#i think there is untapped funny potential with spirits and demons
meowmeowmage · 1 year
Imagine being a demon unsuccessfully trying your best to trick a mortal into possession and then you see a mage possessed by a benevolent spirit walking around like.. benevolent spirits don't even want to posses mortals the way demons do, and yet some rando spirit achieved your goal for which you've been busting your ass for years
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critical-goat · 3 years
Obey Me!: Tarot Deck
I finally did my research and..... this is what I think an Obey Me! based tarot deck would look like. As a general warning, spoilers are abound. Many spoilers, so beware reader. Certain cards have been left blank both due to the lack of female characters and the fact not every card fit a character.
Currently, Barbatos is the only major character that is missing. Funny how the character that sees through time is the one that didn’t fit a card. The brothers minus Satan each have two cards, one for their angel form and one for the demon form, both to help fill out the deck and because certain characters fit more than one card.
I may eventually do full explanations one day, but for now I give this.
A side note, this is not official, but rather my personal beliefs which cards they would be assigned.
0, The Fool- MC, Lilith
standard- beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, a free spirit, potential, opportunity
reversed- holding back, recklessness, risk taking
As a general note, the Fool begins the deck with 0 as opposed to 1 as it is the number of unlimited potential, and not giving the card a specific spot in the deck. The Fool may appear in any spot in a deck.
1, The Magician- Solomon
standard- manifestation, resourcefulness, power, inspired action
reversed- manipulation, poor planning, untapped talents
2, The High Priestess
3, The Empress
4, The Emperor- Lucifer (demonic manifestation)
standard- authority, establishment, structure (the protector)
reversed- domination, excessive control, lack of discipline, inflexibility
5, The Hierophant- Luke
standard- spiritual wisdom, religious beliefs, conformity, tradition
reversed- personal beliefs, freedom
6, The Lovers
7, The Chariot- Mammon (angelic manifestation)
standard- control, willpower, action, determination, strength
reversed- self-discipline, opposition, lack of direction
8, Strength- Asmodeus (angelic manifestation)
standard- courage, persuasion, influence, compassion (inner strength, endurance)
reversed- self-doubt, low energy, raw emotion
9, The Hermit- Leviathan (demonic manifestation)
standard- searching, introspection, being alone, inner guidance (to search, to seek, a guide)
reversed- isolation, withdrawal, loneliness
10, Wheel of Fortune- Mammon (demonic manifestation)
standard- good luck, karma, life cycles, destiny, a turning point (constant change)
reversed- bad luck, resistance to change, breaking cycles
11, Justice- Simeon
standard- justice, fairness, truth, cause and effect (assessment of choice)
reversed- unfairness, lack of accountability, dishonesty (a choice)
12, The Hanged Man- Satan
standard- pause, surrender, letting go, new perspectives (a push forward)
reversed- delays, resistance, stalling, indecision (a rest)
13, Death- The Brothers Fall (Satan’s birth, not unlike the animation for his UR card Our Stories End)
standard- endings, change, transformation, transition
reversed- stagnation, resistance to change, inner purging
14, Temperance- Beelzebub (demonic manifestation)
standard- balance, moderation, patience, purpose (stabilising energy)
reversed- imbalance, excess, self-healing, re-alignment
15, The Devil- Asmodeus (demonic manifestation)
standard- shadow self, attachment, addiction, restriction (trapped between short term gratification and long term payoff)
reversed- releasing limiting beliefs, detachment
What pushed me to choose Asmodeus for The Devil is that in most tarot decks, the Devil card is depicted by Baphomet, a representation of the balance between good and evil, man and animal, and male and female and known for its hypnotic gaze. In most depictions, Baphomet has vampire bat wings, symbolic for the consequences of giving in to raw desires.
