#i think i might use oh solo for the modern au instead of a duo since they wouldnt have the magic to be divided for misbehaving
moeblob · 5 months
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(throws them into a modern AU)
So since Ymber wouldn't be a deity there are some things he lacks physically - such as no pointed ears and no bright blue undertones to his hair. Just the basic blue. (does he dye it in a modern AU ? who knows) Also while he doesn't have a collar to symbolize his servitude to humans I still think he should have a choker.
I had some help a while back brainstorming how there would be some form of "superior" dynamic could still exist and I really liked the idea given that he's a famous architect. (he does design all constructs for his city as a deity so it checks out - he likes buildings) And Deacon just admires all the guy's works and never expects to run into him but of course they do! Gotta have a very awkward "oh it's you I'm going to melt into the earth" and "I have no idea who you are but we should hang out".
Sooo Deacon still just really admires Ymber and feels like they're on totally different levels and doesn't understand why Ymber would want to associate with him since he's just a "boring human".
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emeraldwaves · 6 years
Title: Dance With Me (It Won’t Kill Ya) Lesson 7 Pairing:  Kacchako (side Todomomo) Dance/College AU Rating: M Word Count:  5,488 Read on Ao3 Summary: When Bakugou damages university property, he’s forced to take dance lessons with the best dance student at the school, Uraraka. There’s no way he’ll actually enjoy learning to dance though… right?
Absolutely not…
Thanks to @its-love-u-asshole for betaing this!
Uraraka needed to focus. She moved up and down on her toes as she stood in front of the studio mirror.
The past weekend had been... frustrating, to say the least. And really she had no one to blame but herself.
Bakugou kissed her. Kissed her! Or... she kissed him? She supposed it was more that... they kissed each other. And what the hell was she supposed to do with that!?
He'd walked her to her door, kissing her again, and oh, how she wanted to invite him into her dorm room. The way his lips pressed against hers, his teeth nipping her lip and his tongue tracing her jaw...
Her face turned red just thinking about it!
And he was about to arrive for his lesson at any moment.
How was he going to act?! She hadn’t seen or heard from him all weekend. Of course, he didn't have her number. She originally wanted to give it to him, thinking they could maybe see each other again or... outside of the lessons... but she had been so flustered by the kiss, she'd completely forgotten.
She jumped up and down in front of the mirror, her hair bouncing against her cheeks. She hated how pent up she was and she wiggled her hands and her feet, trying to rid her body of the excess energy.
Uraraka had a feeling she should stop thinking about this. Knowing Bakugou, he would show up and act like absolutely nothing was different between them.
Perhaps it was best to shake the kiss from her mind completely.
She still had a bit of time.. so maybe she should practice some sort of dance. Todoroki and Momo asked for help with one of their tangos... and she wanted to work on her own choreography for another modern style dance.
If only Bakugou took dance more seriously she could work on the tango with him. Her mind began to wander as she imagined his hand gripping her leg, caressing her thigh as he slid it up to hold her in place. She could imagine staring into his fiery red eyes, his body close to hers, the heat swirling around them-
"No!" she said and gently slapped her own cheeks. She had to stop thinking about this! Bakugou wasn't going to be a dancer, he was going to leave at the end of this week and she had to move on.
But... there was a small voice tugging at the back of her mind... she could ask him...
He obviously didn't hate her or dance as much as he let on, she knew that much to be true. She was starting to speak 'Bakugou' pretty well. And... he obviously was into kissing her...
She groaned, flopping over across the top of the piano. She had to stop thinking about this! It wasn't going to change anything or make any sort of difference. He was going to leave at the end of the week. She kept repeating it in her head over and over; her new mantra.
 Bakugou is leaving, Bakugou is leaving, Bakugou is leaving...
Uraraka sighed and gently stroked her finger over the side of the piano. She hated how sad the thought made her feel. Bakugou wasn't even really nice to her. He'd angrily come to her performance... annoyed she hadn't told him about it, which was weird... but very him. But then they'd kissed and-
"Ochako... you have to pull yourself together!" she hissed, shaking her head at herself.
