#i think it wouldve been more interesting if gene was attending it during the time dante is also in it bc of drams but
mcdbutgay · 3 years
i just wish that jesson had actually TRIED to build mcd's world a lot more. i feel like a good spinoff series they couldve made was like a prequel to garroth finding and training zenix, meeting aphmau, etc. called smth like 'days at the training academy' or something, where garroth would've filled the protagonist role, and characters who also went to the training school like azura, laurance, and dante would've also made an appearance.
more under the cut bc this is LONG 😭
not only would it have helped add depth to mcd's world (as the training school is something we only hear about but never see; we don't even know where it is located T-T), but it would've helped establish the character's relationships prior to them appearing in mcd.
some examples of relationships it would have given more screentime to are:
- garroth and azura. i HATE how azura's feelings for garroth only ever get mentioned, but she never really acts upon them. i get it though, because like, what's she gonna do about it however many years later? i just feel like with a spinoff that focused purely on the guards, they could have built on what they had already stated in mcd; how azura truly cared about garroth and was very close to him. how, even though garroth hurt her by rejecting her feelings for him, she still cared about him enough to keep good relations with him to the present day. and how she probably wishes she could ask him again after all these years to finally let him go. and thats only scratching the surface of what they could've done, there's just so much potential here T-T
- garroth and laurance. this isn't even me being a gaurrance fan, this is me saying how much potential they had as friends 😭 i know they have a trust bond in mcd, but i feel like it often went unexplored and the only reason they even interacted is because they were both interested in aphmau. so to fix this, what they could have done was show how they originally met, and how they were rivals. i feel like making them rivals in their time at the training academy would've been kinda cool, because they'd actually have a reason to try so hard and be at the top of their class like dante said they were. then, when they reunite again years later they just laugh about how dumb and stupid they used to be, always competing to see who was best, only to realize that they're STILL competing, except this time it's for a girl. (i have SO MANY hcs for them but let's move on)
- garroth, laurance, and dante. i talked about this in the tags of one of my other posts, but ill restate what i said here: i think that garroth and laurence have a very informal relationship with dante, despite dante sort of putting them both on a pedestal. i think that after what gene did, dante goes to the training academy and IMMEDIATELY gets this like, friend,,, crush? on garroth and laurance. like he just REALLY admires them and thinks theyre super cool and smart and he just really looks up to them bc they feel like a replacement for gene. and at first garroth and laurance dont notice dante because theyre too caught up with their own rivalry, but when they do they just have a bit of fun with him and tease him playfully bc he looks like he's about to faint when they suddenly come up to him. i feel like dante would have a bit of trouble training with others, so garroth and laurance start training with him after class just for fun. when garroth and laurance graduate they get sent off to their own respective villages and largely forget about dante (not bc they didn't care or anything, they just had different matters to tend to) so when they reunite with him they dont immediately recognize him at first. I COULD GO ON.
i cant think of any more but if i do ill be sure to add them. i think ive rambled for long enough haha ^^;; i'll probably include a lot of this in my rewrite so im looking forward to that lol
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