#i think that's the only way jax can deal with it. i guess it belonged back in outer space anyway
starrysmiling · 11 months
my theory on jax's parents
i've been sitting on this one for a long while and finally got the push to write this up. i want to write about this in the future, but there's bits here that have got to wait until cube corp releases, so... i'm just going to talk about it while i'm here.
anyway. as we all know, jax seems to be raised by arthur, and neither of them ever mention his parents.
so where. the fuck. are they.
spoiler alert: just between you and me, i think they're dead. not that it's confirmed or anything...
so... let's begin with a preword. the jax in my canon is 22, since unlike ace and the player, he doesn't have a canon-implied age. (this did not stop me from making fern 21.)
this makes him just slightly older than the meteorite strike on crater town, which happened 20 years ago. it's important to note this, because he needs to be alive for his parents to die in the aftermath of the meteorite strike.
whoops. did i just say that?
let's just change tracks for a bit.
arthur is training jax to be the next champion. that's quite obvious from the story, he says it outright, there isn't any question about that. but i think that originally, arthur wanted his own child to succeed him. it's also something to think about if you consider that he stepped down from the champion's seat before the events of the game, which prompts me to think that he wanted a successor before he stepped down, but he couldn't train jax in time bc jax was still too young.
so let's go with that: arthur intended for his child to succeed him as the next champion after he steps down. thus: arthur's child, and one of jax's parents, would likely be a ferociously strong trainer.
i'd like to think that they met someone while they were training or journeying, fell in love, eventually decided to marry them, and have a child. why didn't they decide to become champion? this is just a hc, but considering elias is Still there and the league hasn't found a replacement and arabella is working there because her dad doesn't make money... yeah, i think the league is kinda understaffed. hell, i make fern struggle with his champion duties, but even if arthur is a better fit for the role, being the champion's child means they would be able to see how harsh the role is on arthur. and maybe they don't really want to be the champion just yet, when arthur still can do his job well.
and they're still young, after all. they want to have a bit of fun in their life, journey around as a trainer, raise their kid with lots of care, then maybe go get that champion role once arthur's done his term.
so now, little jax is two years old. the meteorite has just been shattered over valley city, and the residents have been transported back to help clean up the town. volunteers and volunteer pokemon from nearby cities, like dresco town, are called to help with the restoration efforts.
and jax's parents are part of those volunteers, naturally. they're both pokemon trainers, after all.
and here's where it starts going to shit.
remember that two pokemon came down to earth with the meteor? jirachi was sealed away after the residents realised its power, but another pokemon landed a little to the northeast.
and deoxys is powerful. pksp red, one of the strongest trainers, if not the strongest in the series, is almost powerless against deoxys when he first battles it. it takes him a bit of a bond with a rogue mewtwo and several tough battles, some difficult enough to shatter his mentality, to defeat it, and even then, it's an uphill struggle for him.
that's the pokemon that jax's parents find: a ridiculously strong pokemon from outer space that nobody's seen or recorded before. remember, it immediately fights you if you talk to it, so i suppose... they fight. and if they can see the utter destruction that could come out of deoxys's power, there's no way they're letting that pokemon get to the town, where unarmed people are working on clearing the rubble. so they fight, and they fight, but deoxys is strong, and clearly not even two people are a good enough fight against it, and soon their pokemon are worn out and deoxys's attacks are injuring the pair themselves.
they put together a plan. one holds off the strange pokemon from outer space — for the sake of my canon, this is the stronger one, arthur's daughter — and the other runs back to the town to alert the guardian of borrius, who is overseeing the restoration efforts. if anyone can beat this pokemon, it's the legendary aros.
and so jax's father flies back to crater town. he'd been persuaded to go, being more heavily injured by the fight, and desperately searches for aros, explains the situation, and immediately brings him to the crater where they found deoxys.
but it's too late by then.
they find jax's mother, barely conscious and mortally wounded, being fiercely protected by her pokemon who are only barely standing. aros thanks her, and with their combined efforts, barely manage to defeat deoxys and seal it in sleep. jax's father returns to his wife's side, only for her to sigh her last breaths before they can treat her wounds.
aros notices that jax's father's wounds can still be treated, but though aros hurries him back to town... perhaps the loss of his wife weighs too deeply on him, and he doesn't make it.
and jax, still only two years old, is left in the care of his grandfather.
his parents are called heroes — they fought so that crater town would not suffer a second disaster in quick succession, and that's why jax in my canon is so set on being a hero. his admiration for aros is also partly from seeing how he handled the incident, making sure that he didn't take the credit for holding off deoxys and ensuring that people wouldn't forget that jax's parents died in order to keep the town safe.
and, also, aros is basically the local superhero. he's cool as hell. no wonder he's kinda jax's idol.
anyway. i really want to write more about this concept, and there's a scene where i want jax to meet aros and for aros to tell him, properly, about his parents. that'll be the first time that i've ever written jax crying in canonverse, because hearing aros, his idol, apologise to him for not being able to save his parents and recount that they genuinely were heroes in his eyes is a lot to process. (it's also really funny considering that jax hasn't cried in front of fern, but he has cried in front of fern's dad.)
as a way of finishing this arc of jax's life, i really also want to suggest that after fern captures jirachi, jax tags along with him to fight deoxys.
and this fight — this is jax's fight. fern can tell that this jax is different from seeing him stare down deoxys across the crater. there's something twisted about the fact that jax is now facing it with his own partner, twenty years later.
jax, heightened by raw emotion, seems to fall back into his more reckless, daring tactics. he plays fern's hyper-offensive role, actually, and fern plays jax's support, making sure that jax doesn't run himself ragged, following up after his strikes, covering when they're in trouble. it's not like they made a name for themselves as an unstoppable duo for nothing.
the conclusion of this arc is jax's capture of deoxys, after a grueling battle that whittles at his strength and mental state. in a way, earning deoxys's respect, being able to capture it in a ball, and being able to say that he finally, finally defeated the pokemon that killed his parents, is a sort of closure that he probably didn't know he needed.
did you see that, mom, dad?
i beat it. you can rest easy now.
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grlwtskulltattoo · 3 years
Fall For You - Chapter 4
Characters - Jax Teller x OFC (Katrina)
Summary - Katrina leaves an abuse relationship and heads home after finding out about her father’s passing. Old feelings come back to the surface for a person from her past. Story will follow the events of the show as much as possible. How might have Jax’s story changed with a different woman in his life.
Word Count - 8152
Warnings - NSFW, Hardcore Smut, Violence, Angst, Adult Language, Dark Themes, Fluff, Miscarriage, Pregnancy, Accident, Mentions of Physical and Emotional Abuse, Self-Harm. Drinking.
Will add to the warnings as the story progresses. Warnings cover the whole series. Some parts will be more mild than others.
A/N - Feedback is welcomed and encouraged, and may help motivate me to continue. All mistakes are my own. If you would like to be tagged in future parts, please send me an ask to be added to the list.
I know this chapter has been a long time coming. Just took me awhile to get the pieces to fit into the right place. I can only hope that I did it justice. This chapter ended up being twice as long as I expected. I hope that helps make up for the long ass wait…. Oh and there is an added bonus at the end of the chapter…..Smut….If you’re into that kind of thing. I apologize in advance if it sucks…. Been a long time since I’ve written steamy sex scenes. Thanks for following along on this crazy ride.
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Katrina spent the week following her father’s funeral preparing the house to put up for sale. She had no desire to continue living in the house that harbored so many bad memories. Her only regret is that bad memories out weigh the good ones involving her mom. She went through all of her father’s belongings. She saved the important stuff, family mementos that mainly involved her mom, some things from her father’s past that she’s curious about, and some items from her childhood. She was surprised to find a shoebox in her closet filled with notes that her, Jax and Opie passed to each other in school. She knew that she should throw them away, but couldn’t bring herself to do it. The stuff she didn’t want to keep was piled up in the driveway under the carport beside the garage for the local thrift store to pick up.
She is leaving the furniture in the house at the recommendation of the Realtor. He told Katrina that having furniture in the house gives potential buyers a better idea of the size of the rooms. Katrina doesn’t really care either way, the furniture will be donated as soon as the house sells. The old Dodge Challenger in the garage Katrina plans to keep. Even if she has to rent a storage unit to store it in until she finds a new place to call home. She is only keeping the bare necessities in the house for her to use until she leaves.
She has to admit that she’s a little relieved that she hasn’t had any unexpected guests. Everything has been pretty quiet since the funeral, other than the explosion that occurred the night before last, on the outskirts of town. She can’t help but wonder if Samcro was somehow involved with it. Maybe that was why Jax hasn’t tried to stop by.
Katrina spent some time pouring over the old photos in her father’s stuff. On the back of the photo of him dressed in Native American regalia was written “Pine Ridge Res”. She wondered if maybe his family lived on the reservation. Maybe she had an aunt or uncle still living there. She was seriously considering taking a drive up there to investigate. Hopefully learn more about his past, so maybe she can understand why he became such a bitter asshole of a father. South Dakota might also be a good place to get a fresh start, away from Charming and far away from Vince.
Katrina puts the photos in an envelope and places it with her duffle in her bedroom. She fixes herself something to eat once she realizes that it’s already evening time. While she is eating, she thinks about the meal Gemma prepared for the dinner after her father’s funeral. She still feels a little guilty for leaving the way that she did. Gemma has a good heart, and has always treated Katrina like family, even if she has a tendency to meddle. Katrina knows in her heart it wouldn't feel right to just leave town without expressing her gratitude to Gemma for all of her help. Once Katrina finishes eating, she cleans up then grabs her jacket. She’s getting a little stir crazy at the house and decides to head over to TM to see if Gemma is still there working in the office. It’s getting a little late, but she remembers Gemma used to work all hours of the day and evening depending on how busy they were.
As Katrina rode her Harley to the shop she knew she was taking a chance on running into Jax. Hopefully he’ll be out doing club stuff, and won’t notice her there. When she pulled into the parking lot at Teller Morrow it was mostly empty save a couple cars and bikes. She parks her bike near the office, relieved to see Gemma’s car parked near the door. When Katrina turns off her bike, she’s surprised that there’s no loud rowdy music coming from the clubhouse. It’s actually pretty quiet. There is light filtering from the office window, so she’s fairly confident that Gemma’s inside. Katrina quietly walks inside the open door, catching Gemma off guard.
“Hey baby, what brings you by?” Gemma asks with concern in her voice. Katrina notices that Gemma looks tired, like the weight of the world is resting on her shoulders.
“I wanted to apologize for leaving the dinner the way I did last week. I feel really bad about it, especially after everything you did to help. I think all the emotions were getting to me, and it was hard listening to all the stories about my father.” Katrina sincerely expresses to Gemma.
Gemma gestures to the chair next to desk, and Katrina takes a seat. “That’s ok baby, I know how hard it is to lose someone. It can take a minute to process everything going on. How are you doing now?” Gemma asks while lightly rubbing Katrina’s arm that is resting on the corner of her desk.
“Better. I cleaned out the rest of the house, got it listed with a real estate agent.” Katrina replies.
Gemma looks a little surprised. “So I guess that means you’re not planning on sticking around.”
Katrina can hear the disappointment in Gemma’s voice. “I don’t belong in Charming anymore. Never really did. I’ll probably stick around for a little bit to make sure everything goes ok with the showings of the house. Then I’m probably gonna take off.”
Gemma shakes her head at Katrina’s first comment. “You’ve always belonged here, Kat. I know Jax and Opie have missed you. I’ve missed you. You were like the daughter I never had. Don’t ever feel like you don’t belong here. You’re family.” Gemma looks Katrina straight in the eyes as she grips her arm.
Katrina sighs as she looks away. If only Gemma knew the truth about her father, maybe she’d understand why this town carried so many bad memories for her. Not to mention the whole Jax and Tara thing. “How are things going here? The clubhouse is pretty quiet.” Katrina asks trying to change the subject.
Gemma loosens her grip on Katrina’s arm. “Been a busy last few days. The club’s dealing with a Mayan problem. Jax’s junkie whore of an ex-wife, Wendy, just gave birth to his son. We don’t know yet if the baby is going to make it. He was born 10 weeks premature with a tear in his abdomen and the family flaw. I just got back to the office after spending a few hours trying to straighten up Jax’s house from the mess his ex left.” Gemma grabs a cigarette from her pack on the desk and lights it.
Katrina is in shock. She didn’t know Jax had an ex-wife and a newborn baby. “Wow. I had no idea.” She’s a little surprised that he was involved with a different women. She had alway imagined that he’d be married to Tara.
“Yeah, it’s been a little crazy around here.” Gemma sighs. “Jax won’t see his son in the hospital. Something about not wanting to get attached incase he doesn’t make it. Which is bullshit, he just doesn’t want to get his heart broken.” Gemma looks at Katrina with a pleading look in her eyes. “Do you think you could talk to him?” Gemma asks hopeful.
Katrina feels uncomfortable with the request. “I don’t know about that.” She tries to decline gently, shaking her head.
“Please, Kat. He won’t listen to me. You and him were so close. Maybe he’ll listen to you.” Gemma pleads.
Ugg. It was the last thing Katrina wanted to do. Get in the middle of family drama. She really doesn't feel it’s her place to get involved, especially since she’s been gone for so long. She’s not as close to Jax as she used to be. She has been trying to avoid that. But seeing Gemma upset breaks her heart. “Ok. I’ll try to talk to him. I can’t make any guarantees that he’ll listen though.” Katrina reluctantly agrees.
“Thank you, Kat. He’s in the clubhouse.” Gemma looks relieved.
Oh shit, right now? Katrina wasn’t expecting to have to do it so soon. She was hoping to have the night to think about how to approach Jax. Katrina reluctantly gets out of her seat followed by Gemma. Gemma takes Katrina in her arms and gives her a little squeeze. “Thank you baby.” Gemma whispers in her ear.
Katrina gives Gemma a light pat on the back before walking out of the office. As she walks to towards the clubhouse she takes deep breaths of the cool evening air trying to steel her nerves. Mentally preparing herself for all the questions she’s sure to get bombarded with. When she enters the clubhouse, all the memories of her, Jax and Opie running around came flooding back to her. It was where she had her first shot of whiskey on a dare, learned to play poker, rocked out to loud music, and almost had her first kiss. It felt like home.
It was pretty quiet inside the clubhouse, with the exception of music playing at a low volume. She was surprised that there was no one there besides Jax. She spotted him at one of the tables, lost in thought and milking a bottle of whiskey. “So I hear congratulations are in order.” Katrina startles Jax from his drink.
Jax looks up in surprise at the intrusion. “You must have been talking to mom.” He sourly replies.
“Jackson Teller, a father.” Katrina teases him as she nears the table.
“Yeah, for how long.” Jax grumbles.
“Your mom said that you haven’t seen your son yet. Why not?” She asks as she takes a seat at the table across from Jax. She notices the sadness in his eyes at the question.
“Don’t really want my heart broken.” Jax replies, staring at the amber liquid in his glass.
“Yeah, she mentioned the heart defect and stomach issues. Something about a junkie whore. Regardless of that, if it was my son, I would be spending every second I could with him.” Katrina tries to encourage him. “Besides that, he’s got a tough as nails father, so he’s gonna be a little fighter. He’ll pull through.”
Jax smiles a little at that last comment. “So what brings you by? Besides doing mom’s dirty work.”
Katrina knows Jax is trying to change the subject. At least she can tell Gemma she tried. “I came by to apologize to your mom about leaving the dinner early after the funeral.”
Jax nods his head softly. “Yeah, everyone was disappointed you left.” Especially me.
“I thought I could handle hearing the stories about my father, but it got to be a little too much to handle at that moment. Brought up a lot of memories.” Bad memories.
“So where have you been for the last 11 years.” Jax asks pointedly.
And so it begins. Katrina can’t help but wonder if it’s too late to walk out the door. She knew Jax was going to have questions, and she had really hoped to avoid them. She gets up from the table to grab herself a shot glass and a coke from the bar, before returning to her seat. This conversation is going to require an excessive amount of alcohol. She grabs the bottle of whiskey sitting in front of Jax and pours herself a shot. Katrina quickly downs the shot, welcoming the burn of the amber liquid as it travels down her throat. She then takes a sip of the coke to calm the burn. Jax patiently waits for her response, taking a drag from the cigarette in his hand.
“When I left Charming, I bought a bus ticket to Vegas. I got a job working at a casino restaurant as a server, and then I found myself an apartment. I became really good friends with a tattoo artist at a parlor in the casino. He let me apprentice under him and has been teaching my how to tattoo and the ins and outs of the business. One day, I hope to have my own shop.” Katrina decides to leave out the part about Vince.
Jax is surprised. The club has a charter in Vegas that he’s visited numerous times over the years. If only he had known Kat was there too. He might have been able to convince her to come home sooner. At the very least, been able to visit her. He’s missed his best friend. When Katrina left, it hurt more than when Tara left for school. It wasn’t until she left that he realized how wrong he was for not pursuing a relationship with her, despite his fears.
“I have to say, I’m a bit surprised that you and Tara aren’t married with a few little ones running around. And what’s this about a ‘junkie whore’?” Katrina asks. Turn about is fair play.
Jax lets out a soft sigh. “Tara left shortly after you did. She went to the university to become a doctor. Then she went out to Chicago to intern at a hospital. She begged me to go with her. To get out of this ‘cess pool of a town’, but Charming is my home. She was pissed that I prospected into the club with Opie, even though it’s what I always wanted. To follow in my father’s footsteps, and be a part of the club that he helped build. We fought about our futures, more than we got along. We started to grow distant from each other. I wasn’t to heartbroken when she left, like I thought I would be. I was more upset about you leaving than her, even though mom blames her for breaking my heart.” Jax confesses. “Tara just recently returned home and is working at St. Thomas hospital.”
Katrina shakes her head, not surprised about Tara trying to change Jax. She had tried to warn him when they were teenagers, but she had alway felt her comments fell on deaf ears. Some people have to learn the hard way. Katrina pours herself another shot and quickly downs it.
“The junkie whore is my ex-wife, Wendy. She was a club hang-around. Her and I started spending a lot of time together. For me, it was about fighting the loneliness I felt after you left. I never really loved her. We got married a few years ago. She started using drugs, so we grew apart. Separated for awhile. Then she got clean, and did a stint in rehab. We tried to make things work again and got back together. That’s when she got pregnant with my son. Things just didn’t line up for us. I wasn’t happy, so we started growing distant again. I filed for divorce a few months ago. Told her I’d help pay the doctor bills for the pregnancy. Haven’t heard from her in a while. Apparently she started using again even though she was pregnant. Mom went over to our house yesterday and found her passed out on the kitchen floor, bleeding between her legs, with a needle stuck in between her fingers. Mom rushed her to the hospital where they preformed an emergency c-section. My son was born 10 weeks premature with a tear in his abdomen and the family flaw. He only has a 20% chance of survival. I should have kept a closer eye on them, maybe this wouldn't have happened” Jax replies with regret heavy in his voice.
“You can’t blame yourself. If she wanted the drugs bad enough, there’s nothing you could have done to stop her. She would have found a way.” Katrina tries to alleviate some of his guilt.
“That may be so, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I did beat the shit out of the dealer that has been supplying her with the poison. Wendy apologized for what she did and promised that she’s going to get clean, but it’s going to take some time to rebuild that trust. I think she’s more worried about being charged with fetal abuse, then she is about our son. If Gemma has her way, Wendy won’t be a part of our son’s life. I can’t say I disagree with mom on that.” Jax has a defeated look on his face as he pours himself another shot.
Katrina matches Jax’s shot with one of her own. She’s starting to feel a buzz from the alcohol, but she’s not sure if it’s enough to get through the questions that she knows are coming. She isn’t slurring her speech yet, but it is getting a little easier to talk. It almost feels like old times, chatting with her best friend… almost.
“So… Why did you leave town, without so much as a goodbye?” Jax asks while looking directly into Katrina’s eyes. He sees a momentary flash of pain cross Kat’s face.
There it is. The million dollar question. The one she was hoping to avoid. All the pain and bad memories came flashing back to the forefront of her mind. She knew deep down Jax has a right to know, but it didn’t make it any easier. She can’t help but fear that once he knows the truth about her father, he’ll look at her differently. With pity, or guilt for not realizing what was going on and stopping it. She doesn’t want him to feel sorry for her, she fought her own way out and it made her stronger.
Kat pours herself another shot and takes a sip of it before answering him. “One of the reasons I left was to get away from my abusive asshole of a father. Shortly after my mom died, my father started to become distant to me. It was like the sight of me reminded him of what he lost. Almost like he blamed me for her death, even though she died from cancer. He would loose his temper over the smallest things. That lead to him breaking things around the house. If there were dirty dishes left in the sink, he would throw them across the room shattering them against the wall. If I left my backpack on the floor after school, he’d toss it. He started punching holes in the walls, kicking down doors. After while the only thing that seemed to calm him was liquor. As soon as he arrived home from work he’d grab a beer from the fridge, sometimes a couple of them. When the beer started losing its effectiveness he started drinking more hard liquor and getting into drug use. That’s when I started to become his punching bag. If I got in his way he’d hit or kick me. If he felt I was talking back to him he’d slap me across my face. He told me I was worthless, that I was no better than garbage, and that he couldn’t wait until I was no longer his problem.”
Katrina lightly rubbed the small row of scars near wrist with her thumb, slightly hidden by the skeleton torso tattoo on her forearm. She remembers the pain she felt inside from her father’s words and the relief she felt cutting herself with the small knife she kept in her pocket. She never cut herself deep enough for there to be very much blood, just enough for the physical pain of the blade sliding across her skin to distract her from the pain in her heart.
She glances at Jax’s face and sees the shock and anger in his eyes. Before she continues, she grabs a cigarette from the pack on the table, lights it, then takes a deep drag off it to calm her nerves.”That’s why I used to wear long sleeve shirts and jeans in the middle of summer. To hide all the bruises and scratches on my arms and legs. I stayed out as late as possible with you and Opie, hoping that my father would be passed out before I got home. Some times I’d get lucky and he’d be asleep on the couch, other times I was greeted with him calling me a slut or a whore for staying out so late with the guys. I tried to avoid him as much as possible. When it got closer to graduation I started planning my escape. I saved as much money as I could from my after school job, and used it to buy a bus ticket. I just always seemed to be in the way. So when I got old enough, I got out of the way”
"Why didn't you say something? Tell us that was going on.” Jax is heartbroken and angry to find out that his best friend had been suffering and he did nothing to stop it. He remembered the nights when he, Katrina and Opie hung out. Remembered her reluctance to go home when Gemma said it was time to get ready for bed. Or the nights Katrina begged him to hang out for just one more hour, even though it was already getting pretty late.
"What? So that you could 'save me'. I didn't want your pity or for you to feel sorry for me. I didn't need you to fight my battles.” Katrina defends her silence on the matter, a hint of scorn in her voice.
"So you run away instead? Leave behind every one you've ever known. The people that love and care about you." Jax accuses her, the hurt evident in his eyes.
"Seems to me like you were busy loving someone else." Katrina mumbles under her breath.
Jax gives Katrina a confused look. He wasn’t sure he heard her right, but he had a feeling she was referring to his relationship with Tara. “Now that your father is gone, are you planning on sticking around Charming?” Jax asks, hopeful that there may be an opportunity for them to spend more time together. To reconnect.
Katrina sighs before downing the rest of her shot. “I put the house on the market. The stuff I plan on keeping I’m going to get a storage unit for until I find a new place. I’m not planning on going back to Vegas, but I am thinking of heading north. Maybe towards the Dakotas.” She sees the disappointment on Jax’s face.
“I was kind of hoping that you were going to stick around for a bit.” So maybe I could change your mind about leaving. Jax feels crestfallen, his heart is pounding in fear that she’ll leave and he’ll never get a chance to find out if they would be good together. Ever since Katrina returned to Charming, the what if’s and should’ve beens have been plaguing Jax’s mind. He knows now that it was a mistake hooking up with Tara back in high school. It should have been Kat. She always understood him, never made him feel that he had to choose between her or the club. Things might have been so different for both of them.
“I was going to stick around for maybe another week or two, just to make sure there are no problems with showing the house. Incase something major needs to be fixed.” Katrina reassures Jax, although, by the look of his face he’s not.
“So are you seeing anyone?” Jax isn’t sure he really wants to know the answer, but he can’t help himself. He has to know if she’s involved with another man. If there is even the slightest chance he can convince her to stay.
“I was, but it’s over now.” She really doesn’t want to elaborate on her relationship with Vince, and she hopes that answer is enough to appease Jax.
Jax feels a flicker of hope. “You said your dad was one of the reasons why you left, were there any other reasons?” Despite what Kat was going through with her dad treating her like shit, Jax still couldn’t wrap his head around the idea that she would just leave. Without any warning or even a goodbye. They were best friends. He has never felt as close to another person as he did her, and for her to disappear the way she did, crushed him. He has a feeling there is more to the story.
Katrina groans inwardly at the question, but at this point, with the alcohol coursing through her veins she feels there is no point in holding back. She has already confessed one of her darkest secrets by revealing her past with her father, what’s one more secret. It’s not like it can change the past.
“The other reason I left was because it killed me seeing you and Tara together. I’ve had feelings for you since we were kids. I thought as we grew up and got older those feelings would change, but they never did. I was in love with you and it broke my heart seeing you with her.” Katrina confesses feeling extremely exposed. She just laid her heart and soul on the table.
Jax is blown away by her answer. He feels a sense of relief that she shares his feelings. He knew she cared about him when they were younger, but he always felt that she probably cared about him in a sort of brother sister way. To find out that she was in love with him made his heart soar, and gave him even more hope that there is a chance they could be together. If he can convince her to stay and give them a chance. “Why didn’t you ever tell me how you felt?” Jax asks, even though he can guess her answer.
“I was afraid you didn't feel the same way towards me, and it would just come across as jealously towards Tara. That it would change the way you felt around me, the way you acted around me. I was afraid of losing my best friend.” Katrina admits.
Jax feels like a dumbass now. All this time wasted that they could have been together. If they wouldn’t have been so afraid to tell each other. “I also have something to confess. I’ve been in love with you for as long as I can remember. Since we were kids.”
Katrina looks at Jax with surprise on her face. She never expected to hear those words come out of his mouth. Maybe he didn’t mean it. Maybe it was the whiskey talking. "So why didn't you ever tell me how you felt?" Katrina asks, genuinely intrigued.
"Because I was terrified that if or when I fucked things up between us, I would not only lose the woman I loved, but I'd also lose my best friend. It wasn’t until after you left that I realized the mistake I made. And I lost you anyways." Jax admits, his voice filled with sadness and regret.
“If you had feelings for me, then why did you hook up with Tara?” Katrina asks in confusion.
“I had some feelings for Tara, but I don’t think I was ever truly in love with her. She was more of a distraction from my feelings for you. Same with Wendy. Every time I was with them, it was your face I saw.” Jax feels a little weird for revealing that part, but it was the truth. Every woman he’s been with he pictured Kat’s face. Wished it was her, he was with.
“When you were dating Tara, I always felt invisible to you. I felt like you saw me as just one of the guys. You started to become distant to me, so I started spending more time with Opie. It seemed like every time you paid even a little bit of attention to me, Tara would snatch it away. It got to the point, where I started avoiding you, to keep myself from getting hurt.” Katrina confesses.
Jax winces at her words. He hates himself for how he hurt her, even though that was never his intention. In his mind, he was trying to protect her and their friendship, by avoiding what his heart yearned for. “I am so sorry, Kat. I never meant to hurt you. I was just trying to bury my feelings for you because I was afraid. I was afraid you didn’t feel the same way towards me and I’d ruin our friendship. I didn’t want to lose you. You have no idea how much I regret those decisions.” Jax sincerely apologizes. He takes Katrina’s hand into his and looks into her eyes. The years of pain and hurt shine in her eyes and he feels heartbroken that he caused some of that pain.
“Yeah, well, that’s all in the past.” Katrina tries to brush it off. She still feels the sting of all those memories, even if it feels like a lifetime ago.
“What if we gave us a shot?” Jax asks, hopefulness in voice. He has vowed to himself that if the opportunity ever came up to be with Kat, that he wouldn’t hesitate.
Katrina looks at Jax in surprise at his question. She feels butterflies in her stomach at the prospect of finally getting what she had always wanted. To finally be with the man that she has been in love with most of her life, but another part of her feels cautious. “I don’t know, Jax. A lot has changed since we were kids. We’re not the same people we were back then. We’ve both changed. Hell, you’re a father now, and VP of SAMCRO.” Katrina is trying to rationalize in her head why this is a bad idea, even though her heart is pounding with excitement. The alcohol running through her veins isn't helping the situation.
“Come on Kat. We both have feelings for each other. I know the first time I laid eyes on you, when you got back into town, I felt butterflies in my stomach. All of those old feelings I had for you came rushing back. I can’t stop thinking about you, and how much I want you in my life.” Jax pleads with her. He has never wanted something as bad as this. To make a life with Kat by his side.
Katrina hesitates to give Jax an answer. This isn’t something to just rush into, especially with her alcohol hazed brain. She needs some time to think this through. She is supposed to be getting out of Charming, not tying herself down. She can’t help but be concerned about Vince. What if he tries to track her down. As much as she hopes that he’ll take the hint, that she’s not coming back, she can’t help but fear that he won’t be so willing to let her go. Even though she has no doubt that Jax will do everything in his power to protect her, she doesn’t feel it should have to be his problem.
“Jax, it’s not that easy. We both have other things going on in our lives. There’s no guarantee that us being together will even work.” Katrina tries to dissuade him. She doesn’t want to get his hopes up for something that may just be a pipe dream.
“At least we could try. If it doesn’t work then so be it, but I can’t live with the what ifs and could have beens without at least giving it a chance.” Jax tries his best to convince her. If he has to get down on his knees and beg he’s not afraid to do it.
“Maybe we should think this though. Preferably when we’re both not drunk.” A part of Kat wants to say yes….god yes… but she also doesn’t want to agree to something she might regret.
Jax is a little disappointed in Kat’s hesitation, but at least she hasn't said no yet. There may be hope.
Katrina gets up from her chair, her legs feel a bit wobbly. “I should probably head home, it’s getting late.”
“Like hell, you are” Jax replies a little too sharply, while grabbing the keys to her bike off the table. He rises from his seat to face her.
Katrina stares daggers at Jax, a little miffed at his tone. If he thinks he can control her and what she does, he’s got another think coming.
Jax quickly realizes how that came across. “Sorry, I didn’t mean for that to come out that way. It’s just, we’ve both been drinking…a lot. You’ve pretty much matched me shot for shot. I wouldn’t feel safe getting on my bike right now, and I don’t think it’d be a good idea for you to either. I’d hate to wake up in the morning, and find out that you wrapped your bike around a tree or something. You should probably crash here tonight.” Jax tries to explain.
Katrina is a little relieved at Jax explanation. It makes sense, although she’s not sure its a great idea to spend the night at the club house.
Jax approaches Kat, the draw of being near her to great to deny. He gently places his hand on her check, the memory of the bruise around her eye flashes across his mind. His thumb lightly caresses her check bone, but when there is no flinch from her, he is relieved that the wound has healed. He still feels that flash of anger that anyone would dare to raise a hand to her. He slowly lowers his lips to hers, aching to feel their softness against his. He has longed to kiss her for as long as he can remember.
