#i think i'm just gonna fry it up tomorrow with more seasoning and put it in a salad or something
delayed-affection · 2 years
Chapter one
Season 2 Navigation Next
June 28, 1984
Men in hazmat suits work around a giant machine. A bald man smokes a cigarette, watching them from above. Two men in white coats walk over to him.
With a deep sigh one of them opens a case, two keys lay inside. Handing one to the other, they insert them into their slots. Nodding they turn the keys.
The giant machine powers up, electricity surges into it. It shoots into a wall, cracking it open. A creature squeals and stretches out, onto the wall.
The building starts to shake and the machines around starts to spark, it's too much for them to handle. The large device starts to go out and the wall closes on itself.
The machine shuts down but the built up electricity has no where to go. It shoots out from its sides, frying the men around.
The bald man puts out his cigarette and leads the others down to the machine. He walks up to the wall, putting his hand on it.
One man speaks up in Russian, "Comrade General. You can see. You can see our progress. We just need more ti-"
One of the guards grab the man by his throat, lifting him up off the ground.
The man walks up to the other white coat, "You have one year."
One year later.
Mike and El sit in her room making out before he breaks away starts to sing along with the radio, "And nobody wants to know you now."
He pretends to play the drums, "Nobody wants to show you-"
She tries to put her hand over his mouth, "Mike. Mike, stop! Stop!"
He grabs her wrist, "So if you're lost and on your own. You can never surrender."
She laughs, "Stop!"
"What, you don't like it?" He asks
"No!" She tells him
Hopper sits in the living room, stuffing his face with chips and salsa. Trying not to think about what could possibly be going on in her room.
Well curiosity killed the cat, he leans back in his chair.
Looking through the crack he finds them kissing, "Hey!"
They pull apart and she shuts the door completely.
He flings himself up off the chair, "Hey! Leave the door open three inches!"
He tries to open the door, "El, open this door. Open the-"
He pushes and the door burst open. They lay on two separate places on the bed.
"What's wrong?" Mike questions with a smile
Mike rides his bike talking to El on the walkie, "My god, that was priceless! Did you see his face?"
"It was like a tomato!" She laughs
"Yeah, a fat tomato." He replies
"I wish I was still with you." She confesses
"I know. Me too. But I'll see you tomorrow, all right? First thing." He assures
Mike pulls up to the brand new mall.
"You're late." Lucas scolds, "Again."
"We're gonna miss the opening." Will complains
"Yeah, if you guys keep whining about it." He argues, "Let's go!"
Lucas mimics him, " 'If you guys keep whining about.' Nyeh nyeh nyeh."
Mike hops off his bike, "Just please stop talking, dude."
"Let's me guess." Lucas says leading them into the mall, "You were busy."
He makes some kissy noises.
"Oh, yeah, real mature, Lucas." He quips
He starts to tease him, "Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends."
"Lucas, stop." Max says
"Will thinks it's funny." He argues
"Because it is." Will chimes
Mike throws his hands up, "Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend."
"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Lucas tells him
They push their way down the crowded escalator, receiving glares and grunts from the people they shove.
Mike runs right into a girl while getting off the escalator.
"Watch it!" She exclaims walking away
"Yeah! Watch it, nerd!" Erica comments
"Isn't past your bedtime?" Lucas asks
She watches them walk past, "Isn't it time you died."
Her friends laugh, liking her comeback.
"Psycho!" He calls her
They continue to call each other names until he blows her a raspberry.
Max grabs his arm, "Oh, now that was mature."
They head into Scoops Ahoy and Mike rings the bell rapidly in front of the workers face.
"Hey, dingus, your children are here." She says
The window behind her slides open, "Again? Seriously?"
Mike hits the bell once more and Steve leads them to the back room, letting them use the workers hallway.
He watches them walk down the hall, "I swear, if anybody hears about this-"
"We're dead!" They say in unison
Mike peeks his head into the Movie theater hallway, "All clear."
They all file in, following Mike into one of the movies, "See Lucas we made it."
"We missed the previews." He whispers sitting down.
"Still made it. Fart face." Max smiles
Right when the movie was about to start the power goes out. However, it's not just the mall that goes out, it's all of Hawkins.
In an old abandoned warehouse grows a dark mist, the same mist that was seen coming out Will and trying to stop El from closing the gate.
Just as fast as the power went out it comes back on. The crowded theater cheers and the rest of the mall continues to do what they were doing before.
Will is the only one not cheering, instead he looks scared. He puts his hand up to his neck, getting flashbacks of everything the Upside Down put him through.
"Hey." Mike says
Will comes back to reality with a short gasp.
"You okay?" He worries
"Yeah." He answers
"You sure?" He asks
He nods, "Of course."
Nancy shoots awake, "Shit!"
Jonathan gets up from bedside her, "Wh- What's wrong?"
She grabs her watch, "It's almost nine. We forgot to rest the clocks. The power went out last night, remember?"
