#i think only jzx knows that zyx had an older brother out of the canon cast
vermillioncrown · 2 years
Okay but canon characters visiting Shuangfeng and just being so confused at the conversations because there’s so much modern slang being thrown around from ZYX influence. The only one that stands a chance right now is JZX through prolonged ZYX exposure.
(Also I’d like to appreciate the fact that you gave ZYX an older brother (the most patient sibling in the world. Bless). Simply because I think mostly all the canon characters around WWX age is a younger sibling. So ZYX fits into that pattern? Idk if it was intentional but it makes me kinda happy to think about that)
boi you fucking know it after jzx and zyx get over their shit, there will be modern slang shit talking
(not that jzx realizes he's shit talking)
when they both need to listen to old guys pontificate during Politics™ zyx will whisper 'diao tou' (dickhead) at the worst moment and jzx will try not to choke
or they'll twirl their finger like 'turn around' and wait for jzx to notice (kinda like the circle game)
jzx will not recognize that zyx has fucked up his vocab until he realizes he's not the most confused person in a conversation, for once
(visiting shuangfeng - it's more likely than you think 😏)
glad you like zhu yunfeng for as little 'screentime' he got (people actually cared! about! him!!! i weep)
zyx both fits the mdzs pattern and doesn't, and it was intentionally done like so. zyx is an older sibling in their previous life, and their Vibes clashing with their current life's status adds to their general oddity. the fact they can't explain themselves makes it worse.
as canon characters get to know zyx better, this question starts to come up
"why are you like this???? it makes no sense???"
(basically the less microaggression version of "where are you from?"
"do you want the short answer, long answer, literal answer, the answer to the question you didn't ask, or the answer that you want?")
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