#i think my thinker is just permanently dumb at this point
shivstar · 3 months
Regarding this post, because comments are off!
Oh I am an Indian too! And I agree with the fact that Lord Shiv infact gives all of us energy. I am neither too old, nor too young, like in my early teenage era and God had proved that he is with me.
I remember, I was really depressed a few years back and then many things happened at the same time.
I started reading Harry Potter, I bent more towards God, and miracle, I am now a happy careless fellow.
I don't think Ron is done wrong by JKR. In DH, the whole point of him leaving was to show what the golden trio is without Ron.
Yes, it is stated that they won't be able to live a day without Hermione but will they be 'they' without Ron? No.
And talking about Remus, as he is actually, I have this fanfic of mine, currently in drafts...
Yes, he is like a mentor to Harry, but what if he calls him Uncle once in a while?
Do you ship Hinny? If no, who do you ship Harry with because well...my blog is full of
A) Hinny
B) Ron ain't bad!
C) Anti-Drarry!
D) James and Sirius weren't dumb daft idiots!
E) Supports platonic friendship
Do you support platonic friendship?
Hi!!!! Sorry for the late reply...
I am glad things are working out for you in real life.
About Ron done wrong by JKR. I meant it in a way that Ron in initial books was a strategic thinker who came up with solutions and really had a leg to stand on among the trio. In fact it was Hermione who came out as odd one out with how she opposed the other two on every step.
Then don't know what weird sort of women empowerment came in this woman's mind that she made Hermine as someone who is pretty close to dark grey character if we see her in different light. Trapping Rita skeeter in a jar, writing permanent word on Marietta edgecomb's forehead, throwing umbitch to cenataurs. Like yes she appeared cool girl whose transformation was from a nerdy rule following girl to the no. one rule breaker among golden trio.
But with how much Hermione stood out. Ron began to fade as a normal average friend. Rather than the cunning sweet guy we were introduced to.
I am not saying that Harry Or Hermione viewed him as less but i think that just so that the titular character can shine and the female lead can appear larger than life, Ron's character had to take a step back. That was sad. He is my favorite among golden trio.
The problem with Harry calling Remus as uncle is that till the end of books, Harry was still calling him by his surname. He didn't even felt comfortable to call him by his name. Let alone calling him an uncle.
Of course, you do you. But i cringe everytime Remus is shown in familial light to Harry when not once he assumed the role of an uncle. In poa, he was his teacher., in gof he was missing, in ootp he was James and Sirius's friend, in hbp he was again missing for most part, Harry even mentions that he expected to receive a letter from Remus now that Sirius is gone. I mean if he was really an uncle figure then it is his responsibility to check on a grieving 16 year old kid. in DH Harry becomes Remus's equal by assuming the role of the hope of the order. The guy Dumbledore told all order members to trust in and follow the lead of. Harry also sets Remus straight on being an idiot about tonks and teddy. Remus goes on to name Harry as the godfather. Again an indirect proof that Remus considers a 17 year old kid capable enough to take care of his kid in case he and tonks dies. Like Remus never gave Harry that space to be a kid.
I suppose I am okay with Hinny but I do not go to search for Harry centric fics where Romance is involved because I have seen that guy from age 11 and I am honestly not interested in sordid details of his love life. 😂
I have an exception to it though.- fics which involves Harry going back in time and dating Sirius. 😇😇😇
About my view on platonic friendship. Of course I support them. If I read a story with strong bond between friends, I feel at home. In HP world, the bromance between Harry and Ron. And Sirius and James is canonical. They both are like ride Or die sort of duos. I love them.
Infact if I keep my romantic prongsfoot heart on the side fir a minute, I love the stories in which Sirius is paired with some other character ( anyone but lupin) and James acts as a wingman or gives Sirius some tips on how to be in a relationship etc.
I hate stories in which best friends are kept aside to focus on the couple. Like no. That person is gonna be a part of all ups and downs kr the protagonist. He will know all sordid details as quickly as possible.
One of the many reasons as to why I hate wolfstar is that they have to water down Sirius and james's bond so that the couple looks picture perfect. I mean it will be a sad story if Remus competes with James in being the no. 1 person in Sirius's life and looses.
Like for James post marriage, lily and Harry took priority over Sirius. So fir me the ideal person for Sirius will be the one who becomes Sirius's no. 1 despite James being right there. Without compromising the prongsfoot platonic love and dependence on each other.