Katrina is a little nervous at Jax’s closeness, but her body is quick to respond despite the warnings in her mind. When she feels Jax’s lips against hers an excitement courses through her veins. The feel of his velvety lips against hers was almost as intoxicating as the whiskey they have been drinking. Jax’s hands start slowly sliding down Katrina’s neck then around to her back, where he gently coaxes her into an embrace. Her body melds to his like it was made for it.
As the kiss deepens, warning bells go off in Katrina’s head. Her rational mind warns her that she should stop this from going any further, but years of pent up longing urge her to keep going. Katrina is swept up in the smells of leather, smoke and light cologne, with a hint of vanilla that seemed uniquely Jax. Before she realizes what is happening, she feels Jax’s hands lightly caress the sides of her breasts before traveling down her waist to rest on her hips. He draws her hips in closer to his and she can feel the evidence of his arousal. His breathing gets heavier, and Katrina feels the butterflies in her stomach.
Even though in her mind she knew this was a bad idea, Jax was like a drug, and she was jonesing for a hit. There was a passion between her and Jax that she had never felt with Vince. Maybe it was because it had been building since their youth. The feelings they had been holding back finally able to be explored. Katrina gives as much as she takes, returning Jax’s kiss with a fever of her own. She lightly rubs the tip of her tongue on Jax’s lips until he grants her access to his mouth. She hears his groan as he starts grinding his erection into her stomach. Jax starts guiding her to his dorm room without breaking the kiss. By the time they enter the room, they are both breathing heavily. Jax kicks the door shut with his foot, not wanting to break contact with Kat.
Katrina reaches for Jax’s belt intent on releasing it as she starts to kneel down in front of him. Jax grabs her arms and lifts her back up. “As much as I’d love to see your beautiful face going down on me, I want tonight to be all about you. I want to show you how strong my feelings are for you.” Jax expresses to her.
This is a new experience for Katrina, and she can’t help but feel a little excited about it. When she was with Vince, it was all about what he wanted and how he wanted it. Often times it seemed their lovemaking was very one sided, with her left feeling unsatisfied. Like she was just a toy for his pleasure.
Jax cups Katrina’s face and gives her another soul searing kiss. She can’t get enough of the taste and feel of his lips on hers. His hands wander down to the hem of her shirt and he gently lifts it up. They break the kiss long enough to get the shirt over her head. Jax then goes after Katrina’s belt, pulling it loose from its buckle, then he quickly releases the button on her dark jeans. He slowly slides her jeans down her legs then ghosts his fingers over her panty clad pussy. He smiles when he hears her sharp intake of breath. Katrina toes off her boots then slides the jeans off the rest of the way.
Jax takes a step back to take in Kat’s beauty while he kicks off his own shoes. Her black bra and panties compliment her tanned skin. He takes off his kutte and drapes it over the back of a nearby chair. The question of whether Katrina has more ink finally being answered. He has seen the tattoos on her arms, but now he’s seeing a large dreamcatcher on one of her sides and a colorful feather on the other. There is a black crow with a purple background on her collarbone and an angry wolf surrounded by roses on her thigh. He can’t help but admire the art adorning her body and is surprised that he finds himself getting even more aroused seeing it.
Jax guides Katrina to the bed where she sits on the edge and watches as he removes his pants and white t-shirt. He tosses them onto the growing pile of clothes on the floor. Jax approaches her in just his boxers not bothering to hide the fact that his cock is straining against the material. He tilts her face up for a quick kiss before his lips and tongue start wandering down her neck. He can’t help himself as he leaves a small hickey just above her collarbone. Jax caresses her breasts over the fabric of her bra, before reaching around to unclasp it and watching in awe as her perfect breasts are exposed. He takes one nipple into his mouth sucking and using his tongue to tease it into a peak, while he lightly caresses the other bud. His gently pinches and rolls her exposed nipple with his calloused fingers until it hardens and becomes sensitive. He then laves the other nipple with his tongue, sucking until he feels Kat squirm. Kat feels a tingling sensation travel from her stomach to her core. She can feel wetness gathering in her panties.
Jax lightly pushes on Katrina’s shoulders, encouraging her to lay back on the bed. Settling between her thighs he continues to lavish her body with attention, kissing and licking his way down to her panties. He starts rubbing her clit lightly through her underwear, just enough to cause her to squirm towards his hand. Her breathing becomes erratic, hitching every time his fingers touches the right spot. He can sense a bit of frustration from her at his teasing, causing his lips to curl into a smirk. Finally Jax runs his fingers along the top edge of her panties, slowly pulling them down her thighs, and leaving a trail of kisses and licks in their wake.
That first flick of Jax’s tongue on Katrina’s clit causes an explosion of sensations coursing through her body. She can’t remember the last time someone went down on her, making this time feel like the first time. Jax’s warm breath, and the feel of his whiskers rubbing on her most sensitive area threatening to send her over the edge. Jax can sense her body tensing up, like a coil ready to snap, so he starts kissing the inside of her thighs to give her a chance calm. Once her breathing returns to some semblance of normal he focuses his attention back on her core. The light ghosting of his tongue in her folds and around that little bundle of nerves feels like heaven to Kat. It doesn’t last long though. Jax quickly starts licking and sucking her bud like a man starved for water.
“God baby, you taste like honey to me, and I can’t get enough.” Jax praises her between breaths, as he laps up her juices.
It takes everything inside of Kat not to lose control. She runs her fingers through Jax’s hair as he continues his assault on her clit. His tongue then prodding her slit, going directly to the source of her sweetness. Katrina’s moans increase, and Jax’s name becomes a silent prayer. She then feels his finger teasing at her entrance. Lightly caressing through her folds, gathering moisture before sliding the slender digit inside her. He pumps his finger in and out, surprised at how tight she is. The feeling of her walls clenching on his finger sending a fresh surge of arousal straight to his already straining cock. He could tell the tip of it was already leaking pre-cum. Jax adds another finger inside her to help prepare her for what’s to come. He twists his fingers around and starts doing a come hither motion. Jax quickly finds that little bundle of nerves inside her that will probably be her undoing. He can feel her clench around his fingers and her thighs start to squeeze. Kat starts pulling his hair as he continues licking her clit and rubbing that hidden gem inside her. He can tell Kat is getting close to her release by her ragged breathing and the tightening of her muscles.
“Fuck, Jax, don’t stop.” Katrina manages between shuddering breaths. She can feel the knots in her stomach unraveling. Her impending orgasm right on the cusp of sending her over the edge. Her moans get louder the closer she gets.
“It’s ok baby, you can let go.” Jax encourages her. “Cum for me. Give me some more of that sweet nectar.”
That is her undoing. Jax’s husky voice beckoning her to release the flood gates. Wave after wave of intense pleasure washes over her. Her vision starts to fade and she is seeing stars. Her body shudders and her juices dribble straight into Jax’s waiting mouth. Jax laps every bit of it up as he slows the movement of his fingers. He tries to ease her down from her climax before removing his fingers.
When Kat’s breathing returns to normal she looks down at Jax’s smiling face. The evidence of her release glistening on he mustache and beard. Jax gently withdraws his fingers from inside her pussy, and she instantly feels a void. “I need you inside me.” There is a hunger in her eyes as Kat pleads to Jax. She wants…no needs, more.
Jax stands up and removes his boxers, finally unleashing the beast. Katrina is a little taken back by the size of his cock. She had no idea he was packing that much heat. Explains the loose fitting jeans. She feels a rush of excitement, and maybe a little bit of fear that it’s going to hurt. Jax sees her concern and reminds himself to take it slow, give her some time to adjust. She is nothing like the crow-eaters he’s fucked, girls that have taken so many dicks it a wonder they can feel anything.
“Do you have a condom?” Katrina timidly asks, suddenly nervous. Jax has already produced one son, she doesn’t want to take any chances that tonights actions result in another.
“Yeah, I do.” Jax can’t help but feel a little bummed about not being able to experience her pussy bareback, but he understands. He reaches into the nightstand drawer and pulls out a little foil package. Katrina watches in fascination as he tears it open with his teeth and pulls out the rubber. Jax strokes his straining cock a couple times then rolls the condom down from the tip to the base.
Katrina scoots up the bed giving Jax room to join her. He settles between her legs and pulls her face in for another passionate kiss. He then guides his cock to her core rubbing the head along her folds, gathering her wetness to help ease his passage. He lines himself up and slowly pushes his cock into her wet slit, going an inch at a time. He slowly rocks his hips back and forth, gaining an inch each time he pushes forward. When he finally bottoms out, he pauses for a moment, giving Kat time to adjust to his girth. When Jax stops, Katrina releases the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. She has never felt this full before. There is a slight burning from the stretch in her pussy, as well as an intense pleasure at the fullness.
“Relax your muscles, baby. It’ll help.” Jax whispers in her ear, concern in his tone.
After a few calming breaths, Kat feels ready for him to start moving again. She tilts her pelvis towards him, and then gives him a slight nod. Jax sets a slow pace at the beginning. The feeling of her tight, constricting walls threatening to send him over the edge. He feels like a damn teenager, ready to blow his load after only a few quick pumps. It takes every ounce of his control to prevent that from happening.
“Fuck, baby, you’re so tight.” Jax whispers almost reverently. He’s trying to stay in control, but he feels it slipping fast as he picks up the pace. Thrusting in and out, fast and faster. His balls crashing against her ass, as her walls clench around him. The tip of his cock brushing against her cervix each time he bottoms out.
Katrina feels the knot in her stomach growing. Every time Jax trusts into her pussy a tingle travels down her spine and straight into her core. She can feel her climax quickly approaching. She wraps her arms around his chest, her nails digging into his back. The moans coming from her mouth getting louder and louder each time his cock brushes against her sweet spot.
Jax can feel her tightening around him, and he knows he’s not going to be able to last much longer. “It’s ok, baby. Cum for me. Cum on my cock.” Jax reaches down to her clit, rubbing circles over it with his thumb.
Katrina is plunging over the edge as another intense orgasm rips through her body. Every nerve ending in her body is tingling as her juices coat Jax’s dick and balls. She clings to Jax’s body as she rides out the high. Jax follows her after a few more thrusts, a wave of euphoria washing over his body as his cock releases rope after rope of warm cum. Jax collapses next to her on the bed, then he draws her into his embrace. His twitching cock still nestled in her depths. They both lay there for a moment trying to catch their breath.
“That was amazing.” Jax says in awe, his breathing still labored. His fantasies of her never even coming close to the bliss he just experienced.
Katrina nods her agreement, exhaustion claiming her body. She nestles into Jax’s warmth as he squeezes her against him. Jax kisses the top of her head, as a feeling of contentment washes over him. He doesn’t want this night to end.
After a few minutes the twitching of Jax’s cock subsides and it begins to soften. He wraps his hand around the base of it to hold the condom in place as he withdraws it from Kat’s warm depths. Even as sleep starts to claim Kat, she can’t help the groan that escapes her mouth at the loss of the fullness in her pussy. Jax chuckles a little at the pout now gracing her face. He disposes of the condom in the trash, before heading into the bathroom to clean up. Once he is done cleaning himself, he returns to the bed with a warm washcloth to gently clean Kat. She flinches a little when he wipes around her sensitive bud. He has no doubt that she’s going to be a little sore tomorrow. When he finishes with the washcloth, he tosses it into a nearby laundry basket, before turning off the light. He climbs back into the bed, pulling the covers over them. Katrina seeks out his warmth again, resting her head on his chest as his arm wraps around her back drawing her close. Sleep quickly claims both of them.
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Tagging: @momc95  @jerseynurse82
83 notes · View notes
noladyme · 3 years
La Cuervo - Chapter 6
She is used to the biker-life, having grown into a woman in the familiar embrace of SAMCRO. A bad decision and a gun-shot later, she gets whisked off to Santo Padre, and put under the protection of another club. What is supposed to be a short stint in the Mayan headquarters just north of the border to Mexico, turns into something more; when la quervo begins to develop feelings for el angel - and he seems to return them in kind...
TW: violence, blood, drug use, alcohol, smut, fluff, angst
In the spirit of "The Crown Princess of Charming", this is a story about O.C. Nina and Angel Reyes. It is obviously non-canon, as characters who have passed on on Mayans M.C. are present in it, and others have been excluded completely. Nina is written as a cis-female, but I have tried to keep her race and looks as ambigous as possible. Should you find any of this story offensive, please let me know.
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They sat for a long moment in silence. Suddenly, it was like words were coming from somewhere deep in her gut, pressing their way upwards, and into her mouth; and then she let them out.
“I never had a brother or a sister, and my family… They weren’t really around. Keeping up appearances was more important than love”, she said. “Jackson found me puking my guts out after chugging a case of wine-coolers at an SOA party I’d snuck in to. I was 15, but I’d lied about my age. He cleaned me up, and let me sleep on his couch, when my folks wouldn’t let me back into the house that night. After that, I hung around the clubhouse; kind of like Letty, I guess. They all treated me like a little sister; and Jax… He was my champion. I was pretty much a waste of space to the people around me, until I met him. Every time I screwed up… Like one time I got arrested for stealing a pregnancy-test; after a close call with some asshole I’d met. You’re better than this, darlin’…”. She smiled softly. “He got the sheriff to let me off with a warning. Then we went and got ice-cream, before he took me for a proper test at the clinic… And then he had the club throw me a no-baby-on-the-way shower…”. Angel chuckled at this. “You were really close”, he said. Nina’s smile widened. “Jax set me up at the clubhouse dorm, when I left home. He made sure I had money to pay tuition for community college. He taught me that family can be more than blood; even openly called me his little sister, whenever he introduced me to anyone. So, yeah. I loved him; and after he had his boys, I loved them… Because of him, I belonged somewhere. When he died, I was a wreck. If it hadn’t been for Filip… Chibs and the rest of the Sons, I’d have been… I don’t even want to think about it”. “They got you right again”, Angel said. She nodded. “We got each other right…”.
He took her hand, and softly stroked his fingers over the bruises on her knuckles. “So, what happened with Gael?”, he said. A shudder went down her spine, but the words were already forming in her mouth, and she couldn’t hold them back. “It was the anniversary of Jax’s… the day he died”, She said. “I was at a party; not a club party, just out with some people I knew. I didn’t let the club know I was going out; I just wanted to be someone else for the night, you know? Not the great legend’s little sister… I just heard from his kids. His eldest got an A on a book-report, and I was so pissed, because Jax wasn’t there to see that. Because he… fucking killed himself, ‘cuz he couldn’t see a different way out”. She closed her eyes, and chewed her lips. Angel gently squeezed her hand. “I was drunk – like really drunk – and I needed to get home. My friend offered to call Chibs or Happy for me, but I couldn’t deal with anyone from the club right then. I’d been dancing with this guy, and he offered me a ride”. “And you took it”, Angel muttered. “Yeah”, Nina whispered. “But I shouldn’t have”. There was another long pause. “Do you wanna stop?”, Angel said. “No…”. Nina shook her head. She couldn’t stop now; it was like a giant bubble of bile she had to get out of system. She pulled her hand out of Angel’s, and put her arms around her knees, staring straight ahead of her.
“Gael was taking all the wrong turns, to get back to my apartment. I asked him to stop, and he pulled up in an alley, to let me get out of his car. I was gonna walk home, but he got out after me”. Come on, baby. You gotta follow through now… Let me get that fine crow-eater ass… “He knew who I was. I don’t know who told him, but he figured it out somehow. Pressed me up against the wall…”. What would Teller say, if he knew I was about to fuck his little sister? “He was talking about how the club would react, when they found out… I panicked, and I fought like hell… He let go of me, and I grabbed my gun from my purse; I guess that’s when I dropped my inhaler… When I aimed at him, he just laughed”. Angel was tense. He seemed like he wanted to punch his fist through something. Nina looked down. “He kept saying; you’re not gonna shoot me… Then he came at me… and I pulled the trigger”. It was like she heard the sound of the gunshot again, and she let out a deep breath. She’d never seen a dead body before.
“Good”, Angel said finally. Nina was pulled out of something like a trance, and looked at him. “What?”. “He’s dead. He deserved it”. There wasn’t a hint of sympathy in his voice. “You don’t get it… It was my own fault”, Nina said. “No one made me get that drunk; I wasn’t drugged or held at gunpoint. I got in that car willingly. I fucked up, and a guy died… I killed him”. “He was trying to…”. Angel didn’t seem to be able to finish his sentence. “Angel, he wasn’t the first guy to try to get with me, without me wanting him to. That’s just… Fuck, that happens every fucking day to so many women… It was because he wanted to screw with SAMCRO… screw with my dead brother… It triggered something in me”. “That don’t matter!”, Angel growled. “You don’t touch a woman without her permission!”. He seemed about to explode, and looked at her angrily. “You telling me, that you normally get attacked in the back of dark alleys?”. “No… that never happened before”, she whispered. “He hurt you, and you fucking killed his ass; and that’s good. He didn’t deserve to walk away from that”.
Nina turned, and put her feet on the floor; sitting there for a moment, before getting up, and walking towards the living room. She picked up a half-smoked cigarette, and lit it; taking a deep draw. Angel had followed her, and when she turned around he stood in front of her, looking defeated and miserable. “Nina, I am so sorry”, he said. “I’m sorry I made you think I only wanted you because of your club”. Nina stepped towards him, and put a hand on his chest. “No, I know it’s not like that with you”, she said quietly. “No but you thought it was”. “Angel… you're different”, Nina tried. She went to take his hand, but he stepped back; creating distance between them. “After that… What he tried to do…”. Angel ran a hand down his face, and shook his head. “I don’t know how to touch you, without bringing that shit up in you again”.
Nina felt his words like a bucket of cold water in her face. “You… You wanna end this…”, she croaked. She stubbed out the cigarette, and scrambled to get back to the bedroom to find her shorts; fighting tears all the way. “I get it. It’s fine. Could you just take me back to the yard?”. Angel almost ran after her, and pulled her into his arms. “No, querida… No!”, he said. “I’m sorry… It’s just… What if I do something, that makes you think I’m like him?”. Nina looked up at him with disbelief. “Why do you think so little of yourself?”, she said. Angel frowned in confusion. “You’re nothing like him. How you’ve been trying to help me by talking, and how you took care of me yesterday… You’re a… you’re an angel… Angel”. A smile tugged at her lips. Angel chuckled, and grasped her face; pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. “You’re doing it again”, he said. “What?”, Nina asked. “Making me feel better, when it should be the other way around”. She buried her face in his warm chest. “You’ve made me smile more since I arrived here, than I have in years”.
Angel put his hands on either side of her face, and made her look up at him again. He starred deep into her eyes; searing his way into her very being. Leaning down, his lips grasped hers, as if inhaling her, body and soul. Pulling back – leaving Nina short of breath, and weak in the knees – he wrapped a strong arm under her bottom, and lifted her to straddle his waist. Her weight was nothing compared to what he wanted at that moment, and he carried her back into the bedroom; setting her gently down on the mattress. As she lifted her arms, Angel gently pulled the t-shirt off her body, before – with a hand behind her back – making her lay down under him. He pulled off her panties, and settled with his head between her thighs. Nina gasped, as his breath brushed over her folds, like a feather-stroke. “Angel, you don’t have to…”, Nina rasped. “Mami, I wanna make you smile again”, Angel replied. “Say you want me to”. His words came like an overwhelming caress. He wanted her to be completely at ease and in agreement of what he wanted to do. Nina let out a short breath, and her answer came as a rasping plea. “Yes”. Angel smirked, and placed his open lips over her warmth.
Nina’s back instantly arched. Her heart beat a million miles an hour; and only the pain in her hand from the day before kept her from digging her fingers so far into the sheets, that they ripped. Angel made long, languid strokes up and down her folds with his tongue, while running his fingertips up and down her torso. He let out what sounded like a growl against her lower lips, before sucking her clit into his mouth, and flicking his tongue over it. Nina felt her legs beginning to shake at the treatment of her most sensitive spot, and let out a desperate whimper. Angel lifted his head to come up for air, and breathed deeply for a few seconds; before – with a wry smile at her – diving back in. He moved his hands down, to put his arms around her thighs; keeping her in place, as she tried to pull away from the overwhelming sensation of his mouth. “Nah, you’re not going anywhere”, he chuckled, and took another long lick up her folds, ending up in a deep suckle of her clit. The sound of the birds outside mixed with the slick sound of Angel devouring her, and Nina soon felt a wave of earthshattering pleasure roll through her whole body. As the coil in her lower belly finally snapped, Nina lifted her head and shoulders from the bed, and cried out a breathy moan; before she fell back, with her arms spread out to the sides.
Angel made a last soft lick over her warmth, and loosened his grip on her thighs. He wiped his beard of her juices, and smirked. “How was that?”, he said. Nina looked at him in disbelief, when suddenly she began laughing. She simply couldn’t hold back. Her laughter came like bursts from inside her, that simply wouldn’t stop. Angel’s smirk became a warm smile, as he crawled up to settle next to her. He cupped her face in his hands, and kissed her deeply. “Holy… shit…”, Nina laughed between kisses. “Yeah?”, Angel smiled. “Just wait. Next time I’ll add fingers!”. He wiggled his fingers over her face, and winked at her, before attacking her mouth with kisses again. “Angel…?”, she breathed. “Yeah?”. “I think you earned the title of croweater”, she giggled. He pulled back and looked ponderingly at her. “I should get a patch…”.
After a while of laying in each other’s arms, they got dressed. Nina would have gladly reciprocated Angel’s pleasant treatment of her, but a phone call from Coco cut their morning together short; as he needed help with moving some goods. Nina decided against asking. When they arrived at the yard, Angel took his time to claim a deep, almost bruising kiss from her lips. “Audience…”, she chuckled embarrassedly, when she noticed Bishop, Taza and Hank looking at them from the porch. “Yeah. Audience”, Hank grunted, unable to hide his smile. Bishop rolled his eyes, but let a smile ghost his face as well. “Sorry, Bish”, Angel called out; before leaning in, and suckling for a moment at her pulse-point. “I’m not sorry”, he whispered, and squeezed her butt cheek. “You’re a horny little shit”, Nina said. “We both know there ain’t nothing little about me, querida”, Angel gloated. Nina smiled, and went to get some coffee in the clubhouse. Angel tapped her butt teasingly, as she walked away from him.
Bishop followed her inside, and went ahead of her behind the bar; pouring a mug of coffee, and handing it to her. “I know, I said you were welcome to the facilities here, but you’re taking it a bit far”, he said with a wry smile. “But they’re such good facilities”, Nina said, and took a sip from the mug. “And I thought you said I was family”. The president shook his head defeatedly, and went to grab a piece of paper. “Well, mija; family means taking on your share of the work”, he said, and handed her the note. “Shopping-list for the party. Ask the prospect to take you. We’re gonna need meat from his old man”. “On it”, Nina said, and looked over the list. Liquor, food and snacks. It looked like any list Tig might have handed her in Charming, with the addition of needing to go to a local smoke-shop to pick up some Acapulco Gold. SAMCRO grew their own weed. “No cigars?”, she asked. “We’re trying to be polite to the Vatos. Not spoil them…”, Bishop said, before shrugging. “But get me a box of Montecristos”. Nina smiled, and nodded.
EZ entered the clubhouse with what looked like pink chapstick on his cheek, and carrying yet another delicious smelling box of Tupperware. Bishop looked at him for a long moment. “You got a little something”, he said, and gestured to his cheek. EZ looked at his reflection in a decorative mirror by the liquor-bottles. “Shit… Yeah, Gabby…”, he began. Bishop held up his hands. “Don’t… This place is like puppy-love central this morning”, he said. “Just… go do your jobs”. He went into templo, and closed the door behind him. Nina bit her lips to keep from laughing at the prospect. “Ha, ha”, he laughed sarcastically. “You’re one to talk”. He pointed at Nina’s neck. She went to look in the mirror, and saw that Angel had left an angry hickey bellow her ear. “Goddammit, Angel!”, she growled. EZ chuckled at her, and went to get ready for breakfast.
It had become a nice tradition for them to begin the day eating breakfast together. Nina enjoyed spending time with EZ, and could see why Angel called him golden boy. Ezekiel was smart, and somehow managed to have picked his life back together, at least somewhat, after his stint in prison. After breakfast, they got into the scrapyard van, and went to get things together for the party the next day.
Going shopping for the party, and running errands with EZ for the club was a welcome distraction for Nina. Keeping her mind occupied was all that kept her from freezing in terror at the fact that the next day, she’d be in the presence of a mad-man, who wanted her dead. On top of that, she was facing at least a year in Santo Padre; away from her family – away from home. Angel or no Angel, that was still a tough pill to swallow.
Lunch was spent in front of Felipe’s shop. Nina smiled her way through a few stories about his sons’ escapades as kids, and – just as she had with his sons – Nina was beginning to grow warm emotions towards the man; in spite of only meeting him twice.
“You’re smart”, Felipe said, as EZ and Gabriella went inside to do the dishes. Nina was surprised at the sudden statement. “That’s… nice of you to say”, she smiled. “No, it’s a fact. You’re intelligent; it seems like you have every opportunity to make something of yourself, other than…”. He halted himself. Nina held her tongue for a moment, before speaking again. “You think I could do better, than spend my time around bikers”, she said. Felipe met her eyes. “It’s not my place”, he said. “You’re just being honest about your opinions. That’s ok”, she said. “But maybe slightly insulting”, Felipe said. “And for that, I’m sorry”.
Nina took a sip of her coffee, and rested her chin on her hand. “It would be insulting, if I thought you might be right about the life”, she said. Felipe chuckled to himself, and took a sip from his own cup. “The life”, he said. “Whatever you want to call it… The club… the gang. You think that it’s wrong. That the way the club works is something bad. If I agreed, you would be insulting me, by suggesting that I was settling for something less than…”. She bit her lip, and looked meaningfully at Felipe. “But to me it’s… right. I haven’t had a lot of family in my life; but the club here… the club where I come from… They’re family. They’ve taken care of me, been everything to me that I needed to become the… intelligent woman you see before you today. I wouldn’t be who I am without them”. “I would have hoped the family I provided for my boys was enough. That they wouldn’t have needed to find something else”, Felipe said. “I’m sure it is. But the club gives them something on top of that”. “And the crime? The blood…?”, the old man said. Nina looked down at her bruised hand. “That I can’t defend”, she said.
Felipe studied her face intently, as she took another sip of her coffee. “Like I said; you’re smart. I’m happy my son has you in his life”. Nina almost choked on her coffee. “Excuse me?”, she croaked. Felipe chuckled at her. “I watched you, while I told you those stories earlier”, he said. “When I spoke about EZ, you listened and smiled. Whenever I mentioned Angel, your face lit up like a candle. I might be old, but I’m not blind”. He grabbed her hand over the table, and squeezed it gently. “And then there’s his trademark on your neck”. Nina let out a guffawing laughter, and covered her hickey with her free hand.
EZ came outside then, and frowned at his father and Nina. “Please tell me you didn’t tell her the story about the petting-zoo, pap’”, he said. Felipe’s eyes lit up. “Oh, right! The petting-zoo… Let me tell you Nina. This boy is terrified of goats!”. “Ok. Time to go!”, EZ said, and pulled at Nina’s arm. “But I want to hear this!”, Nina said. “No goat-stories”, the prospect laughed, and led her towards the truck. “Pap’; the ribs?”. “And the steaks. I’ll bring them by tomorrow afternoon”, Felipe said.
Nina got in the passenger seat, and smiled to herself. EZ looked confusedly at her, as he got behind the wheel. “What’s so funny?”, he asked. “Nothing… I like your dad”, Nina replied. “He’s honest”. The prospect let out a slight laugh. “Some would say brutally so”. “He called me smart”, Nina said. EZ started the truck. “He’s kind of right”, he smiled. “What’s that supposed to mean?”, Nina scoffed. EZ turned onto the road, and took a moment to wave at his pap, before speaking again. “Well, you are sleeping with my brother”.
Nina sat in the doorway to the trailer, enjoying the sun a cold coke, and pretending to read a book; while smirking at EZ, as he unloaded the groceries and liquor from the truck. “It sure is hot out here”, she said. “How’s your shoulder?”. “You punch like an MMA-fighter!”, EZ groaned, and rubbed the spot where she’d punched him earlier. “That’s what you get… You dropped something”, she replied, and pointed at a bag of chips on the ground. EZ gave her a sarcastic smile, and bent down to get the bag, and put it on top of his load. “Thank you, Nina”, he said. “You’re welcome, Ezekiel”, she replied with a grin.
“Nina!”. Chucky came running up to her. He was holding out a phone. “It’s Charming!”, he grinned. “For you!”. Nina almost tripped over her own feet, to run over to him, and take the call. Handing him her book, she grabbed the phone out of his wooden hand. Chucky slipped away again. “Hello?”, she panted. “Did I catch you in something unseemely, luv’?”. “Filip! How is… everything?”, she said. “Everything is boring as fuck, without you here”. Nina smiled, and waved at Angel, who came rolling on to the lot with Gilly in tow. Coco came in behind them in his car. “Aw… Are you guys missing me?”, she said. Angel got off his bike and moved towards her. She held up a finger for him to wait; but he waved away her hand dismissively, and leaned in to kiss her. “I’m talking”, Nina chided with a smile. “So?”, Angel said, and moved down to kiss her neck; wrapping his arms around her. “Yes, we miss you like the flower misses the sun, little sister. Do you miss us, is the question…?”. Nina was wriggling in Angel’s grasp. “Of course I miss you”. Angel pulled back a bit, before moving over to lean against the trailer, lighting a cigarette. “Did you hear from Wendy?”. “Thomas is taping playing cards to his bike, to make it sound like a Harley”, Filip replied. “They’re good”. “Good. I’m happy”, Nina smiled softly. She looked over her shoulder at Angel, who was pretending not to listen in. “So, is this a curtesy-call? Checking up on me?”. “Not exactly… We were thinking it might be time to bring you back… The cops have finished their investigation. Deemed it a cold case. You’re in the clear”. Nina could hear the lie in his voice.
She went to sit down in the doorway again. “You want me back up north”. Angel looked out the corner of his eye at her, his expression somber. “We want you home, Nina… None of the girls here knows how to make a proper whiskey sour”. She chewed her lips. “No. You want me back home, because Palo is moving south… Chibs… I know”, she said. “Know what?”, Filip said. “The man I… He was El Palo’s cousin”. She heard the Scot sigh deeply at the other end. “We didn’t want to scare you”. “I had a right to know… You shouldn’t have lied”, she said. She heard the telltale sound of Filip closing the large door of church behind him. “You may be right… But now you see why you should come back”. Nina looked up at Angel again. “I can’t do that. Not now…”. The thought of going back on her deal with the Mayans, and the thought of leaving behind Angel, was just too much. “It’s better I hide here, in plain sight”. “What do you mean?”. “Palo is coming here… He’s asking Santo Padre for help in finding me. He doesn’t know who I am, and he’d never think they’d keep me out here in the open”. Something crashed at the other end, like a beer bottle against a wall. “What the fuck is Bishop playing at? Is he insane?”. “No… The club here… They have my back. I trust them”. “Put Bishop on!”. Filip was almost roaring in rage. “He’s not here…”, Nina croaked. “Filip, I’m…”. “Put someone on. Anyone!”.
