#i think i had all the characters with non-human skin colours cosplay trolls. oops
alrighty just saw a post abt which twilight characters would cosplay as which homestuck characters. combining two of my cringey phases (although not my worst). so i'm here to tell y'all which homestuck characters the bad kids would cosplay
fig would cosplay terezi bc 1. she got the horns (she paints them yellow/orange!!!) 2. feral. ayda cosplays calliope and terezi/calliope becomes both of their favourite ship after that
fabian just asked who the sexiest character was and someone told him eridan. so he does that. he's still on like act 2 so he has no idea. he's trying to flirt with some hot cosplayer but it's not working
adaine cosplays kanaya on day 1, bc their personalities (and EARS!!) match, and rose on day 2 bc she looks so much like her
*chefs kiss* kristen goes as dave. i believe this is who ally beardsley would cosplay also. tracker goes as karkat specifically for shipping purposes
riz goes as sollux. he's feral, he's got little pointy teeth that work really well, and everyone else antagonizes him for the rest of the con
gorgug cosplays tavros and, with help from his parents, makes his own mechanical leg armour! everyone thinks they're v cool. this is his first con along with fabian and he's v shy. zelda comes cosplaying as jade. he gets grey paint on a chair and they all get kicked outside
jawbone chaperones them but rly he just drives them to the con and then abandons them to go browse the stalls and the game room for the rest of the day
sandra lynn doesn't come but they all agree she'd be a great mom lalonde
they force gilear into a dadbert cosplay despite the fact that none of them are cosplaying john
now this is very niche so no worries if no one cares but i couldn't sleep until i figured this out
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