They rush to get ready.
Nancy throws her shoes out the window, her body falling soon after. She runs around the house, trying not to be seen.
Jonathan leaves his room.
"Hey, hey, hey!" Joyce calls, "Wait up."
"Oh, no, I'll eat at work." He says, "I'm late."
She grabs his arm, "No. Your cheek."
She rubs off the reminisce of Nancy's lipstick.
He pulls away, "I gotta run. See you later."
Will huffs from the table, "Ugh. Gross."
She sits down and joins him, "Well, I don't think you're gonna think it's gross when you fall in love."
He can't bring himself to look at her, "I'm not gonna fall in love."
She notices something on the floor, getting up to check it out, "Hey, what happened here?"
She picks up the fallen magnets and picture, putting them back up on the fridge.
"Can you please drive faster?" Nancy pleads
"Do you want to break down? We're lucky this thing still drives at all." He say's tapping the dashboard.
Nancy applies some blush, "I'm serious, Jonathan, I can't be late."
"You mean we can't be late." He corrects
"No, I mean I can't be late. They like you no matter what you do." She argues
"Hey, they like you too." He assures
She laughs, "Yeah. They like that I'm a coffee delivery machine. They don't actually like me or respect me as a living, breathing human with a brain."
"Wait, you just- you just gotta be patient, okay?" He tells her, "They're set in their ways. But... once they realize what a gifted writer you are, they'll come around."
Her panic and bitterness come through, "I really don't need a Jonathan Byers pep talk right now. Can you just... please drive faster?"
Dustin talks into his walkie, "This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over. This is Gold Leader, returning to base. Do you copy? Over."
He turns to Y/n, "Why aren't they answering? You would think that they would respond after all this time."
She shrugs, "Are we even in range yet? You've been talking into that thing for the past ten minutes."
He huffs, "I'm in range, they should be answering. I repeat: This is goddamn Gold Leader-"
Y/n keeps one hand on the wheel and snatches his headset with the other, "There's no need to yell, dude. Just try again when we get home."
He groans, "I've been gone a month the least they can do is answer."
Not to long after they pull into the driveway, their mom waiting outside for her Dusty. They exchange hellos and hugs before the now crankier Dustin makes his way to his room.
He slams his bag down onto his bed, sitting down beside it.
"Jeez, take it easy, Dust." Y/n says walking into his room.
"No I will not take it easy!" He exclaims, "I've been gone for a month and they've forgotten about me!"
A distorted robot voices draws their attention, a little toy robot comes waddling into the room.
Dustin looks back at his sister, "Is that you?"
She holds her hands up, "That's not me."
He starts to worry when R2-D2 starts rolling around, then his clapping monkey starts to go off.
He stands up as more gadgets and toys start to come to life, they watch as they all head out his door.
Dustin grabs his hairspray, "Stay behind me."
They follow them out of the room and into the living room.
Y/n looks over to where his friends hiding, while he tries to convince himself that it's all just a dream.
"Now." Mike whispers to El.
The toys power down leaving Dustin confused, he kneels down and grabs one, not letting go of his hairspray.
Y/n motions for the group to come out. Lucas holds up a welcome home sign as the rest blow on horns.
Dustin freaks out, he jumps up and screams. He sprays the hairspray right into Lucas' eyes, making everyone else freak out.
Mrs. Wheeler and her mom friends sit out by the pool In lounge chairs, waiting for a certain someone.
The woman next to her lowers her sunglasses, "Ladies. She's coming down."
They all watch as the lifeguard leaves her post. They quickly adjust themselves for the next one to take their post, wanting to look their best.
"And... showtime." She says
Billy walks out from the changing room, very aware of eyes on him.
He blows his whistle, "Hey, lard-ass! No running on my watch!" The entire place falls quiet, "I gotta warn you again, and you're banned for life. You wanna be banned for life, lard-ass?"
The kid shakes his head, afraid to even speak.
He blows his whistle again, "Didn't think so."
The place is back to being as lively as before.
He walks past the moms, "Good afternoon, ladies."
"Afternoon, Billy." They reply in unison
"Dig the new suit, Mrs. Wheeler." He tells her
"Thank you." She replies mid pose.
The town stores are empty, not a person anywhere. Besides Joyce, who's hanging up a sale sign in the store front window.
The door jingles and in walks Hopper, "You busy?"
"You're our first customer." She confesses, "What now?"
Hopper goes on this whole tangent about El and Mike, and what they've been up to in her room.
"You know, it is that smug son of a bitch, Mike." He tells her, "He corrupting her, I'm telling you. And I'm just gonna lose it. I mean, I am gonna lose it, Joyce."
She walks down a different isle, "Just take it down, Hopper."
"I need for them to break up." He informs
"That is not your decision."
He gets up from his spot, "They're spending entirely too much time together. You agree with me about that, right?"
"Well, I mean, they're just kissing, right?"
"Yeah, but it is constant." He nags, "It is constant. Okay? That is not normal, that is not healthy.”