I have yet to find such story. But fingers crossed. Life is still long 😅
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Every time I have to go through leg day, I pretend I have Buck's thighs (I do not) and chimney is off in the distance randomly tellin me to lift with my legs
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jonnnysuh · 3 years
Dating Jungwoo would include
Requested by anon: Hey! Love reading your dating series, they are amazing! And if you have the time and are comfortable with it can you please do one for Jungwoo too 💕
A/N: I love this man with my whole heart
Series Masterlist
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Crushing Stages:
You already know this man is flirtatious on an EXTREME level
He will openly flirt with you
And say stuff like “I think we should kiss right now”
I feel like if you responded with “Okay then kiss me” he’d mentally freak out… … like why are you one upping him rn?? That’s so embarrassing !!!!
He’d go for the kiss and then wag his finger at you like “no no no” and back away LMAO
Ngl the shameless flirting can get tiring bc it feels like he’s putting on a show for everyone else,
But there are times of calm sweetness where he gives you a genuine compliment
Really, really, really likes you
Follows you around
Won’t let you leave when you’re cuddling
He will literally convince you to stay in place
and if you need to pee? HOLD IT
Doesn’t care if he’s big or small spoon he just wants to be held or to hold
Says your name the way he says Yuta’s name
Like he doesn’t even want anything from you he just likes saying your name
THE MOST Inconsistent nicknames too
One day you're "baby" the next day you're "applesauce cup"
It really depends on his mood
He needs you to be as excited as he is about things, otherwise he'll second guess it
Mocks your actions when he stands behind you
Lays on top of you when he’s sad
He needs you to kiss him goodbye in order for him to leave
Orders enough food for 4 ppl even if it’s just you 2 eating
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Shows up to your house at random with a bag of snacks
He does stuff without thinking and you have to help him get out of it tbh
He needs a RIDE OR DIE
He gets overwhelmed a lot so you have to help calm him down
But at the same time he's an over thinker, so there’s a lot of unexpected deep talks
You already knew this, but Jungwoo is a fan of a late night thought
And I mean this in the nicest way possible but Jungwoo is the type to have a night light
You can tell me I'm wrong but I'm not taking critiques there
He has a night light (and he interlocks his toes with Jaehyun’s before bed)
Also he has comfort movies and he wants you to watch all of them with him
Saying "You're so dumb" is a permanent part of your vocabulary at this point bc he's always doing the dumbest and funniest shit
Voluntarily does aegyo
He doesn't care if u don't like it, he's doing it
Imagine fighting with him and he does aegyo,,,, I would simply stop being mad at him
Like what else do u do at that point
Says "I love you" quite often
He will talk to you when he's sitting on the toilet, bathroom door WIDE open
He's so loud you have to apologize on behalf of him a lot of the time
If you ask a serious question, sometimes you'll get a ridiculous answer
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Brooo do not leave your plate of food unattended
bc you'll come back and be like "Did you eat my food" and OF COURSE JUNGWOO WILL DENY IT BUT THERE'S A BIG ASS BITE AND SAUCE ALL OVER HIS FACE
If you have a bad idea call up Jungwoo
he's ready to fuck shit up and will encourage you to do it
back hugs
front hugs
every form of affection you can think of
He'll text you night night and then send you 3 more messages a second later bc he forgot to say something
Randomly starts singing and dancing
You can be walking down the street together and just randomly.... "I'M ON A BOAT"
The world is Jungwoo's musical, and you're just living in it
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lemqnie · 4 years
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AN: ask and ye shall receive (^_<)〜☆ this is kinda angst hhahahahha
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— haikyuu | jealousy.
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includes: sawamura, ushijima, akaashi, bokuto
taking requests here
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✦ sawamura ✦
clear-headed captain turned WORMS FOR BRAINS
it’s so bad because even asahi and sugawara are like?? wtf happened
his jealousy is ire, scathing and scarring anything in its wake 
you come up to school one day with your newly transferred cousin cause your mum asked you to show him around and daichi sees you two walk VERY CLOSELY to each other from the gates and he’s fuming
he knows he can’t walk you to school everyday because of early morning practice especially since it’s near nationals surely you would’ve understood, right? you didn’t have to go and get another guy to walk you, right?
he’s so angry he doesn’t realise he crumpled up the forms takeda sensei asked him to hand out to everyone for their trip to tokyo 
you walk up to him and you’re like “daichi, hi!! let me introduce--” and he just CUTS YOU OFF 
“oh so THAT’s how it is? and who are YOU? why are you walking MY GIRLFRIEND to school? huh? care to answer, pal?”
