#i think the in laws dynamic is funny but i also get a little 🤨 like they are More Than That
lai-mar · 1 month
not romantic not sexual not familial not siblings not in-laws but a secret other thing (life partners warriors bond forged through blood and grief and companionship, intimately knowing each other’s fears like the back of their hands, will loyally stay by each other’s side during their nightmares but will promptly chuck them off a cliff at the slightest offence, “i know exactly how you are and you annoy me sometimes but that’s exactly why i love you”, a casual domestic intimacy in which actions speak louder than whatever they say they are, orbiting around each other relentlessly, curiously, devotedly, aggravatingly, please caution and complement me because it’s alright if it’s you, it feels weird when you’re not being weird, sometimes i don’t get you but that’s why i like you, you’ll always have a home in me, i’ll make you a cup of tea and you’ll knit by the fire, thank you for being my companion, i’ll stay i’ll stay i’ll stay, also what is wrong with you (and what is wrong with me,) you’re normal to me so i’m normal to you. time and space is unfathomably large but let’s exist. together. by the way it’s your turn to do the laundry)
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