#i think they're tagged with 'mas memes'
thetomorrowshow · 2 years
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even more last life text posts in honor of s3 coming out today!!!
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scribbledghost · 14 days
Hello there!! I just wanted to gush about the NSFW Fem!Simon alphabet, because it was so awesome!! I'm infatuated with the whole piece, but if I had to pick my favorite letters they were probably A (for Aftercare), F (for favorite position), and Z (for snoozing afterwards.) I really find it interesting how, despite the topic being steamy, there's still some areas to dive more into fem!Simon's character (like, i.e., her becoming less sexually active after her experience in Mexico.) I find it super cool how you're able to give us a peek into her character from a more unique perspective, in this case with fem!Simon's dynamic with sex.
And then, there was something I was curious about. If I can phrase my thought correctly, it's my curiosity on what fem!Simon might have in common with canon!Simon, as well as what differs between them. For example, while rereading the fem!Simon works, I was going through the one about her first kiss with reader (which I'll link here because it's super stinking cute and sweet: https://scribbledghost.tumblr.com/post/746033214969315328/omg-i-love-mas-muscled-and-im-literally-so-in)
There's a couple of lines there that would be really fitting with canon!Simon's devotion towards reader. Like, for example: "Hell, she’d walk outside, lie face-down in the water, and let you tread on her back all the way to the truck if you asked her to. But that’s a different matter." And, additionally: "For a moment, she contemplates telling you the truth - that she likes holding you, likes taking care of you, and likes showing off her strength (purely because she knows you like her showing off) - but she reconsiders."
But then, there's the blurb you did about fem!Simon being ecstatic about reader calling her wife. And, in the tags, you were talking about how canon!Simon would be allergic to marriage for a few years while fem!Simon is more eager. So, I'm just curious, how similar do you think fem!Simon is to canon!Simon? And what are some key differences between them?
(I also apologize for A) making this a mini-essay with the length and B) any mistakes... I'm sleep deprived and typing this at 5:00 in the morning so it's probably not my most coherent ask lol.)
okay, i am super sorry it's taken me so long to answer this! I've been super busy while on vacation this week, but I've finally got some downtime and I've been thinking about this ask since I got it. so here we go!
First, I'm so glad to hear you like the smut alphabet! It was super fun to write (and I promise I'm still working on that SFW version). I love digging into characters' personalities and stories, so those alphabet memes are perfect for that. For Fem!Simon's relationship with sex, I headcanon her as being incredibly closeted until maybe her early 20s due to her upbringing (her father was super abusive, and she's always been a tomboy even before coming to terms with being a butch lesbian, so there was plenty of homophobia coming from her dad too). From there, she had a few flings, but after she was tortured and assaulted in Mexico, she stopped all of that. I know sexual trauma can also manifest in hypersexuality, but I just don't see it happening that way for Simon. Instead I see her withdrawing from it completely for a while (until she meets you).
As for similarities and differences between Fem!Simon and Canon Simon, I'd honestly see them as mostly similar. For example, they're both incredibly loyal and devoted once you get past their emotional walls, like you mentioned with the quotes from the first kiss blurb for Fem!Simon. They've largely got the same backstory, with the only alterations being in how their sexualities shaped them differently. Her personality is largely the same as well - stern, blunt, and has no problem with being mean when the situation calls for it.
For differences, I think Fem!Simon is only slightly (and I mean VERY slightly) more open than canon Simon is. She's still incredibly stoic, cold, and closed-off if she doesn't know you well, but if she's romantically interested in you, she'll make her move a bit sooner than canon Simon would. She still takes time to feel you out, so to speak. She keeps an eye on you, takes mental notes of your mannerisms and how you handle certain situations to make sure you're compatible. She's analytical, just like canon Simon. But once she's sure, she's sure.
And as far as marriage goes, she's more open to it than canon Simon is purely because it was illegal for most of her life (same-sex marriage didn't become legalized in the UK until 2014). So even once she'd come to terms with her being a lesbian, there was a decent amount of time where she wouldn't have been allowed to marry anyway, so it was... idk, "safer for her to want it", I suppose. Now that it's legal, she's already moved past her mental blocks on the issue.
I think those are the more obvious differences between Fem!Simon and Canon!Simon? Largely, I think everything else is either mostly or completely the same between the two.
Again, thank you SO MUCH for this ask and for letting me dive more into Fem!Simon's personality!! I appreciate it a lot 💖💖💖
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grigori77 · 7 months
Critical Role, Campaign 3 Episode 73
It's always more suspicious when there doesn't seem to be anything off to start with ... oh, yes, here we go. So it's humiliate Mercer time ... Matt: "WHAT ARE YOU, RIEGEL?!!!" Sam (weeping profusely): "I'm nobody!"
Laura: "Oh, I love a skit that doesn't outstay it's welcome." XD Yeah ...
How is it that Laura CONSISTENTLY manages to tank her openings? I mean it's adorable. :3
"Dead .. men ... tell ... no ... tales ..."
Wow ... way to derail the game in the opening moments, Riegel. With a t-shirt no less ...
"I believe I can Scry!" XD
Raving sbout Beau's abs ... I love it ...
Laura (angrily, at Sam): "Don't show it! DON'T SHOW IT!!!" Travis, the CEO (cringing): "I did wonder what you were thinking."
Sam: "So what do I roll?" Matt: "Nothing! You don't ROLL for Scrying!" Travis: "EIGHT YEARS!!! EIGHT YEARS we've been playing this!"
So where IS D at? Aside from just on the Menagerie Coast? Sam rolls SHITE for perception. Matt: "Somewhere nice."
Laura: "You don't deserve this." She confiscates the Gilmour Dice. Travis: "Ooh, lost privileges!"
Ghost tattoos? Intriguing ...
Chetney: "I have ink." Imogen: "You have paint." Chetney: "What's the difference?" Taliesin: "Half the audience just groaned in pain."
Ashton's trying to smooth talk his way into a free tattoo ... persuasion check! 12? Hmmmm ... on one condition? Ah ... oh, he WANTS IT to hurt? Okay ...
