#king jzx
Not me waking up in the middle of the night and my illness-addled brain being like "MDZS BOTW au with LWJ as Link and WWX as Zelda"
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trans-xianxian · 2 years
as much as jin zixaun was a little bitch when he was younger. I am very obsessed w how he acts at the wen camp
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coolshadowtwins · 1 month
If I had to map the characters of MDZS to the characters of TGCF-
Lan Wangi would be the ghost king
Wei Wuxian the Crown Prince Fallen God (these two mostly because I can’t imagine Wei Wuxian following Hua Cheng’s path I guess? These two might switch.)
But the main couple is also like that, because FengQing is now Jiang Cheng and Either Jiang Yanli or JZX. I haven’t decided which, but either way makes more sense for these to be WWX’s friends.
Jin Gaungyao is a mix of Ling Wen, by mostly taking her role, and Shi Wudu, by being the wind masters older brother.
And who is the wind master here? Why, it’s Mo Xuanyu! And his good friend, who is definitely not evil at all or planing the downfall of his brother, Nie Huaisang!
And that’s all I got. Discuss amongst yourselves lol
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poorlittleyaoyao · 1 year
Top 4 Jiang Yanli Survival Scenarios That Still Allow the Plot to Happen
HOT TAKE: JYL didn't actually need to die and the story would still be plenty crunchy if she hadn't. (Also, it is geographically implausible for her to somehow get all the way from Koi Tower to Nightless City unless she was faking her low cultivation this whole time and secretly mastered teleportation talismans, but that's not what this is about.) Below are 4 ways JYL could live that would still allow the major post-timeskip plot beats to unfold.
SCENARIO 1: JYL remains a widow and stays in Lanling as a member of the Jin household.
SCENARIO 2: JYL is married off to JGY after JZX's death (+ a spicier, alternate version of this)
SCENARIO 3: JYL ends up married off to NMJ after JZX's death.
SCENARIO 4: JYL remains a widow and returns to Lotus Pier.
With descriptions under the cut!
SCENARIO 1: JYL remains a widow and stays in Lanling as a member of the Jin household.
THE POTENTIAL: JYL in this scenario occupies a fraught position at Koi Tower; she has some sway as Jin Ling's mother, but it's unclear where Jin Ling stands in the line of succession. (She's also now trapped in JGS's household without a male guardian so. You know. That's great. 😬) JGY would strive to foster a positive relationship with her, I think; she doesn't pose a threat to him, and even if he has no personal affection for her, showing kindness to his sister-in-law is good optics and maintains the alliance with Lotus Pier. What are the ramifications of that? Maybe she becomes close with QS and help advocate for her marriage? (Maybe she then becomes close-close with QS later on, given that they'd both be terribly starved for physical intimacy.) Maybe she stumbles upon some of the secrets of the Jinlintai Murder Basement and becomes one of NHS's informants. Maybe she has no idea about the Murder Basement and is as shocked and appalled as everyone else when she learns about JGY's crimes and wonders how the hell she didn't realize any of this was happening. Good stuff!
SCENARIO 2A: JYL is married off to JGY after JZX's death.
THE POTENTIAL: Much the same as above, except now JYL has sealed her position as THEE Jin-furen once JGY ascends to Sect Leader and Chief Cultivator. She and JGY are connected with and presumably have developed some degree of fondness for each other, which makes the reveal of JGY's actions that much more dramatic! She's going to feel as betrayed and conflicted as LXC does, and is going to struggle when both her brothers end up in opposition to her husband. Does JGY persuade her to go with him to Dongying, or does he take her hostage as he does LXC? To what degree does proximity to JGY make her potential collateral damage for NHS? This is all very stressful for JYL, but it averts the terrible, horrible, no-good very bad accidental incest marriage with QS, so... winning!
SCENARIO 2B (CQL only): JYL and JGY marry after JZX's death, but had a whole affair going on prior to that.
THE POTENTIAL: There's this one chaotic group interview with a bunch of the CQL actors where they're like "HMMM IT'S PRETTY SUS THAT JIN LING LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE HIS UNCLE!! SHIJIE HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!!" and while poor Zhu Zanjin was sitting there going "nooo stop it's not like that! it's a coincidence! ☹️" it had me like 👀because I love mess. My fave interpretation of Claudius and Gertrude in Hamlet is that they were always in love with each other and Claudius killed King Hamlet 1.0 so he could be with her (obligatory plug for Haider, my fave Hamlet adaptation, which has this precise dynamic and it's *chef's kiss*), and like... what if THAT'S going on. JYL can have an extramarital affair with far-reaching consequences, as a treat. Sorry, Jin Ling, but the revelations from Guanyin Temple just got THAT much more complicated for you to process.
