#also i was thinking about drawing them then was like mmmm maybe different ocs ?
moeblob · 5 months
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(throws them into a modern AU)
So since Ymber wouldn't be a deity there are some things he lacks physically - such as no pointed ears and no bright blue undertones to his hair. Just the basic blue. (does he dye it in a modern AU ? who knows) Also while he doesn't have a collar to symbolize his servitude to humans I still think he should have a choker.
I had some help a while back brainstorming how there would be some form of "superior" dynamic could still exist and I really liked the idea given that he's a famous architect. (he does design all constructs for his city as a deity so it checks out - he likes buildings) And Deacon just admires all the guy's works and never expects to run into him but of course they do! Gotta have a very awkward "oh it's you I'm going to melt into the earth" and "I have no idea who you are but we should hang out".
Sooo Deacon still just really admires Ymber and feels like they're on totally different levels and doesn't understand why Ymber would want to associate with him since he's just a "boring human".
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ravenekrops · 5 months
Saw ur tags and now I'm curious who lisabel is :)))
oohohoohohohohohohooooooo i'm rubbing my hands evily
actually i just realised since she's been fairly recently created, i never stopped to actually give her a proper backstory so let me improvise something real quick-
above everything, she's my dearly beloved fucked up babygirl <3 she's Agnes' younger sister, one of the oldest OCs i have. maybe a bit cliché, but she's your usual fucked up scientist. she's had untreated ASPD/sociopathic traits ever since she was young so that plus the fact that her mother died during her birth, her father not being too attentive to his children and her innate curiosity for how living things looked on the inside contributed to her messed-up upbringing. she wanted to be a surgeon, and she barely passed the exams only to be thrown out in the end due to being caught doing malpractice. ohwell!
so there she was, trying to find a regular boring job as whatever when surprise! her sister Agnes, who she hasn't seen ever since she moved out when she was out of high school, appears at her doorstep with a job offer at the same place she works. a really shady one. Lisabel doesn't care that she'd be working for the equivalent of a mafia, so she gladly takes the job. as an "intel extractor". aka she gets to apply her medical knowledge to make people suffer and confess valuable information to her. this job completely enabled her smug, sociopathic, manipulating and masochistic personality. and the pay is excellent! it couldn't be more perfectly fitted for her :3
hang on i think i have some concept doodles of her somewhere- ah!
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(she's a white american, she's just smugly squinting her eyes in the drawings)
mmmm i'm doubtful about the short hair. on one hand i need to make her different from Agnes (long story short they're both gijinkas of the same Horrortale OC but interpreted in different ways (don't ask)) but on the other hand it'd be funny to have them both have long hair but styled differently. also the possible comedic effect of having people mistake one for the other is worth thinking about
so uh, yeah! that's like her whole shtick :p it's not much and like i said it's pretty cliché, she's literally a walking trope (cough cough Medic TF2) but hey; my OC, my rules. i get to have fun writing toxic and fucked up little scenarios in my head <3
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tracle0 · 5 years
I was tagged by @joyful-soul-collector​ (thank you this is possibly one of my favourite tag games) ... Okay also also before I could finish this up, @hyba also tagged me so uh it’s 22/11 instead, ty ty. You two might want to check the tag list cause uhhh you might be there who knows not me c:
The rules are: Answer the 11 (22 this time but hush) questions, make up your own 11 and then tag... I think it’s 11 people but I don’t know 11 people who I haven’t already tagged so...
I sort of started spamming pictures to answer a question so I’m gonna... put the pictures under the cut. 
1. Have any of your OCs ever stolen something? What did they steal, and why? Oh yeah sure - the first one I can think of easily is Cain. He used to live on the streets so had to steal to survive. But he’d also work for money. He’s not heartless, just desperate. 
Also now I’m thinking about it, Tag would definitely be the kind of guy to just... hey I know I’m meant to hand this gear in but... no-one will miss it so.... he steals to amuse himself with the gadgets he gets. 
2. Did you ever have imaginary friends as a kid? What were they like? I copied my sister in having pretend animal friends, but not really. Who needs imaginary friends when you have real-life ones lol I was a lot more liked as a kid.
3. Do any of your  OCs have a favorite article of clothing? Why is it their favorite?
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Yeah, you could say that. 
Andy likes his hoodie because it’s a thing that is only his. He didn’t get it from Murdock, I honestly don’t know WHERE he got it from, but it’s his, and the fact he owns anything means a lot to him.
Cain likes his because it’s one of the few things left over from when he was younger and again, it’s his. He didn’t steal it. It belongs to Only Him. He feels comfortable in it. 
4. What do you fist develop about a character when you make one up? Do you think of their appearance first? Their personality? Their backstory?
Honestly? It depends. Backstory always comes after, but personality and appearance often intersect. I know for WIP 3 I thought of personality and traits first, and for Collateral it was appearance first. I think for Sonder it was more.. their role in the story? ‘Oh hey this is the antagonist, this is the protagonist, this is the love interest wait I hate romance, okay, side kick’ etc
5. Fluff or Angst?
If it’s not romantic? Fluff. I made myself angsty enough when I was younger, I want more happiness in my life.
6. Remember the color of that dress that everyone was debating about however many years ago? The one that was blue and black, or white and gold? What colors did you see?
The correct colours.
7. Pick your bubbliest, happiest OC. Now tell me what will make them turn into your worst nightmare. I wanna see what makes them the angriest.
Oh boy, let’s see uhhh... Tag. Tag from WIP 3 who is undergoing the process of a name change. 
Seeing someone he loves die would twist him. Being isolated would eventually break him. Being unable to do what he loves would definitely upset him also. 
Also idk if you’ve heard about it but in his world, there’s a nifty ability called being a silvertongue and I know at least one silvertongue is not gonna exploit this but I also know of another who would even on this19-year-old kid so maybe it’s not by choice but that could make him a nightmare. Just sayin’
8. Now pick your angstiest, most emo OC. And tell me what would make them blush and giggle like an idiot. I wanna see what makes them the happiest.
Okay for this one it’s a tie I write a lot of angsty characters. 
>Andy - seeing something just. Really funny. Oh did Sam just fall over in a ridiculous way? Fantastic. That’s actually how they first have a proper conversation. Sam falls over, he laughs, they talk.
>Cain - anything awesome that Duck does. Oh hey what’s up Goose oh you drew this radical picture? /tearing up/ it’s so great oh my gosh you’re so talented. That’s more being happy than giggling but can you see Cain giggling? No, me neither. 
9. If you could have any mythical creature for a pet, what would it be?
Dragon, next question.
