#i think they both have very complicated feelings aboout it
dogzoro · 1 year
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angelkurenai · 7 years
Picture Perfect - Dean Winchester x Reader x Sam Winchester - Chapter 9
Title: Picture Perfect
Pairing: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: Around 5k
Warnings: Angst
Prompt: I got it! Can you do a fic where Sam dies while (Y/N) is pregnant with his child and so Dean helps her raise the child and they live the apple pie life and right when Dean wants to propose to (Y/N), Sam returns to life & ANGST. Please and thank you
Special thank you to @gaveherhearttotheliontattoo for being an awesome beta!
Read: Part 1 l Part 2 l Part 3 l Part 4 l Part 5 l Part 6 l Part 7 l Part 8
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“I'm gonna have to talk with him.”
“No, (Y/n).” Sam breathed out seeing the expression on your face “No, please. I- I can talk with him, you don't seem in the state to-”
“I'm in the perfect state, Sam.” you huffed, taking Mary from his arms, but you were more hurt about something else “I told him, I made it clear that he and Mary could not see each other and he-”
“Should just accept it? Gosh, (Y/n) do you even hear what you're saying?” the anger was evident in his voice, hell frustration, but his expression and everything else showed how calm he was – for Mary obviously – and you averted your eyes, kissing your daughter's forehead. You almost recoiled at his words. In all the years you'd been with Sam you had seen him angry and let down only a few times, and each of them you didn't dare say a word as it made you realize the seriousness of the situation.
“This is Dean we're talking about, my brother Dean. He's the most stubborn man you'd meet in your entire life. He never goes down without a fight for what he wants and now with Mary- did you really think he was just going to let you keep him away from her like that? He was just too shocked, even if he didn't admit it, and he was a wreck for hurting you so he did't insist on it, but- he's not going to stop wanting to see her.”
“I only want her to be happy.” you whispered, Sam's words cutting you like a knife. Maybe you had been too heartbroken when you saw Dean was leaving, maybe too disappointed and angry at the same time and you couldn't control your actions or words, and it all lead to you looking like the worst mother ever but it was the only thing that lessened the pain and that in your foggy mind had made sense.
“And I know that, I understand that- better than anyone, remember?” he whispered, getting closer as he palced a hand on the small back of your daughter who only looked between the two of you with a frown.
“I know, that's why I understand (Y/n). We've made so many dreams about this little girl, about this life, and we almost had it. Having it taken away, especially in this kind of way, it turns you into a person you don't want to be. But- but don't do this to Mary, (Y/n). I wanted to wait to talk about this but-” he sighed, licking his lips as he looked down at your daughter.
“Sweetie, will you go back to playing? Mommy and- mommy and daddy have some talking to do, alright?”
“But- but I want to hear if it is aboout me and daddy Dean.” she said with an adorable pout and Sam gave her a sad smile.
“Baby please, this is adult stuff. You won't be able to understand much, either. Just- go, and remember that the moment you want to leave you can tell us.” he patted her head as she let a small sigh leave her lips.
“Alright, daddy.” she said a little sadly “But- but what about daddy Dean?” she was hesitant but couldn't help herself from asking.
“Mary, I gave you a promise. I intend to keep it, you don't have to worry about that. Everything is going to be alright, we will sort it out.” he said softly, leaning down to kiss the top of her head as she looked down at her hands with a small pout.
“Will you mommy?” she asked and up to this day you couldn't help but feel surprised at how she could catch some things even when you tried for her not to.
“Yeah, baby we will sort everything out. Your daddies and I will.” you swallowed the lump in your throat as you averted your eyes from hers, for the first time in very long time because you were not able to actually face her while saying something you doubted so much yourself. Besides when had you ever said something this complicated and tried to make it seem easy?
“Alright” she breathed out before you loosened your grip on her and she jumped from your lap.
“Mary?” your voice stopped her before she could leave completely “I love you princess.”
She smiled brightly up at you “I love you too, mommy.” you leaned down and pecked her cheek as she did the same with you “Daddy asked me to tell you that he loves you a lot, too.” she said in a low voice, and with a small smile and your smile unfortunately fell. You felt your heart tighten inside your chest, mostly when you realized how much it still actually meant to you. It wasn't as if you could just forget it in a couple hours but you wished you could hate him for doing this to you more than love him... but that didn't seem like the case.