Ashton: "Honestly? If it doesn't hurt it's kind of YOUR fault."
Now Orym's suggesting THEY ALL get a tattoo to commemorate all this shit ... oh, Chetney DOES have ink? Okay then ...
Bertrand's face? Matt: "Like the Steve-O tattoo?" LOL
No, they're NOT scared. These folk have SEEN SOME SHIT ...
No mutiny. Bad idea. At least wait until AFTER you get where you're going.
Is this the first the rest of them have heard sbout Delilah still being there in Laudna's head? Oof ...
No, she did not actually EAT ANY CHILDREN, Fearne.
Laudna thinks the soul-eating might be "problematic". Insert Nic Cage meme: "You don't say!"
Oh, "Keith"? Hey! Laudna: "Hi, Kevin." Kyle (deflating): "That's okay."
Whispers for Fearne! Again Sam has nothing prepared. He is becoming an embarrassment. XD
Oh my gods that is such an unconvincing speech, Kyle (or whatever your name is).
Imogen: "Do we want Delilah to get stronger?" Hmmmmmm ...
Ashton: "I believe in sacrifices, not casualties."
Yes, I like that idea. Chetney should make Kyle a name tag.
Aha ... planning tattoos ...
Taco Bell? Laura: "Live mas and check you Gmail." XD
Scrying on Delilah ... oh boy ... it's a bust? Hmmmmm ... ask the Changebringer? Or look into Laudna's dreams? Oh boy again ...
Imogen actually suggesting letting Laudna suck a little bit of her soul to stir Delilah ... yeah, I dunno how I feel about that ... I mean it's incredibly romantic, but still ...
So it's a surreal bust after all ... good or bad sign? I don't know, and I don't like it.
Fearne tries to get into the Captain's Quarters ... oof ... might be better if she CAN'T get in there.
Peeing ... OVERBOARD? Lovely ...
A flirty persuasion check? 21? Oh boy ... so ... is that a date? I'm so confused. Apparently so is the Captain ...
Ooh ... Cyrillia again ... she really is creepy ...
FCG's tattoo is basically ETCHED ... XD
Captain Novos: "The Moon's out." Oh, so here we go then ...
Completing vengeance ... oh, ENDING BLOODLINES?!!! Oh boy ...
Dusty musty bed, but ... Nice ... oh, here we go ... so he's ACTUALLY in the mood for something more? Novos: "You offer some of your warmth?" O.O Oh, so this is JUST a ghostly bootie call ... and that's actually kind of sweet ...
Oh dear ... has she killed the mood? Say goodbye? Persuasion check ... 26 ... hmmm ...
Great, that bloody talking sword again ... wait ... it didn't speak to the Captain? Hmmm ...
Wow ... oh, so she's ACTUALLY DOING THIS ... Novos (nervous): "It's been a long time." Oh, she's just gonna spoon him? Ye gods ... oh, I love that he's actually ENJOYING being the Little Spoon ... Ashley: "... where are we going with this?" LOL
A con save? Seriously? Magical effect? Hmmmm ...
Oh she is going to "relinquish the warmth she promised" ... blimey ... oh shit ... is this gonna be a problem? Oh my ...
PERMANENT 5 point hit point reduction? Shit ... and another think that Matt will discuss with her at the break? Fucking hell, Ashley!
Cyrillia is SHADOWING the Captain? Interesting ...
Orym is STEALING her spyglass? Really? Laura: "It's a running theme."
Whoa ... is Cyrillia JEALOUS of Fearne and the Captain? Interesting ... "You gave him WARMTH?" Oh shit ...
Oh no, is this about to kick off? Cyrillia: "The Captain's MINE ... charge!" O.O
How does Ashley KEEP cocking her persuasion roll? 7? Crap ...
So ... has Fearne just made an enemy?
Fearne: "I did not take anything from her ... Orym." Orym: "... oddly specific."
Whoa ... awkward wake-up call ... Novos: "Maybe you need to work through the nausea and then it gets good." Fearne: "Oh, I've heard that one before."
Imogen's fucking with Cyrillia with the voice in her head ... but in a kind way? Oh boy ... "Offer your warmth ..."
Wow ... is Fearne actually playing MATCHMAKER for these two right now? Oh my gods it's actually working ...
Fearne: "You are a queen, and I want you to go in there and take what you want."
OH ... MY ... GOD!!!
Cyrillia: "Captain, perhaps we stop dancing around this thing and just ... make our own fire." OH MY GOD!!!
And that's a break! No shit ... O.O
Oh, they're gone FOR A WHILE?!!! Oh boy ... Holy shit ... there's like STEAM and stuff coming out and everything ...
Laudna's sending Pate in to spy ... oh boy ... ah, just a really really STEAMY WINDOW ...
I love how Pate is disappointed Laudna won't let him get inside fir a closer look ...
"I'm fucking Kyle" ... hmmm ...
FCG: "Did we Pleasantville this ship?" Orym: "Either thar or there's a new Captain." XD
Steam pouring out ... Cyrillia is coming out with a "gentle, confident waltz"? Wow ... and the Captain is confident too ... and LIMPING ...
Keeping up appearances ... :3
Novos: "I don't like hoe easily you dismiss my aggression ... but I respect it."
Oh my gods Cyrillia has him so whipped now ... XD
Wow ... they're really making a full blown dance party ...
Is FCG really putting the All Minds Burn drugs into the brownies? Is he about to kill or at least seriously traumatise everybody?
Laudna's gonna do FACE PAINTING ...
FCG turns himself into a remix box while Fearne plays dulcimer and pan flute a-la Bob Dylan ... Matt's trying to find some party music ...
Oh, "I'm Kyle, you fucks!" That's more like it ...
Oof ... Orym damn near got rumbled there ... eep ...
Dancing! Yay!
Ah ... landfall means the end of festivities ... nuts ...
Novos: "There was ... no ... LIMBO." XD
Crap ... overboard? Oof ...
