#i think some people call it cyber super sonic but that feels more like when he goes full digital guy to me
pokeypoqi · 5 months
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everyones asleep post super sonic 2 or whatever the hell his name is
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blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #301: Cute Double Date Idea (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Ann: (Happily Sat on the sofa right next to her Girlfriend, Shiho) Soooo?~ How are you liking Smash Town so far?
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) A lot more than I thought I would. It's very different from Shiyuba, though...
Ann: Yeah....It can take some getting used to at times. But it's can be pretty fun to explore around town and stuff. (Smirks Playfully) Especially if it's with the best GF in the world~
Shiho: (Giggles Softly) You're too much, Ann~
Ann: (Giggles Softly) I know~ Hey, so.... Valentine's coming around in a couple of days....And I was wondering if you wanna go to the movies for our date Friday....
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) Of course. Which movie are we watching exactly?
Ann: Sonic the Hedgehog movie.
Shiho: They made a movie about Sonic-kun?
Ann: (Nodded) Yep. It's Live-Action, though. So I'm not really sure if you'll love it right away...
Shiho: I'm sure I'll enjoy it. (Smirks Playfully) As long as I'm watching it with the prettiest GF in the world~
Ann: (Immediately Starts Blushing while Giggling) Shiho!~ Now you're making me blush~
Shiho: (Giggles Softly) I know and it works out perfectly~
Ann: Sure did~
The couple was about to lean over for a small kiss when suddenly....
???: You guys are going to see the Sonic movie too?
Shiho: (Pulls Away from Ann in a bit of fright) ('EEP'!)
Ann: What the- (Look down and see Lucas and Ashley staring at her and Shiho) Oh...(Starts Blushing a little while Giggling to herself) It's just you two kiddos....
Lucas: (Starts Feeling a bit bad) S-Sorry if we interrupted something important!
Ashley: Yeah. We can talk to you later if you-
Ann: Oh nononono! I-It's okay, sweethearts! You just startled us is all. I promise.
Lucas: Well....Okay.
Ashley: (Look at a Blushing Shiho before turning back to Ann) Who's your friend, Ms. Ann.
Ann: (Smiles Brightly) I'm glad you guys asked! (Place her arm around Shiho) Kids, I like to introduce you to my awesome girlfriend, Shiho Suzui.
Shiho: (Greet the kids by bowing to them while Blushing a little from shyness) H-Hello.
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly) Hi. My name is Lucas. A-And this is my amazing girlfriend, Ashley.
Ashley: A pleasure to meet you.
Shiho: Y-You too....
Ann: (Giggles at how adorable her girlfriend is being) Don't mind her. She's usually like this when she meets new people.
Shiho: (Pouts at Ann) Do not!~
Ann: Do too~
Ashley: Huh. A person who's shy around people....(Starts to Smirk Playfully as she turns to Lucas) Now why does that sound oh so familiar?~
Lucas: (Starts Blushing) H-Hey! I-I'm not that bashful!....
Ashley: (Raised an Eyebrow at Lucas with the same Smirk) .......
Lucas: (Blushes even Brighter) ('Sigh') Ok.....So maybe I can be a little shy sometimes....B-But that doesn't change anything!!
Ashley: (Giggles Silently) Whatever you say, dear~
Ann: (Giggles at the whole scene before getting back to the topic at hand) So you kids were asking us if we're going to see the Sonic movie too?
Lucas: (Nodded) Mmhmm. We only asked because some of the people here are going to see it during Valentine's day too.
Shiho: Really?
Ashley: Yes. Sonic and Amy, Banjo and Kazooie, Ren and Makoto, and etc.
Lucas: We were thinking about checking it out someday....You know, given the fact that we don't have any money or jobs since we're still kids and all.
Ann: (Just thought up an idea) How about we take you kiddos to the movies with us?
Lucas: Really?!
Ashley: You sure you won't mind us tagging along?
Ann: (Smiles Brightly) Of course we wouldn't mind. Think of it like an actual Double Date.
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) We would love to have the both of you along to the movies with us.
Ann: Just as long as you ask one of your moms here first.
Lucas: Well....If it's really okay with you guys....(Smiles Softly) Then you can count us in.
Ashley: (Smiles a Little) Definitely.
Ann: (Smiles Brightly) ('Squeals a bit in joy') Then it's Double Date!
Shiho: (Smiles Softly) Thank you so much for joining us. (Bow to the young couple) I hope we all have a great time together
Ashley: (Bow back to Ann and Shiho Respectively) And thank you for invitation. Now if you'll excuse us....(Gently Hold Lucas' hand) We're going to see if Princess Peach is around here so we can ask her about our date Friday. (Turns to Lucas) Let's go, Lucas.