10. What’s your go-to thing for when you’re hungry but don’t have time/energy to cook something?
Fruit! It is! Very good! And tasty! Apples have a good cronch! Oranges are mmmm juicy. Banana? Yes nice thank you. Oh wow we have strawberries? What a sweet treat. Also healthy!
11. Do any of your OCs have scars? Would they be confident enough to show them in public (like at the beach)?
Oh yeah sure man. Andy’s got multiple from... ‘training’. He doesn't show them off. Cain, Duck and Theo have all been badly burnt on the arms, and Cain ‘’shows it off’’ just because it makes him uncomfortable to have his arms covered. And uh Raya probably has some sort of scar on her knees or elbow from rollerblading. Because you do fall over and it does scar.
And now for Hyba’s questions, lez go bois
1. What cultural value do you see in writing/reading/storytelling/etc.?
I think that without storytelling specifically, humans would be so... mundane? We’d be no different to any other animal on the planet. Creating anything, be that stories or art or literally anything is so... human. To take that away would be like taking away humanities soul. The cultural value isn’t really measurable - storytelling makes up the culture. 
2. Do you try more to be original or to deliver to readers what they want?
Honestly, I have no idea. I try to entertain myself, and if other people like it too, then that’s neat. But because I’m writing for myself, I anticipate everything, so I don’t know if it’s original or not. I know it delivers what I want! But is that readers want? Who knows!
3. As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot/avatar/spirit animal?
Crow. Not even as a writer, just... dude crows are so damn cool. 
4.  What do you think most characterizes your writing?
I’m not quite sure about the phrasing so uhhhh represents? Google is telling me ‘describes’. 
In which case, a midnight fever jolting you out of bed, moments before you could fall asleep, and puppeting you to a writing surface so you can splurge ideas onto it sounds about right. 66% of my WIPs have elements in them that were based on dreams. 
5. How do you select the names of your characters?
Mostly? Spite. ‘Oh Trade, you can’t have a bad guy named Andy, all Andy’s are good’ NOPE NOT ANYMORE SUCK IT. I also have a friend who is really good at coming up with names that fit the exact mood of the character so I go to her a lot. Sometimes they’re puns. 
6. Choose one of your OCs (or more). How would they want to be seen by others?
Sam from Sonder wants to be seen as someone people can talk to, but also someone who pursues a science because yes sociology is a science to her, shut up, don’t talk to me if you’re going to mention the words ‘paradigm’ or ‘objective’ thank you.
7. How do you find or make time to write? Are you consistent or do you write whenever you get the chance?
In the past few months, I’ve not been writing because I’ve had exams. Before that, I wrote at every chance I had - being a student, I had a fair bit of free time during the day, so I’d use that to write. But for a while, it was a nothing on the ‘what has Trade written recently’ chart. 
Going up again boiiis
8. What does literary success look like to you? Is it important for you as a writer?
Literary success? That’s... a very interesting question. I think I’d be satisfied and feel successful if one person told me that my book helped them through something. 
Jokes on me, I’ve already had that, my books helped me, I have already succeeded, see you losers in hell.
Also fanart but uh who needs fanart when you draw enough for five armies?
9. Are there any scenes that you’ve had to edit out of your WIPs? Can you tell us about them if they don’t spoil the book?
YES oh lord yes okay so in Sonder, chapter 15, I decided around draft 2 that I wanted a scene where Atlas got drunk. I made up reasons for it, asked lots of friends about what it was like to be drunk (as I personally have never been drunk), attended parties to get first-hand research and did so much preparation. 
Wrote the scene, was pleased with it, left it to fester. Two years and two drafts later (now), I’ve come back and realised oh hey that scene is utterly useless and de-rails the plot. Time to remove it I guess. 
I rationalise it as ‘well you wrote it and you had fun but it’s not needed, move on’ and that works well for me. 
10. Would you feel comfortable publishing or sharing your writing using your real name, or would you prefer a pseudonym?
Pseudonym 100%. As cool as it would be to be able to go ‘hey I wrote this’ to people, the terrifying ordeal of being known is horrific, and people being able to track all my past activity from when I was literally seven is my worst nightmare. I wouldn’t even tell family or friends if I could get away with it. 
‘Hey [real name], there’s a book at Waterstones called Sonder? With the exact same characters, plot and writing style as you have? But it’s under [pseudonym]?’ ‘oh hey, really that’s wild. Anyway,’
11. When writing, do you try more to be original or do you prefer to deliver to readers what they want? Do you think that a book can do both? Which is more important to you as a writer?
Oh hey, this is like question two but MORE. Standing by my previous answer, I think a book can do both - people want a happy ending, usually, but you can always be original in how you do that. No two stories can be told in exactly the same way. And hey - even if people do guess what’s coming up, that’s good. 
As a writer? It’s most important to entertain. I don’t try and catch people out, I just deliver the story I have in my head and then edit it mercilessly until I’m pleased. 
1) Design a mask for an OC to wear. Would it cover their whole face? Is it a mascarade mask? Is it fancy or simple? Bonus cool kid points if you draw it.
2) Which OCs like spicy food?
3) Which OCs can take care of a plant - an orchid, to be exact? 
4) Do you tell stories in any other medium beyond writing? eg: art or roleplay or...? 
5) Do you have any irl items that you have because ‘oh dude this is something that’d totally be in my story’? Can I see them?
6) What’s the first book you remember buying? 
7) Do you have any weird collections of things? As an example, I have a skull collection and a collection of... what’s best described as doll body parts. Anything just... weird that you have a lot of? Can I see it? 
8) Which OC gets distracted by watching birds and which OC is like ‘dude stop watching the birds we’ve got STUFF TO DO’
9) Have you ever met a published author? Who? 
10) Are you a person who likes tea or are you a person who prefers coffee? If the latter - dude c’mon tea is so much better smh
11) Have you backed up your files recently? Do it now. Please, for the love of god, back up your files. 
@hyba @joyful-soul-collector (dunno if I’m allowed to tag the people who tagged me but fukkit here’s some more questions you eggs) @kaatiba @albatris @timetravelingpigeon @note-katha (hi we have barely interacted but nice new username) @nymph-of-diana (on your main if you want, idm c:) @writing-and-nutmeg @futurity-writing @osteoprecocious and @thatfizzyyyy 
Honestly, the fact I made it to 11 is - wowza. Uhhh if you don’t want to then don’t, if you do want to then PLEASE do and then tag me so I can see your answers, I’m curious. 
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The Devil’s Wife
Yes! Even I can’t believe how fast I’ve been moving with this fic, but I guess I was inspired. I’ve been DYING to post this chapter so I really hope you guys like it. You can read the full version in Ao3 and also in his POV. 