She shrugs, "You can't just force them apart. I mean, they're not little kids anymore, Hop. They're teenagers. If you order them around like a cop, then they're gonna rebel. It's just what they do."
"So, what, I'm just supposed to let them do whatever they want?" He questions
"No, I didn't say that." She says marking an item, "I think you should... talk to them."
"No. No. Cause talking doesn't work." He claims
"Not yelling. Not ordering." She clarifies, "But talk to them. You know, like a heart to heart."
He throws an apple, "A heart to heart? What is that?"
"You sit them down and you talk to them like you're their friend. I find if you talk to them like you're on their level, then they really start to listen." She explains, "And then, you know, you could start to create some boundaries."
"Boundaries." He thinks out loud
"Yeah, but, Hop, it's really important that no matter how they respond, you stay calm. You cannot lose your temper."
He taps the wall, "Maybe you could do it for me?"
She shakes her head, "No."
He walks over to her, "Yeah, you could. Yeah, you could. You come over after work. Yes."
"No." She answers, "It only works if it comes from you. But... Maybe I can help you... find the right words."
Nancy power walks her way to work, checking her watch to see if she's going to make it in on time. Walking into the Hawkins post she starts to hand out everyone's food orders.
Starting with the woman at the front desk she moves through the building, ending at a office full of men.
She goes to leave but stops herself at the door, wanting to join in on their conversation.
She turns back to face them, "What about Starcourt?"
They all look at her with disinterest, not liking her input.
She continues, "I was just... thinking... I mean I know everyone loves the mall, but... how many small businesses have closed since it opened? Like, five on Main, at least. It's changing the fabric of our town in a way-"
A fake tanned man cuts her off, " 'The Death of Small-Town America.' I like it a lot. But I think I've got something even spicier. It's about the missing mustard on my hamburger."
All men burst into laughter, thinking that it was the funniest thing in the world.
"You think you can follow the clues and solve the case of the missing condiment, Nancy Drew?"
Her face drops and she lets out a broken, "Sorry." Grabbing his burger from him.
She leaves the office and let's go of the breath she been holding.
Lucas' face is under running water in the kitchen,   Y/n tries her best to gently flush his eyes out.
"Ow, ow, ow." He says pulling his head away
"Better?" Max asks
He rubs his eyes, "Still stings."
Y/n turns off the water, "It's the best I could do, seeing as your not really injured."
"Thanks." Max tells her
She nods and leaves the two alone.
He stops rubbing his eyes and points at Max's face, "Is that a new zit?"
Max turns the water back on, "What is wrong with you?"
She drags his head back under the water.
"I was just asking!" He screams
Dustin stands in his room, showing off his work, "I call it... the Forever Clock. All right? Powered by wind. Very useful in the apocalypse."
"Looks like a bunch of popsicle sticks." Y/n says from the doorway.
"Hush." He replies handing it over Will and pulls out something else, "Then, I give you... the Slammer."
He points it towards El and Mike, making her move back.
He giggles, "Pretty neat, huh? But this... this is my masterpiece."
He drops a duffel bag on the floor, they all sit around it.
He unzips the bag, "I would like you to meet... Cerebro."
"What exactly are we looking at here?" Mike questions
"An I assembled one of a kind battery powered radio tower." He smiles
"So... it's a... a ham radio." Will voices
"The Cadillac of ham radios." He claims, "This baby Carrie's a crystal clear connection over vast distances. I'm talking North Pole to South. I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose."
"Girlfriend?" They all ask in unison
They all follow him down the hall as he informs them on his girlfriend.
"Wait her name is Susie?" Mike asks
"Suzie with a 'z.' She's from Utah." He answers
"Girls go to science camp?" Will questions more to himself.
"Suzie does. She's a genius." He says
"Is she cute?" Mike asks
"Think Phoebe Cates, only hotter." He gushes
Max sees them all walk out the front door, "What's going on?"
"We're going to talk to Dustin's girlfriend." Y/n informs
"Girlfriend?" Max and Lucas asks
She motions for them to follow, "I know, come on."
Steve scoops some ice cream into a cone, "Alrighty, one scoop of chocolate. That a buck twenty five. Anything else?"
The pretty customer hands him the money but he wants to try his luck with her.
He reads her sweater, "Ooh, Purdue. Fancy."
She flashes him a pretty smile, "Yeah, I'm excited."
He puts the money into the register, "Yeah, you know, I considered it, Purdue, but then I was like, you know what? I really think I need some real life experience, you know, before I hit college, see what it feels like. Kinda like, uh, I don't know, see what it's like to earn a working man's wage, you know? Uh..."
The girl is not longer interested in the conversation, "Yeah, totally."
"Yeah, anyway, this was, like, so fun." He says, "We should kind of like, you know, I don't know, maybe hang out this weekend or- " he drops her change, "Oh sorry about that. I don't know. Maybe next weekend or-"
"Yeah, I'm busy." She replies as kindly as she can.