Lucas: 'Kay. It was nice meeting you, Ms. Shiho. (Wave at Ann and Shiho before being teleported away with Ashley with a little 'Pop' sound)
Shiho: (Turn towards Ann with a cute smile) Oh my gosh, Ann~ They're soooo precious!~
Ann: (Giggles Softly) I know, right? That's why I called them "Sweethearts".
Shiho: I swear, Ann. You're going to be a great mom one of these days.
Ann: ('Gasps a Little') You really think so?
Shiho: (Smiles Brightly) I know so~ (Giggles Softly)
Ann starts Smiling Softly at how Adorable Shiho is being....How....Happy she is... Especially after everything she had been through back at Shiyuba. It was at this moment she would say something that she never thought she would say until now.
Ann: ......I love you, Shiho.....
Shiho: (A bit Surprised by Ann's sudden choice of words) H-Huh?
Ann: (Immediately Starts to Blush once she realized what she just said) Oh! I-I-I Mean.....You see I uhh....W-We've known each other for so long....A-And that we started dating, I-I couldn't help b-but to-
Shiho: (Gently place two hands on Ann's Cheeks....and kiss her sincerely before letting go with a Sweet Smile on her face) Oh Ann...I love you too~
Ann: (Was Taken Aback from the kiss she was given) R-Really?
Shiho: Really. Ever since the day you confessed your love for me, you already made me the happiest girl in the entire world. You mean the world me and....and (Smiles Brightly) I would love nothing more than to be with you for the rest of our lives~
Ann: Oh Shiho.......(Tears Start Coming out of her eyes) That was so beautiful.....You mean the world to me too.....and I want to be with you forever too....
Shiho: (Gives Ann a loving hug while letting her Cry Softly on her shoulder) There There, Ann. It's okay. I'm here.
Ann: Sorry....('Sniff') I don't know what's gotten over me....('Sniff')
Shiho: (Giggles Softly) There's no need to apologise, silly~ You were only trying to let out your emotions. It's okay.
Ann: I....('Sniff') I love you....('Sniff') So freakin' much, Shiho-kins....('Sniff')
Shiho: (Giggles at the cute nickname Ann gave her) And I love you too, Ann-Bear~ So much~
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naradreamscape · 5 years
Since 2019 is at its last half, how do you think the 2010's will be remembered in the future?
Vaporwave/soft cyberpunk; imagery of computers and 90s Windows programs with a pinkish tint and themes of melancholy
Normcore; comfy but plain-looking clothing, usually associated with Chill Vibes
Reinterpreted 80s graphics, usually given a purple/greenish tint, with a lot of cars and cyber warrior themes
Street fashion became pretty prominent this decade...stuff like baseball caps, skateboards, checkered prints, sweatshirts, etc.
feminine vocalists who sing like waaelcom to mai kichen
mumble rap, and a lot of softer-voiced rap artists
super layered, intense EDM that makes the listener feel like they’re in the middle of one of those rail grind levels from Sonic Adventure 2
classical vocals remixed with a sturdy electronic beat
A whole new wave of civil rights struggles. Events in 2014 sparked the public discussion of police brutality/overpowerment, and the still prevalent violence against Black people that many had been looking away from
Facism part 2, or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Call Out A Neo-Nazi When I See One, or Why We Should’ve Read It Can’t Happen Here In School
Many scientific advancements. In particular, 3D printing and advanced limb/organ replacements became especially advanced during this decade. While some scientific developments weren’t very good (i.e. spyware, omniescent websites), there were bounds more that were very, very good and important (robot bees, the still in-development HIV cure, regrowing ears)
The empowerment of Generations Y and Z. People aged 1-25 really had to bond together and realize we are the future’s best hope, and to challenge everything Gen X-Baby Boomer considered the norm or the fault of “millennials”. Gen Z in particular had access to the latest technology at a much younger age than Gen Y, and it culminated in culturally significant things like learning how to make short films via Vines, and making a habit of documenting/filming and uploading police brutality on the spot
TL;DR a bit of a proto-cyberpunk future. Some good, some bad, but with a generation of young people who wear shirts like a bowling alley carpet while calling out discrimination
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nihil-novi-sub-ra · 7 years
more judai in book 1 chapter 5 — i might as well write the last chapter first :V it’s one of the more fun things.
it would be nice if the thief could be taken down so easily — judai does not like forcing obedience from spirits, but the king of spirits has their allegiance for a reason — but unfortunately this is not the case. the masked thief snarls and whips out 2 cards.
judai can’t quite see what cards they are, but cyber end and rainbow immediately cry out in pain, and some kind of power (something foreign, something so unfamiliar and revolting that the gentle darkness recoils, throbbing) wraps around their forms.
judai knows for sure, now. this thief is not from any of the 12 worlds and its timeline that the gentle darkness protects. 
rainbow screams and screams and for an instant judai hears johan’s voice echoing its cry, and panic (not again, never again) lodges itself in his chest.
he draws, instinctively. super fusion sits waiting in his hand, pulsing with every cry of the suffering dragons.