SCENARIO 3: JYL ends up married off to NMJ after JZX's death.
THE POTENTIAL: Ohohohoho, this one might be my favorite one. The Jin clan (possibly at JGY's suggestion) marry JYL off to NMJ in an attempt to repair Lanling's relationship with Qinghe and get NMJ to stop wilding. NMJ and JYL hit it off (shared experiences include: being parentified at a young age, violently losing a parent to the Wen clan, a strong sense of duty, and chronic illness)... but NMJ does not, in fact, stop wilding, so JGY begins playing Turmoil. NMJ's increasingly volatile behavior would be even more terrifying for JYL than it is for NHS--she's not only worried about her own safety, but if the Jin clan deem the Unclean Realm unsafe for little JL, then JYL's not going to get to see her son. Once NMJ succumbs to qi deviation, JYL is widowed once again, and she's starting to wonder if she's cursed... until her brother-in-law comes to her with his suspicions about JGY. (She might even be the one to ignite the suspicions in CQL canon, since she's present for LWJ playing Cleansing for WWX and thus knows what it's supposed to sound like.) Now JYL is pissed, and even more worried about JL's safety. She keeps Qinghe afloat while NHS goes into his scheming flop era, and perhaps even suggests to him that WWX is the person to call if he wants his brother back. As NHS's plan endangers people JYL cares about--including her son! repeatedly!--JYL starts to question his methods and regrets not confiding in JC instead, but the die is cast at this point.
SCENARIO 4: JYL remains a widow and returns to Lotus Pier.
THE POTENTIAL: This isn't bringing the spicy melodrama the way the other scenarios are, but I do like the quieter change it means for her, JC, and JL. JC doesn't have nearly as much unresolved grief to work through with his sister still alive, and would be a better-adjusted person. He might, in fact, be even better-adjusted than JYL herself, who grieves for and loves WWX but cannot forgive him for killing her husband. WWX upon his resurrection would have to face the consequences of shijie's anger, and now they're the ones having a tearful heart-to-heart in a public space while JC frets. (And then they ALL get to deal with the golden core transplant fallout! Woo!) Plus, an unattached JYL would have the freedom to accompany JL to Lanling, so she's going to be closer with JGY and QS and be present for whatever the hell happened with MXY, so she is going to have some REACTIONS to certain revelations, let me tell you!
I would love to write any one of these, but I am the world's slowest writer, so if it's up to me, they will never actually happen. So fly forth, ideas! Be free! If you write one of these, hmu, because I'd love to read it!
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roseclaw · 11 months
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Another piece for the @mdzsrbb! Sailor Yanli!!
The fic can be found here! by @lhaewiel The MDZS Sailor Moon AU
Rating: G
Pairing: JYL/JZX
WC: ~10k
"Once upon a time there was a kingdom called Lotus Pier, far far away from here, on the shining moon. It was a flourishing realm full of life and joy. A Queen and a King reigned over it and the young princess loved laying by the lakes full of gleaming lotuses. The young princess soon came of age and fell in love with a prince of the newborn Earth."
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sassybluee · 5 months
Oohhhhh number 13 in your WiP list please? Tell me about the fusion
(I'm @justarabidlittleyingzhao)
Oooh can I ever!
This one is a MDZS/CQL fic, and I'm not sure if I'll actually end up writing it. But while watching The Starry Love I thought it would make for a fun MDZS fic. And one thing I've never done is write a fic with two couples. Any side couples I have tend to be very background, not an integrated part of the story. I'd like to try incorporating them better and the plot of TSL def allows for that!
This file is mostly my outline, which is sadly incomplete, but here's a look at the "cast list" with the MDZS chars and what role they would be fill in The Starry Love story
Lan Wangji - Qingkui Lan Xichen- Yetan Qingheng-Jun - Emperor Tun Mama Lan - added char cuz she’s alive in my heart Lan Qiren - one of the servant roles idk, but he’s obvi the emperor’s brother and not also a servant Wei Wuxian - Chaofeng Wen Ning - Haichao Wen Qing - Suishe A-Yuan - taking the role of Chaofeng’s mom (but NOT wwx’s parent, just someone he can't afford to lose) Jiang Fengmian - Void King Yu Ziyuan - Void Empress Jiang Cheng - Diyun Jiang Yanli - Wu Dai Jinzhu/Yinzhu - Jia Louluo (Saintess) Nie Mingjue - Shaodian Youqin Nie Huaisang - Ziwu/Qingheng (two roles combined into 1 person) Mianmian - Manman JGY - Di Lanjue JZX - Beast King/another beast realm prince
Still not 100% sure on some of the "cast" but it's the last thing I wrote down!