Nina looked at Angel, and handed him the phone. The Mayan clenched his jaw, and put the phone to his ear. “Yeah… No, that was a club call… We’re not going back on anything. Our deal stands… Yeah…”. He frowned, and Nina saw anger rising in his expression. “Fuck, no; man! You let that shit happen to her. I’m not gonna let you take my girl, and…”. Nina got up, and reached for the phone. “Angel, stop… Please”. Angel pulled away from her hand, and she grabbed at his cut. “Please…”, she whispered. His expression softened as he met her eyes. Filip said something on the other end. “I hear you… Yeah… Look, you got my word, man. She’s safe. I won’t let anything happen to her… Yeah, I’ll let Bish know”. A deep scowl settled on his face. “Yeah, she’s here".
Angel handed back the phone to Nina. “Filip?”. There was a long silence. “Are you there?”. “You tapping a Mayan, now?”. Nina swallowed hard. “Look, I’m…”. “No, luv’… It’s your life… Couldn’t you have chosen a smarter one, though?”. Nina laughed a little, and looked up at Angel. “He’s… got a cool bike”, she said. Angel looked adorably confused at her words. “Huh… Well, make sure you get tested!”. “Filip!”, Nina cried out. “Look, we’re coming down. Had planned on it anyway, to come get you. I already told Romeo there we’ll be in San Pad tomorrow”. Nina felt her heart leap at the prospect of seeing her family. “Ok…”, she breathed with a half-smile. “I’ll see you then”. “Anything other than your impending herpes I need to relay to the boys?”. Nina rolled her eyes. “Tell them, they’re all dicks; but I love them”. They said goodbye, and Nina hung up the call.
Angel stomped out his cigarette. “Mayans… Vatos… SAMCRO…”, he said. “It’s gonna be a big fucking party!”. He began moving towards the clubhouse porch, where Gilly was waiting. Coco was sitting on the trunk of his car, smoking a cigarette and looking antsy. “What did he say to you?”, Nina asked. “They’ll be here tomorrow afternoon. I gotta go tell Bishop”, he said, his voice brusque. “What’s wrong?”, she asked. “Tell me…!”. “It’s just some shit…”, he said over his shoulder. Nina ran after him, and grabbed his wrist. “Angel… What happened?”. Angel stopped, and turned to face her again. His expression was dark, but he tried to smile at her. “It’s nothing. Really”. He leaned down, and gave her a soft kiss. “I gotta go find Bishop. Give him word on the extra guests”. “Ok…”, Nina said, still uneasy at his behavior. “Are you going out again after?”. “Yeah. I need to make a run over the border with that stuff Coco had us go get”, Angel replied. “Do I want to know?”. There was a loud thud from Coco’s trunk. The slight biker pounded his fist down on the boot lid. “Yo, shut the fuck up!”, he growled. Angel shrugged. “No, I don’t think so”.
Nina stormed over to the car, and pushed Coco out of the way. Before he could stop her, she’d yanked the lid open, and looked down at the man from the day before. “What the…”, she gasped. The man was half naked, hogtied with duct-tape; and a burlap sack with what sounded like a very angry rattle-snake was lying next to him. “What are you going to do with him?”. Coco took a huff of his smoke. “We got a doc down south. He don’t need both his kidneys anyway…”, he said, and spat at the ground. “He’s lucky we didn’t go for castración”. The man screamed through his tape-muzzle. Coco punched him over his broken nose. “I might still change my mind”. Nina slammed the lid shut. “You’re right. I didn’t want to know”. All three bikers laughed.
“What was the phone call about?”, Gilly asked from the porch. “We got reaper incoming tomorrow”, Angel said. Coco’s eyes widened. “It’s gonna be a big fucking party!”, he smiled. “That’s what I said. Sometimes I think we share a brain, mano”, Angel said. Nina bit her cheek to keep from laughing in agreement. “I gotta go tell el jefe. Then we can go”. Coco and Gilly nodded, and Angel went into the clubhouse to find the president. “I’ll have the prospect bring you by mine once he finishes, yeah?”, he called over his shoulder. “That’s sweet. Are we having a sleepover?”, Gilly asked. “Shut up”, Angel replied, and winked at Nina, before closing the door behind him.
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lin-kuei-scout · 3 years
Revival | Recollection [ CHAPTER 1 ]
Clarity, anger, guilt, frustration, worry. One after the other, she mulled her thoughts over, the silence between them only filled by the beeping of his heart monitor. Jax could guess the words that were going to leave her next: 
"Is… is that how you feel, too?" 
Characters: Jax Briggs, Sonya Blade Word Count: 2.5K Also on: Fanfiction.Net
Short piece focusing on Jax shortly after his revival. Next chapter will be featuring Scorpion and Jax talking things out.
Being alive… It was taking some being used to.
He, like the others, woke up isolated, hooked up to machines that beeped and flashed numbers, arms shackled to the bed only as a request that he stay where he is. At any other time in his life, Jax Briggs would find the bare medical decore of the Special Forces Infirmary off-putting and unnerving, a reminder of every decimating injury he and those he cared about suffered through.
But now? Now he couldn't tear his eyes away from his heart monitor, slowly sitting up, moving as if he could finally feel the weight of his own body. He was alive, he was breathing, he could think through the fog that had clouded his mind and soul for the first time in years.
And with thoughts came memories. Like a tidal wave, everything he'd done for Quan Chi…
"Oh god…"
It's a choked up sound, nausea and anguish, a bitter mix resting right at the back of the throat, threatening to come up if he breathed wrong. His hands clench the bed frame, seeking any sort of stability, but when his eyes glance over to them the feeling only gets worse. These were still the arms the sorcerer had given him, the same ones that -
Before his thoughts could spiral any further, the door to his side opens, and the sound of it almost escapes him, but he doesn't miss the voice of the person that had come in.
"Briggs." It's trained and contained, superficially devoid of emotion, a testing of the waters, but he knew that tone of voice. Knew who it belonged to. His head nearly snaps off from how quickly he turned to face it, his expression shifting through a myriad of emotions. He had so many things to say, so much to apologize for, so much to catch up on… So he settles on a tired, weary smile, and answers in turn.
"Lieutenant Blade."
That did it. For a moment, it looked like she was ready to bawl her eyes out right then and there, but with a deep shuddering breath and a moment spent with her eyes closed, Sonya eventually returned his smile, eyes watering still as she made her way over to him.
"It's… really you."
Jax just kept smiling, even as the corner of his lips faltered, his gaze returning to his hands, looking at them as if they were foreign before clenching and unclenching his fists. Avoiding Sonya's eyes, Jax can only sigh, smile finally dropping completely. "Doesn't feel like it. Everything's… blurry, but I can still remember every single thing I did… and without hesitation. What did he do to me, Sonya? What kind of monster was I? I know sorry won't cut it, but -"
"No, you're not giving me that crap, Jax." She punches his metal arm, and the dull metallic reverberation is enough to shut him up and listen as her face scrunches up in a pained expression. "That wasn't you, alright? That was Quan Chi using you, forcing you to do things you'd never agree to because he knew it would hurt you." Her gaze softens, then, "Hurt us. The fact that you're sitting here, looking like you're about to sob your heart out, is enough proof that that wasn't you, soldier."
He's quiet then, contemplative. It isn't enough to absolve his guilt, but it was enough to momentarily soothe the shock of being alive, cauterizing an emotional wound he would have to address properly later.
Finally, a low chuckle leaves him, the man shaking his head before looking at Sonya again. "Can't be taking it worse than the other guys, can I?" The exasperated body language that immediately took over her form tipped him off that he was right, but he could see when Sonya needed to rant - he was pretty sure she'd combust one day if she dealt with enough bullshit all at once.
"Actually, from me? You're getting top marks. Sub-Zero is still unconscious, so there's no saying how he'll react. Raiden says that he must 'join his mind to the body Quan Chi had constructed for him', whatever that means. And Scorpion's being…" Sonya mentally counts to ten, then sighs. "He set himself on fire and nearly killed two people, Kenshi had to knock him out. Twice. Raiden tried to speak to him after that, but it just threw him into another fit."
"... Damn."
"Yeah…" She shifts, then, her posture changing into something less confident, a rare glimpse of her being unsure. "I… this is going to make me sound like a bitch, but… I don't know what to do with him. No one knows. We went in hoping to resurrect everyone we lost, but it feels like we wasted that chance by resurrecting Scorpion instead, and the bastard acts like we did him a disservice.
"Meanwhile I can't just say it to his face that we didn't even mean to revive him, now can I? And we can't just let him go either, not without risking him just running back to Quan Chi and wasting all of our efforts." Jax can feel how much this is wearing on Sonya, and he understood her frustration so he lets her rant, but it's clear there was something on his mind. Although he would've waited for her to finish, Sonya doesn't keep going, instead looking at him and sighing again. "Go on, say what you're gonna say. I know that face."
"Look, I getcha, but he won't be running back to Quan Chi as fast as you think."
"... I'm not following, Jax." A deadpanned admission of her confusion, Sonya couldn't see where he was going with this, a hand on her hip as she scowled less at Jax and more at the concept of Scorpion going against her perception of him.
"I know Scorpion was the most… loyal of us, but he also seemed to be the only one of us that could think clearly, even if it didn't do him any good. All it meant was that he did the bastard's bidding unwillingly, was the only one of us that actively wanted to break away from Quan Chi." Unlike he, who felt nauseous at the gratefulness he remembered towards the necromancer. Everything he did…
"Then why is he throwing a fit when he got what he wanted? He's free of Quan Chi isn't he?" She snapped, and Jax almost laughed at her exasperation with the now living spectre, but the weight of his next words took the will to do so from him.
"... Pretty sure he wanted to die and stay dead, Sonya."
That seems to get through to her, and Jax could swear he heard her teeth clack together from how quickly she shut her mouth, lips trained into a tense thin line while her eyes showed the thoughts running through her mind. Clarity, anger, guilt, frustration, worry. One after the other, she mulled her thoughts over, the silence between them only filled by the beeping of his heart monitor. Jax could guess the words that were going to leave her next:
"Is… is that how you feel, too?"
Jax feels his eyes water, threatening to overflow with the emotions he was trying so hard to not acknowledge, and a metal hand goes to wipe at them, trying to pass it off as just him rubbing the bridge of his nose. It helped, somewhat, to have the cool metal press against his face.
"I don't really know how I'm feeling right now. I'm glad, Sonya, I'm really glad to be alive and myself again, but all I can think of is just… I don't even know how long I was dead for." His voice strains for a moment, but Jax refuses to let go of his composure and settles for just clearing his throat, sitting up to lean back against the wall behind him. His arms felt heavier than he remembered.
The same hand that punched his arm now rests on his shoulder, squeezes the muscle underneath, and Jax reaches up with his opposite hand to squeeze it in thanks. Whatever his emotions, he was here now, and he'd deal with things one step at a time. Or at the very least, try to.
"I can imagine it's a lot to take in at once. I'm sorry, you just woke up, I shouldn't have come in here only to immediately complain to you -"
He laughs, there, so genuinely that it startled both of them.
"Sonya, you acting like I'm still just me is what's keeping me sitting here in this bed and not throwing a fit like Scorpion is." He means it as a joke, mostly, but a thought worms it's way into his head. "I want to start catching up on everything I missed out on, see if anything that I know can be used against Quan Chi, I do, but right now… I just can't. This barely feels real." He squeezed the hand on his shoulder once more before letting go, resting his hands in his lap. "Part of me wants to go back to sleep, so sure this is just some kind of fucked up dream he conjured up, a taste of freedom to rip away from me."
Sonya crosses her arms at the waist, gaze resting on his heart monitor, swallowing down bouts of emotion that threatened her composure, ever unused to letting go of her detached military upbringing. She knew it wouldn't be easy, that getting them back was only part of the battle, but… she can't say she didn't hope things would be less taxing on them all.
"Well, it isn't, and I'll be glad to beat that into your head anytime you need me." She sits at the side of his bed, the mattress barely denting under her weight, and it was clear she was struggling still with being genuine, but making an effort. "I've missed you, Jax. I'm glad you're back." She doesn't reach for a hug, but Jax does, and she clings to his frame like she's afraid to let go. "It hasn't been the same without you."
"Missed you too."
They stay like that for nearly a minute, Jax just taking in the feel of a friendly touch, the warmth of another, and again he thinks on how Sonya is being his rock right now, a foundation for him to lean against while reality keeps shaking him down. Eventually, however, they must break apart, and Sonya is the first to do so, awkwardly clearing her throat as she stands, looking around the room.
"I should… probably let you rest some more. You'll have to go through a proper mental and physical examination, and after that I'm sure you'll be swarmed with visits. Johnny said -"
"God, please, anyone but him."
Sonya cracks a smile again, shaking her head. "He said Raiden wanted to talk to you too, once you were ready. Johnny just sent his well wishes from his own infirmary room." Ah, right, Jax stabbed him didn't he? But before he can mull on the guilt that lays there, Sonya raises her hand. "He's fine, Raiden healed the worst of it, and he doesn't blame you, trust me." It doesn't help as much as he wants it to help, but it's enough to push the thoughts into the back of his mind, at least for now. "Is there anything you need or want, before I go? Food, water? I could probably get a TV in here -"
"I'm good, I'm good. I feel like watching the news right now would be a bit much to take in." He wasn't hungry just yet, but he had a feeling he'd be starving sooner or later, once his body realized they had to eat to live again. "I do have a question, though. Before I have to talk to everyone, deal with all the medical bullshit…" The thought that had crawled into his mind earlier, at his comment aimed at Scorpion, wormed its way to the forefront of his mind. "Do you think I could talk to Scorpion? Alone?"
That gives Sonya pause, her brows furrowing in mild confusion and doubt, but her expression softens when she looks at Jax, remembering what he'd told her just a few moments ago. Still, she can't help but worry. "Are you sure? He's a danger to himself and others, Jax. What do you think talking to him will accomplish?"
"I know, I heard ya." He leans his head back against the wall, tilting it up and squinting at the bright white lights illuminating the room. "But this is less about me talking him down and more about… I don't know. Talking to someone who was there with me, understands what I went through." There, he lowers his eyes from the lights to Sonya's face, noting how she was visibly chewing on her cheek as she argued with herself. "And if talking to me manages to calm him down? That'll just be a bonus."
"... Fine. I'll see what I can do." Eventually, Sonya relented, shaking her head as her hand came to rest on her hip again. Their second next bet on dealing with Scorpion was having Kenshi try to talk to him in his dreams, but it was clear that just keeping the living wraith in control was already taxing on the telepath. "But if he as much as looks at you funny -"
"I'll smack him upside the head myself, Sonya." She scowled at him, and Jax let out a short huff of a laugh. "Wrong answer, got it. I'll leave him alone, I promise. I'm not exactly itching to experience third-degree burns."
That seems to appease her, even if her unamused frown remained. "I'll hold you to that, Jax." With that, she turned on her heels and headed out of the room, but she lingered on the doorway, hand resting in front of the sensors to keep the door open. There was clearly so much on her mind, but all she offered him was a tired smile. "I'll see you later. Rest up, soldier."
A mock salute was his reply, and he only dropped it once Sonya was out of sight, the doors closing behind her. Immediately, he laid back down, breathing in and exhaling a deep, drawn-out sigh that seemed to completely deflate him. His thoughts were a mess, and his emotions were an even bigger one, but… that was good, right? It meant he was himself again.
Or so he hoped.
Next Chapter: [ WIP ]
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one-shot-plus-size · 4 years
From Sons of Anarchy to Mayans MC
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Jax’s sister must hide from the revenge of SAMCRO enemies, goes to Mayans MC Santo Padre. And he catches the eye of a la presidente.
Chapters 19/20
Sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. They will accept any attention and criticism :)
Part 18
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Pov Olivia
- Querida I'm so sorry, - Bishop breathed.
- Tell me, what exactly are you apologizing for? - I looked up at him from the cell across the hall.
- That instead of a nice date we're sitting behind bars - he groaned.
- But I'm not angry - I laughed - Bishop, relax, this is the best date I've ever had. I'm counting on you to surprise me again.
I rested my hands on the bars and smiled at him.
- I was having fun, even with this ending. 
- You are unreformable - Bishop shook his head laughing. 
- But you still like me, right?
- It is impossible not to like you, but you are right. I like you very much - he smiled - I've already called Taza, he should be here soon and buy us out. 
- Sure - I nodded and lay down on my bunk - at least I will rest. 
Probably twenty minutes had not passed when one of the lawmen came for us. 
- Well, dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I invite you to leave - first he opened my cell and then Bishop - and I would not like to see you in this situation again. 
- Yes sir - I nodded my head. 
Bishop laughed at my enthusiasm, put his arm around me and kissed my cheek. When we came out of the police building, Taza was waiting for us on the motorcycle and Tranq in the bus. They both had smiles glued to their faces.
- El Presidente, do you want to explain to us what is inappropriate behavior in a public place? - Taza laughed. 
- No - Bish muttered - and not another word. 
Tranq laughed under his breath, she looked at him and he raised his hands in a defensive gesture. 
- Let's go to the club - I whispered in Bishop's ear - I would like to finish some things that have been started. 
Bishop looked at me, his eyes became darker. 
- Interested? 
- Like hell he was. 
- So let's go back - I grabbed his hand. 
- Prez we have your motorcycle - Tranq smiled and got out of the car. 
About twenty minutes later we pulled into the club. 
- Just be polite to me - Hank laughed - we don't want to bail you out twice in the same night.
Bishop showed him the middle finger and pulled me into the club. 
- Good night - I nodded to Hank.
- You too, no adventures - he laughed. 
- So where were we? - Bishop pushed me against the wall just after closing the door of the club.
- I guess you have to remind me - I smiled slightly.
- So smart.
Finally our lips met, in a hungry and needy kiss. I wrapped my arm around her neck and slid my hands into his hair. He pushed against me with his body pressing me harder against the wall. I moaned into his mouth, we both needed it. His sweatshirt and shirt were quickly on the floor as were my shirt and blouse. His hands found my breasts, squeezing them hard. I pushed him away slightly, we were both panting.
- Bish let's at least get to the couch.
- Woman - he growled.
He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the nearest couch. He sank down on it and pulled me into his lap.
- Is it better? - he murmured.
- Much - I smiled slightly.
I slipped my hands under his shirt and pulled it over his head. My hands roamed over his torso, he purred in approval. I leaned into him and pressed my lips to his neck. His hands took up my bra, I moved my hips in his lap. Moments later we were both naked, I sank to my knees between his legs. I moved my hand on his penis, he purred. I looked up at him, he had a blissful expression on his face. I flicked my tongue from the very bottom to the very tip.
- Fuck - he groaned, wrapping those beautiful little lips of yours around him. I smiled softly, wrapped my lips around his head. I felt his hands on my hair, gathering it into a ponytail. I looked up into his eyes, he pushed me slightly down his cock. I let him, finally he disappeared all the way into my mouth. 
- Jesus, fuck. You don't have a gag reflex.
I lifted my head and let his cock out with a squeak. 
- I don't, I guess that's good huh ? - I smiled. 
- Awesome - he wiped my mouth with his thumb - go back there. 
- That's right El Presidente. 
I went back to pleasing Bishop, he was moaning uncontrollably. I massaged his balls with my hand, he corrected himself on the couch spreading his legs wider. I moved my head rhythmically, Obispo broadcasting bluntly. Finally he moved my head away from his crotch. 
- If you keep doing this I will come. 
I lifted myself off the ground and slid into his lap. I leaned in harder and kissed him. His hands found my ass, he pulled me closer to him. I grabbed his penis in my hand and slid it slowly into me. I moaned moving my lips away from his mouth. I rested my forehead against his forehead, I breathed when he came all the way in. 
- Give me a second - I closed my eyes. 
- Relax - he rubbed my back with his hand - we are not in a hurry. 
I needed a longer moment to get used to his size. Finally, I moved my hips slowly and gently. We both moaned at the feeling, his hands moving from my back to my breasts. I leaned back harder and began to move faster and faster. Chasing my own release, I felt a pleasurable knot tie itself in my stomach. Bishop leaned down and latched his mouth onto my nipple.
- Fucking Bish. 
- Exactly - he groaned. 
A few moments later I was lying on my back and Bishop was pumping inside me. I had a chance to scratch his back, it felt good to feel his body weight on me. He caressed my neck with his lips, leaving marks on it. 
- I'm close - he whispered into my skin. 
- Me too - I moaned. 
I felt his movements became irregular, he pulled out of me and reached my stomach. 
- I'm sorry - he breathed. 
- It's okay - I smiled slightly.
- I won't leave you like this - he smiled playfully. 
He sat me on the edge of the couch, spread my legs and knelt between them. I didn't need much, just a few strokes with his skilled tongue and I came. I clenched my hands in his hair.
- Fuck - I bent over on the couch. 
Obispo didn't stop, thus prolonging my high. Finally I began to come down from the pleasure, the man pulled away from me wiping his mouth with his hand. He rose and collapsed on the couch next to me, I snuggled into his side.
- We can't fall asleep here, let's go to bed - he whispered kissing my head. 
- I don't want to shine my ass in front of the club when they come in the morning.
- They would have a good show - he smiled. 
- So funny - I got up. 
I put on my shirt and pants. 
- Will you join me? - I looked at him.
- I had this plan - he came closer and hugged me from behind - you wanted to throw me out of my own club ?
- Maybe it crossed my mind - I laughed. 
- So funny - he tickled me.
- Bishop - I moved away from him - behave yourself. 
He snorted under his breath and followed me to my room. Eventually we fell asleep cuddled together in my bed, it was good to feel the warmth of a man next to me. Of course we didn't get any more sleep because Angel burst into the room laughing.
- Tiny and how...-he paused in his words.
- Reyes if I open my eyes and see you, you're fucked - Bishop growled.
- Yes Prez.
I laughed under my breath burying my face in Bishop's neck, I only heard footsteps moving away from the door. 
- You're horrible to him. 
- And I'm going to be even worse - he snorted under his breath. 
I pulled away from him and looked at his relaxed face. He turned his head towards me and smiled opening his eyes. 
- You're staring - he kissed me on the lips. 
- I am staring at a handsome man - I smiled gently. 
- I'm handsome what - he laughed and rolled on top of me. 
- Mhm - I purred joining our lips together. 
I crossed my arms behind his neck and deepened the kiss. His hands rested on my sides, he pressed his fingers against my skin. He pulled away from me after a moment and kissed my nose.
- I should go now because those bastards won't let me live - he breathed.
- You growl once or twice and they will shut up - I smiled from ear to ear. 
- Don't take me for a tyrant - he sat down on the edge of the bed. 
- Maybe not a tyrant, but certainly a person who can deal with a bunch of rough kids - I stroked his back.
- They really can be brats - he rubbed his face with his hands.
- Mhm - I slid into his lap - but you will tame them, as always. 
I leaned into him and kissed him. I slid my hand down to his boxers, pushing them away thus allowing his cock to come out. 
- I should go - he groaned.
- 5 minutes won't save them - I pressed my lips to his neck. 
- 5 minutes - he muttered.
I impaled myself on him moaning into his mouth, I moved my hips up and down. 
- Oh fuck - he cursed pulling away from me - I'm going to love mornings like this. 
His hands slid under my shirt and rested on my breasts. 
- Come on Querida I know you can go faster. 
He squeezed my nipples between his fingers, moving his hips against me. I slid my hand into his hair and squeezed hard. We both needed very little to come and start the day beautifully. After a quick shower we went down to the guys on the first floor. 
- Anyone up for breakfast ? - I looked at them. 
Each of them wordlessly put their hand up, I saw a sly smile on Taza and Tranq's face. I snorted under my breath and headed for the kitchen. Before I had time to close the door behind me I heard Angel's voice. 
- Querida, I think I have something that belongs to you - he laughed. 
- What's that? - I furrowed my brow and retreated back into the main room. 
On his finger hung my lacy panties, I smiled slightly. 
- Well Reyes you better think about what we must have been doing on this couch and every other surface that you found my panties here - I took them from him.
I stood on my toes and moved closer to his ear. His hands rested on my hips holding me in place.
- If I were you, before you sit on your chair in Templo, I would wash or disinfect it - I smiled. 
I moved my head away from his ear and looked into his eyes, his pupils were dilated. His jaw was hanging almost to the ground in surprise. 
- You didn't do it ? - he shook his head. 
I smiled slightly, kissed him on the cheek and went back to the kitchen. I started to prepare breakfast for a bunch of guys sitting in the main room.
- Let me help you - Ez came up to me - you want to tell me why my brother carried his chair out of Templo cursing his sex drive and lack of civility. 
- It's easy to get under your brother's skin - I laughed handing him an onion to cut - I told him I did it with Bishop on his chair in the Templo.
Ez laughed helping me with breakfast. We finally left with plates of scrambled eggs and orange juice. 
- Where is the elder Reyes? - I looked around the room. 
- Outside with a chair from Templo - Taza looked at me. 
- He's worse than a child - I snorted under my breath and walked outside.
Angel stared at the chair probably wondering what to do with it. 
- Reyes it's good that you're pretty because you lack wisdom - I shook my head - I fucked you, we didn't do it in Templo. 
If a look could kill I would be lying dead. He moved towards me with long steps. 
- You better run - he growled. 
I rushed into the club, looking for a place where I could hide. I fell onto the couch between Bishop and Hank. 
- Remember what you experienced with me this morning - I cuddled into Obispo's side. 
- What's going on? - He furrowed his eyebrows with a plate in his hand. 
- Angel has gone mad - I muttered. 
- I've heard that somewhere before - Taza laughed. 
- Reyes stop - Bishop raised a finger and stopped Angel - there is your plate and not a word. 
I stuck my tongue out at him and smiled broadly.
- And you stop hooking into him - he growled at me - you are worse than kindergarten. 
- But you love this kindergarten - I kissed him on the cheek. 
- Like hell - he muttered throwing me a look. 
I smiled slightly and took my plate. Immediately after eating I got up and gathered the boys' dishes. Ez stopped me at the bar. 
- Do you have time at lunchtime today ?
- Yeah, why? - I squinted. 
- Me and Angel have a thing for you - he scratched the back of his neck. 
- A case that Bishop probably shouldn't know about? 
- That the club shouldn't know about - he breathed.
- Why do I get the feeling the Reyes brothers are always getting into trouble? - I snorted under my breath - and why do I get the feeling it's Angel again?
Ez shrugged his shoulders and smiled slightly. 
- Okay, fine. I'll be back at the club before lunch and we'll go somewhere together - I threw the dishes into the sink. 
- Thanks - he kissed me on the cheek and left the kitchen. 
I shook my head and started to wash the dishes. 
- What do you have planned today? - Bishop appeared next to me.
- I'm going to finish cleaning up and then I'm going to go to the agency to sign the contract to buy this loft. Then I'll go to the loft and figure out how to fix it up. 
- So it's been a busy day ? - he smiled. 
- You could say that - I looked at him - and what do you have planned?
- I have to go through the documents of the scrap yard today. It's been a bit busy lately.
- Maybe after lunch I'll come and help you ? - I leaned my hip against the cabinet. 
- You don't have to. Take care of the loft. But maybe you can come to my house tonight? I'll make some dinner, we'll watch a movie. What do you say?
- Is this an invitation for a second date? - I wiggled my eyebrows significantly.
He nodded and smiled shyly.
- But promise me that we won't get arrested now, okay?
- I promise - he laughed - at 7?
- Sure fits.
Part 20
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lilacyennefer · 4 years
Hurricane — Part 12
A/N: Hi, hello! I know it's been way too long since I posted an update for this chapter, but here it is now! I actually really loved this chapter, and i can't wait for you guys to read it. And an important note, there's only a few chapters left from this fic, but I love Tate and Jax way too much so I might do a sequel to Hurricane if you guys want it too.
TW: smut, language, mention of death
“And I want what’s mine by right. I want the President patch and you out of my father’s club.”
Jax’s words made the clubhouse extremely loud and really quiet at the same time. 
“This is not how it works, son.” Clay says so calmly that it makes your blood boil even more. 
“Don’t call me son!” Jax yells and he takes a step closer to Clay. 
“What’s wrong Old Man? Are you afraid you might lose your patch?” Dan asks Clay. Clay ignores them and he turns to you.
“I don’t know who did this to you, but we will find them and deal with them.” He tells you. 
It’s your turn now to step closer to him as you forcefully speak. “YOU, did this to me. To US!” You keep raising your voice word by word “Don’t fucking pretend you didn’t do it. We know you did it.” 
“Why don’t we take this to the table?” You hear Bobby say. Jax turns towards him, he’s eyeing him for a second before he nods.
“Let’s do that.” Jax says “Unless you’re afraid of consequences.” 
Clay is visibly thinking about the offer, thinking about the possibilities of what can come from this situation. 
“Let’s go to the table. This is Club business, no one else needs to hear this.” Clay finally says, and he doesn’t wait for anyone’s answers, he walks away. 
Jax quickly steps close to you to place a kiss on your forehead and whisper “It’s going to be alright.” before he leaves too, leaving you alone with the guest, and Gemma. 
You walk into the small kitchen in the clubhouse to pour yourself a glass of cold water, and try to calm yourself down. 
You can sense someone coming towards you so you turn around to see Gemma approaching you, suspicion is written all over her face. You take your phone out of your pocket, start voice recording and quickly put it back into your pocket.
“When did you plan to tell me that you’re pregnant?” 
You swallow the water that's in your mouth before you answer.
“When did you plan to tell me that you want to see me dead?” your voice is cold and steady, there’s no sign of your nervousness in it. You can’t break, not in front of Gemma. Not when you have a plan.
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” she says forcefully, and you let out a snort.
“Gemma, you really want me to believe this?” you take a step closer to her “You didn’t like me from day one. You never trusted me. And it completely made you hate me when Jax and I got married secretly.” Gemma smirks from your words.
“You can’t prove shit. And if you think Jax will believe you, a whore he knocked up, instead of his mother, then you’re really wrong.”
Only if she knew that every word she says is being recorded. 
“You might be right. We will see I guess.” you shrug and walk pass by her, going outside of the clubhouse and you sit down, waiting for something to happen.  
Hours passed until you finally saw Jax again, as he walks towards you, you can’t see any patch on his Cut and your heart skips a beat.
“I’m sorry, Jax.” you say when he’s standing in front of you, he’s not saying a word as he’s watching you. 
You’re about to ask why he’s looking at you like this, but he raises his hands and you see him holding a patch in his hand, it takes you a little while until you could read ‘President’ on it. Your eyes snap up to Jax who’s watching you now with a smile. 
“You did it.” you whisper and you jump into his neck, hugging him.
“I couldn’t have done this without you.” he mutters into your shoulder.
“Everything is going to be okay from now on.” Jax whispers, and you feel a calmness fill you, relaxing you. In that moment, you believe what he said. 
You kiss Jax hotly on the mouth, and for the first time since such a long time, you felt white heat rushing over you, leaving you longing with want. 
Not right now, you think. You’ll be able to make up for the lost time with Jax once this whole chaos settled. 
You quietly watch everyone congratulate Jax, you clearly can see everyone being happy about this, they were all tired of Clay and his bullshit. 