"Oh, that's cool. I'm- I'm working here next weekend, so... the following weekend's better for me."
She shakes her head, "No. I'm sorry, I can't. Okay. Thanks."
She walks away with her friend, unable to endure anymore flirting.
"And another one bites the dust." His coworker says marking a whiteboard, "You are oh-for-six, Popeye."
"Yeah, yeah, I can count." He quips looking at the 'You rule-You suck'
"You know that mean you suck." She replies
He nods, "Yep, I can read, too."
"Since when?" She asks
He walks over to her, "It's this stupid hat. I am telling you, it is totally blowing my best feature."
She puts the board away, "Yeah, company policy is a real drag. You know, it's a crazy idea, but have you considered... telling the truth."
"Oh, you mean, that I couldn't even get into Tech and my douchebag dads trying to teach me a lesson, I make three bucks an hour, and I have no future? That truth?" He argues
She sees a group of girls walk in, "Hey, twelve o'clock."
He looks over, "Oh, shit. Oh, shit. Okay... Uh... I'm going in. Okay? And you know what?" He throws hit hat behind her, "Screw company policy."
"Oh, my god, you're a whole new man." She jokes
"Right? Ooh." He chuckles
He turns around and basically yells at the girls, "Ahoy, ladies! Didn't see you there. Would you guys like to set sail on this ocean of flavor with me? I'll be your captain. I'm Steve Harrington."
Hopper sits with Joyce going over what he's going to say to El and Mike, "I know this is a difficult conversation to have... I hope you know that I... care about you very much. And I know that you-"
She cuts him off, "Eye contact."
He sighs, "And I know that you... both care about each other very much. This does not sound like me at all."
"Just keep going. Come on."
He takes a deep breath, "Which is why I think it's important to establish these boundaries... moving forward..." he looks at his paper
"No looking. You know this." She assures, "Come on."
He continues, "...so we can build an environment... Uh... where we... all feel comfortable and trusted and open..."
"Share our feelings." She whispers
"... to sharing our feelings-" he cuts himself off, "This isn't gonna work. Um, it's not gonna work. It's not gonna work."
"Yes, it will! I promise." She replies, "Oh, come on."
"Maybe I'll just kill Mike." He says sitting next to her, "I'm chief of police, I could cover it up."
She pats his hand, "You got this. I promise."
The two of them look at each other, their gazes softening.
"You wanna have dinner tonight?" He asks, "You can give me some more pointers."
She moves her hand away from his, "Oh, I... Um... I have plans."
He looks away from her, "Okay, sure."
The door jingles, she hops off the counter, "Oh, a customer. Hey, Carol!"
The group pants, climbing up a hill for Dustin.
"Aren't we high enough?" Lucas asks
"Cerebro works best at a hundred meters." He answers
"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones." Max comments
"Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon."
"Oh, shit. She doesn't have electricity?" Lucas questions
"That's the Amish." Y/n corrects
"What are Mormons?" Will asks
"Super religious white people." Dustin replies, "They have electricity and cars and stuff but... since I'm not Mormon, her parent would never approve. It's all a bit... Shakespearean."
"Shakespearean?" Max questions
"Yeah. Like Romeo and Juliet." He smiles
He continues, "Star crossed lover."
"I got it." She says
"Hey, guys!" Mike shouts from behind, "This is fun and all but." He taps his watch.
"I have to go home." El claims
"We're almost there." Dustin argues
"Sorry, man." Mike replies, "Curfew."
"Good luck." El wishes him as Mike pulls her away.
Dustin looks at his watch, "Curfew at four?"
"They're lying." Lucas comments
"It's been like this all summer." Will informs
"It's romantic." Max chimes
"Yeah." Y/n agrees
"It's gross." Will argues
"It's bullshit." Dustin states, "I just got home. It's their loss, right? Onwards and upwards! Suzie awaits!"
They all groan following him to the top of the hill.
Will stands still in his spot, grabbing to back of his neck. He looks down the hill, an eerie feeling fills him.
"Will, come on!" Dustin exclaims
He rushes up to his friends while a trail of mice run across field.
Hundreds if not thousands of mice race into an abandoned building and into the basement where they meet their death.
The floor is covered in blood and guts, mice combusting one after the other.
Mrs. Wheeler does back strokes in the pool, fully aware she's got the attention of a certain Life Guard. Billy takes off his sunglasses, watching as she makes her way through the water.
She climbs out of the pool and is greeted by Billy.
"Looking good out there, Mrs. Wheeler."
She sighs pushing her hair back, "Thank you."
He hands her a towel, "Perfect form."
"Well... your form is amazing." She confesses
He chuckles, not expecting her to be so forward.
She tries to backtrack, "I'm sorry, I mean, I... I've seen you... uh, teaching... lessons. Swimming lessons."
"You know, I could, uh... I could teach you, if you like." He replies, "I know all the styles. Freestyle. Butterfly. Breaststroke."