I think if I do end up writing this fic, I will probably not follow the TSL plot beat for beat. I'd probably go on vibes and my memory of the plot, and change things based on what makes the most sense for the MDZS chars in the situation that they're in.
Thank you for the ask!!
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aurorablackwei · 1 year
I just thinking about Wangxian and Aquaman (movie), but with 13 yrs of wait. So, Queen Atlanta WWX (omega) and LSZ Arthur Curry, and LSZ founds WWX afrer 13 o 16 years maybe, so he is older and finally LWY always waiting in the pier. The Wei are the royal Family in Atlantis but YZY with the Wens killed all the family and later JGS figth for it.
Maybe JC was the king of Atlantis, and WWX married him but they never have a baby, but JGY try to put JL in the crown, so JL os Orm, just he is not really bad, but he figth because their uncles order him.
JY was alive but cannot rise JL because she doesn't want take WWX place, and JGY wants to wins the power with JL. The Jiang are the new royal. JZX was death for JGY plans
Maybe WWX run after war with the Wens, and then meet LWJ in land and LWJ saves him.
LJY is human best friend and OYZZ is sea best friend, OYZZ is Mera, but not spouse, no ship between juniors.
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luobingmeis · 1 year
and of course i cannot forget jzx happy birthday king ur romance and Everything rewired my entire brain 🥺🙏💐
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theballadofmars · 2 years
Sketches for the hollow knight au because idk when this characers are going to appear but I wanted to draw them:
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Some information:
-Jgs is the soul master, jzx soul warrior and jgy the soul twister. Jgy is corrupted by the radiance. Mxy is also in this au but his story is s little complicated
-Sqx is part of the hive. Swd is the king of the hive (because queen b) and these two are safe from the radiance.
-Xxc had an existential crisis and left the world of the neil (if you know what happens in the game with tjis storyline then you probably know who sl is :)
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llycaons · 1 year
Ep3: man but jzx is such a dick
you know I love a good jc character study and I know there's a lot of complicated stuff going on there but in ep2 it's so just relentlessly cut and dry that lwj is nice and jc is mean. and it's never more straightforward than in that episode. just wanted to get that out of the way
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wwx hardly ever uses metal hairpieces oohh
subtitles are very wordy and go quick. I'm used to watching movies and shows with subs, but I'm having trouble adjusting to this and I have to rewind a bunch so I don't miss performances and action
wwx antagonizing jzx is so funny 'lan clan is really simple, do you think you'll survive up there? you're so used to be fucking gaudy and pretentious about everything'
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here's my boy with his stupid fucking hairstyle and his asshole tendencies. 15 yr old lwj was such a pedantic downer
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SO interesting that jc says this despite it being demonstrably untrue. people give him shit for everything under the sun, including for things that jc does too but doesn't get in trouble for, because of his unstable role in the family and his parentage. hell, jc should know that wwx gets shit just for existing because myu is always on his case, but I think he truly believes this on some level. wwx does tend to start shit, but other people are just as ready to start shit as him and he's always willing to act for the sake of the jiangs or to stand up for others
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ICONIC LINE. line that made me go 'oohh he's bisexual! and his family is cool with it!
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SO true you legend. you king. you visionary. you cultural sensation. think about his impact
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fucking love this face. one of his best faces in all of canon
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it's subtle, but knowing how much lwj has changed makes it easier to notice stuff like this. lwj postres clearly did not give one iota of a shit about what jc was saying to him. but this lwj is quicker to respond, more defensive, more sensitive. he cares more about what ppl say
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LAN QIREN!!!!! also lzx, who embodies the word 'gracious' better than any fictional character I've ever seen
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wwx was treated so unfairly throughout this but he is literally just lying now
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I really loved this part 😊 wwx recognizing a compassionate side of lwj even as lwj tries to keep it hidden, and responding eagerly to it
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fuck I love the nightless city set. it's so much
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yoooo wen qing!! very neat to see that wrh IS the cc now. I forgot this scene and was under the impression that it was a role created post-ss by and for jgs
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he is so fucking dramatic standing in his one shaft of sunlight
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the untamed: jumps through verbal hoops to keep from saying dead people ever come back to life
mdzs: these are three-day old corpses and wwx just woke them up to do some manual labor for him 👍
joking aside, I truly loved novel wwx's relationship with the dead. they were like his buddies. he kissed a corpse's hand once before they went back to rest. in the show there's a lot more fluff around it
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things my mother also said about me.