This is right, this is how it’s meant to be. Jax claims what’s his by right, so he can turn the club into what his father originally wanted the club to be. You didn’t know John Teller, but growing up you heard many stories of what kind of man he was, and you heard Jax talk about him too. You never told him this, since he heard this all the time, but you clearly could see the similarities between him and his father.
And as you watch Jax being happy with the people he belongs to, with the Cut and Patch he deserves more than anyone, you’re sure that his father is god damn proud of his son, and this makes you fill with proud too. 
Jax lost his father at a young age, and he only had his mother left. Suddenly, your phone is being ten times heavier than usual as the voice record of Gemma’s confession sits in your pocket. 
You were so sure about your plan, that you’ll make Gemma confess that she had a part in Clay’s plan, but now that you’ve been thinking about this for hours, you’re suddenly not sure anymore. You know it would break Jax’s heart, and he’d get so lost and go on a really dark path. 
You take a deep breath and look over at Gemma, who’s watching you. 
You walk up to her while the boys are having a few drinks.
“Let’s talk.” You say and walk out of the clubhouse, far away so if someone comes out they won’t hear what you’re talking about. 
You stop and turn to face Gemma whose face is stern. 
“We have to make a deal.” You say. Gemma raises her eyebrows from your statement.
“Do you want to see your grandchild? Want to be a grandma?” 
“You know I do.” 
You nod and take a deep breath.
“I wanted to let Jax know that you had a part in Clay’s plan. That you wanted to see me dead. But I realised how much it would break Jax and I can’t let him disappoint even more than he already is. He doesn’t deserve this. And you know this.” 
You see Gemma look down on the floor, somehow ashamed, but you’re not sure if you actually saw that since it ran over her face so quickly. 
“You don’t want to break his heart more, don’t you?” 
“No.” Gemma says quietly.
“Then we have to make peace. I won’t tell Jax shit about what you did, but you can NEVER touch me or my child like this again. If you ever do anything against us again, I will deal with you. You can be damn sure about that.” 
Gemma hesitates, weighing her options.
“If you don’t agree with this or try to plan against us, your confession will land at Jax.”
“You’re a good Old Lady.” Gemma finally says. “And you’re going to be an even greater mother.”
“Thank you. But you have to know that I will never forgive this to you.” 
“I know. I wouldn’t either.” 
“I don’t know what I did that made you hate me this much. But I do want you to know that I never wanted this. I never wanted to take Jax away from you, to turn against you.” You swallow hard “I just wanted to have a family on my own. With Jax. I never loved anyone as much as I love him, and I only can hope he feels the same about me. So for his sake, we need to stop being at war with each other.” 
“He does.” Gemma says and you look at her confused “He does love you more than anything. I never saw him being so serious about a woman before, and maybe that scared me. I didn’t want you to break his heart.”
You can’t help but let out a snort from her statement. 
“And do you think me dying with our unborn child wouldn’t have broken him?”
Gemma doesn’t answer that.
“Alright. I’m getting tired and hungry.” You break the silence “So, we are good, right?”
“We are.”
“But Gemma, if you’ll plan something against me again, I’ll know. Don’t let my kindness fool you.” You don’t let her answer as you start walking back to the clubhouse, only when you reach the door the guys are coming out, making you jump back.
“Sorry sweetheart.” Tig says “Are you okay?”
“Sure.” You smile “I’m okay Tiggy.” 
You step aside to let them walk past you, and you wait Jax to appear. 
“Hey, are you okay?” He asks you as he stands next to you.
“Yes, I’m just a little tired and hungry.” You hug your arms around yourself.
“I’m gonna take you home and we can stop at the diner to pick up some food. But after that there’s something I have to take care of.” 
“What’s that?” Jax just shakes his head.
“You don’t want to know.”
“This is not how it works, Jax.” You warn him. He tells you everything and you’ll be sure that he keeps telling you everything especially in situations like this. 
Jax takes a deep breath and leads you away from the others.
“We will make sure that Clay will never do anything ever again.” That’s all what Jax says, and he doesn’t need to clarify what he means, you exactly know.
“Good.” Is all you say, to Jax’s surprise.
“What?” You ask “Should I feel sorry for that son of a bitch? Well, I don’t.”
Jax just lets out a small laugh and leans to kiss your forehead. 
“You’re right.” He mutters against your forehead. “C’mon beautiful, let’s get you home.” 
Your tiredness in the car hits you even more as you lean your head against the window, watching the houses and trees pass by you quickly as Jax drives. None of you say a word as he drives, you’re too tired after the events what happened, both emotionally and physically, so you just enjoy Jax being close to you and his hand on your thigh. Jax parked the car in front of the diner what’s open 24 hours, and you go inside with him to choose something to eat, and you end up buying all kinds of foods, donuts, pies, and shakes. Jax doesn’t say anything, but you can see him smile a little bit with an amused expression on his face, but he knows better than to ask if you're gonna eat all of that, especially since you’re pregnant. And he finally parks your car in front of the house you share, and he escorts you inside, but you tell him he can go, you're gonna be okay, especially since a Prospect is parked in front of your house. 
“I’ll be back soon.” he says and kisses you, a hot kiss that revives the fire inside you. 
After he left, you took a shower and put on one of Jax’s shirts before you carried all the food into the living room, eating everything you got while watching something on tv. 
You were too tired to wait for Jax, so you went to bed after you finished eating. You don’t know how much time has passed since you’ve fallen asleep when you woke up to feeling two strong arms around your body, pulling you closer. 
You’re still a little jumpy from the things that had happened so you gasp and sit up when your brain registered what’s happening. 
“Hey, it’s me, it’s okay.” Jax whispers.
“Shit.” you mutter, and Jax sits up next to you.
“I’m sorry I scared you. Go back to sleep.” he said, then placed kisses on your clothed shoulder.
From his soft kisses your desire has awakened again, and even in a fully dark room you can see that Jax is wearing only an underwear, and he’s completely shirtless next to you. 
You almost forgot how fucking handsome and sexy Jax is, but it’s understandable that sex was the last thing in your mind after what you went through. But now that the things that have settled down, and you’re feeling better and better, you want your husband again. You always had an active sex life with Jax, and now it’s been way too long since the two of you tangled the sheets together in sinful acts of love, and you needed Jax badly. 
Jax is already laying back on the bed, and you bite your bottom lip as you watch him, his face is relaxed, and his eyes are closed. He looks younger like this, less stressed, and more beautiful. 
You lay down next to Jax, wrapping your arm around his chest, throwing a leg over his as you rest your head on his shoulder. 
Your hand is steady on his chest before you slowly start caressing his soft skin, brushing your thumb over his nipple knowing how sensitive it is as your hand goes lower, fingers tracing his abs, but you stop and rest your hand at the edge of his boxer. 
Jax is completely still, the only indication showing you that he’s very much awake is how hard his heart beats against your ear, and how his chest is rising and falling a little bit quicker than before. 
You move your hand again, lifting the elastic edge of his underwear so you can slip your hand inside, only to find his already hardening cock, and when you gently run your fingers over his shaft, Jax groans loudly. 
“Tate.” he breaths “What are you doing?”
You turn your head to face him, your fingers are still caressing him.
“What does it seem like? I want my husband.” another groan leaves his mouth as he moves quickly, pinning you to the bed while your hand is still inside his underwear.
“Are you sure it’s a good idea?” Jax hesitates, but you nod confidently. 
“Yes. I’ll tell you to stop if I change my mind.” you assure him.
Jax doesn't answer verbally, but he smashes his lips against yours hungrily, and you can feel from his kiss that he wants you just as much as you want him. 
“The baby.” Jax says when he breaks the kiss.
“What about the baby?”
“Is it safe?” To have sex?”
“Yes, it’s okay.” you answer as you wrap your legs around his hips, pulling him closer.
“Are you sure?”
“Jax, for fucks sake.” you say a little bit annoyed “I’m a doctor, I know what I know. Besides, do you really think I’d do anything that harms my baby?” 
Jax is thinking for a second before he answers “Our baby.”
“Yes.” you smile at him “Our baby.” you kiss him again, lovingly, but hungry for the pleasure and the intimacy you’ve missed so much.
Shakily, you pull your hand away from Jax and grab his face as you kiss, slipping your fingers through his silken gold hair, wrapping some locks around your fingers to keep him close, because not only your body needs him, but your soul too, to feel connected to him again the way how you only can connect during making love, to feel your souls touch again. 
A shiver runs down your whole body as Jax slowly traces a hand between your bodies, the same way you did to him earlier, until he reaches the hem of your panties. 
“Take your shirt off.” Jax grans, and he gives you a little space so you can take your shirt off and throw it away. 
Jax’s mouth immediately finds your nipple in the dark, rolling his tongue around your sensitive bud, then sucking it in his mouth, making you let out a breathy moan.
“God, I missed those sounds so much.” Jax says as he grinds his hips against your core “I missed being with you like this.”
“I missed it too.” you whisper against his lips “Please love me.” you almost beg. 
Jax slips one of his arms under you, pulling you closer to himself, hiding his face in your neck, kissing and licking your sensitive skin as his fingers slip into your panties, brushing over your soaked folds.
“Jesus Christ.” he groans “You’re fucking soaked.” he states as he runs his wet fingers over your clit, making you jump and cry out. 
You can sense Jax being gentle and carefully with you, and you love it, you love that you can feel his love radiating from him, and not just his lust. 
“Ahhh, yes!” you moan when he slips a finger inside of you. After so long of not being together with anyone, you feel everything more intense than usual, and when he slips another finger inside of you, without any warning you cum shakily. 
“Damn babe, I didn’t know I have this effect on you.” Jax jokes and you can’t help but laugh. 
“That was totally unexpected.” you say and look up at Jax who’s looking at you with such love and admiration it makes your heart clench. 
“Hmm, I wonder how you’ll react if I do this.” he says, then curls his fingers inside of you on that one spot that makes you see stars, and it’s not different now as his fingers rubbing against you, making you melt from the pleasure.  
“Jax, please!” you beg.
He doesn’t tease you, not this time, so he runs his thumb over your clit the same time he’s moving his fingers inside of you. And again, it takes you a few minutes until your vision fades to black and your whole body goes still as waves of pleasure rush over you. 
Jax lets you ride your orgasm out while his mouth is all over you, kissing your neck, chest, and suck your nipples until you calm down. 
“I need you inside of me.” you purred, eyes still closed. 
Jax pulls his fingers out of you, and you open your eyes to look between your body only to see him grabbing his rock hard cock, smearing your wetness on himself before he places himself to your opening. He cups your cheeks and you look up to him, locking your eyes with his as he slowly, and so gently, started rocking his hips against yours, making you take him inch by inch. 
“Oh god.” you moan when Jax filled you completely and stop, letting you adjust to his size. It’s been awhile, and no matter how wet you are, he’s still really big, and he didn’t want to hurt you. 
Jax kisses you again hungrily, staying completely still until he feels you pushing your hips against his, silently signaling him to start moving.
And when he does, slowly rocking his hips against yours, everything else stopped existing, and it was just the two of you, and the small bubble you created for yourself as you moved in sync, pushing yourselves closer to the pleasure, not just physically, but your souls too. 
As you made love, your hands were all over Jax, caressing his skin, raking your nails down his back gently, your lips never left each other as you kissed.
Jax grabbed your knee gently, his other arm is still under you, keeping you as close as possible, and he raised your legs a little bit higher so he can slide inside you deeper, making you cry out. Jax is buried deep inside of you, and with every thrust of his hips, he’s pushing both of you closer and closer to your pleasures until both of you cried out as you came hard, and Jax spilled himself inside of you.
Hearts pounding, feeling dizzy and breathless, you were laying next to each other, hugging close until you fell asleep in each other’s.
Tag list: @innerpaperexpertcloud @lady-evans @agirllovespasta @claudiahxrdy @oldstuffnewstuff @keithseabrook27 @alexa-rae-dreamz @minnicelli @woahitslucyylu @de-profundis-ad-astra @mylifeliterally @happyhenners @rebel-without-cause-x
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
The Dress
Characters: Angel Reyes x black!reader
Based off of this
Warnings: Self-esteem issues, Implied smut, angst, and fluff!!!
A/N: My first Angel fic and I’m in love. Also, I’ll probably use this same idea with different guys, so if you don’t like Angel, you may be getting someone different!
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This time you were sure blood was drawn. What did you do to deserve such horrendous torture?
“Ouch, that hurt,” you complained, staring down at the perpetrator.
“If you’d be still, then it wouldn’t hurt,” Marisol sassed back.
“Oh god,” you muttered to yourself, which in return earned you a smack to your bottom. “Don’t use the good Lord’s name in vain!” Marisol scolded you.
Marisol better be lucky that you love her or otherwise you wouldn’t be doing her this favor. She was the best seamstress in Santo Padre and made you many dresses for the events your father dragged you to. So, when she asked you for a favor you weren’t hesitant.
Her granddaughter was getting married, but she lived in LA and wasn’t accessible for dress fittings. Luckily, you and her granddaughter had the same measurements, so Marisol asked if you could stand in for her and you agreed.
“Aw, mija you trying to become skin and bones?” She asked, feeling around your hips.
You palmed your face. Only Marisol would think losing a couple of pounds on your thick frame as a bad thing. “Don’t worry, Marisol. I won’t lose too much, so you can finish the dress.”
“I’m not worried about that! It’s Angelito that may have something to say.”
Rolling your eyes, you dared to ask the woman why she would even mention your best friend. “What does Angel have to do with this?”
“Because men want a woman with curves they can hold onto.”
“We’re just- ”
“Best friends,” Marisol finished for you. “Yeah, yeah yeah, you always say that. But the way he follows you around like a lost puppy dog, suggests otherwise.”
Just as you were opening your mouth for a witty retort, the roar of motorcycles announcing the arrival of the Mayans.
As usual Bishop was the first one through the door, flanked by Hank and Taza. The men first greeted Marisol, but soon noticed you. “Who’s the lucky guy and why haven’t we met him?” Bishop asked, opening up his arms for a hug.
Quickly Marisol swept Bishop’s arms away from your direction. “Don’t you dare get your dirty, greasy biker hands near my dress! And she’s not getting married, just a real life mannequin for my granddaughter.”
“Thank God! Don’t want Angel to have a heart attack,” Hank teased. You narrowed your eyes at him, as everyone in the room began to laugh.
The loud creaking of the front door notified you of more people coming in the house. “Woah, who knew you looked good in a dress?” Coco commented soon as he saw you.
“Screw you, Coco! I wear dresses all the time!”
“Yeah, to those fancy ass parties, never around us.”
Coco had a point. Around the Mayans you only wore jeans and t-shirts. You could relax with them unlike with your dad. He always had you prancing around and mingling at overrated parties, so he could gain more clients for his private security firm.
“Y/N, you look beautiful,” EZ said, pulling you from your thoughts. Next to him was his older brother, eyes wide open and mouth bobbing up and down, leaving you wondering if you looked horrible in the dress.
You thought you did the one armed dress service. The cinched waist hid your tummy and the ruffles gave you a princess flair. Also, white always looks good on brown skin, but maybe Angel thought otherwise. “Hey, second-best looking Reyes brother, what do you think?”
Instead of answering you, Angel bolted out the door. “He’s uh, still drunk.” EZ tried to excuse his brother, but the lie was unbelievable. You knew what a drunk Angel looked like and that Angel looked anything but drunk.
Marisol refused to let you follow him, stating some outdated nonsense like a woman never chases after a man. So you dutifully stood there, wondering did you look that bad, while the rest of the Mayans ate the food Marisol fixed for them and threatened to kick Angel’s ass for you.
Hours later you found yourself outside of the Mayans clubhouse. Angel wouldn’t respond to any of your texts and you were tired of being ignored.
You didn’t know the specifics, but you knew they closed some deal with another MC, Sons of something , you couldn’t recall. But they were celebrating the deal with an infamous Mayans party.
The lot was littered with motorcycles, bikers, barely dressed women and beer bottles. And inside the clubhouse it was no different.
EZ was at the bar pouring drinks instead of partying. He nodded to you and then pointed in the direction of where Angel was sitting.
Great, the man-whore had two biker bimbos in his lap. Each woman sneered at you when approached him. “Reyes we need to talk.”
“Not right now, Y/N.” Angel replied, not even glancing your way.
“Yeah, go away you big fat black cow,” one of the girls muttered.
Suddenly, the girl was on the ground with Angel standing over her, yelling at her to leave and never to come back. At least Angel never let anyone disrespect you, even if he did.
Deciding to wait him out, you went to the bar, where EZ had a drink waiting for you. “That guy’s a real asshole,” an unfamiliar voice interrupted your pity party.
“Huh,” you turned to the stranger. His kutte wasn’t like the Mayans, so he had to be from the other MC. On the corner it read ‘Prez’ then ‘SAMCRO.’ But his kutte didn’t hold your attention for too long, because his face was so damn beautiful. If you weren’t already half in love with Angel, you would’ve thought he was the best looking guy there.
“That guy’s an asshole for dismissing the most beautiful woman here. But I guess I would be intimidated by you as well.”
“Intimidated? No way, Angel’s not interested in me.”
The stranger pointed the end of his beer towards Angel, who was burning holes on the middle of his head. “Then why is he staring daggers at me?”
“He’s just overprotective.” You told yourself more than him. You couldn’t let yourself hope or you would be heartbroken if you learned Angel didn’t reciprocate your feelings.
The blonde man licked his lips and stared at you. “Wanna test that?”
It seemed the man had good intentions, but you never know with bikers. “How,” you asked suspiciously.
“Do you trust me, sweetheart?”
“I don’t even know your name.”
“Jax Teller, president of Sons of Anarchy.” He introduced himself, reaching for your hand for a handshake.
“Y/N Y/L/N, disgruntled best friend.” When you put your hand in his, he pulled you to him, mere inches from his face. Once again he asked if you trusted him and this time you shook your head yes.
In an instant Jax’s lips were claiming yours. He licked the seam of your lips, asking for access inside of your mouth and you granted it. His kiss was fiery and passionate, and you wished you could enjoy it more instead of wishing it was a certain Mayan.
Feeling a pair of hands on your shoulders, you thought it was Jax until you were pulled away. Looking up at the culprit, you saw stormy brown eyes that belong to Angel Reyes. Without saying a word he dragged you out and into EZ’s RV.
“What the fuck was that?” Angel screamed at you. You had to admit he was hot when he was angry, but you didn’t like when he was angry at you.
“It’s called kissing. And here I thought you got passed first base. Guess I was wrong.” Shrugging your shoulders you moved passed Angel to leave, but he quickly blocked your path.
“Why the fuck did you have your lips on another MC’s president? Specifically the one we’re doing business with. What, you want to be some white boy’s cum dump?”
Angel knee he fucked up when he saw the surprised reaction on your face, so he braced himself for what was coming next. Without disappointment, you decked Angel in the face. “Fuck you! How about you tell me why you’ve been avoiding me all day?”
Silently, Angel stood there contemplating if he should tell you the truth. Only thing was, he was taking too long. “Ok, nothing? I guess I’ll be keeping Jax’s bed warm tonight.”
“The dress,” he muttered weakly.
“What about the dress? Did I look that awful in it that you had to avoid me the rest of the day? Because if that’s the case, you’re a real shitty friend Angel Reyes. All you had to say is I looked bad in it.” You continued rambling on how he could’ve told you in different ways that he didn’t like the dress, until he interrupted you.
“Fuck no, querida! I was thinking the opposite!” Calming down, Angel led you to the table and knelt before you while you sat. “I was thinking about how I would love to see you in that dress walking down an aisle towards me. I was thinking about the kids we could have and the fun we would have making them. I was thinking about how I’m in love with my best friend, but I’ll never be enough for her because she deserves better.” At the end of his declaration, Angel laid his head in your lap and cried.
For a moment, his declaration left you stunned, but once you realized you hadn’t said anything, you confessed your own feelings. “I love you, Angel Reyes. And not as a best friend, but as the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.” Angel lifted his head up to make sure he was hearing you right. Cupping his face, you leaned your forehead against his. “I love you, Angel and if I ever hear you say you’re not good enough for me, I will personally put a cap in your ass. You hear me?”
“You know I get hard every time you threaten to physically hurt me?” He joked, obviously back to his old self.
Weakly you pushed him away, but he wouldn’t budge. “You’re disgusting, Angel!”
“But you love me anyway, like I do you.”
With your arms around his neck, playing with his hair, you replied, “Unfortunately, you’re right.”
Angel snuggled his face in the crook of your neck and began leaving a trail of kisses from your shoulder to your ear. “Dame un beso, querida.” He gruffly commanded into your ear.
Happily obliging, you gave Angel the kiss he asked for. His was much more enjoyable than Jax’s and you knew he ruined you for other men. Angel’s kiss was reminding you that you were always his and always will be. The kiss was stirring up desires, that you would have to apology to EZ for sating them in his RV. Sadly, a knock interrupted any future plans.
“Y/N, you ain’t kill him? It’s too quiet in there.” Coco’s muffled voice carried through. You both stood up and you were about to turn the door knob until Angel stopped you.
He took his kutte off and put it on you. “Just so everyone knows who you belong to. Especially Teller.”
You laughed at Angel’s possessiveness and kissed him quickly. “He was just helping me out.” Angel rolled his eyes, remembering the predatory look in Jax’s eyes when he saw you. “Really, babe. He wanted to see if he could get a rise out of you.”
“Yeah, well this tells him and everyone you’re off limits. Now open the door, before we let Coco loudly know I’m not dead.” He smacked your ass as you opened the door.
When the door completely opened, it revealed all of the Mayans and a couple of the Sons. All of them had smirks on their faces and you assumed it was at how crazy you looked. Your hair was flying everywhere and Angel had your brown lipstick on his lips.
Coco started a slow clap that eventually had all the Mayans joining in. Both you and Angel flipped them off, but they all just laughed it off.
“Angel’s finally got his head out from stuck up his ass. Just took another man taking interest in Y/N.” Bishop commented. Basically everyone had said the same thing and congratulated you two. The only disappointed ones were the girls who hung around the bar. Even Jax congratulated you two, but told you to him up if Angel messed up.
Throughout the night, you and Angel would randomly tell each other ‘I love you.’ And even though, you were hearing and saying it excessively, you knew you would never grow tired of it, because Angel was the one for you and vice versa.
Taglist: @cocooned-butterfly @titty-teetee @dannixchristian @ladydragonpurplefire @sincerelysinister @mrsamaroevans @honeychicana
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dukereviewsmovies · 3 years
Duke Reviews: Mortal Kombat 2021
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews Where Today I'm Looking At The 2021 Mortal Kombat Movie...
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Now, I Bet You're Asking Me, Andrew, Why Are You Reviewing This And Not The Original Mortal Kombat Movie And It's Sequel, Mortal Kombat Annihilation? Because I Don't Need A Frying Pan To Hit Me Over The Head To Know For A Fact That Both Of Those Films Are Horrible...
Where This Film Knows How To Handle The Game It's Taking On, Of Course, Some People Will Disagree With Me On This But Intend To Prove Those Haters Wrong Today...
So, With That Said, Let's Dive Into Mortal Kombat 2021...
Expect Spoilers From Here On Out...
The Movie Starts At The Home Of Hanzo Hasashi In Japan In The Year 1617, Where Hanzo Goes To Get 2 Buckets Of Water For His Wife, But Before He Goes, He Tells Her That He Loves Her Very Much...
However As Hanzo Gets Water, His Family Is Visited By Hanzo's Nemisis, Bi-Han, Whose Group Known As The Lin Kuei (Who Controls The Power Of Ice) Is Out To Annihilate Every Member Of Hanzo's Group, The Shirai Ryu From Existence And With Hanzo Being The Last One...He Makes Himself A Good Target...
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So, Yeah, Bi-Han Kills Hanzo's Wife And Eldest Son By Freezing Them To Death, Which Leads Hanzo To Create A Makeshift Weapon (Out Of A Blade His Wife Used For Gardening And Some Rope) So He Can Fight The Warriors Of The Lin Kuei Before Fighting Bi-Han Himself Only To Get Killed During The Fight...
But Before Hanzo Dies, He Hears The Cries Of His Baby Daughter But In Attempting To Go To The Baby He Dies...
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But That Doesn't Stop A God Named Raiden From Showing Up And Taking The Baby Himself To Find The Kid A New Home, Which Not Only Leads To A Title Card And Brief Star Wars Like Intro Revealing That There Is A Tournament That Decides The Fate Of Earth And Earth Has Lost 9 Of Them And Should It Lose One More, Then Earth Will Be Invaded By A Realm Called Outworld...
However, An Ancient Prophecy Has Revealed That A New Group Of Champions Led By Hanzo's Ancestor Will Tip The Balance For Earth...
Which Leads Up To Now, Where Hanzo's 21st Century Relative Who Now Goes By Cole Young Is Boxing For Money For His Family...
Now, Very Briefly, Let's Talk About Cole Who Is A New Character For This Movie And Is Not In The Video Game...
This Has Fans Debating That The Main Focus Should Have Been A Character From The Game, Namely Johnny Cage Instead Of A New Character To Which I Unfortunately Disagree With As Going With A New Character Works Better In The Movie's Favor...
Think About It, If They Had Made A Character From The Game The Main Focus It Would Come With Expectations That The Fanbase Expects For Characters Of This Game Adding To The Other Expectations For The Other Characters That Are From The Game That Are In This Movie...
Where A New Character Not Only Gives Us A Fresh Set Of Eyes To Look At This World, But A Way To Put Us Not Only Into The Movie But Into This World...
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Unfortunately, Cole Loses The Fight But It's Enough To Impress A Guy Named Jax (Played By Jimmy Olsen From Supergirl) Who A Tattoo On Cole Only For His Daughter To Reveal That It's Not A Tattoo But A Birthmark Which He's Had Since He Was Born...
Meanwhile In Outworld, The Ruler Of This Realm, Shang Tsung...
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Yes, That Guy,..
Tells Bi-Han Who Has Now Become...
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That The Prophecy Is Upon Them And He Wants Him To Go To Earth To Eliminate The Champions, Which Leads Sub-Zero To Attack Cole And His Family While They're Getting Dinner At A Restaurant...
Luckily Though, They Are Saved By Jax Who Reveals He Has A Tattoo Like Cole Does And That He's Been Chosen To Fight But Before Jax Can Tell Him Anymore They're Confronted By Sub-Zero Who Attacks Their Car, But Before Jax Goes To Fight Sub-Zero He Tells Cole To Go To Gary, Indiana...
This An Action Movie, Not A Musical!
Anyway, He Tells Cole To Go There And Find Sonya Blade Who Will Have More Information About Everything...
So, With Cole Taking His Family To Safety, Jax Goes To Fight Sub-Zero Only For Sub-Zero To Freeze Jax's Arms And Rip Them The Hell Off...
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Jax Falls To The Ground Which Leads Sub-Zero To Believe Jax Is Dead But We'll See Jax Later...
After Dropping His Family Off, Cole Goes To See Sonya Blade Who Not Only Reveals That People With Markings Like The Ones Cole And Jax Have Have Been Chosen To Fight For Earth In A Tournament Known As Mortal Kombat, But Also That She Has A Mercenary Named Kano Who Killed A Champion That Sonya Was After Only To Get The Marking Himself...
But Before Sonya Can Give More Information, They're Attacked By Reptile, A Minion Of Shang Tsung But He Defeated By Kano Who Breaks Free During The Fight...
Before He Leaves, Kano Mentions Raiden's Temple, (A Place Where Champions Have Gone To Train For The Tournament) So Sonya Makes A Deal With Kano To Take Them There For 3 Million Dollars (Despite Not Having It) And He Does...
Travelling To The Middle Of The Desert, We Get A Small Fight Between Kano And Sonya, Before They Run Into Liu Kang (Played By The Black Ranger From The Power Rangers Reboot) Who Takes Them To Raiden's Temple To See Raiden Himself Who's Not Exactly Pleased With What He Has To Work With...
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But Beggars Can't Be Choosers As Outworld Comes To Them Forcing Liu Kang And His Cousin, Kung Lao To Deal With The Intruders But Raiden Interpheres As Shang Tsung, Sub-Zero And Another Minion, Mileena Arrive...
However Despite Ordering His Minions To Kill The Champions, Raiden Creates An Electric Force Field Preventing Them From Entering...
Yeah, Go Cry To Your Mama, Shang Tsung...
So, As Both Kano And Cole Begin Training For Their Arcana (Which Is Their Inner Power), Sonya Discovers That Jax Is Alive And That As Sub-Zero Froze His Arms He Also Cauterised Jax's Wounds And All It's Going To Take Now Is Time...
Which I Think Is Liu Kang's Way Of Saying "We Can Rebuild Him, We Have The Technology"...
And So, Jax Becomes The Six Million Dollar Jax...
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Well, I Guess Six Million Dollars Doesn't Buy What It Used To Buy...
With Very Little Success Of Getting Their Arcana On Their First Day, Everyone Has Dinner Only For Kung Lao To Start Insulting Kano Which Leads to Him Getting His Arcana Of Shooting A Laser From His Eye...
But Unlike Kano, Cole Is Having A Hard Time Getting His Arcana And With Time Running Out He Needs To Get It....Fast....
This Leads Raiden To Send Cole Home Despite Telling Him The Truth About Hanzo And How He Was He Was Hoping That The Power Of His Bloodline Would Be Strong Enough For Cole To Get His Arcana...
Meanwhile In Outworld, Shang Tsung Prepares His Minions, Millena, Nitara, Kabal And General Reiko For An Attack On Raiden's Temple...
But How Will They Lower Raiden's Force Field?
Well, Unfortunately, Kabal Knows Kano And Goes Off To Convince Him To Join Shang Tsung's Team And Guess What? He Accepts.,,
So, Yeah, Kano Brings Down The Shield Allowing Shang Tsung And His Minions To Attack The Temple While Cole Is Attempting To Protect His Family From Freaking Goro!
And Holy Shit, Did They Give Goro An Update!
But As The Fights Happen We Get Lines From The Game Including "Finish Him!" And "Flawless Victory" Kung Lao Kills Nitara Only For Shang Tsung To Kill Kung Lao, Jax's Arms Finally Look Like They're Worth Six Million Dollars And Transform Into Badass Robotic Arms Intead Of Wimpy Ones
And Cole Gains His Arcana (Of Transforming Into Kinetic Armor And Weapon Creation) To Save His Family From Goro Which Leads To The Most Gruesome Death In This Movie...
But Despite Cole Returning To The Temple To Help, Raiden Gets The Team Out By Taking Them To The Void, Which Is A Space Between Earthrealm And OutWorld To Come Up With A Plan
And Their Plan Is Very Simple...
Jax Fights Reiko ( Reiko Gets His Head Smashed In By Jax), Sonya Fights Kano (Kano Has An Ironic Death And Sonya Gains His Mark, Becoming A Champion) And Liu And Cole Fight Both Mileena And Kabal (Kabal Dies By Liu's Fire Dragon Ability And Mileena Gets Blasted By Sonya When She Shows Up)
They Had Intended Taking Sub-Zero Together But When He Shows Cole A Bracelet That Belonged To Cole's Daughter, He's Like "I Have Your Family, Come Get Me Bitch!"