Mrs. Wheeler is completely entranced by him that she drops her towel.
He picks it up and hands it to her, "You okay?"
"I didn't think you... I didn't think you taught adults."
"Well, I offer more, uh... advanced lessons to select clientele." He smiles, "Come to think of it, there is a good pool out at a Motel 6 on Cornwallis. It's very quiet. You know, very private. Shall we say tonight? Eight o'clock?"
She honestly thinks about it for second, "I'm sorry. I can't."
"Cant what? Have fun?" He asks, "Mrs. Wheeler!"
She laughs, "No. I... I... I just, uh... I don't think I need lessons."
"Oh, you see, I think you do. I just don't think that you've had the right teacher." He says lowering his voice.
"I, uh..." she trials
"It will be the workout of your life." He assures
She looks up at him a smiles.
Dustin drops his bag at the top of the hill, "Made it."
Everyone else slowly makes it up.
"Yeah, only took five hours." Max complains
"Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will huffs
"I'm so thirsty." Lucas comments dropping one of Dustin's bags.
He opens up his canteen and drinks what's left inside.
Max watches and listens as he loudly gulps it down, "Did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?"
He spits some back into the canteen and hands it to her with a smile.
Max shakes her head and walks away from him.
"You're so gross." Y/n chimes having watched everything.
She pulls out her water and hands it to Max.
Max happily takes it, “Thank you.”
“Now what was wrong with the water I offer you?” Lucas asks
They both give him a look that reads ‘be serious’.
They soon forget about the water and move onto building the Radio Tower. Piece by piece it slowly comes together.
They look up at the now standing tower.
"Pretty impressive, right?" Dustin asks, "Now, you ready to meet my love?"
In response he gets a series of yes'.
Dustin sits on the floor and grabs the mic, "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."
He holds his finger, "One sec. She's probably... She's still there. Suzie... this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."
"I'm sure she's there. It's just- You know, maybe she's, like, busy or- It's around dinner time."
They all silently agree with him.
He tries again, "Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over."
Once again his is met with static.
Joyce walks through her front door, "Hey, guys, I'm home."
No response.
"Guys?" She calls out, "Hello?"
With no one home she decides to heat up some leftover lasagna and pour herself a glass a wine.
She sits in front of the tv and starts to think about Bob.
Bob laughs at the tv, “Ah, they’re funny, don’t you think?”
Joyce giggles, “Yes.”
“I just wish they’d get back together again already.” He says rubbing her back.
She looks up at him, “Me too.”
They share a quick kiss and turn back to the tv.
She smiles at the thought of him and cuts into her lasagna.
Meanwhile, in the kitchen the magnets on the fridge begin to shake. They all lose their magnetic hold to the fridge, dropping to the ground.
Nancy stands in the office, throwing away all the trash the grown men left behind.
The phone rings making her rush over.
She takes off her gloves and picks it up, “Hawkins Post.”
She listens to the other line, “Um, hold on, I’m- I’m sorry can you- can you repeat that?”
She pulls out a pen and note pad, writing down the person’s address and what they’re calling for. She underlines the words ‘Diseased Rats’.
El and Mike are back at her house, making out to ‘Can’t fight this feeling’ by Roe Speedwagon.
Hopper lays in his bed hugging a pillow, “…why it’s important to establish these boundaries… moving forward, so that we can create an environment where… you feel comfortable and trusted and open.”
He sighs looking at his paper, “…to share our feelings.”
He grunts getting out of the bed, pushing open he makeshift curtain door.
He knocks on El’s door, “Hey.”
“Yes?” She responds
“Can I talk to you guys a minute?” He asks
The door opens letting him in.
He stands in the door way and looks at them sitting in two separate places, “Hi.”
“Hi.” They say in unison.
He moves one of the chairs in the room to sit in front of them.
They all just sit there, looking at each other, not knowing what to say or do.
Hopper turns off the music, “Um…”
He’s rehearsed what he was going to say hundreds of time but now it’s like, he’s forgotten everything.
The two of them lean forward, growing impatient with what he has to say.
Hopper rubs his chin, “What, I, uh… needed to say to you… what I wanted to say to you… is that, um.”
“Uh-oh.” Mike chimes, “I think we’re in trouble.”
He starts to laugh making El laugh too.
“No.” Hopper says, “No, nobody’s in trouble, okay? I just, um…”
He watches as Mike whispers into El’s ear making her laugh again.
That’s the last straw for him, “You know what? Your mom called.”
Mikes face fills with confusion, “What?”
He nods, “Yeah. She needs you home right away.”
“Is everything okay?” He asks
“No, I don’t think so. It’s your grandma.” He claims
His face drops, Hopper leads him outside away from El. Mike is seriously worried, asking every question he think of.
They get in his truck and Hopper finally comes clean.
“Nothing! There’s nothing wrong with Nana!”
“But…” He starts, “There’s something very wrong with this thing between you and El.”