They really are the most adorable crew of cursed ghost pirates I've ever encountered. :3
Awwwww ... Fearne made a new girl friend ... I love it.
Oof ... that's brisk ...
Kalutha ... okay then ...
Signs of abandoned civilisation? Interesting ...
Marisha sneezes and gives herself a brainspasm ... Matt: "Wow, I've never seen her sneeze and only part of her come back up."
Is Ashton vibing with this place? Maybe ...
Ooh, driftwood for Chetney ...
Laudna sends Pate to explore the caves.
Nice, pretty seashell ... :3
Pitons? People have been here before, clearly ... oooh, looks like this could be a smart route.
Weird jungle landscape ...
Ashton's already checking the other cave out. Orym goes with, as he should.
Just a little recessed cave, but with another campsite. Okay then. Ooh, tools ...
Orym: "Chet, you need a whetstone?" Chetney: "No, I'm always sharp." Oof ...
Trying to climb up ... oh dear, Orym somewhat embarrasses himself ...
Whoa ... so even WITH a rope those are some MISERABLE rolls ... ouch, this is just AWFUL ... whoa, a point of EXHAUSTION? SERIOUSLY?!!!
Chetney sniffing the cave out a bit ...
A nice citrus smell? Oh, that's like SO unbelievably suspicious ...
Moving rocks? Oh for fuck's sake ...
Scales and slithering? Great ... that can't be good ... some kind of worm? Crap ...
Bollocks ... even though he's invisible it's encircling him ... not good at all ... Horn of Silent Alarm? Okay then ...
Chet gives Imogen a headache. "He's in trouble!"
"Sicilian"? But spelt different ...
Trouble! Crap!
FCG casts Death Ward on Ashton.
Fuck, this thing is NIGHTMARE FUEL ...
Chetney tries to wolf out as quietly as possible ... and somehow actually MANAGES IT too ... oh, but it doesn't work? Crap ... ROLL INITIATIVE!!! AAAAAAHHH!!!
Battlemap time! Yay!
Matt has LOST THE MINIS, ladies and gentlemen. Oh my gods Mercer, that is UNBELIEVABLE ...
Oh good, he's finding them now ...
Awwww, Sprinkle! Laura: "I missed him!" Travis (Sprinkle voice): "What fresh new hell is this?"
Ashton runs into PITCH DARKNESS and winds up bouncing off walls to get to him. RAGE!!! Yay!
Fearne is ALSO just feeling her way round ... oh, okay ... she casts Daylight. Nice! Here we go ...
Mister is CHUCKING FLAMING SHIT!!! And it falls short ... crap. Literally ...
Yay! Turmoil! Chetney takes a swipe at the heads ... both hit! 12 and 9 altogether, including fire damage. Great ... and he takes 12 points of acid damage in return? Crap ...
FCG uses Misty Step for the first time using the staff ... oh, he takes damage doing it? Ouch ... and he Sympathetically Binds himself to the others ...
The thing takes 2 mandible attacks ... misses Chetney ... but HITS FCG ... 22 points of slashing damage AND 7 points of acid damage? Wait ... oh what the FUCK IS THAT?!!! Oh that is HORRIBLE!!! Gods, Mercer ... oof ... another 34 points of acid damage ... AND IT'S PULLING HIM IN?!!! FUCK!!!
Oh my gods they're showing each other stuff on their phones of the creatures that really do this ...
Fuck me, this thing can SELF HEAL?!!!
Form of Dread! Yeah! Laudna Chill Touches the fucker ... barely hits ... 6 Necrotic damage, but also can't regain hit points for a turn ... Nice.
Imogen casts Hungry Torrent? Whoa ... oh, now that is pretty cool ...
Orym attacks FROM A DISTANCE with Seedling ... nice ... CRIT!!! Yes! 20 slashing damage! Sweet ...
Travis: "There! The crevasse! Fill it ... with your mighty juice!"
Ashton BOOSTS EVERYBODY'S ATTACKS for the next turn? Full advantage? AND inflicts 38 points of damage? Holy shit ... and another hit ... another 22 points of damage! Go barbarian go!
Oh gods, a RAIN OF LARVAE?!!! And now it's just RAINING acid damage, essentially.
Fearne casts some Scorching Rays ... Nice, ALL THREE hit ... six D6 of damage ... 28 points? Oh, nice ...
And now Mister with his little gun? Cool ... 7 points ... oh well, every one counts ...
"Anime shockwave blast"? Sweet ... Chetney inflicts 18 points of Thunder Damage with Turmoil AND casts Blood Curse of Bloated Agony! Yay! AND he amplifies it too ...
Sam: "But I wanna cast MORE THAN one spell per turn." Matt: "Yeah, I know."
FCG uses Misty Step to jump away again, then uses his action to hide because he can't do ANYTHING ELSE.
Oof ... dextrous fucker ... slithering away ... attacking Ashton now ... and it misses ... meanwhile there are MANY Godfather jokes ...
Oh, essentially it manages go KNOCK ITSELF BACK!!! And then does its disgusting stomach attack again ...
Fearne takes 36 points of acid damage ... also Imogen and Laudna? Crap ... AND they're pulled towards it too ... NOOOOOOO!!!
Laudna casts Blight and it Crit Fails! Yes! 45 points of Necrotic damage? BEAUTIFUL!!! And it's Frightened of her too! Yes ... and now Chill Touch TOO?!!! Sweet ... AND SHE CRITS!!! OH MY GODS!!! 20 points of Cold damage! YEAH!!!
Imogen throws 3 Psychic Lances at it ... 7 D6 of damage? Oof ... 25 points of Psychic damage! Yes! And it's incapacitated ... then she Quickens a spell to shoot Mind Sliver at it ... another 7 points of Psychic damage!
Orym jumps ON TOP OF IT?!!! That means he's TAKING ACID DAMAGE while he's attacking! Goading Attack ... second hit ... Pushing attack ... 18 points of slashing damage ... Action Surge! Go Fighter boy! Another 14 points! Yeah, he is FUCKING THIS THING UP!!! One more hit ... another 11 points!
