#i think maybe it's my fatal flaw that i'm in the trenches actually listening to 4th gen bg albums to find the gems
sanstropfremir · 2 years
the opposite of a good idol bad artist example i mentioned with eunbi and chungha is one of my favorite new-ish girl group members is mia of everglow. i observe shes remarkable consistent in the quality of her performances, and for a 6 member girl group she has half the line distribution of entire songs and title tracks. much more than she SHOULD have but she does really well with the workload. she has dance breaks despite not being a main dancer, raps despite not being a rapper and is never winded or appears fatigued on stage. she even has impressive high note consistency despite hard choreography and singing half the lines of a six membered girl group song. yet a lot of people think of her as robotic or boring. shes a good idol but theres not any artistry there, just because shes good at execution doesnt mean shes creative or engaging in a way that makes people think about her as a performer. do you have any favorites that arent necessarily engaging or unique in a way that builds identity or is that the main thing you look for when wanting to follow someone
hmmm. that's a good question. i wouldn't say that i'm like, hardline looking for people who are unique and that's the only metric i use to gauge whether i like someone, bc that's a lot of pressure to put on yourself as a viewer and i don't think you need to do that all the time, especially with kpop. however, because i have tastes (visually and musically) that tend towards the more unusual side, i tend to filter out the things that i find unengaging fairly quickly and move on. i skimmed through my compiled playlist of this year's releases and to be honest there are not that many on there that fit the 'not engaging' category (imo, obvs). i think the big difference for me is that i maintain a pretty distinct separation between 'stuff that i watch to enjoy the performance' and 'stuff i listen to bc i think it sounds good'. so there's very few 'unengaging' people that i would recommend for people to watch, but that doesn't stop me from having a lot of songs saved from groups and people that i never watch performances for. literally one of my most listened songs this year is drippin's game and i couldn't name you a single member or even recognize them on sight. everyone looks for different things when they follow artists, and it's not always uniform across the board, even for the same person.
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