So, Cole Enters A Portal To Face Sub-Zero Alone, Well...Not Really...
Using A Blade That Belonged To Hanzo During The Fight, Cole Summons The Spirit Of Hanzo To Fight With Him...,
But He's Not Hanzo Anymore, Oh, No....He's...
And He's Like...
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So, Yeah, Scorpion Kills Sub-Zero By Burning The Bastard With Fire Breath Before Returning To Help And Cole Saves His Family....
But As Raiden And His Team Arrive, Shang Tsung Also Arrives Saying That Death Is Just Another Portal And Next Time, He Will Come With Armies Before Leaving
However, Though They Won This Battle, The Fight Is Not Over By Any Means As Raiden Assembles A New List Of Champions For The Team To Recruit...
Packing Up His Locker At The Wrestling Ring, Cole Tells His Agent That He's Going To Hollywood As We Look At A Poster That Tells Us Johnny Cage Will Be In The Sequel...
This Movie Was...Pretty Damn Epic!
How This Isn't One Of The Best Video Game Movie Adaptations Ever I Will Never Know, I Guess It Just Comes Down To People Are Idiots And Don't Know What The Hell They're Talking About...
"The Story Is Confusing" If The Story Is Confusing Then You Don't Belong Reviewing Movies Cause You Have No Idea What A Good Movie Is!, "The Movie Has Horrible Writing" Have You Even Seen The Original Mortal Kombat Movie? That And Annihilation Have Worse Writing Than This Movie! "We Should Have Had Johnny Cage Instead Of Cole" We're Getting Him In The Sequel, Give The Writers A Freaking Break And Stop Being Critical Pricks!
So, Yeah, It's Obvious That This Has Become My Favorite Video Game Movie And I Say Don't Listen To People Like Angry Joe Or Hack The Movies Who Don't Know What They're Talking About And Go See This Movie
Till Next Time, This Is Duke, Signing Off
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oskea93 · 4 years
My Heart Has a History (2)
A/N: Oh my goodness, guys!! Thank you so much to everyone who has read and liked the first two updates! You guys are amazing and I love you all so much!! If you would like to be tagged for the story, please let me know and I will start adding a tag list :)
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After dealing with difficult customers, making more pies than I can count, and having to make Gemma's desserts on top of everything, I finally closed the shop around 8:30 that night. I had decided to let the other girls go since I was just working on Gemma's order. There was no need for them to stick around and help me. I had already called Matthew and told him that I would be late, which only made him angry since he had ordered dinner for us. I couldn't just drop everything I was doing and tell Gemma to forget it. I would never hear the end of it. I tried to prepare myself for what was to come as I drove up the windy road to Gemma and Clay's home. All the guys, including some of their old ladies were going to be there and hanging out with them was never enjoyable for me. I learned to love and care for the main members but I just couldn't deal with the wannabes and their stripper/porn star wives.
I arrived at Gemma's house a little after nine and the place was still packed. It wasn't a secret that Gemma's cooking was probably the best in town. She knew how to make the most complex dishes that people on cooking shows only wished they could make. It was as if you were at a five-star restaurant that gave you a four-course meal. The only thing she couldn't do was bake, and I guess that's where I come in. Even before I opened the bakery, Gemma's had me making her desserts for every occasion; Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays, or just random dinners. Apparently, that was the only thing I could do right per Gemma.
I slowly got out of the car and waddled my way up the stairs that led to the house. I could hear the laughter and joy coming from behind the wooden door. Besides the great food, Gemma's dinners were a time for everyone to get together. If the day was going bad, it was always better once everyone took a seat around the big table. All the drama that surrounded the day was lifted away and forgotten about. Well, until the alcohol started to flow.
I slowly raised my hand and started to knock on the door. I didn't want to just barge in since I was no longer apart of the family. I waited a couple seconds before the door slowly opened to reveal Clay Morrow. 
"Well if it isn't little Betty Crocker." 
I gave him a small smile as he moved out of the way so I could enter the house. Clay and I have never really had a relationship. There was just something about him that I didn't trust and I even shared those feelings with Jax.
"Desserts are here!" Clay's voice boomed from above me.    I couldn't help but jump as I wasn't expecting him to still be behind me. He gave me a Cheshire smile as he made his way towards the dining room. A second later, a pair of high heeled shoes smacked their way across the hardwood floor. I couldn't help but roll my eyes as I saw Gemma come into view, looking more pissed off than ever. "Where the hell have you been? You told me you'd be here by 8:00!" She harshly whispered as she removed the tray and plate out of my hands.    "I have other customers besides you, Gem." I tiredly answered back. 
I could hear her mutter something under her voice but I couldn't make out what she had said.I followed behind her as she made her way into the kitchen. I had yet to see Jax since he was in the dining room with everyone else. 
"Where's Wyatt?" I asked as I helped her cut the cake. I was hoping that she had followed my orders and put him to bed. "Jax put him to bed around an hour or so ago." I just nodded my head, thankful that Jax had actually listen to me for once. "It would be nice if he could actually stay at his father's house for once instead of being carted around like a dog."    The knife I was using stopped mid-slice at Gemma's statement. "I'm not treating my son like a dog, Gemma." I started. "Jax agreed to this custody agreement, so if you want to talk to someone about it then I advise you to speak to your son." I dropped the knife on the counter and walked out towards the living room. I was done. That was the last straw for the day and I just needed to get my son and go home. I made my way up the stairs and over to the room that Gemma had set up for Wyatt. The room once belonged to Jax before he moved into the clubhouse, so Gemma thought it would be nice for Wyatt to have it now. I quietly made my way into the room and saw him peacefully sleeping. "He reminds me of you when he sleeps." I quickly looked towards the door to find Jax leaning against the doorframe. "Why do you say that?" I smile slightly.   I turned my head back towards my sleeping son. "He takes up the whole bed and steals the covers." 
Jax and I both chuckled at his answer. "No, I think that's a Teller trait, not a Turner one." He continues to smile as I remove myself from the bed so I could pick up Wyatt.
"Here, let me." Jax quickly cuts in. I move myself out of the way and watch as he carefully picks up his son. If you were to tell me that Jackson Teller would be the father he is today, I would have laughed in your face. During the first year of our relationship, Jax never striked me as the father-figure type. He was basically still a kid that hadn't grown up yet and he was nowhere near ready to be a father. I guess you could say that changed when I found out I was pregnant. Jax began to straighten out his life and soon learned that he needed to grow up. He needed to grow up in order to be the role model his son needed. Wyatt barely stirred as Jax lifted him into his arms. 
"I'll carry him out." 
I just nodded my head as I lead the way out the door. It sounded like the dinner was still going on as they devoured the desserts that I had brought. As we walked out the door, I picked up Wyatt's bag and made my way towards the awaiting car. I unlocked the doors and allowed Jax to place Wyatt in his car seat. Jax was always good at that. I could never get Wyatt in his car seat without waking him up. It was as if Jax was some kind of genie when it came to putting kids in their car seats. He quickly buckled him up and closed the door. "All set." He told me with a smile. I couldn't help but smile back as I opened the driver's side door. "I'll text you when I get home." He just nodded his head as he pulled the door open for me. “Drive safe.” He smiled before closing the door. I slowly backed out of the driveway, giving him one last wave before pulling onto the main road… "I don't think it's such a good idea for you to be bringing him to that place every day. He needs to be around other children in order to learn social skills." I rolled my eyes as I poured myself a bowl of cereal. Matthew had been on my case about Wyatt being at the garage ever since he was old enough to go to the garage. When I first started letting Jax have him for the day, he was still in a stroller. Most of the time, Gemma would set up a playpen for him in the office and watch him while Jax worked. As he got older, he was able to go into the garage and hang out. If Jax wasn't going to be at the garage, I would just take Wyatt with me and let him hang out at the bakery. I had a TV in my office so that kept his interest for a while. I couldn't send him with Matt since he worked in an office. There was no way for Matt to keep Wyatt entertained while at the office. "Matt-" I began. "Jax is Wyatt's father and that's the best place for him to be during the day." I caught a slight eye roll as I looked up. "Believe it or not, Jax, Gemma, and all the guys are great teachers for Wyatt. He's learning so much and putting him in a daycare would take that time away from him." Matt let out a loud sigh as he rubbed his hands down his face. "I just don't think all those people, especially the people his father hangs around with are good influences." I looked up at him and frowned. "They're criminals, Presley. They all have a record of doing bad things and I don't want Wyatt to get hurt." "Jax and the guys would never put Wyatt in a dangerous situation. You're acting like Jax is going to harm his son or something." Matt looked down at his shorts. "Babe, I’m not saying that." He quickly got up and kneeled next to me. "I know that Jax is a good father but Wyatt's my son now too. I just want him to be safe and sound." He placed a kiss on my hand. "I don't know what I would do if you or the kids got hurt." I removed my hand from his and placed it on his cheek. "You worry too much." I chuckled as I placed a kiss to his lips. I understood where Matt was coming from but Jax wasn't going to put his son in any kind of danger… Jax's POV I stared up at the ceiling as the crow-eater slept beside me. Today was my day with Wyatt. Gemma would be arriving at any moment to drop him off. I can't even tell you the girls name but her mouth worked wonders. I can't even tell you how I even hooked up with her but she made sure to stick around into the morning. Most of the girls knew to leave as soon as we were done but I guess this one didn't get the memo. "Hey." I slightly nudged. "Hey, get up." She slowly started to stir as I got out of bed.    "Good morning." She smiled, making sure to let the blanket fall away from her chest as she stretched. "You want me to make you some breakfast?" I couldn't help but roll my eyes. This girl had to be new at the whole croweater thing. "Get out of my house." I simply told her as I pulled on a new pair of boxers. "Now." Her face immediately fell once she realized I was serious. She quickly removed herself from the bed and started to gather her clothes. In a matter of seconds, she was completely dressed and headed for the front door. It just so happened to be the same time that Gemma was arriving with Wyatt. "Who the hell are you?" Gemma asked. The girl looked as if she had just been caught stealing something. She began to stutter as she tried to tell her name. "Me-Meghan." Gemma's eyes instantly connected with mine as she let out a sigh. "Really, Jackson?" She pushed past the girl, who quickly rushed out of the house. "Baby, why don't you go watch TV while I talk to daddy." Wyatt just nodded his head as he ran towards the living room. Gemma waited until she heard the TV turn on to start yelling. "Who the hell was that?" I was in no mood to be yelled at right now. I had a headache from hell and it was just getting worse. "You better hope to God that Wyatt doesn't go home and tell his mother what just happened." My head snapped up at the mention of Presley. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Why the fuck would Presley even care?" Honestly, I was worried that Wyatt would tell Presley that I had a friend over this morning. He was good for telling her things like that. Whenever she would ask him how his day was, he was completely honest with her. I could never get mad at him for being honest with his mother. "You know how she gets when you bring crow-eaters around Wyatt." I shook my head as I pulled the shirt over my head. "She doesn't want that kid anywhere near the club and its people. Those whores are the worst thing to bring around your son and you should know that!" Gemma whispered harshly. "You need to smarten up Jackson Teller." I looked Gemma dead in the eyes as she spoke. "Having Presley married to that high-falutin pencil pusher is the worst thing that could happen to Wyatt. He's gonna start turning into him before long and have no interest in this family or this club…" Gemma's words flew around my head all day. What if she was right about Wyatt turning into Matt? Wyatt was too young to understand that his mother and I were divorced and probably never getting back together. He was too young to understand that daddy didn't just fix cars but he was also the vice president of a very feared club. I couldn't let my son find out that I’ve been the one pulling the trigger lately. The club was never supposed to go in the direction that it was headed. Clay 's motives were starting to become clearer, especially after Donna's death. He was taking the club in a completely different direction and I was trying my best to keep it the way my father had it but it was like a tiny boat pushing against a huge wave. Shit was starting to hit the fan and the days were getting harder. Things were only going to get worse and the club was right in the middle of a huge shit storm. Presley's POV I stared at the plain, white wall as I waited for the doctor to come back into the room. Today was my seven-month checkup and I was all by myself. Matthew had meetings all day and I didn't even think to invite anyone else. It seemed as if this occurrence happened during both of my pregnancies. When I was pregnant with Wyatt, Jax only attended one appointment. His excuse was that he was busy with the garage or that he had to go out on club business. I called bullshit on half of his excuses but I just kept my mouth shut. Matt was the same way when it came to coming to my appointments. He either had a meeting to attend or had so much work to do that he couldn't find the time. Unlike Jax, Matt attended two of my appointments. A person would figure that he would attend more since this was his first child but I guess that was wishful thinking. I mean Jax was the same way but I figured that out of him, not Matthew. I sat there for a couple more minutes before the nurse came back into the room, clearing me to leave. The baby looked healthy and was growing at a perfect rate, which was a big sigh of relief. During my pregnancy with Wyatt, I had so many complications and issues, resulting in him being born premature. He spent his first month in the NICU and Jax was by his side every minute. Even though Jax looked the way he did, the nurses and doctors that took care of Wyatt loved him. They saw a father that truly cared about his newborn son and I think that's what made them respect him even more. I slowly made my way to the car and began my journey to the garage. I had to pick Wyatt up early today since Matt’s family were coming over for dinner. I had told him that I would prepare the meal since it would be cheaper than to order from the restaurant that he wanted. Deep down, I was dreading the whole dinner. I hated when Matt’s parents came over. Matt’s family were the type of people that my parents loved. They were from a well-to-do family and very involved in the community. They wanted what was best for their three sons and there were times where I thought that I wasn't the one they pictured for Matt. When I met Matt, I was already divorced and the mother of a two year old. I could tell that they wanted their son to be with someone who wasn't already married with a child. They wanted Matt to have the picket fence life and I just didn't have that, especially not with Jax in the picture…. I parked my car next to one of the bikes and ventured out of the driver’s seat. I made my way towards the garage, already hearing Gemma yelling at someone as Wyatt sat on top of the tool chest. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him kick his legs back and forth with a juice box between his hands. I was guessing that Jax was either the one being yelled at or the legs under the car hanging out from below the car. "Jackson, I mean it!" Gemma and Jax emerged from the office as soon as I set foot in the garage. They both looked at me before Gemma walked back into her office and Jax placed Wyatt on the ground. I could tell there was something wrong with him but I decided not to probe, especially in front of our son. "Gemma told me that you'd be here early to get him." He said as he helped Wyatt with his backpack. I just nodded my head as I watched his actions. "Well-" He began. "He may need a bath before the in-laws come over; I’m sure they don't want a greased up, dirty child at their fancy dinner party."
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avengerscompound · 5 years
The Tower: The Queen of Asgard - 29
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The Tower: The Queen of Asgard An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 3055
Warnings: Talk of sex
Synopsis: The twins are now three and while the Avengers know that Clint and Thor are the biological father’s none of them know or care which blond, blue-eyed baby is related to which man.  When Riley gets the power to control wind and it becomes evident that she is the heir to the Asgardian throne, Elly, Steve, Thor, and Tony take the twins to Asgard to train her.
Not every Asgardian is happy with their king’s choice of consort, nor the impurity of the heir’s blood.  While others expect Thor to make things more official.  What’s clear is, the role of Queen of Asgard is not easily filled.
Author’s Note:  Written with @fanficwriter013​ who is never going to get off that train.
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Chapter 29: Henhalda
Sometime in the early morning some people came into Thor’s room and told us it was time to separate.  We all went to our respective rooms.  I woke the next morning to Clarke shaking me gently.  I groaned and rubbed my eyes.
“Well, you look blitzed,” she teased.
“Mmm…” I grumbled sitting up.  “Did you have fun?”
“Oh, yes,” she said grinning.  “Here I have breakfast for you.  Eat and I’ll tell you all about it.”
As I ate breakfast she regaled me with the story of the small orgy she and Jax ended up having that included Hill, Coulson, Carol, Happy, and a bunch of the Asgardians including Sif and Hogun.  She said they’d taken it to Sif’s rooms and that the other’s had all gone to bed not long after us.  It sounded pretty wild even for my standards, and I was glad she had fun.
I was just finishing up with my breakfast when Loki let herself in without knocking.  “Hurry it up.  You reek of sex and you need to bathe before Henhalda starts properly.”  She barked.
I saluted her and shoved the last piece of my food into my mouth.  She shook her head and left the room, closing the door behind her.
“It’s funny because as much as Loki particularly likes anyone, she likes me.  But also, I annoy the shit out of her,” I said getting up.
“Does Loki like anyone?”  Clarke joked.
“She has people that go from tolerate to love.  She just expresses her love differently.”
Clarke rolled her eyes.  “Through sarcasm?”
“That and only stabbing non-fatally,” I joked.  “Alright.  I better go bathe then.  See you in a bit.”
I went and bathed and came back to my room in a robe.  Clarke had been joined by Katveil and they were talking about the party while Katveil set up her brushes and inks.
“Good morning, Elly!”  The way Katveil said my name was like a little kid who had just been told they can use a curse word.  A little scared they might get in trouble but excited to try the word on their tongue.  “Are you excited about tomorrow?”
“So excited.  I never let myself want this before now.  And now I am getting it, it’s one of the best things that’s ever happened to me.”  I said taking off my robe.
“I’m so happy for you all,” she said. “Get comfortable.  We are going to be here for a long time.”
I tied my hair up and lay down on my stomach and Katveil began to carefully fill in the linework she had done yesterday.
“So reflecting… do I just close my eyes and think about them?”  I asked.
“We could ask you questions if that will help,” Katveil said.
“Okay, yes.  That could work.”  I agreed.
“Hmm… okay then,” Katveil said.  “Do you have a favorite?”
I thought about the question seriously.  The answer was always automatically no, but there was more to it than just yes or no.  “No.  But it’s different with all of them and some feel like they are more mine than others.  Like Sam and Clint are like my best friends and I love being around them.  Like all the time.  Whereas Bruce and Tony challenge me, they push a lot, but I am very protective of them and I feel like they are mine.  They don’t belong to the others the way they belong to me.  But while they are mine, I feel like I am Natasha’s.”
“Huh,” Katveil said.  “I haven’t really been in a relationship.  So I don’t really have anything to compare that to.”
“Well, you have all the time in the world. I didn’t understand it until I was in the middle of it.  And not just the polyamory stuff.  But just being in love in general,” I explained.
“Oh?”  Katveil asked.
“Oh yeah,” I said, smiling to myself.  “Before them, I didn’t think I was the relationship type.  I didn’t understand love.  I didn’t understand romance.  I didn’t even really trust people.”
“I have a hard time believing that,” Clarke teased.
“Well, it’s true,” I snarked.  “I only started up with Nat because I knew she dated other people and I couldn’t get hurt if it never got serious.”
“Huh,” Katveil said.  She stopped painting for a moment and then quickly went back to it like she’d just realized what she was supposed to be doing.
“You should see this thing, Blue,” Clarke said.
“I wish that I could,” I said.  “But I can tell you, being painted on feels amazing.”
“Then I’m doing my job well,” Katveil said.
“I bet Hulk is enjoying it.” I hummed, imagining him lying down and being painted on.
“Is he the Hulk?”  Katveil asked.
“I think so.  Bruce was having a lot of trouble handling it,” I said.  “It’s a shame though, it’s so relaxing.”
“I am sure they are working with him nicely,” Katveil said.
I chuckled.  “If they weren’t we’d know about it.”
Clarke cracked up.  “Yeah, that would draw some attention.”
Katveil chuckled and the three of us fell into mostly silence.  I relaxed, letting the brush strokes on my back ease me into a light doze.
“So…”  Katveil said after a little while.  “Before you said the feelings were different with each of them?”
“Yes.  It’s just as much, but for each of them it feels different,” I explained.  “Like with Wanda.  She’s really soft and caring and she makes me feel nurtured and nurturing.  I want to be quiet with her and cuddle and hold each other.  With Tony, I have to keep my jealousy in check because I get a little possessive of him.  He was very hurt when I met him and it’s almost like I don’t trust anyone else not to hurt him again.  Natasha, it feels super white-hot most of the time, but I also know when I’m at my weakest she’ll be there to wrap me up and make me feel protected.”
“I guess that makes sense.  Different people need different things,” she mused.
“Exactly.  Just like that,” I said.
“Tell me about each one,” she said.
I thought about it for a moment.  “I love how Bruce can be soft and shy and gently and then rough and commanding and it's me that brings though out of him.  I like geeking out about biology with him.  I love it when he starts talking about things and I can't even understand what he's talking about anymore.
“And with Natasha, I love how loyal she is.  How protective.  How wild she can get and how bossy.  I love how well she reads us and can always tell exactly what we need even when we don't know it.  I love that with me, she lets herself be vulnerable and afraid and she knows I don't judge her for it.”
“That’s cute,” Katveil said affectionately.
“Okay... so Clint is a big dork.  I love that about him.  How funny he is.  How loving.  How he is so good at getting people into the headspace that they can do the things they need to do.  I love how up for everything he is.  Even when he's doubting himself.  I love that he's so so smart but he pretends he's not so people don't have their expectations of him too high.  I also love that with me, he pushes boundaries he's sometimes too scared to because he trusts me so much,” I explained.
“Tony I love how smart he is, and how funny.  I love watching him work and when he gets all hyper-focused on something.  I love how quickly we fell even after he'd been hurt so badly.  I love how much he trusts me even when he didn't know me.  How even when he's so scared he doesn't know what to do, what he wants more than anything is for us to be okay and to be provided for.  I love how even though he could take us to expensive restaurants all the time, he'd rather eat burgers and pizza.  I love how he tells me he loves me, even when he's not using the words.”
“How does that work?”  Katveil asked.
“You just have to listen to him.  If you listen you can hear it,” I said.
“Okay, who’s next?”  She asked.
“Alright, so Sam.  Sam is somehow both the coolest and sweetest person ever.  I love how he just deals with shit.  It almost doesn't matter what it is.  I love how open he is to people.  How caring.  How he just wants to help people, whether it be the superhero stuff, or just to have them feel better when they're struggling with things.  I love how playful he is with me.  How he teases me.  I love how free he is with his affection and that he'll come to me when he's feeling very cuddly because he knows I'm always down for cuddles,” I answered.  “I love how Steve is this paradox.  How he's so loving and understanding and caring, but how he's also such a huge fucking dumb ass.  I love how passionate he is about things that are important to him.  How he really backs up the things he believes in.  I love how he adapts to things.  I love that he sees the best in people.  That he encourages the best in them.  I love that he always has his heart open.  I love that he will talk to me about how he's feeling even when he won't talk to anyone else because I have no expectations of how he should be and he knows that.”
“A paradox,” Katveil repeated almost to herself.
“Bucky is such a caring and soft boy.  He always puts everyone ahead of himself.  He had so much bad stuff happen to him, and he blames himself so much for it.  I love that he'll let himself relax with us.  He can't always do it, but it's more and more every day and now it's so rare to see the tense and worried Bucky.  Even though he's often that with other people.  I love how loving he is.  How he is slow to open his heart but when it's open you're his person.  I love his sense of humor.  How he teases people and banters with them.  I love how he always stops to pet dogs.  Clint does that too actually.  It's super cute.  I love how when you become Bucky’s person, he's this huge flirt.”  I continued.  “Wanda is my sweet soft cuddly one.  She is probably the most powerful one.  Even compared to Thor.  But she's also so soft and so fragile.  I love how nothing has made her hard.  She just loves.  So fiercely.  I love how when I'm in bed she'll just crawl into my arms and snuggle in.  I love how she's not scared of her powers.  She loves them and she shows them off.  I love how she's quick to reassure people.  I love how much of a mother she is.  You know those people who are just kinda moms?  But at the same time, she's just this cute little innocent thing.  I love how she just comes into my room after I finished work and curls up on my bed like a cat to talk to me while I change.  I love how she's willing to need people.  She doesn't see that as a weakness.”
“Aww, curls up like a cat.  That’s cute,” Katveil said.
“Yes, it’s very cute.  She’s my cute bean,”  I hummed.
“Was that all of them?”  She asked.
“You’re forgetting the reason why I’m here,” I chuckled.
She made a small squeak sound and shook her head.  “Yes, the king.”
“That's him,” I teased.  “You know I had been with Nat for about a year before I even met Thor.  I'd heard so much about him.  They used to tease me for having a crush on him when really, I think they were projecting.  They loved him so much.  From what I hear, he's the one that convinced them that they could all be together if that's what they wanted.”
“Yes, that’s what he does,” Katveil agreed.  “He inspires.”
“Oh yeah.  He definitely does.  And he's there where you need him.  I met him because we were attacked.  They took Wanda, Bucky, and Clint.  They were toying with us.  I called out to Heimdall to send him to help and the others laughed at me.  But he came.”
Katveil gave a small nod.  “It must have been necessary.”
“Oh yeah.  It was.  But that's what he's like.  If you need him, he's there.   I love how selfless he is.  How good he makes people feel about themselves.  I love how when he makes you feel like the most important person in the universe when he's with you.”
“So it is like you are each a brick in a foundation,” Katveil said.
“Yeah.  Exactly.  That is a perfect way to put it,” I agreed.
She smiled and put her paintbrushes down.  “Guess what?”  She said.
“Finished my back?”  I asked.
“I have,” she confirmed.  “It needs time to dry fully.  So I will go and have them bring lunch in.  Just relax a bit longer.”
“Thank you, Kat,” I said.
She headed out into the living room and I looked over at Clarke.  “How does it look?”  I asked.
“Oh, it’s gorgeous,” Clarke said.  “Storytelling worked into it too.   Well, I think.”
“Wow.  Can’t wait to see it,” I said.
Katveil returned and I propped myself up on my elbows and ate the plate that was given to me.  Occasionally she would touch my back gently and look at her fingers like she was testing how dry it was.
I finished my plate and Clarke took it and put it aside.  “When you’re ready,” Katveil said.
“It’s dry?”  I asked.
“Yes,” she said.  “You are safe to move.”
I rolled over and sat up grabbing a glass of water and taking a long drink.  “Maybe I should pee first.”
Katveil giggled.  “Yes, that’s a good idea.”
I stood up.  “Did you eat?”
“Did I eat?”  She asked.
“Yes.  Did you?”  I repeated.
“The queen asks about my well being.”  She said sounding shocked.
“Kat, I thought you said we were friends.”  I scolded.
“Right, sorry.”  She said, shaking her head. “I did eat, yes.  Go… pee.”
I chuckled and grabbed the robe and went to the bathroom.  When I came back I lay down and this time instead of doing the coloring, she began to fill in one of the blank spaces she had left for our symbols.
“What do you expect from the union?”  Katveil asked as she did the intricate line work.
“I mean, I have been told we get our lives extended and powers.  I’m glad that means that the others won’t have to face watching us grow old and die.  But I think even if that wasn’t the case I’d be excited.  I’m excited I get to have this thing where we get up and say to everyone, these are our people and we commit ourselves to each other.”
“So … claiming them?”  Katveil asked.
“No.  Not that.  But not hiding and not being ashamed.  Acknowledging them,” I said.  “On Earth … Midgard… We were secret for so long because of the stigma of polyamory, that it is nice we get to have this.  We can’t even have our relationship formally recognized there.  If Tony were to die he could say we get his things, but there would be no guarantee that we’d get them.”
Katveil shook her head.  “Midgard needs to stop being so repressed.”
“No argument from me,” Clarke laughed.
Katveil continued to work through the afternoon.  The symbols for each person were all placed low around my hips and the insides of my thighs.  Each done in that style that resembled a nordic mandella.  Steve’s resembled a shield with a quill and inkwell tipped over on it.  As she colored it the ink showed as bleeding colors that represented each of us into the shield.  Blended into the shield was the rune Tỷr.  Bucky’s was a wolf with what looked like an entire galaxy of stars in its eyes.  The rune blended into it was eihwaz.  Tony’s was half arc reactor, half-atom with the rune fehu.  Bruce was a coin, that appeared to be in motion.  On one side was the trefoil, the other side a green teddy bear.  The rune that was worked into it was Ur.  Clint had what looked like a cup of coffee and two arrows that were laid out into the shape of the rune nauðr, over a chevron.  Natasha had her black widow symbol with a long-stemmed rose, complete with thorns.   Her rune was algiz.  Sam’s symbol was a feather that blended out into falcons taking flight, along with his wedged symbol and the rune raihdo.  Wanda was the curved M of her logo with the rune ansus on a bleeding heart orchid.  Thor’s was Mjolnir with sparks that came off her and connected with everyone else’s symbol.  On the handle of Mjolnir was the rune thuisaz.  
As Katveil colored, the images seemed to come to life, almost like a kind of magic ran through them.  The colors seemed to be part of the story.  In some places, they were bright primary colors.  In others washed out watercolors.  Some were metallic and shimmered in the light  A thread of gold seemed to run through the whole scene connecting each part like it was a story, but while something I could vaguely understand, others I wasn’t sure about.
By the end, I was covered neck down in the artwork.  Even on the soles of my feet and the palms of my hands.  Katveil wished me well for the wedding and said she would be in the crowd and I spent the rest of the night with Clarke.  The kids came in to see me for a little while and we played games and ate dessert.  They were then taken to see Bruce so he could read them their bedtime story.
When I went to sleep I was buzzing with excitement.  Tomorrow was the day my life was going to change forever and I couldn’t wait.
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fanficwriter013 · 5 years
The Tower: Unexpected - 2
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The Tower: Unexpected An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist
Pairing:  Avengers x ofc, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2354
Warnings: Y’all it’s us, if you don’t know what you’re in for. Boy, you gon cry. Angst baby angst, pregnancy, sickness/vomiting.
Synopsis: A little over 2 years after moving into the Avengers Tower, Elly finds herself pregnant against the odds.  While some are excited, others are terrified, and pregnancy that none expected to happen causes rifts through the group and threatens to end the relationship.  
Author’s Note:  Written with my wordy bitch co-captain @avengerscompound
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Chapter 2: Against the Odds
It took quite a while to suspect I was pregnant.  It was after Thor had left for Asgard.  I know you’re probably thinking I’m a huge idiot for that.  You’ve been following the story.  You’ve heard about the kinds of sex I have and with the sheer volume of people I have it with.  I’ve also never mentioned a condom once.  The thing is I have Implanon in place.  The stats for that are good.  Yeah, okay, no birth control is 100% effective.  But this one is like 1/1000 women every three years.  The odds were in my favor.
I also can hear the mom in the back of my head yelling at me about how ‘condoms don’t just protect against pregnancy, Elise’.  That is true, and okay I’m not the smartest person.  I got carried away sometimes, but they are the Avengers.  I figured with the amount Natasha had stalked me, to begin with, they had something in place to make sure nothing was passed on to other people or vice versa.  I was right in the end too, so back off, mom.  Also, don’t follow my example, it gets you pregnant.
The thing I didn’t mention, was before I even came along Bruce had developed a contraceptive for the men.  He didn’t want to risk himself getting anyone pregnant and he thought it would save any problems with women outside trying to make claims against them.  I’d had a talk very early on with Sam about babies, and if they had wanted them and what would they do if say Wanda ever got accidentally knocked up.  He’d told me that the men were all on this shot they took every month, and babies weren’t really in the books for them.  That maybe later Wanda might decide she wanted to.  She was very maternal.  Right now though, none of the men in the group wanted nor felt they could handle being parents and if that changed for Wanda or if it was something I thought I wanted it might be the thing that took us out of the arrangement we had.