its so embarrassing literally everyone is looking at him 
he’s pointing his crumpled up forms at your cousin, trying to tower over him but daichi’s too short so he’s tip-toeing
you’re so embarrassed you whisk your cousin away and just shoot your boyfriend a glare
he begs for forgiveness at lunch after you text him “that was my cousin i told u about idiot” 
“you’re so dumb sometimes,” you mutter as he hugs you. daichi nods against your shoulder and kisses your temple, “i know... i’m sorry”
✦ ushijima ✦
not a lot of people thought ushiwaka had it in him to express some petty thing like jealousy
BUT, just like in the qualifying match against karasuno, he’s suddenly alight with newfound anger and hurt 
ushijima’s blunt and monotonous--two permanent fixtures which you have grown to love
but NOW? now it’s horrible because he’s fucking pissed having caught you simping over a player from the opposing university team his coach invited for a practice match 
he storms up to you the second the referee blows the final whistle and blocks your line of sight to the court and you’re like ?? waka what’s going on and he’s glowering
you sort of inch away from how intimidated you are 
“if you find me unsatisfactory, i would prefer you talk to me directly instead of filling up your needs with the enemy.”
“the enemy?? what are you talking about waka what’s going on?”
and he steps aside and he’s like “i’ve seen the way you look at number seven, you cannot lie to me. now what is it that makes you so drawn to him? let me know and i’ll better myself so you won’t have to look at anyone else.”
and you’re just stumped cause he said this while you’re sitting with your friends (who are squealing in amusement at this interaction, you swear you’ll get your revenge but now...)
you pounce onto your boyfriend, clinging at him like a koala and profusely apologise, saying he’s perfect and that he’s everything--you were just distracted because that guy was so beefy it took you by surprise
and he goes--in the most DEADPAN tone known to man-- “very well, i’ll increase my strength training starting tomorrow.”
✦ akaashi ✦
he’s an over thinker and he quickly blames himself for things that are out of his control which makes him prone to self-sabotage by thinking about his insecurities
it’s no different when it comes to jealousy
perhaps, he’s the most jealous character on this post 
it takes little, small things, building up the voices in his head as they chip away at his confidence 
he’ll see you get a confession and even though he KNOWS you’ve rejected it, the smile you give that boy is blinding 
next he’ll find a new email on your lockscreen--some guys from the other class asking you out to watch a movie with them
and, finally, he’ll catch you and bokuto in a hug as his teammate twirls you around and he loses it 
you saw him and you’re like “keiji!! come here--” but he’s dashing out the gym, trying his best to not let the tears fall
it’s outside in the chilly october night did you take his head between your hands and forced him to look at you, reciting reassurances and pressing soft kisses to his wet cheeks
it takes a while, but he finally understands and you feel the warmth of relief blanketing you both 
✦ bokuto ✦
like akaashi, he’s victim to his insecurities and acts out in a way that’s almost comedic and annoying because he knows any other alternatives (sobbing, hiding away for days, not eating) are frowned upon, more concerning
he doesn’t want to burden you anymore 
so he shouts and screams, whines until his teammates are begging you to talk to him. to fix this thing between you but you’re so clueless you decide to ask your boyfriend what was wrong anyway 
and he’s teasing, grinning at you but the light doesn’t quite reach his eyes and that’s when you know somethings wrong 
“kou, seriously. please, tell me. what happened? did i do something wrong?” and it takes him a while but when you do coax it out of him you wish you hadn’t 
“a few girls in my class were passing around this paper and they said they were voting on who was the hottest guy in our year... and i saw your name but you hadn’t voted for me so i just thought that...”
he sounded so broken and frail you wanted to kick yourself for ever even playing that game and for agreeing to your friend’s dare 
you rush to explain it to him, tears welling up your eyes as you plead for understanding even though you know you don’t deserve it 
“i don’t know... i’ll... i think i need some space,” he says after you explain. you couldn’t do anything but nod as he walks out of your classroom
he forgives you (in time) 
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butterbuni · 3 years
♥ Chapter 5 ~ Recommendation Entrance Exam P1 ♥
Previous Chapter
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"You will have 30 minutes to prepare for your written exam, you may converse and study with one another but there will be no conversations during the test. You may start." Cementoss said leaving the stage. I couldn't stop smiling. I am actually here about to take the exam.
I couldn't help smiling like an idiot. I looked around the auditorium, there were so many more people than I expected. At least a 50 by the looks of it.
God this is nerve-racking. I reached into my backpack pulling out the study guide Star made for me. I have to remember to thank him till the end of time. I wonder how he is doing in his exam. Probably acing it like a pro. I hung my head down in defeat. Why is school so hard? I can ace almost anything else but for things like math or chemistry, my mind just stops working.