“Oh, you lying piece of shit!” Mike exclaims trying to get out of the truck but Hopper locks the door every time he tries to unlock it, “You’re crazy!”
“Crazy?” He grumbles, “You want to see real crazy? You disrespect me again. Okay? Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m gonna drive you home. And I’m gonna speak… and you’re going to listen. And then, maybe… maybe by the end of it, maybe if you’re lucky, maybe… I will continue to allow you to date my daughter.”
He looks over to Mike, “Nod if you understand!”
Mike quickly nods.
The sun has gone down and the moon has fully risen.
Dustin continues to try to reach Suzie, “… do you copy, this is Dustin. Over. Suzie! This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over.”
His friends and sister lay on hill, it’s been hours and he hasn’t given it a rest.
“Dustin, come on! She’s not there.” Max voices
“Just try again some other time.” Y/n adds
“She’s there, all right? She’ll pick up.” He claims
“Maybe Cerebro doesn’t work.” Will says
“Or maybe Suzie doesn’t exist.” Lucas argues
“She exists!” He assures them
“She’s a genius and she’s hotter than Phoebe Cates? No girl is that perfect.” Lucas replies
Max sits up, “Is that so?”
Lucas is quick to get up, “I mean… you’re perfect. I mean, like, per- perfect in your own way. In your special- your own special way.”
She chuckles, “Relax, I was teasing. I’m obviously perfect and Dustin’s obviously lying.”
She stands up, “Come on, Don Juan.”
Dustin watches as Max and Lucas walk down the hill, “Where are you going?”
“Home.” Max answers
“Well… I guess is just us guys.” Dustin says
Will gets up, “Um… it’s late. Sorry. Maybe tomorrow we can play D&D. Or something fun. Like we used to?”
“Yeah, sure.” He replies
“Welcome home.” He tells him before following the others.
“Yeah. Welcome home.” He says to himself
Y/n sits up, “I’m still here if you want to keep trying.” She looks at her watch, “We have another hour til we have to be home.”
He smiles at her and then the radio starts to pick something up. He stumbles over his things and on to the ground.
He picks up the mic, “Suzie? Suzie, is that you?”
Y/n moves next to him, they listen in and it’s a man speaking a Russian. Dustin turns up the volume.
A Russian man sits in a coms room, speaking into mic, reciting something over and over again.
A man in a white lab coat walks into the room and through another door. Back to the room that holds a giant machine.
Mrs. Wheeler stands in her bathroom, getting ready to meet up with Billy. She looks down at her wedding ring, she gives it a second thought but then takes it off.
Walking down stairs she finds her husband asleep in his chair with their daughter Holly sleeping in his lap.
Billy is naturally speeding down the streets of Hawkins, riding on the high of getting with a milf, a cougar.
He looks at himself in his rear view mirror, “Hey Karen. You don’t mind if I can you Karen, do you? Good.”
Something smashes into his window sending him drifting to stop. He lands right in the embankment of an abandoned building.
He groans looking at the damage, “Oh, no. No. Piece of shit.”
He touches the gash on his head, “Shit. Damn it.”
He gets out starts hitting his car, “Damn it! Piece of shit!”
He slams his door and goes over to the hood, steam hiss out from under. He touched the crack on his window, a wet and sticky substance was left behind by whatever hit it.
Something shrieks in the distance making him look over.
“Who’s there?” He calls out, “Hey! I said, who’s there?”
Something grabs his ankle yanking him to the ground. He screams as it pulls him into the building.
Tag list: @alexa4040
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1d1195 · 3 months
Hiiiiii I have read few ask about me and here people are so kind and to 💜 anon whoever it was about it doesn't matter just like you said so happy that we all love to talk and we will be doing it!!
Alfredo sauce is my fav too like with some vegetables so it can be healthy or sometimes no veggies but I love itttt!! And pesto-risotto?? How was it I never tried before??
I'm vegetarian since I was born lol so like it's a practice I think?? And I love fruits some of my favs are Mango, watermelon, blueberries and moreeeee like I could eat in any day!!( I swear i can eat one cube of watermelon and I bloat like a hot air balloon, it's stupid. A single slice of an apple and I want to throw up) after eating bloat like hot air balloon I'm laughing like the word choice is amazing but you can't eat any fruits?? You don't like them or is just you can't stomach them??
Veg Lasagna are so good too and my friends says the meat lasagna are way better than the veg one but I think veg one taste pretty amazing!! Ohh eggplant parm and garlic bread this sounds so good like I have eaten outside but never made it so if you wanna share the recipe of it please do!!
That day I didn't baked anything but tomorrow for sure I'm gonna bake chocolate or vanilla cupcakes ding was vanilla cupcake girly right??
Yes Italian dressing on salads taste so yum I make everytime I crave but I made Caesar dressing few time it doesn't taste that good as compare to restaurants one!!
French onion soup is so soothingly good like with some warm buttery bread ahh heaven!! Really if my mum is making all these food taste 10 times better!!💞
How are you?? How was dinner??