I just liked Nobu’s version a bit better so that’s why today the sneak peek is in his pov. Enjoy!
Pairing: Nobunaga x OC
Warning/s: Some lime in this chapter ;)
8-Jealousy (His P.O.V.)
-Enough of this- I grabbed the goban and put it aside. It must’ve been the least satisfying game we ever had, so I stared back at her frowning –I’m disappointed.
–Sorry I just heard someone may be trying to stab you in the back, and got distracted.
-But it wasn’t me you were concerned about, right? It was Hideyoshi.
There was no point in denying it. Her whole story was full of comments about him. She mentioned his name so many times, I lost count.
I grabbed her hand, bringing her bright eyes back to me –How could you be concerned with him when you’re here with me? He doesn’t need your worry. He’ll work things out whether you think about him or not.
She stuttered -Why, yes but it’s normal for me to be worried when a friend is in a bad situation.
-It doesn’t matter. I don’t like the fact that you’re interested in other men.
“Since when does her attention wander so much? Does she always think about other men when she’s not with me? Is this the first time she does it while we were together?” I was suddenly filled with an urge to know everything that went through her mind. I had wondered about it before, thinking I’d find thoughts that revealed new things about her character, her story. But if they were about other men, then it was a different tale.
-I wouldn’t call it “being interested”- she replied -And since when do you care so much?
-Because tonight you’re here with me.
I locked eyes with her. Staring motionless into her blue gaze, I tried to fathom what was going on behind it, where her thoughts were taking her. She was still, glancing only at my eyes. The depth in her look drew me closer. I needed to ensure she remained that way, so I took my hands to her tiny waist, pulling her into my arms. She let out a soft gasp, but didn’t mover her face away.
-You said you wanted to understand me. Then look at me.
“Just last night you claimed my thoughts. You demanded I shared them with you, so that you could understand my reasons. Then why did you let yours be stolen by someone else? How is that a fair treatment?”
I kept my eyes on hers, but could still notice the blush in her cheeks, her opened mouth that drew me to her lips. I fought the urge to stare at them, and yet she soon looked away.
-You’re going against my command already? That’s brave of you.
She was alarmed –N-no! I just… ah!
I pushed her to the carpet, and seeing how she refused to lay down, I positioned myself in a way that gave her no escape. I felt compelled to put my hand on her face, making sure her gaze would be fixated on me.
-Look at me.
This time, she obeyed. She put her eyes on me, and didn’t move them. I tried to shut down my senses, ignore everything that wasn’t her deep blue look on me. The warmth that radiated from her body, flowing into my hand, threatened to invade my mind. The way her neck moved when she swallowed, and her lips trembled slightly. I could see some despair in her face. Her hands were on my shoulders, as if ready to push me away.
–How much more do you want me to look at you?
-I don’t know- I truly didn’t. Because no matter how much I thought of it, no amount of time seemed like enough. I realized it wasn’t just her momentary attention that I wanted –How can I make you look only at me?
-Y-you can’t ask that!
-I can’t? – is there truly no way? Why? –You’re stubborn.
-I could say the same thing about you.
I sighed, troubled by her rebellious attitude that I always found entertaining, but tonight, was only bringing me sorrow –Come to think of it, I haven’t chosen my next conquest yet.
Since I couldn’t demand her eyes, my fingers were drawn to the territory I’d craved since our wedding. I ran my thumb over her lips, but she didn’t even seem to notice, so I pressed it, opening her mouth. She let out a sweet gasp that fed the fire inside me.
-Tonight, you will surrender this to me.
She trembled beneath me -W-why my lips?
-Because you keep talking back to me. Maybe if I close them, you’ll finally give me some peace.
“Maybe after I claim them, you won’t allow your thoughts to wander again.”
But she didn’t respond well. Her brows frowned and her eyes were filled with fire –I won’t stop talking just because you kiss me. If that’s your only reason, you might as well choose another spot.
“That was not our deal. Why would you try to go back on your promise?”
-Are you certain I should choose another?
“Are you truly going to deny me my claim? How much more do you plan on torturing me?”
-I… mmmm! – her answer was interrupted as I let my thumb enter her mouth slightly. I felt her tongue teasing me, making my finger wet before I traced her lips again. Her breath changed immediately, her eyes darkened with passion and surprise as she opened them.
-You look like you’re satisfied with this one.
“It’s obvious you enjoy this, so will you consent to my claim? Or are you going to make me wait even longer?”
-But… mmmm! – this time, she moaned loudly at the feel of my thumb. Her lips closed on it, sucking it, tasting it with her tongue. But it wasn’t that sensation what warmed me up. It was the look on her face, the sounds she made as a response to my stimulation. The way her breathing changed and her body burned with heat, a heat that was soon passed to me.
I took my thumb out, stroking her lips with the wetness she left on it. Her beautiful eyes opened, showing me the lust in them. Her pants left her opened mouth, drawing all my attention to it. “If you’re going to refuse, you shouldn’t look at me like that. It’s not helping to maintain my composure”.
-You still say no? Even when your eyes look that way?
She shivered in my arms –Nobunaga…
The whisper of my name, the expression in her eyes. There was no turning back -I told you, you can’t escape our deal.
I put my hand on the carpet, leaning into her blue gaze. The fear that she would reject me vanished as her hands went to the back of my head. I let myself drown in the sea that were her eyes, and my lips make the claim they so long desired.
I’d wondered countless times if her lips would escape mine when I took them. Now that I had them, there was no way I’d allow that to happen. A lovely cry came out of her mouth and like every time I claimed a part of her, the sound made me determined to get more.
-Hmmm! – she complained inside my mouth as my tongue explored her, deeply, passionately. The more she moaned, the more I wanted her to continue. I moved my head, finding a new angle, trying to calm my desire. But there was end to it when she cried in response –Mmmm.
Her lips struggled to follow my lead, and I let them try. I caught them with mine, again and again, giving her no escape. I felt her hands suddenly move to the sides of my head and I growled at the ticklish sensation, refusing to let her go in spite of it. She then grabbed my collar, pulling me closer, letting me know she didn’t want to stop either.
I let my kisses gradually slow down, without losing intensity. As much as my tongue explored her, my hunger didn’t drop. My desire for her burned as much as her hot body underneath me did. Then, she put her arms around me like a tender hug. My confusion grew, but her hand grabbed my hair again, and I knew she still wanted more.
I gave her what she asked for, in a pace that she was finally able to keep up with. I let myself focus on the way she was responding. Now that she grew silent, her body showed me how she felt. Her breathing was hard, her lips never ceased to look for mine, and her hand on my hair alternated between soft caresses and strong pulls.