"Hello" I looked up towards the voice. It was a rather tall girl with beautiful black hair tied up into a ponytail. I gave her a small smile and said "Hello I'm L/N Y/N but please call me Y/N I'm not a fan of formalities" "I am Yaoyorozu Momo, I noticed you were looking quite upset. May I ask why?" She sounded genuinely concerned, she seems so nice. "I just don't feel prepared for this test I feel like I'm going to fail. I am more of a hands-on person rather than a thinker and it just ugghhh" I placed my head on my unopened study guide.
"Maybe I can help you study we still have 25 minutes before the test starts and I could use a study buddy for the time being." I perked my head up to her smiling face. Wow, she's pretty. My brain fart disappeared as I realized what she said. My head straightened a huge smile was plastered on my face "Really you would help me!" "shhhhhhhhhhhh!" A guy behind me who looked like a skeleton with hair. "Sorry I will be quieter" God this is so awkward where is Star when you need him.
"I would love for you to help me it would mean a lot. thank you." She sat down next to me and pulled out her own study guide it was much thicker than mine. She really came prepared. I decided to just scrap my study guide and we went over stuff in hers.
~Shoto's POV~
"Really you would help me!" I looked up from my book to see who was yelling at this time. It's that girl from earlier. She's so unprofessional I thought she would be with the other kids in the regular entrance exam. She obviously doesn't do well in school so why is she even here? I need to focus on this test. I looked back down at my guide. If I want to become a hero I need to pass.
~Back to Y/N~
She makes the work sound so easy way better than Star. If he meets her, I'm pretty sure he will try and challenge her to an intelligence match. I am so glad I met her before the test. Maybe we both get in and see each other in school.
There was a ring indicating that the study session was over. Cementoss came back to the stage as the whole auditorium got quiet. "Everyone please move so there are three seats separating you from other testers." "Good luck Y/N you worked hard so you will be able to pass," Momo said as she moved three seats away. I waved her goodbye and told her good luck as well.
Once everyone was situated, cement blocks rose in front of our tables with the test and a calculator. Cementoss continued to talk. "Once you hear the bell you will begin. You will have 2 hours to complete your exam. Once you are finished with your exam you will place it back on the cement and you may go to the break room. There you will receive a number and you may do any necessary preparations for your practical exam. Remember there will be absolutely no cheating. If you are caught cheating, you will be escorted out of school and you will never be able to retake the exam and you can say goodbye to ever being admitted to UA academy. Good luck." As he left the stage there was another bell indicating the test had begun. I picked up my pencil and opened the packet.
The net effect of photosynthesis, chemically, is reduction, leading to the formation of simple carbohydrates and accompanied by a release of oxygen. True or False.
Oh boy.
Finally, I'm done with the test. Momo already left. I wonder how she did. She most likely passed she's very smart. I picked up my bag and left the auditorium. There was a sign outside pointing towards the break room. I should probably change first. I did a quick turn and headed for the nearest bathroom. "Oof". Oh jeez. I looked up to face the back of a guy. He had crimson red and white hair split evenly down the center. He was on the taller side but other than that nothing special till he turned around and faced me. My mouth gaped open. He had beautiful different colored eyes and a huge scar over one of them, which was very odd.
"It's rude to stare." He scoffed down at me. I will just ignore that scoff since it was my fault. "Oh sorry, it was an acci..de..nt. You are Endeavor's son! I recognize that blue eye anywhere. My brother is practically obsessed with your family. Though that scar of yours isn't on pictures I've seen," I said in an attempt to break the ice.
He looked at me with absolute hatred in his eyes. Dang, I didn't know bumping into someone will automatically make me hated. Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned his scar. "Excuse me I need to be going." I moved out of the way allowing him to pass. As he left, I shouted, "Sorry for bumping into you, it was purely an accident. There is no need to look at me like that!" and ran into the bathroom to change. Such a quiet guy very different from the stories Kean says about Endeavor. I opened my backpack and pulled out my workout clothes. I quickly put them on. It was just some high waisted leggings and a white crop top. Perfect for optimum power use. I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my backpack. Hopefully, I'm not too late I still need some food in my system.
I got to the room where everyone else was and it was pretty full already. I looked around trying to find Momo so at least I will have somebody to talk to. "Ehehm." I looked around for the voice, but I didn't see anyone talking to me. "Down here, dearie." I looked down to see a small elderly woman. My smile grew so wide. "Recovery Girl! Oh, it's so nice to meet you. My mom talks about you all the time. I knew you were going to be at UA as a teacher, but I didn't think I would meet you today at the exam. Oh, this is so exciting. Can I have your autograph?" I gushed out in excitement. "One thing at a time dear. Here is your number it should always be visible at all times till you leave." "Yes ma'am," I said taking the number and putting it on my shirt.