WIth newfound determination, she picked up her iPod, plugging it in. She was going to dance and release the energy boiling up inside of her.
Bakugou glared at anyone who passed him as he walked down the stairs towards the dance studio. He spent the majority of the weekend stewing about his evening with Uraraka.
Shitty Round Face making him want to kiss her.
He didn't even have her number, so it wasn't like he could yell at her to come over or whatever! And though he knew her dorm room, he wasn't going to just show up there like some stalker creep!
It was for the best. After these next two days, he wouldn't see her again. He was going back to rugby and this whole dancing nightmare would be over. He'd spent his weekend convincing himself of that. Just because he was going to see her stupid cute face and dance really close to said stupid cute face didn't mean anything else was going to happen.
He yanked the door to the dance building open, storming inside. He hated how used to these halls he was becoming. Stupid dance, stupid lessons. Soon, he'd never have to look at these disgusting tan walls again.
Music trickled into his ear, a slow, sensual sound coming from the dance studio where he knew his shitty teacher was waiting for him. He frowned, wondering if she was doing more shit with shitty Half and Half and his stuck up girlfriend.
Storming over to the entryway, he peered around the doorway, expecting to be met with something unsightly. Instead, his eyes widened, focusing on the girl in front of him.
The music floated around her body, the sway of her hips tantalizing. She pulled his gaze in with the movement. Her eyes were closed, and her hands rolled down her stomach. She wrapped her arms around her body, and let her head roll backwards, her body following the movement like an ocean wave curling onto the shore.
What. The. Fuck. What the actual fuck was she doing?! Bakugou's cheeks felt like they were on fire as he watched her move.
Her cheeks were gently flushed with red, her mouth parted. He could see the sweat glistening on her forehead, her hair caressing her cheeks as she moved her body about the room. She didn't seem to notice him, she was far too focused on whatever dance she was performing.
Her hips rocked back and forth, her feet pressing against the ground with a heavy weight. He watched her chest move with her breath, her breasts pressing against her tight leotard, and he couldn't stop his wandering eyes.
Bakugou's hands felt clammy. Fuck. He wanted her. He knew he was fucked after Friday night, kissing her by the pond, then again against her wall.
He wondered silently what would happen if he stepped in and pulled her body close, letting her curvaceous hips rub against his. The thought made his stomach drop, and he couldn't stop staring. He could slide his hands up her sides and pull her waist close, pressing his lips to her soft, pale neck, moving with the motions of her body.
He cursed himself for not being the best fucking dancer in the whole goddamn world so he could keep up with the way she flowed over the dance floor. Fuck, he could never admit something like that out loud. Bakugou prided himself on trying to be the very fucking best at everything he did... but this... she had him beat out so much... it wasn't even a competition.
He thought back to the sensual tango he witnessed from the other shitty duo. Why the hell was she not teaching him shit like this?! He wanted to touch her and be close to her! It pissed him off, he could handle this shit!
"OI!" he yelled.
She jumped, gasping as she turned around. Her face flushed more, this time with embarrassment. "B-Bakugou-kun!" she said, clutching her hands nervously to her chest. "I didn't... hear you slam the door open like normal!" She moved towards her iPod, turning off the music.
Ignoring her, he stormed towards her, growling as he stared at her face. "What the hell was that?"
"W-What?" she stammered, her voice echoing in the now silent room.
"That," he gestured wildly, pointing to the dance floor. "Whatever the hell you were fucking doing just now?!"
Her brow furrowed, and she placed her hands on her hip. "Dancing?"
"Fuck. I'm not a fucking moron. I mean that... type or whatever," he grumbled.
"It was just a random dance for fun. I had excess energy and I wanted to get rid of it," she shrugged, failing miserably to look and sound casual.
"Why the hell don't you teach me shit like that?" he scoffed.
"You want to learn solo dancing?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.
"No. Ew. Fuck. Ugh," he grunted. Why the hell was she not understanding this?
She smirked. "Use your words, Bakugou-kun."
"You know... what shitty Half and Half did what that chick!" he explained.
She opened her mouth and then shut it, tilting her head. "You mean... the tango?" she asked.
