#i think she'd enjoy 2 fresh mangoes
analogseeker · 3 years
hansel & gretel song analysis
hansel & gretel contrast each other so much you wouldn't even realize gretel has a brother she never mentions it. if anything she barely vagues it in the lyrics (possibly referring to the abuse she faces from her dad and possibly from her brother as well). he mentions not liking her as she has a skin deformity. & due to this she gets attention, negative or not. he craves attention but she'd rather hide in the shadows
hansel describes her skin deformity in the lyrics "you couldn't miss her / that big facial blister" , very much showing he doesn't like her much. he also says "her pity getting scheme / i think i hate her / those green alligators / i wish they'd ate her".
green can be seen as symbolism / metaphor for envy as green usually means jealousy. there's also a phrase 'green with envy / green with jealousy'. they had no reason to mention the alligators were green so it could possibly be seen as symbolism.
in gretels song she mentions green cheese. "when I say green you think of cheese / but in my mind, I'm picturing some fresh tangerines" , the 'you' could be referring to hansel? as he is envious of her. but it could also be referencing of how gretel is partly jealous of hansel. she wishes they could swap places
hansel wants to be in the spotlight (which causes him to do dangerous stunts for this attention, which no one gives him), gretel wants to be in the shadows. hansel hates gretel n gretel hates hansel.
also in gretels lyric she mentions mangoes , maybe as in mangoes like the drug. she mentions wanting to have peace and have some fresh mangoes. though maybe she just wants to have some mangoes.
in gretel's song she mentions ,, "It’s not the effect of poison ivy / I go hiking carefully / How come they want me on tv? / Am I really that much of a freak?" <- she is aware she looks "ugly" but is tired of explaining it. she reminds everyone its not from hikiing n other misconceptions.
her n hansel have a lot of contrasting lyrics. some cases of these contrasting lyrics is
"(hansel) As flies are drawn to the rotting cheese / Are sadists attracted to misery / In this case, that's another word for me / So i'll boost the danger times 2 (or maybe 3)" & "(gretel) Why would enjoy this? / No, I'm not a masochist".
hansel thinks shes doing everything for attention & dislikes her heavily for this (she cant help it tho due to her skin deformity people tend to bully her and give her weird looks). she mentions "why would i enjoy this?" most likely in response to hansels lyric
another lyric you can see how she loses respect for her brother "Looking like it's time for me to fly away / Maybe I'll see you another day / Sike, you're probably going the other way / So give a smother to my brother when you see him, okay?"
"(hansel) Just red paint? babe, this ain't pretend / How i long for your arms again / I might lose me a leg or head / Maybe you would believe me then" & "With red gloves, all you touch / All you touch will get marked up / I in fact, in light of this / Became your painting canvas" could possibly be contrasting each other? someone covers n plays hansels stunts as just some dramatic play / event and the blood is red paint. gretel mentions red gloves, possibly red as in blood? so red gloves possibly touching (hitting / abusing most likely) gretel. she has accepted her fate.
in the music video they walk in the opposite direction possibly representing their falling relationship and how they have grown distant. also gretels song is longer than hansels, an extra 1 minute longer (hansels song is 5:57 mins long & gretels is 7:08). even after hansel is dead he still doesnt have as much attention as gretel does.
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