"You must be M/N's daughter. You share the same energetic curious aura that she does. Plus, those ears are hard to forget." She chuckled light-heartedly. I sheepishly laughed. Oh, I wish she won't talk about my ears. "If it's an autograph you want here." She motioned me to come down to her level. I stooped down as she wrote her name on my number paper. "Thank you so much!" "Now now dearie you have a practical exam to get ready for and I have numbers to pass out. Good luck." I waved goodbye.
I walked over to the food table. It was decked out with so much food. My mouth watered as I looked at it all. I could eat everything here in five seconds if I wanted to. "Looks good doesn't it." I heard Momo behind me. "Oh yeah it looks good, even better than good, it looks scrump-dilly-isous." She giggled at my choice of words.
We picked out some food and went to sit down and eat while we wait for the others to finish testing. "So, what's your quirk Momo," I said in between bites. "My quirk is creation. I have the ability to create any non-living material/object from my exposed skin by transforming the molecular structure of my fat cells." "Your quirk is just like my best friend's; he is in the regular entrance exam. Although he doesn't use fat cells but rather imagery using his neocortex. Though he can only use the item for 10 minutes before it disappears. Do your items disappear too?" "No, they are permanent after I create them. So, what's your quirk." "From what I've figured out I can control the elements. Air, fire, earth, and water; the usual but I can lose energy using it a lot. Though there is sub stuff I'm trying to figure out. That is why I am here at UA. Hopefully, they can help me 'reach my full potential' as my brother says." I said with quotation marks.
"Wow, your quirk is so powerful! No wonder you're in recommendations," she said with excitement. I sheepishly laughed, "It's actually not that powerful really. When I first started, I could barely lift a pebble without passing out. My brother says that any quirk can be powerful it all depends on the person and how they use it. Your quirk is awesome you can create anything you want and it's forever. If you wanted you could make so many clothes and video games!" I gushed. "T-That's against the rules! If I make anything I want with my quirk then the circulation of money will be disrupted. As a citizen of this nation, I must increase the flow of money in the economy." she said in an attempt to defend her obvious spending habits.
~Shoto's POV~
'Sorry for bumping into you, it was purely an accident. There is no need to look at me like that!' How did I look at her? I looked up to see the odd girl conversing with another student. She's so odd and weird. How can she be so loud and obnoxious with no regard for other peoples' study time so early in the morning? Not to mention she's dumb and could have used the study time. How in the world did she make it into recommendations. I'll find out as soon as I pass this stupid test. I need to prepare.
"Students we will be taking a bus to the testing site form two lines and board in an orderly fashion!" some random guy yelled into the room.
It's time.
Finally, the fun part is about to begin. "C'mon Momo we got this. Let's go."
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ultraviolcts · 4 years
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✧・゚𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞  𝐮𝐩𝐨𝐧  𝐚  𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞  … 𝒓𝒉𝒚𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏 was known as the eloquent & compassionate doctor with a reputation for being a ALEX FITZALAN doppelganger. but now, under the stress of the war on the horizon, the natural born unaffiliated / cursed human (tinman) has become widely known for being rather bitter & reclusive. let’s see how long the 𝒐𝒛 native will last during the war. after all they’re only twenty six years old , he/him & cismale , wizard of oz.
hello cuties !! here’s my new & very bitter babe, rhys ! under the cut you’ll find his bio (tw: mention of dismemberment) and some little aesthetic things and possible wc for him as well. as always, you can find me on discord or message me on tumblr if you have any ideas or plots ! 
tw: mentions of dismemberment/cutting.
○ rhys was born with the knowledge he would never be king, not for a long time. the youngest of four, rambunctious siblings, it was a reality that he faced with a warm smile. his family wasn’t perfect, but they shared a collective brokenness together. his parents loved each other, but never really liked each other; infidelity wasn’t unusual and neither held it against the other when it came to sitting down at the dinner table. their marriage was based on the foundations of bringing old money together and it was a fact made as clear as day. there was no jealously, no envious eyes when they saw their partner flirt with another, their entire lives were built around a partnership and being parents for their boys.
○ the siblings all had their interests. his sisters were interested in politics and economics, while rhys’s brother went off to be an athletic genius. their little brother, however, found a love for medicine. the young prince most notable trait was his compassion, which seemed to separate himself from the rest of the anderson family. tending to broken bones and aching sores, receiving gratitude from kindness that didn’t include a status attached to his name, it was addictive. a golden boy with a big heart, it was the last thing everyone expected from a family with a tendency to flirt, and to break. consequences were a desire, to understand what trouble meant, but with a title that protected him from it - rhys never truly felt anything.