"Yeah, that or whatever the fuck it's called," he scoffed. Thank fuck she finally got it.
"Well it's harder than the waltz to learn, but it is more grounded, so with how you use your feet it might be better for you. But... Aizawa-sensei wanted me to teach you something more relaxing, so I went with the waltz," she explained.
"Who the fuck cares about that asshole!" he scoffed. "We have two of these stupid things left and if you wanna teach me the fucking tango or whatever, then do it!"
"Well, you technically asked me to teach you the tango, but it if that's what you really want, I can," she giggled and stepped towards him.
"Fuck whatever! It doesn't fucking matter!" he growled.
She stepped forward and stood close to him, taking his hand in her own. "Alright," she said softly. "Place your other hand around my upper back." She took his hand and guided it there as she rest her own on top of his, pulling her body and face much closer. Her nose was almost touching his and she squeezed his hand, holding their arms out.
She swallowed, her brown eyes looking towards his, but she quickly glanced down, looking at his lips. "R-Right. So... uhm this is... the position!"
She seemed flustered, her lip trembling as she searched for the words to explain the dance to him. "You can be a bit more weighted with your feet in this dance, and I'll be getting very close to you," she said. "So... uhm… we can… start!" She tugged his hand and pulled him across the dance floor.
His steps felt heavier, his hand pressing against her back. She tilted her head away from him, remaining in position as she moved with him, though her body was still so close to his, and Bakugou tried to remember to breathe.
She swayed her hips close to his as they made it to the end of the room. "Normally I would explain how we could do a pose here but I-"
"Do it," he growled. "I'm just as capable of doing this as shitty Half and Half!" he snarled. "Don't fucking underestimate me!"
"Alright, alright, calm down," she rolled her eyes. She cleared her throat, looking into his red, determined eyes. "Alright, so take a step back and out, as if you were going to twirl me," she explained, "and then slide your arm lower and wrap it around my waist and bend your knee this way."
Bakugou did as he was told, though his movement was slow. Her own leg slid out and away from him, the other coming up to hook around his thigh. He gripped her back, pulling their bodies flush against each other. Her hand gripped his back, pulling herself closer to him. She slid her other hand out from his grip his and ran her fingers down his arm, settling on his neck, her thumb brushing over his jaw.
His other hand slowly lowered and sort of hung awkwardly by his side. "You can... touch me," she said gently, swallowing again. "Usually you hold my hip or grip my thigh to keepme in place," she explained, her voice sounding tight.
Bakugou couldn't bring himself to speak, unsure of what to say. She was so close, their bodies intertwined in the most intimate way possible for them at the current moment. He moved his hand to her thigh, his fingers gripping at her covered flesh hard. It was so close, he could easily move his hand up further and touch at the small curve of her ass. Fuck, it was tempting.
She took a few breaths, the hot air tickling his skin. Her round, plump cheeks were so flushed, red.
Her eyes flicked to his lips again. "Uhm... yeah! So this.. is... a pose... and we'd hold it for about a few seconds and-"
He pressed his lips to hers, cutting her off completely. How the fuck was he supposed to resist when she looked so damn cute? Her fucking leg was wrapped around his for fuck sake!
"B-Bakugou-kun, we..."
"Don't you dare tell me we shouldn't," he hissed.
"Okay, we should," she breathed, sighing against his lips. Kissing him back, her arm slipped from his neck to his hair, gripping at his blond locks hard. She kept her body close to his, not wishing to fall.
Bakugou smirked and moved his hand slowly up her thigh, cupping at her ass. She sucked in a quick breath of air, a gentle noise vibrating against his lips.
"You're fucking cute," he said, pushing her up so their legs could be more straight. She unhooked her leg from him and he still held her waist as he walked her towards the piano, her back pressing against it.
He didn't question what was happening any longer, not after Friday night, and all he could focus on was her. Her taste, her lips, the way her breath tickled his skin and sent a shiver through his spine. Could he throw her on top of the piano and ravage the fuck out of her? Probably not the best idea, but she wasn't helping him think straight.
