#i think there may be something kinda better in certain post h things sonically and lyrically
angerofangels · 2 years
I think because it was the album i got into fob with but I kinds forget ab/ap like....exists these days not in a shade way it was just so normalized to me that it wasnt so much an album more as the like sound of my life in 2015 and god. Transcending to jet pack blues
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cutegirlmayra · 8 years
Alright, I’ve resisted long enough
Sonamy AU - Dating status.
Walking through a park, Amy would stop and point at any colorful thing she saw.
Although cute, it would only pull out a small smile from Sonic, seeing as he was used to her usually giddy delights in whatever was bright or moved.
As she spun around and put on her sunglasses she turned around to him, “What do you think?” She had a pretty silly open-smile on her face, as if fishing for a nice thing from him.
“You look goofy.” he smirked, and pulled them up to her head.
“Aw...” she pouted, before he spoke again, tilting his head towards her.
“Your eyes are prettier seen than imagined.”
“Oh~ Good save.” She gave him a flirty look before strolling off again, him following and enjoying the views of the lake, before Amy dashed back to him and grabbed his hand.
“Let’s play Frisbee!” she excitedly dashed up to a hill, dragging him along.
“What do you think would happen if Chilidogs had different flavors?” Amy called out to him, throwing the frisbee.
Her swing was so powerful, that Sonic only had to watch the direction of where the frisbee passed by his head, and then could dash off into the distance, returning in a few seconds and gently throwing it back to her. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, would you still eat them?” She caught it, and then cocked her head as she waited for his reply.
He clapped his hands together, bent down like a bow, and spread his arms out again. “Depends. If there was a pizza flavor, maybe. But...” he straightened up and held a finger out to her. “Nothing... can beat a regular chilidog.” She giggled and threw him back the frisbee, satisfied with that answer.
Walking down another path, Amy noticed that the trail had a quiet little resting place, where no families or anyone else was around, looking out at the lowering sun.
She looked back and tried for Sonic’s hand, but waited a moment, and looked up to Sonic.
Sonic was admiring the sights in silence, before stopping to seeing her halt.
She gave him a cue, pursing her lips and looking down at her hand, then to him.
It was one of those quiet ‘Please?’ moments that always made Sonic groan. Why couldn’t she let it happen naturally?
He put a hand out, and slowly walked into hers.
“You know, you don’t always have to create the moment.” This normally would upset her, but Sonic knew well enough to avoid those situations, and changed his tone, making it more a sarcastic turn than a tease.
“Hee-hee! But when do you ever make a moment?” She also playfully teased, pulling him closer and along before sitting on the bench, and seeing him look down at it.
She kicked her feet, looking around before seeing he wasn’t sitting.
She pouted.
“Make a move, dude.” she seemed annoyed that he was hesitating, but more of a tough-love encouragement.
“...Ugh.” he looked away, seeming unsure. “I don’t like just... sitting.” he admitted.
Amy frowned, but sighed. “I should have known you better. Hmm.. okay. Just for a few minutes? Then we can walk again, or you can run if you want. I don’t mind.” she beamed up to him.
Looking back at her and feeling guilty, he accepted her alternative and sat down for a second, kicking a leg up over to the other’s knee, and letting it rest there with a soft wag, to keep his energy flowing.
He naturally let her hand go and put both over the bench, looking away and letting out an over-exaggerated sigh.
She scooted closer and lay her head on his shoulder.
Watching in silence once more, Amy finally started up again, and Sonic just listened and nodded, hearing about her week and the troubles with discounts and shopping lines.
Once that was through, Amy looked up at Sonic, and this time, with a more gentle and sincere look to her expressions.
Definitely softer. “Hey.”
She got his attention immediately, as he turned to look down at her.
“...I’ve been sitting here a few minutes tops. And you never once put your arm around me.” she cutely stuck out her lower lip. “Am I not pretty or something?” her eyes grew wide, clearly acting her part to encourage something more between the two.
Sonic made yet another face, but Amy interpreted it as disdain.
“Ooh! You’re cruel!” she put both hands up over her eyes, using the back of her fist against them, as Sonic looked a little awkward but put his hand down beside her side.
“Oh?” she turned to look down at it, and then glared fondly over to him. “So I’m just decent looking enough to be seen with, eh?”
He looked even more defeated, his eyelids flickering lower as he looked away, grimacing a little more, and put his arm at her waist.
“...What? No tight hold? Pulling me closer? Guess I’m just a regular old 7.” she sighed, clearly just manipulating and playing to get him to go a little more.
Now his face started twitching, as she slowly felt his hold push her more up against him, and by this time, his eyes were completely glued to the right side of his face.
She smiled warmly to him, and held him back. “That’s nice~” she stated, praising him with a little peck on the cheek, before hopping up. “Okay! Run off now! I’ll see you back at the blossom tree’s post.” she nodded, not wanting to push him too far.
“H-huh?” He looked confused, getting comfortable where he was seated, before getting up and seeing that he made her at least, happy enough, that he could now go for a quick run. “You sure about this? Won’t get separation anxiety or something?” He teased while he stretched out, getting ready to bolt off at any moment.