Ugh… fuck my life, seriously.
So I’d come to terms with that.  With my upbringing, I was never really sure if my biological call to have kids was me or the conditioning my parents had beat into me that I needed to be a wife and mother.  I knew at the time I had that conversation I wasn’t ready to, and maybe that would never change.
Then I started getting sick.  It was low-level nausea that dulled as the day progressed but it worsened every day.  I felt achy too.  Yes, in the breasts.  No one questioned it.  Double birth control, we were fine.  I was coming down with the flu or something.  I didn’t notice if I’d skipped periods or not.  My birth control made that happen anyway.
As soon as the thought passed through my head I panicked.  With Wanda here, I couldn’t risk her hearing that thought until I knew if it meant anything.  If she heard it, she’d get excited and then I wouldn’t be able to think about this rationally.  So I rushed to the closest CVS and bought some pregnancy tests and took them straight to my apartment and used them.
Every single one of them turned positive.
I didn’t know what to do.  I had been told in explicit terms they didn’t want children.  I wasn’t even sure if I wanted them.  Only looking at the tests I wasn’t having an ‘I’ve got get rid of them’ feeling.  I was worried they’d be angry with me.  That conditioning I had that I’d get in trouble for disappointing people was pretty heavily ingrained.  I was worried that I would make them feel trapped into doing something they didn’t want to do.  It was just, I could picture myself holding this baby.  I could picture them with a child.  Maybe it would have been better if Wanda had heard my thought then she could have told me what to do.
I considered calling up Jax and talking to him.  Maybe getting Clarke to just take me to a clinic and getting this over with and the others would never even have to know how close I came to ruining their lives.
Only I couldn’t do that.  They had a right to know.  To have input on this.  I imagined every single worst case scenario that you could imagine.  Bruce Hulking out and destroying the place.  Getting tossed to the street.  Having them accuse me of cheating on them.  Demanding DNA tests.  Even with all those thoughts, I told FRIDAY to call an emergency family meeting and took the elevator up to the common room with one of the positive tests in a baggie to wait for them all to arrive.
One by one they all trickled in each asking me what was wrong as I sat curled up in one of the recliners.  Each wanting to comfort me, but not knowing how when they didn’t know what I was dealing with.
Finally, Wanda came in with Sam and she looked at me and squeaked rushing over and climbing into the chair next to me and nuzzling into my side as she stroked her fingers gently over my stomach.
“Okay, so we’re all here.  What’s going on?”  Tony asked.
“So... um... I need to tell you something and I really need you to stay calm Bruce.  And also... I didn't mean for this to happen.  Okay?  I ... this wasn't something I planned.”  I said looking directly at him.  I could feel my pulse racing.  Even with Wanda’s comforting touch, all I could think was the next thing out of my mouth was going to destroy all of this.
“El, honey, we've talked about this. You can't start a sentence like that, and expect me to stay calm.”   Bruce said, stiffening up.
I shook my head feeling a very strong urge to cry.  “I don't know how else to do this, B.  It's bad either way.  At least you can brace yourself.”
“Rip the band-aid off, El,”  Tony said.
I took a deep breath in and dug in my pocket for the test and tossed it on the coffee table.  “I’m pregnant.”
Wanda squealed and squeezed me, peppering little kisses on my cheek.  The rest of the room froze and stared at me.  Some with their jaws dropped open.  Steve slowly went and picked up the test and turned it over in his hand.
“But - but - but … I, I, uh, made…”  Bruce stuttered.  He seemed to be turning green at the edges and I jumped up and rushed over to him, getting on my hands and knees in front of him and taking his hand.
“I know.  I know.  I was on it too. Look,”  I said twisting my arm so he could see the little bar implanted under my skin.  “I still am.  I don't know what happened.”
“I don't…”  Bruce said and shook his head suddenly, he was turning a darker and his muscles started shifting.
“Bruce.  Come on, you can't run from this.”  I implored, putting my head in his lap and digging my fingers into his thigh.  He started breathing heavily and I could feel the way his thigh muscles tensed and grew under me.  “Bruce.  I swear to god…”
“El, back up,”  Wanda said.
I burst into tears and scrambled back from him, tears streaming down my face as Bruce doubled over and changed, growing larger, his clothes tearing and his skin turning green.
“El,”  Nat said, “Come here.”
I moved up next to her and she wrapped me in her arms as Hulk took complete control over from Bruce.  “I’m sorry.”  I sobbed.  “I know no one wanted this.  I fucked up.”
She pulled me tightly against her and rubbed my back as I cried against her.
“Hulk, baby?”  Hulk rumbled moving closer to us.
I looked up at him through tear stained eyes.  “Hey, big guy.  Yeah.  Something like that.”
“Hulk, here.”  He said tapping his chest.
“Thank you,”  I said patting the back of his hand.  It was nice knowing I had someone else here who would support me, even if he wasn’t exactly the one that I wanted.  “I don’t know... I don’t know what to do.”
“We get ready,”  Wanda said.  “For a baby.”
I wiped my eyes with the back of my hand.  “Yeah?”  I said and looked around at the others.  “Is that what everyone wants?”
Hulk huffed and nodded his head.  “Hulk want baby.”
I took a deep breath.  “Okay.  I guess.  I guess I need to give the rest of you time to process.  If anyone has strong reasons why you think I shouldn’t go through with this, now is the time.  I literally have no idea about the biology factor.  I don’t know how far along I am even.  Might be timed with a Thor visit.  A week either side I think in any case.  So I’m not sure how we tell him about that.”
“I could maybe run some tests,”  Tony said.  “You'd have to take your own blood, and I'm not the biologist.”
“Okay.  So we run blood tests to find out who?  That’s what we want to do now?”  I asked.
“No,”  Steve said firmly.  “We shouldn’t know whose they are.  We’re in this together.  That is all our baby.”
“You don’t want to know?  But what if it is Thor’s and there’s some special Asgardian prenatal care I need.  What if it’s Bruce’s and it hulks out inside me.”  I said.  I was half joking and then it occurred to me what I’d just said.  “Oh god, what if it hulks out inside me?  Can a fetus hulk out?”
“I'm not even sure I'd be able to read the results to know who's it belonged to,”  Tony said.
“I can.  But I - I’m gonna need a Doctor.  Like an actual obstetrician.  I haven’t made an appointment yet because I just found out, but it can’t just be the way we do things.”  I explained.  There was a tendency in the tower for the others to rely heavily on Bruce and Sam for their medical care, even though neither were technically medical doctors.  If it was really bad they’d call in Helen Cho but they didn’t like to trust other people.  I needed to make sure Tony didn’t just try and take over as my doctor instead of actually getting one.
“I'm going to do the research,”  Tony said with a nod.  “With the potential, we need the best.”
“Okay.  But also quickly.  There’s vitamins and stuff I’m supposed to take and I have to get this out of my arm.  And I don’t know what I’m doing.” I said putting my head in my hands.  “I guess we can make it that if you don’t want to know we don’t have to test you but if you do we can.  That’s fair right?”
“I can agree to this,”  Steve said and Sam nodded with him.
“Okay,”  I said and took a shaky breath.  “And we’re all... I’m keeping it, right?  That’s what’s happening?”
Bucky looked at me with a pained expression.  “Do you not want to keep it?”
“I don’t know.  I don’t know what to do.”  I said breaking down again.  “I thought you’d all be angry at me.  Bruce is obviously angry at me.”
Hulk shook his head.  “Puny Banner scared.  Hulk here.  Hulk want baby.”  He put his hand forward.  “Hulk feel?”
“Yes.  There’s nothing to really feel yet.  But you can.”  I said leaning back against Natasha to give him room.  He gently placed his hand on me, so it wrapped around my side.  “You’ll be able to feel them when they’re bigger.”
“Them?”  Natasha asked.
“I - oh no,”  I said rubbing my head.  The idea of more than one was more I could even deal with right now.  “That was just a nongendered them but what if it’s them?”
“Twins.”  Wanda squealed.  Her excitement was nice but I was starting to feel emotionally exhausted like all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep until the baby was born.
“Let’s not... let’s just wait it’s probably just one right?”  I said.
“And you think you're how far?”  Steve asked.
“This thing messes up my cycle,”  I answered, tapping my arm where my birth control was.  “I haven’t had a period for over three months.  I started feeling sick a few weeks ago. I started actually throwing up three days ago.”
“Okay, something for a blood sample then,”  Steve said.
“Ultrasound too, I suppose.  I'm sorry.”
“Honey, no,”  Steve said.  “We should have been more careful.”
“How more careful could we have been?”  I asked.
“But…”  Sam said quietly.
“But?”  I asked.
“Bruce’s drug. There were tests.”  He said.
It felt like Sam had slapped me in the face.  Of all the people to suggest I had manipulated this somehow I didn’t expect it to be him.  “What do you think I did, Sam?  You think I sabotaged it somehow?  You think I've been going out and sleeping around on top of the 9 of you and hoping this would happen?  I'm sorry.  I'm sorry that I'm apparently the most fertile person on the planet that only one escapee managed to do this.”
“No, honey. I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.”  Sam said.  “I'm just trying to figure this out. Trying to process it. Which I'm sure you're doing the same.”
“Sorry.  Shouldn’t have snapped.   I know no one wanted this.” I said quietly.  I’d started feeling really sick and I didn’t want to be in here anymore.
Wanda looked over at Natasha and something seemed to pass between them.  “I wanted this.”  She said.
“So do I,”  Natasha said.  “Now come on.  Time for you to have a sleep.  They can have some time to process it.”  She said and scooped me up, carrying me into the shared bedroom.  It was quite a while before I saw many of those men again.
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truthbeetoldmedia · 5 years
Mayans MC 2x01 “Xbalanque” Review
The Season 2 premiere of Mayans MC rolled right in with grandeur and intrigue. We were able to briefly catch up with a solid majority of our favorite characters and were introduced to the curious dramas that may befall them this season. There seems to be about five different aspects that will be part of the main focus. 
The Mayans, Galindo Cartel, and Los Olvidados are all working together, as per Miguel Galindo and Adelita’s (Louisa Espina) deal to keep the Galindo cartel the number one cartel in Mexico, while also funneling the money earned back into the communities. The Mayans were brought in as advisors on this deal, as well as muscle. However, Lincoln Potter thinks Galindo is working with him to take Los Olvidados down. In fact, Potter is working with mercenaries to take down each and every hideout and ally they can find that “belongs” to the Rebels. According to Potter, it’s going well and they are almost at the final mission. 
The Mayans accompany the mercenaries on this final mission that turns out to be a total fraud because they plant phones and Rebel propaganda to mislead the mercenaries into thinking these people are actually part of Los Olvidados. Who are these people that are actually being killed? I do not have the answer to that. Casualties of war. It’s when one of Adelita’s kids in the group, Mini, gets snatched by one of the mercenaries, that things start to diverge from the plans the MC had. This child faces torture and most definitely death, even if she talks to them about Adelita and the Rebels. 
Well, these big bad biker dudes aren’t going to let that happen. They barge in, guns ablaze, killing all the mercenaries. EZ has the final kill and it’s with a brutal strangulation after the mercenary was about to kill El Padrino, Marcus Alvarez. Mini is saved. Alvarez is saved. They had no casualties.  Los Olvidados lives another day. 
Reyes Family Discourse
We left off with major tensions between EZ and Angel Reyes. Angel, always the odd child out, had felt that their father, Felipe, had always chosen EZ over him and, in this instance, he most definitely did. You see, EZ had always been the golden child. He has the brains to do just about anything. With his record currently expunged by Lincoln Potter, the world is still his oyster. The deal EZ had made with federal agents is what ultimately broke Angel’s heart last season. Angel made the decision to kill Jimenez for Potter so EZ can really leave that life behind and make something for himself. 
Just because Angel had EZ’s best interest at heart, doesn’t mean that a) EZ took what his big brother was offering and b) Angel isn’t still pissed at EZ. The tension is palpable and it has absolutely no place in the MC and their business. By the end of the episode, Bishop forces EZ to talk to Angel and work it out because the vote to patch EZ into the club is coming up and the vote of all the members has to be unanimous. We know Angel doesn’t want EZ in the club. It’s up to EZ to fix things with his brother, so off he goes to find a solution to their mess.  
The solution comes in the form of EZ going to Angel with the identity of the person who killed their mother. I’m guessing he’s hoping that they’ll be able to bring their mother’s murderer to justice (in their own way) together.    
Galindo Family Discourse 
When we’re reunited with our Galindo family, Miguel and Emily appear to be happy. Emily’s been brought into more of the business side of the family. However, it seems Miguel is still keeping some things from her, in regards as to what happens on the south side of the border. While they clearly love each other, there is still tension between them. Something is plaguing Dita, Miguel’s mother. She just seems like an entirely different woman than she was last season. Miguel’s not around too much, so it seems Emily is the one that has to take care of Dita. Dita isn’t happy that Miguel isn’t home with Cristobal and she’s not happy that Emily has taken to being a working mom, instead of devoting her whole life to being a mother. 
Dita makes a comment to Emily while waiting to be taken to an appointment that she feels she’s getting worse. At the end of the episode, Dita takes off a wig and undresses. She is completely covered in burns. Makes me think it could have been from Miguel. He was quite pissed at being lied to last season, but does he have it in him to hurt his own mother? 
Angelita…and Miguel? 
Soooo...Adelita is pregnant, on the verge of giving birth. According to Miguel, she hasn’t told anyone who the father is yet. When Season 1 concluded, Angel and Adelita’s feelings for each other were pretty apparent, but they weren’t actively together. There weren’t any grand declarations of love and devotion. I know the scenes between Angel and Adelita were pretty fire last season, but so were her scenes with Miguel. However, I’m hoping and praying that they didn’t do the do. Adelita cares for Angel. I don’t think Angel could take another heartbreak. 
Unless he’s not heartbroken?  What happened in that time jump?
Happy Happy Not So Joy Joy
Happy Lowman is still hanging around. Turns out, the Sons of Anarchy crew is still dealing guns. Chucky even asks Happy why they’re still in the gun trade, even after Jax wanted them out. All Happy can say is that it’s taking longer than they thought and that “there’s a lot at stake”. Okay.  Whatever THAT means. The start of Season 1 takes place 3 years after the death of Jax Teller. Season 2 starts at least 8 months after THAT, so how much longer is it going to take, Hap? 
While bringing guns to the Mayans, Felipe comes around looking for EZ, to give him a message and not use his phone. However, EZ’s not there, but that gives Happy enough time to recognize him and inquire as to who he is. You see, we know EZ knows that Happy killed his mom. Now Happy knows that not only did he kill the mother of one Mayan, but TWO Mayans. He knows he’s in deep shit now. 
Some thoughts on the episode:
I’m still Team Get EZ Away From The Club Life. 
I’m hoping and praying that Angel is Adelita’s baby daddy. There’s a supposed love triangle between Miguel, Emily, and EZ. We don’t need another between Miguel, Adelita, and Angel. I get it, Miguel is a desired man, but stop making drama where it absolutely isn’t necessary. 
I absolutely adored the shared smiles between Marcus and EZ after EZ saved Marcus’ life. 
Potter knows exactly who Felipe Reyes is and he continues to be just as unsettling as ever. 
There was a Chibs mention, SO THERE SHOULD BE A CHIBS CAMEO. I’D DIE.  
Happy has a paper trail in that mysterious trunk of his of a supposedly random hit from several years ago? That seems pretty sloppy of our guy.  
Mayans MC airs Tuesdays at 10/9c on FX
Sarah’s episode rating: 🐝🐝🐝🐝
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madrut16 · 5 years
BB Rewrite: Chp. 13 - The Dungeon (Part 2)
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Author’s Note: I thought I would have this out sooner but I’ve had a lot of assignments due for the end of the semester so it got pushed back. But, I finally I had some free time to finish it! I’ll try to get the rest of the chapters done as soon as I can but, I’m gonna be in Vegas for a few days after I leave college so it might be delayed.
Also, yes I did change my name and give my blog a makeover. I figured I would fully commit to my Bloodbound obsession xD. 
Disclaimer: All of the characters and dialogue not originally mine belong to Pixelberry studios. Also, this is really long (13000+ words) so take breaks if necessary!
Summary: The plan to rescue Adrian and protect the serum unfolds, and suspicions are confirmed. 
Tags: @endlesshero1122, @kinda-iconic, @liittleemiixeer, @krishnu213, @simsvetements, @regina-and-happiness
Isabel's skin tingled with fear and excitement as she approached Raines corps. She had come up with elaborate plans before while she was still at her internship yet, none with these high of stakes. This was the one she wanted to work the most. It had to. She didn’t know if her heart could recover if it didn’t.
"Remember the plan," Lily told her in the earpiece Janet had given them all from security. Her friend was staying behind at Kamilah's office to monitor and do all of the behind the scenes computer work.
"Yep, in and out as fast as possible.”
As she reached the front entrance, she was stopped by a burly man dressed in all black who upon seeing her, scowled. 
"Vega told me to watch out for you. You're not getting your boy toy back sweetheart."
“I know.” 
The man rolled his eyes. “Then what do you want?” he demanded. 
Isabel swallowed the simmering anger she felt and frowned, feigning a defeated expression. "I mean no harm, I swear. I just want to get my things from the office real quick," she pleaded. While she saw some resistance waning, he still wasn't completely hers yet.
"Uh huh. Yeah right"
Others would be worried, but not her. 
She pursed her lips in annoyance. "Look, I get it, I got in over my head okay! I just want to leave this all behind me and forget that everything happened," she cried, using the real emotion she felt earlier to produce crocodile tears. "Is that really too much to ask?”
She looked at him innocently for a full minute, even making her lip quiver for effect. 
From the hidden earpiece, she heard Jax comment from his position patrolling the streets, "Damn, even I'm convinced."
She ignored his remark and maintained her forlorn stare at the guard until she saw his expression change and she knew that she had broken him.
"Fine, thirty minutes only, no more. You humans really are that weak,” he scoffed. “Once you get past the lobby there's no one stationed, so you shouldn't have a problem."
Isabel exhaled. "Thank you, so much." 
She continued to keep up her sad, exhausted appearance as she entered the building and the entire walk to the elevators until there was no one in sight. Finally, she sighed, a brief smile creeping up.
"We're in the clear."
The elevator doors opened and she sprinted inside, quickly using her key card to produce the hidden buttons. As it moved up each floor one by one, she paced around the small space. Patience was one thing she did not have.
"Isabel, slow down," Kamilah told her. She was surveying the other side of the building. She also had Janet go ahead to the club and monitor from the outside in case any surprise developments occurred.
"I can hear your footsteps. Relax, everything is going perfectly so far. The more you panic, the more mistakes will be made."
The human sighed. "I know. But I don't have a lot of time before they realize I deceived them. I can't go over that thirty minutes by much."
"Hopefully you can be quick then."
The elevator finally reached the Executive level and she sprinted out of it as the doors opened. Her arms stung from being scraped against the metal as she slipped between into the lobby but she ignored it. It would definitely leave a mark though. 
She reached her desk in seconds and found the tote bag she'd left with her spare clothes. Next, she filled it with the things they would need that she had access to: water bottles, a lighter, and weapons including makeshift wooden stakes, a small collapsible knife, and the pepper spray she kept for emergencies.
Looking around, she noticed the security cameras and realized that someone working for Vega had probably hacked into them to watch inside. Luckily, Isabel knew how to disable them since Adrian gave her access to the security software. She hastily logged into the computer and loaded the program.
Smiling, she stared into one of the cameras. "Goodbye," she sneered. "Can't wait for you to realize you aren’t the only ones who can play chess," she muttered before shutting the whole system off. She watched as the red lights on the cameras abruptly disappeared and the lenses were covered. Now, the whole building would be cut off from prying eyes. 
"Nice work," Lily told her. Manipulating technology was usually her thing. "Glad what I've taught you hasn't gone to waste."
For good measure, Isabel used her knife to cut the wires connecting the security system to the computers so that they couldn't be turned back on. Then, she turned her attention to getting into Adrian's office, where the real work could be done. After making sure no one was in there, she picked the lock with some tools and slipped inside, bolting the door behind her.
"Okay, I'm in," she said into the ear piece’s microphone. "How are we doing on time?"
"Fifteen minutes," Lily said.
Isabel smirked. "That’s more than enough." 
She began to open the different drawers and cabinets and quickly found the blueprints all rolled up. She grabbed the correct ones and stuffed them in her bag. She also discovered two black walkie-talkies, probably at least twenty years old. However, when she turned one on, the crackle told her that they still were good as new. Although not part of the plan, she took them anyway. They would be useful for getting out of the city.
All that was left was destroying the vials of serum and getting the car. Using the phone on Adrian's desk, she called the head scientist in the lab.
"Tony, it's Isabel."
He let out a surprised gasp. “Isabel? What are you doing here?
"Adrian isn't going to die today, we have a plan to rescue him. But, once Vega finds out, he’s going to come for the serum, maybe even use Adrian to get it. I need you to make sure the supply is gone down there in the lab, all of it," she told him curtly. “I’ll deal with the batch in here.”
"Oh...um, okay. You mean to destroy it right?" he asked, quickly getting on board.
"Yes, get rid of it, in any way you can. We can always make more after this is over,” she said before explaining her suspicions about Nicole. 
The scientist let out a sigh. “I hate to say it but I think you’re right. She’s been acting strange even before you were hired.”
“How fast do you think you can get rid of it?" she asked.
She heard him doing the math. "Only ten minutes, fifteen at most. Adrian already had a plan in place just in case to destroy production. I'll tell the others to get to work immediately."
"Good, thank you!" 
“Actually, I have something to help with your plan to catch her. And make sure they don’t get the serum.”
“I’ll show you when I get there. I’m heading up as soon as I give the command to the lab,” he told her before abruptly hanging up.
Confused, she shrugged before opening the secret wall where Adrian kept a batch of vials in a safe, remembering the complex pattern he taught her. She unlocked it revealing the samples which she promptly dumped on the ground and broke with her foot, the red liquid oozing out onto the fancy carpet. Isabel cleaned up the glass and threw it in the trash and moved the rug to cover up the stains. 
Suddenly, she heard a knock on the door and seeing Tony through a space in the hinge, she quickly opened it. Before she could speak, she was handed what looked like a batch of the serum. She raised an eyebrow. 
“What is this exactly?”
"A decoy. These puppies have red food coloring to make it look like the real thing. I figured you could use these."
"Wha--? How?" she stammered. They looked completely identical. 
"It was my idea months ago. I designed it in case the real thing was in danger and we need to swap it out. Guess my instincts were right." he told her.
She quickly took them from him. “Wow, that’s brilliant! I wish I’d thought of it myself.”
He turned to leave and then paused, looking at her once more. 
"Oh, and Isabel?" this time, emotion pained his face. 
"Yes?" she asked.
The scientist swallowed hard. "I can tell you care about Adrian a lot.
Her cheeks flushed and she nodded. “I do.”
He proceeded to put a gentle hand on her shoulder. 
“Bring him home, will you? For all of us," he told her.
"I will Tony."
He gave her one last smile. “I can tell he chose the right person to get attached to. And that his high praise of you is warranted.” Then he left leaving her in shock. 
(Adrian really thought about me like that?)
"Ten minutes Iz!" Lily shouted. 
Pushing down the lump that formed in her throat, she willed herself to return to her task. “Got it Lilz.”
She placed the decoy set in the safe where the real ones used to be and sealed the wall back up to be opened later when both hers and Vega’s traps were sprung.
“Now, where are his keys?” she wondered, continuing to rummage through his desk drawers.
"Adrian usually keeps them in that cabinet somewhere," Kamilah said.
Turning, Isabel rummaged through the shelves until her fingers closed around the cool metal. “Perfect!��
She surveyed the room before slipping back out and locking the door. This time she only rode the elevator back down to the fifth floor before heading for the stairs in the back of the building. They allowed her to get to the hallway next to the garage without anyone seeing her. As she made it to the first floor, she almost collided with Nicole.
(Speak of the devil.)
"Isabel, what on earth are you doing here?" the blonde demanded, her icy eyes boring into her.
"Oh, I was just getting my things while I still can," she replied, her hopeless demeanor returning.
She could tell that Nicole was buying it already. "You poor thing. I'm sad about it too, but there's nothing that can be done now."
The assistant saw something in the woman's eyes that sent a chill up her spine. She did have something up her sleeve. Delilah didn't call her a human lie detector without reason.
"You know," she said, "You were right." She sniffed before looking up at the ceiling as if she was about to breakdown completely. "I was never cut out for this! And now, I just want to move on and forget.” A single tear made its way down. 
She was met with a proud scoff. "I knew you were. I tried telling him but, he wouldn't listen. He has a habit of getting too attached to people. And now, he's going to die for it."
Isabel bit her cheek to keep from trying to punch her. "I need you to make sure the other employees get out safely before Vega shows up. I don't want them to end up as collateral damage," she asked instead, with a worried demeanor. “And stick around in case something happens. You know how Kamilah is.”
Nicole flashed her a smile, almost taunting her. She thought that they had already won. "I will do that. Nice knowing you Isabel." she sneered before pushing aside her to walk up the stairwell.
Breathing a sigh of relief, she ran into the garage and hastily opened the outside doors and unlocked the silver sports car. Slamming the door, she put the key in and her seatbelt on. It was then that she vaguely heard shouts from the building.
"Just as you predicted. Man, you're good," Jax whistled.
Isabel smirked although she was still on edge, terrified that their plans would be fooled. "Thanks. Now, I'll drive into the alley and pick you both up. Then, we go get Adrian."
"Roger that."
She started the engine and sped out of the garage, driving for a block before pulling to a quick stop where Jax and Kamilah hastily climbed inside.
"Go," Kamilah ordered looking over her shoulder and Isabel knew that Vega's men were already getting prepared to follow them.
"Hold on tight!" she exclaimed as she pressed hard on the gas pedal, the tires skidding as they drove through the streets, weaving in and out of traffic.
Gripping the seat, Jax asked her, "Are you sure you know how to drive this thing?!"
"Yes. However, we can't infiltrate The Shrike if we get caught now! So, I may have to get creative."
"Point taken."
Checking the rear view mirror, Isabel could see one black SUV that was two cars back that had been with them the entire time.
"This guy is hard to shake," she warned. "Be prepared for sharp turns!"
After a few minutes of turning different corners at high speed, she finally lost the other car and she slowed down a little. They still needed to go fast in order to get to their destination with enough time to pull everything off. The talk with The Baron could go on forever if he chose to drag it out. 
Kamilah proceeded to direct her to where the club was until the familiar facade and the loud jazz music signaled that they had arrived. She pulled the car into an alleyway a few blocks ahead of where Janet was waiting. 
“You finally made it! I was afraid that they had caught you for a minute.”
Isabel smiled. “Vega’s men were doing a good job following us so I had to take some detours.”
This was confirmed by Jax’s groan behind her as they all walked back to the parking lot. “You all owe me drinks after this...and Tylenol,” he grumbled as he set down the secret equipment he brought for down in the cellars. 
“You know we don’t have time for jokes,” she told him. “But, I will be happy to oblige your request later. I’ll probably need some alcohol myself.”
Carefully, they all went over the plan one final time.
"Okay, here’s how this is going to work," Kamilah told them. "Lily, you've hacked into the prison system correct?" 
"Yep. Did that before you even left Adrian's." she said over the ear piece. 
"I trained you well," the senior vampire continued. "Now, I'll go in with you two and try to get The Baron to give us Adrian in exchange for Jax. If that doesn't work then we'll add in plan B." she gave Isabel a look and she nodded.
He was still in the dark about that part. He looked at them confused. “What is plan B? You didn’t say anything about that.”
Isabel gave Kamilah a look. “Can I? she asked, her conscience getting to her. She didn’t want to keep him in the dark any longer.
“It’s your idea.”
“Plan B...is for Kamilah to add to the deal by offering me also.”
Jax’s eyes widened. “What?! That place is dangerous for us...but for you? If something happenes...they could kill you!”
Isabel sighed. “I know, but I want to help Adrian and I’m the one person The Baron would do anything to get rid of.”
“Y-you let her do this?”
“She can hold her own Jax,” Kamilah said. “I wouldn’t agree to it if I didn’t think she could handle it.”
Jax sighed, still not thrilled with the idea. Finally, he tossed Isabel one of the masks which she caught perfectly. “If you’re serious, then you’ll need one of these.”
She smiled at him, a determined fire in her eyes. “With you’re combat skills and my mind, Adrian will be out of there in no time.”
“So, are we good with this part of the plan then?” Kamilah inquired. 
Isabel thought for a moment before gasped. “Wait!” she exclaimed. “I don’t think our end of the deal will work. It’s too obvious.”
“What do you mean?”
“The Baron is already going to assume we want Adrian and if that’s what we offer him, he’s not going to go for it, no matter what we give in return. We need to pretend like Adrian is a lost cause and ask for something else,” she insisted. “Maybe about politics. You know he wants to have as much influence as possible.”
Kamilah considered that. "That's...a good catch Isabel. I have to agree. Okay, how about instead I ask for his vote at the next Council meeting?"
"That should be more convincing," Janet mused, knowing about each of the Leader’s weaknesses. 
"We’ll do that then,” Isabel said, taking over the review. “Moving on, once we have Jax down there, Lily will turn off the lights on our signal. Jax, that’s your cue to attack the guards so you can get the keys and find Adrian. In the meantime, Kamilah will keep The Baron occupied with or without me. There should be a back exit you'll take him to once you've freed him and we've made it out of the club. Then, I will get the car and call Nicole. Hopefully, Adrian will want to go back to Raines Corps for the serum where the trap will be set. Got it?”
Everyone nodded. "Janet, do you have the wires set?" Kamilah asked. 
The redhead replied instantly "Yep. I’m assuming you have the lighter and gasoline?” 
“Of course,” her boss said with a smile, tapping her pocket where the flask and lighter were held. 
Isabel’s heart rate skyrocketed as Janet left. While she wasn’t participating in the actual rescue, she would be getting supplies for when they were on the run. 
"Oh god, I really hope this works!" she exclaimed worriedly. There were so many things that could go wrong. And afterwards, it would be a challenge escaping Adrian's office once they were trapped inside it. She just hoped her gamble would pay off.
Kamilah put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I believe it will. We have to. If we stick to the plan and communicate with each other using the ear pieces we should be fine." The CEO gave her a brief smile. "Besides, they think you're weak because you're mortal. I did once. So let’s use that as our advantage, shall we?"
The pep talk was just what Isabel needed. "Okay, I'm ready.” 
As the three of them finally strolled into The Shrike, every head turned to stare at them. Isabel bristled with nervous energy as the walked deeper into the interior, remembering her treatment the last time. She and Kamilah were holding Jax at both sides with his hands bound in iron shackles, wearing a dejected expression. 
They approached the other end of the long hallway where The Baron's hulking figure was flanked by two of his guards. 
"Well, well, well. What have we here?" he sneered with his hoarse voice, the cigar smoke drifting from his right hand.
Kamilah shoved Jax roughly, causing him to yelp in pain. "Move you Clanless scum," she sternly ordered. 
She was using the anger about Adrian to put on the perfect show.
"Let go of me!" he shouted back, also playing the part. Briefly, Jax met Isabel's eyes and she feigned having to look away apologetically. 