You and Sam only watched her in silence as she ran away to her new friends. Even after a good few minutes you didn't dare remove your eyes from her, mostly because you wouldn't dare look at Sam. You knew – and hated even more to admit it to yourself – that whatever Sam was going to say, as he already had, was right.
“He loves her, (Y/n). More than his own life.” Sam breathed out, breaking the almost silence.
“I know that, I know.” your voice was hoarse as you looked down at your hands.
“Yet you asked of him to never come close to her? That seems logical, yeah.” he said and you frowned.
“I just- I was doing everything in my power to protect her. She- she can't live like this Sam, with a biological father she met only two days ago and another that actually is her uncle but never knew about it and has now left because- apparently everybody else's happiness matters the most? Can you even understand how messed up that is? Yeah, well I bet you can.” you let out a breath “I am trying to make this as simple as possible for her, Sam. Maybe at some point he could come back as- as her uncle, but I can't have her worrying all the time and thinking about when- when daddy Dean will come back to see her... or if he will come back.”
“He'll always come back to her, you know that. No matter what happens Dean will always come back to her... and you, that's something I have no doubt about.” Sam shook his head.
“Still, Sam-” your voice showed how tired you were “Still. I don't want to risk her happiness, I can't afford that. I- I can't think what might happen next, and I don't want her to be in the middle of this.”
“Do you not, (Y/n)?” his voice was accusing so you finally looked at him.
“What is that supposed to mean?” you whispered and he gave you a sad smile.
“For how long will you keep hiding from me? You know I can read you like an open book (Y/n) and we both know this is not only about Dean and Mary. It's mostly about Dean and you, and you can't hide that as much as you try. Not from me at least.”
“Hide what?”
“That you miss him, that you want him here and that what he did hurt you to the point you couldn't think straight and practically demanded something you never would, for him to keep his distance from Mary.” he said matter of factly as you chewed on your lower lip “Come on, (Y/n) we've always been honest.”
“Yes, before your death Sam. But you died, you were gone for years and so many things changed. And yes, yes what Dean did hurt me so fucking much I- I am scared to admit it because- because it was worse than when you died.” you swallowed the lump in your throat as Sam went silent, you fought back the tears and kept going “Do you even realize how much that scared me? And then- then I realized that he was just taking away from me so much that I- I loved without even asking me, Sam! He didn't even ask me, didn't even talk about it. And I- I felt like I was losing everything all over again, so yes maybe I was overreacting maybe I still am but- but it- it-”
“Hurts” he whispered the small word as you took in a shaky breath.
“I can't even look you in the eyes without- without feeling my skin crawl because of how guilty and sick of myself I feel for what I did but- but I can't change it, Sam. And I hate myself for that, trust me I do. I wish I could do something but I- I love him, Sam. I really love him and- and yes, him leaving me hurt me so fucking much I couldn't think straight. Of course I don't want him away from Mary, of course I want him in her life and- and of course I want him to be her father, even as you are here for her, because I know how freaking much they both mean to each other- because I know that he loves at her like his own daughter, she's a piece of his heart and I- I can't tear it away from him because I can't stand to hurt him this much... even if he just has. Gosh.” you almost choked on a sob as you pushed your hair out of your face, wiping a stray tear “I miss him so much already and I hate myself so bad for saying it out loud... to you.”
“(Y/n)” you felt Sam take hold of your hand closer to his but you didn't have the heart to look at him “There is no reason to feel bad, believe me. I- I know that, despite everything, I am still important to you. Maybe not in the way I remember, not in the way I wish I was but- that's something you'll be the one to figure out over time. However, I know that Dean is important to you. He's always been, even before my death and... I'm sure that's something you have realized yourself.”
“Sam please don't make me say that too.” you chewed on your lower lip, closing your eyes for a moment.
“I won't, don't worry.” he said with a small smile “I've never done it before, you know it, I love you too much to.”
“Do you even realize how messed up we are that my boyfriend's- ex boyfriend's brother telling me that, is one of the most normal things I've heard?” you breathed out a pained laugh and he gave you a small smile, shrugging.
“I think we both know we're far from normal. We've always been.”
“Yeah, yeah we have.” you clenched your jaw, looking at your daughter with a frown “Sam-” you looked back at him “I know that we could probably talk forever about this, because I really have too much fucking explaining to do, I know I do but now I- I can't think of anything else but-”
“Dean?” he completed your sentence when he noticed you cut off yourself abruptly.