"Bakugou," she breathed, her back leaning against the piano as he nipped at her lips. He swiped his tongue across hers, pressing inside as both his hands pulled her ass forwards so their hips could touch. She hummed softly, rocking playfully against his and it made his entire body jolt.
Fuck he wanted to hear her say his name over and over. How many sounds could he pulls from those lips? He sucked on her lip one more time, scraping his teeth over it as he moved his lips to her chin and jaw.
Uraraka's hands slid over his shoulders and ran over his chest, his heart pounding against her palms. "Uraraka," he growled, and she let out a soft gasp. Obviously, she liked the sound of her own name too.
Pressing his nose to the crook of her neck, he ran his tongue down her skin, sucking hard when he found her clavicle.
"B-Bakugou!" she sighed, letting her head dip back. He glanced up at her, noting her eyes fluttered shut. Her mouth was wide open, a moan echoing in the dance studio. "Bakugou-kun..." she repeated, his name dripping with lust in her now high-pitched tone. Her arms wrapped around his neck, keeping him pressed to her.
She hooked her leg around his waist, and her back arched against the large black piano, her head leaning back.
"Fuck," he snarled, his hand coming to rest on her ass again, giving it a nice squeeze. "I want to take you against this fucking piano right now," he hissed.
"B-Bakugou-kun..." she whined. "W-We.... can't!"
"Why the fuck not?" he growled, rolling his hips towards her. The bulge in his pants was already tight, and he was desperate to have all of her. He wanted to touch her skin... see her beautiful body move underneath him, her swollen pink lips calling his name.
"I-I don't have any protection!"
He froze, trying to find his head as he panted against her skin. "Fuck..." he sighed, resting his forehead against her shoulder.
Her hands stroked through his hair. "Sorry..." she muttered.
"Don't fucking apologize. I'm not going to do anything you don't want. And I'm not a dumb ass to just... rush into this kind of bullshit. Even if you do look fucking hot as shit right now." He pulled back, staring at her. Her cheeks were still red, her breathing deep and heavy. Bakugou leaned down and kissed her, her soft hum stirring his emotions once again.
What the hell was she doing to him?
Suddenly, her phone buzzed against the piano, the vibration making them both jump. It vibrated twice, the noise loud. "Ah... it must be a call... one second."
He twisted his lips into a pout as she slipped away from him, reaching across the piano to pick up her phone. "Momo-chan!" she breathed out. "Hi! ... No, no, I'm fine. No, I'm fine! I swear!" she giggled, her smile making Bakugou blush even more. He folded his arms, turning his gaze from her. He couldn't keep staring at her stupid cute cheeks.
"What? Oh gosh... yes... Bakugou-kun and I got caught up... I'll be right there! ...Mhm! ...okay, bye!" She tapped the screen and hung up the call.
She slowly walked over to him and bit her lip. "Sorry, they're... waiting for me. I completely lost track of time. We always get dinner together on Monday's."
"Whatever," he scoffed. "Go to your shitty friends."
"They're not shitty!" she snapped, puffing out her cheeks. "A-And... you could come with us..."
"What, and hang out with shitty Half and Half and Deku?" he spat.
"And me..." she mumbled.
"Look if you don't wanna come that's fine."
"Fine," he scoffed, storming over angrily to where he put his shoes.
"Why do you do this?" she frowned, following after him.
"Do what? I don't enjoy hanging out with assholes!"
"You're the one being the asshole right now!" she yelled.
He frowned. He could've invited her to dinner on their own, they could've gone just the two of them, or they could've gone back to his room, he would've gladly kicked Kirishima out. But like hell was he going to spend time with her shitty ass friends!
"Whatever Uraraka, do whatever the fuck you want," he growled, yanking his backpack from the ground as he slammed the studio door behind him.
Shrugging his bag over his shoulders, he kicked at the door, slamming it open as he stepped out into the crisp fall air. Stupid Uraraka!
He was so sick of this; sick and tired of thinking about her constantly, sick of caving to every whim of hers.
He had to stop. This had to end. No more kissing her, no more touching her, no more thinking about her. He would finish his final lesson, and let her go for good. He didn't need this level of shitty distraction in his life.