(I hope we're doing the right thing.) 
Her mind raced with troublesome thoughts once more. She didn't want something to happen to him that she couldn't undo. He deserved to live just as much as Adrian did. Swallowing, she put on a neutral expression as the group met The Baron at the midpoint of the room. 
The man doubled over in laughter for several minutes before howling, "And what exactly is this?!" 
Kamilah rolled her eyes. "This is Jax Matsuo. Leader of the Clanless."
The light expression quickly vanished. "I'm familiar."
The mind games were getting annoying for Isabel who crossed her arms. "But did you know he's the one who killed two of your Clan?" she countered angrily.
"Isabel," Jax pleaded, keeping up the act flawlessly. 
As part of the plan, she ignored him and said emotionlessly, "It was him. He did it to rescue me." 
The Baron smirked at them. "Is that so?" he said slow and condescendingly. "Fascinating." He nodded and one of his men suddenly punched him in the stomach. 
"That's just the beginning, you mangy cur," the Clan leader barked. 
Isabel's stomach quivered uneasily, but she steeled her resolve and as The Baron looked toward her with narrowed eyes, she met it with an intense stare. 
(Try it. We'll see who outsmarts who better.)
"And what exactly is this?" he demanded loudly. "Because I always look a gift horse in the mouth."
Kamilah sighed impatiently. "Not a gift. A proposition," she offered. 
Just as Isabel predicted, he scoffed at them. "Don't tell me you think I'll let Adrian go…" She was now grateful that she had them switch strategies last minute. 
"No. I know he's doomed," the other Clan Leader lamented artificially. "I've made peace with that. However, after he's gone, we will vote to determine who will take his place at the head of his Clan.”
"Undoubtedly. I do know how these things work," The Baron replied, almost bored now. 
She continued her explanation of the deal. "I want you to follow my lead in the vote. And in exchange, I will hand Jax over to you, to do what you wish with him."
A smile appeared on the vile man's features. "Ah, Kamilah, how quickly one's mind turns to one's own interests in times of flux…" 
He turned to Isabel and lifted a hand to pet her cheek. This made her sick to her stomach. However, unlike with Lester, she doubted she could get away with physical violence here. Especially not without Adrian to back her up. Instead, she gritted her teeth and glared at him, refusing to look away. 
"And this one," he mused. "I suppose she's yours now?"
"Indeed," Kamilah replied. 
The Baron continued to taunt them. "Sweet little thing. Is she sad about the imminent demise of her dear Adrian?"
Isabel's blood boiled and she couldn't hold back this time, not when he was getting Adrian involved. "Go to hell!"
"Still feisty, I see. I like that…" 
(You can thank my Latina blood.)
He proceeded to pet her as if she were some plaything for him to enjoy. 
Her palms balled into tight fists and she jerked away. "Keep touching me, and you'll see just how feisty I can get."
The tension was escalating quickly...just like she had hoped. Only this part she didn't have to fake. 
"Isabel," Kamilah demanded. This also technically wasn't part of the script and it was also making it more dangerous than it needed to be. She needed to be alive in order to save Adrian and make out in one piece. 
She calmed down inside, going back to faking the emotions. "We made our deal, there's no reason for me to suck up to him any more than I already have," she retorted, rolling her eyes.
Kamilah relaxed and pushed Jax roughly towards The Baron. "So what do you say, Baron? You can have him in exchange for your vote on Adrian's Clan."
He let out a dramatic sigh. "Hmmm, I don't know…" he pondered. 
"Just think how much pleasure you'd get from completely defanging the Clanless movement."
“It would be fun to torture him. But I've already promised Vega my vote. Turning on him will have quite the cost," The Baron replied
"I called it!" Lily said in the earpiece. "Get ready to go in there," she said, her voice laced with concern. 
A cunning, ruthless smile slowly appeared on Kamilah's face, setting the stage for them. 
"Okay," she purred. "How about if I sweeten the deal?"
Meanwhile, Isabel mentally prepared herself for what was next.
"Go on?" The Baron waved his cigar in the air.
The assistant began to play her part and feigned a look of surprise and fear, as if to say that this wasn't part of the plan. Then, on cue Kamilah pushed her towards The Baron and she pretended to gasp in horror. 
"I'll throw her in too," she insisted emotionless. 
"What?" Isabel exclaimed, using the real fear she felt to make her bluff more realistic. "Wait, Kamilah, th-this isn't…"
The CEO shrugged. "Sorry, Isabel. But Adrian's my blood brother. You're just a pet."
They both assumed their respective roles well and now Jax quickly improvising outrage. 
He turned to Isabel fuming. "Ha! You thought the Council were your friends? Little lesson, Isabel...if you swim with sharks, you'll get eaten.”
"Quiet!" Kamilah ordered. 
Almost immediately, The Baron began to fall into their hands. "Well, that's a much more tempting deal. I'm open to negotiation…"
Isabel wanted to smile as much as Kamilah was--their bluff was working. However, she had to stay committed. 
"Wait a second…" she pleaded in a false state of alarm. 
"Kamilah, let's go talk in my office," The Baron proceeded to say. "Guards, take these two down to a cell."
Just like that, their risk had paid off. The exhilaration from Isabel's scheme falling right into place took over and she barely managed to keep the frightened expression on her face. The guards grabbed her and Jax and she prepared to give them an encore. 
"No!" Jax shouted, still clueless about what really took place.
"Hey!" she yelped as Kamilah and The Baron departed. She continued her deceitful struggle to resist the two guard as they hustled them away. 
Suddenly, Jax grabbed her arm, desperately trying to get her attention.
She finally looked at him. "You okay?" he asked. She gave him a tiny nod, before looking down dejectedly.
"Hey!" one of the guards growled. "No talking. Let's go!”
Their grip was torn away as they were pushed forward once more. The guards hustled them down some stairs towards a dank, dark cellar where all that could be heard are screams and moans. A chill went up Isabel's spine and she willed herself to remain calm as she thought of Adrian being one of them.
(Don't worry Adrian, I'm coming for you!)
After a minute or so, she realized that she could finally drop her false demeanor. Taking in what she had just done, deceiving The Baron into letting them inside, a sly grin appeared. 
With a sigh, Jax grumbled, “For the record, I’m still not enthused about your self-sacrifice.”
“Duly noted. I’m still helping,” she replied. 
He responded with a scowl. “Jesus Christ, do you even know what you just walked into?” he fumed. “This place is dangerous for vampires, but for you? It could be a death sentence!”
Isabel rolled her eyes, as she became annoyed at him. She was tired of people doubting her. “Hey! Without me, The Baron definitely wouldn’t have let you down here so you’re welcome. And I know what I signed up for! But, I was always taught to put others first.”
Her voice dropped to a whisper so that the guard couldn’t overhear. “And to fight for those I care about, no matter how high the stakes are. Just like you do for the Clanless, right?”
“Yes...but this time if you don’t take care of you, there won’t be a you for you to care for others. For him.”
The head guard then put an end to the heated discussion. 
"I said don't talk! Or we'll start the torture early!" he growled.
Isabel resorted to examining her surroundings. Suddenly, she noticed a fragment on the wall beside her, as if it appeared out of nowhere. 
A strange electric feeling consumed her as flashes of a vision consumed her: a meeting in a factory...tortured prisoners...and the members of the Council in sharp 1920's clothes. 
She was strongly drawn to the torn image but managed to snap herself out of it. She didn't have time for that. Plus, she had a feeling of familiarity, as if this had happened before. And that made her suspicious. So she ignored it and it faded from her mind completely, as if it had all been her imagination. 
She shook off the strange encounter as the guards escorted them down a long, dim stone tunnel line with iron-barred prison cells. Taking a deep breath, Isabel started to concentrate on finding Adrian...and that first involved getting the guards off of them. 
"Go on, keep moving!" one of the men ordered as her mind analyzed every detail, an eerie calmness washing over her. She was doing what she did best and for a cause, one she wanted more than any other. Her attention caught momentarily on the rows of cells as dozens of prisoners, both mortal, and vampire, pleaded and cried as she passed by. 
"Please...help me…"
"M-My daughter...she's out there...she n-needs me…"
Isabel could see that it was living up to its hype. The place smelled like rotting meat and sounded like the depths of hell. 
(God, this is unbearable.) 
As much as she wanted to look away, she couldn't. She had to look for Adrian. 
(Is he in one of these cells?)
She looked to her left and met eyes with a miserable looking man, his body was bloody and bruised and he clutched the bars of his cell.
"Please, I...I…"
She gave him a sympathetic look. She wished that they could rescue them all but, she doubted that was possible. "S-Sorry…"
The gas-powered torches around them flickered and pulsed even as the prisoners begged and moaned. 
"Damn," Jax muttered angrily. "I'd heard rumors about this place, but it's so much worse than I thought."
"Who are these people?" she asked. 
It was the noisy guard who answered. "Criminals that didn't pay their dues. People that got nosy. Members of The Baron's Clan who got outta line. Really it's just anyone who pissed off the boss."
As if Isabel needed more reasons to hate him. Ruling a Clan like a dictator and torturing members if the don't obey was pushing it, even for him.
"And he's allowed to do this?" 
The burly man shrugged nonchalantly. "What the Council don't know can't hurt 'em, right?"
The hidden microphone on her shirt picked up everything, and she knew Kamilah heard. 
"Speaking of which…" The guards slowed down in front of an open cell and prepared to push her and Jax inside. With a smile, the man guard sneered, "Your new home." 
Jax turned and looked her in the eye. They both nodded in agreement. 
(Not so fast.)
"Now!" he growled. 
Isabel whispered into the microphone wired into her clothing. "Go!"
Back at Kamilah's office, Lily heard the command loud and clear. "Copy that."
Using Janet's intel and the company's powerful computer system, she had hacked into the prison system. Hitting the Master Power button, she teased, "Lights out, assholes."
Inside the dungeon, the torches' gas valves snapped shut, and at once, they all went dark.
"What the hell?" the guard exclaimed as everything was plunged into complete darkness. 
Smirking Isabel and Jax slipped on the infrared goggles that they had hidden underneath their shirts.  
"Ready?" she asked, determined now more than ever to save Adrian. 
"Let's do this," he replied. 
"What happened? Where'd the lights go?" The guard was still trying to figure out what had happened. 
Jax stepped inside the open cell and used the metal bedpost to break the chains of his handcuffs. Smiling, he said, "And now…" He threw open his jacket to reveal a pair of sheathed daggers. "Showtime."
Isabel pulled out the pink pepper spray hidden underneath her sweater. It wasn't a lot but, it would create more distraction.
Jax suddenly sprung into action, moving in a graceful twirl. With a forceful throw, he buried one stake up to the hilt into a guards chest, causing him to instantly crumple into a pile of ash. 
The other guard fumbled in the dark seething to himself. "You sneaky, little…"
Jax lunged at him, but the guard was too fast and too strong. He hit Jax with a hard backhand, knocking him to the floor. His knife clattered out of his hands. 
"Jax!" Isabel exclaimed as the guard swiveled, slamming the cell door shut behind him to trap Jax inside. Then, he turned to her menacingly. "My eyes have adjusted," he boasted. "Which means you're dead meat, girl."
(Uh oh.)
She swallowed, desperately looking around for anything to defend herself. He came forward in the dark, getting close to her and her mind raced quickly. Then, she noticed the keys dangling from his pocket which she could probably reach. 
Using the anger she felt about Adrian, she pulled out the mace and sprayed it before running towards him at top speed, surprising him as she smashed into him. 
"Rarrrgh!""What the hell?!"
Taking advantage of the confusion in the darkness, she kneed him in the groin before hastily unhooked the keys hanging off his belt loop, and dashed to the cell door.
"Isabel?" Jax warned as she unlocked the cell door and looked just in time to see the guard rush her from behind, grabbing her tightly. 
His breath was hot in her ear. "What do you think you're doing?!" At least a foot taller and two hundred pounds heavier, he picked her up easily by the collar, her feet dangling helplessly. 
"Hey!" she shrieked, trying violently kick him in the shins. 
Suddenly she heard Jax's voice. "Let. Her. Go." He rolled out of the cell and drove his dagger into the guard's kneecap. "Ugggkkk!"
The guard dropped her and Jax ripped the knife free before driving it into his chest. On top of him, he smirked, "Gotcha."
The guard crumpled into ash, as Jax walked out of the cell. 
Isabel looked at him impressively. "Nice moves, Matsuo."
He chuckled in response. "You weren't too bad yourself."
"Think we're doing okay?" she asked, catching her breath.
 He thought for a moment. "Don't hear any alarms, so I think we pulled it off. Let's hope Kamilah's holding her own with The Baron."
They heard her chuckle before faintly telling The Baron she thought she heard something amusing. They took that as a cue that everything was smooth on her end.
 Isabel spoke into the earpiece mic again. "Lily, lights on please."
"You got it!" Hitting a key on the computer, she restored power and the lights flickered back on. 
Anticipation made Isabel's stomach fill with butterflies and whole body tingle with an electric feeling. Now they just had to find Adrian. Her and Jax peeled off the goggles and began to quickly head down the hallway looking for him. 
"Do you see him?" she asked worriedly. 
(Stay strong Adrian. You'll be out of there soon.)
Jax shook his head, and saw that her emotions were clouding her focus. "No...and we need to hurry before they realize what we've done. By my count, we've got three, maybe four minutes."
“Right. Luckily, I have been told that I’m perceptive.”
As she regained her high concentration, the pleading faces of the other prisoners continued to stare out at them from cells lining the hallway. Isabel felt horrible as they reached out hands and called out as she passed by, but right then, she had a single-minded focus. After a minute of endlessly searching with no luck, she decided her best bet was to start calling for him. She hoped, needed him to recognize her voice. 
"A-Adrian!...Adrian!" she exclaimed desperately. 
Almost instantly, she heard something like a groan that she instantly knew was his and her heartbeat quickened. "Jax, over here!" 
She ran as fast as she could to the cell where it came from and found him in a drugged state slumped against the back corner. Seeing his condition, she instantly felt her eyes water as her heart broke. 
"Oh my god," she whimpered.
 He slowly lifted his head up and his face twisted with mixed emotions. 
"Isabel? Is...Is that really you?" he managed to whisper. 
She nodded before yelling to Jax, "Quick! The keys!"
She fumbled with them as the tears spilled over causing her hands to shake. 
“Come on Isabel, come on,” she muttered.
Finally, she found the right one and unlocked the cell before immeditely rushing to Adrian's side. His face was haggard and his eyes were bloodshot. Her feelings took over as she impulsively crushed him to her for a few moments, all of the emotions she had been feeling over the course of the night flooding out. She let out a sigh of relief when he made the effort to embraced her back. “It’s okay! You’re okay.”
After a minute, she pulled back enough to see his face. He looked at her in shock. "You...came for me. I had this...hope but...I didn’t think..you actually did this...for me.”
She gave him a tearful smile. 
"Of course I did," she cried. "I would never leave you." She reached out and touched his cheek and in return, he squeezed her hand tightly. She bit her lip before admitting, “You mean too much to me now.”
"Isabel, I…"
As much as she wanted to hear his voice, she knew that he needed to save his strength for the escape. "Shh. Talk later. Let's get you out of here."
She heard footsteps coming down the stairs towards the dungeon and knew that they had to make it quick. 
"Not to break up this oh-so-touching reunion, but we're about to have company," Jax said sternly.
Isabel nodded, her focus coming back to where it needed to be. "We need to get out of here. Like now."
On cue, they heard a guard exclaim, "What the hell is going on down there?"
She scanned the rest of the prison with the blueprints pictured in her mind and found what they needed. "Quick! The back exit.”
“Getting Nicole as bait now,” Lily said from the office.
"Come on," Isabel told Adrian. "We'll help carry you." Hastily, her and Jax helped him towards the back stairs. But as they're almost at the the door, Isobel noticed a lever labeled, "MASTER CELL DOOR RELEASE". 
"This would free them all. All of The Baron's prisoners," Jax confirmed.
Adrian scowled, adding angrily, "Not to mention wreak total chaos on his operation."
(Releasing The Baron's prisoners would let us get some revenge. Plus, we could have allies for the fight ahead with Vega!)
Isabel looked back and saw that they had just enough time if they acted now.
"Then what are we waiting for?" she shouted, all of the anger for Vega and The Baron as well Nicole hit her all at once. "Let's pull that damn lever!" 
She grasped the heavy metal level with both hands and tried to pull by herself, but it wouldn't budge. Then she saw why: with the amount of rust on it, it looks like it probably hasn't been touched in decades. "Oh, come on!" she fumed.
She heard the hurried footsteps of a small pack of guards coming down the front stairs and her heart rate accelerated. Suddenly, both Jax and Adrian both put their hands over hers. She looked up at them in surprise that quickly morphed into determination. She met Adrian's intense stare and she felt the electricity in their eyes. 
"Let's do this," he thundered. 
Jax joined in on the sentiment. "Hell yeah." 
All three of them pulled hard and the level slammed down with a thud. Isabel beamed as every cell door along the hallway creaked open simultaneously. 
"That is badass!" Lily exclaimed. 
A stunned silence overtook the prison. Then loud hollering filled the space as the prisoners started streaming out of their cells. Isabel felt electric, as if she was a superhero.
(This is what making a better world feels like!)
"Follow us!" Isabel yelled, overcome with relief and joy. She turned and ran as fast as she could up the stairs, with Jax and Adrian close behind. The prisoners began to follow them.
"We're free! Oh my god, we're actually free!"
"Thank you! Thank you so much!"
"Hurry, they're right behind us!"
Isabel looked over her shoulder and saw the guards catch the pack of fleeing prisoners on the stairs. Then, a brawl broke out and she watched in shock and delight as the guards were hurled down, kicked in the head, and one was even impaled on his own weapon. 
"Whoa…" And here she thought she had seen it all. 
"What's going on?" Jax exclaimed, turning to see the commotion.
“A revolution.” As much as Isabel wanted to stay, they couldn't. They needed to be at the office in time to set the trap for Nicole. "Just keep going! Get Adrian out of here!"
They did as she was told as she looked back and saw a small figure emerge from one of the cells. Eventually she noticed that it was a small child. The little boy was in old-fashioned clothes, looking around quietly.
(Oh my god! I've got to go back and get him!)
"Wait here! I'll be back in a minute!" she told Jax and Adrian.
She bucked the tide of prisoners streaming up the stairs, hugging the wall as she made her way back to the boy. "Hi there, little guy." His brow pinched as he looked up at her.
 He spoke in a foreign language. "A kto ti?"
"I...don't know what that means. But I'm Isabel."
"A ya Vladimir. Zdrasti." She vaguely made out that he was probably Russian and it was his name. That was not one of the three languages she had studied. 
"Right. Why don't you come with me and I'll get you out of here?"
She heard Jax swear on the earpiece and ask Adrian, "What the hell is she doing?!" 
His mic barely picked up on the response. "What always does, put others first."
Smiling to herself, she grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the exit with you. "I couldn't just leave him behind! He's just a kid!"J
Just then a guard, a greasy vampire she recalled seeing in The Shrike the first time she visited, came up behind her. His eyes glowed bright red. "Stop right there!" He lunged forward, and she dodged once before he knocked her down to the ground. 
"Oooof!" she yelped, hitting the ground hard. She scrambled to get up, scowling as he sneered at her. "Get...away from him!" 
She was still trying to regain her breath. 
"Looks like you're too slow," the creep replied.
In anger, she pulled out the pepper spray and dowsed him as he started for the boy. “I said, don’t touch him!”
“ARGH!” Seething, the vampire clutched his forehead in agony. “I’ll be back for you!” He approached the kid menacingly.
As Isabel approached, prepared to try to defend him, the boy stared at her, then his expression changed making her stop in her tracks. 
"Eto bula oshibka." he growled, startling the creepy guard. 
"Wait...what now?" 
Faster than any vampire Isabel had seen the boy pounced, tackling the man to the ground. "Raaaaaaaghhhhhh!"
"No! Wait! Get off of me!" Shrieking and hissing, the child tore into vampire, driving his thumbs into the man's still inflamed eyes with a wet squish.
"Oh my god!" Isabel shrieked. "Um guys, I think he'll be fine. I'm...just going to keep running now." She hurried to catch up with Jax and Adrian, managing to avoid the remaining fights and bloody confrontations on the stairs. "Did you see that?" she gasped, rejoining them. 
"Holy crap that kid is terrifying!" Jax replied with a nod. Adrian looked equally horrified. 
Finally they all burst out onto the street level amid the stream of escaping prisoners. Around the corner outside, Kamilah paced anxiously. As the three of them rushed out, she looked up and a relieved smile appeared. 
"You made it!" she exclaimed, her clothes ripped in several places. 
Examining her, Isabel was quick to determine how they got there. “And The Baron?” she asked with worry. 
"Bashed his head in with a trophy in his office. He should be down for quite some time."
"Oh my god!" 
Meanwhile, Adrian stood there silently, trying to take everything in. Finally he said, "I'm not usually one to question a rescue, but do we have a getaway plan?"
Isabel smiled proudly before pulling out the car keys safely in her back pocket. "You'd better believe it." 
She quickly disappeared, leaving him utterly speechless. She ran the two blocks where his sports car was still parked in the alleyway and climbed inside. Seconds later, she screeched to a halt back in front of them, a smirk on her face. 
“Adrian," she said with a wink. "What do you think?”
Adrian looked at her with an impressed smile. "Isabel. I really need to stop underestimating you." 
They all piled inside.  "Hang on!" she ordered hitting the gas pedal hard. As she zoomed away, she looked back and saw hoards of exhilarated former prisoners flooding out into the street. Behind them The Shrike suddenly went up in flames. 
"Timed it perfectly," Kamilah said, sitting back in the seat with satisfaction. 
"Did you set The Shrike on fire?!" Adrian wondered looking back at the now raging inferno.
Isabel nodded. "Janet planted the wires before we got here and Kamilah used the gasoline when she was done with The Baron." Then, she returned her attention to the road.
Granted, she didn't think they would have to worry about the prisoners when they planned it. She realized that all of them hurt and crowding the streets probably put them in danger.
Kamilah answered. "Normally, maybe not. But with the chaos that's about to sweep this city, I suspect most of them will be able to escape into the shadows."
"Besides," Jax scoffed. "Anything's better than being locked in there."
"True…" Isabel sighed, deftly piloting the car through the city streets as a comfortable silence spreads through the vehicle. "Jax, can you call Nicole for me?" she asked, ready to initiate the last part of the plan. 
He nodded and grabbed her phone, dialing the VP and putting her on speaker. 
"Hello? What is it?" the blonde snapped and Isabel had to bite her tongue. 
"Did Lily tell you about our rescue plan?" she asked urgently."
Yes...why? Did something go wrong?"
"No, not at all. In fact, we got Adrian out! He's in the car with us."
"What? That's...incredible," Nicole said, though her tone didn't quite match the words. "I didn't think you would be able to do it."
(Oh, I know. Keep underestimating me.)
Biting her tongue, Isabel told her, "Look, if you still want to be a part of the plan, can you meet us somewhere with a change of clothes?"
"...yeah, I can do that, for Adrian, of course. I'll meet you near Central Park," Nicole said before abruptly hanging up. 
"That was...rather odd," Adrian observed, his brow furrowed. 
(Oh, you have no idea.) 
Isabel sighed but didn't say anything. He needed for the upcoming betrayal to be a surprise. A few minutes of silence passed before the madness of what transpired hit her fully.
"Oh my god," she exclaimed sitting back in the seat amazed. "I can't believe we actually pulled that off!"
"Of course it did, you're plan was brilliant!" Lily exclaimed as Jax pounded a fist triumphantly against the ceiling. 
"Hot damn," he whistled. "I'll give you Council vamps this, you know how to make a night exciting."
Even Kamilah was beaming. "Good work. All of you."
It wasn't long before they pulled into the curb at the edge of the park and Nicole ran up to meet them. 
"Here's a suit, boss," she said through the rolled down window. "Figured you might need it." She joined the crew in the back seat and they began to drive again. 
"Thank you," Adrian told her. In the passenger seat, he quickly changed into his suit before staring out of the window silently.
Isabel could help becoming nervous again. She had no idea how they were getting out of Adrian's office when they were probably going to be surrounded. She figured they would do that on the spot, but there was a lot of risk involved.
Sighing, she found his hand and gently squeezed it. "Are you okay?" she asked worriedly. "Did they hurt you?"
He smiled at her wearily. "They tried," he told her, jaw clenched.
"Oh no…"
She met his gaze as he continued. "The guards have some...novel methods of torture. But I'll live."
From the rearview mirror, she caught a brief change in Nicole's expression. An evil smile maybe? It was so faint, she barely noticed it. But it was enough to confirm her suspicions and make the precautions worth it. Nicole was in on it, Isabel felt it in her gut.
Turning back to Adrian, she stammered, "I'm glad we got you out of there when we did."
"Me too." He smiled at her gently before turning his head to speak to the others in the car.
"I need to thank you. All of you," he told them. "Kamilah, this couldn't have been easy for you to do. You've openly defied the Council…"
"I've lost one brother. I'm not losing another," she replied sternly.
Next, Adrian looked over at Jax. "And thanks to you, too. I don't think we've been properly introduced."
Isabel felt dumb for not mentioning it in the parking lot. "Oh, Adrian, this is Jax Matsuo. He's, uh...Clanless."
His eyes narrowed and the two regarded each other warily.
She felt the need to say something more. "Jax is also the one who helped me escape The Shrike before...remember? I promise he's trustworthy, he just wants to protect his people."
"Mr. Matsuo. Your reputation precedes you," Adrian finally said nodding.
Jax simply tilted his head. "Does it now? And what exactly have you heard about me?"
"Good things. Mostly," the CEO replied, looking briefly at Isabel who breathed a sigh of relief.
"Yeah, well, that's what I've heard about you too. Your friends made some pretty big promises. I expect you to keep them."
Adrian hesitated before reaching out to extend his hand. Jax stared at it in surprise before shaking it.
"To a long and fruitful relationship," the Clan leader said.
"If you say so." It was shaky but, it was a good start.
Kamilah cleared her throat. "First things first," she told them. "We need to get out of the city as soon as we can. It's not safe for us here right now. Once word gets out about what happened, every vampire in the city's going to be hunting us."
"I know we need to run...but first we need to stop by my office first. For the serum," Adrian replied with a frown.
Isabel was once again right on the nose. She and Kamilah made eye contact and exchanged a look.
Kamilah feigned shock. "Are you out of your mind?"
"Serum?" Jax inquired confused.
Isabel forgot that they hadn't filled him in on that part. She sighed, "It's...a long story." Then she turned to the passenger seat and said, "Adrian, that's something you need to do. I'm not saying it's a good idea, but I get why you need to do it. I trust you."
He gave her a sad smile. "I appreciate that, Isabel. I wouldn't even dream of it if it wasn't important." Then, his face twisted in anger. "Vega set this whole thing up to get his hands on it. It's too powerful to risk falling into his hands."
(Already have that covered, but you can't know that yet.)
"Isn't it in that super-secure safe?"
She was referring to the one in the office, where she had destroyed the first batch.
Adrian sucked in a breath. "That safe buys us time. But sooner or later, he'll find a way to get in."
Nicole smiled, though not for the reason he thought. "I agree. The serum needs to be protected, It's the corporation's most valuable asset."
She clearly thought that this was playing into her hands. Little did she know, Isabel was already two steps ahead.
Kamilah frowned. "Fine," she surrendered. "We'll just grab it and go."
The plan was unfolding almost perfectly.
"Is anyone going to tell me what this magical serum actually does?" Jax wondered, eyes wide.
Isabel did the explaining, once she received a nod from both Adrian and Kamilah. "It lets vampires walk in the sunlight."
"What?! You know what? From now on, I'm just not going to ask any more questions."
"Probably for the best," Adrian agreed.
Isabel quickly pulled up to the curb in front of the Raines Corporation building and Adrian and Nicole hopped out.
"We'll be right back," he told them.
Jax's eyebrows raised. "Never stops with you lot, does it?"
"Never," Kamilah sighed. She gave Isabel the signal. 
Nodding, she jumped out of the car too, joining them. She wasn't going to let Nicole trap him in there alone.
"What do you think you're doing?" the blonde asked with an icy glare, now rattled. "We'll just be a moment."
Crossing her arms, Isabel stood her ground. "Um, I'm definitely coming. I've been through all of this with Adrian so far. I'm not stopping now."
(Plus I'm the one who knows what you're really up to.)
She could see the wheels turning in Nicole's head, scrambling to try and throw her off. "I'm just...looking out for your safety. Who knows what Vega might have up his sleeve."
Adrian interrupted their argument. "We'll be in and out before anyone knows we're here. But we have to go now."
"I'm still coming with you," she demanded. 
After a minute he nodded over Nicole's continued protests. "Okay Isabel, if you’re positive. She is perfectly capable of doing this Nicole. I wouldn't have hired her if she wasn't."
“I am. If something goes wrong, I want to be there."
"I'll be ready in case you need a getaway driver," Jax told them before jumping into the driver's seat with a smile. "Sweet ride…"
With an amused smile, Adrian commented, "Fine. You dent it, the deal's off."
Leaving Kamilah and Jax in the car, they headed upstairs with Nicole to Adrian's office. His gaze fixated momentarily at the torn security equipment before getting into the office.
"Hurry. Please," the blonde fretted.
Isabel knew she was rushing for a different reason. She sat back watching Nicole like a hawk, her arms folded tightly as she dreaded the interaction that would occur next.
Adrian headed to the wall and exposed the hidden panel. His fingertips glided over it, the elegant complex series of patterns Isabel did a few hours earlier. Her breath hitched in anticipation as she heard the gears whirling, latches clicking, and the operation of the powerful mechanism. The wall slid open to reveal his safe and the serum that was supposed to be inside. 
"And there it is," he said smiling. He reached for it, but just as he did so, the door to the conference room flew open.
She wasn't surprised and yet she still gasped. More to do with her suspicions being correct. Still wearing the earpiece she whispered. "Code red!"
This alerted Kamilah and Jax back in the car to prepare for an escape and Adrian looked at her confused but she couldn't say anything. 
"I hope you can get him out of there Isabel!" Kamilah exclaimed as a half-dozen vampires burst into the office, leveling crossbows at Adrian.
"Oh my god!" she shouted, the scene frightening her even though she knew it was coming.
Furious, Adrian looked around frantically. "What is this?"
His assistant answered for him, shooting daggers at Nicole. "A trap Adrian!”
The blonde's eyes narrowed at her as she realized that something was amiss with her rouse.
A soldier ordered, "The serum. Now."
"I know you. You're one of Vega's men!" Adrian roared.
"What I am is the guy about to put a bold through your heart! Hand over that serum!"
Isabel watched the man start to lunge for Adrian and jumped into action. She impulsively lept in front, putting herself right in between him and the guards. "Stop! Don't shoot him!" she growled.
Adrian looked at her in shock. "Isabel, what are you doing?!"
She stopped for a moment.
(What am I doing?)
Then her resolve crystalized and her scowl returned as Nicole stepped forward. She planted herself more firmly against him. "I'm protecting you, since I'm the only one in here who will."
The blonde rolled her eyes before beginning her monologue. "Enough. This is over."
