#i think i wrote this sep-dec 2021 dsfjgefwg
brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
#2 for notes & #62 for docs. :)
#2 for docs is LONG......so i'm making this a lil' fic :DD
(edit) okay i just read this and genuinely it's a pretty okay oneshot?? wtf??? here you go!! that moment where you read super old writing and realize it's pretty much completely similar to your writing now </3
(also scroll down for #62, it’s there i promise)
meeting boo
wc: 1889
tw: injury (non-fatal), swearing, mention of fatal vore (doesn't happen), aaand i think that's it
Tubbo yelped, narrowly missing the edge of the cabinet and falling, his arms instinctively moving to grab something, but they never did. The rope his leg was secured to went taut with a harsh snap, a spasm of pain shooting through his leg while he hung there, his cloak beginning to block his sight. The lightheadedness of being upside down kick in, along with the half-lidded eyes and numbness of his leg. He could feel conscious slipping from him inch by inch, and before he knew it he was just a beat away from passing out.
Until he wasn't.
He hadn’t properly registered what was happening, except for when something warm enveloping him from under. Shit. Tubbo tried to scramble back, only to be stopped by the rope. “Stop, stop, stop!” Tubbo yelped, pushing the fingers away from him. “I’m not going to hurt you, just stay still,” Ranboo instructed, his words soft. “Ranboo, please, stop,” Tears pricked at his eyes while he helplessly laid within the human’s grip, squirming occasionally against the fresh wave of pain moving throughout his numb leg.
His vision was cloudy, his throat hurt, and his eyes were threatening to close. He couldn’t, though. Not when he’s vulnerable in a human’s grip. “Please, calm down.”
“Stop..” Tubbo whined, nearly yelling again as his leg was free, pins and needles moving throughout his leg while it returned to its normal- no, abnormal position. It was broken. “Fuck…” Tubbo whined, placing a hand on his broken leg. “Put- put me down.” Tubbo tried, and surprisingly, the cold counter was soon his holder.
Ranboo crouched down, his hands curled against of the counter while his covered face stared at him blankly. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Tubbo whined again. “I- I could help you?” Ranboo offered. Tubbo rapidly shook his head. “I can do it fine, just leave.” Tubbo choked on his words, tears now streaming down his partly-scarred cheeks. “Sure, right, okay.” Ranboo stood and backed away slowly before fully leaving the room with a click of the door.
Tubbo sat on the counter quietly, a hand clamped over his mouth to stifle his hiccuping sobs. He pressed his lips in to a thin line then placed his hands behind him. It was slow, but he could manage pushing himself backward towards his makeshift medical supplies in the wall.
It was a lousy cast, and was really just medical tape wrapped tightly around his leg, but it would be fine. Right? He’d just stay here for a while. Maybe he should go stay with Tommy? No. He should treat this on his own, he doesn’t need someone to help him. He’s been solo for a year now, he doesn’t need to break that.
It wasn’t helping. It was a bit, but not much. He couldn’t walk, and more importantly, he couldn’t get food, which was taking its affect on him now.
“Hey, um, this is really stupid, I- I don’t even know where you’re at, or if you’re still here… but, I just wanted to ask how your… leg is doing, is it- you know, healing?” Ranboo’s voice beamed from outside the wall suddenly. . . he was showing genuine concern for the borrower.
“I’m fine.” Tubbo announced.
“Can- can you walk yet?”
Ranboo didn’t respond for a bit. Tubbo sat in anticipation for the next words, but they were late to come. He started to believe the human had left after disappointment washed over him over the fact his little snack couldn’t walk yet.
“There’s medicine out here if you want it.” Was all he said.
Tubbo had never had human medicine before. A lot of borrowers will mix random herbs and call it medicine. But they weren’t pills like humans have, they had a lousy soup-like thing. He didn’t even know if he could eat a human-sized pill. He could try, but what if it was a trap? He couldn’t escape from it due to his leg.. gods he’s overthinking. “It’s not a trap if you’re thinking that.”
“To be fair, you saying that makes it more suspicious, bossman.”
Tubbo heard Ranboo sigh in amusement. “It’s here if you’d like it.” He said again. Tubbo made a small noise in acknowledgement. He doubted the human heard it but he really didn’t care right now. Sleep was pulling at his eyes and before he knew his heart beat had dropped and conscious slipped out of him.
Leg pain had woken him up. Tubbo groggily propped himself up against the dusty wall and rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand. Ranboo’s past words repeated in his head. There was medicine set out for him, right. No. It was a trap. . . or poison. Not medicine. A human would never do that for his kind.
He knew this, and still, in the back of his mind, he pondered on what was actually out there. Maybe there was nothing and Ranboo was just toying with him, trying to get him out onto the counter and vulnerable so he could overpower him. Would he be eaten? Kept as a pet in a jar or a cage? Flattened? Cooked? Endless endings.
And that was why he continued to lay in bed. And lay, and lay, and lay for weeks. He slept through most of it, and if he hadn’t been sleeping he was either having a short conversation with Ranboo or salvaging the last of his food. He’d run out three days ago and it was starting to affect him badly.
