#i think she does see mel as a daughter but wont let herself do that to persephone
empress-things · 4 months
I have a theory about Hecate and her whole stance on Melinoe considering her as mom.
Hecate was Nyx's handmaiden, and while she wasn’t present at all in the first game, she must have been around at least some of the time. Which means she saw first hand what happened with Zag, Nyx, and Persephone.
Hecate knows better than most the emotional turmoil that went down there. She also clearly knows Persephone well, or at least highly respects her. She doesn't want Persephone to be denied her motherhood once again. Though circumstances have forced that upon them, maybe Hecate feels like she can undo some of that damage by ensuring that Mel does NOT see her as a mother figure.
The final 'bond' conversation see's this conversation between her and Mel happen again.
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Hecate could have been much colder in 'parenthood' of Mel. There was little reason to provide her with such warmth and affection if all that mattered was raising a weapon for vengeance.
Perhaps she did it purely out of loyalty but I don't think that's the case. I think it's very clear Hecate cares for Mel. I think Hecate is trying very hard to keep that emotional barrier up because she doesn't want to repeat history. The end of the above conversation shows she isn't accepting a mother role still. But she is at least accepting Mel's feelings on the matter.
It honestly shows very interesting growth on both their parts and I can’t wait to see more.
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