Ashton delivers another 21 points, then another 28 ... and gets the HDYWTDT!!! YES!!! One if its heads just EXPLODES before it just bleeds out while trying to escape ... phew ...
So Pate didn't see it? Crap ... "I don't have eyes!" Bugger, that's right ...
It's still twitching so Ashton hits it again, taking dome more damage while he's at it.
Orym is a mess ... yes, they all need some serious healing! Best get to it.
Checking the rest of the tunnel ... another noise? Is that more slithering? Crap ... oh thank fuck, it's just an underground tidal river ... phew ...
Okay, clearly there are so many abandoned camps because this thing has been EATING all the explorers.
Ooh, loot! Yay ... crap, Chetney's fancy spell broke some of the weapons. Nuts ...
Woe steel? Interesting ... sacred to the Ossended Host ... a natural plus1 weapon? Intriguing ...
Weird brown stone pendant in a little cage? Hmmm ... a Raito Charm, of the Aishio Culture. Woof ... this is all fancy shit ...
Taking a short rest ...
Ah, some fresh bones for Laudna. Big hog skulls ... interesting.
Grim Psychometry! Cool ... oh, poor bastard.
Yes. Get to the surface. Enough of this unpleasant stinky cave.
The creeping jungle valley of Kalutha. Nice. Very pretty. To the mountains, then. And the tree.
And that's it ...
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nityarawal · 2 months
Sent To Space X Sisters, Investigators & Bffs/Legal x Elon Rewind AI Team Globally:
#wife jaima Tumblr posts - Tumbig.com
Jma "tumbler wife" is Trolling me for a wife above. 
Jaima Stephenson's email & phone number - Facilities Manager at SpaceX | SignalHire
I'm seeing Jaima's alias is Tracy Thomas when I google her. I wonder if she's still there?
The top picture is Jma (Born in '73) but the one under her is her baby sister Shawna Stephenson listed as Jaima as well at Linked In. (Born 1975.)
It appears there is a mash up of identity at Space x of sisters like for disposable PDs?
Rock stars uses in Army/militia/court bribes too.
Secret service.
Jai Ma Bond went so Bad!):
They're scared they'll go to jail with him now.
Including my 'ol dad & bro/Sunil/cousins etc.
Is your bro involved via Dojo creeps & daytraders on Doje con?
Many of these men are run like cyborgs by their creepy atty wives!
Movement men married celebrity hungry washed out Eastern Euro mainstream peeps.
This is issue.
They Troll and offer nothing back creatively.
Helene told me she met Tony Nader's shot-gun wife from a cruise at hair salon.
She said the woman grilled her about Hollywood connections from when she was a caterer for 3 hours!
Both Stephenson Gals were headhunted to broad.com and Jma became a #Trump fanatic in 2016 too.
She recruited us to Space X! F.
Her brother Clinton bought our house & is a famous day trader too.
They're all worked to death- like Musk family- from children.
Jma had to grow up at 12 and be a dog trainer.
She was a hairdresser on side.
She's Jack of all trades workaholic- Intel likely?
Sad my own friends fucked over my family.
I called Becky Stewart Of Leucadia Acupuncture- who went with me on spacex tour yesterday.
Left message at Leucadia acupuncture- her business.
Fingers crossed! 
I wonder if Shawna stole Jaima's identity? Jma said she was dying basically- and moving to Shawna's in AZ in 2020- then ghosted me. Haydn said I could only talk to her & Wally in cage. He was mad friends' found me. It was an Airforce project what they did to use my data. Creepy as fuck. I'm not a cyborg nor do I want to be one. Gross. 
Clinton is famous for "Tennis Guru" book too. He bought our Fairfield, Iowa 203 West Stone St house with a NY actress Sandra. Then broke up so she kept it a few years. "Kelsey" built big Broadway style center there she used. 
Dr. Jma appears to be the gender specialist - spin Dr.- that fucked up our country and pimped my brother's & tech colleagues on match.com scam with bro Adam steck & goddaughter Ayni Raimondi.
Our friends appear to be in conservatorships because none of them are this creepy.
I can guaranty that.
Adam & Mona Steck haven't called back. Do you want to try him?
I'm worried about him.
It's our friends' kids that are running con- like juvenile Dojo Bernards.
Phil Town's daughter Daniel went into Intel spy stuff too.
Martinez Gals were pimped out by gay step-dad Judge and atty at 15yo! 
Alex's sister Daniel- my twin- seduced Oleg after me! 
Could you send me the Alex diaries back? It's in your email! 
We need to warn our sons' of this nanny scam on leaders.
I was proud of Josh Podoll for standing up to her when she let her skirt rise and tried to seduce him.
Chad Emerson said it was hard when he was dating me & she unbuttoned her blouse too low.
It's disrespectful.
I think he went into Intel too.
All these childhood trolls found me on FB when they were contracted as political hookers for Trump.
My x was swayed too by capiralistic Rewind/Lakshmi gay contracts & became Trump meme cheerleader.
It appears they stole Elon Musk identity with "Wild Elon," Grimes, God scam now. God help us. Xo
AI? Jma wasn't like this.
It's hard to know. No one is whom they seem. Even my husband, bro & dad from Army chains-  but Isha should have choice.
I wonder how many bfs your mom has had trying to survive?
Bro just pimps her from man to man? Capitalistic sex slavery. ):
I think my best vibe is what she once had.
Try to bring that back.
Energise mom.
No mom should be sacrificed like this. She's Grammy. Xo
This is touchy w/ Jma & Ayni. I'm worried about all my friends. They weren't bad people. I feel they were forced into these capitalistic Jihad crimes.
Haydn doesn't complain about servicing transvestites at astronomy department or their disease and the sexual advances from Israelis & tech ballerinas.
He's very generous about the Apple rapes of his time & data that must've started at 13yo.
Did bro's friends ever flush a Geeks head down the Toilette?
We suspected Haydn had that treatment at North Tahoe high.
Kids are intuitive & mean to spies. ):
Elon was also beat & raped in his higher education.
Not for my son. 