○ like father, like son is how the saying goes, right? the royal couple didn’t hide their open relationship with their children. it wasn’t like they didn’t grow up with the whispers through the palace halls or noticed the judgemental eyes during fancy gala events. like father, like son, rhys grew up to be a terrible heartbreaker. the golden boy searched for emotion, pleasure or pain, anything he could really get his greedy hands on. guys, girls, rhys demanded it all. after spending the early hours of his parents’ gala smiling and playing along with his siblings, the young prince take his pickings like a predator hunting its prey, and enjoy the rest of the night, only to be unsatisfied by the morning.
○ he’s eighteen when he decides he’s has had enough of this bullshit. the luxury, the title, the fake attention that came with it. rhys doesn’t see the point where it was clear his interest was in something else entirely. his siblings didn’t quite understand why their little brother - the worst of them all - wouldn’t continue to lounge around in wealthy filth and receive anything with a snap of their delicate fingers. however, his parents knew the day would come. unlike the rest of the family, there was a heart in his chest that yearned for more. rhys isn’t a prince by title anymore, but gold still runs in his blood - he just chooses to ignore it permanently.
○ the ex-prince heads off to study medicine in maldonia and he begins to feel human for the first time. rhys still sticks with his old habits; ripping hearts out and breaking them into two, only to try and mend it with band-aids. he never admits to his previous status - from prince to doctor in training, and truthfully, they never ask. by the age of twenty, rhys decides it’s safer to change his last name from anderson to turner, something simplistic and unnoticeable. but no matter how much he tried to play safe, to pretend his childhood wasn’t spent between marble walls, rhys still caught the attention of a duchess.
○ he’d never experience quite a beauty, a breath of fresh air. life was brilliant, once upon a time, spending his afternoons by her side and spoiling her with his love, but it wasn’t quite enough. their views were jaded on what the future held for them; rhys wanted a sweet ending that finished with a cabin hidden away from the world, a family to call his and living his dream of helping the sick. hers was a grand fairytale ending, one he chose to escape from. it was like a dream until their nights ended in a crashing wake-up call. rhys spilled his heart out, and his one secret he held dear, pushed everything to it’s tragic demise
○  the night he lost his humanity, you could swear it was the first time rhys discovered tears. his love was a witch and an angry one at that. one by one, rhys watched with horrified eyes his limbs move without command, cutting itself off free with one clean slice. his entire state was replaced with a mechanical, tin replacement, joints creaking into place and limbs struggling to move freely like they used to. rhys was there, physically and somewhat mentally, but he was hollowed out by the witch he thought she could see through the glitter and grime.
○ perhaps he was naive in thinking, but after that night, rhys refused to receive anything more from the wreck that destroyed him in the first place. the tin man completed his education, received his new status and pretty diploma. but with his jarring joints and aching metal bones, rhys never continued with his desired occupation. he didn’t have the heart for it anymore, there was only a rusting metal part where it should’ve been. nowadays, he wanders. rhys found himself working the odd jobs no one else wants to take for a price. it’s all hushed whispers, a rumor that could never be fully confirmed; the denounced prince, a potential doctor and a furious tin-man, it doesn’t sound like one person at all. and besides, why not use the sword-fighting lessons his parents paid for all those years ago, right?
( playlist ).
   ✧  let me down easy ; gangs of youth.
   ✧  holy ghost ; børns.
   ✧  sex with a ghost ; teddy hyde.
   ✧  i go crazy ; orla gartland.
( reminds people of ).
  a rusting golden crown, an axe that isn’t quite as sharp anymore, glistening green marble halls, the smell of old medical grimoires, messy white sheets on a sunday morning, the bittersweet feeling of abandonment, a confliction of identity, old music echoing through a cabin, a fairytale ending in the form of a tragedy.
( reminds people of ).
  ✧ friends from oz! they could have known him as his title before doctor or not, but rhys would be the tired uncle of the group just saying.
  ✧ flings, ex-hook ups, etc; rhys is a lover first, a thinker second, really. he’s a dumb bisexual and would’ve flirted and slept with anyone just to feel something. most of these could’ve ended badly, or some could’ve resulted in a strange mutual friendship. 
  ✧ his siblings; PLEASE, give him his older siblings so they can bully him for being such a          dumbass lmao.  
 ✧ employers/patients; a person who hired rhys to make sure a target finally reached their end of days or even someone who needed medical assistants and rhys was there to help. 
 ✧ any other kind of connection - i’m a slut for it all !