As he stepped into his dorm building, he saw Kirishima opening the door to their room, about to leave. "Hey dude!" he called out, waving.
"You hungry? Kaminari and I were thinking about grabbing some dinner, wanna join?"
"No," he scoffed, pushing past him to head into the room.
"What you gonna do?" Kirishima asked.
"I dunno. I'll figure out dinner later!" he yelled.
"Alright," Kirishima sighed, stepping back into the room. Of course he would do the exact opposite of what Bakugou wanted him to do. "What the hell is wrong with you man? Did something happen between you and Uraraka?"
It did. And he sure as fuck didn't want to talk about it.
"No. Just go to dinner," he scoffed, flopping down on his bed.
"C'mon man. I know you have a crush on her-"
"I don't have a fucking crush on her!" he snapped, cutting Kirishima off. He pushed himself up to glare at his roommate.
"Uh. I'm calling fucking bullshit dude," Kirishima said. "I know you and her kissed on Friday night."
"The fuck!" he growled and stood up, staring down his roommate. "How did you fucking know that?!" he said, realizing he just confirmed his roommate's accusation, not that there was any reason to hide it at this point.
"Mina-chan," he smirked. "Uraraka-san told her and Yaoyorozu-san, and then Mina-chan told me," he grinned.
"Yeah, I caught on!" he grit his teeth.
"Well you'll never tell me!" Kirishima retorted.
Bakugou narrowed his eyes. "You didn't fuckin' ask," he grumbled.
"Uh, I did ask! When you got home on Friday night, I seem to recall saying something like 'Yo, Bakugou, where did you and Uraraka-san go?' and you said, 'Shut the fuck up, Kirishima!' and then you rolled over and went to sleep. But you seemed all flustered and frustrated so I assumed something happened between you guys and Mina-chan confirmed it!" he laughed, a stupid grin on his face.
One that was gonna get wiped off by Bakugou's fist if he wasn't fucking careful.
"Whatever," Bakugou scoffed, clenching his fists. "So we kissed! Who the fuck cares!?"
"Well... what are you guys?"
"What the fuck do you mean ‘what are we’?" Bakugou snorted. "She's my shitty dance teacher! That's it. We have one more fucking lesson and then I... never have to see her stupid round face again!"
Kirishima frowned.
He should never have hesitated. Kirishima was too goddamn perceptive not to notice the way he spoke.
His roommate sighed. "Dude... It's okay if you like her. I've mentioned it before-"
"I don't!"
"Did you kiss again?" Kirishima accused suddenly and Bakugou blinked.
Why the fuck did it matter if they kissed again? He wasn't going to kiss her for a third time! Or... fourth... or fifth? Fuck, he'd lost count.
"What's it matter if we did?" he muttered, unable to muster up the strength to yell about it anymore. Kirishima was going to keep asking and Uraraka was going to keep being on his mind and all of it was fucking infuriating and he couldn't handle it anymore.
"Bakugou... I don't understand why you won't just ask this girl out? You clearly like her! It's okay to have a girlfriend! Hell, it makes you more manly!" Kirishima said, giving him a thumbs up, like a stamp of approval or some bullshit. "And hey, Uraraka is so cute! I get why you like her!"
"I don't fucking know. It doesn't fucking matter!" he yelled. "I'm done after Wednesday and she's got her own shit to deal with and I've got mine. I can finally, finally play rugby again after next week."
"Yeah I know that," Kirishima sighed, sitting on his own bed across from Bakugou. He ran his hand through his bright red spikes. "But you know, you can play rugby and... have girlfriend. Kaminari's doing it!" he said.
"It's a fucking distraction. I've been away long enough and she's got her shitty friends she hangs out with and I want nothing to fucking do with it all."
"Alright dude. If that's how you really feel... but you shouldn't kiss her and shit... that'll just make her confused and stuff."
Yeah. Cause she was the one confused.
"So what?! I fucking kissed her and then she went to fucking dinner with her friends so whatever, she doesn't seem too upset about it all!" he yelled.