Jai Guru Dev &
Jai Ma,
All Love,
Nitya xo
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kanyniablue · 4 months
WIP meme
tagged by @america-oreosandkitkats. thanks!!
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
All of them? ALL of them? Yeah we...we'll see about that. i don't really keep a WIP folder, I mostly just write in a series of google docs and then break them down if they're big enough to be their own thing, so this is from hunting through...all of those, which have names like "doc1" and "ideasXVIII"
Subject/Object You’re Most Alive When You Stare Death in the Face The Witch Dreaming Dust Ash Take the Long Way Home Tell Me When Lost Transmission The World in the Palm of Your Hand Mirror Image Prodigal Son Pact Honor & Glory Calm & Bright Don’t Get Me Wrong High Tide Toy Soldier March Winter Chill Pathogen I Set Fire to the Bloody Rose Garden Seven Days with the Dragon “Oh, Whistle and I’ll Come to You” When Johnny Comes Marching Home Avalon i met a man who wasn’t there Jokers Wild A Hundred Miles Through the Desert on Your Knees Things Fall Apart Blood, Too, Has Its Price ma se contento nel mio cuore— ó cad é sin don té sin nach mbaineann sin dó? Big American Summer Road Trip Movie Golden heretic. Once & Future King Abysmal Water in the Desert A Cold Night for Alligators Orphan Signal The House on Liberty Avenue Ace Up Your Sleeve Man in the Moon Bridge to Nowhere That Funny Feeling they got that long island sound Rosary Beads
yeah we're...not even halfway thru just the hetalia WIPs. my work method is to get bored and start something new, and then go back...eventually...
I'll leave an open tag because I don't even think I know that many people in real life
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danceworshipper · 3 years
Olympian Aesthetics
I meant to do this a few days ago but after I had it done tumblr said "no ❤️" and deleted the whole thing and I couldn't bring myself to redo it until now
Tagged by @carewyncromwell and @amerrymystery thank you!! Tagging @weirdcursedvaultkid @weasleysandwheezes (idk if either of you like these sorts of things but hey) and anyone else who would like to do this! I'm going to do all of my Hogwarts Legacy kids (Ann/Lynn, Ida, Sebastien, and Dorian) since I need to develop them more
Ann/Lynn Smith
(As there are technically two of them, Ann will be bold and Lynn will be italics)
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APHRODITE: laughter loving | sweet smiles | dressed in silk and satin | flower in their hair | thrives on attention | sees the world as a runaway | unapologetically sexual | the sea washing their ankles | in love with love | stirrer of passion | cunning concealed by painted lips | secret daggers | doves | revolution in their kiss | delighting in the waves | flirtatious winks | strolling along the beach | staring wistfully from a balcony | this is how to be a heart breaker | your girlfriend SO thinks they're attractive | wants to be adored | gets turned on by danger
APOLLO: glitz and glamor | art galleries | turning up the volume | being made of gold | neatly organized music sheets | notebooks filled with poetry | bathing in the sunlight | the powerful urge to create | collecting vinyl records | beautiful cover of wonderwall | playing multiple instruments | tasting like sunshine | healing touch | speaking in prophecies | smile mingled wrath | shunning lies | sporting shades | hanging out with their friends at music festivals | sleeps naked | arrow to the heart | paint brushes | probably has a tinder account
ARES: armed for battle | wants to raise a dog with their significant other | soft spot for children | gives piggy back rides | scarred body | blood on their hands and face | willing to fight the world for the ones they love | fights against injustice | warm hugs | well worn combat boots | boxing gloves | bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles | fist raised in protest | ignites revolution | fear is a prison | more sensitive than what their tough shell will make you think | exhausted | believes themself to be damaged goods | force to be reckoned with | red roses | curses under their breath
ARTEMIS: keen sense of a hunter | freckles like constellations against their skin | piercing eyes | disheveled braid | moonlight peeking through the shadows | the calm of the forest at night | lying on the grass and staring at the stars | a mother doe and her fawn | protecting their kin | the moon shimmering on a still lake | quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree | running with wolves | bonding while circled around a campfire | not being much of a people person | arrow hitting a target | popping egos | patience on 3% | touches heaven and returns howling
ATHENA: discerning gaze | unreadable face | the patience of a lifelong teacher | quiet museums | owl perched on their finger | armor that intimidates | eye for architecture | plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses | studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid | big fan of logic | loves brain teasers | go getter | balls of wool displayed on shelves | ancient buildings | sweaters in neutral and cool colors | hair done up | can kill you with their brain | heads to the library often to research | sharpened pencils | abs that can cut steel | stoic statues | pottery classes
DEMETER: soil covered hands | smile that can bloom flowers | skin loved by the sun | being the mom friend | can lift you and your friends | flowers kept in the pockets of overalls | takes pride in their beautiful garden | speaks to their plants | leaves rustling in the wind | stalks of wheat | picking fruit | greenhouses | heart as strong as a mountain | values simplicity | daisies dotted across a collarbone | curls crowned with flowers | folded pile of sweaters in warm hues | pulling freshly baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air
DIONYSUS: drunk shitposter | on their sixth glass of wine before you've even finished your second | seductive smirks | untamed curls | rich fabrics on dark skin | sleek furred panthers | theater masks | stage productions | receiving a standing ovation | rose caught between their teeth | being the baby of the bunch | wild parties that last from sundown to sunup | creeping vines | inspiring loyalty | grand opera houses | masquerade balls | rolls of film | shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor | pouring champagne into flutes | lives for the applause
HEPHAESTUS: the calloused hands of someone who knows labor  | sweaty brow | flame burning in their eyes | inventive mind | broad shoulders | steampunk goggles | nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes | ashes | striking a match | blueprints for future projects | fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades | wrestles with bitterness | work boots that have seen better years | wrinkled plaid shirts | iron melted in a blazing fire | huge jackets | crafting masterpieces | grease stained overalls | fascination with robotics | pain is fuel | stack of weaponry | even their muscles have muscles
HERA: resting bitch face | dressed to the nines | cows grazing on a pasture | cool rain | loving and hating fiercely | hand clutching a string of pearls | large chandelier with glittering crystals | plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims | romance to realism | pictures of the sky while flying on a plane | files that under ‘fuck it’ | downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix | like their selfie or you’re grounded | knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man | eyes that penetrate your soul | marble and gold