“I know you're the last person I should talk to aboout him, I know I should probably be done with talking about him to be honest. I should be over this, or at least close to that and not still thinking about him. I know I was harsh, alright, yeah I know I was. But did I not have even the slightest right to, Sam? I- I just- he just bailed on me like that and I-”
“No, no (Y/n).” he shook his head, rushing to stop you “No, I am not blaming you. Dean isn't either, I know that. It's just- you thought you were doing the right thing but weren't; we've been through that so many times before and Dean and I have done so much worse we can't even think of judging you. But now- you know there is only one thing that matters: You have to admit your mistake and I don't mean just to yourself but to him, (Y/n).”
“Wh-what?” your eyes widened slightly “No, Sam I- I can't. No, not that. I mean I- I don't even know how I am going to let him close to Mary, I can't- I can't just see him, especially now.” you bit your lower lip, crossing your arms over your chest as you felt your lip tremble. How could you ever admit it to him? It would mean having to face him and you were by no means ready to do that.
“You're being a little stubborn now, you know that?” he gave you a small smirk and you huffed, almost like a little child. Well, he probably didn't know it but Dean was always the one to make the first move when you two argued- not that everything had ever been so serious anyway.
You sighed as you whisped out another stray tear, sniffling “I don't want him to stay away from Mary, Sam.” you mumbled and squeezed his hand “You of all people can see it crystal clear: Mary is my world. If I realize that keeping her away from Dean hurts her-”
“It is.” he cut you off gently and you bit your lower lip.
“I won't keep her away from him. I didn't really intend to keep her away from him, not- Not forever. I want her to be happy Sam, and if she needs both of you then yes I will let you both be there for her, no matter how hard it proves to be. “
“So I- I can tell Dean that you're alright with... him seeing her? That you are taking that back?” he asked reluctantly and biting your lower lip you let out a long sigh.
“It was going to happen sooner or later, I know it would. Angry and hurt me hoped that maybe it didn't have to but- still. I hate myself for giving in so fast to be honest. He hurt me Sam but it's not fair to do this to Mary the most. Yeah, you can tell him. I didn't mean it, Sam. You of all people know it but I don't- I don't really want you to say it so soon. Just let him- let him be for some time, please.”
A sigh of relief left Sam's lips “I knew you wouldn't be able to take it for long. Don't worry, (Y/n), now you are doing the right thing.”
“Yeah of course.” you pursed your lips, looking at your hands with a frown “I can do everything for her, even swallow down my pride, I promise. I'll do it all for her, though, Sam. Only for her. So don't ask me to go talk with him, don't ask me to change my opinion about him or my mind on everything I said to him apart from this. Other than Mary, he has no right on me. I just- I don't want to see him, Sam. Never again if possible. And yes, maybe I'm doing this because I am selfish, but let me be Sam! I need for once in my life to be selfish and I don't care what he does with his life.
“That's not true.” he whispered and you looked at him with a blurry vision still “You care what he does, that's exactly why you're saying and doing all of this. You care about him, and you care to know how he is, if he's doing well or not and we both know that. We've always been too close, the three of us - now four, which was always exactly what they used against us. We have always been too close for our own good, and maybe if we weren't we wouldn't be in this exact situation, who knows.” he shrugged.
“Who knows.” you repeated, taking in a deep breath “Sam, can I ask you something? But I need a honest answer.”
“I've always been honest with you, you know that.” he said and you gave him a sad smile.
“Did you know about this? Did Dean tell you about what he was going to do?” you asked, fearing to hear the answer because you couldn't afford to lose your trust in Sam but at the same time needing to hear it more than anything.
“No, no (Y/n) I swear.” he said after a long pause - or did it look like that to you? - and you let a small sigh of relief “I- I could see that something was wrong with him when he talked to me. When he apologized, but I didn't know he'd do that and- and I'm sorry, I should have probably seen it coming, should have done something to stop it but I-”
“Sam don't.” you shook your head “You didn't know it and you couldn't do anything. It's not as if... I'd blame you if you did know it and didn't stop him, or even tried to. We may be avoiding up until now because of Mary but- but it's always there. Or at least it has been, Dean and I are over now... I guess. But-” you frowned “He apologized?”
Sam pursed his lips as he looked down at your hands that were still together, none of you even thinking of pulling away “For everything. He... felt guilty for- for you and him. For what you feel for each other and he said he was sorry that above everything... he couldn't change how much he loved you. He said how sorry he was that these four almost five years have been the worst and best of his life because of you know. I could see it was too much for him, I could understand it and I know I wanted to tell him something to- to make it better but I was too hurt, too angry, too... jealous, as much as I hate to admit it.” he confessed and you squeezed his hand.