"Ah," Kirishima sighed, nodding his head sagely. "So you're pissed she ditched you."
"She didn't ditch me! I ditched her! She invited me to go and then I left!" he scoffed.
"Are you... proud of that?" Kirishima snorted. "You're so stubborn."
"I wasn't going to hang out with her shitty friends!" he grumbled and folded his arms.
"They're all nice people, you just hate everyone... or pretend to," Kirishima teased, laughing a little. "Look if you don't actually wanna be with her, all I'm saying is, maybe don't kiss her!"
Bakugou grabbed his pillow and chucked it at Kirishima's face. "Can you go to fucking dinner already!?" he snarled.
"Alright..." he sighed. "You sure you don't wanna come?"
Bakugou flopped back, turning his face towards the wall. "I'm fuckin' positive!" he snapped, covering his head with his other pillow.
"See ya'," Kirishima sighed, opening the door to leave Bakugou to his thoughts.
There was a small part of him that regretted not going. At least he wouldn't fall into a hole of his own frustration... but talking about it was even worse.
He stared at the white wall, remembering how warm her lips were on his and...
He had to stop. They had to stop. It was ending on Wednesday and it would be over for good. Wanting her more was only going to cause him a slew of problems he didn't wish to take on.
Uraraka pouted, grabbing her bag as she locked up the studio. Stupid Bakugou! Who did he think he was?!
Her stomach was still churning from the kiss, her mind reeling. She was so ready for him to have all of her against the piano. She cursed her mind for stopping her, her body still aching for his touch.
Her cheeks grew red the more she thought about it. Why the hell did she have to fall for such a jerk?!
Had she really... fallen for him? Was that the correct way to phrase it?
It was stupid... and she felt so foolish for expecting something different to happen. But it was Bakugou! Of course he would act the way he did.
She sighed and zipped up her jacket, heading towards the dining hall. At least she would have dinner with her friends, hopefully taking her mind off of it.
She walked into the dining hall, finding their usual table in the back corner. Todoroki and Momo sat on one side, snuggling up to each other, while Midoriya and Iida stayed on the other. Seeing her friends made her feel such relief... there was no tension... no angry yelling, just warm and fun times ahead of her.
The stress of dealing with Bakugou was finally starting to weigh on her.
"H-Hey guys!" she said, her lip trembling as she placed her bag down.
"Ochako-chan! You're..." Momo's face lit up but immediately fell. "Are you okay?"
She bit her lip and nodded. "I-I'm fine."
"Uraraka-san?" Midoriya tilted his head. "Did Kacchan do something?"
She shook her head fast. "N-No! Seriously! I'm fine!" she said, her voice trembling.
Momo immediately pushed herself out of the booth and took Uraraka's wrist. "Come on," she said softly. "We're going to go talk."
"Eh? M-Momo-chan?" she said, stumbling out of the booth to follow after the girl. The boys stared in confusion, watching the two of them leave.
She pulled her towards the girl's bathroom, checking to see if any of the stalls were taken. When Momo confirmed they were alone, she sighed. "Okay, I know this is pretty silly to ask you in a bathroom, but you looked like you were about to lose it in there and you sounded weird on the phone earlier. What happened, Ochako-chan?"
Her lip trembled, her tears pooling at the edge of her eyes. "I-It's so stupid..." she said.
"You know you can tell me, or all of us."
"It's... B-Bakugou-kun."
"I figured," Momo said, rolling her eyes. "What did he do now?"
She sniffed, letting a few tears fall, trying to quickly wipe her eye. "W-We... kissed," she sniffled. "A-Again."
Momo looked panicked. "And!? Did he hurt you!?" she asked.
"No! O-Oh gosh! N-No... he would never... I know he seems like an aggressive guy but... he wouldn't do anything I didn't want. I-In fact when I told him to stop tonight, he did immediately..." she quickly clarified.
"So what happened then?" she asked softly, confusion crossing her eyes.