16, The Tower- Belphegor (demonic manifestation)
standard- sudden change, upheaval, chaos, revelation, awakening (an external change, forceful)
reversed- personal transformation, fear of change (internal, instigated by the self)
17, The Star- Lucifer (angelic manifestation)
standard- hope, faith, purpose, renewal, spirituality, (personal growth, development)
reversed- lack of faith, despair, self-trust, disconnection (a test of faith)
18, The Moon- Belphegor (angelic manifestation)
standard- illusion, fear, anxiety, intuition, subconscious (a projection of emotion)
reversed- release of fear, repressed emotion, inner confusion
19, The Sun- Beelzebub (angelic manifestation)
standard- positivity, fun, warmth, success, vitality (inner power and strength, free of ego and power through fear)
reversed- inner child, feeling down, overly optimistic
20, Judgement- Diavolo
standard- judgement, rebirth, inner calling, absolution (spiritual awakening)
reversed- self-doubt, inner critic, ignoring the calling (reflection, self evaluation)
21, The World-Leviathan (angelic manifestation)
standard- completion, integration, accomplishment, travel (closure)
reversed- seeking personal closure, short-cuts, delays
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rtonart · 4 years
My thoughts on sally face episode 5
I know I said I would have this out the other day, but this weekend kicked my ass and I needed more time to get all my thoughts out. So here it is, it’s a bit of a doozy just a heads up. I’d like to put a bit of a disclaimer here with this post: I do not want to, nor wish to start fights cause trouble, or invalidate anyone's thoughts or feelings on the newest episode. I just want to get my thoughts and feelings out there. I’d love to have an open discussion with everybody about this series as a whole, and see where most people stand on how you feel about the ending. There seems to be a lot of divide amongst the fans, and I’d like to know why you feel the way you do, some either loved the ending some absolutely hated it and some like myself just kind of felt empty after it was all over. Also, heads up spoilers. Spoiler free version: The ending felt hollow at first, and it still does even now, because of how rushed it all felt leading up to it. Even with the epilogue it just doesn't feel like this story is really over, maybe that's what you were going for, it seems like that to me, I feel like we haven’t seen the last of the Sally face crew. If it is however, then that just sucks, I knew there wasn’t going to be a truly happy ending but it could have ended much better than this. There was so much untapped potential, I hope Steve learns from this and whatever he decides to do next, he takes more time with thinks it through and things go better. You really are very talented Steve, I just think you need to pace yourself next time. Spoiler filled version: So for this section, I’m gonna talk about the things I liked about this game, and the things I didn’t. I’ll also be pointing out all the questions I personally have from this episode, and previous episodes Let’s start off with what I didn’t like, and I’ll end with what I did like here goes. What I didn’t like and questions I have: Let’s get the biggest thing out of the way right now, Steve, you did your characters so dirty especially Maple, Neil, Travis, Larry, and Ash. I’ll put them in their own little sections, and go from there when I get to them for now, here are some of the questions I have in no particular order. What happened with the red ball? I remember in the second episode I believe, Sal was talking to Jim’s disembodied head from the other side, and Jim said “The red ball, don’t forget the red ball” Why was that so important? What would the red ball have done?  Why did he need to bring it? And why did you just drop it in episode 5? Why was Maple overtaken by the demon when she was out with her parents the night of the incident? By all accounts she should have been okay, she was even shown in court when Sal was on trial totally fine. What happened between then and now to change her? I wanted to see her join Ash, and Neil and get revenge on the cult for taking her baby, her husband, and her friends away. But you just went and made her go crazy that was super disappointing. How big is this cults reach? Supposedly it’s Travis’ dad who tried to murder Sal as a child, then Diane sheilded him from the gunshot dying in the process. Okay, cool, fine, except that was in Jersey, when Sal was a little kid so like how old is Travis’ dad? Was that really Travis’ dad? Or do all the cult leaders wear that dog mask? And how did their reach spread so far, it seemed like this was only happening in Nockfell. But now you’re saying that they’re so powerful and evil, that they not only single handedly wiped out a majority of a group of people, they’re just going around murdering children by the dozens, and can cover it up completely okay, sure, why not. What happened to all ghosts in Addison apartments? Did they all disappear into the void, like Larry when the tree house was burnt down? I was wanting to see if they come back to help Sal while he was a ghost. What happened to the bodies of the dead that weren't taken away by police IE Dr Enon and Larry. Why when it was all said and done, when Larry vanished Sal was just like, “We’ll maybe, probably, see him again one day who knows.” Everyone in this episode just seemed off to me I can’t stand it. I believe those are most of the questions I have, that I can think of off the top of my head, that seemed like the most important to me. Let’s get onto the characters, I don’t want to make this too long but we’ll see how it goes. Jim Johonson: Jim seemed so cold and distant, and unusually out of character to me personally, like you’re this all knowing, all seeing being. You can see just how much not only Sal, but your wife, and your son have suffered, and all work it took to try and fix things and you just kind of brush it aside and don’t really do much in the grand scheme of things.  Ash: Ash got a raw deal, she is living with the guilt of betraying her friend, which at the time she had good reason to. He did murder an entier apartment complex, she was doing so good, and working so hard, up till the point she felt like she failed not only Sal, but herself and her firends. That she decided to off herself right there and then, without a second thought, I mean, it worked out in the end but jesus, it didn’t have to come to that. She could have I don’t know willingly let Sal’s soul into her body so they could fight the cult? 