Nearly six weeks had passed, Tubbo had been without food for almost a week now. He hadn’t gotten up in a bit, the last time he did he could manage a short walk with a bad limp. Perhaps he should try it again.
He could move his leg better than he could a week ago, and it definitely felt better to walk on now. He had a limp, but he could manage with going out to get food.
He limped through the room to the rope he’d set in the back of the cabinet. Shit. He couldn’t climb this, it'd fuck his leg up again, right? He supposed he could go on the counter… but he’d need a rope for that as well. He could go a bit longer without food, maybe.. or maybe Ranboo could help? No. Just climb the rope and get food.
It wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be, truth be told. His pace was a bit slow while he tried to keep his leg steady and not move it quickly or drastically, but within moments he’d found himself in the dark cabinet. He felt around for any type of box or bag, a wave of relief washing over him as he brushed over a familiar box. Hopefully.
He maneuvered though it, breaking the cracker into four to store easier. He stuffed the last quarter into the now-full bag. The cabinet door opened, catching Tubbo off guard. “Fuck,” Tubbo frowned, gazing at the masked human ahead of him. He looked relieved.
“Sorry,” The two muttered in unison.
Tubbo looked down in embarrassment, then back up with a genuine, small smile, while Ranboo huffed in amusement again. He did that a lot. "It’s good to see you’re… doing better,” Tubbo nodded, the grin gone. “Right, well, I’m doing a stream in the kitchen, you may want to… lay low?” Ranboo suggested.
“Okay,” Tubbo nodded again, taking a hesitant step back.
Ranboo closed the cabinet door after their encounter to allow the tiny his privacy. He hadn’t completely grasped the whole borrower concept yet, probably from Tubbo’s neglect for telling him information and Google’s unhelpful results.
Not that he could blame the borrower; someone as small on him clearly wouldn’t feel safe sharing information on his species. If he was really that desperate for information, he could ask Wilbur, given that he had a much closer bond with Tommy than Ranboo had with Tubbo.
He had time before his stream, he could probably squeeze in a visit to Wilbur’s? No, that would be stupid to go there just to get advice on how to win Tubbo over. They’re making progress; it won’t take too long. Hopefully.
The stream went fine, Tubbo assumingely stayed.. wherever he was. The walls, maybe? That seemed like the most logical option. He remembered Wilbur briefly muttering about it to Tommy on a call. Whatever.
He idly typed ‘good stream’ in Ranmail then began cleaning his… terribly messed up kitchen. He frowned at the sight of raw egg from the subgoal, and countless wrappers and unclosed bags. Flour was everywhere, and a partially eaten cake was in the middle of it.
“Hey, bossman,” Tubbo’s voice was quiet, but he managed to hear it. Ranboo turned, his eyes landing on the small form on the counter. He crouched, curling his hands around the counter. “Hey, what’s up?”
“I- I um… gods this is stupid, but I- I just wanted to.. thank you for talking with me for- for the past few weeks and- um- untying me.”
Ranboo smiled even though it wasn’t visible. “Did Tommy put you up to this?”
“What? How do you even- no, he didn’t…”
“Alright, well, you’re welcome. You seemed like you could use the company.”
Tubbo fiddled with his thumbs while thinking of a response. “Yeah, Tommy’s been so worked up with his human lately. A- And I’m also sorry that I was so… quippy? with you. My- my kind really aren’t supposed to talk, or even be spotted by a human, so-“ Ranboo shook his head. “I get it.” He said softly. “So- uh.. yeah, thank you.” Tubbo smiled genuinely. Tubbo took a step back, and Ranboo nodded shortly. A beat of silence passed before the borrower spoke up again. “So…uh, what’d you do to your kitchen?”
Ranboo looked back at the kitchen island then back at the tiny. “I don’t even know.” Tubbo huffed in subtle amusement, but it was there. The borrower opened his mouth to speak again, but was cut off.
“Tubbo!” Tommy’s muffled voice called from (assumingely) the walls, catching both Tubbo and Ranboo’s attention. “Now he comes. Hold on,” Tubbo muttered, holding a finger up as a sign to wait, then disappearing beyond the walls. The two’s probably quieted conversation couldn’t be heard from out here, so Ranboo returned to cleaning while he waited.
“Tommy?” Tubbo called out as he maneuvered though the dark hallway until he spotted Tommy “Hey, big man!” Tommy grinned, but it fell a moment later. “Why’re you limping?”
“Oh, I- I uh… broke my leg,”
Tommy gaped at that. “You fucking what? Shit, Tubbo I’m sorry I didn’t visit you- I, uh, was giving you space because of what happened the last time I came,” Tommy fretted. “It’s fine, you worry too much." Tubbo paused for a moment. "What’re you here for, bossman?”
Tommy stayed quiet for a moment or two. “I wanted to visit you.” Tommy shrugged.
“I’ve got a human to attend to, so, ma-“
“You’ve what? You’ve made peace with Ranboo?” Tommy said, a shit-eating grin plastered upon his face. Something about his eyes said he was about to bolt through the tunnels and straight out onto the counter to talk to Ranboo. He did.
sdfjgdfds sorry if you had to scroll through that 😅
#62 in docs is titled 'any thrill will do: notes' and is worldbuilding/plot outline rambles for my quackity au :D
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