“Nobody can blame you for that and I certainly am the last person that can judge you too.” you gave him a sad smile.
“It doesn't matter, not now at least.” he glanced at Mary, smiling fondly at his child in a way that made your heart swell inside your chest “We both know as parents that now that she's here, in our lives, she's a priority. She was from the moment we found out about her. When I found out.” he looked at you with a small grin “Or at least when all freaked out you spilled it to me.” he chuckled as you shut your eyes at the memory, not the most ideal way to tell your boyfriend he would be a father for sure “And we both understand we have to put her first and not hold any grudges on each other, that's why I am putting everything aside... and that's why you should to.”
“I wish I could, Sam.” you found yourself locking fingers with him the way you'd do so effortlessly in the past “But it's not that easy, not anymore.”
~The following morning~
“And that's all of the things I need for today.” you said handing Sam the small list “Sam, really I could go myself, it's no big deal.”
“No, (Y/n) you don't have to. What am I here for?” he said, putting on his jacket “Besides, you let me sleep here. Eat and everything. It's the least I can do.” he shrugged.
“This house is yours just as much as it is mine and Mary's, I need you to know that. A bed in the guest room is the least Ican offer you. Besides, you take such good care of Mary and I'll have to return to my job very soon, I only have today off and that's it.” you dried your hands with a towel.
“I'm taking care of my daughter, you shouldn't have to thank me about that.” he said firmly, looking deeply in your eyes as you sighed and gave him a shy smile “But you know I'm not doing this because of the bed in the guest room. You are not alright, (Y/n) and we both know it.”
“Sam I told you, I am fine! Just look at me!” you motioned to yourself but he didn't smile, he only clenched his jaw.
“I am, and you look nothing like fine to me. Just because this very moment the room in not spinning for you and you don't want to throw up the dinner the way you did last night, doesn't mean we're over it. You're going to see a doctor the soonest possible, and I'm not taking no for an answer.” he gave you a stern look and you rolled your eyes.
“You have not changed one single bit.” you huffed “Fine, yeah fine I'll see a doctor when I have time.”
“Tomorrow.” he said, giving you a look and your eyebrows only shot up in surprise.
“Sam!” you exclaimed, giving him a look “Seriously, relax. It must be a bug or something for all we know. It will be over soon. Point is I feel much much better now. Besides-” you crossed your arms over your chest “Who knows, maybe it's a witch and while we are supposed to look for a hex bag we are at the doctor and everything gets worse.” you smirked but he wasn't smiling at all.
You could partially understand him. You looked like hell the previous night, it almost scared Mary, and you couldn't even begin to imagine how worried Sam must have been when the tray with the food fell from your hands. It felt like a mix of both your worst hangover and food poisoning, which you really believed was the case because you had ordered out.
“Very funny but you're not off the hook, we will go to the doctor. Tomorrow. End of discussion.” he stated gently yet in a stern tone and you rolled your eyes at him.
“You really have to stop worrying so much.” you muttered.
“About you? When have I ever?” he asked with a small smirk and you chuckled, nodding your head.
“Right, so no witch hunting and only grocery shopping hm? Fine.”
“But mommy-!” Mary's voice caught your attention and both you and Sam looked down. The man knelt down to help her put on her jacket “Witches are not real!” she giggled and you only smiled, not just because of what she said but because of the way she said it. She was particularly scared of them after watching Snow White and Dean and you had tried very hard to convince her that they weren't real and couldn't hurt her. And now she really seemed to believe it and actually say it herself while laughing.
“Of course they are not, I must be really silly to say that.” you giggled, patting her head as she laughed.
“So what's real then?” Sam asked with a dimpled smile as he held the jacket for her to put her arms through the sleeves.
“Unicorns!” she exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air as Sam and you chuckled. You leaned against the kitchen counter, watching them with a smile.
“And how do you know that?” he got finished helping her but still stayed at her eye-level.
“Mommy and daddy Dean told me! They even showed me pictures! They are so beautiful daddy!” she grinned, her green eyes sparkling with happiness.
Sam chuckled, patting her head “Of course they are, sweetheart.” he kissed her forehead as he got up “Picky much?” he said to you in a soft voice with a smirk and you laughed, shrugging.
“Alright, princess. Let's go.” he said as he took hold of her hand.