"W-Well... he was mad I wouldn't teach him something besides the waltz..." she began to explain. "S-So I taught him the tango and we got really close, and he was... kissing me and touching me... and gosh..." she blushed, pausing for a moment when she thought about it. She already missed the way he kissed her. So aggressive... passionate and caring... It was sexy, far sexier than she ever expected it would be. He was softer than she anticipated too... more gentle.
She swallowed, shaking the thoughts from her head. "And... we stopped be-because we couldn't just... do it in the dance studio!" she sniffed.
Momo cleared her throat, her cheeks flushing a bit. "R-Right... of course."
"And then when you called I invited him to come to dinner with us and... and he said no and blew up about spending time with Midoriya-kun and Todoroki-kun," she sighed. "I... it's so stupid!" she said, grabbing a tissue to wipe her eye.
"So he was his typical rude self?" Momo scoffed, clicking her tongue.
"Y-Yeah..." she sighed. "But the more I thought about it... the more stupid I felt."
Momo's expression softened and she stepped forward, pulling her friend into a hug. "You're not stupid Ochako-chan! He's stupid for... for leading you on like that!"
"Well I don't... necessarily think he's leading me on," she said softly. "I-I think he likes me... in his own weird way," she explained. "I just kept thinking about how Wednesday is his last lesson and I was going to... ask him if he wanted to partner with me for real and actually start teaching him... and it just hit me he would say no to that too," she sighed. "And... I really wish he would say yes..."
"Oh..." Momo said softly, pulling away to look at her. "He really isn't a horrible dancer. Especially when he puts actual effort in and I know you've been looking for a partner..."
"Yeah," Uraraka nodded.
"But... maybe you could spend time with him in other ways, even if he doesn't want to dance?" Momo suggested. "If you really like him..."
Uraraka could hear the slight judgement in her friend's voice. Fair, she thought, Bakugou wasn't exactly winning any awards for his social skills. Even being friends with him seemed to be difficult.
But Uraraka couldn't help the direction her heart wanted to pull her in.
"I guess that's true... I just thought... maybe he was starting to enjoy dancing with me..." she said. "But I... do really like him. It's silly, but when he kisses me... I... I feel something and my heart... races," she explained, her cheeks heating up as she did. "And he's... sweet?" she said with a small laugh. "I know it doesn't seem like it but he is... he just... doesn't really understand how to show his feelings properly."
"Mm," Momo hummed. "It's not silly at all. Maybe you need to be honest with him then," Momo suggested. "Shouto and I took so much longer to be with each other because neither of us spoke up about our feelings right away!" she giggled. "So... maybe on Wednesday you should tell him how much he means to you... tell him you really wish to be his partner."
Uraraka nodded. Maybe if she hit him with honesty... she could explain how much it would mean to her if he stayed as her partner. It would require a lot more work, but... whenever he got fired up about something, he always did fantastic.
"You're right, Momo-chan!" she said, finally smiling and looking more determined. "I'll... be really loud and aggressive about my feelings, just like him!"
Both girls laughed. "That would be... quite entertaining to see," Momo said, still giggling.
"Yeah. He won't know what hit him!" she said striking a strong pose. "Thanks for pulling me aside, it would've been a little embarrassing to freak out in front of everyone."
"None of them would've minded. We all want you to be happy Ochako-chan..." Momo said softly, gently touching her shoulder. "But... I could tell you were trying to hold back."
"Mhm... I don't want people to worry about me... Especially about something like this. I mean... it's not the end of the world if Bakugou-kun doesn't want to be my partner."
"But it's important to you, we all understand that. And who knows perhaps Midoriya-kun would have good advice, since he's known him for so long," she continued.
"True!" Uraraka said. "Maybe I should ask him if he has any suggestions!"
"A smart idea," Momo laughed. "Maybe we should... get out of the bathroom... I'm sure you're starving."
As if on cue, Uraraka felt her stomach rumble. "Mmm... guess that's a good idea," she laughed awkwardly.
The two girls left the bathroom to rejoin their friends, and though Uraraka still felt anxiety bubbling in the pit of her stomach, she did feel a little better knowing her friends were going to support her.
Wednesday was just around the corner... and more than anything she could barely wait to talk to Bakugou and let him know her honest feelings.
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