I realized just how much I’d lost control, and felt troubled about it. I’d never allowed anyone to alter my composure, how did she achieve it with just a kiss? Was it the build up to this moment, or just her that made me behave like this? I didn’t know the answer, so I let her lips go and searched for one in her eyes.
I waited for her to speak, expecting her fiery protests. But despite what she declared before, she was silent. Her gaze filled with nothing but desire, one that I felt as well. Her hand on my cheek was hot like fire. My eyes fell on her lips, and she soon invited me to claim them once more. I took her invitation and caught her upper lip, savouring it like sweet candy. When we parted, I caught another glimpse at her eyes, the look in them that almost made me tremble. I knew then, my need of her was much stronger than I anticipated, that from this point on, I would struggle to keep my impulses under control.
I sighed before that realization –Tonight I shall be satisfied with this. But I won’t forgive that you to let your thoughts be stolen again.
I didn’t know what she did to me, how she managed to turn me into this, only that I would find no answer in staring at her, not when she looked at me like that. Instead, I demanded she served as my pillow again. Perhaps sleeping would help me clear my mind.
She put up no fight as I rested my head on her lap. I believed it would allow me to put my thoughts in order, but instead, I fell asleep in seconds. Another change she’d brought to me and that I had no explanation for. Rest had never come easy to me, let alone deep, undisturbed slumber. Yet, it always took over me as soon as I had her near. I had no clue how she did it, but I wasn’t keen on driving her away either. I wanted her at my side. I wanted the warmth she provided so effortlessly, to remain with me and only me. I’d allow her to be the only one to warm me, if that’s what it took.
“I won’t let you leave me, Mia. I need to keep you near until I can figure out what it is that you cause on me, that no one else is able to”.
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All the odds for Nik??? :D
What is your OC’s favorite color?
Nik’s favorite color is a dark red!!
What kind of things is your OC allergic to?
I actually think Nik might be allergic to strawberries
What is your OC’s first memory?
mmmm I’m not sure?? Probably something related to his training, and how it impacted his claustrophobia
What element would your OC be?
Do you have a faceclaim / voiceclaim for your OC?
uhmmm I kinda do have a face claim for him???
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It’s kinda a mix of all these bois
What are your OC’s hobbies?
Anything that is adrealine related. he likes to dance, he likes to cliff dive because he’s crazy and has no fucking concept of safety. …..sex. getting high
he loves writing music and playing instruments
What is your OC’s gender / sexuality / race / species / etc.?
Male, bisexual, latino, archangel
If your OC could have any pet, what would they choose? Why?
mmmm I think he would really like a pupper. But he would also like a fucking spider as a pet and I REFUSE to give him one
How do they make a living? What kind of job do they want / not want? What is their dream job? What do they think of their current job?
i mean
he kinda lives off his parents because he’s lazy. But he is also a spy and very good at getting into and out of places. Does he like this job? Sure, it comes in handy for getting him out of sticky situations, but its not his dream job
his dream job would probs be a musician
What kind of music do they listen to? Do they have a favorite song?
ok ok Nik would listen to a lot of different shit, as long as it had a beat and could keep his interest. But I don;t think he would even touch country. My fave song for him, currently is Animal or Or Nah 
What personal problems/issues do they have? Pet peeves?
pffffff ok Nik has,,, actually a lot of fucking issues. He has anger issues, he has committment issues, and has mommy and daddy issues. He can’t STAND when people sensor him and try to tell him how to act/dress/appear
What is a random fact about your OC? 
Nik does his eyebrows
What inspired you to create them / how did you create them? Were they originally a fancharacter? What was their personality / design like when you first made them?
Nik was originally created as a fanfic character, as the son of Azriel and Mor from ACoTaR. I am,,, not sure what inspired it??? I wanted there to be Four Moriel brothers and for Nik to be the youngest. He’s always been,,, wild and a fuckin disaster in my head from the moment of his creation
What kind of childhood did your character have?
Nik had an interesting childhood. He was extremely weathy, but his parents were extremely cold and severe people with all their children, except for maybe Blake. He was pushed to be the Best and they tried to make him what they Wanted and he rebelled against it bec No One is going to tell him what the fuck to do
His dad trained him severely to be able to be a Good Killer and to be able to be an amazing fuckin spy. While his mom trained him and his brothers how to be able to act in court and how to manipulate people into giving you what you want
He grew up with his parents constantly doting on Blake, and making him the golden boy, and having them constantly remind him that he wasn’t like blake and that he was a disappointment so he said fuck it and gave them exactly that
If they could choose their epitaph for their grave, what would they choose?
‘I rebel, therefore I exist’ - Albert Camus
What is their most traumatic memory/experience? What is their favorite memory?
His most traumatic memory was being locked in a small room for days at a time, trying to break out. There were no windows, and he had to learn how to get out without magic
There favorite memory,,,,, mmmm I would say his favorite memory was the first time he went cliff diving. He jumped and didn’t unfurl his wings until the very last second. The Best Rush he ever had
Would they ever kill someone? What would someone have to do to push them to kill someone? If they would kill someone, why? 
Oh, he absolutely would kill someone. he would do it without blinking if he had to. If someone he cared about was in danger, or if he was truly in danger, he would go through anyone and everyone to get to that One Person or to get himself to safety
He would kill someone if someone he cared about was in danger. he would kill someone if they were a True Fucking Monster. Tbh I think he might actually kill his dad if he was pushed too far
How is your character’s imagination? Daydreaming a lot? Worried most of the time? Living in memories?
Nik has a very, very colorful imagination. I think he would absolutely day dream a lot, especially if he was stoned aslghsadlgd
Oh, he is hardly ever actually worried about anything. He is probably the most carefree person ever. I wouldn’t say he lived in his memories, but he does live in the feeling of The Rush
What’s something that your character does, that other people don’t normally do?
You mean beside breaking into places and stealing shit and doing drugs, all for fun even tho he’s a little rich bitch? The bastard picks fights like he breathes air, he will egg on an enemy with a weapon. He would let himself get captured on enemy grounds on purpose
What is in your characters refrigerator right now? On their bedroom floor? Nightstand? Garbage can?
mmmmm day old pizza and a half liter of semi-flat coke. Dirty laundry is on his floor (Cam is getting ready to beat him if he doesn’t pick up his shit). A stack of CDs and a notebook w lyrics is in his nightstand. A raccoon is in his garbage can lashglsdgh probably old booze bottles and old boxes of take out pizza
What does your character do when they’re angry? Why?