“Daddy Sam where are we going?” the little voice made Sam look down and smile.
He gave a squeeze to Mary's hand and looked back up “I thought I told you, grocery shopping.”
“But the grocery shop is on the other direction where we left out car.” she pointed back, grinning up at him as he laughed.
“You're too smart for my own good, just like your mama.” he chuckled, bending down to pick her up with a squeal from her “We will go grocery shopping too, but first we gotta visit someone that seems to have missed you a lot.”
“Who?” she frowned, tilting her head to the side as she looked at the cars around her.
“Someone you love very much and that I know you will be very glad to see.” he said, pecking her cheek.
“Who?” she repeated her previous question “Mommy said we should hurry because she's gotta make pie and I can't wait for that.”
He chuckled “Of course you can't, you're a Winchester.” he shook his head with a smile “Dn't worry, we won't take much timee. I just made you a promise and I really wanted to keep it. I made a promise to someone else too and this was the perfect chance.”
“Does mommy know?”
“Well technically, no. But she will find out, just let me be the one to tell her ok?”
“You're sneaking on mommy.” she giggled and Sam smiled at her “Daddy Dean would do that many times, although it was mostly for getting her gifts. She always liked those, and I helped him pick out a lot of things. From- from that (y/f/c) dress, to a pair of shoes so sparkly like for a princess to- to that ring.” she rambled and Sam paid as much attention as he could with all the thoughts running through his mind.
“Ring?” he asked, glancing at her as she gave him a small nod.
“Yeah in that, small box that is- is-” she made hand motions and funny faces that made Sam chuckle “Are we going to get her a gift too?”
“Well, I am not sure. Maybe we could another time after we've planned everything out. For now something else matters, which I don't know how fond of it she'll be. She won't be mad, not really,I know that but we couldn't miss out on this opportunity. Besides, he's missed you a whole lot.”
“Missed me?” she gave him an adorable frown.
“You'll see princess.” he said, putting her down as he raised a hand to knock on the door but it burst open before he could realize it.
“Daddy?” Mary's eyes widened but a smile slowly appeared on her face.
“Hey pumpkin.” the man breathed out as his own grin could almost lighten up an entire room “Wanna give your old man a hug?” he breathed out as she seemed frozen in place for a moment.
She glanced at Sam as if for permission and with a smile he gave her a subtle nod and without waiting a split second she jumped, and ran towards the older Winchester who didn't even think of bending down to pick her up as he hugged her, a small squeal leaving her lips.
“I missed you daddy, so so much!” she exclaimed, wrapping her arms around his neck as he held her tightly to him.
“We saw each other just yesterday sweetheart.” he said but Sam could see it clearly that he had missed her too. Maybe it had been a little less than 24 hours but then again he was used to spending almost all of his day with her, Sam knew that's what he at least would try to do himself, so being separated even for a few must have been really hard.
“But it's been too long.” she pouted at him and Dean chuckled, a kind of laugh Sam had not seen his brother have ever before.
“If you say so, bug.” he said in a lower voice tone as he kissed the top of her head once more and moved to the side to let Sam in. The younger Winchester walked in, closing the door behind him as he took a look around him. It was exceptionally clean for a motel room used by his own brother.
“Never thought there would come a day when we'd be inside a motel and it would be this... tidy and all.” Sam muttered with a perplexed look and Dean let out a chuckle.
“A thing or two stuck with me while raising a kid, I can't help it anymore.” Dean shrugged with a smile, that fluttered slightly when he realized what he'd said. Probably not the most ideal thing considering who said kid was and what his brother was to her.
“Daddy, when will you be coming back? Mommy's not all that happy, and she's sick missing you.” Mary mumbled, catching their attention as Dean only gave her a tight smile.
“If she's so sick missing me she could have done something about it.” Dean mumbled mostly to himself. Sure, he knew he didn't have the right to speak not when he had practically left you without a warning but he couldn't help but feel slightly hurt himself, not because of Sam or what you told him about Mary, but because of the fact that you didn't do much to stop him. He thought- hoped that you would at least try to convince him to stay, that he actually meant something to you; but that to him it only showed that you had never gotten over Sam.
“But she can't do anything, she is sick daddy. She feels really dizzy sometimes.” Mary insisted and only then did Dean really understand what she meant, literally.
“She's what?” he frowned, worry etching inside him as his head snapped to Sam.