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it is so kind of lxc to imply he has any friends at all
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reason no.2 wwx and lwj are soulmates: they're instantly and mutually attracted to each other by sole virtue of meeting their martial match. for lwj it's so significant that his brother immediately caught on and he felt he had to leave the conversation immediately
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oh what a fucking liar all you want to do is party
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okay I understand why he has secret info on the yin iron (descendent of the other xue guy) but why does he need permission to kill the changs? maybe wrh doesn't want to make a scene
personal highlights: ep3
'a mianmian or a yuandao' line
'barriers are made to be broken'
the adorable and mischievous smile of wwx's
lwj just fucking leaving the middle of a convo with his brother (first of many <3)
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scifikimmi · 2 years
Thanks to @alachii for the tag !
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs. i have deemed that this isn’t just for writing either. sketch titles? comics? dnd campaigns? if you have an unfinished project, it counts!!
1. St nurse steve
3. KK rain fic 1, 2, and 3
4. Follow the Ssun
5. Drarry fic 1
6. Gilbert posts
7. Loki King of Frost Giants
8. Wangxian coffee shop au
9. Steddie kisses - fob lyrics
10. Antique date list fic
12. The guest ot3
Thats pretty much it. Some are more haitus(older) than others and some are actually just in notebooks and not typed at all yet but i happen to title my fics on paper too. Didnt include ones that are just notes/plan to do someday fics.
Not sure who to tag. So just ... DO IT IF YOU WANT TO!
Consider you ALL taged.
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wangxianficfinder · 1 year
Crossovers and Fandom Fusions Pt.2 (only includes SVSSS/TGCF/WOH/Guardian)
(check pt.1 for other crossovers)
The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System
Hello, Neighbor!!! by Dragon_Scribe (M, 70k, bingqiu, LBH & WWX & SQQ, wangxian, SVSSS, canon divergence, demon WWX, found family, angst w/ happy ending, dimension travel, mystery, mind-control, love confessions)
🔒If Wishes Were Donkeys by NightOwl1 (M, 117k, WIP, WangXian, SVSSS, Time Travel Fix-It, Case Fic, Mpreg, Fluff and Humor, Dysfunctional Jiāng Family, Bad Parent YZY, WangXian Get a Happy Ending, Period-Typical Homophobia, Crossdressing, LWJ and WWX Have a Breeding Kink, It's All The System's Fault, Post-Canon, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Warning: JGS, Good Uncle LQR, LWJ and WWX Are LSZ's Parents, Inappropriate Humor, Family Feels)
Chunshan by alittleliar (M, 62k, WIP, SQQ/YQY, SQQ/LBH, WangXian, SVSSS, Angst and Tragedy, Blood and Gore, Body Horror, Unreliable Narrator, Mental Instability, Grief/Mourning, Flashbacks, Canon Divergence, Non-Consensual Somnophilia, Found Family Dynamics, Reincarnation, Immortality, trash grandma sj, Gods, terrible but trying parent figure sy) WWX is mentored in the Burial Mounds by dismembered fierce corpse SQQ
The Scum Villain's Demonic Blessing by Hamliet (M, 81k, WangXian, HuaLian, BingQiu, XuanXuan, XiCheng, ZhuiLing, FX/MQ, MBJ/SQH, NYY/MF, SVSSS/MDZS/TGCF, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Unplanned Pregnancy, Mpreg, Romance, Reconciliation, Crack Treated Seriously, Potential Spoilers) a curse leaves all the canon shous, as well as a number of supporting characters, pregnant. Warning for realistic portrayal of morning sickness, bloating, and other pregnancy symptoms; several readers commented with their own gestational war stories.