He goes to smoke or goes out on the pitch and either beats the crap out of his oponnent or lets them beat the crap out of him. It calms him down, either way
What was the most offensive thing your character had ever said?
uhmmm im not sure?? It was probably dissing humans and the thought that they weren’t worth being in a relationship w in the long run bec they were too breakable and don’t live that long
If your character was given a slice of pineapple pizza and they HAD to eat it (or something bad would happen), how would they react? Do they even LIKE pineapple pizza?
you kidding?? Nik LOVES pineapple pizza. But if he was told he HAD to eat it, he probably wouldn’t touch it and be like do your worst
Can your character draw? What do they like to draw? Do they doodle?
ok, Nik does not draw. He can’t draw worth a shit. He DOES doodle sometimes, yes. He prefers to write music~
Does your character like candy? Do they get sugar rushes? What are they like when they get a rush?
hell YES he likes candy!! When he was a lil angel he was a smol chub bec he liked sweets so much. Then he grew up, started training and fighting and lost all his chub :(
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maealbert · 6 years
Heaven Calls // OC
AU Characters: Team x OC (Lucy De Luca from The Liaison) A/N: Second piece for @literallyreid‘s writing challenge. I chose to start with prompt #3: Inspired by your favorite book. I chose the book The First Phone Call From Heaven by Mitch Albom. I chose to write based on a similar plot, just changed up. Then I decided to also add in prompt #1: Secrets Revealed. Kind of a 2-for-1 deal :) Summary: Lucy and Rossi receive a phone call from Heaven from a friend or family member that they’ve lost and it reveals something.
tag list: @literallyprentissstwin @idkbutspencer @tenaciousarcadeexpert @cynbx @rawritsmolly @tippy06 @dontshootmespence
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It was a slow day at the Behavioral Analysis Unit. You’d think that with so much paperwork that the day would go by faster. That wasn’t the case. Lucy glanced up at the clock over her office door. 10:30. Had it only been five minutes since the last time she looked at it? Groaning she lays her head down on the stack of papers on her stack. Her cell phone rang beside her head buried underneath the papers. Lifting her head she pushes the papers to either side to retrieve her phone. The caller ID showed her father’s name. Furrowing her eyebrows she presses the answer button and places the phone to her ear. “Hello?”
“Lucinda..” Her father’s voice spoke over the line. “It feels so good to hear your voice again.”
“Dad?” She whispers.
“I’m so glad that I got through to you.”
“How--What--Is this some kind of joke? Whoever this is, this isn’t funny.”
“Lucinda, this is not a joke. Please, I don’t have much time. I wanted to hear your voice again. I’ve missed it. I needed to talk to you. I know you haven’t moved on from my death and I wanted to talk to you, give you the chance to do so.”
“Don’t play with me like this. This is a sick joke, don’t you ever call me again.” Lucy says before quickly hanging up.
Her father stood in the phone booth, the phone still pressed to his ear as the dial tone rang in his ear. “Come on man, we’ve all got calls to make. You’ve got yours, let someone else make a call!” A different soul called from somewhere down the line. Sighing he hangs up the phone and exits the phone booth. Trudging down the sidewalk, he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jacket.
Rossi leans back in his chair as he rubbed his temples. There are days when he hates his job, times when he loves his job, and times regrets not choosing to retire altogether. Looking at the photo frame placed on the corner of his desk, he sighs and reaches for it. Rubbing his thumb over the dusty glass he could think of coming to her hotel room after a case. She had already taken medication before he had gotten there. He was too late and he hated himself for it. He so badly wanted to call for help but she kept telling him not to. Carol. His first wife. Back when everything was going so well. As much as he worked, he loved her way more than that, even to this day. He thought he was getting another chance to be with her, but she was going through something so entirely different. Putting the photo back down in the corner, he goes back to his work.
His phone rang from the top drawer of his desk. Opening the drawer he picks up the phone. The number looked familiar but he wasn’t sure if he should answer it or not. Choosing to answer it anyways he puts his phone up to his ear. “Hello?”
“David.” Carol. Carol? No, no it can’t be Carol. “How are you?”
“Now I know this might come as a surprise, Carol. But I promise you that this is real.”
“How is this possible?” He questions, his mind racing a million miles a second. Did he drink more scotch than he should have? Rubbing his forehead he shakes his head. “I have to be drunk.”
“You’re not drunk, David. It’s really me, Carol. You’re first wife. The mother of your stillborn.”
“Wow, harsh.”
“Well you needed to know that it’s real, David. Your file doesn’t contain that information. I would know. I’ve been married to you for some time now.”
“How is this possible though?”
“I don’t know, but this phone booth just showed up out of nowhere. No one knew where it came from; but once one figured it out you couldn’t control the line.”
“But why call me?”
“Because I’ve been dying to tell you the good news, no pun intended.”
“The good news? What good news?”
“Our son.”
“Our son? You’re with our son?”
“Not right now. He’s off somewhere, but he saw something. He’s been watching over us all these years and he continues to do so for you.”
“What did he see?”
“A baby? An unborn child. He said he was hanging around the living room of your place during one of your dinners with the team and he saw a baby.”
“No one’s pregnant, Carol.” Rossi says. “JJ’s boys are grown and so are Matt’s. The only person who isn’t here is Derek and his son is grown.”
“One of the women is pregnant. He got so excited and was talking really fast. All I got out of it was that a dark haired female was pregnant. Is Emily finally with Aaron? I know you all have been wanting them to be together. Maybe it’s her.”
Rossi chuckles rolling his eyes. “If she were, we would’ve figured it out by now. Is that the only reason you called?”
“No, I really did want to hear your voice again. You look good with grey hair by the way. But I don’t have much time left to talk. The souls behind me are getting restless.”
“Well you’d better go then. I’ll be waiting for your next call.”
“I love you David. I always have.”
“I love you too Carol.” The line went dead and Rossi pulled the phone away from his ear. Looking the framed photo again he leans back in his chair. “Now Carol, who could our son be talking about?”
Typing away on her computer, Garcia took another sip of her tea before refocusing herself into her work. A knock comes on the door and she calls for the person to come in. “Hey Penelope, I need a favor.” Lucy says as she walks in.
“What can I do for my busy bee?” Garcia says swiveling around in her chair to face Lucy.
“I need you to trace a number for me.”
“Isn’t that your father’s number?”
“It was... I thought I disconnected it, but I got a strange call from it and I want to know who owns it now?”
“Alright, give me a few seconds and... Boom. The number now belongs to a Ned Fuller.”
“Okay um, this is a weird question to ask, but has he purchased any voice changers or any apps on his phone?”
“Mmmm let me just do this...and then I’m going to do this...and bingo. No voice changing apps and no purchases for anything of the sort.”