“It's fine.” Sam said softly, shaking his head “She's better today, she thinks it's a bug or something we ate last night. But I'll make her visit a doctor tomorrow, just to be sure.” he tried to soothe him down but Dean still felt on edge.
“But you will come back to take care of her?” Mary looked up at him but he shook his head, sighing heavily.
“Sweetheart, we talked about this. I don't think I will be coming back anytime soon. Besides, your mommy isn't really fond of me being close to you either.” he gave her a forced smile as he sat her down on his bed.
“Does she know you're here?” he asked as he sat next to her, and then placed her on his lap.
“No, but- there are maybe a few things you need to know.”
“Of course she wouldn't. Would kill you if she found out, what excuse did you find this time huh?” Dean asked bitterly.
“None, we just found the opportunity to come here the soonest we could after Jody told me where you were staying. But that's not the point as of now. She- (Y/n) and I had a talk.” Sam said, taking a chair to sit right in front of his brother “And she's realized her mistake.”
“What's that supposed to mean?”
“She won't keep you away from Mary, she doesn't really want that. Never did actually.” Sam breathed out with a gentle smile and Dean's eyebrows almost shot up “She was angry-” Sam continued “And I won't disagree with that, but she was mostly hurt and she didn't realize what she was saying that day. I- I talked with her, at the park and later at home about what she told you and- she hates herself for that Dean, she really does.”
“But she won't tell me herself, will she?” Dean pursed his lips as his eyes casted down to the little girl.
“Dean come on, man. Just because she regrets what happened between the two of you as far as Mary is concerned doesn't mean she can just as easily face you and apologize. You hurt her, alright? You really hurt and as much as you are my brother you know that on this- I will take her side. And, no-” Sam clenched his jaw “It's not becaue of what happened between her and I, or mostly between her and you. It was not right, what you did to her, and we both know it. You gave up on her, Dean, for Chuck's sake! You ca't just expect her to be alright with it, forgive you and come here with a smile and Mary and tell you everything's just peachy because you know all too well- it's not!”
“You don't have to rub it on my face, I know what I'm doing- what I did was wrong. But you know I have no other choice.” Dean grumbled as Sam shook his head.
“I'm not rubbing it in your face and you know it. You've heard worse from me.” he said honestly “But you're a father, Dean, for the love of!” Sam exclaimed, but still in a soft voice and Dean's breath almost got caught in his throat “You can't act like a child.” he added and Dean was still caught staring at his brother.
“What is daddy Sam talking about?” Mary's voice broke the silence and Dean looked down at her, a perplexed look on his face.
Dean opened and closed his mouth several times, unable to comprehend the few words that had been uttered in less than a minute “It's nothing, sweetheart.” he breathed out, ruffling her hair “Just making a casual talk, that's all.”
“About mommy?”
“Yeah, and how daddy Sam is taking good care of her. And how that's the way it was always supposed to be.” he said, his smile slowly falling as he turned to look at his brother almost in sorrow.
“But it's not, not anymore. And that's what I am mostly here to talk about.” Sam said firmly, his back straightening.
Dean looked at his brother with pursed lips as he took a deep breath “Meaning?”
~Three hours Later~
“(Y/n)?” Sam's voice echoed through the house as he opened the door with the keys, carrying the groceries in the other hand.
“(Y/n) we're back!” he said once more, hoping you'd hear him this time. When he got no response he guessed you were upstairs or maybe outside in the garden doing some chore and couldn't hear him.
“Well, hopefully she won't notice we were late now.” he said in a whisped voice to the little girl who giggled at him, running immediately to the kitchen and Sam following closely behind with long strides.
“(Y/n)?” he asked once more, looking through the window but not being able to spot you in the garden.
“That's weird.” he mumbled, shaking his head he set the groceries down “Mary, princess why don't you wait here for a second while daddy goes looking for mommy, yeah?”
“Alright daddy!” she said kindly as she sat down on her chair and started looking through the food to find something to eat.
“Good girl.” he kissed the top of her head as he didn't hesitate a moment and with long strides he made his way upstairs. He couldn't help but feel worried, with the kind of life he had before he died and the things he knew actually existed all kinds of thoughts were running through his mind.
“(Y/n)?” he asked in a still panicked voice as he looked in the bathroom but didn't find you there.
“(Y/n) are you he-” all words got caught in his throat as he swung open the door to your bedroom and he felt his blood run cold when he took in the sight in front of you.
An empty room but not the way he'd expect it to be. It was messy, some things were broken even and the most worrying part of all was the blood that stained the carpet.
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