Tiān Guān Cì Fú/Heaven Official's Blessing
🧡 The Red Ribbon by Xiao_Hua (M, 21k, WangXian, HuaLian, Canon Divergence, Ghost City, a bit of beefleaf, Immortality, Cultivation Partners, Juniors, XL and HC find a child who happens to be WWX, Fluffy wangxian, WWX is a Supreme Ghost King, First Time, TGCF)
Back From The Dead by Suibian_613 (T, 44k, WIP, WangXian, XuanLi, HuaLian, XuanXuan, XinQing, Canon Divergence, Canonical Character Death, Supreme Ghost King WWX, TGCF)
echoes from across the void by Nilaic (G, 20k, wangxian, hualian, TGCF, adoption, YLLZ WWX, deaging, oblivious WWX, protective LWJ, BAMF WWX & LWJ, pining, dimension travel, WWX has PTSD, demonic cultivation, hurt/comfort, fluff & angst, families of choice, WIP)
let this soul be your whisper by merthurlin (T, 28k, hualian, wangxian, post TGCF canon, post first siege of burial mounds, canonical character death, canon divergence, found family)
Hua Xianle by Tiffany_Guinne (Not rated, 170k, hualian, wangxian, TGCF, canon divergence, not Jiang friendly, madam lan lives, WWX adopted by hualian, WWX with different name, overprotective hualian, hurt WWX, WIP)
Farmer's Almanac / 情雨濛濛 by Irrelevancy (T, 13k, YSH/WQ, WWX & WQ, hualian, wangxian, SL/XXC, TGCF, canon divergence, fix-it, humor, families of choice, sibling bonding, action/adventure, resurrection)
Atlas by etymologyplayground (M, 12k, wangxian, hualian, LWJ & HC, TGCF, getting together, friendship, grief/mourning, canon divergence, sexual content)
let these bones be the giver by merthurlin (G, 4k, JYL & XL, JYL & WWX, TGCF, bonding over food, jiang yanli's unexplored insecurity and anger issues)
For Whom the Bell Rings by DawnCloud (G, 24k, JYL & XL & HC, HuaLian, Yunmeng Siblings, Calamity JYL, Fix-it but not exactly, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, TGCF)
Where the Chaos Is by martyr_syndrome (E, 38k, hualian, wangxian, TGCF, post-canon, case fic, accidental voyeurism)
Demonic Cultivator's Blessing, or: Curse of the Bunny Gods by FayJay (E, wangxian, JC/NHS, TGCF, ascension, romantic comedy, matchmaking, genderflip, pregnancy)
Back From The Dead by Suibian_613 (T, 45k, wangxian, hualian, JYL/JZX, beefleaf, fengqing, TGCF, major character death, canon divergence, supreme ghost king WWX, canon-typical violence, BAMF WWX, WIP)
Song of Joy and Regrets by HelloKitten (Not Rated, 134k, wangxian, hualian, WIP, TGCF, Angst, Self-Harm, Child Abuse, characters watching their series, Time Travel Fix-it)
Get By with a Little Help (from My Friends) by SomeGoodSheith (T, 20k, hualian, wangxian, MXY/OMC, SL/XXC, TGCF, married hualian, married wangxian, hurt/comfort, reunions, multiple POV)
Black Flute Melody by English is my death (Lena013) (T, 4k, HuaHe, WWX & Everyone, Female HX, HX & HC Friendship, Short HX, WWX is a Calamity, WWX the Child of Two Calamities, hx and hc friends with privileges, BAMF WWX, Drama, Personality Breakdown, YLLZ WWX, Family Drama, Hurt WWX, Minor HuaLian, TGCF)
Intertwined by Tsukimiko_san (T, 4k, wangxian, hualian, major character death, canon divergence, no resurrection au, red string of fate, reincarnation au, sad w happy ending, ghost LWJ, TGCF)
Lan Jingyi and the Adventure of the Immortal Cultivator by litbynosun (T, 5k, JL & LJY & LSZ & OYZZ, crossover, TGCF, post-canon, canon-typical violence, minor injuries, ghosts, friendship)
The Remnants of our Struggle by Naamah_Beherit (G, 11k, hualian, WN & WWX, WN & WQ, WN & XL, crossover, TGCF, canonical character death, friendship, family, ghosts)
No paths are bound by CataclysmicEvent (E, 1.158k, hualian, fengqing, PM/SWD, beefleaf, LW/YSH, canon divergence, retelling, hurt/comfort, horror elements, internalized homophobia, major novel spoilers, graphic violence, torture, suicide attempt, implied/referenced suicide, slow burn, sexual content) Super long, super awesome, it follows the tgcf plot but spans the mdzs (and some svsss) lore and some of the plot too. The crossover bits are so worth it tbh
Narrative of Strength by MeltedIceAngel (T, 61k, WIP, WangXian, HuaLian, Canon Divergence, Adopt WWX, Found Family, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Protective XL, Protective HC, Adoption, Kidnapping, Attempted Kidnapping, Serious Injuries, Angst with a Happy Ending, TGCF)