“That’s so weird.”
“You think maybe it was just a prank call?”
“I mean, it came from this number with my father’s caller ID on it. I don’t have his number anymore after I disconnected it. Something weird is going on.”
“I’m assuming you got a call too?” Lucy turns around to see Rossi. “I just received one not too long ago.”
“You too?” Garcia says. “From who?”
“Carol?” Lucy says furrowing her eyebrows. “You mean wife number one?” Rossi nods his head. “Okay, something weird is definitely going on.”
“Hey uh, Lucy, can I speak with you in private?” Rossi asks.
“Yeah sure.” Lucy responds with a nod of her head as she follows Rossi out of the room. He brings her to his office and closing the blinds. She looks at Rossi with a curious look. “Something serious, I presume?”
“Something like that..” He says. “So about those calls.”
“They’re strange right? You don’t really believe that the dead can contact us like that, do you?”
“I didn’t.. Until now..” Rossi says leaning forwards on his desk. “I thought it was prank too, but then when Carol mentioned our son, I thought ‘how could someone know that?’ It’s kept out of my file for confidential reasons.”
“Wait, you have a son?”
“Had..” Rossi corrected her. “He was a stillborn... Still something I’m not keen on talking about.”
“So you believe that Carol called you?”
“One hundred percent. But here is where it gets serious.”
“I’m listening.”
“She mentioned a baby..”
“A baby?” Lucy says.
“Yeah.. She said that our son was hanging around a dinner I was hosting for the team..”
“Yeah, and?”
“He mentioned seeing a baby?”
“Like a living baby? All of the kiddos are grown? There are no babies.”
“Yeah I know, but she said that he said it was an unborn baby.”
“No way, is JJ pregnant again?” Lucy said, this time with excitement.
Rossi shook his head. “It wasn’t her he saw it. He said that the woman was dark haired. I instantly thought of Emily..”
“Emily? You think she’s pregnant?”
“Well she’s been moody, hungry a lot, and I mean she’s been with Aaron a lot lately..”
“Yeah I know..” Lucy says shuttering. “I walked in on it. But what about Tara?”
“She isn’t even seeing anybody.” Rossi says.
“Okay so you think it’s Emily?”
“Well I did, but then I might’ve asked her flat out.”
“Rossi, you know that’s a very bad question to ask a woman.”
Rossi rolls his eyes. “Believe I know, but I had to. I needed to know.”
“Well what did she say?” Lucy asks leaning on her knees.
“She said no.” He says leaning back in his chair. “But then she said to ask you.”
“Ask me?” Lucy says leaning backwards. She scoffs shaking her head. “I’m not pregnant.” She adds quickly shaking her head. “Trust me, I think you all would know.” She quickly gets up from the chair and leaves his office. Getting to her office she draws the blinds and goes over to her desk.
Pulling open the top drawer of her desk she pulls out an envelope. Breaking the seal on the envelope she pulls out the folded sheet of paper. Instantly reading the first line of the letter her heart skips a beat as she covers her mouth. A knock comes on the door and Spencer slowly peers his head in. “Hey, I saw you rush out of Rossi’s office. Everything okay?”
Standing up from her desk she stands up and walks over Spencer pulling him into the office and shutting the door. “You said you wanted kids, right?”
“Of course, why?”
Lucy holds up the letter. “I’m pregnant.”
“No..” Spencer gasps. “Are you serious?” Lucy nods her head. “This is great!” He says throwing his arms around her waist and spinning around. Lucy giggles as she wraps her arms around his neck.
“Do you want to know the gender?” Lucy asks.
“Yes! Wait--You can find out already?”
Lucy nods her head. “She did a blood test and found out the gender. We don’t have to look if we don’t want to, she said she’d include in case we wanted to.”
“Look look look!” Spencer exclaims grabbing the letter from the Lucy’s hands. His eyes scan the letter before he looks up at her.
“Well?” She says. “What are we having?”
“Remember that matching outfit that you saw a friend of yours wearing with hers?”
“A girl?!” Spencer nods his head. “Spencer!” Lucy says as she leaps into Spencer’s arms again throwing her arms around his neck once more. “We’re having a girl!”
“Should we tell the team?” Spencer says. “Well I think Rossi already might know.”
“Long story that we both have to tell you later.” Lucy says. “But can we? We both can’t keep secrets.” Spencer chuckles before he opens the door. “I’ll go gather the others.”
Lucy paced back and forth in the briefing room. She chewed on her thumb nail as she cracked the knuckles on her other hand. She looked back down at the letter in her hand. A smile forming on her lips. Hearing footsteps approaching she looks up to see JJ and Luke to walk in followed by Matt. “Got a case?” JJ asks. Lucy shakes her head.
“I don’t think so, or else Spencer wouldn’t be overjoyed.” Luke states as he sits down at the table with the other two.
“This better be good.” Tara says as she steps into the room from the side door. “I was just about to finish my last case file.” She takes a seat at the table.
“What’s up, Luce?” Emily says as she and Rossi walk inside the room and joining the others at the table.
“Oh good, they’re all sitting down.” Spencer says as he comes in last.
“What’s going on guys?” Matt asks.
Lucy looks directly at Rossi before handing him the letter. “I was right?” Rossi says looking up at Lucy. Lucy nods her head as a smile grows back on her face.
“Right about what?” Emily says snatching the letter out of Rossi’s hands. Her eyes scan the letter. Her eyes bugged out as her jaw dropped open.
“What? What is it?” Luke says.
JJ leans over to look at the letter. “Dr. Marks? Why would you be going to he--No.. You’re pregnant?!”
“Hold up.. Reid’s going to be a father?” Matt says as he looks between the two. “I wish you all the luck, man. Babies are a handful.”
“Wait, where’s Garcia?” Luke says. “Shouldn’t she be here too?”
“Relax yourself, Newbie. You don’t need to worry about me.” Garcia says as she walks into the room. “Lucy already told me knowing what I’d do.”
“What’d you do?” Luke asks noticing the big white box in her hands.
“Well, I know I might ruin JJ’s diet but I went to pick up some strawberry cupcakes with strawberry ice cream.”
“You went all out, P.” JJ says being the first to reach for a cupcake.
“It’s our first girl!” Garcia says. “Well I mean, besides Joy of course.” Garcia says shooting Rossi a smile. “After all the boys, we finally have a girl. Don’t get me wrong, I love all my godsons, but I finally have a goddaughter--” Lucy clears her throat. “Okay maybe my goddaughter.”
“Yeah, you have all of them, let someone else have a chance.” Emily says reaching for a cupcake.
Rossi gets up from his chair and walks up to Lucy. “You okay?” He asks.