Larry: I’m actually pretty mad with what happened to Larry, like, are you serious? He went on this whole adventure after his second death, and became an all seeing ghost wizard like his dad, and I thought, “Oh cool, he’ll get to live forever now as a spirit just like his dad, nice, now they can-” NOPE. Dead. He did get to help Sal till the battle was over but really?  We could have had a whole second section of the game going through his journey. Neil: It hurt to see all the crap he went through, not only did he lose his boyfriend for god knows how long to this cult. But he gets captured and murdered along with Maple trying to save him and stop the cult. When he kept saying, “My Todd” it hurt my heart, I just wanted them to at least be happy if nothing else, him Ash, Todd, Maple, and Travis deserved to at least come out of this together, messed up, but alive and able to move on. Travis: You did Travis so dirty it isn’t even funny, I honestly thought he was going to end up being a bigger part in all this, what with the bathroom scene the partial confession about all his problems to Sal, he was a really interesting character and I wanted to see him overcome at least some of his problems, and be a major part of the gang but that didn’t happen. How long was he apart of the cult? His entier life? Tala Grey: She seemed super interesting at first, and I was into the backstory and the notes about her, and her family, but at the same time this was one of the things that confused me the most. Why add her, and her backstory about her ancestors, this late into the game if you ultimately weren't going to do anything with it? I know that section went on a while, I’m sorry, I didn’t think this was going to go on as much as it did, my gosh. I’m almost done, I promise if you’ve read this far thank you. What I did like: The music is on par with all the tracks from the previous episodes.  The various alternate realities, this retroactively means everyone's AUs are cannon, which is always fun I say go ham everybody. The art Steve is getting better and better with each episode I just really like seeing improvement in people it warms my heart. The gameplay it was a bit glitchy at times, but it was fun beating cultist asses. The moment when Sal was in the car with his dad, on the way home with his prosthetic and he says, “I picked pink because it’s mommy’s favorite color, I hope she’ll recognize me with it on.” Made my heart hurt, it was so sweet and sad, I love that sweet boy so much. Baby Larry in that picture with him and his grandma. Old man ghost wizard Larry is my everything now, he’s amazing and I love him. Diane being a good, loving, protective, mom is valid. The claymation world, and rubber hose world were my most favorites and those were great. And finally the line, “Eat my ass, you red eyed bitch.” made me laugh so hard I about peed myself while playing. I liked that they were able to put an end to the cult if nothing else. Episode 5 was a mixed bag for me personally, just taking more time to look back on it, while I did have fun with it, it was simply too much, too soon, too fast, just as things felt they finally got going it had ended and it just felt hollow to me overall. Steve I hope you never stop creating, be it by making music, art, or games. I want you to hear what your fans have to say learn from it. You can do some incredible things and I want to see more from you in the future. If anyone read this far, thank you, and I’d love to hear what you all have to say if anything. 
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