“Ohh... Sonic, I may be desperately lonely for you, madly and uncontrollably in unashamed admiration of you~ But while I’m still free, I’m gonna remain young and independent. There’s just some things you can’t do with your man around.” she walked confidently back the way they came from, and Sonic stopped his stretches for a minute to look out after her.
His cheeky grin slowly returned to his face, and he suddenly realized he didn’t want to run in the other direction anymore.
“Oh, please!” He dashed up and hugged her from behind, making her laugh and shout out in surprise, as he picked her up and swung her to and fro, mocking her a bit. “You pine for me! Long for me! Live for me! Why... You tease me! You tickle and act fickle only to keep me around! You’d rather be dependent on my touch than independent on your silly malls!” he picked her up and spun her body to make sure she was facing him.
Holding her up, he smiled, “You... are far greater than any numbers.”
She laughed a good second more till he slowly lowered her back into his arms. “Amy Rose... you’re hopelessly... and truly in love with me.”
When her feet touched the floor, she let go of her tough-girl act, and seemed to swoon as any tension in her body suddenly surrendered in his arms. “...Yes. Terribly so.” She tilted her head. “Some say it’s unhealthy.”
“You let them say that...” Sonic also tilted his head...
“Should I?” She breathed, her voice growing faint as she leaned in closer, her head now to the side.
“And then let them say that to me... That I join in the madness.”
They slowly kissed a moment, before Sonic pulled away after the second go at it.
“Then I’ll tell them not to judge...”
“Hee-hee. You always pull away when it’s getting good.”
“Ehh, you always have to point it out!” He scooped her up.
“Woah!” being tossed like she weighed nothing into bridal style still shocked her to this day, but she just laughed and held on tight as Sonic took off.
Before the day was done, the two lay in a pile of soft grass, as Amy fiddled with Sonic’s hand, and the other he put behind his head, watching her play with his fingers.
“Hey, Sonic?”
“When was the first time you started noticing me?”
It was a question he wasn’t really prepared for, and things that got a little too deep often made him quiet up like a clam.
But Amy was good at getting him to break his facade and lower his walls, even if it took time and was a slow process, she ended up making a big enough crack through it to crawl through, and get closer to his heart.
“...Heh. It’s kinda cheesy.” Sonic put his other hand down and scratched his nose, his shyness still something he battled with when it came to Amy’s... often times, a little demanding need for more attention.
“Soooniiic~” she cooed, lifting her head up and rubbing a bit of her quills against his shoulder.
“Careful with those...” He warned, moving a little away with his head and arm from her.
“What? They’re down! So you can come closer.” she closed her eyes and adjusted herself, wiggling down to get more comfortable in the crease of his arm and body, and smiling widely up at him when she had done so. “Heee~”
“You’re too much.” Sonic looked away, refraining from shaking his head, before Amy inevitably returned to her former question.
“But tell me! I want to know...” she begged through a feminine plea, looking up again, lowering half her face to his shoulder, and waited for him to respond.
Because his neck was stretched to the side, she took the advantage of moving in closer, which made him look down with a certain uneasiness.
He knew she would keep trying if he didn’t show any sign of discomfort...
Or even if he did, she would still test his patience, and see how much she could get away with.
He sighed.
And didn’t fight her back on this one.
“I... Think it was from the start. Just didn’t recognize it until now.” He seemed to be holding back a blush, making sure to keep his ‘manliness’ up and not let her see any sign of ‘weakness’ that her antics and persuasions had any real effect on him.
Heaven forbid if she knew she was winning!
He took the second to look down, and immediately knew that was a bad idea.
Her complete expression showed how much that touched her.
It wasn’t fancy words or great actions that moved her so much about him.
It was just the truth he allowed to share... that meant the most to her.
Well, he was stuck now!
He turned more towards her, and put his other arm around her. “Amy...”
“H-huh?” she was surprised by him suddenly taking initiative, but in no wise was going to say anything to ruin it!
She just giggled, putting an arm over his own. “Yes?”
“...Kiss..?” His expression showed fear, as if the permission part was the hardest for him to tackle.
“....” she gave him a deadpan look. “Really? Do you even need to ask?”
“It’s a way to prepare.”
“Prepare? Prepare for what? A moment of your time? Haha! Sonic, you never kiss for more than a few-”
Cutting her off from dissing him on his shyness again, he laid one on her and the two enjoyed the others company.
I say that, because I’m spazzing right now from all my emotional sonamy feels, and how I, Cutegirlmayra, am in no way qualified to write such intimate and romantic scenes.
However, it will suffice me to say that he took her home at around 10:30, and they parted ways with a hesitant acceptance of a ‘goodbye kiss on the cheek’ bestowed upon by Amy to Sonic, who already felt they had their fill as it was of each other.
Amy kept pulling him back though, every time he tried to leave, before he finally just pulled her off and took off.
Amy would just lean against the door frame, humming out a note of pure bliss, before squeaking out a cry of joy, and closing the door.
There. I wrote you your intimate, ‘in a relationship’ AU sonamy... Now...
-huddles into a ball- Let me blush this out a moment...
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                                    *INTERNALLY SQUEEING*
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