“Yeah, I uh--I just regret hanging up...”
“He’ll call back.” Rossi says. “Carol said she would, so there won’t be a doubt that he wouldn’t call back.” He wraps his arms around Lucy giving her a hug. “Smile, alright? You’re having a baby.”
Didn’t know how to end this, so I cut if off there.
If you liked this one, than please be sure to leave it some love and feedback!
Thank you! :)
EDIT: Also a sneak peek to coming part 12 of The Liaison!
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pastel-popplio · 7 years
1, 4, 19 and 4 for those oc asks!!
You put 4 twice so i just went ahead and did 44 lmao
1. Your first OC ever? Ohhh boy, if we're talking very first character ( bc i didn't know the term then ) , I made up this little dog when I was 3 years old, her name was Puppy. She was a tiny pure white maltese/poodle mix, and I never drew her surprisingly but I pretended to be her whenever my sister and I played pretend if it had to do with animals or I'd toss her into our games with a random toy to act as the body since I didn't have any white dog plushies. Even back then I was a total angsty fuck when it came to backstories because she was always either abused by her owners or abandoned and living half-starved as a stray ( often in the cold rain ) and she'd be super grateful to anyone who helped her/taught her the ways of the streets. She was very playful and sweet but quick to cry when someone was mean to her and I loved her so much dude oh man, I don't think I completely stopped using her ( in the rare times I still played with my lil sister ) until around 5th grade maybe?
I'm super tempted to try and draw her now not gonna lie, in my head she basically looked like the lil maltese in the DOGZ gba game mixed with disney lady and the tramp style lmao
4. An OC you rarely talk about? I'll go with my ( very self-indulgent ) oc Xarrnacc ( pronounced Zar-nack ) . I made her up like a day after I started binging the Ju/stice Leag/ue animated series on netflix a couple years back lmao. Here is the link to her ref pics ( don't bother reading the info bc it's either old or stated below lmao )
She's a horribly shy alien babe who's a scientific genius ( especially with physics and chemistry ) and also studies Ice Magic. She worked as an engineer for the highest members of her planet in the capital city ( a lot of the planet is still entirely natural resources bc they care more about their ecosystem than we do, so the other scattered inhabited areas make up a small enough portion that they only need the one really big city for the government/royals to rule everyone else from ) , but was eventually framed by a few jealous coworkers. The Mistress ( her planet's ruler who's basically a mix of President and Queen ) had no choice but to ( reluctantly ) exile her from the planet for the severe crime/rule infraction.
She was sent to Earth to die in the arctic ( since not only was it rumored to be inhospitable, but her planet didn't know Earth had really moved past the ice age since it's so far away. They pretty much spun a wheel of dangerous planet names and launched her there ) , but ended up meeting an old man in the cold barren area who was charged with the noble duty of protecting a hidden library of old spellbooks. She befriended him and lived/with worked under him as a fellow magic user until he was killed while on a trip. She didn't know of his death until a couple days after he'd left, when a few members of the League tracked down the library while investigating an unrelated magic incident and she attacked them ( in an attempt to defend the books from strange intruders ) . Once they managed to convince her they weren't thieves and explained they'd found his murdered body in the snow a half-hour's trek from the library, she ended up joining them on what was supposed to be a one time mission to assist with the magic part.
She was inducted into the League permanently after that and wanted to learn more about Earth, so she started living in the space station headquarters with Mart/ian Man/hunter, who sometimes helps teach her written english ( she learned the verbal language earlier when the old man dug up a spellbook that allowed the two of them to communicate by swapping memories ) . She's pretty close to The Fla/sh since he's the friendliest, and he usually is the one who forces her out of space hiding to experience the magic of actual society, fast food diners, and hitting on the ladies ( the latter of which has her a nervous wreck plz stop dragging her on spontaneous blind double dates ) . She admires WW a lot for her confidence and physical fighting skills, and sometimes they have talks or training sessions together. She lowkey has a crush on Haw/kgirl but she's taken and also intimidating af so Xarrnacc knows she's kinda screwed there oops. Super/man is okay but usually too busy being a leader with a double life to interact with her outside of missions, she's terrified of ol' Bats he's very intimidating. Doesn't really feel one way or the other about Gr/een Lante/rn, she doesn't talk to him much so they don't know each other really.
She adores books and can sometimes spend hours in big libraries if she has another league member to accompany her and help translate. She's not huge on public parks, if only because she had a very bad experience once when The F/lash took her and she mistook a squirrel as acceptable food and thought hunting was allowed and tried to eat one in front of a screaming child.
Fun fact: her species is deathly allergic to chocolate, something she found out the hard way after The Flas/h offered her a bite of his Hershey bar and had her in the League ER for like 2 weeks RIP
I have more but this is long enough jfc
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you ( and explain why ) . This boi Darren right here means a ton to me!
Not only is he a pretty personal character bc of certain personality aspects ( hello shyness/social anxiety venting lmao ) or the fact that he was one of my main sort of daydreaming ocs ( aka a character that I would shove into different show universes and think about how he'd interact with everyone when I was bored ) before I finally found him his home, but he was the very first rp character I ever made! Joining the group he was in ( when I was a smol ms paint artist ) helped me learn a ton about everything from rping itself to cat anatomy to writing to character development and all kinds of stuff inbetween, and I made so many friends because of it, even one of my best, who is actually the founder of the group! I never would be near where I am today without that group, or this adorable character that I loved to bits and motivated me to draw him 24/7 lmao.
Plus he has cool lightning powers and a pet puffin, and the silver tabby w/blue eyes is my favourite cat design ever probably
44. Something you like about your ocs in general? The amount of detail I give them, be it personality, backstory or just little goofy facts! I've gotten a lot of compliments on the depth of my chars before, and I really do try to make them all unique from each other!Thank you so much for asking these bby! 💜
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mylife-foryours · 5 years
oc q’s for my favorite dark council member :3
(cw for Much Worse Than Canon-Typical Gore, canon-typical everything else)
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How old are they? 17 during the Sith Inquisitor prologue, 20 by the time she makes Darth.
What gender are they? MMhnuh... girl-adjacent
What is their romantic/sexual orientation? It’s Complicated. Not much in the way of gender preference beyond being warier around men than she is around non-men (she’s pretty much always got her guard up, though, so the difference is actually pretty minor), not much in the way of sexual attraction either.
How tall are they? 5′3
What do they look like? Short n curvy, warm brown skin, long black hair. She cuts it at several points, but it grows back pretty fast.
What are their defining features? Pronounced aquiline nose, bright orange/amber eyes, high cheekbones.
