutes later, your eyes diverted to the wracks which had only a few dresses hanging down, some perhaps way too small for you. You snaked your hand around the perfect shade of pink dress, as your eyes wandered down, you notice that the design was way too revealing for your liking, and skipped ahead to the next one. The dresses were undeniably beautiful, you refrained yourself from reading the price tags to prevent yourself further discomfort of being in this place, it was hard to pick a dress without knowing the occasion. You decided to just ask Jimin. You turned around to find no one behind you, your eyes searched the place for the blonde but he wasn’t in view. You began to panic; did he abandon you? What if the man finds you that he isn’t here? You felt your heart beating thousands a minute. You approached the woman from before,
“Did you by any chance see where the man with me went off to?”
“You mean Jimin? He went upstairs”
“Oh, alright… Thank you” you walked in the direction of the stairs before you were interrupted by the same lady.
“Only VIP members are allowed access” she said while looking like she was holding in a laugh.
“But..I’m with him?” you replied in confusion, was she being serious?
“Sorry, your name is not on the system”
“You don’t even know my name?” you eyed her in more confusion.
“Exactly” she said with a fake smile.
“Well… I need to talk to him?”
“Darling… I don’t know if you know but this is the 21st century people communicate using technology maybe you should try doing that?” she replied before walking off.
Great, how were you going to speak to him? You didn’t even have a phone.
You sucked in a breath and told yourself to pick anything, you continued where you left off and stumbled upon what you would say without a doubt, the most beautiful dress ever. It was the same shade of pink you liked earlier, it had a bit of cleavage but not as extreme as the first one you had picked. The dress was a wrap front crepe with a slit that would reveal what you hope is your thigh and not your abdomen. You would try it if you weren’t faced with an annoyed Jimin.
“What is taking you so long?!” he remarks.
“I was looking for you! How could you just leave lik-” you retaliated before he interrupts you.
“Is that the dress?” he says and pulls it out of your hold before turning around and heading to the till. He didn’t even wait to hear you out. You huffed a long breath before following him. He requests heels that go with the dress to the lady behind the desk who politely complies and asks you for your size.
You’re now in the car with more bags in your hand. You felt angry at how Jimin ignored your words and entire existence. He started the engine when you asked him what the dress is for.
“You ask too many questions Y/N! Just shut up for a second, God” he shouts before hitting the steering wheel causing you to flinch. He was angry.
You were trying to formulate a sentence before choosing to just leave it. This wasn’t a good time. You were in front of his home when he announced that you had an hour to get ready with the things he’s bought and going downstairs, causing you to run up the stairs. You took a shower and wrapped yourself a white towel before heading to the dress that was placed on top of the bed, you were certainly going to some part but you didn’t have any make up or things to style your hair with. You put on the dress and wore the heals, you didn’t expect yourself to like it as much on as you have thought, it was beautiful.  
You were taking the heels off when a knock arrived at your door, you were greeted with Jimin’s mother who looked at you in astonishment.
“You look… amazing! Wow, the dress is beautiful on you!” she said in a sweet loving voice, causing red to stain your bare face.
“Thank you!” you smiled to her.
“What are you going to do with your hair?” she said curiously.
“I think I’m just going to leave it…” you laughed nervously at her shocked reaction, “I like to keep things natural I guess…or maybe I just don’t have anything I can style it with or barely any make up” you let out a frustrated sigh causing her to laugh.
“You’re a funny one!” she laughed out loud, “I have never come across a girl who has none of these things! Where did Jimin find you? You’re certainly rare” she continued on. “I think I can help you, follow me” she suggested before leaving your room causing you to follow her in curiosity.
Half an hour later, your make up and hair were done. Your hair was styled up with curled ends, revealing your neck and collar bones in heavy display. Your make up was kept minimal as it was done by you, with attempt to smoking up your eyes and wearing a complimenting lipstick colour.
“You look so beautiful darl-” she spoke slowly, before coughing and wrapping her hand around her mouth causing you to worry.
“Don’t worry. I’m fine. I just need my medication and I’ll be okay. Jimin must be waiting for you” she said minutes later, you hesitated to leave but with her stubbornness and your fear of Jimin’s temper, you took your heels and walked down the stairs. You were not expecting that outside a white Audi with an unfamiliar man inside. You didn’t know whether to go back inside or ask if that car was meant to be taking you somewhere. You decided to just ask and get it over and done with.
“Is thi-“
The man inside had a mint hair colour, he looked attractive and his eyes were almost visible under the cover of his bangs. He looked at you and clicked his tongue.