HERMES: devil-may-care smile | ink stained hands | always up to date on the latest technology | will steal your french fries | does it for the vine | shitposter | puts googly eyes on everything | meme hoarder | long drives on the highway | ma and pop diners | spontaneous road trips | folded maps | fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop | shooting hoops on the basketball court | chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations | goes jogging in the morning | mixes redbull with coffee | menace on april fool’s | hoodies and sneakers
POSEIDON: storm with skin | colorful coral reefs | waves crashing against the shore | the sea casting its spell | stroking the soft fur of a cat | their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop | tousled locks | clothes smeared with paint | owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns for more | leather jackets | fondness for diy projects | handwriting that flows across the page | nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin | velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams | mood as ever-changing as the sea | the roar of a motorcycle | compass with a spinning arrow
ZEUS: thunder in their heart | running on coffee | flash of lightning | natural charisma | eloquence | badass in a nice suit | aficionado of history | force of nature | lenny face | pretends they don’t have feelings but they do | nightmare filled nights | proud arm around their lover’s waist | high rise buildings | planes soaring through a cloudless sky | technician on the piano | maintains order | strong handshake | juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease | most likely to be voted class president out of their peers | expensive watches
Ida Sommer
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APHRODITE: laughter loving | sweet smiles | dressed in silk and satin | flower in their hair | thrives on attention | sees the world as a runaway | unapologetically sexual | the sea washing their ankles | in love with love | stirrer of passion | cunning concealed by painted lips | secret daggers | doves | revolution in their kiss | delighting in the waves | flirtatious winks | strolling along the beach | staring wistfully from a balcony | this is how to be a heart breaker | your girlfriend SO thinks they're attractive | wants to be adored | gets turned on by danger
APOLLO: glitz and glamor | art galleries | turning up the volume | being made of gold | neatly organized music sheets | notebooks filled with poetry | bathing in the sunlight | the powerful urge to create | collecting vinyl records | beautiful cover of wonderwall | playing multiple instruments | tasting like sunshine | healing touch | speaking in prophecies | smile mingled wrath | shunning lies | sporting shades | hanging out with their friends at music festivals | sleeps naked | arrow to the heart | paint brushes | probably has a tinder account
ARES: armed for battle | wants to raise a dog with their significant other | soft spot for children | gives piggy back rides | scarred body | blood on their hands and face | willing to fight the world for the ones they love | fights against injustice | warm hugs | well worn combat boots | boxing gloves | bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles | fist raised in protest | ignites revolution | fear is a prison | more sensitive than what their tough shell will make you think | exhausted | believes themself to be damaged goods | force to be reckoned with | red roses | curses under their breath
ARTEMIS: keen sense of a hunter | freckles like constellations against their skin | piercing eyes | disheveled braid | moonlight peeking through the shadows | the calm of the forest at night | lying on the grass and staring at the stars | a mother doe and her fawn | protecting their kin | the moon shimmering on a still lake | quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree | running with wolves | bonding while circled around a campfire | not being much of a people person | arrow hitting a target | popping egos | patience on 3% | touches heaven and returns howling
ATHENA: discerning gaze | unreadable face | the patience of a lifelong teacher | quiet museums | owl perched on their finger | armor that intimidates | eye for architecture | plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses | studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid | big fan of logic | loves brain teasers | go getter | balls of wool displayed on shelves | ancient buildings | sweaters in neutral and cool colors | hair done up | can kill you with their brain | heads to the library often to research | sharpened pencils | abs that can cut steel | stoic statues | pottery classes
DEMETER: soil covered hands | smile that can bloom flowers | skin loved by the sun | being the mom friend | can lift you and your friends | flowers kept in the pockets of overalls | takes pride in their beautiful garden | speaks to their plants | leaves rustling in the wind | stalks of wheat | picking fruit | greenhouses | heart as strong as a mountain | values simplicity | daisies dotted across a collarbone | curls crowned with flowers | folded pile of sweaters in warm hues | pulling freshly baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air
DIONYSUS: drunk shitposter | on their sixth glass of wine before you've even finished your second | seductive smirks | untamed curls | rich fabrics on dark skin | sleek furred panthers | theater masks | stage productions | receiving a standing ovation | rose caught between their teeth | being the baby of the bunch | wild parties that last from sundown to sunup | creeping vines | inspiring loyalty | grand opera houses | masquerade balls | rolls of film | shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor | pouring champagne into flutes | lives for the applause
HEPHAESTUS: the calloused hands of someone who knows labor  | sweaty brow | flame burning in their eyes | inventive mind | broad shoulders | steampunk goggles | nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes | ashes | striking a match | blueprints for future projects | fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades | wrestles with bitterness | work boots that have seen better years | wrinkled plaid shirts | iron melted in a blazing fire | huge jackets | crafting masterpieces | grease stained overalls | fascination with robotics | pain is fuel | stack of weaponry | even their muscles have muscles
HERA: resting bitch face | dressed to the nines | cows grazing on a pasture | cool rain | loving and hating fiercely | hand clutching a string of pearls | large chandelier with glittering crystals | plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims | romance to realism | pictures of the sky while flying on a plane | files that under ‘fuck it’ | downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix | like their selfie or you’re grounded | knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man | eyes that penetrate your soul | marble and gold
HERMES: devil-may-care smile | ink stained hands | always up to date on the latest technology | will steal your french fries | does it for the vine | shitposter | puts googly eyes on everything | meme hoarder | long drives on the highway | ma and pop diners | spontaneous road trips | folded maps | fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop | shooting hoops on the basketball court | chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations | goes jogging in the morning | mixes redbull with coffee | menace on april fool’s | hoodies and sneakers