Does their name have a meaning? Meant as a nod to the author of Divine Comedy, and about a year later I found out that it can also refer to “a tempo of moderate speed.” Pronounced like this and means either gift or tithe in Zabraki, depending on which syllable you stress.
What family do they have? She isn’t in contact with her biological family - halfway assumes that they died, mostly doesn’t care. About a year after she becomes a Darth, Fene and Mako help her track her parents down, and the reunion goes... well, about as well as you’d expect.
Do they have a good relationship with their family? No.
If not, why not? Her parents (Balmorran farm boy who Wanted To See The Galaxy and ex-Mandalorian ex-con) left her with her father’s extended family when she was around six, and she was on the streets of Sobrik by the time she was eight. Wartime food shortages are a bad time to be saddled with a child you don’t really want.
Where do they live? She moves around more than she’d like, but home is a compound on Korriban.
Is it a safe place? About as safe as anywhere is for someone who’s made as many enemies as she has.
Are they poor, middle-class or wealthy? Pretty wealthy.
Do they look up to anyone? Hmmmm... once she got high enough up on the food chain to learn what actually happened, she admired Exal Kressh. There are a lot of times when she thinks that going out in a blaze of glory would be a much better option than her long game of espionage and power struggles. At least she wouldn’t have to keep wondering.
Who is their best friend? Fene.
Do they have any enemies? Sixty percent of the Sith Empire, on a good day.
Who is the person they hate most in the world? Hrrhm. Generally speaking, probably Vitiate, because he’s the one who’s responsible for creating the empire that ground her home into dust and sold her like chattel, but he’s pretty distant, so it’s more of an abstract hatred. Probably Darth Thanaton, both because he makes no secret of his contempt for her origins, and because she can’t get a good foothold in his Sphere.
Do they have any love/hate relationships? O R R O
Have they ever fallen in love? ... Kind of? She’s sort of in love with Orro, and it’s not exactly romantic, but it’s not exactly platonic either. She also ends up romancing Arcann (would've romanced Vaylin if you weren’t railroaded into killing her), because I like the symmetry of Terrible Murder-Cyborgs Who Are Only Mostly Redeemed Trying To Become Better People Together.
Who is the person they love the most in the world? Orro.
Does that person love them back? Yes, but Orro is also a loved-I-not-honor-more Colonel in the Grand Army of the Republic, and has tried to capture/kill her on multiple occasions. An’Dante kind of knows that she was right to, which only makes things worse between them.
Have they ever hurt or lost anyone? She kind of hurts people as a career, but specifically, she stabbed Orro in the back with her own vibroknife, and Orro has, understandably, never really trusted her again.
Are they a good shoulder to cry on? ... kind of? She’s a good listener, and the kind of friend who offers to strangle your ex with their own intestines.
Are they well liked? Not.... really? She has a sizeable power base, but that’s more a consequence of shared goals and her own political acumen (blackmail. so much blackmail.)
How do they handle being complimented? Reasonably well? As long as it’s coming from someone she trusts, she’ll be a bit surprised at first, but thank them sincerely. She likes being praised by everyone - there’s part of her that was even vying for Harkun’s favor - but if someone like Darth Mortis were to compliment her cunning, her response would be a sneering “How would you recognize cunning if you saw it?”
Are they an affectionate person? Not really. She has a very small number of people she cares about, and sees them... pretty rarely. Even then, she’s had some remarkably harsh object lessons about showing affection, and it’s only gotten more dangerous for people to know who she cares about.
Are they very driven? She would’ve died a very long time ago if she wasn’t.
Are they very political? She’s literally wiped out entire family lines over politics, so yeah.
What kind of state is the world that they live in? Cosmic tug-of-war between corrupt ineffective bureaucracy and totalitarian fascist theocracy.
What are the world leaders like? She’s one of them, and the fact that she’s one of the better ones is... really all that needs to be said on the matter.
Does the character worry about their place in society? Constantly. She’s a former slave who’s currently playing half the Dark Council off against the other half, and if just about anyone catches on to what she’s trying to do, the best thing she can hope for is execution-by-vivisection.
If they could change one thing, what would it be? Convince Orro to join her.
Do they like themselves? ... Not really? There are things she’s quite arrogant about, but she doesn’t think that she’s a good person. A necessary person, sure, but that’s not the same thing.
Are they a good person? Not remotely.
Are they very forgiving? No.
Do they believe in destiny? Sometimes she’s afraid that she does. Fairly standard prophetangst over the ontological implications of foreknowledge.
Are they trustworthy? No.
Are they a good liar? Yes. She has to be.
How do they react to criticism? Poorly. She’s arrogant, bitchy, and has a chip on her shoulder the size of the Magellanic Cloud.
What is their moral alignment? Neutral Evil.
Can they fight? Yes, but she’s more of an assassin than a brawler.
Would they ever purposefully hurt someone? Greatest Hits of the horrible things she’s done to other people’s bodies include:
Boiling eyes with lightning
Force-choking to the point of death and/or permanent brain injury
Smothering with own lung tissue
Stabbing out eyes with broken pieces of finger bones
Have they ever been seriously injured? Mmmm. Aside from the Force Ghost-backlash, an infected burn/brand nearly killed her when she was about twelve.
Do they know first aid? Not... really. She can cauterize wounds with her lightsaber, but that’s about it. She’s shit at force healing, too.
Do they have any other survival skills? Not as far as, like, wilderness survival is concerned. She knows some of the basics of putting up camp, and she could probably survive in the deserts on Korriban for... maybe a week, without outside assistance. Maybe a bit longer, depending on how much she could draw on the Force.
Are they a fast learner? She’s had to be.
How intelligent are they? Pretty intelligent. She’s fluent in multiple languages, well-read (esp. for someone who was illiterate for the first 17 years of her life), and good at long-term strategy to the point that she can outplay men several times her age in espionage.
What is the school system like? The Korriban Academy was pretty awful. Remember the scene from Ender’s Game, where Graff singles Ender out as a target for like. petty cruelty and isolation. That, but the students are actively encouraged to kill each other.
What is their job? On paper, her job is overseeing the Assassin’s Pyramid. In practice, her power base also includes significant fractions of Military Strategy (mostly to keep tabs on Orro, shhhh), Sith Philosophy (useful for keeping her reformist tendencies on the down-low and painting rivals as heretics), and Imperial Intelligence.
Do they enjoy their job? Kind of. Even if she tells herself that it’s for the greater good, she knows that she’s complicit in some horrible things. Still, the intellectual challenge of it, and the ability to blindside Sith traditionalists with her cunning because no-one thinks that a simple slave could outplay them... there’s a thrill to it.
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