Adrian's looked at both of them bewildered before turning to his VP. "Nicole! Run! They'll shoot you!"
Isabel shook her head. "No Adrian, they won't. Will they?" she demanded, wishing she could interrupt what came next.
"No, you're right Isabel. I don't think they will," Nicole replied, smiling mischievously.
The crossbows remained trained on her and Adrian and he looked over at her. "What is she doing?"
"Betraying you," she told him bitterly.
Then, Nicole took her place alongside Vega's men. "Sorry, boss. But that serum is mine now."
Isabel watched Adrian's expression darken as he realized her assistance was a trap. But, unbeknownst to Nicole, she had an ace up her sleeve which she could finally reveal.  
The mental game of chess was coming to an end. She was coming for the king, and she sure as hell wasn't going to miss. 
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fal-carrington · 6 years
If I’m not the one, who is going to make you happy? Pt.2
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Pairing: Kamilah x Mc x Priya
Disclaimer: The characters belongs to PB
Prompt: “I could not understand the reason for the sudden interest in me. Priya was from afar the most hedonistic person I had ever met. She awaken a wild side in me, a side that yearned for parties, uncomplicated sex nights, drinks, just fun. Something crazy drew me towards her, just the fact that she could kill me at any second just makes me wonder if I lost my mind.
Kamilah was different. Gorgeous, older. Always serious, cold. Almost untouchable. Just focused on work most of the time, I did not know if she hated me or if she just tolerates my presence because of Adrian. With Kamilah, I never knew if what I was doing was enough, she saw me as irresponsible and troublemaker kid, but I confess that it was that perfect smile of hers who made my heart beat faster. Part of me longed for her approval. And in the middle of all this, I was trapped between these two gorgeous and powerful women.”
A/N: Hey, guys I’m back from hell after a few days apart from tumblr, so sorry for that. I’m bringing this new fanfic who explores the most hot love triangle of Bloodbound. I hope you guys like it and at the end it’s up for you guys, who Hayley will end up to? The Queen of the Fashion Designer?
Raines Corp, 23h30pm
My fate was on Adrian's floor. I glanced briefly at my golden watch, I was still on time. I always was, that was one of my personal skills that I’m proud of. As the elevator doors opened, I had a perfect view of the meeting room, Adrian's office... And Hayley’s table. She was with her back to me, arranging a huge amount of papers. Today she was looking different, she wore a white sweater and a red skirt that went up just above her knees and boots. Her blonde fringe was trapped and the rest of her hair was loose. I’ve already seen that skirt, but never with these sweater. It was cute.
I asked myself who was the person that she was trying to impress. Today she was the definition of sweetness, everybody with eyes would notice her.
I reached her with my hands in the pockets of my pants. She fumbled with those papers, cursing softly. She was a lot of things, but never organized.
"I'm pretty sure the paper will not bite you if you're more delicate with it." She turned and jumped when she saw me.
"Oh God! Hey... Kamilah” She put a hand on her chest. I noticed how red her cheeks suddenly are and how her heartbeats fastened.
“You're very distracted.” I observed.
"A little." She said shy, looking away from me and trying to keep herself busy. "Adrian is waiting for you."
"I know," I said watching her closely. "So let me ask you. I'm curious, where are you going after here?"
"W-What makes you think I'm going somewhere else?" She stammered red-faced. It was fun to watch her cheeks flush with that intensity.
"Because I have eyes. I'm not stupid, you're not fooling me." I tilted my head to one side and furrowed my eyes. She gulped and stepped away from me. “You are going to meet someone, uh?”
"I don’t know what you're talking." She adjusted the glasses that hung on her nose, her green eyes wandering the room without looking at mine. She avoided the subject again. Priya. I’m so sure of this. She has a finger on this. She was going to meet Priya, oh for god sake. I’m the only one who was against this? Adrian probably had already alerted her. I crossed my arms.
"Alright. You can continue with this little game of yours, but I will not play it. I know how to recognize a lost cause when I see one,” I said, and it seemed to have shocked her. Hayley opened her mouth to discuss with me, her face now red with anger.
"Am I a lost cause?" She said with a frown.
"What else would it be?" I asked.
"I'd appreciate it if you'd stop behaving like my mother, Kamilah," she said.
"And I would appreciate it if you would stop acting like a teenager. Looking for confusion."
"I'm not looking for confusion." She tried to keep her voice down. "Usually it's the confusion that hits me first." She shook her head.
I sighed, touching my temples. I was not going to spend my time with a twenty-two-year-old girl arguing over the reasons she was trying to kill herself with Priya.
“Suit yourself.” I passed her without another word and went into the conference room. Mortals.
"I appreciate everyone's presence." Adrian started the meeting with a friendly smile on his face. It was always like this, his routine meetings with the council. Baron as always seemed completely uninterested, as did Lester. The only ones paying attention were me and Jax.
Priya did not take her eyes off the phone for a single minute, and when she was not on her cell phone, she was staring at Hayley with a wicked smile on her face. Images filled my mind. Images that I did not even want to imagine what happened behind those doors, I felt a strange heat radiate my chest since I became aware of their secret meetings and the memory of two days ago came to my mind.
"She's gone crazy!" I said as I paced back and forth in Adrian's office, he watching me leaning against his desk. "Do something Adrian! Before Priya kills her!” I called his attention.
"What do you expect me to do? I'm not her father, Kamilah. I can not forbid her to see who she wants to see! Of course... I tried to talk to her about Priya, but she knows who she's dealing with"
"Oh, does she know? It seems not!” I said exalted, running my hand through my hair. "I already knew she was irresponsible, but suicidal... I did not know she had come to this point"
"Are you sure that's all? Are you just worried about her safety?" He frowned and folded his arms.
"What else would it be?!"
"Jealousy" He finished with a half smile. I laughed at his expression.
"Are you serious, Adrian ?! She's your assistant... Human Pet. I'm just doing your job trying to protect her."
"Really? Even when you said that, you did not think of it when you slept with her in my cabin, did you?" He said and I stopped. "Oh, please. I heard everything."
"It was only one night stand. Only that." He frowned. "OK. Two nights. Will not happen again"
"Who's lying to himself now, Kamilah?" He looked at me and God, how I hated that look.
“... Uh, Kamilah?” His voice called me. I looked at him and realized that all my council colleagues were staring at me looking for answers. “...Do you agree?” Adrian asked again.
“Absolutely.” I said sighing impatiently. “I think your terms are appropriate.”
“Alright then. I guess we all agree on this. If anyone have nothing more to say, we can close this meeting.” Adrian smiled satisfied.
I rubbed my face, still with Adrian’s words in my head. I wasn’t in love with a human, no. Especially this human in particular, she’s nothing besides trouble. I had more important things to do, a company to manage, contracts to close and my clan to take care, I don’t need to babysit a teenager.
That’s what I thought. I couldn’t be more wrong.
Friday. Ahmanet Financial, 23h15pm
I was at my office, working and revisiting reports, thinking about my next meeting that was happening soon, what I did not expect was a call from Adrian would change my routine at this night. When the phone rang in my pocket, I sighed in irritation. I hated being interrupted and losing my focus when I was working. Even when it was Adrian calling me, but still, maybe he need something.
"Adrian" I answered the call.
"Hey," he said excitedly on the other end of the line.
"What can I do for you?" I asked.
"Do you have plans for tonight?"
"Well, I'm working. Those are my plans,” I said. "Why? Is there something in your mind?"
"I was thinking of doing something different."
"I would not mind having a drink"
"Uh, so you do not know?" He asked in surprise.
"What happened?"
"Nothing much, but I was thinking of leaving early to go to a party."
"You? At a party?” I smiled incredulously, leaning my back against the chair.
"Why not? And it would be us, not just me.” I could swear he was smiling on the other end of the line.
"We? Dear god, Adrian, what are you thinking? I'm too old for such trifles."
"You will not find it so futile when you find out who the party it is"
"Stop that mystery already. Who is it?"
“Hayley’s 23th birthday” He said and I froze at that. “I thought you may be interested”
Crimson Veil, 1h00am
"I can hardly believe you're forcing me to do this." I scowled at the countless people who danced, rubbing at each other, drank and shouted. The loud music and the colored light irritated me, if I had not listened to Adrian...
“As far as I remember you did not object." He laughed to himself, clearly amused by my expression of disgust.
"She could have chosen a better place." I took a deep breath, avoiding bumping into one of Priya's clients. "At least one less... Hedonistic place."
"Priya made sure the party was here. I think Hayley did not object to the invitation,” Adrian said, and I frowned at that. "Oh, there she is" He said with a smile, my eyes went to the direction he looked and I saw that scene in front of me, Hayley was dancing with a glass of champagne in her hand and with her was... Priya. Both were dancing closely, in way so intimate, if I could choose the perfect word for this moment.
Hayley definitely was not sober, it was remarkable by the way her body rocked to the sound of music, her wet hair with droplets of sweat, as well as her skin. And Priya was definitely enjoying this moment, this situation and hers. I could see perfectly.
I was so accustomed to feeling distant from everything and everyone, accustomed to feeling nothing. It was easier that way, but seeing that scene in front of me... Made me wonder if Adrian could be right. I shook my head at the feeling I was repudiating inside me, jealous. Jealous of a mortal? How could that be? Their time was short, they were fragile, they could be killed by such futile things.
I knew enough that romances with mortals were not meant to last. It would never work, we would never work, but she was different. Young, beautiful, had a Incredible smile. It made me feel something, it made me want to try again, to risk, even if there were innumerable obstacles between us, like morality, mortality, the right and wrong. She made me want to abandon my ethics, my rules.
I felt a strange tingling in my chest as I watched both Priya's hands grasp her body and glue Hayley's body to hers. Hayley did not back away, did not pull her away from her. She just kept swinging her body to the rhythm of the music. Adrian was too busy with his whiskey, reading the menu leaning against the counter beside me to see where I was looking.
I took a deep breath and took a sip of my whiskey, feeling the bitter liquid burn my throat as I pondered the countless feelings that ran through my mind.
What had happened to me? Since when did I fall in love with mortals? Since when had I fallen that way? And I, who so proudly blamed Adrian for being a hopeless romantic... I was beginning to believe that his words were true and that he was right.
I would not admit it, not out loud. Not for him to smile at me with that mocking smile, making me admit that he was right all the time and that I should listen to him. I bit my lips, feeling my vision turn red as I watched Priya have fun with Hayley in front of me. A part of me hated myself, I always consider myself to be the most rational person, most focused and right on everything around me. And another hated Hayley, hating that irresponsible girl come out of nowhere, put our lives at risk, make Adrian fell at her feets, she was nothing, but trouble.
And still I have no rational response for why I can’t keep my eyes off her. Why I feel my heart tighten every time Priya squeezes her waist as she shakes to the music. Why I feel my heart beat faster every time Hayley rests her whole body on Priya's, as if her life depended on it. I did not expect to feel it again, I did not expect it to happen again after so many years, I swore never to fall in love with any mortal.
No, it can’t be. No.
And in my painful moment of struggle, when Hayley turned and saw me for the first time that night, her green eyes gleamed in recognition and a bright dimpled smile lit her face... I found myself stuck in that smile, feeling my heart beat fast and strong after centuries, numb with that look, cursing myself for this... For her. Because nothing else seems to matter now. For falling in love with her.
The only rational thought that occurred to me at that moment, the only part of my mind that had not been taken by her, thought; Oh, Kamilah, where did you got yourself in?
There is no way out of this now. I know. I'm doomed and conformed to this, I took a sip of my whiskey, watching my own blond demon smile at me with a drunken, crooked smile, which was to make anyone mad.
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tessxomarie · 6 years
Saving You - Part Six
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*Leah starts to write out her feelings. Leah & EZ have a friendly encounter.*
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Writing has helped me organize my thoughts this last week.
I have not written about Erik…I told myself it may be good for me to write about the situation, but I also do not want to relive those moments.
My mind has been flooded with the thoughts and questions as to why Angel has been giving me a cold shoulder.
The moment we had when he was stabbed and shot, when he reached for me, that’s all it was – one simple moment. I get the impression he forgot, or he’s playing it off like he forgot.
I checked on him and Coco three days after the incident, the boys stayed at the clubhouse overnight and Shelby checked in on them for a few days and asked if Kendra and I could follow up.
Angel was his usual stubborn asshole self. Few words were spoken, eye contact avoided. No thank yous. Like I said, the moment we share the other night was just that, a moment. Now over a week later, I cannot help but still think back to that moment.
I’m snapped back to reality when Kendra calls me, “Leeeeeee.” She exaggerates.
“Kenzzzzzz.” I mimic.
“How do I have five more hours left?” She whines. Poor girl picked up an extra 12-hour shift today and she’s hating every moment.
“You have rent due at the end of week, that’s why you hate it so much.”
“Being a grown up fucking sucks. Who do I call to cancel this subscription? I’m over it, it’s too expensive.”
I bust out laughing, “If you figure that one out, have them cancel mine too.”
We go back and forth for a few more minutes while she’s on break.
“You’re serious about making dinner tonight? Like I can just come crash on your big comfy couch and you can bring me food?” She asks.
“I’ll even go visit Felipe to make sure I cook you a good meal.” I offer.
“You know, if EZ and I never get serious, this whole idea of us becoming a domestic lesbian couple becomes more appealing by the day.”
“Hoes before Bros.” I reply.
“Preach, sista. Okay I gotta go, I’ll text you when I leave here. See you later – love you-bye.” Kendra says as she hangs up the phone.
I finally get myself off the couch and I make my way to Felipe’s shop.
“Hola Felipe!” I say as I enter the shop.
“Aleeah, como estas chica?”
“Bien, y soy cansada.” I reply with a laugh, more than likely butchering every single Spanish word.
“My my, your Spanish is improving by the day, sweetheart.” Felipe says to me with a smile as I approach the counter.
“Thank you, I really am trying – you know, in between working in the ER, the clinic and babysitting the bikers.”
Felipe chuckles, “Yeah, I’ve heard my boys have been keeping you busy lately.”
Rather than diving in to details with Felipe, I opt to just stay mum about it. “You’ve heard right, I’m afraid.”
“I’m just thankful that it’s you that is caring for them. I’ve seen how you are with the kids at the clinic, and even people around here – you’re a natural healer Leah.”
That comment makes my heart melt. I’ve been coming into Felipe’s store only the last three months, but he has made me feel like I belong here, that I’m doing something right.
“How’s the pediatric clinic? You’re still over there, right?” He asks, snapping me out of my daze.
“The clinic is great, I primarily work there now, and I’m contingent at the hospital. Kendra and I are on the same schedule yet more times than not, when I’m at the clinic, she’s at the hospital so when we have the chance to work together, we jump on it.” I say with a laugh.
“Kendra, she’s a character. I’m glad you two are friends, and I’m even more glad to know you two are still working in town. This town is better and dare I say, a little bit healthier thanks to you two. That clinic has worked wonders.” Felipe praises some more.
“Working at a clinic like this, it was something I could only imagine. If you would have told me four years ago that I’d be in the field I am now, with a Bachelor’s Degree – I would ask to take a hit of whatever awesome green y’all are smoking.” I say with a laugh.
It’s so true though, after the news of Jax’s passing and having Marcus basically come into my life and act as my forever guardian – I never knew which path I would end up on, or if the thoughts of me going to school and working in the medical field were far fetched.
“Never stop dreaming, Leah; and never sell yourself short – you my dear are way too smart to do that.”
I offer Felipe a warm smile, as I truly am taken aback by his words.
As Felipe is wrapping up my order, I reach into my purse for my cash and just as I pull some out, Felipe starts shaking his head at me.
“Your money still isn’t good here, chica.” He explains as he hands me my order.
I laugh sarcastically with a mix of shock, “Felipe! Come on, here please take this. I have the money, you have to let me pay eventually.” I plead.
As I try to make this deal with Felipe, the front door chimes and in walks EZ.
“EZ, can you believe Aleeah still thinks her money is good here?” Felipe says with a chuckle and grin.
EZ cannot help but laugh along with his Pop.
“I’m glad you find this comical.” I spit with sass.
“I give you credit for being persistent Lee, but the old man is stuck in his ways. Count your blessings, he could be charging you double.” EZ tells me with a curious look, which causes me to snap back at Felipe and quirk a brow.
“I don’t turn down business, but if I don’t like someone’s attitude, you bet your ass I’m charging them extra.” Felipe explains.
“Well I’m glad you like me, Felipe. Thank you again, you really are the best.” I say as he hands me my order.
“I should be the one thanking you, you’re keeping my boys in one piece.”
I shrug my shoulders and look to EZ as he gives me a weak smile.
“I try.” I respond, and then change topics somewhat as I make conversation with EZ.
“Why are you here? Don’t you have like, a run to be on or some other biker shit to do?” I ask poking fun as I playfully punch his arm.
EZ gives Felipe a serious look, which then makes me feel a bit uncomfortable – I get the vibe that EZ doesn’t like telling Felipe club shit.
“Oops, sorry. I should have known better than to ask you about that.” I tell EZ.
Another chime at the door, a middle-aged couple has walked in.
Felipe nods at EZ, and EZ takes me aside.
“Lee, you’re fine. Pops, he knows enough. Anyways, I’m glad I ran into you, I texted you the other day, but you never responded, I just wanted to check in with you.”
“Oh shit, yeah you did text me – I mentally responded.” I laugh, “I think I mentally responded then told Kendra you texted me and then she said that she was going to text you because you didn’t check in on her.” I explain with more laughs.
EZ scratches his head, “I don’t know what I’m going to do with that girl.” He says with a smirk.
“Just treat her right, or I’ll stand by my word and make you breath out of your forehead.”  I remind him with a big smile and bat my eyelashes.
EZ laughs it off, “So, what I really wanted to ask you is if you’ve spoken to Angel lately?”
A look of confusion and humor take over my face, but EZ doesn’t find it humorous.
“Oh, that was a serious question?” I ask, I stutter for a moment but collect myself.
“EZ, I don’t even have Angel’s number. It’s always you, Bishop or Coco that contacts me. Plus, why would I need to talk to Angel?”
EZ shakes his head, “I was just wondering, hoping actually that maybe you two have spoken because he’s just been really off since the incident.”
“No shit, he was shot and stabbed – practically ambushed at his girlfriend’s place. That’s a lot to process. Did you guys ever find out who stabbed him?” I ask.
EZ looks over to Felipe, to make sure he’s still busy with the other customers that walked in.
“No, we have no leads. Angel basically wants us to forget it, but Coco isn’t having that. Angel, he’s been around off and on ever since Shelby gave him the okay – Gilly hasn’t been able to keep tabs on him, we all know he and I aren’t on speaking terms. I just want to know he’s somewhere safe, I don’t trust Luisa.”
Another confused look comes over me, “Who the fuck is Luisa?”
EZ must find my expression hilarious as he gets a good chuckle out of that one.
“That’s Adelita’s real name.”
“Umm excuse me? That bitch has been using an Alias and no one felt the need to clue me in?” I say with a slight raised voice, looking around to make sure I’m not causing a scene in this small shop.
“Relax, Lee. That’s an irrelevant fact.”
“Psh, yeah for you maybe. When you find my body missing or chopped up, I think it’s important for you all to give a correct name to the authorities.” I sarcastically say.
“What are you talking about, Leah?”
“You don’t recall my abrasive monologue from that night? I basically dragged her ass through fire. She deserved it though, there’s always been something off about her to me.” I explain as I take a seat at the small table next to where we are standing.
“Ha, yeah. We all were just talking about that actually. The boys were impressed on how you handled that. Especially given her history of what she’s capable of.” EZ says trailing off.
“That ex rebel bitch does not scare me – her trying to play doctor to a stabbing and shooting victim, now that scares me.” I say with a playful wink.
EZ gives another laugh and takes a sip of water that he grabbed from the cooler behind him.
“She means well, she just, I don’t know – I’ve never fully trust her either. I guess I’m just worried about my brother.” He says quietly.
We have a brief moment of silence, and then I see him flex his muscles – now I am inno wayattracted to EZ like this, but the man has veins us nurses drool over.
“EZ, has anyone ever told you your veins are a nurses wet dream?” I ask while touching one of the veins popping out.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Oh come on, Ezekiel, Kenz hasn’t said that to you? She hasn’t asked if she could practice drawing blood or anything like that?” I continue to ramble as I trace one of his veins.
“Umm you two still need practice?” He asks nervously.
“Always, it’s always good to practice in case you have to drug someone up for long periods of times or when you accidentally give them the wrong dose.” I say wickedly as I stand up from my chair.
“Leah, I mean this in the nicest way – but some days, you straight up terrify me.”
I give EZ a playful sin filled look, “Good.” I respond with a wink.
“I’ll see you in a few days, on the 4th?” I ask as I gather my belongings.
“Yes you will, Kenz will be there too later on but I am sure you already knew that.” He says with a smile.
“You sir are correct. She’s working the afternoon shift, I’m working 7p-7a the night before so once I become a functional member of society that afternoon, I’ll make my way to the clubhouse.”
“I’ll be there all day, I’m on firework duty.”
My face drops, bikers + explosives = Leah never gets a break
“I’ll be safe, Lee.” EZ tries to reassure me by putting both hands on my shoulders and giving them a squeeze.
“Yup, uh-huh, sure.” I say walking towards the door, “I’ll still bring extra supplies just to be safe.” I say tapping his shoulder.
“Adios, Felipe! Thank you very much.” I say as I wave from the doorway.
“Take care Aleeah!” Felipe shouts.
“See you in a few days, Lee.” EZ says with a wave, I remain still at the door with it half open, “Oh yes, it’s going to be a bang.”
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thefallenlilith · 6 years
Kamilah x MC (Millie)
Part 1
For four days in a row Kamilah had fallen asleep while she had been working, which in itself was unusual, but each day she’d had dreams of her future; of these snippets of a contented life with a young woman she had only known for barely a month.
The logical part of her brain had to constantly remind herself that she still didn't fully know Millie, because the emotional side remembered exactly what it was like to be entirely in love with her.
It was hard to ignore.
Now was probably the time to admit that these were not just dreams, because they were far too vivid and specific for there not to be something else at work.
The previous three dreams she'd had, Millie had turned into the sun at the moment that Kamilah had felt her most content, and then she'd felt herself turn to dust. This was the first time something had spoken to her though.
Or maybe it really was just her subconscious telling her that she should accept that happiness, for her, was only ever going to be an illusion. Especially with a human.
The chirp of her intercom interrupted her thoughts.
"Ms Sayeed, your lunch has arrived."
Kamilah rolled her neck, mostly to try and remove the thoughts from her mind. "Yes, Evie, send her in."
A young auburn haired woman was ushered into her office by her smirking secretary.
She would admonish Evie for her behaviour, but she was the rarest of vampires, in that she actually enjoyed menial tasks, and she was very good at them. So Kamilah forgave the few, small, unprofessional moments she had.
As the door shut, the young woman took several hesitant steps before coming to a sudden stop halfway between the desk and the exit.
"Would you like something to drink?" Kamilah asked as she stood and walked towards the redhead.
"No thank you." The woman shook her head; her eyes trained on her as she moved closer. "I'm Leigh."
Kamilah pursed her lips. She didn't like it when her food had a name. Evie should've informed the young woman of this.
"Oh, wait, sorry! I shouldn't have said that! I blurt when I'm nervous or excited."
Kamilah really didn't care which one of those she was. "It's fine. Are you ready?"
The young woman nodded and tilted her head to the side.
At least her food had managed to get something right, she thought as she sunk her teeth into a clean, unfragranced neck, and began to drink. A second later her approval disappeared when the redhead's hands went straight onto Kamilah's hips.
Carefully, so she wouldn't spook her, she took hold of the woman’s wrists and held them firmly by her side; but then the inappropriate noises began, and she had to pull away.
She pricked her finger with her fang and healed her bite marks. "Thank you." She said as she turned back towards her desk. "Evie, will compensate you for your trouble."
"That was... Uh... Quicker than I thought it would be."
"Yes, well, it seems as though I was not as hungry as I thought."
"Oh. Eyes bigger than your belly, as my mom says." She chuckled as she patted her stomach.
Kamilah forced her face to be as neutral as she could. "Indeed."
The woman thanked her unnecessarily, and spun on her heel towards the exit. As soon as she opened the door, all annoyance left Kamilah as she saw Millie standing in the adjoining office; her gaze following the young woman leaving, and then to Kamilah. Her eyebrow quirked and she had an amused smile.
"Millie's here!" Evie shouted.
"Yes. I can see. Thank you."
Her girlfriend snorted a laugh as she crossed the threshold and slammed the door behind her. "You know, I'm beginning to think that you have a type." She walked straight up to Kamilah and perched herself on the desk next to her.
"Which is?"
"Young, redhead and, perky."
"I... Hadn't actually considered that." She was surprised by the revelation. And thinking about it, this was only a recent taste. "Does it bother you?"
"Why would it?"
"As you just pointed out, I apparently have a type."
Millie shrugged and gave her wicked smile before she leaned down to kiss her. It reminded Kamilah of her dream.
"That wasn't an answer."
Millie let out a sigh. "Am I bothered you have a type? No."
Kamilah spun in her chair to face Millie, and pulled her onto her lap. "I sense a 'but'."
Millie snorted loudly. "Butt sense!"
Kamilah didn't know why it was funny, but she was amused by her girlfriend's reaction.
It was these silly moments that made her feelings grow for this young woman; which was strange, because before meeting her, she found this behaviour immature and tiresome.
"Sorry." Millie said, wrapping her arms around Kamilah's neck, and snuggled into her. "I'm not bothered exactly. Just, a little jealous I guess."
"Of what?"
"It's stupid."
"Perhaps. Perhaps not. Tell me anyway."
"Okay." Millie blew out a breath. "I just get bummed thinking that I have to share you. And before you say anything, I know that they're just, a snack, to you, but it's still super intimate. I've only been fed on once, and -"
Kamilah straightened up abruptly, and growled. "Who fed on you?"
She wasn't blind. Practically every vampire she'd seen while Millie was around drooled over her. Adrian, Lily and Jax included.
"Whoa!" Millie tightened her grip on Kamilah so she didn't fall on her ass. "It was Lily! She'd just had some hangry frenzied blood lust thing. She needed to eat!"
"Did she attack you?"
"No! I, offered."
"That was extremely dangerous. She could have killed you if she had lost control. Don't do that again."
Millie's brows shot up, and leaned back to fully look at her. "Is that an order?"
Kamilah noted the incredulous tone in her voice, and studied her face for a few moments. "No. I'm sorry. Think of it more as a request, rather than an command. I'm quite attached to you, and I'd rather nothing happened to you."
The command, it seemed, would have to be directed at the baby vampire instead.
"Awww! You lurve me." Millie grinned as she manoeuvred herself so that she was straddling her.
"I wouldn't go that far." Kamilah deadpanned, hoping Millie couldn't tell she was lying.
"Sure. Whatever you say, My Queen." Her girlfriend cupped her face and brushed her thumbs over Kamilah's lips before pulling her in for a long, slow passionate kiss.
Kamilah closed her eyes, and her hands found their way under Millie's shirt, following the trail up her stomach until she reached the lacy bra. She'd been admonished more than once for ruining the other woman's underwear - which had been replaced - but she had kept her impatience in check after she was told that a strong breeze had given some construction workers a free show. Annoyingly, Millie had refused to tell her where these construction workers were located.
So now she removed the bothersome underwear the old fashioned way. While they were in her office at least. Although it took a great deal restraint, especially like now while Millie was moaning into her mouth, and her hips were undulating against her own.
"Ms Sayeed. It's six o'clock."
She let out an irritated grunt, and begrudgingly pulled away from the kiss. "We should get home."
Millie cocked her head and raised an eyebrow in a silent question.
"Nothing!" She looked like the proverbial cat that got the cream, and gave Kamilah a quick peck on the lips before extracting herself from her lap. "What is this thing that's happening tonight?"
"Officially, it's a conclave of various clans from other cities in the United States. It is meant as a platform to discuss local and national issues. In reality it's an excuse for a party."
"Sounds like any other government to me. You sure you want me there? Last time that many vampires were all in one place, all hell broke loose."
"Well, with Vega no longer being an issue and Nicole incarcerated, the clanless are now Clan Matsuo; and the decreased number of ferals in the city now, I think it's safe to say that won't happen again."
"So the only thing I have to be worried about is a large group of drunken vampires being super creepy around me. That sounds like oodles of fun."
"I'll make sure that doesn't happen. They'll know that you're mine." Kamilah paused, then corrected herself. "That you're with me. Not that you belong to me."
"Not a great save, but kudos for trying." Millie gave her a thumbs up. "What time is this shindig happening?"
"In three hours."
"Is that why we have to go, home, so we can get gussied up?"
"Yes. Why did you emphasize the word 'home' like that?"
"I didn't. Let's go!" Millie turned and marched out of the office; only remembering to straighten her clothes after she had passed Evie's desk.
Kamilah rolled her eyes and followed after her.
Her designer and hair stylist were waiting for them in the lobby of her building, and they snapped to attention as she walked by, towards the elevator.
"Did you bring all the dresses I asked for, Samantha?"
"Yes, Ms Sayeed." The tall brunette nodded.
"Esteban, I need you to focus on Miss Taylor's hair."
"Hey, what's wrong with how it is now?" Millie sulked.
"It's... Unruly."
"Yeah? So's your face!" She stared at Kamilah defiantly for a second and then sagged. "No it's not. Your face is very lovely."
"Hmm." Kamilah smirked. "Thank you for saying so."
"You're very welcome. So what you going to do with my mane then, Esteban?"
"That would be Ms Sayeed's decision." The blonde, sun-kissed man answered with a Spanish accent that Kamilah had noticed was wildly inconsistent. Probably because his name was actually Steve, and he was from Queens.
She suppressed a smile as she watched Millie's face contort in annoyance at her stylist.
"I think what Esteban means is that he will show you his portfolio, and you can decide yourself."
The man's eyes went wide and nodded. "Yes, that is exactly what I meant."
Her girlfriend narrowed her gaze at the man. "Good! I think your going to have to work real hard to build up the rapport we built up Esteban; you know, those precious moments between us getting in the car, and you talking." She pointed a finger at him, and he looked like he was about to have a panic attack.
The ding of the doors opening interrupted the scene, and Kamilah took hold of Millie's hand and headed towards the main entrance of her penthouse.
"Not everyone appreciates your sense of humour, Miss Taylor."
"They can suck it."
Kamilah laughed as she pulled out the ring of keys, and hesitated. Before she could even think about it, she touched the part of the door that she had cracked in her dream.
"Hey?" Millie asked quietly. "Are you... Are you okay?"
"Yes. Of course. Let's prepare for the evening shall we?"
Once inside, she showed the three humans into one of the spare rooms she had, and made her way to the kitchen. After scanning the area for any sign of the mess she knew would be there ten years from now, she pulled out her phone.
As much as she didn't like the idea, she needed counsel from someone who would be able to determine whether these were dreams, or visions. Unfortunately, witches were not known for cooperating with vampires, but she felt it was worth the risk.
Millie was worth the risk.
(A/N: So my writing style is basically dumb, slow burn fluff with a plot that you need a humorously large magnifying glass, and a deerstalker hat to spot. Just fair warning :))
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