if we could change it all by silver__butterflies (T, 37k, HauLian, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Crossover, Wēn Remnants Live, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Attempt at Humor, JYL Lives, JZX Lives, POV Multiple, Post-Canon for TGCF, Spoilers for both fandoms, Fix-It, Happy Ending, BAMF XL, Fluff, Found Family)
Just pray to me. I’ll answer. by skeletonofaplant (G, 28k, WIP, HuaLian, WangXian, Canon Compliant, Crossover, Post-Canon, TGCF, gratuitous use of the word husband, Identity Porn, Identity Reveal, 5+1 Things, (actually 4+1 but who’s counting?), Fluff, Humor, POV Alternating, Angst, But Only a Little Bit)
Not Only Gods Are Listening by dancing_pencil (Not Rated, 69k, HuaLian, WangXian, Post-Canon TGCF, MDZS Fix-it, Fix-It, Post-First Siege of the Burial Mounds, YLLZ WWX, Fix-It of Sorts, Crossover)
To heal and nurture by Aki_no_hikari (G, 11k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Memories, Married Couple, Domestic Fluff, Festivals, Healing, Trauma Recovery, Light Angst, but mostly this is wwx living all of his cottagecore fantasies because he deserves it, TGCF crossover) Wangxian, having retired to farm, take part in a nearby village harvest festival honoring Yushi Huang
Somewhere Sits an Empty Throne by Siamesa (E, 19k, WangXian, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, tgcf fusion, Gods & Goddesses, Ghosts, Romance, vengeance, Dark LWJ, Grief/Mourning, Explicit Sexual Content, Angst with a Happy Ending)
Crimson Spiderlilies and Silver Wraith Butterflies series by tinyfoxpeach (G/M, 1k, HC/WWX, TGCF crossover, Fluff, Morning Routines, Morning Cuddles calamity WWX, ghost WWX, POV Outsider Soft WWX, Soft HC, HC in Love, Established Relationship, canon divergence, angst, implied/referenced suicide & abuse, flashbacks, dark, YLLZ WWX)
Grim Grinning Ghosts by Theladyofravenclaw (G, 3k, Junior Centric, Ghost City, the juniors shenanigans, Gambling, slight mention of gore once they enter the city, but nothing very graphic)
Word Of Honor/Faraway Wanderers
What's in a name? by Anonymous (M, 3k, Canon Divergence, Not JC Friendly, WOH)
CH.1 of Tumbling Random Fandoms and Stuff by esama (M, 45k, WIP, WenZhou, Drabble/oneshot collection, WOH)
The Young Masters of Four Seasons Manor by gaotamao (G, 91k, WangXian, WenZhou, YeRong, Time Regression fix-it, WKX raises monstrous sons, Not Jiang Sect Friendly, No Golden Core Transfer, WOH)
🧡 A Song of Healing and Reunions by SilasSolarius (Not Rated, 6k, WangXian, WenZhou, XiangNing, WOH, YBY is LJY, Hurt WWX, Grief/Mourning, Presumed Dead Character Death, I'm So Sorry A-yuan, Healing, Nails of Seven Torments, Implied/Referenced Torture) (unfortunately this fic has been deleted, but you can find it on wayback here)
To Stop A Prince by fallen_ghost_star, GKoi (fallen_ghost_star) (E, 20k, WIP, WenZhou, WangXian, WOH, Canon Divergence, POV Multiple, Smut is gonna happen, trying for low angst)
Bad Liars series by (E, 28k, wenzhou, wangxian, WOH, post-canon, dark past, memories, developing friendships, trust issues, flirting, exhibitionism, jealousy, orgy, smut)
Our Scars Unveiled by cj_is_alright (M, 16k, WenZhou, WangXian, WOH, POV WKX, POV ZZS, WangXian and WenZhou becoming friends, Canon-Typical Use of Husband and Wife, Post-Canon Faraway Wanderers, Post-Canon, MDZS, Non-canon, Crossover, They are all overprotective of their respective husband, Fierce Corpses, Walking Corpses, Fierce Corpses show up in the Faraway Wanderers Universe, Drunk LWJ, Hurt WKX, Protective ZZS, Healed ZZS, WKX fights with a fan, they all have trauma, Implied/Referenced Sex, But only between the actual couples, the couples are just friends)
The Human Realm Is Not Worth It by Ju_StADreamer (T, 150k, WIP, WangXian, WeiLan, BSSR/LY, Guardian, Time Travel Fix-It, Child!WWX, child!LWJ, Major character death in the first chapter, Friends to Lovers, Canon Divergence, Wise Child WWX, Shen Wei and Kunlan adopt WWX, No Yin Iron (it seemed important), Character Study, Angst Happy Ending, Not Cultivation World Friendly, Not Jiang friendly – but no bashing, I might as well say it: slight crossover with TMOPB, specific TW's in the chapters, Madam Lan's arc fix-it)