I love chatting with you all. You're all SO lovely! 💕 I hope you guys never feel like you can't chat!
My bf will make plane alfredo sauce with pasta which is obvs delicious but I LOVE to add broccoli and spinach. Or really any veggies. Alfredo is 😍 The pesto risotto was SO good. There was asparagus in it too and I LOVE asparagus!
Oh no, I CAN eat fruit. It's just annoying because like one grape and I go up three dress sizes lol. I love fruit. Grapes, apples, WATERMELON is my FAVORITE. I also love love love strawberries and blueberries too. Pretty much all berries (raspberries are so underrated to me.) But I'm more of a veggie girl I think!
I love veggie lasagna! Meat lasagna is good too but I love a good veggie lasagna.
Eggplant parm you slice into disks! You can decide the thickness. You dip them in flour, eggs, and breadcrumbs I usually add my favorite seasonings too (garlic powder, onion powder, italian seasoning, etc). Fry them in a pan in your favorite kind of oil (I use canola, olive, or vegetable oil depending on what we bought that week lol) until they're golden brown. Then you start to layer it in a pan eggplant, tomato sauce, mozzarella & parmesan cheese. (I usually do a 8 in x 8 in pan but again your favorite one is fine!) If you make your own sauce then by all means use that but any red sauce you like will suffice! Then you bake it in the oven for a like 30 mins? Mostly so the cheese melts and everything gets gooey, crispy, yummy. I like to have it with pasta as well but it's good on it's own too. ALMOST like a lasagna with eggplant instead of pasta.
Garlic bread is like SUPER easy. I like to use french bread! You cut the bread open and lay it flat on a baking sheet. Oven at 425F. 1/2 cup of butter softened, salt, the recipe I've always used calls for 4 cloves of finely minced garlic but I never measure garlic, I put as much as I feel like. Same thing with salt. It says like 1/4 of a teaspoon but it depends if you use salted butter etc. etc. 1 tablespoon of parsley. You mix the butter, garlic, salt, parsley together and then spread it on the bread and bake in the oven for like 10-15 mins but I just usually watch it until it's ready (golden brown!)
I feel like both of my recipes are like "just throw it together as you see fit" it's very word of mouth recipes in my family and you just watch someone make it a couple times then just do it yourself. But if you try it, I hope you like it! 💕
Idk if I gave Miss Cupcake a favorite cupcake! I know Ding Harry liked her lemon raspberry ones 🤭 My favorite cupcake is vanilla with chocolate frosting because I'm BORING AF. But I don't care.
I LOVE my mom's cooking. Tbh idk if she's actually any good. I just love it so much.
I'm doing well! Dinner was good! I forget what I ate tbh but it was yummy. Any fun plans for the weekend?
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hospitalterrorizer · 1 year
i got bored and used mouthwash is how my day is going.
not, like, in a stupid way. i just literally washed my mouth with it. i also just did the last workouts of the day, 36 hip thrusts and 30 squats (on top of my earlier in the morning 30 squats + leg lifts and other stuff i do on my back (not euphemistic)) now i am relaxing by listening to usurp synapse, who i was listening to earlier and i felt like i uncovered some kind of fact in how they structure their songs and went on to make another obscenely short song, my second one of the day.
i did get to record today, i've nailed down a song i didn't think i'd ever even get to honestly, re-wrote the lyrics to it too. i also, like i mentioned earlier, made two obscenely short songs. one is an 8 second long song with a 12 second long intro which i think i'm going to use as an intro for the album i'm working on, the other song is 23 seconds. idk where i'll fit it in but it's so short that it can basically go anywhere, as long as i can make it fit in the album emotionally/pacing wise.
tomorrow idk what i'm gonna do, i think what i'll do is leave the song i basically nailed down today, come back to it in a couple days or so, so that way i can come back with a clear head/ without obsession, and instead tomorrow i'll do a new song, maybe the new short one w/o vocals, and another shorter one, with more lyrical content though, and if my voice is up to it / i get them both handled well, i might go try another screamy song. i need to figure out some songs that don't require that though, i might try one of the longer (longer is so relative here, the longest song that's for sure on the album is going to be like 3 minutes. so longer meaning 2 minutes-ish) songs out that's less screamy and more freaked out androgyne stuff.
otherwise, today i prepared dinner for 4 nights tonight, i made miso butter chicken tonight, tomorrow or the next day, or maybe even the day after, idk what i'm gonna do with this other filleted chicken breast i have, maybe pan fry it after putting it in flour, idk what to do for sauce, it's already seasoned. the other 2 nights, i'm marinading stir fry. when i cut the chicken up, i always call it mr. chicken. tonight he was still kind of not totally thawed so the butchering was so cold it hurt my hands but this brand of chicken is honestly much easier to handle than i thought it'd be. idk why the other one feels like, denser, or something. what are they doing with these chickens. freaky stuff.