“what are you doing?” judai says. his smile is jagged, now, like broken glass. he lifts up super fusion, hoping to call rainbow dragon back—
the thief laughs. “you’re too late, yuki judai.” and energy peels away from the writhing dragons and what remains is a husk, broken and battered and patched with pieces of white and black armor.
super fusion sputters, unable to join this new rainbow dragon with neos. there is something wrong. (super fusion is supposed to be unstoppable, but judai of all people know that it can still be defied, if you are quick and lucky and clever enough.)
the gentle darkness recovers, and calls out. the king of spirits calls out to the dragons but they have stopped responding. it is as if there is nothing left in their bodies but the thief’s will.
“sin monsters obey no king but their master,” the thief says. “but i see they will not be enough. so.” he draws — a card that shimmers brilliantly, a card that he raises into the air, a card that gleams silver as it releases a whirlwind and a blaze of light and crashes down with crushing presence.
here it is, yubel says apprehensively, and judai lifts an arm to brace himself. a dry laugh spills from his lips.
the dragon that spreads its wings to clear the light and wind away is no dragon judai has ever seen. it’s white with blue accents and wings like old fabric that glitters. it feels older than cyber end, older than rainbow dragon, and yet new all the same. reborn, perhaps.
it would be beautiful if it were not about to kill him.
“stardust dragon,” the thief says, as though savoring the name. “i did not want to summon it here — this is not where i want time to unravel — but you’ve given me no choice. here, yuki judai, you will be eliminated.”
“neos,” judai begins, trying to think through yubel’s surge of rage at the thief’s words, and his hero moves to protect him.
but neos has already taken damage and so has judai and it was summoned without stabilizing tributes, so when the shooting sonic slams into the hero, the hero shatters just an instant too early. the light burns at judai’s skin, driving him back.
call me, yubel snarls as judai struggles to shield himself with darkness. judai doesn’t want to (what if they’re taken, what if, what if) but yubel insists. we are together forever. let me defend you!
judai doesn’t bother drawing, this time. he doesn’t need to. “yubel!” he shouts, and his dragon surges into existence with a bellowing roar that’d suit their final form.
the attack immediately crumples around yubel and swirls indecisively for a split instant before rebounding back at the dragon that shot it. stardust flaps its wings and avoids it, leaving a shimmering trail of dust behind it.
yubel shifts and shifts — from their first form to their second to their third, crouching protectively over judai as they roar defiantly.
the thief says, “perfect,” and holds up a blank card. too late, judai realizes what’s about to happen, and tugs desperately at yubel’s thoughts, trying to get them to come back.
but stardust is attacking again and yubel cannot return; they grapple with the white dragon until a streak of energy hits them from the thief’s blank card and—
judai feels their joined soul tear apart. he falls to his knees, gasping, choking on air — there is emptiness where there should be a dragon’s steady heart and undying love and there is nothing and
and stardust is attacking again. judai activates fusion, intending to fuse only the two monsters he has in hand, but he’s slowed by pain and he knows that his fusion will not resolve in time.
something sings from the distance, a melody from long ago. crimson washes over judai’s vision until he has to blink the stars out of his eyes.
stardust’s direct attack has been fended off by — by something the gentle darkness (the old thing, the all of it) recognizes, but judai doesn’t.
its a dragon of red star-fire and golden eyes and it looks at judai and it sees every inch of him, from the tattered clothes to the fresh, bleeding wound on his soul.
the dragon fades into wisps of flame and someone comes skittering out of it on some kind of motorbike. “stardust!” the stranger says, and judai comes to know that this white dragon is yet another one stolen. and stardust seems to react, lifting his head and crooning.
judai pulls himself together and activates fusion thoroughly, calling out flame wingman with a broken voice. he draws — skyscraper 2.
the stranger, as though startled, jerks in his seat and looks at judai with wide eyes. 
and then the thief speaks, mocking the stranger for following him back in time. but then he considers the stolen stardust (and the light glowing on the stranger’s arm), and judai’s injured form. 
“well, no matter,” the thief says, and lifts a card that judai knows is yubel. his stolen monsters fade. “i have all i came to get. now this era will fall.”
the thief leaves. flame wingman fades with bitter remorse and apology.
judai clutches his chest, feeling the throbbing absence of his dragon as the sun begins to rise.
the stranger introduces himself as yusei. “are you okay, judai?” he asks, and judai barks out a laugh.
judai says, “he just ripped my soul in two, so,” and then his voice fails him for a moment. “... i have half a mind to ask how you know my name.”
yusei’s expression is odd. “a friend of mine said to tell you hello,” he says, after a moment.
“aren’t you from the future?” / “yeah.” / “not that guy’s future, though.”
“he’s further along than i am,” yusei says. 
judai smirks around the pain. “he’s not from your timeline at all, actually.”
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