#i think i'll write another post on my thoughts of the ex-catapult move
crisp-tiger-riot · 2 years
Watching Heroes: Rising
For the first time and I just- HNG
So many feelings!
Late night bkdk rivalry
Izuku holding Katsuki back from going berserk on Mahoro and Katsuma
Katsuki watching Izuku interact with Katsuma (on that note the fucking Save To Win, Win To Save mention ♡)
Izuku yanking the phone from Katsuki (and Katsuki basically just lets him)
Katsuki really taking the Save To Win part to heart once more during the fight against Mummy
Mahoro's Deku illusion was a sweet comedic break
Of course it's Katsuki coming to save Izuku
Of course Izuku's power gets a small boost as soon as Katsuki is at a disadvantage
I was in physical pain watching them lose though
1-A my beloved providing the necessities for the island's inhabitants
Win To Save, Save To Win flashback (on that note I love Toshinori's scrawny real-form, he really be the scary-looking neighbor that comes over on a random rainy Sunday to share some fresh tea and self-baked cookies)
Bkdk looking like Mahoro and Katsuma's parents
The animation of Ochako's gag reflex was actually pretty good, and strangely aesthetically pleasing
On a side note, there was another scene where Fumikage had his cloak draped more on his back so his forearms were visible. Yeah, those forearms deserve a post of their own
Oh right then the best part
Look, they instinctively reached out for one another, didn't hesitate to grab each other's hands and it's overall such a powerful and fantastic move
Kiri and Shoto randomly remembering Kamino, please these kids have been through enough
Did Shoto kill that guy?
Mezo deserves an appreciation post of its own
I love when our Wonder Duo is in action like this, blindly trusting each other
Also the Deku Thighs are in action
Btw also love the parallels between Izuku and Katsuma, and Katsuki and Mahoro. Little cry babies willing to sacrifice themselves for the greater good, and little brats only loyal to their one goal and one person
They're winning but that island is taking a lot of damage
He looks weird though
Okay but the feels for all of that alone are too much
How am I supposed to handle this
Okay, cannot handle all of that fight right now
But can handle Hawks saving his Bird Bestie, thanks Hawks
Papa Toshinori is someone I crave in my life
Papa Endeavour is strangely emotional and I live for Shoto's reaction to it
Deku really barely left middle school and already got a bunch of kids idolizing him
I don't know how to end this, I finished the movie, it's way too late to get a healthy amount of sleep tonight, my brain is a bit overwhelmed
Thank you for reading through this
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