my mom texted me today to let me know that she is officially on the autism spectrum and i told her about how since highschool i've wondered if i'm autistic. i used to care a lot more about diagnoses then, i think i wanted to be told that i had everything wrong with me and that i was totally sick because if i were, i guess it made me more desirable, in a way, at least i felt like that. like if i were hopeless someone would really have to kill me. now i don't want any diagnosis and i hate psychiatry mostly but when my mom or really most other people talk about it helping them i'm just happy that they feel better in their life anyway they can, cuz everything is so miserable anyways. sometimes it does seem to confer a kind of condescension, some people begin speaking on behalf of their experts, outsourcing a sector of thought to an expert who sort of speaks through them in suggestions, like, you should get that checked out, maybe you need x, and whatever else. but it's easy enough to ignore people telling you (you generally, not a specific you, not pointed back at myself) why therapy is incredible and you should try it.
i don't even always hate therapists. i know some people would say i'm weak for that but they're just people caught up in a fundamentally fucked way of seeing people and trying to make that positive or helpful. they're losing so severely it's hard to not be sad for them.
a fairly light day i guess, or productive w/ music.
i found my gf's bone necklace, it has coyote bones on a chain. it wasn't really lost but i felt like i could lose it, it was under some books, i figured i'd need to find it sooner rather than later because i imagine she'd want to wear it.
she also didn't finish dinner tonight which she usually doesn't, so it's leftovers for me tomorrow cuz she doesn't eat leftovers. but that makes me worry about what she'll eat, i dunno. i can do ramen i guess but she'd feel ill over that probably.
i really want to re-mix the stupid stupid short song, i need it to be a little more legible.
oh all my soreness is gone and i'm still all sorry for myself because i feel like i am still falling short of completing everything.
tomorrow i need to find a bunch of photos of maggots, grubs, caterpillars, and maybe a chrysalis or two to agglomerate into something for cover art.
i think i need to figure out the kick drums but the song sounds better now.
uhhhhhhhhhh whatever. i think this enough for today.
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snowmuttgetsweird · 2 years
3/6/23 (I do this at midnight almost every night so I'm just gonna start dating it for the day I'm writing for instead of for the day it actually is. Makes more sense to me.)
I woke up a little late, but I still took that walk in the morning.
I decided to head to Half-Price Books. There's a quicker route I can cut through to get there faster, but I took the long way there because I like the scenery better. Outside, they put out these carts of Clearance books that are usually like, $2-3 dollars. I found two I was interested in before I walked in, but I didn't buy them, and I kinda regret it now, so I'll prolly go again tomorrow to see if I can still snag 'em. They also have a copy of The Selfish Gene by Dawkins for $7 bucks, which I've heard is a pretty interesting read. I actually went looking for pseudo-sciencey stuff to do research, but didn't really find anything that caught my eye, and I was starting to fall further behind in my "schedule" for the day. I try to start clerical stuff like contacting clients, updating my trello, checking my spreadsheet for new commissions, and posting to Twitter, FA, and Itaku no later than 10, and it was almost 11 when I got home.
First book was Survive the Night by Riley Sager. It's a Noir Thriller. Basically a cat and mouse between a girl and the guy giving her a ride as she starts to suspect he's a murderer and her horror movie-addled brain plays tricks on her.
Second book was To Fetch a Thief by Peter Abrahams. It's a Noir Comedy told from the perspective of a PI's german shepherd dog named Chet. He's partially anthropomorphized in that he seems effectively as intelligent as a human being, capable of understanding human speech and possessing human reasoning skills. It seemed cute, and was only $2 bucks, so I was thinking "why not." I dunno if I'll actually pick it up though.
Besides that I just made breakfast (everything bagel with cream cheese), worked for a bit, made a lunch for my roommate who skipped breakfast (half a kielbasa with some peppers and onions in a basic stir fry sauce over rice; leftover Panda Express for me), watched some OK KO while we ate, made some afternoon half-caff coffee for myself after, worked some more, and then eventually warmed up dinner (leftover american chop suey for the roomie [sorta like hamburger helper?], leftover pot roast over rice for me). I usually stop working by 8 PM, but went ahead and kept going till 11 cause I promised a client some linework before the end of the night. Watched a few episodes of Bluey with my roommate (he hasn't really seen most of the first season so we're starting it over- did 1-3 tonight), and then just watched some videos before deciding to go to bed.
Pretty uneventful day, as most weekdays are. I generally felt pretty good throughout. I listen to music or videos for background noise through my eardbuds while I work. Recently started actually paying attention to my Spotify "Discover Weekly" play list and it's actually been nice- added a lot of new stuff to my Liked music, which I usually just shuffle, but a lot of that has been getting pretty stale these days.
Not much else to say really... I think I'm just gonna watch a couple youtube videos, brush my teeth, and crash.
Another walk tomorrow morning to grab those books I think- at least Survive the Night, before someone else snatches it up.
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