The Source of All Resentment by Aquamarinade (T, 41k, WIP, WeiLan, WangXian, Guardian, Crossover, AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Pining) Wei Wuxian approaches the mysterious subterranean Dixing Shen Sect seeking asylum for the Wen Remnants
i've finally found you again by HanguangMoon (G, 809, WangXian, Guardian AU, fusion au, LWJ and WWX are SW & ZYL) the MDZS characters are the Guardian characters reincarnated
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randomleafoflove · 1 year
While I’m supposed to be studying for law school entrance exams, I keep getting ideas for an other MDZS SI/OC story, this time as a Jin.
Jin Xushào is Jin Zixuan’s twin sister (give JZX some close sibling bonds!). Since the yellow/gold is already there, she adds black and makes bees her personal motif. At first it’s ridiculed (bees visiting flowers symbolism would be more appropriate for JGS), until she proves that the previously thought feng-wang (bee-king) was actually feng-niangniang (bee-queen).
Since LanlingJin is, without a doubt, the most dangerous place for a young woman (I don’t doubt that the disciples very much followed JGS’s example in how to treat women), she very much attempts to arrange a marriage for herself to either NMJ or LXC (since JZX is betrothed to JYL, there’s no need to entertain the thought of marrying JC, and like hell would she marry a Wen, and she can’t be sure any of the young masters of the smaller sects under Jin aegis isn’t her half-brother, like Qin Su).
Here’s the first rough draft of the beginning.
I looked around Yiling, my nose scrunched in slight disgust.
It wasn't even that the village was dirty, exactly. It just wasn't what I was used to in Jinlintai.
The places I was allowed in Jinlintai were never anything less than sparkling, and Yiling was showing some wear and tear.
Why the Wen sect insisted the sect leaders' bring their families for the barrier renewal, I'll never understand, or why grandfather brought me and my brother along at all. We were six, it's not like we were going to be of help with the barrier renewal.
We weren't the only kids there, of course. All the major sects had brought their young heirs, from the fourteen-year-old Wen Xu to the four-year-old Nie Huaisang. It was like the most uncomfortable family reunion: meeting all those second- or third cousins that your parents expect you to get along with and then remember.
Let me give you some advice: do not leave your spoiled little brats under the supervision of just their nannies, who have already been browbeaten into submission by their little monster charges.
The elder boys had immediately started goading each other into demonstrating feats of strength, but given that the Wen was at least a few years older, he had won every challenge thus far, annoying the Nie. The younger Wen had immediately identified the younger Nie as a prime target and had started poking the four-year-old. My brother and the Jiang heir had gotten into and argument right away, which the older Lan and the older Jiang tried to mediate, and the younger Lan had become so overwhelmed that he'd resorted to biting anyone but his brother who came within biting distance.
I would have been surprised if the cacophony was not heard all the way back in Lanling.
I had walked out of what I'd dubbed the ”kiddie courtyard”, my nanny and my guard following behind. They would not reduce me to acting like a little barbarian, I'd vowed to myself.
Instead, I'd demanded to see Yiling, the first place other than Lanling that I'd visited.
And there wasn't much to it.
The residents had obviously tried their best. It wasn't like they had hundreds of cultivators visiting them all that often, spending their money whenever they stepped outside the large, barely maintained but usually abandoned estate* on the skirts of the town. Yiling wasn't a place with a thriving tourism, nor did they really have anything in particular to sell, so they must try to milk us cultivators for all that we have while we're here.
We stopped by one of the toy vendors to look at the rattle drums (A-Hòu would be insufferable if I came back without something for him). The vendor engaged my nanny in conversation, intuiting that while I'd have to like the toys, she was the one in control of the money.