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xiukai · 7 years
retenir [xiubaek]
irregular snap shots of a relationship for @ksooanti
02:35 AM -- a slightly trashy club
Kyungsoo looks like a daydream in a loose leather jacket and ripped jeans, and it doesn't help that Lana Del Rey is crooning about unrequited love as Baekhyun works on his fifth martini. Half the group has finals tomorrow and have fully given up cramming. Chanyeol is making a scene by the bar counter, being held back by a slightly sadistic looking Sehun, and Minseok seems to be doing the usual - dancing with Luhan and breaking Jongin's heart. Baekhyun can't see the others from his position near the bathrooms and turns back to Kyungsoo, who’s leaning on the back of a bar stool with a beer in his hand.
Baekhyun is a little light-headed, but that might be the martinis. Or, the way Kyungsoo’s lips close around a bottle. Or, the way he looks at Baekhyun when he drinks - eyes dark and steady. Or, the way he ends the heated moment with soft smile that makes Baekhyun think he imagined it all.
And, then, Kyungsoo is setting the beer behind him on the counter and walking towards Baekhyun. There’s a sudden, warm hand circling Baekhyun’s wrist and plucking his empty glass out of his hand. Baekhyun doesn’t know where Kyungsoo puts it - eyes stuck on Kyungsoo’s face - and then, he’s being dragged into the mob of wasted college students. The lights are flickering, alternating in colors, and Baekhyun decides Kyungsoo looks good in any hue.
“You better remember this tomorrow,” Kyungsoo says and Baekhyun barely hears it even though Kyungsoo says it right into his ear because they’re pressed together, hips moving slightly to the music. Baekhyun can only blink stupidly when Kyungsoo leans back and then the lips Baekhyun spends his afternoon classes mentally tracing are pressed to his.
11:04 PM -- minseok’s apartment
Their fights are always silent, cold affairs that seem to bring down the whole group’s vibe. Kyungsoo is a quiet thinker and Baekhyun can hold a grudge for-ever if he needs to. And, this time is no different. Baekhyun’s mad Kyungsoo one emotion seems to be mildly amused and Kyungsoo’s well - Kyungsoo.
Baekhyun talks himself hoarse explaining his point of view to Minseok, who just pets his head and whisper-shouts, “Is his dick big? Is that why you’re still with him?”
It melts Baekhyun’s frown into a smile and then Minseok is giving him actual advice, eerily echoing Kyungsoo’s sentiments. He’s rational and soft-spoken, but his face changes when Luhan returns with a couple of open beers and sets it on the coffee table. Baekhyun wonders if that’s how Kyungsoo looks - some unique smile he has reserved just for him.
Baekhyun takes a long drag of his beer - eyeing the way Minseok’s voice gets a high-pitched edge to it as he acts cute for an incredibly enamored Luhan - and wonders what it is about small, nightmarish boys that makes good folks like Baekhyun and Luhan this dumb.
10:44 AM -- secluded hallway
Baekhyun’s breath is caught somewhere between the thickness of Kyungsoo’s lips and the sharpness of his collarbone. There’s a smattering of moles along the path that Baekhyun wants to give individual attention to but as it is, Kyungsoo’s hand is stroking his cock rough and quick. Baekhyun doesn’t know when he turned into his sex-crazed demon but he’s literally counting his time from one fuck to the next.
He blames Kyungsoo.
Ever since the kiss at the club, it’s like Baekhyun can’t fucking believe he’s got any right to put his hands on skin Kyungsoo carefully, obsessively keeps covered. So, every time feels like the last time and Baekhyun’s got too many things he wants to do to worry about if maybe they’re fucking a little too much, too often for two people who apparently are “good friends, I guess”.
Baekhyun wonders if that dazed, dark look in Kyungsoo’s eyes is something he gives to all his good friends. He’s still reeling from it - the way Baekhyun had responded to Sehun’s question about if they’re dating. He’d been polite - voice that usual monotone - and he’d looked Baekhyun right in the eyes as he’d said it.
There’d been a searing, dizzying reaction inside Baekhyun that only Minseok seemed to catch on to, because he shot Kyungsoo a look. And, that caused the first flicker of a real emotion in him - looking uncomfortable and lost at seeing anything but warmth from Minseok.
Now, Kyungsoo got his hand stuffed inside Baekhyun’s open jeans and he’s trying not to think about how Kyungsoo’s hyung complex for Minseok had suffered more than the whole of Baekhyun’s heart.
03:00 PM -- somewhere between study hall and starbucks
“Fuck,” a deep voice bites out and Baekhyun blinks out of his daze to see his caramel macchiato splattered across a white shirt. The guy looks at Baekhyun with a ridiculous amount of offense, as if he thinks Baekhyun had premeditated this.
“It’s your fault,” Baekhyun blurts out, cheeks alarmingly hot, and the guy just stares at him.