POSEIDON: storm with skin | colorful coral reefs | waves crashing against the shore | the sea casting its spell | stroking the soft fur of a cat | their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop | tousled locks | clothes smeared with paint | owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns for more | leather jackets | fondness for diy projects | handwriting that flows across the page | nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin | velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams | mood as ever changing as the sea | the roar of a motorcycle | compass with a spinning arrow
ZEUS: thunder in their heart | running on coffee | flash of lightning | natural charisma | eloquence | badass in a nice suit | aficionado of history | force of nature | lenny face | pretends they don’t have feelings but they do | nightmare filled nights | proud arm around their lover’s waist | high rise buildings | planes soaring through a cloudless sky | technician on the piano | maintains order | strong handshake | juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease | most likely to be voted class president out of their peers | expensive watches
Sebastien Parr
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APHRODITE: laughter loving | sweet smiles | dressed in silk and satin | flower in their hair | thrives on attention | sees the world as a runaway | unapologetically sexual | the sea washing their ankles | in love with love | stirrer of passion | cunning concealed by painted lips | secret daggers | doves | revolution in their kiss | delighting in the waves | flirtatious winks | strolling along the beach | staring wistfully from a balcony | this is how to be a heart breaker | your girlfriend SO thinks they're attractive | wants to be adored | gets turned on by danger
APOLLO: glitz and glamor | art galleries | turning up the volume | being made of gold | neatly organized music sheets | notebooks filled with poetry | bathing in the sunlight | the powerful urge to create | collecting vinyl records | beautiful cover of wonderwall | playing multiple instruments | tasting like sunshine | healing touch | speaking in prophecies | smile mingled wrath | shunning lies | sporting shades | hanging out with their friends at music festivals | sleeps naked | arrow to the heart | paint brushes | probably has a tinder account
ARES: armed for battle | wants to raise a dog with their significant other | soft spot for children | gives piggy back rides | scarred body | blood on their hands and face | willing to fight the world for the ones they love | fights against injustice | warm hugs | well worn combat boots | boxing gloves | bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles | fist raised in protest | ignites revolution | fear is a prison | more sensitive than what their tough shell will make you think | exhausted | believes themself to be damaged goods | force to be reckoned with | red roses | curses under their breath
ARTEMIS: keen sense of a hunter | freckles like constellations against their skin | piercing eyes | disheveled braid | moonlight peeking through the shadows | the calm of the forest at night | lying on the grass and staring at the stars | a mother doe and her fawn | protecting their kin | the moon shimmering on a still lake | quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree | running with wolves | bonding while circled around a campfire | not being much of a people person | arrow hitting a target | popping egos | patience on 3% | touches heaven and returns howling
ATHENA: discerning gaze | unreadable face | the patience of a lifelong teacher | quiet museums | owl perched on their finger | armor that intimidates | eye for architecture | plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses | studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid | big fan of logic | loves brain teasers | go getter | balls of wool displayed on shelves | ancient buildings | sweaters in neutral and cool colors | hair done up | can kill you with their brain | heads to the library often to research | sharpened pencils | abs that can cut steel | stoic statues | pottery classes
DEMETER: soil covered hands | smile that can bloom flowers | skin loved by the sun | being the mom friend | can lift you and your friends | flowers kept in the pockets of overalls | takes pride in their beautiful garden | speaks to their plants | leaves rustling in the wind | stalks of wheat | picking fruit | greenhouses | heart as strong as a mountain | values simplicity | daisies dotted across a collarbone | curls crowned with flowers | folded pile of sweaters in warm hues | pulling freshly baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air
DIONYSUS: drunk shitposter | on their sixth glass of wine before you've even finished your second | seductive smirks | untamed curls | rich fabrics on dark skin | sleek furred panthers | theater masks | stage productions | receiving a standing ovation | rose caught between their teeth | being the baby of the bunch | wild parties that last from sundown to sunup | creeping vines | inspiring loyalty | grand opera houses | masquerade balls | rolls of film | shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor | pouring champagne into flutes | lives for the applause
HEPHAESTUS: the calloused hands of someone who knows labor  | sweaty brow | flame burning in their eyes | inventive mind | broad shoulders | steampunk goggles | nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes | ashes | striking a match | blueprints for future projects | fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades | wrestles with bitterness | work boots that have seen better years |mwrinkled plaid shirts | iron melted in a blazing fire | huge jackets | crafting masterpieces | grease stained overalls | fascination with robotics | pain is fuel | stack of weaponry | even their muscles have muscles
HERA: resting bitch face | dressed to the nines | cows grazing on a pasture | cool rain | loving and hating fiercely | hand clutching a string of pearls | large chandelier with glittering crystals | plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims | romance to realism | pictures of the sky while flying on a plane | files that under ‘fuck it’ | downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix | like their selfie or you’re grounded | knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man | eyes that penetrate your soul | marble and gold
HERMES: devil-may-care smile | ink stained hands | always up to date on the latest technology | will steal your french fries | does it for the vine | shitposter | puts googly eyes on everything | meme hoarder | long drives on the highway | ma and pop diners | spontaneous road trips | folded maps | fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop | shooting hoops on the basketball court | chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations | goes jogging in the morning | mixes redbull with coffee | menace on april fool’s | hoodies and sneakers
POSEIDON: storm with skin | colorful coral reefs | waves crashing against the shore | the sea casting its spell | stroking the soft fur of a cat | their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop | tousled locks | clothes smeared with paint | owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns for more | leather jackets | fondness for diy projects | handwriting that flows across the page | nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin | velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams | mood as ever changing as the sea | the roar of a motorcycle | compass with a spinning arrow