Bored, I kicked the unseasonably early snow. This was a game I'd gotten lost in during my first childhood, if it can be called that. Pack the snow together with your feet, then stomp on it, and repeat ad nauseam.
I managed to scrape a respectable amount of trampled, wet snow when I caught movement from the alley behind the vendor.
It was a child dressed in rags, doing what I'd done, and laughing as he stomped on his own snow mound.
The child had no shoes.
His feet were red, but not bleeding.
That he was still alive, when it was just past freezing, and capable of playing... his potential as a cultivator must've been immense.
The quick calculations that went through my mind weren't really suitable for a child my age, but that's what you get for sticking a too smart child to a place like Jinlintai.
I made my way over to the child. ”Aren't you cold?”
The child looked startled, but then smiled. It was... it could not be a real smile, but I had trouble identifying what made it fake. ”Yes, but A-Ying can ignore it!”
”Does A-Ying like being cold?” I asked, frowning.
”No, silly! Who likes being cold? A-Ying said A-Ying can ignore it! Just breathe like-” he took a deep breath and probably did some cultivation, and let the air whoosh out of his lungs. ”-like that! Then you're all warm again! Mama taught A-Ying!” He grinned proudly.
”Where is your mama? Or baba?” I had to ascertain he was alone.
A-Ying shrugged. ”They left for a  night hunt a long time ago and didn't come back. The lady at the inn kicked me out not long after.”
“Do you want to come home with me? I live all the way in Lanling. You could join my sect and be a cultivator,” I offered. Not the most eloquent offer I'll admit, but for a street rat? It'd do.
A-Ying thought about it for a moment. “Would I have food? And shoes?”
“Mn. Yes. And new clothes.” I went over what “pro-work” talking points I remembered. “My Lady mother would probably also say dignity in proper work, but since you're so little still, I think we can waive that.”
“I can work!” A-Ying stomped his foot indignantly. “I'll be the best worker you've ever seen!”
Inwardly, my smile widened. Hook, line and sinker. “We'll see,” I soothed. “What's you're name?”
“Wei Ying!”
“Do you know the characters?”
Wei Ying shook his head. “Nuh huh. Baba was teaching me, I think, but I can't remember.”
“That's okay,” I comforted him. “Then you'll be Yīng, as in sleet.” I held out my arm for the heavy, wet snow to land on. “This kind of snow is the best to play with.” And the easiest to mold. “I'll have to think about the last name. Or we could ask around if the inn lady knew the characters.”
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
Okay but canon characters visiting Shuangfeng and just being so confused at the conversations because there’s so much modern slang being thrown around from ZYX influence. The only one that stands a chance right now is JZX through prolonged ZYX exposure.
(Also I’d like to appreciate the fact that you gave ZYX an older brother (the most patient sibling in the world. Bless). Simply because I think mostly all the canon characters around WWX age is a younger sibling. So ZYX fits into that pattern? Idk if it was intentional but it makes me kinda happy to think about that)
boi you fucking know it after jzx and zyx get over their shit, there will be modern slang shit talking
(not that jzx realizes he's shit talking)
when they both need to listen to old guys pontificate during Politics™ zyx will whisper 'diao tou' (dickhead) at the worst moment and jzx will try not to choke
or they'll twirl their finger like 'turn around' and wait for jzx to notice (kinda like the circle game)
jzx will not recognize that zyx has fucked up his vocab until he realizes he's not the most confused person in a conversation, for once
(visiting shuangfeng - it's more likely than you think 😏)
glad you like zhu yunfeng for as little 'screentime' he got (people actually cared! about! him!!! i weep)
zyx both fits the mdzs pattern and doesn't, and it was intentionally done like so. zyx is an older sibling in their previous life, and their Vibes clashing with their current life's status adds to their general oddity. the fact they can't explain themselves makes it worse.
as canon characters get to know zyx better, this question starts to come up
"why are you like this???? it makes no sense???"
(basically the less microaggression version of "where are you from?"
"do you want the short answer, long answer, literal answer, the answer to the question you didn't ask, or the answer that you want?")
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Anyways Jin Zixuan would have had supreme DILF energy
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trans-xianxian · 3 years
god okay I know that wei wuxian and jin zixuans fight is supposed to be like..... a tense and upsetting moment but it's so funny to me for some reason... fucking. GET him wei wuxian!!
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