“In what way,” the guy begins to shout, takes in a deep breath, and then his volume is decidedly lower, “In what way is this my fault.”
Baekhyun is edging towards panic at this point. First of all, college isn’t cheap and neither is Starbucks. Secondly, he’s got a class to get to and there’s a faint figure of Junmyeon hanging over his head urging him to be studious and punctual at all times. Thirdly, it really is this guy’s fault.
“I was just minding my business when I saw you,” Baekhyun says, voice squeaky, “Like, no offense, but this campus is experience a severe hot guy drought and who even wears white shirts with denim anymore? You look ridiculous and god, your shoulders. Your shirt is barely holding them in. I didn’t realize there was a whole fucking rock on the pavement. It’s not my fault.”
The guy has eased from anger to slight confusion to a deep shade of embarrassment. And, it’s fucking adorable on him. The bastard.
There’s a heavy pause and then the guy is clearing his throat and scratching absently at his ear, saying, “I’m Kyungsoo, by the way. I can buy you a refill sometime.”
He shakes his wet, sticky shirt and amends with, “Or, you could buy me one.”
Baekhyun laughs a little too loud at his cute attempt at humor but Kyungsoo doesn’t seem to mind. He puts a hand into his jean pocket and fishes around until he pulls a pen out. He grabs Baekhyun’s arm and writes a number across it.
“I’m going to rinse this out at the gym showers or something. You owe me one,” he says, already half-way leaving.
“I’m Baekhyun,” he says abruptly and Kyungsoo just smiles, walking backwards - making the simple act of putting a pen back in his jean pocket look like a fucking commercial.
He points at Baekhyun’s arm and shouts, “You better remember this tomorrow.”
06:39 AM -- venice
He doesn’t cry during the rehearsal for some reason. For someone who carries their emotions dangerously close to the surface, he’d been strangely at peace and had only smiled when Kyungsoo’s eyes had glazed over at Jongin’s best man speech. A week later, Baekhyun is making sure the reception hall looks perfect and he finds himself overcome with emotion.
There are tasteful lilies in sheer, gold vases on all the tables - the color theme of most of the wedding - and people are bustling around adding thin, rope-like ribbons around the chairs. It’s a mundane task to oversee, but for some reason, tears bubble up.
It seems real now. It seems apparent now that guests will arrive soon and Kyungsoo will upstage him on the dance floor and Baekhyun will smear cake all over Kyungsoo’s pretty smile.
Hysterical, euphoric tears undo all the work the makeup artist had put in and Baekhyun can’t help but laugh to himself. He startles only slightly when two arms wrap around his waist and familiar chin tucks itself into his neck.
“I was starting to worry you don’t love me,” Kyungsoo jokes, kissing him there, “I mean, you cried when you thought Sehun’s dog doesn’t like you.”
Baekhyun lets out a watery laugh and feels Kyungsoo’s smile against his neck. He takes in a deep breath and gets ready to spend the rest of his life with the man of his dreams.
01:45 PM -- kyungsoo’s apartment
His heartbeat is loud and incessant and he can feel it all over this body - especially wherever his skin is touching Kyungsoo’s. His fingers are tight around Kyungsoo’s waist as he drives into him, trying to make it rough but trying to make it last, too. Kyungsoo looks like sin, tastes like it, too.
They’ve moved past talking - though it had started with Kyungsoo whispering about how fucking pretty Baekhyun looked fingering himself open for Kyungsoo’s cock (would do anything for it, wouldn’t you?). They’ve moved to grunts and sharp teeth biting at any virgin space of skin they can find.
Baekhyun’s never seen anything as beautiful as Kyungsoo at his limit. He’s spent months seeing Kyungsoo at his most refined - sparing Baekhyun reserved laughs now and then. They’d met up countless times since the caramel macchiato but it had never amounted to anything. Kyungsoo’s ears had just turned pink whenever Baekhyun found himself blurting out compliments but he’d remained distant - having the audacity to integrate himself in Baekhyun’s entire friend circle while he was at it. And, then Kyungsoo had kissed him at the club and now - days later - they’ve got time to waste.
He’s trying to memorize every second of it.
Kyungsoo grabs a fistful of Baekhyun’s hair and tugs, a mute demand to go faster. Baekhyun snaps his hips and dips down to bite at Kyungsoo’s jaw, kissing him softly at every mark he leaves. He feels desperation like an itch and the only way to scratch it away is to leave as many memoirs as he can on Kyungsoo’s skin. Wants his kisses to feel as permanent as beauty marks.
Please, remember this tomorrow, he thinks as Kyungsoo closes his eyes and yanks him down for a kiss.
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