ZEUS: thunder in their heart | running on coffee | flash of lightning | natural charisma | eloquence | badass in a nice suit | aficionado of history | force of nature | lenny face |  pretends they don’t have feelings but they do | nightmare filled nights | proud arm around their lover’s waist | high rise buildings | planes soaring through a cloudless sky | technician on the piano | maintains order | strong handshake | juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease | most likely to be voted class president out of their peers | expensive watches
Dorian Lenards
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APHRODITE: laughter loving | sweet smiles | dressed in silk and satin | flower in their hair | thrives on attention | sees the world as a runaway | unapologetically sexual | the sea washing their ankles | in love with love | stirrer of passion | cunning concealed by painted lips | secret daggers | doves | revolution in their kiss | delighting in the waves | flirtatious winks | strolling along the beach | staring wistfully from a balcony | this is how to be a heart breaker | your girlfriend SO thinks they're attractive | wants to be adored | gets turned on by danger
APOLLO: glitz and glamor | art galleries | turning up the volume | being made of gold | neatly organized music sheets | notebooks filled with poetry | bathing in the sunlight | the powerful urge to create | collecting vinyl records | beautiful cover of wonderwall | playing multiple instruments | tasting like sunshine | healing touch | speaking in prophecies | smile mingled wrath | shunning lies | sporting shades | hanging out with their friends at music festivals | sleeps naked | arrow to the heart | paint brushes | probably has a tinder account
ARES: armed for battle | wants to raise a dog with their significant other | soft spot for children | gives piggy back rides | scarred body | blood on their hands and face | willing to fight the world for the ones they love | fights against injustice | warm hugs | well worn combat boots | boxing gloves | bandages wrapped around bruised knuckles | fist raised in protest | ignites revolution | fear is a prison | more sensitive than what their tough shell will make you think | exhausted | believes themself to be damaged goods | force to be reckoned with | red roses | curses under their breath
ARTEMIS: keen sense of a hunter | freckles like constellations against their skin | piercing eyes | disheveled braid | moonlight peeking through the shadows | the calm of the forest at night | lying on the grass and staring at the stars | a mother doe and her fawn | protecting their kin | the moon shimmering on a still lake | quiver full of arrows resting against the bark of a tree | running with wolves | bonding while circled around a campfire | not being much of a people person | arrow hitting a target | popping egos | patience on 3% | touches heaven and returns howling
ATHENA: discerning gaze | unreadable face | the patience of a lifelong teacher | quiet museums | owl perched on their finger | armor that intimidates | eye for architecture | plays the sims for the sole purpose of building houses | studied the blade while everyone else was busy getting laid | big fan of logic | loves brain teasers | go getter | balls of wool displayed on shelves | ancient buildings | sweaters in neutral and cool colors | hair done up | can kill you with their brain | heads to the library often to research | sharpened pencils | abs that can cut steel | stoic statues | pottery classes
DEMETER: soil covered hands | smile that can bloom flowers | skin loved by the sun | being the mom friend | can lift you and your friends | flowers kept in the pockets of overalls | takes pride in their beautiful garden | speaks to their plants | leaves rustling in the wind | stalks of wheat | picking fruit | greenhouses | heart as strong as a mountain | values simplicity | daisies dotted across a collarbone | curls crowned with flowers | folded pile of sweaters in warm hues | pulling freshly baked bread out of the oven and the smell wafting through the air
DIONYSUS: drunk shitposter | on their sixth glass of wine before you've even finished your second | seductive smirks | untamed curls | rich fabrics on dark skin | sleek furred panthers | theater masks | stage productions | receiving a standing ovation | rose caught between their teeth | being the baby of the bunch | wild parties that last from sundown to sunup | creeping vines | inspiring loyalty | grand opera houses | masquerade balls | rolls of film | shattered chandeliers with broken glass scattered across the wine spilled floor | pouring champagne into flutes | lives for the applause
HEPHAESTUS: the calloused hands of someone who knows labor  | sweaty brow | flame burning in their eyes | inventive mind | broad shoulders | steampunk goggles | nuts and bolts stored away in little boxes | ashes | striking a match | blueprints for future projects | fixing up a busted up car and giving it cool upgrades | wrestles with bitterness | work boots that have seen better years | wrinkled plaid shirts | iron melted in a blazing fire | huge jackets | crafting masterpieces | grease stained overalls | fascination with robotics |  pain is fuel | stack of weaponry | even their muscles have muscles
HERA: resting bitch face | dressed to the nines | cows grazing on a pasture | cool rain | loving and hating fiercely | hand clutching a string of pearls | large chandelier with glittering crystals | plays the sims for the sole purpose of killing off their sims | romance to realism | pictures of the sky while flying on a plane | files that under ‘fuck it’ | downs glasses of wine as they relax with a scented bubble bath and netflix | like their selfie or you’re grounded | knows 57 convenient ways to murder a man | eyes that penetrate your soul | marble and gold
HERMES: devil-may-care smile | ink stained hands | always up to date on the latest technology | will steal your french fries | does it for the vine | shitposter | puts googly eyes on everything | meme hoarder | long drives on the highway | ma and pop diners | spontaneous road trips | folded maps | fingers dancing across the keyboard of a laptop | shooting hoops on the basketball court | chatting up strangers as you all journey to your own destinations | goes jogging in the morning | mixes redbull with coffee | menace on april fool’s | hoodies and sneakers
POSEIDON: storm with skin | colorful coral reefs | waves crashing against the shore | the sea casting its spell | stroking the soft fur of a cat | their heart pounding as their horse’s gentle trot speeds into a gallop | tousled locks | clothes smeared with paint | owns several sketchbooks yet always yearns for more | leather jackets | fondness for diy projects | handwriting that flows across the page | nimble fingers playing the strings of a violin | velvety singing voice that haunts your dreams | mood as ever-changing as the sea | the roar of a motorcycle | compass with a spinning arrow
ZEUS: thunder in their heart | running on coffee | flash of lightning | natural charisma | eloquence | badass in a nice suit | aficionado of history | force of nature | lenny face | pretends they don’t have feelings but they do | nightmare filled nights | proud arm around their lover’s waist | high rise buildings | planes soaring through a cloudless sky | technician on the piano | maintains order | strong handshake | juggling multiple events on their busy schedule with ease | most likely to be voted class president out of their peers | expensive watches
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