“Y/N? Get in”
A few conversations later, you arrived in front of a house that seemed to have a party going on inside given the deafening loud music, drunk people sprawled all over the porch and various cars parked by the road. The man beside you, who’s name was Yoongi that prefers to be called Suga got off the car making you shadow his actions.
He started to walk towards the house, leaving you no choice but to follow him as you felt various pairs of eyes scan your body. You followed him from the door to the kitchen where he picked a beer, he turned around as if he was expecting you to be there.
“Why are you following me?” he looked annoyed and amusingly giving the vibe that he doesn’t want to be here as much as you do.
“Sorry…” you rubbed your left arm up and down awkwardly. “I don’t know where Jimin is.”
“He’s probably delivering his birthday present… check upstairs, hell I don’t know”
So it was a birthday party, who’s birthday was it? Jimin is a vampire, shouldn’t most of his friends be vampires too? Do vampires celebrate birthdays?
“Umm… who’s birthday is it” you laughed awkwardly.
“Seulgi’s” Oh.
Suga moved away and into the life of the party which was in the neighbouring room, you assumed that it was his way of telling you to stop bothering him and you stay put. Was jimin with Seulgi? You felt uncomfortable, and an unpleasant feeling of jealousy started to build up inside.
Your eyes wandered around the room before you felt a hand grip your ass cheek, this wasn’t something Jimin would do. Your mind wandered to the events that have happened, has he found you? You turned to meet the offender but you meet an unfamiliar face, it was a drunk man who could pass for 24. He looked human given his stupid administration and lack of attractiveness. Your face contorted with disgust.
“Can I help you?” you said blatantly. “Oh yes… you certainly can…” he said as he gripped you in the same place as before, you pushed him away with your utmost strength.
“What the….let’s have some fun huh?” he said with a perverted smile as he advances for you again. You were ringing in fear. You wanted to scream when he had you in his grip again, but the music was far too loud and all you could do was try to punch him which landed on his nose successfully.
“You fucking bitch!” he screams as you scurry outside the back door that had access to the porch, you tried your best to run but he had you in his arms in no time again, this time with far too much strength. His hands moved below your dress through the slit, allowing him to have contact with your skin making your legs shiver, with attempt to resist, tears had stained your face as none were avail but his touch quickly vanished and a loud thud was heard right behind you.
You shivered in fear, not wanting to turn around as the strong desire to run was burning up inside of you. The same feeling again. Through the fazed mind of yours, you think you have an idea of what just had happened, but you needed to confirm it. You turned around to see the man’s body on the ground with a number 3 engraved on his forehead. You ran away.
You didn’t know where you were going, but you had to run. You ran so fast that you forgot the torturous hold of the heals on your feet, making you trip and hear your ankle twist, but that didn’t stop you from taking the heels off and attempting to run again. You hit a familiar strong chest when your run came to a stop. Your mind was scrambled with the feeling of dirtiness, the feeling of fear, the feeling of being unsafe. Your eyes didn’t stop releasing the tears. You felt broken. You were never going to restore your life for what it had been during peace and happiness before any of this happened. You’re completely hopeless and just wanted life to end.
The familiar sound caused your head to shot up. Jungkook.
You felt his eyes scan you, they darkened as they took in the view of your body but quickly disappeared as he took in the state you were in.
“God are you okay?!” he held his arms out to embrace you.
The fear you had almost dissipated as you felt the warmth of his body, you knew better than to find comfort anymore. You pushed him away and attempted to stand on your wobbly feet.
“Do you never learn? Do I need to lock you up in the damn house for you not to run away anymore?” you hear another familiar voice behind you, you were too weak and too afraid to face him. Your eyes were glued to the ground.
“Don’t talk to her like that” you heard the dark-haired growl.
“I told you to stay away from her, didn’t I? You really love my leftovers” Jimin’s voice was laced with smug.
“What did you do to her, you motherfucker?” you can hear Jungkook’s voice getting higher.
You heard footsteps and before your comprehension, you felt a cold hand grip your wrist and turn you around forcefully. Your broken gaze was captured by an angry one, his eyes widened and slowly faltered to confusion and regret. You can see his lips moving but there was no sound, the view of Jimin in front of you slowly went out of focus before darkness consumed your vision.
A/N: I’m sorry, I know this is short and I really wanted to bring out something longer but there was no time since today is the last day of 2017. This probably has some mistakes but I’ll review them later on! Happy New Year! & as alway feed back is always appreciated!
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